Building my Dream House In Minecraft

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in the past I've built my old house when I used to live with my parents and I've built my new house where I currently live and probably will for the rest of my life and now it's time to build my dream house now this means a house that if you had unlimited money you won the lottery and you don't have to worry about maintaining it or anything like that it's always fun to theorize now for this video to work I'm going to have to use a resource pack because these materials are the ones that I would be making my house out of in real life if I could make my dream house and as you can see there's nothing really in Minecraft like it with the dark bricks and the sort of sandstone bricks they just don't exist in this shade or color so I've had to make my own so now you know where these blocks have come from they're custom made let's get on with the build so since this isn't a tutorial I can actually do the time-lapse a bit faster than I normally would and there's actually quite a lot of house to get through the first thing that I need to point out is that this house turned out a lot bigger than I hoped what I'm working on right now is just trying to nail down the style that's in my mind and I have actually got a build in mind in real life called wide stone Manor here's a picture of it and this is where a lot of my inspiration came from and you'll see that they're very much made out of the same kind of materials this oolitic limestone looks a very sandy color so the colors might not match seeing as mine's very golden but you get the idea nonetheless once I had sort of nailed down one side of the build I decided to you know lay the foundation of everything else just so I know where it all goes and then it will be a case of repeating a pattern over again apart from this front area which needed a larger window and it more impressive face to it which again you saw on that picture might be where I got it from so this is a very English slash French style home maybe built in the 1800s so there's a very specific thing but I'm a bit of a sucker for the English countryside and some these kind of manners that you don't really get anymore however if I was going to make my dream house I would definitely make it from scratch because old house is a great law they look fantastic but not only are they a lot of work to maintain but they lack a lot of modern features they are incredibly dated seeing as they're several hundred years old so what I would do is I would try and imitate those old buildings and styles but with new building techniques and with modern features in the house and we will come to that a little bit later on but for now you see these very traditional big style windows now we're working on the back of the house there's a couple of features that are different from the front one of them is this giant balcony that I'd like to add with a few planting features that will lead onto the master bedroom and will overlook the garden over on the right-hand side we'd have here the traditional style wall but I would put in a very modern feature of having an enormous sliding door that will lead onto the kitchen so that it feels very open and it just walks straight onto the patio and then above it you've got very traditional windows it might look a little bit like a happy face however I think it looks quite nice and then this bit in the center will be pretty much an imitation of the one that is on the front and then we can move on to the roof now the roof will look fairly traditional for the most part will be made out of this grey slaty type thing and then it's going to have a bunch of dormers which are very intricately made in a chateau or you know English country house style this sort of building in real life is so unobtainable like I don't even know if the techniques for making the houses that they did back then even exist now I don't know if you can even do it anymore but either way this is a fantasy dream house situation which will never happen so fortunately I don't have to worry about that I just have to be able to build it in Minecraft and the last thing that I need to do is this centerpiece this large arch that is really the most prominent feature of the entire house that's why it's got like a bit more detailing over the top and it's got a large window and it's a bit taller than the bits on the side that you see there but it's kind of in a similar style the rest of it is going to be basically the same roof over now so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take weld at it and I'm just going to copy it over but I'm going to add in some cauldrons and anvils as like a bit of a fence that goes all the way around it again it's just a bit more detailing but on all of these houses no matter how old they have chimneys whether they're real or not lots of houses in my estate actually have chimneys but they're not used so we actually put fake chimneys on our houses these days just so that they look old-fashioned whether or not these chimneys would be real in my dream house I don't know but it might be nice to have one nonetheless even if it's one or two for symmetry purposes so that's pretty much the exterior of my dream house and I think it's actually come out pretty accurate and what's in my mind however the reality is this is a fantasy this is a dream house this house probably will never end up existing even if I had unlimited money would I actually live here I don't know however I had a lot of fun building this in Minecraft and trying to come up with what my dream house might look like but there's lots of things that you need to think about not just the exterior we have the garden we have the interior to talk about and we're going to get to that a little bit later on so one of the things that really makes a house like this spring to life is a bit of life itself you need to add some trees and some vegetation even if they're just in front of the pillars that sort of thing will really make this kind of build stand out and I'm really pleased with how this is him out and I hope you like it too obviously there's not going to be a tutorial for this house however I'm pretty sure if you just looked at the dimensions of it it shouldn't be too difficult to put together I think this I would grade in one of my top builds that I've made especially in terms of the houses that I've made I didn't normally build giant manors like this so this was a real learning experience but I think this has come out just right however we're still not done there's interior and there's the gardens to do and there's lots of features that my dream house would need to have if it was to fully fulfill this dream of mine so let's look in to what that might be so everyone this is my dream house I have actually added a garden since recording the actual build itself and I've even done a small amount of interior but I don't this is clearly biased but I really really like this build it's actually come out pretty much exactly how I would imagine my house the only thing that you really have to bear in mind is the scale okay this looks absolutely Yussef it looks so unbelievably large and it is a very very very very big house but let's put this in context so this is the typical garage size this is two garriga's next to each other so that hopefully gives you a bit of context into how big this house so it's it's it is still huge but I don't want you to go home thinking that this is really unbelievably massive so I'm very proud of how this has come out and I've even mixed in some extra bits around the back here so let's take a little tour shall we starting with the front gate so obviously if I were to have my dream house and I had unlimited money and all of that stuff I would want a bit of privacy so I would have a wall around my land and just take this for granted because obviously I'm in a flat world I don't have any neighbors or anything so I've just made a random wall around so let's just go with that so we've got our little gated entrance here and as we go down there's a little path where you would drive in and there's a nice little fountain here that's yeah now that I think about it's kind of blocking the view of the house on the right here we've got a couple of garages and enough space for a little studio up there if I so pleased so enough space for a couple of cars in there I'm not a huge car person so I don't need all that much space so the other thing is this is very very yellow it's almost a little too golden but we'll just go for it for now so this is the front doors huge again the scale is not quite right now before I turn around and show you the interior on this I just want to say the scale is a bit off and yeah all the walls are not great either okay I've not done a very good job on the interior but but you can see all of the rooms so here's like the dining room we've got some nice fancy chairs again it's not massive big enough for a table and a couple of you know stools and stuff and then in here is the pride and joy this is the modern kitchen so like I said I want to have an old looking home with lots of modern features so we've got here like our ovens and all of the surfaces and stuff and then we've got the island in the middle which is always great and then we've got some more seating over here and then we got the back door right there and we got this big sliding door that opens up into the garden but let's go take a look at the rest of the house if we move over here this is obviously the staircase now you'll notice that this goes all the way up to the ceiling and it's very difficult to work with a space like this but either way let's help hop in here this is the living room now don't take the furniture too much in hand I basically tried to fill the room now you will see that there is a fireplace I don't know if I'd actually use a fireplace but they're kind of nice to have so you've got the TV you've got all the stuff yeah is the living room it's a big old room to entertain people and then if we go upstairs and like I said it's not to scale because this staircase is absolutely tiny then we go up this side these are all the bedrooms up here which is why they're all different colors so if we hop in here this is one bedroom I haven't you know put a bed in here anything and then it's got an ensuite it feels like I'm giving a real house tour this is really strange because this house doesn't exist but in my mind it does here's another bedroom and another ensuite one thing that I would like if I did have this unbelievable dream house of mine is that every single bedroom would have its own little bathroom even if it's just a shower and a toilet that is good enough so all of the bedrooms are you know spacious got some nice storage areas and there's four of them up here now this is the master bedroom it has the the largest space here and there's four bedrooms in this house up here so far because they are very large and there's a little storage area here oh no no this is the toilet sorry this is the toilet area the storage area is over here this is where I keep like all my shoes and cloaks and stuff so has a wardrobe room and ensuite which is what makes this the master bedroom and it has the balcony this room has access to the balcony over the lovely garden that you see here you can even see the church in the background isn't that isn't that nice so if we go upstairs again this has has very little detail up here I honestly didn't know what to do but in these huge manors you have three stories and I was thinking entertainment rooms you know like maybe a pool table or something along those lines just a relaxing area up here or maybe another bedroom but for me if I was still doing YouTube in this dream house I would make a studio of some kind but anyway that's kind of the interior of this space so yeah the scale is a bit off right it's very difficult to work with this kind of thing in Minecraft but I've definitely done my best so let's break through the front door again now before we continue the rest of this house tour into the garden and stuff I thought it'd be fun to show you what it looks like if I turn the resourcepack off because this is what the house really looks like in default minecraft and oh boy it's pretty pink that is a really intense looking house it doesn't look nearly as good so this sort of highlights how important the texture is when you do something like this which is why I had a custom pack made for this particular video but I thought it would be really funny to show you what this actually looks like without the resource pack anyway let's continue on with the garden so as we saw earlier I've got this big open area which goes into the kitchen there's some outdoor seating and then we've got like a bit of a patio area here with some lighting and then we've got from the back door we've got like these stepping stones that go out into the garden now at the end of the garden I've actually got some sleepers here with some raised beds to grow some potatoes carrots whatever it may be and some trellises here to grow some sweet peas who knows I imagine that if if I had enough money to make something like this I probably wouldn't be working so I'd probably like to grow some food or something like that because a house like this in real life would cost millions and not only millions to buy the house the millions to maintain realistically I would probably never live in anything like this because if I did I don't think I would manage it this is a dream house situation that is a massive building but imagine just how much grass you'd have to cut I couldn't do that this is a huge amount it has a tennis court over here and of course there's a swimming pool as well I'd like to keep active as well in my dream my dream house there's a nice little pergola here and then some seating area and then lots of flowerbeds around all of the raised areas oh and over here we've got a conversation pit so you can sort of hop over here you got a bit of privacy away from the main house and you hop down in here and you can sit down and have a chat with your friends so overall this is my dream house it's got a lot of features that I would like whether the garden is exactly as I'd like I'm not sure I just put this together to kind of just include the things I'd like growing my own vegetables tennis court maybe even a basketball court on the other side who knows a swimming pool conversation pair you know that sort of thing remember this is a dream house this is so unrealistic but if I was able to make my own house I'd probably make something like this thank you very much for watching and please let me know what you think of this in the comments down below and if you were going to have a dream house would it look something like this or would it look completely different let me know in the comments below goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 6,888,771
Rating: 4.933013 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, dreamhouse, house, real house, building my real life house
Id: nsNynguyBGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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