My LOVE HATE Relationship with Minecraft BEDROCK...

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one of the most frequent questions that I get down in the comment section or on Twitter and in my emails is why do you not play the bedrock version of Minecraft why do you not create redstone contraptions in bedrock so hopefully in today's video I gonna explain just a few of my reasons now I do feel it's important to point out to start this video that there is going to be some level of bias here similarly because I've been playing the Java version of Minecraft forever I've been making youtube videos on it forever as well and I'm pretty well-versed in Java minecraft whereas when it comes to bedrock I don't really play it too often but that's mainly because of the reasons that I'm going to be mentioning in today's video now I also feel it's worth mentioning that this is of course just my opinion I'm just going to be voicing my thoughts if you personally prefer the bedrock version of Minecraft then that is entirely up to you it's a fantastic game I can totally understand why these are just my reasons why I tend to prefer the Java version and I tend to play that more often right I think that's cleared up hopefully there's not going to be any screaming in the comments section let's begin and I'm actually gonna start things off with something that I think is hugely positive about the bedrock version of Minecraft which is something that I mean I talk about all the time the fact that you can move containers and chests and furnaces and things like that using Pistons I mean check this out look we've got a rotating storage system right here so those are all my redstone lamps and things that's all my wood supplies these are all my nether supplies then eventually we get into the farming section we have a storage system that rotates itself through in front of us so we can keep a bunch of chests all just in a loop like this and we can we can gain access to them I mean seriously if this existed in the Java version of Minecraft I would be so happy but I can't see it ever happening however it does totally exist in the bedrock version of Minecraft and that is a huge feature and a massive positive but if we put back over to the Java edition of Minecraft this is one of the features that I think makes redstone great the fact that you can fire a one-take pulse through a sticky piston and it will spit out his block it won't retract in now this seems so simple but this is used in pretty much every single one of my redstone contraptions for example here we have a simple 3x3 piston door and this redstone contraption would be considerably larger if this D piston right here wasn't able to spit out his block and this rather ridiculous drawbridge that I've created would be completely impossible if we couldn't spit out blocks you can see it happens a ton during this surgery right here and even the bridge itself is laid down by sticky pistons that shoot out their blocks and I mean of course two-way flying machines they're just not gonna happen if you can't have sticky pistons to spit out their blocks because they're 100% reliant on that functionality I mean the list goes on and on with that one you'd be hard pushed to find a redstone contraption in my redstone testing world that doesn't make use of that feature and of course if we pop over to the bedrock version of Minecraft it's not there there's a one TKE pulse and that sticky piston is definitely not spitting out his block however one huge positive for the bedrock version of Minecraft is the fact that you can build redstone contraptions underwater now as someone who has been building redstone contraptions for the best part of eight years it's been very much drilled into my head that redstone and water don't exactly make a very good mix it tends to end in a bad day so to have this repeater clock running at the bottom of this lake I mean that fills me with a lot of happiness and of course the same thing goes for things like minecart rails and all the other stuff that you can place underwater in the bedrock version of Minecraft that you simply can't in Java I personally absolutely love these features I can't fully understand why they wouldn't be implemented in the java version of Minecraft I mean it totally makes sense that you'll be able to do this sort of thing and hopefully we will see it in the future because I definitely feel like I'm missing out about this Bunce what do you see in front of me here is slightly less satisfying because this is quasi connectivity not working in the bedrock version of Minecraft and just like the one tick post thing that we mentioned earlier on quasi connectivity is probably one of the most frequently used features in Minecraft Java edition redstone now for anyone who doesn't know what quasi connectivity is it's a little bit of a strange thing in the Pistons are actually powered by these two locations here but they don't realize it until they receive a block update and then they extend and the same thing goes for retracting it's a little bit of an odd one but once you get your head round it it becomes ridiculously useful for example this bank vault that I created just the other day is powered almost entirely by classy connectivity I mean you only have to look around to see that almost all of the circuits that are featured here wouldn't work in the bedrock version of Minecraft because the Pistons simply wouldn't be being powered and I mean taking a look at another piston door here because they tend to demonstrate things the best this is 100% fueled by quasi connectivity this simply wouldn't function if quasi connectivity wasn't there and it's such a shame that that feature is missing from bedrock with that being said I can understand the positives of not including quasi connectivity in the bedrock version of Minecraft because it is quite a quirky feature for example if someone used a redstone was building up some circuits they created this one that extends the piston that's all good and they created this one which turns on this redstone lamp there probably be a little bit baffled as to why this piston was extending despite the fact that it looks like it's totally not being powered by anywhere when in reality this block is powering it despite the fact that it's miles away without being said it's still a huge negative for me that that's missing anyway I mean I can't not mention this in today's video the bedrock version of Minecraft is so ridiculously smooth it's it's so fluid and so lovely there's no massive lag spikes there's none of that going on it's it's like butter I mean honestly it makes the Java version of Minecraft feel a little bit like an old crotchety dinosaur I mean just look just just the slight little stutters that you get when you're playing and this is me using Optifine I've installed a mod to make the playing experience better this is as good as it gets and I've got a crazy computer and it's still it's just it's not quite as fluid I don't understand and that's all well and good but I have got a huge issue with the bedroll version of Minecraft in fact this is probably one of my biggest issues that I take with the game the fact that redstone is unpredictable it does different things every single time you use it for example here we fire this circuit that piston extends that's all well and good we flick the lever again hold that that Pistons now extend it and it's done it again now that Pistons extending now that Pistons extending it's doing it three times full times oK we've got a bit of a rhythm going here oh it's changed things up again okay here we say in the comment section this is a bit of a strange circuit two Pistons be in power at the same time I guess we could make things more predictable by adding in some delay so we flick the lever I saw looking good I mean strange pulse at the end but that's fine we can work with that as long as it happens every time which clearly it doesn't do you see what I mean it's just it's unpredictable and that means it's not workable because redstone is a logic system it's almost as if maths two plus two equals four most of the time but occasionally added up to five and of course this effects all sorts of different redstone circuits for example this time the piston got left behind whereas now it's been retracted this sort of thing just makes it so difficult to work on large scale redstone contraptions you know it's funny the Java edition version of Minecraft is filled to the brim with all sorts of quirks and bugs and things but they're predictable when you run the circuit once you know what's going to happen every single time you run the circuit whereas with the bedrock version of Minecraft it doesn't have any of the weird quirks and bugs and things like that but it doesn't have the predictability and I think I'd rather have the predictability with the weird quirks and bugs than the other way around let me know your thoughts on that one down in the comment section I mean this is just my personal opinion with that being said one of the features that I personally really like about the bedrock version of Minecraft is the way the Pistons interact with redstone now I haven't actually had a chance to play with this too much but on the face of it it seems like it would be really useful I mean in the Java Edition version of Minecraft the redstone would just go straight past these Pistons it wouldn't go into the side of them and they definitely wouldn't be powered wherever as in the bedrock version the Pistons are actual redstone components and they take in redstone signal and they extend and to me this actually kind of makes sense but back over on the Java edition of minecraft things just seemed snappier when it comes to the redstone when you activate a lever things kick off everything's moving around you've got block shifting about everything seems very dramatic whereas on the bedrock version I know it just seems a tiny bit more sluggish now that I think about it though that could be due to the one tick pulses that we often use in Java additional redstone that just make things look like they're moving faster I don't know but if there's one thing that I do personally really like about the bedrock version of Minecraft is the fact that you have the ability to change the behavior of the game through the use of add-ons proper mod support Mojang that is absolutely fantastic to see we would have loved to have seen this in the java version of Minecraft but I don't think that's ever going to happen so I think it's fair to round up this video by saying that both versions are minecraft a totally different when you go from the jar Edition over to the bedrock edition there's just a massive shift in game mechanics and both of them have their pros and both of them have their cons as well I just happen to think that the pros of the jar Edition outweigh the cons and the cons of the bedrock edition slightly outweigh the pros for me personally that's just my personal opinion and that's why I tend to stick with the Java version of Minecraft so I hope that clears things up I hope you now understand my reasoning I hope that you enjoyed this video as well if you did please let that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see ya later oh and as per usual latest video just released on the filming channel I'm sure you'll enjoy an uplink to that one or hands [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,870,197
Rating: 4.9404497 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: R4VWJimIuYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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