Building Live with City Planner | Expanding Los Vegas

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hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building los vegas and i'm really excited to stream with you guys kind of decided to do this randomly so uh hopefully you guys enjoy it hey comrade uh thank you for joining me on the stream i do want to know is this working um you know this is my second stream ever so i don't know what i'm doing so if i'm hot on the mic or um anything let me know music's too loud anything let me know let's see got a lot of people in here already 182. uh so that's pretty exciting just gonna drop a line in just to make sure everyone can hear me oh loud and clear thank you ridge5000 you guys hear the music too good morning in finland all right it's late here 1am here but i'm watching kick can all right awesome perfect so today we're going to work on expanding this city uh we made a couple of questionable choices no music does this fix it let's see if you hear the music now i will release this on on vod gym hopefully you guys hear music now hmm music is audible all right that means i fixed it i changed the setting all right nope nope nope nope nope nope no music still no music well i think this might be a situation like last time where i struggle with it until it works so i apologize for that so anyway we had a couple of weird things happen in the last build i made some mistakes mistakes were made and i'm gonna fix them so the main mistake i made is i developed all the way around here without giving much thought to what a great natural area this is don't need the music thanks eric that that means a lot to me i i wish that i could get this working it's it's so i threw on headphones and i'm wondering if that's part of the problem that could be it let me see close up my headphones and we'll see if that fixes it one second now can you guys hear music complete failure just fired up city skylines 20 minutes ago perfect mike is in and out all right well the music is uh problematic i suppose and i apologize for that i don't know exactly what i'm doing wrong there but it's clearly a problem i can hear it so i guess i've got that going for me so anyway i do want to come out here we don't want this to be night all night unless you guys want to see some night building uh i think it's probably a little bit difficult to to see not really so what we're going to do is call a mulligan a very quick mulligan on the neighborhood surrounding this park because i made a big mistake i really need to give that some thought so interestingly before i started this build i filmed trattoria and in that build you know i have no dlc so i loaded into this i was about to go live about 20 minutes ago just sing for us you don't want to hear me sing um why is my screen so cropped i do not know let me hmm that is bizarre let's see if i can fix that i apologize give me one second i see the problem with the screen you're gonna see some weird stuff happen as i move this around and still continue to learn what i'm doing all right there we go is that better hopefully you guys can see it the way i see it now which includes oh i actually i so i'm looking at what you guys are seeing and the screen's moving around so i called a mulligan on the screen resolution so i apologize uh so thank you bananaman for providing the playlist that is exactly what i'm listening to right now is the spotify playlist for the channel um it hasn't been updated in a little while there are some new songs but it's still pretty current so uh we're in a good spot there uh jeremy sims thank you for supporting the channel all right so we've taken this back and now we have an opportunity to build around there uh lots and lots of people here 325 thank you so much thank you everyone so let's build a little bit because last time i feel like i did a pretty bad job on building and lots of did a good job on talking so that was fun but i'm sure you want to also see me build uh all good now at a lake we've got a lake got a lake right here so we're going to build around that and i think that that's something that we need we need to prioritize um so i'm gonna actually come down here and we're bumping up against that boundary and i don't think that we can we can actually expand at this point in time no we can well i don't know that that's where we want to expand so we might just live with what we have for the time being i just woke up and cpp is live yes i am it's uh it's it seemed like a good time to go live i just finished up getting clearwater county episode 14 uploaded welcome to being an associate planner jordan barnes thank you so much for your support also want to thank uh musicbot you're lagging i'm sorry your content has been great to watch during lockdown here in new zealand i i appreciate your support that means a lot to me and i'm glad that i could help you out in any way that's been the probably the most interesting part of being a creator is is finding out that there are people that i'm helping get through lockdowns and things of that nature it's been this has been a tough time for everybody and um i'm glad that i can help in any way welcome donald nielsen i appreciate your support uh what am i going to be doing the stream for naming roads in verde beach so that is a great question so i want to know um so i've had a couple of ideas about streams so number one i could bring in verde beach we could you know do some train rides and different transit rides name some streets and do that live on the stream or i could revive an old friend uh skinny b thank you so much for your support that means a lot to me i could i could bring back left side crossing for a special um a special encore in a stream so i don't know if that's something that you would you would like to see um i guess let me know oh overcharged egg is in here hey egg uh when does the new video drop approximately eight hours and on patreon tutorial episode 2 drops right now so i'm trying to pull ahead in patreon so that's something for the uh the associate planner and above tier to to get uh verde beach will be filmed tomorrow i have some ideas tomorrow so the next verde beach episode is going to be detailing the new neighborhood and the following episode we'll be focusing on the sterling the sterling myrtle rivalry and uh some of the things happening there so that's i'm really excited to film this uh this this whole story line has really brought a lot of excitement for me jordan barnes thank you so much content has helped me so much in my cities and the flow thank you i'm glad to hear that and uh kibblezamp thank you for becoming an associate planner so everyone say hello to overcharge again if you haven't seen overcharge eggs content i highly recommend you check it out he creates some amazing videos uh he's got a unique style that you know there are things that he does that i wish that i could could do better and uh he's just he's really an excellent creator i highly recommend you check him out my most recent community post is actually of his 5b1c build and uh it's really a spectacular one bring back the bluff all right uh can't wait for the massive nuclear waste facility being constructed by the girls you know you never know there's going to be there's going to be some stuff but i don't i don't know how much i want to let out right now but i'll tell you what there uh there's going to be there's a reason why the myrtles bought that property and it's not for the love of that property i'll put it that way there we go eggs in here and uh yeah no problem no problem mag i mean you deserve every supporter you get and i'm really really appreciative of being in 5b1c this time i think it's brought something new to the the build uh both he and lee hawkins are just been amazing uh ben benjamin thank you so much your voice calms me and i need to deal with work colleagues i'm glad i yeah that's that's that's awesome i i appreciate that i can that can help and thank you bananaman for sharing eggs channel so if you don't know bananaman he is one of the moderators one of the newest moderators on the discord server he is amazing and i appreciate him for his willingness to be a mod and for being here tonight serving as a moderator as well thank you so much so we're going to break up the grid here a bit and this will allow us to have a little bit more flexibility in the future and one of the things that i know that both lee hawkins and i talk about is the the power of the local roadway network um so one of the things that to realize we have a local roadway network is that the lo the speeds are lower and that increases the capacity so this is something that is interesting to think about the lower the capacity of a roadway the more cars can fit on there at any given time so this is why like the 405 in in los angeles um has so much capacity when it's when it's completely jammed up you get many more cars there on the on the road when things are going slow uh trib sc thank you so much for an architect in chicago parts of the parts of the midwest uh cities you particularly love i love chicago i've got family in chicago and it's it's a place that when i was moving back to the midwest um i looked for a job in chicago and i would have probably ended up there if if it were my choice but that said i'm thrilled to be in madison it's a wonderful city and my love for the city has only grown the longer that i've been here so um but truthfully you know people call the midwest flyover country it is not there are excellent things here as i think in most parts of the world places that are overlooked have some of the most interesting urban urban features so don't be afraid to check them out so we got a lot of comments coming in here how long is 5b1c going to run well i said goodbye in episode in at the end of uh round three my my end of round three and it might have been wrong so maybe we have around four uh unofficially or officially uh andy best that's someone that i recognize his comments all the time uh you're also here with cpp love the videos also a northwest uk person cool chicago is quite topical today i might have missed something i'm not sure i've seen all the all of the oh i didn't know that there were things happening in chicago that is that's scary we had that happen in madison a couple maybe two years back where some transformers blew up and i remember i was at my my daughter's daycare and i looked over and i saw the the smoke coming from the sky and i just i was like wow it's wild eric thank you so much for becoming an associate planner it means a lot to me welcome welcome welcome and thank you thank you ed 3n wax i'm sure that there's a better way to say that if if there is please please correct me uh mitch asks was i born in wisconsin it's your home state i was i was born in wisconsin and i have served the i-39 tour if there's a city along i-39 or highway 51 i probably live there so i it's it's kind of what i've been doing cm punks how old is my daughter i have two daughters and they are both uh young i have one that's pre-school age and the other that is in first grade we need to round four i agree i agree for 5b1c blair charles thank you so much for becoming an associate planner means a lot i i appreciate your support uh the support for the channel has been absolutely wild to me um you know i i know that you know when i started this i kind of expected nobody to watch so it's been uh it's been wild loving los vegas thank you so much uh gain gainrai that means a lot to me i don't i this is it's an interesting build because i'm going so slowly that i lose track of what i'm doing so i need to i need to uh to go a little bit a little bit faster i think uh can you make a river of poo running along the property line vegas you must have an opinion about las vegas and maybe that's something that has occurred there so we need must be late night for you yeah um i would love to say that it's a late night for me egg but i am a late night person i think that happened when i worked for 2k games i worked a shift that was because four to two a.m and i think it ruined my sleep patterns um i i'm if i were to go to bed right now i would stay up until about 2 am and i would just sit there and toss and turn so this is a much better use of my time uh being happy and doing things that that that make me uh feel good so um but yeah i i'm a late night person it's one of the things that i've appreciated about you know silver linings of the pandemic i would say it is that uh work schedules have changed so i do want to extend this collector over we clearly shouldn't just go straight up a hillside so i think that we're gonna bring some curves into this city yes i worked at 2k games um a while a long time ago at this point i tested bioshock one and two i tested uh nba 2k i tested a terrible game called billy bean front office manager i don't know if i can say that it's it's long enough i think i can um i test the door the explorer sieve civ force if rev civ 5 civ colonization mlb something something i don't know i tested a bunch of games uh one of the most fun jobs i've ever had and one of the cool things about being a youtuber is that you know after i was done with that game or done with working there i figured a job in gaming was impossible for me and uh this is as close as i'm ever gonna get and truthfully i think i like this more so um please tell me disasters are turned off they're not in fact why don't we take a look i'm pretty sure yeah we've got them on we don't even have them at the lowest frequency and we don't have road names down we'll turn those on maybe we'll name some names tonight so i am going to get rid of this lumpy this is going to drive me crazy so give me a quick second while i resolve my problems with this which i'm sure is not really a problem but it is to me do i play civ 6 i do not like sip six i i'm deeply sorry i have not liked it i do own it i picked it up day one and was immediately disappointed i play civ 5 a lot basically whenever i want to kick back and relax and not play city skylines it's one of two games for me uh so it's civ 5 or uh i play stardew valley you know and that's that's a game that i absolutely adore uh stardew valley is one of the best games i think that has ever been created and uh to think that it came from one person is amazing yeah andy best your friend from childhood works compliance at 2k first in london and then asia that is awesome so they moved to las vegas after i left la so kind of an interesting factoid there so maybe we can build an homage to 2k games here so six is underrated i it is not actually um griffin says that and that's that's funny i worked with a griff um i'm i'm so civ 6 i looked at the top games on steam that were played today and i want to say that civ 6 was in the top 15. stardew was like number number 20. so it's it's certainly not underrated it's it's certainly one of the top games and seeing that makes me think maybe i need to give it another shot have i tried it recently i haven't tried it in about a year and the funny thing is i so i bought it on the computer and then uh at christmas my mother-in-law bought it for me for christmas for uh my switch and i i've played it a total of 15 minutes in the switch so good morning from poland good morning good morning and good evening for me uh mutsy webs hi from australia do you think uh do you think city skylines 2 when it is inevitably released will incorporate a lot of the mods into the base game or leave that up to the community you know i think that some things are going to be inevitably worked in i've watched some videos where they've talked about how there were ideas that they that the developers never really thought about that were were modded into the game and um you know they're using those mods now too so it's i think it's inevitable that some of them get worked in i do wonder about accessibility of the game and i know that that's been a critique i made the the video um my wish list for city skylines 2 and in that video i had a lot of things and i know a lot of people said well that would make the game less fun and less a game and more a simulator and i think they're going to be very worried about that if i were a developer i would be very worried about that i don't want the game i would want the game to become so onerous to play that only a planner could play it so certainly i think they're going to incorporate some of them but you know traffic manager is one that i'm not sure about you know that's that's one that i think there are portions of it that might be worked in but not all of it jedo asks if i play tropico i do i love tropico i think tropico is an amazing game and i've been thinking about what i play next on the channel um and tropico has always been there the thing is if i play tropico i'm to sink in and i don't know if you want me to get super sidetracked on tropico but i will so there are a couple games i'm actually opening up my steam library so if you see my mouse doing crazy things so i there have been a couple of of contenders for the next game i play outside of city skylines tropico is one of them i did receive a free key for uh tiny topia and for townscrape townscaper so those are those are a couple that i could play i have workers and resources i i'll be honest i don't really get it um i have nimbi rails which was also gifted to me and then i picked up surviving mars when it was free so that's another one that i've given some consideration to so you know if you guys have any ideas you know let me know in the in the comments if you if there's a game actually right now let's do it let i've never played anna i would consider that too i'd pick it up uh if there is a game that you want me to play that i'm not playing um drop it in the comments right now if that is more mini motorways if that is anything let me know and uh when i release those midweek videos maybe you'll see it is this city exclusive to my live streaming it is civ 5 i would love that uh townscaper and nimby rails would be cool tropico surviving mars surviving mars tinytopia frostpunk i do have frostbuck i have uh i have a xbox game pass so anything that's on there i have access to roblox probably not gonna do roblox nba2k i love nba2k that's that's another one stardu is definitely up there i do have that for pc so i would definitely consider that if there was enough interest tetris you know if i play tetris i'm not talking much i'm just going to play tetris if you guys just want to watch me play it that's we could certainly do that prison architect is popping up a number of times so is planet zoo and i think i have planet zoo through uh through uh xbox game pass frostpunk forza i i do love forza the game that i've been obsessed with lately is probably the most boring game in the planet to most people and that is microsoft flight simulator i've been playing that like crazy it's been so much fun i've gone to different places i've lived different places i've visited and i've loved it stardew streams josh mickelson i appreciate that suggestion and i appreciate your support so lots of good ideas minecraft i actually played minecraft today not by choice my my daughters both love minecraft and need help so i play lots of minecraft um we have that on xbox game pass so played all the time also on android so i'm just connecting up the roads here no real rhyme or reason it's just we want to make sure that we have connectivity democracy for you see i have democracy three flight sim so i so interestingly flight sim i can't land i've tried i i landed in a highway once and uh that's about the best i can do i'm learning though uh but it's it's a it's a ton of fun so okay we're i'm gonna build for just a little bit we can talk um about different things forza and flight sim videos i don't know what i would say about those besides i don't really know a lot about cars um and i uh but i appreciate them i guess dirty planner fact i used to drive a mustang that was my california car and that is i i turned 20 21 and i bought a mustang and i thought that it was absolutely the coolest car in the world until gas hit five dollars a gallon but it was pretty miserable i'm not gonna lie it was it was bad so i'm just building out this neighborhood so this i would consider this a planning process because never in a million years i guess unless you're like los angeles would you build this much infrastructure up front the city's paying for this not the developer that's crazy uh frost punk is such a dark game we can give everyone houses or get our own food so i guess the other option would be you know uh banished is another option um like a polytopia let me think what else i have um i mean obviously patron that that that um i don't really i'm not pretty bad at patreon um mustangs are your favorite car they're awesome they're they're beautiful cars uh jordan thank you so much for your support crusader kings three so i've i've thought about that it would be fun it would be fun so lots of lots of good suggestions i've got to introduce more content to the channel uh shane ramsey city state 2 releases on the 23rd of september ooh i actually was was not aware of that so that is one that i should play and maybe maybe i'll reach out to the dev to see if i can get a copy early um that's been i think the most fun part of youtube uh being a youtuber is i can i can reach out it means i might get rejected most of the time but i can still give it a shot uh so we had some development patterns we're having some power issues so we're going to need to pause for a second and i'm going to focus on getting this remedied so we have a couple of power plants so we could certainly enact the power usage policy we don't have a lot of money coming in so i don't want to do that necessarily for the time being until we unlock more power let's let's see what we can unlock next nothing good so um i think bummer yeah we'll just build another power plant oh wait no no no no we are going to make it to 5 500 we're gonna fudge the budget until we do let's boost it and let's crank up our taxes which is something you never want your city planner to say not that we ever get to say that anyway that that's not our that's not our choice power to the people yes shane that's yes uh maybe i will put up a poll uh in the community tab seeking some feedback about what we should be doing in terms of the next video um from another another series the other thing is i'm trying to balance my time um you know i i can i can do about three videos a week tops and if i go beyond that it's a bad i'm gonna have a bad time so um you know i have tutorial and i have um different games and then the other option is uh city tips so i'm wondering that didn't fix it am i out of coal in one of these plants no just speed it up and see if that fixes it it does not all right we're gonna bite the bullet we're just gonna do it and i've moved it in the wrong spot mulligan right there got that fixed got that fixed and i'll slow it down and at least oh you know what i wasn't paying attention because i was looking at the comments i raised the road budget so that would uh that would uh that would yeah and now i look at all the comments no face palm no wrong budget yes well it's okay we'll accept it it's maybe not the best thing to have happen boost power oh my god lmao yes [Laughter] whoops mistakes have been made mistakes have been made of course the one time i'm not reading chat yes then i uh the one time i decide to completely mess up so we have a main street right here and i think that we're going to convert this over here to a main street so right now it's haddock avenue or hancock avenue sorry so hancock avenue will convert into a commercial corridor as we move over this is probably a more suitable use for this area anyway what we were doing here with the sandy backyards you know it's fine but it's not it's not ideal let's bring this up and we're going to need to get some water pipes underneath our roads so let's take care of that now i will turn off all my snap twos and get those in all right we're almost watered up i don't think that that's a term that anyone should use but i'll use it anyway so while i'm doing this uh i want a tradition during this and the one thing that is a tradition will be is my music still broken i think it is um so i think that's gonna be a tradition unfortunately not one that i that one that i want um but it is unfortunately a thing i can see i'll put the default let's see if that fixes anything can you guys hear music now hopefully that fixes it um so yep uh try the console version uh so if i could figure out how to get the uh the xbox version so i don't i don't have a capture card so that's that's my limiting factor there but if i could figure that out there's a way to stream through xbox to this and if i could do that i will i will definitely give it a shot because i i the game is more challenging in my opinion uh using the console version give me just a quick second i'm going to see if i can fix the audio issue hmm anything now so i'm switching everything over to my monitor and hopefully that helps these so i'm seeing things bumping around but i just for some reason it's not working not not 100 sure what the issue is there um the other thing i guess i could go into my settings and see under the stream if i have my audio set up wrong but i think i think it it probably is what it is for tonight so how am i possibly going to name all that suburbia that i built i don't know i have no idea no music but not important all right i i appreciate your flexibility with me i'm going to figure this out at some point i got it last time i don't know what i did but it worked and now it doesn't and for me it looks identical so i'm using so i have a five logins on my pc and i do see traffic is backing up back here we're going to have to give them a dedicated access of some point of some sort to the highway um so i lost my train of thought but but but basically i'm using my one of my five accounts and this account is the verde beach account and with that i thought that my settings would line up and work and they don't so that's been that's been the frustration so if i wanted to add an interchange here which i think we need to do i think what i'm going to do is just come over here we're going to go up three notches we'll cross the interstate here and then we'll lower it we'll go 12 and lower it down from there and from here we could do any number of things we could have a parklow we could just do a diamond i think we'll probably keep it simple for the time being and maybe just have a smell no i don't want to keep it simple i i think that we might add a parklow to this so i love using my dirt roads when i do this overcharged egg thank you so much diving now dude i really appreciate that uh and thank you so much for the support that that means a lot to me so egg is the man just an awesome guy and an awesome streamer and i'm very thankful to be part of the community with him so again like i said please give his videos a watch so we're going to come over here and create a real basic park low nothing nothing nothing extravagant and let me see that the tricky thing is i caught a note over here and that is why i was able to make that as easy as easily as i was i'm not catching that same note over here so i probably should use my curved road tools what that means and let's see this would be 12 so i want to go up six no i'm totally losing my train of thought there it's okay it doesn't have to be perfect we're just going to make it good all right so we're gonna bring that up here we'll try to mirror it as best we can it's not perfect that's okay we just need it to be functional there we go and now we will upgrade these to highway ramps and then i'm going to look at the chat again because i'm sure that you guys all have thoughts about this and uh i'm curious i'm curious and i'm also very sad that you guys can't hear the music because i'm really i'm really enjoying it at some point i really do want to get that fixed all right so we've got this now we've got another interchange who made that quickly let's see almighty titan i could be working on my own city but instead i'm here getting great pointers from phil no regrets thank you so much i appreciate that and uh i think egg is gone now but goodbye and and thank you again so this was a real quick and dirty interchange it works it's not the prettiest we could certainly decorate it and make it prettier i don't know how much value that adds right now but uh we're gonna do a little bit of landscaping why not i like to think of what it would feel like to drive down here and see these palm trees and that's one thing i always appreciated in la is their judicious use of palm trees and uh in some places in other cases they completely overdid it and made it feel like a tropical paradise even though it's dry so uh uh josh mickelson stop talking all the vibes i'll do my best i i'm again it looks good to me i don't i don't i don't understand what's going on so maybe if i set these all to default it'll work i see again to default oh you know what no no no it's not going to fix it um yeah unfortunately it's probably just not gonna happen tonight um as much as i wanted to i don't know what is going on uh let's see i'm gonna hop back in the chat for a little bit buildings need some more flammability yeah we they do this we have we have kind of an ugly city right now we haven't really done much decorating just built a big grid we have one turn not a lot going on am i using obs i am using obs uh ndi i don't know what that is so i'm gonna say no uh make it two lane for lane math that's fair that's fair we can we can take some biff advice there we go lane mathematics we're in a good spot now uh death care we have some dead people yes we do and i think we only have cemeteries and we don't have any so we should add one so there's not a great place to site this right now i might put it close to this park right here and i hate that i can't center it kills me but we're gonna just place it there we'll at least get a nice view of the cemetery from the park uh shane ramsey do you ever play building company i have not uh it's a great little building game i'll have to check it out i'll have to check that out thank you so much for your support shane that means a lot to me good morning from the netherlands susie uh awesome surprise yeah it was a you know it's it's just a kind of a fun thing for me to to do on a friday night so i i'm glad you're here with me brief overview of lane mathematics so that's a bit of a thing and the idea is that you don't ha at least from my understanding is you want each lane to do something the game doesn't handle uh additional or or fewer lanes uh as as well as as reality so right here this by having a two-lane road here it turns this into a turn lane and they will merge appropriately before they get here so that's that's the game plan so here because we're playing vanilla this is proper lane mathematics because this is a turn lane right here so that's that's i think the brief overview uh those ramps are so sharp uh are they seem okay to me uh new fours are coming out yeah that that that is that is true uh and that's i think why they removed forza i think they removed forza 4 xbox game pass this week so kind of interesting so that cleared up all of our traffic let's take a look yeah 94. we're good now so it's time to start developing some residential and what i think we're going to do let's finish off our commercial zoning along this strip we've got some long block lengths unfortunately but we're going to roll with it and it'll be fine so i'm going to pull this up here and i'd love to add in the streets here or be really meticulous about my zoning but we're just going to accept the mulligans as they come we probably should think about city services here what's the name of the city uh it's the default name los vegas uh so i think that we're gonna want to think about city services a little bit more i miss death care and uh we we have elementary problems at this point so we want our education pipeline to be fulfilled we don't have a high school we don't have a university that's because we can't have one yet so that makes sense let's go through here and actually add some of these facilities now mulligan the whole city and build parking lots instead i could do that uh check the advanced audio properties and set the audio track to one oh oh i do actually have multi-track audio so that is probably the problem oh there we go do you guys hear things now i think that probably was the fix we must have a casino we must have casinos in the city absolutely so the other thing i could do is i wonder if i just throw them into track one you hear it you hear my music alright so i'm gonna switch it then so yeah good good i'm glad that that fixed no nope nope that didn't fix it someone hears it but most people don't let's give this a shot i will throw them all in the track one and now you should be able to hear it it's very quiet it's very quiet i'd rather have it be very quiet than non-existent i can fix very quiet let no music no music all right one more chance to fix this music music music we can hear it we can hear it okay i'm not going to screw it up then i turned the i turned the uh the latency of this down and uh so we're in low latency mode and i turned the delay to type a message to five seconds instead i think we're at 60 before which is crazy so um now we're now we're in a good spot i feel good about this i accept that i can't read anything because there's so many messages coming through so in that case i'm gonna build uh i'm glad that you guys can hear it i'm i'm i'm glad that i got that fixed thank you so much and uh i'm glad i see thanks for all the content i'm glad that i could provide it uh this is a lot of fun for me and you know there are very few things in your life that you can do that are just an absolute pleasure all the time and yes i should listen to banana man in fact i should be on discord with him probably uh but instead i'm i'm not so all right we've got some things set up here i'm gonna just build this out a bit we have added some parks and i love making these parks feel a bit more grand by adding to them all of them uh any park that you can add and snap to i like to grow it a bit we'll add some desire potential desire paths so the one problem here is i'm snapping to the grid and road guidelines and if i turn those off i do length maybe i can make some of these other connections it's always a little bit tricky [Music] there we go that's terrible to look at so we're gonna we're gonna call a mulligan there and maybe we'll go a little bit further out there we go we'll just leave this entire space a park space and it'll be a place where people could you know recreate and not worry about all of the different things happening in the city and i love making these impromptu parks if you only have the vanilla game you don't need park life you can make your own parks just like this so um get creative with it uh josh nicholson thank you again thank you so much i'm glad that you can hear the music now uh planner duck thank you so much uh you have been a supporter from the very beginning keep up the good work thank you for pro providing and sharing this entertainment and community when you don't have to do so i don't have to do so but i like to do so it i think that what is lost in all of this is that i am gaining a whole bunch from this in terms of my personal well-being and mental health when the channel when i started the channel it was a way to kind of escape all of the news that was out there and a way for me to just sink into something that was fun and relaxing and it's grown into something that is even more beneficial for me uh justin mcnary thank you so much mulligans for days we'll call some more we can keep calling them max thank you so much from australia hope things are going good in australia i don't i'm not i i heard that you guys might have went into another lockdown um and that's something that you know i don't think we're gonna do it even if we get there i think that we are in a spot where the general populace is not gonna accept that so um i don't know that the situation is all that different here um and i feel for you hopefully hopefully things are okay um oh no test uh oh hopefully hopefully things are okay i don't know what that means this is really cool happy friday everyone happy friday brett uh so i think we're we're at saturday where i'm at but it was friday when we began og czech republic awesome fellow night owl yes i am a night owl uh you definitely had a glow up i didn't like you and you started but now you're my favorite thank you so much comrade yeah i i didn't know what i was doing so when i started this there was a little bit of planning that went into it i bought a 40 uh toner microphone from amazon it's basically the best rated bad microphone on amazon and i bought it and that's what you heard in the first episodes of bluffside crossing and i also so basically i just i didn't know what i was doing at all i had a windows and enhancements on which caused the crazy voice issues and now i have a better microphone that said having a good microphone and knowing how to use it are two different things and early on i didn't know what i was doing with the microphone so i would i would talk like i was way out here and i don't know if you guys can tell there's a pretty significant echo i'm in i'm in a wooden room uh i built this room for the channel and for working at home and when i'm close to the microphone there's no echo and i come through clear and it took me a while to figure that out for a while i was just letting the microphone hang out in the room a ways away from me and i sounded horrible and that's one of the things about starterville 2 one of the reasons i wanted to restart that series and start fresh is a bit of embarrassment over the way that i sound it in those videos so we're having some water issues we're gonna need to remedy those so i'm gonna build these pipes before i forget about it and then we will add another water tower to the city and the main thing we want to think about here is keeping it away from this industrial area this might actually be a neat feature in the park no one to disturb um there's actually quite a few parks near me that have have water towers in them there's some synergy there so uh cool from the history guy let's see back to the comments the audio is a main issue for the series i also have no idea what i'm doing with the mic uh so someone else who must have audio issues it's it's tough it takes a while when you figure it out it just kind of clicks uh zihan here are my tips do more vanilla cities i am i'm definitely i i've gained a really great appreciation for vanilla cities that said i think that clearwater county is probably going to be the most popular series that i put out and i think i've got a couple of theories as to why i think that it's easier to craft historian narrative when you have mods because you can really let your imagination lead you wherever you want to go and that's what i try to do in clearwater county i i try to do i try to do that in very beach too i just i don't necessarily have the same ability because you're kind of working within the confines of of the vanilla game but notorious gaming thank you so much for your support that means a lot to me i look forward to checking out your channel at some point assuming that uh assuming that i could find it you should drop a link in the comments and then i'll open up in another tab waste water yes good point do i have way oh yes we have waste water issues i'm going to pause it because the last thing we want to do is drown in this now one of the things i'm unsure about is how is wastewater cited in a desert environment obviously vegas is unique in that it's also you know it's got it's got access to a river sims need to poo they do i have music good good uh brown town this was uh clearwater county would be more impressive if ashland if the ashland family had a hedge mates i agree i agree i should do that at some point we need to return to ashland and i think we're going to in the next in the next episode tomorrow uh you've been binge watching bluffside crossing i i appreciate that shane uh i would say that it's my least impressive series i enjoyed it um but it you get to you get to see all of my learning uh kind of like this stream i'm sure that my third stream now that i've learned from this one is gonna be even better i'm good chad thank you so much i'm glad you like uh clearwater county that said i've been told that i need to change the acronym i don't know what to change it to i've learned some pretty dark things about that acronym in recent days so um we'll need to we'll need to think about that that was a nightmare to build yeah keep going with tutorial i actually the second episode is done i had a lot of fun with it we get some curves we get some policies we get some keys we get a lot lofty tsunami uh thank you to the to the fantastic con for the fantastic content uh you have taught me you've got me into city skylines and taught a lot about city planning and helped me through a lot of hard days keep the good work i'm glad i could help and thank you so much for your support means a lot love tsunami and uh you know uh i i i'm really glad i could be helpful plus i crossing was strong i appreciate that emily i it uh it was a fun series for me a lot of learning and the funny thing is i i had taken a pretty significant break from the game before i started that series and i i hopped back i hopped back in and decided to start recording and hindsight being 20 20 i probably should have played a couple times before i jumped back in because it was a game that i played literally every day and then i just i just stopped when the pandemic started and maybe even a little bit before then um so uh as a civil engineer constantly working with site designer my favorite city planner keep up the great workfield thank you so much craig civil engineers are amazing ah notorious gaming can't post a link well if if you can't post a link the one thing i would highly encourage is for you to join the discord server um i can probably post a link to that it might be in fact it should be in the settings for the stream if it's not i will get a link and drop it in in a moment uh i would highly recommend my fear is that if i open up the channel it's going to play a bunch of music and scream at you guys i don't want that to happen okay thank you so much check out notorious gaming thank you banana man that is super helpful hopefully notorious gaming doesn't have a video playing otherwise you guys are gonna get blasted uh what kind of degree do you need to get started as a planner i have some experience with gis my qualifications are in criminology and cyber security you need a planning degree unless you get really lucky so generally that is a a masters of urban and regional planning they're called different things in different places i have a undergraduate degree in geography emphasis urban planning and a master's degree in urban planning back in the day you could get an associate's degree things just changed so it's one of those things and it's interesting to me so i am a certified planner it's not a requirement but it is it's helpful um so that is another thing it's not like engineering where to be able to stamp a plan you need to be a pe it's not like that so something to be aware of about the profession uh lake mulligan and clearwater county that's a great idea how about a viewer's choice vanilla map build i've thought about that because i just randomly picked a map so the last stream i didn't mean to go live i was just trying to get obs set up and then i just thought you know what it's never going to get better until i just go for it like this music thing tonight i'm just not going to know that the music's not working until i get going uh thank you moyan that means a lot to me i appreciate that um but yeah i would not uh i would not have figured out the audio problem without you guys working through it with me so um i appreciate i appreciate you guys sticking with me as i figure this out uh so a couple of tr i mentioned traditions but i never got to it so the tradition is i mentioned at the very start of the stream in the chat that i uh this is beers of the planner so you should have a beer if you drink i am having a lake louis brewing warped speed scotch ale it is midnight here so uh banana man you gotta wake up in six hours so you're probably gonna drop that's okay and thank you for timing out spam music sounds really good good i went from not being able to not be able to being able to figure it out to be getting it just right so we're probably going to stream for about another hour and uh keep building so i've lost my moderator so please don't spam i uh i did not let anyone know so the one thing i did want to mention well i won't bring up in just a minute it's it's a fun giveaway that we're gonna have in just a bit a city planner do you usually start a series of limit on mods or assets um i've only started a couple and no i haven't except for very beach where i've had a strict limit of no mods so that has been helpful there i probably should limit clearwater county i've had a couple of dangerous run-ins and that has been bad i wish the discord would say that you're streaming yeah maybe there's a way to do that josh thank you so much you've been here since bluffside episode 3 and you i can't believe that you uh you stuck with me through that audio issue because i wouldn't have so i thank you i thank you uh yeah verde beach i know that that was a controversial pivot for me i just felt like i needed to create a series that was meant for youtube and i knew that uh when i started left side crossing i didn't think i was going to watch it it's just me and i was streaming for myself learning how to edit videos and learning how to do things and i remember when i got 100 subscribers thinking wow i can't believe that there are enough people here to fill up a you know a small theater space um it's wild do i keep backups i actually just purchased a g-raid so i have i have multiple backups i have ssds that i record on i have a g-raid that i copy everything to and then i back everything up to an unread nas server or nas server so i have three backups of everything i have had a data loss issue and when you have an issue like that i think you learn quickly you never want to experience that ever again it was miserable and terrible and i'm never going to lose anything for the channel ever again so even so even my uh my editing library in final cut i have multiple copies that i back it up every now and then probably like every every two weeks uh aaron totally understands the hardships and bluffside crossing when you live in the hills it's easier to deal with the hills yes it's we have we have rolling hills here but we don't uh we don't have very significant hills and we we love to smooth things out and that i think that reflects in my builds for better for worse we we grade everything our biggest issue in this area is really um our biggest issue is is flooding i mean that's as as climate change becomes more of a is more of a threat you know globally that is our issue is uh is flooding it's we're seeing 500 year floods every other year and hundred year floods annually so that's something that we're going to need to contend with and that is working we're working that into all of our planning efforts so um and retrofitting sewer a storm sewer system it's it's it's a lot of work [Music] i need to preserve the lake i know uh so that's what we're gonna do right now what should i name this i want to see some names coming through we're building a park here i think we're going to build a city park just a little city park that's how new york city is to build vertically i can't build vertically how about a collaboration city with 2.20 um i think that would be really cool um i think 2.20 is awesome i actually referenced him in my next video um that said uh for a little while after 5b1c i think i'm going to take a break from that all and focus on my content i've been working on my city planner explains video now i've had the audio recorded for about a month and i i've realized how difficult it is when you're not showing yourself on camera to record something and i've been struggling with that so i think i might be letting perfect be the enemy good in this case i need to just stop and maybe release some things that aren't perfect but are good and we'll see so that's that's kind of where my head's at right now what i want to focus on some of these projects that i put together i want to see tutoria through i know that there's been disappointment that i ended starterville um but i felt like it was something i had to do the starter veil was supposed to be one episode and i grew it in in response to the community and though i could grow it that doesn't mean that you should grow it and i started to feel like it was a bad choice so bear lake park grom lake since it's las vegas uh los vegas let's see lost lakes oasis lake i like that i like that uh let's be silly with this i like lake enemy of like enemy of perfect [Music] about perfect leg shane ramsay thank you so much heroes park after the heroes oh that is actually yeah timing let's do it let's do that we will do that i i think that the timing uh in that that that i mean if you're an american that does there are a few moments in time that are burned into your memory and 911 is certainly one of them i think anyone in america can tell you where they were at that point in time so um it's wild for me to think that that was 20 years ago because it feels like it was yesterday then again i was in shop class and like i don't know a sophomore in high school so it wasn't yesterday maybe that's just me wishing that i was young younger i'm not that old uh lake lost wages yeah i love watching you you make new towns thank you posh champ that means a lot to me stream like yeah we should we should incorporate some streaming names into here and maybe we will focus on some roadway naming after we get a bit of work done on this park and we're gonna have to call some mulligans in some of these houses i can't actually pull this back here which means that this beautiful stucco house with i mean i love this house this is beautiful but we're gonna take it over anyway call a mulligan use some eminent domain and uh totally demo it sorry but also thank you we needed that there we go so we will add on here and i'm liking i'm liking this is this would be a really unique amenity we're gonna again do that over here and pull it over so maybe it's not ideal to have homes back in the park but it does happen and we create some quite a new neat aesthetic here okay uh brigade really love you on your videos let's hope this city doesn't catch on fire it will uh it will it will uh keep the house i i kept i kept most of them but i had to get rid of that one uh which real life city is my favorite layout that's that there is no right answer there i love gridded cities i think they're very logical and they make a lot of sense uh but from a pedestrian standpoint the amount of roadway dedicated to vehicles in most american cities is absolutely ludicrous and when you think about how difficult it is to be a pedestrian in most american cities even the most pedestrian friendly american cities it's it's pretty sad so um i yeah because i haven't been to every city i'm gonna i'm gonna not give an answer but i will say i love pedestrian-friendly cities uh so there's a special place in my heart for european cities and i'm sure that if i have if i ever go to asia i will probably love it there too because i know that a lot of those cities were designed for pedestrians and not for cars so this park is going to be bigger than what we currently have and as a result i am extending it out you can see that the fences just kind of end here i don't know how much more it's going to go probably the end of this green but since we don't know i'll just extend it and leave a path for the future just to swing it a little bit oh that is terrible that is what happens when you don't respect the topography to just do what you want to do i don't like that at all and i think that's so extreme i can't even hide it uh let's see should check the layout of brisbane australia road layout terrible uh seoul south korea i am interesting i should check that out too not just bikes yeah you know the thing is i feel hopeful about a lot of these cities in america and i think that you know they've been developed in such a way that you know it's not ideal and when i say america i mean broadly america i don't mean just um the us i mean north america in general um so i think that it certainly we could retrofit some of these things uh seattle is a great city uh kenneth i i i went there a while back it is very walkable um it's great see the downtown area blew me blew you away yeah it's it is it is a very wonderful city the problem is it's not it's not affordable that's that's the problem is you get these places that are really livable and they're not affordable uh let's see zaihan [Music] what is the name of the city if you don't have one may i suggest stream valley city live valley all right let me know what you guys think about that i i i just want the default name so it's it's been los vegas uh shane getting ready to go to gold coast indy car race in australia which was a month afternoon michael andretti had a chance to fly to the race as he was still in the u.s neat very cool let's see melbourne has a great layout it's i've heard it's a good layout interesting yeah i don't know a lot about australia in terms of the city planning except that i know it's similar to america keep los vegas extreme valley is not too bad i want to see some more i i want feedback strodes are the worst they are strodes stink we have a lot of them here and part of that is the way that our cities develop um really like live city that's a good name hey donutgamer hello city guy hello ethan oh and as i'm reading we hit busy town so we get leisure and tourism unique buildings now i think that's things about that is they're so huge level four unique buildings sightseeing bus trolley bus tourism specialization a bunch of policies some new roads so we can put trees in the sides of roads what else do we get hospital we got our headquarters buildings we get some piers these aren't going to do much much good in a city without water weather radar lots of good stuff and all of our japanese buildings oh i love those so much i love this so much [Music] so yeah this this is exciting because i love the japanese content creator pack is one of the best in my opinion the buildings that you get with these it feels like you can make a proper downtown this small office building for instance if you wanted to add this to the downtown area it's not overpowering or overwhelming let's just add it we'll call a mulligan on that block and this is ugly ugly we've got some grating issues here need to cover that up but look at the street level this is a four-story building it is exactly what you'd expect to see on a corridor like this this is a strode it is we'll be upfront about it it's difficult not to create those in this game without roadway options that then are available in the base game but it's okay uh have i ever been to new zealand i have not i have a cousin who lives there though i should visit i don't know if they'll let me in right now though i believe he lives in christchurch uh water's overrated hello from portland hello uh how do i feel about okc or tulsa um i don't really i mean lots of grids i don't know a ton about i've i've only driven through oklahoma on my way to texas um to the dallas area where i have family i've basically been so where i've been in the u.s west coast if you name a place i've probably been there uh southwest uh mountain west midwest texas uh southeast so uh not a lot of feelings about about okc or tulsa unfortunately hello from melbourne hello from vancouver that is probably the next place i want to go is vancouver i want to know if it's all that people say it is uh because people say wonderful things and i've looked at i've looked at different surveys and they say it's the most livable city in north america and i want to know what that feels like it's also very expensive so i generally think that's that's uh where have you been in canada nowhere i grew up in northern wisconsin and people think i have a canadian accent sometimes in some parts of the us because of that certain words i guess it comes out tucson arizona is sprawl-rama yeah it is hello from the us uh temmie tube uh hello from the us here too i'll let you know about vancouver uh when i go there phil thank you comrade yeah your next summer i think next summer i believe hello from mumbai wow we are we are all over the world right now honolulu was laid out by a kid in an etch a sketch so honolulu is interesting so i i i have known planners who have moved to hawaii because they offer amazing planning jobs with no experience required excellent pay they'll call them things like planner four which you know like you don't really see that in a lot of other places you see like planner senior planner you know um so you get that and it just feels impressive so i knew a guy who moved there he loves it moved to the big island i don't think he's a planner anymore which is is a common thing with planning you know i think a lot of planners a lot of government employees in general get burnt out uh in in in being a government employee i think a part of it is it's kind of a thankless it can be a thankless job you can accomplish a lot of great things and help a lot of people but at the same time um you know there's a certain subset of people who will dislike you for the job you do and that's grading here it can be for some people for me i don't much mind it's it's fine can i explain what a tr a strode is it's a road that provides access uh and so basically roads can have two functions they can provide access to buildings or uh they can provide mobility and astro does both and does both poorly so that's that's what a strode is it's a street road um so it's it's from strong towns which is a lobbyist organization which i think everyone should be aware of it's not a you know a planning organization that's okay there's there's a place for all all of those in the field hello from the philippines tasmania wow that's wow we were all over the place must be a good time not near australia and tasmania right now in new zealand um i guess i'm not 100 sure what time is it the morning there uh cash man well city planner we love the planning oh from october cool hello from louisiana hello hopefully everything is well there i don't know where you are at in louisiana um hopefully you were not impacted too much from the hurricane how do i plan for an affordable city shane that is a very good question so there are a number of ways to attempt to have an affordable city i think that the main thing though is having enough housing so i know that there's a lot of complaints when look the luxury housing is developed but what people need to realize is that there have been studies done let's say you build a whole bunch of luxury uh apartments that drives down the price of all the apartments kind of across the board so it's it's important to just make sure that there's an adequate amount of housing so i know that in our area for instance the vacancy rate is so low that it drives up the cost of even the low end of the housing tier so you need to make sure you have enough housing and that will cause all the prices to drop so even if you're adding housing not at an affordable level you're still driving down the price of those of those units making more units affordable hi from vietnam let's see 2 p.m western australia so all right it is a good time in australia uh zaihan do i like do i like a grid pattern or make it unique i i do like a grid i think it's logical and makes sense um i think when you get these curves it makes it very confusing when you're a pedestrian when you're driving when you're on a bike are there city planning jobs in hawaii tons of them in fact i guarantee if you look right now there's probably a bunch and they pay really well but you got to move away and that can be isolating and difficult for people so i get why people struggle with that hi from cleveland eastern time zone it's even later for you there so hype from south africa wow wow it's awesome hello uh salt lake's thoughts on salt lake city that's a monster grid uh that's you know it was a grid of its time there are opportunities there and there are issues with it i think that um there's the opportunity to really make that a pedestrian and bike friendly city lots of right-of-way and that's the thing that we struggle with in midwestern cities that this is that there's just not enough right-of-way to actually make the changes that we'd like to make that said if you're not gonna make the changes you know which is the thing i wonder like are they gonna make the changes that are necessary uh portugal 7 a.m approximately robin weber uh so i think right now we are going to work on this park a bit and make some terrible terraforming decisions so i'm gonna go through here we're gonna look at her yeah it's it's steep basically everywhere in the park so we're gonna have to go through after the fact and fix it this is not gonna have a lot of amenities this park is gonna be pretty bare bones uh maybe an info center coffee shop a restroom and that's about it and not every park needs to have every amenity that's okay in fact even the info booth is probably overkill so i'm gonna just fix the screen and i'll get back to the chat just for a bit so let's oh and our water tower is going to create issues for us i don't think i can fix that except for landscaping we'll landscape that to make it better let's see uh shane notorious that's a good question as city skylines ever influenced my job with city planning no i it not really i mean i think that it's made me think about planning more it sparked my curiosity in planning but i wouldn't say that it has hold on let me switch this on i wouldn't say that it is necessarily i've used it in any any particular way but i do think i do think that it is uh you know it's fun vocal fry taylor all right sorry um all right so we're gonna get back to this and we're gonna add some landscaping on here to try to cover up some of this because i don't want to have to change the park in any significant way [Music] not not worth that this will do the trick and right now i think this park is really expensive to actually come into let's make this free [Music] we'll make it the main park that's our only park a hello from verde beach robin i hope uh oh wait there is a verde beach in portugal that's one thing i actually looked up i i felt bad because i have wondered if uh my series would outrank some of those at some of some real places and it's it's neck and neck and i feel bad about that i have inspired max at petraeus to study civil engineering hopefully i pronounce your name right that that's awesome i hope that you enjoy your studies uh what does vanilla city skylines emit i get the most wrong about actual city planning that's a tough question uh parking parking is parking drives so many decisions um and that is just one of those things that the game doesn't get right but i don't necessarily think it's a bad thing because we don't want to build cities in this game with tons of parking so one of the reasons why in my dlc video or my city skylines 2 video i recommended the ability to set parking policies i think it would be really neat to be able to save here are the minimums for these different uses and here's the way it impacts the way my city looks and i could set that by development area because that's what happens in real life sometimes you have minimums sometimes you have maximums and cities are getting more progressive about that but um it definitely changes the look and i think the japanese creator pack i brought that up before it does a good job of showing that i mean like this noodle restaurant let me add that right in our entryway to the city this right here uh i'm not going to get into floor area ratio but that's one thing that you would you would look at in terms of the building the size of the building to the size of the lot but there would be a parking ratio and this would have a lot of parking for this use and they would probably look at some outdated ite uh you know troop generation rate and say all right well we expect that for every 300 square feet of this building we need one parking stall so as a result you end up with you know x number of parking stalls at this building so this if city skylines were a more accurate representation of reality a lot a lot of buildings would look like this at least in america i don't know that it would look like that in europe but here here it would i think in europe you'd get a lot more structured parking and you don't have you don't really have either option in the game and emily i agree parking is such a sad use of land it is it is uh not the best use of of land it's i look at this and i think this is so underutilized but it happens everywhere hello from dallas fort worth to go to bed i hope you have a great stream i i appreciate that thank you so much um do i have a stream schedule katie i do not my stream schedule is i'm still learning so i this was another test i'm going to set a schedule at some point but i just wanted to again test it out and figure it out and we're going to be on here for about another 25 minutes um so just just some experimenting just some experimenting uh let's see you need a band cars policy we have that in the game i believe leave the car take the metro yes and that's a good point we actually have the ability to place transit in the city now why don't we do it so we have two options we have the biofuel bus depot and we also have the traditional bus depot which gives you a diesel bus we really need a third option which is electric buses clearly they're better in certain areas you always have to worry about batteries and the way that they're going to function in cold weather climates this is not a cold weather climate and the batteries would do well so it'd be nice to have that option i do think we're gonna go with a biofuel bus depot because if you're choosing better this is better so we have excellent traffic flow so we're not doing this for traffic we're doing this because it provides a mode of transportation uh also open trolleys that's true i did open trolleys so i could certainly implement those in the future the city's kind of laying out in in a way that doesn't necessarily make it great for trolleys i think right now so i'm gonna go about every four blocks with these it doesn't need to be perfect and i want to link this residential neighborhood up with something so i'm gonna link it over to this industrial area now this is where i wish that the game had a better way to figure out distances short of mods um because really with buses you're looking at you're trying to cover uh different walk sheds so that people could walk to a bus stop no matter where they're at and that's not something that you can necessarily do very easily in this game we're in a garbage problem again and this is happening i think because i'm talking a lot letting this simulate so we're gonna need to take care of that in just a second let me mirror this bus route it's our first route it is the very first route we have in the city and let's have another overlay over here into the belmont district i didn't even notice that until now so that's that's awesome [Music] and i'm basically i want to provide a transfer opportunity so i'm trying to mirror some of these stops so here we go we're just going to loop around and i think i'm going to turn around here go down and we'll make our connection and then mirror it again and then i'm going to return to the chat after i deal with the garbage issue so here we are almost done here we'll need to change the colors of these routes probably should name them this is something i'm really focusing on in the next episode of trattoria uh because i think those are the little details that mean a lot in the city at least in city skylines so let's go through we do have recycling centers so i think i forgot about that so that's the thing about all of these builds going concurrently i need to remember what i have available to me or to use some eminent domain and add a few of these and stop using the landfill um that land is is landfills i mean they're important but uh it's certainly in the game better than i use them uh in reality you know my county's probably gonna open up a new one soon uh eggsy's in here all right hi eggsy how many mulligans have we had probably not as many as we should i'm probably building a lot slower than i should be but that's okay we're just relaxing and hanging out uh watching people such as yourself play the game makes me feel like an utter noob i don't feel that way stevo i there are people who play this game who are so much better than me they just don't put themselves online so i know that i've seen that comment that uh you know the city skylines youtubers aren't necessarily the best city skylines players out there yeah you're probably right about that uh so that's that's one of those things where we're putting ourselves out there uh that that's all um and sharing our our experience and the way that we do it hi egzy uh so if you guys don't know exe is the creator of the beautiful map that uh clearwater county is being built on so uh without eggsy that would not be a thing so i appreciate him for for that uh jb dude you're amazing thank you you're amazing too uh well chris is lo is a long time public transit rider i can't stand looping bus routes yeah i i prefer routes that go up and down streets uh myself and then you can you can pick your transfer i think they're much easier to navigate that said i feel like they don't work well in the game uh when's the next episode of clearwater county uh six hours and 50 minutes six hours and 50 minutes uh how am i doing i'm doing well how are you doing i'm just sitting here building slowly uh maybe not getting a lot accomplished but you know i'm i'm i'm enjoying myself i hope you guys are enjoying yourself too hello from las vegas one of the best freeway systems in the country also severe water shortage please place a few water towers i think that uh las vegas needs more than that it is it does have a very uh robust freeway network i've never been in a traffic jam in las vegas let's see uh what do i think is the most over engineered interchange i've ever seen in real life it would probably be really obscure there are a lot of rural interchanges that um you know i've i i've spoken with planners about it like wow this is a crazy interchange it's so over engineered i can't believe it's like this they're like yeah we worked really hard to get that we worked with our representative it was an earmark and we overbuilt planning for the future uh night master thank you so much for your support do you think there will ever be a sims another sim city or uh do i think ea will have another friend no i i think that they are done outside of mobile games i think that they could care less about simcity which is really unfortunate because i think a lot of us grew up on that hoping that there would be another version of simcity and i remember buying sim city 2013 not realizing that i would need to be perpetually online i purchased it before a flight which is you know probably the saddest thing and um i realized i couldn't play so let's see hello city planner chat hello uh what do i think about rural areas like west virginia and kentucky i think that they're very beautiful i think that they're also uh it's they're in really challenging places in terms of employment you know i think that you can end up in or cities and areas can end up in situations where you've got to attract different talent to your area to be able to grow the jobs base and i just i don't know how you do that in some of those areas without more political will to do so uh maxis is a zombie corp yes it's simcity4dlc that's that's basically it what do i think of kansas it's flat um i think the cities there are nice that the ones that i've been to um you know manhattan nice city i don't know much about it to be truthful with you um it's been a place that i've driven through when i lived in denver i would drive through kansas nebraska i'd drive through kansas when i didn't want to drive to nebraska [Music] sim city 13 was a dumpster fire i agree it was not good it was there were a lot of good ideas there though and it looked good which is i think the most disappointing part of the game is that there was a lot of promise and potential there that was wasted and not realized um plus side crossing reminds me of morgantown west virginia oh neat so is morgantown is that the city that has there's some city that actually has automated or autonomous uh i want to say it's it's like train carts that are autonomous they're from the 70s um i think that might be it uh r.i.p the highway backing up uh-oh no no we're good no backups uh do i ever plan to link the left side of the park load of the city [Music] i believe that we are all linked up oh you mean over here yeah yeah i probably should why don't we do it right now i don't see why not this will provide probably a local connection that it's not super desirable we don't want to use this as our local connection but we have it so uh let's see wichita is a nice city it is it is a nice city uh assuming you're talking about kansas how do you go about starting a city and planning where your main cbd will end up being i don't plan that far ahead generally i think you need to let that develop naturally and see where uh i guess see where the center of activity in your city is going to be um generally it's going to be a high value area so if this weren't a park i could see this being a on the periphery of a central business district i feel like the game tries to hint at where it should be by adding all these freeways and i just don't like that so like in this city i would see this kind of sprawling for a while there's nothing really to constrain it outside the mountains so you could create a central business district but reasonably it's probably going to be one of these main street corridors that becomes it and then if you wanted to to add a freeway network through here at that point you would bring it through story time i'm not sure uh what's a remarkable memory you've had during travel on the job oh a remarkable memory uh probably going to seattle for the first time i really enjoyed my trip there i got to go to mccormick and schmick's see the urban target up the market it's my first time in seattle i got to stay at the hyatt it was really nice downtown very nice uh zach thank you so much for your support love your cities what's your opinion of michigan left on the michigan left [Music] uh i guess i'm not sure exactly what you're referring to so if you could drop a comment letting me know what that means one of my computer specs they're in if you look at the about me page i have my computer specs that said i'm gonna be getting a new computer soon um i have a sponsorship from apex gaming and they i'm designing a new pc with them and you'll be able to purchase that if you want to but i do have 64 gigs of ram which is something that i guess makes my build unique um the other thing speaking of pcs uh i am going to be so when i built my pc i really wanted a new graphics card i had a 1660 msi kind of low a low end card and uh i really wanted a 30 60. so i went to uh evga's website and i got myself on the list i thought i got there early i thought i would certainly be able to get a card quickly and i didn't and uh the other day i was sitting down uh it was my lunch break and i got an email from evga saying that my card is ready i don't need it anymore i i ended up using and picking up a 30 60 ti founders edition from best buy so that's what i've been rolling with it's what i'm using right now so i did pick up that uh 3060 the evga and it'll be here on the 15th and i'm going to be giving that away some way i'm not exactly sure how i just want to make sure that whoever i give it to isn't going to turn around and sell it i want it to be someone that actually needs a graphics card actually it's trying to build a pc and really struggling to do so because i don't have a graphics card so that's coming out soon i'm working to figure out a way to do that i want it to be worldwide so it's not limited to just the us and i'll need to figure that out so i guess stay tuned for that uh so yeah if you are like benny who is really struggling with their gtx 970 um look forward to that giveaway soon i think it's something that could be a lot of fun and i i the other thing i i want to make sure it's not something that is limiting they're overpriced do not buy them the oh the the 6700 xt yeah 1050 ti is basically what i was running for bluffside crossing so um yeah it's i i think it's it's gonna be a nice giveaway so i guess look forward to that shortly once i have that in hand i just want to open it up make sure it's actually there and then um i'm gonna figure out the best way to give it away because i don't i don't need two graphics cards and especially with another computer coming um that's not something i need i'm adding more trash capacity because we're trying to empty this and it's not working instead we're just getting garbage building up throughout the entire city uh your poor 1660 ti yeah when the when the when the contest is launched you're the exact person that should definitely apply uh phil can you host a cp con where we all have a backyard a byo barbecue and talk about city planning that sounds fun maybe someday uh night master thank you so much for your support as a city planner do you think that elon musk boring company uh have plans that will solve traffic or is it pr it's a pr stunt stuff when you think about the capacity driving a single vehicle through a tunnel as opposed to a subway which is technology that we already have why would anyone want that it just doesn't make sense especially in dense areas like that if it were a cheap boring technology to use in mid population cities i would totally get it but i don't understand it it doesn't make any sense to me is the map linked anywhere do you mean the save i don't have the save anywhere this is just a map that came with one of the dlcs i should probably drop the drop the name of it maybe i'll i'll upgrade the i'll update the description with the name of this map after the stream is done uh i've got the best graphics cards of all gtx 420 uh thank you so much let's see i'm falling behind zach it's a youtube turn through a medium divided highway that is common in metropolitan detroit limits left turns at major intersections oh interesting um so it was like that in in california too it was fine i know that a lot of u-turns are legal in wisconsin which i think is ridiculous i still do them a lot of people do i think that as long as it's clearly marked it makes sense it can lead to a lot of traffic backup though especially if it's if it's that uh you've added a you've added a median to prevent an unsafe movement movement and you create a new turning movement anyway it doesn't make sense uh thank you uh marine panda and aaron shepard thank you for becoming associate planners it means a lot to me thank you so much uh do you know about hook turns in melbourne i don't i don't [Music] oh while you live in wisconsin i do glue uh glue i definitely live in wisconsin i have for most of my life but i've lived in california colorado as well wonderful places oh and look at look at we have our discord server admin in here shrilla thank you so much for coming here it does feel like home with music uh so i'm glad that you guys all worked with me to help help me figure this out uh so we are so lucky to have him as an admin of the discord server and if you're not in there right now please consider hopping in we're actually in an interesting point with a discord server we have 6900 people in there and we're 100 away from being a partnered server or a searchable server i'll be honest i'm a total newbie with discord but we're a hundred people away approximately from being searchable and i think we get a custom a custom link then too so very excited about that we're almost there very friendly community i respond to almost every ad every ping you give me as long as it's not in general chat if you want to reach me that's not the place to do it uh katy miller i agree colorado is beautiful it's one of the most beautiful states in the union notorious gaming thank you for being here i i love seeing all the ramps 6.9 000 nice what do i think about those flags i think they're beautiful jason i actually mention you in the next episode let's see lucas what's your what's my favorite meme i mean i i live for fire apparently now so obviously the the fire dog the the roomba the doomba it's gonna happen one of these days uh your discard link in the description isn't working shoot that is that is uh i will get that fixed let me see if i can grab it quickly because i would love for anyone who wants to join it to be able to do so right now uh your discord link in the description isn't working thank you shane uh and let's see richard hi from creativity for eu style build i haven't really considered it but i probably should at some point let me see i am going to promote there we go so let me see if i can find a discord link real quick i i'm leery of going to my channel and pulling it there but i might do it so if i blast the music loud that's why i apologize i really probably should make it that if you are a subscriber of my channel you don't hear music i probably should also get a new video on the channel let's see pulling the discord link right now okay there we go uh is the rise of self-driving cars making an impact on current city playing in the u.s no we're talking about it but i think the way that we're talking about it is we're gonna need more loading zones zones in cities uh but we're gonna need that regardless as working from home becomes more of a thing delivery we're gonna need that uh i just since i started my career we've been talking about self-driving cars being 15 years out and it's been like that forever and we're still talking about it being 15 years out so um i fully expect that that will be how it is uh let's see aaron by the way phil morgantown they have the prt which is the fully auto okay it is it is morgantown is the community that has the prt check that out let me see if i can find a link where it explains that because it is really a neat system and for being as old as it is it's personal rapid transit that's what it is and i remember this because i listened to a gentleman give a presentation about something where he compared his idea to the morgantown personal rapid transit system it was transit x and no we did not go with it uh let's see am i am i an actual city planner if so what city i am and i'm not going to tell you the city so um and that's just because i'm a public servant i don't want my employer to be inundated with calls or impact my job performance or anything like that so uh will i be doing more 5b1c episodes i will i will um even though i said goodbye sometimes a goodbye is just a uh so long for now will what did you miss uh most of it we've got about three minutes left but will you should definitely hop on on uh discord afterwards and we'll talk um let's see do you think people using bigger cars in the us influence city planning absolutely that that's the most striking thing about going somewhere else in the world you know the first time i went to europe seeing how much smaller the cars are and how many more people use mopeds and motorcycles it was really striking to me and our our vehicles are just massive we're getting better ah power yeah our vehicles in the us are massive we're getting better um and certainly the city that i live in we have long had smaller vehicles we're gonna go for oil plant this time we'll put that right here maybe we'll organize this a bit better hold these all up to the the road and then re-zone so at least we'll have all of our power plants in one location [Music] so yeah a lot we have we have very big big vehicles here that changes the size of your parking um your parking spaces it changes the number that you need it just it's it's a lot it's a lot [Music] so i think we're gonna have about two more minutes here and then i'm gonna i'm gonna jump off and i'll probably hop on the discord server for a few minutes um but i want to answer a few more questions we've done a bit today not as much as i'd hoped and i apologize i didn't do more building but just so fun to talk to you guys it's just so fun to talk to you if you want to see me build oh you can watch me build this dying city live or you can uh you can certainly watch a video and i've got some good videos coming out i'm really excited for so um did you put houses near the power plants i didn't mean to if i did oh i did that is me multitasking gotta get better at streaming kind of thank you thank you so much for the support self-driving car is not 15 years out way more launches in phoenix this year yeah i've heard i've heard mixed bags about waymo uh mix mix things um but interestingly i think they're probably the closest um i really should get down to phoenix and check those out i'm interested very interested i feel bad for whoever moves into the house me too especially now that it's a factory uh good night phil from jakers good night uh i'm i'm my finalists dude thank you doctor that means a lot to me uh good morning from sweden good morning serious question phil how does someone become a member of the channel uh so you can become a member uh from the main channel page or you can support me on patreon either way but really you don't have to do either of those you get fun stickers if you're a member you can get early access to videos through patreon if you're at least at the associate planner tier only do those things if you can it's it's a very nice gesture i don't expect that from anyone and i i appreciate the heck out of all of it but it's certainly something that if you can't it's not a big deal i i don't mind i appreciate the camaraderie the views uh the talking uh it means a lot so uh means as much as anything else that said i think that the join button might not be available in certain countries too so that's the other thing uh am i done i'm done just in just a minute i'll answer a couple more questions maybe three more questions and then i will sign off uh let's see what we have here phoenix is still hot wait until december to come visit yeah douglas anderson thank you so much for becoming an associate planner and it's slowing down at least for me so i'm not seeing a ton aaron yes jordan thank you so much for staying up late with me it is it is late here let's make this yeah i'm going to leave this on vod as soon as this is done how many countries have i been to half dozen i i don't know how do i feel mods change my play style significantly i feel like when i play with mods i completely deviate from just i guess the rel when you play with mods you don't have to have as much skill in some cases in other cases you need to have more but i feel like you need to really focus on making things right the first time and i think um mods can get you lazy i think that that is certainly the thing that i've noticed with mods at least maybe that's just a me thing let's see i'll take two more thanks for the night cap uh scott l phil do you think city planners are sweating brownsville texas because of starbase yeah i i think that it is a very interesting opportunity for most people at most planners be a very interesting place to plan i also think it'd be very very challenging because you have one avid citizen who could really put the kibosh in any project uh jb thank you so much for your support means a lot to me uh let's see i'll take one more we need you in new orleans bifu would call our traffic quirky porky yeah uh let's see how do you do this city tours that's a good question why don't i why don't i show you right now this is how we'll end it so first so i don't inadvertently lose this i'm going to save and i'll you do you guys want this do you guys want to see this city i don't i don't i'll just i'll just save it locally right now uh i always save i don't save over anything anymore i made that mistake with left side crossing so what i do is i come in a cinematic camera extended i'll find the place that i want and i'll add it and then i'll come through where's the next place i want to add it right here and then i'll come through add another one and let's just say i just wanted to get to the end of the road and then come out and have a panoramic of the city i would do that and then i would come through at normal speed and play it just so i get a feel of where it's slowing down and then i'll come through here again and i'll say okay well let's i'm going to turn this down to half speed i'll set the frames limiter and i'll set it to 30 frames a second because i want i speed this up in my video editor to get 60 frames a second so i'll say i want that to last 12 seconds because it's actually half of that when i'm editing and then i'll come through here and this turn that's probably half of that so i'll make this six and i'll come here that's longer i will make that 14 and then of course we've got to have a pan of the entire city so we will come here and add that one we'll take this to zero and add this right here this is that kind of a still weight so then i can just run it and it'll it'll go through uh so trees thank you so much for your support and uh yeah it's a really fun stream don't forget the fire watch towers absolutely so then i just go through i record this this is at half speed i would go through and i try my best to remember to turn off the road names i will go through and set the day night cycle where i want it to be either in a static location or i'll crank the speed so you get to see that that that time change and this is how i do it and i'll just keep i'll keep going through and trying this out until i get the look i want so generally it takes me oh yeah see this is way too fast so i would take that back and i would increase that so uh that is that is uh what i do um it's been something that i've i've tried to refine over time for the static cameras what i will do is i will choose these points for some reason it's not letting me move around let's see i'll come in here let's just clear all these out i will choose these locations i'll add them [Music] so let's add we'll have four you right here too and then right here because everyone wants to see this road and then i will go through here and i will add on the time i want so let's say it's 12 seconds and then i'll turn this down and now you just get that static you know 12 seconds at this particular location generally i'm gonna slow this down so that i um i get more more fps i want this to be i want this to be as as smooth as possible so and it crashed on me so that's gonna be the end of the stream well thank you so much everyone for joining funny thing is i can see that in the live stream it's still moving it's not moving for me so i'm gonna end it here uh and i want to thank you all for coming thank you for your support thank you for your likes your shares your chatting and i'm gonna be in the discord server for a couple minutes i hope to see you there thank you so much bye-bye everyone [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 65,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays city builders, City planner plays cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, cities: skylines, city skylines, cities skylines lets play, unmodded cities skylines, cities skylines how to start your city
Id: DD-mxE2pVag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 40sec (7180 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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