How to Build a Metro System and Tram in Cities Skylines: Verde Beach #42

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[Music] hello and welcome back to city planner place where we are building the city of verde beach and in today's episode we are going to work on the subway system and tram network and this is an exciting build because i think that we can start to remedy some of this craziness that we're seeing with the buses at verde beach central station so a big reason why i think that we're experiencing these issues is that our highest capacity forms of transit aren't going to the right places so one of the other issues that uh i think that we have with our transit and our high capacity transit network our metro and our trams is that when you when you take a look they're really complicated and the stop frequency is not all that great so let's just quickly take a look at our transit network and actually let's narrow this in so we're gonna hide all of our buses and we're probably good if we do that uh so you can see that these networks are meandering all over the place they're kind of going in circles and looping and forcing transfers and doing some pretty crazy stuff so let's contrast that with our bus network so when you look at the bus network it's covering some places that nowhere else covers which is to a certain extent to be ext kind to be expected that's kind of the flexibility of buses but at the same time you see that we have all this backup and i think it's the green line that's backing up and one of the things that we're seeing is that you see got this dark green bust line it's looping right here going back around going up here it's actually kind of mirroring this subway line that we have so the the sims are looking at this as a more desirable route so this is something that we're going to want to eliminate uh when we get to our bus network we don't want to have these mirroring routes we're going to use the buses as first and last mile sort of uh sort of sort of sort of uh circulators and we're going to use our subway system to make sure that our origins and destinations are lined up well for really longer and higher capacity trips within the city so the way that we're going to figure out our origins and destinations is actually to look at our population map and what you can see here very clearly is where people live and the other areas are destinations where people would want to go so you can see right here we have our industrial area we've got a lot of population here high density population along sunset in cherry hills you can see that there's an office complex in this area some commercial so we want to make sure that we're hitting these areas in a very concise way but also connecting those areas to some of these other destinations so our university our sports complex our egg complex so these are the sorts of things that we want to link up we want to do that in a way that makes sense so one of the big critiques i have with the system and i'm going to eliminate again these other forms of transit we'll have just those that we're going to focus on today so we have a system that has all these spurs and branches and it's not really all that logical so i think the very first thing that we're going to do is just simply go down the line and eliminate the existing service [Music] so we had about 3 900 trips per week total and we're going to see what happens when we uh we make some changes so now that we've added this monorail line you can see that there's some really some duplication in our system and we're gonna want to eliminate some of that so what we're going to do so i'm looking at a lot of different branches and spurs and i really don't like what's happening so i think we're going to eliminate a great deal of this system you might wonder how reasonable is it for the city to go through and just eliminate these subway lines well it does happen it's i wouldn't say it's something that's super common that you get a big reconfiguration like this but it does happen um i think especially in an area where you're just not seeing the trips making a ton of sense or you're not getting the ridership you might go out with a referendum and ask could we spend x number of dollars to completely overhaul the transit system over 40 or 50 years or something so this wouldn't be a project that verde beach says we want to spend the money right now and uh we'll have this thing done in a couple years this would be certainly something that would take decades but it's a game and we can take some liberties so i'm going to go through now and stop talking and just eliminate the rest of these lines because we're gonna reconstruct them entirely and make them much more efficient okay one more line and i think we're good okay so i think we have all of our lines completely empty at this point uh they're not connected they're just except for this one going to the airport there's no real reason to demolish that line so we are going to keep it so one of the things that i want to think about quite a bit is you know we have some of these stops so we've got this subway stop here this was placed before we ever had all these buildings and there's two ways to make this particular stop good if we could have had a path through here that would have made some sort of connection or we could have placed this right on sunset we didn't either so we have this path with this this metro station that's next to an uh oil industry main building not you know some low in uh low density residential not the greatest location so what we're gonna do to fix this is we're gonna place this building right along sunset or at least in close proximity to sunset i don't know how close we can get it we're gonna have to use eminent domain and the way that we're gonna justify this is by saying that we have all of this property that we can now redevelop and put these stops in so we're going to kind of go down the line and make some some some fixes what i'm thinking is so we're going to want lines that go straight down and then rather than looping these lines we're going to have stops that go in the opposite direction and send lines up and force a transfer above ground rather than having this all happen underground now in reality i think that most of this would happen underground but i don't know that i'll go through the assets to see if there's anything that i could use but i don't believe that there are any in the game so this is probably the one that i could use the metro underground plaza there could be some justification to use it somewhere in an area like this unfortunately the problem when you when you look at it is it's just a very large asset so even though we have the money for it even though we have the need for it it's just a really difficult asset to place without destroying a block or something like that that said maybe we will go that route yeah so as i go through these the only thing i could really do would be to significantly rework a block in downtown we may do something like that i just i don't see it as really reasonable at this point in time i think that we're already going kind of above and beyond in terms of reasonableness so we might just settle for some of our old assets but use them in a more logical manner so one of the things i absolutely want to make a point of this time around is minimizing the number of turns that we have so we had a lot of turns before some sharp turns that really slowed down our our subway stations and that's not at all desirable the other thing i want to look at is so right now this there'd be an opportunity to transfer we have another one right here so having one in the middle wouldn't be the worst idea and we don't have to use much eminent domain there because there was a one one one tile building in that location you can see that now that's a gentle turn so i would love to keep this on the same block but going one block off is not the end of the world so i think that we are going to gently move this one to make our connection that one is again another transfer opportunity this would be as well this isn't in my mind the greatest location we might relocate this one probably somewhere in this vicinity that's about equidistant between this stop and this one [Music] and we will finance that by eliminating this and now we'll have another office type user in that particular location and now i think our next stop is going to be central station that's nice and straight so from there we had a stop here i don't think that this one is all that necessary anymore so we're going to eliminate that because we already have some of our other stops and i'd really rather get our main line to connect up to hamilton hills and then have our final stop be right here in fire beach so i think we are going to keep these stations and just try to simplify this route and that line is complete so i think we can get this running so you can see that what this line is doing is is really connecting pockets of density to a couple of core destinations and i think this is going to be very beneficial to the city it adds a couple of new stops now one of the things i noticed over here while i was over here is that we have this kind of this cross design and we're not using part of the cross now one of the things that i think we could do we have some space over here be really nice if we could fit in a stop close to the harbors and just kind of keep people from crossing the road it's a very expensive project and truthfully it's not going to work so we're probably just going to leave it as is kind of unfortunate to waste that but not much we can do about that it's just that the location of the airport is kind of what it is so all right so now let's go back to our buildings view and you can see that there is a corridor of density right here interestingly see what we have zoned here we have a kind of a commercial corridor coming right up here what road is this is this vine street so we've got kind of a corridor of commercial right up here so this is all destinations and then we have our subway lines really kind of nothing happening right here so let's take a look oh we have a stop right there that's perfect because what i was thinking is it'd be really great to have another line going up and down this road with an opportunity to transfer in close proximity so one of the unfortunate things is it's possible to overlap these but it can be a challenge particularly when we don't lower the subway line so this one we didn't lower it we could have kind of cheesed that a bit what we're gonna do i think is just back this up so that'll be a close enough walk the sims will take it oh and i'm on the wrong side [Laughter] well we're gonna move these anyway and we will take all of this extra land that we are obtaining we'll try to use some of this empty land as well slope too steep interesting what is happening here well it doesn't like that location so and it's interesting you can see that there are a number of undeveloped parcels in this area and i'm wondering how much of that has to do with slopes let's re-zone some of these and see if it fixes anything so other things can can develop here and these are our uses that you know i i think would go well together so i'm okay changing the zoning there we'll say that a developer came in and uh recommended that because that parcel has been sitting vacant for so long why doesn't the city take advantage of that and do something so i think that these other two stations were too close together so what we're gonna do is try to mirror this on vine we might back this out just a little bit now i'm actually seeing why we did this so maybe we won't [Laughter] so what i do want to do is i want to start our line that's going to go the in the opposite direction and then we'll add those stations there eliminate this and we will sell that little chunk of land for a residential development same thing over here residential and now let's get our line connected and while we're doing this let's make sure that we're naming these because i don't want to have to do it after the fact so this was this the airport sunset line [Music] that'll be the vine street line and what you can see i'm that i'm doing here now and i truthfully there's a big part of me that wishes that this stop was on the other side of the block i'm gonna call them all again just a little one so i'd love there to be a line of sight between these stations and that is why i am reconsidering my initial plan there [Music] i'm not sure if this is going to fix itself no but i can so now you can see that you could easily walk up a block across a local street and get between these stations and i wish i really really wish that it was more simple to move this right here in this corner so that you're kind of just walking up that same block but it's not going to be that easy but now this transfer is going to occur very simply and i'm curious if i speed this up when we see lots of people coming back and forth between the two you don't necessarily see it yet but it will happen with time so this will become kind of a transfer between these two so we've got that line going and that is good the next line is we're going to have another kind of east west if we want to consider it that line and that will connect up here which is kind of a no man's land right now we never actually zoned any of this property out here that's a later day project and now we have stops that are just simply too close to one another so we're going to take this one out i don't think that that one people can walk to one of these other two there's a great deal of pedestrian connectivity and we want the money for we want to be able to sell that land so that we can fund all of these crazy infrastructure projects that we are currently undertaking so we'll have one there and then we need to take this one and connect up to our stadium district but we're going right through the in the club district i think that we could potentially have one more stop the unfortunate thing is we're really far away in fact what i'm thinking we might do is just pull this back closer to our train station it's nice to have it right there but people can walk a block what would be more useful would be to actually have this with a bit of with a bit of uh synergy with our other forms of transit so we're just trying to make sure that there are always opportunities to make transfers between modes of transit especially the high the the the higher capacity modes of transit so this one again we're connecting a whole bunch of density to some destinations and offering opportunities now this would stink i'm not going to lie transferring on the under the subway a couple times to get here maybe not ideal but we are gonna have multiple different alternatives to get there we're gonna name this our party line because if you wanted to party this would be the subway line you would take you'd get to gambe you could get to in the club you could get to a concert over in sugar hill at the sugar hill uh at the uh at the firemen's park so there's a lot of things that you could do here on this particular line so lots of good stuff i think that if you wanted to and maybe you would you would extend this out just a little ways to again have some synergy with this line we could have another station over here and maybe even extend this into our oil district but it might be a little overboard truthfully at this point because you could still get around for the most part i think that there would be some value in one stop over here though okay so we fixed this line and now this at least offers people coming in from this train station the opportunity to hop on the subway network and get to the rest of the city so and that's another transfer opportunity it's kind of a redundant mode because you wouldn't need to necessarily believe that there's a connection between these two lines but you could get off here and transfer into one of these other get deeper into the district rather than kind of being stuck here so i think that works so next we know that the busiest line here was going to the university so we have this old university line and we have this line here there's just kind of a lot of stuff going on what i think we're going to do this line right here i don't love this location this is truthfully really serving the verde beach government complex and what i think might be better would be to have some sort of connection over here going straight up into this district it doesn't even have to necessarily have a ton of stops that might be the more direct route that said because we already have this stop here we might continue doing what we have been doing i'm i'm talking myself in into both both into both directions truthfully because it's just kind of a tough one the other thing is we have all of this density to use eminent domain in one of these buildings is really a challenge i would imagine that this would actually be built inside of the building rather than taking it away but this is a game and we're going to do what it wants which is to use a great deal of destruction to make this development occur boom but we're going to mirror that on both sides we're going to change things up here a bit so this is going to be a very simple short route now i think that we probably if we were going to get wild it could have another oh what's going on here okay no it is there okay so we could try to make this connect up over here might not be the worst thing in the world i might this might be where things aren't quite as legible and that was kind of the thing i was trying to prevent but in this particular location i think that it works out okay make this one our government district line and it is unfortunate that the main district that this is trying to connect forces this crazy pedestrian connection but it's already there people are already used to it and it's going to be a lot cheaper to reuse this particular station than it is to blow up our government district so we will consider that an okay compromise in this particular location you can already see that we're getting some good utilization interestingly we're getting a lot of tourists on our s uh on our on our subway lines very interesting so but they're they're working out all right so now we need to rectify this and one of the issues that i have here is that the line is going to to turn and rather than having a gentle turn what i have is a pretty stark turn and i don't want that to occur so what i need to do is find a way to get this to gently turn so having this instead of on this block here i think we're going to try to put that over here onto onto greenaway street so we're gonna relocate this not as much density here so we're taking out low density buildings and replacing the uh and gaining some high density residential space here they'll walk over to here these are all local roads it's not the end of the world and then we're going to relocate this station which is in a higher density district and try to line that up right here with what is this road this is bass i believe we're going to line this up with bass so kind of mirroring that high density high frequency corridor here and we'll have a stop right about here where the density is not quite so high actually this is a pretty low density area within this corridor anyway so it's not the end of the world so we'll make our connections here and again this will allow some fairly quick transfers oh i like that so now our next issue is going to be the university so the university has an interesting dilemma and that is that the university is connected you know very directly to this route we don't have a nice connection between the university and uh this this area over here we're forcing everyone to walk so that's one of the reasons why buses are going to be very well utilized there i don't think that we're going to improve that not with the subway anyway we are going to bring the subway into old verde beach the first time but i think that what we're going to do is open up some transfer opportunities and kind of call it a day there now this is a challenging spot to actually make connections in part of it is we have all these fences but i think we can add it here and then people are at least on the same block and this will go right underneath the zoo which initially when i planned all this i was really trying to avoid that but hindsight being 2020 the zoo animals will be fine there are subways in very urban areas they'll be fine so you see that this is a another very direct route and you start to see what these lines are doing this is mirroring this is kind of our our rear east west this is our main east west and then we have some north south corridors connecting into the city and these are lower density areas so i don't know how far we want to extend in that said this area right here in particular is kind of our high density corridor in old verde beach so maybe we could have one more subway stop in this in this area i think it would be appropriate and we get some decent ridership so i'm going to add one more here i'm going to kind of shoehorn it back here though where it's not quite as built up [Music] we'll make this the bucks line for the buccaneers and i think that this really improves the legibility of the system i think that being able to to take it east west route transfer to a north-south route would make a ton of sense the one thing that we're lacking in is this is kind of operating a lot like uh contemporary american uh transit systems in a very bad way and that is so if you were so imagine this being a downtown area in suburbs now these aren't suburbs obviously this is these are dense urban neighborhoods but one of the things where transit systems often fail is that it's really easy to get from anywhere to the downtown and really difficult to get from the outer areas to another outer area and you see the exact same thing here if you're in the gambi district and you want to get to the good old institute for conservation and you want to make sure that you are utilizing a subway system the big issue that you're going to have is that you have to first of all um i'm going to reconsider what i did here and i might actually extend this route over so one of the reasons i say that is so you finish a football game you don't want to walk you want to be able to take the subway and get back to your dorm you are going down the verde beach government line going to central station walking two blocks uh getting on this line and coming back all to travel you know five blocks that's not ideal i think ideally and maybe this is where i'll deviate just a little bit from my initial plan if i can fit in a line here which i don't think i'm going to be able to i'd love to have a line directly within this campus where i could make this connection but it's just not going to work because of the distance kind of the only thing i could do would be to to repurpose this kind of turn it and do something pretty hokey i really don't want to do that i want to make these legibles so i'm going to avoid that and we're going to have to look at other modes of transit to facilitate this trip so i think our subway system's good i think that we're in a spot now we don't we don't have necessarily the same number of trips just yet i think that's going to improve over time i do want to see let's back out we'll take a look and see if there are any particular subway stations that are backing up a lot still got this bus and i kind of i want to eliminate the buccaneer loop now that is not a valuable trip for us anymore it's completely duplicative and i think i think forcing some of these folks to take other modes of transit will actually help us so we're going to do that now i think that that's going to improve the number of trips that we have here this is kind of me fudging the game a little bit and you see all these people holy cow look at that they're all streaming to the subway because we have facilitated this trip with our subway line and that's going to see this this just absolutely go through the roof now i don't know how many sub subway trains we actually have on the buccaneer line two vehicles hmm interesting so that might maybe it'll be enough after this clears out let's take a look at each of the lines 200 and we're probably okay once we get past this initial crush of people um we'll have to keep an eye on this particular stop though because man is it full and you see that these cars are full and have been full and so they're likely passing people up let's see if people get stuck here yep they're passing up 30 people that's a problem so we're going to want to think about i'd like to get maybe one more vehicle on this line and maybe that will relieve some of this some of the issues that we have here too we had 400 waiting at one point [Music] and i'm real curious that now that we have these two coming are these two gonna clear this i don't think that they're going to it might be close so here it is we're down to 250. that's still not good we're still leaving people there we're leaving trips unfulfilled we'll go even higher we'll get four vehicles on here i think that that's probably going to do the trick so you know now that we have this higher capacity transit now you can see that we're right about where we were but the big difference is that when you look here holy cow [Laughter] there's a lot of people there's certainly a lot of people but we don't have that bus back up now we do have a lot of people walking that's unfortunate i wish that we could have gotten this closer and especially with bass street being right here this could be a problem we're gonna need to keep it keep an eye on that we're probably okay the bigger issue is probably with this person getting sick because of the noise of the subway now but we've got a fix for that we've always got a fix for that well they're sick but they look stylish while they're sick so that's that's something and you know this is one of the mechanics that really bugs me about the game it would be such a great boon to these people to live that close to a transit system the land value here in pearl hills would shoot absolutely through the roof it would be amazing yet here we are with sick people because it's too loud there's a subway state station right next to this now let's say nothing about the emissions that are no longer occurring in this area we're going to worry about the noise from the subway maybe that'll help have a tree-lined street here nope still mad [Laughter] well you can't please everybody i guess well now that we've got our subway done and look at that we're now we're now eclipsing where we were before i do think there would be value in continuing to look at these other lines to make sure let's just make sure that we don't have any passing up occurring you see it here we have hundreds of people queuing and we've got multiple stations like that and that's this is a really long line so we might just crank this up we'll uh we'll double the number of vehicles on here hopefully that will clear some of this madness you see the vehicles are all next to each other 400 people here at this particular stop holy cow at the airport 1 200 people waiting [Laughter] 300 here holy cow and we might need to go even higher i'll tell you what we're gonna we're gonna take this one to 300 percent actually we'll do four we're gonna crank this one and we're gonna take a break from this particular line we'll come back to that one and see how that looks afterwards because i think that number of vehicles has to clear up the queue there's i could do the math and there would be a much better way of looking at that but i think at this point i want to clear it out and then we'll back it down from there we're not going to use the most scientific approach here we're doing okay we've got one stop that looks like it's very busy interestingly that's right in the middle of the block so we only have one vehicle so as this approaches this particular stop it's already full and we're leaving people behind so let's increase this to two [Music] we'll take a look at the government district again we have one or two stops that are well this might be fine so let's see so we left a couple people behind here i'm not overly concerned this one's more concerning to me so this stop right here which is right at this train station did not clear its queue so we're gonna increase this one we'll add one vehicle to this line and that should be enough to clear out that cue we'll see how the party line's doing again we've got one of these the end of the line over here by gambes is really packed and then we've got one at the other end by sugar hill fireman's park that one is also completely clogged up so what we're gonna do is you can see that this is passing this with two vehicle capacity so i think we're gonna double this again and that should put us in a place where hopefully we're clearing that and again this this is a residential primarily a residential serving line 62 car trip say that's something i'm kind of curious about with the rest of the lines as well so the bucs line this one's in a good spot this one 85 car trip saved let's organize this by name we'll look at that let's look back at this vehicles all over the place you can see that this one's the one that was really tricky and it's heading in the right direction granted we've got subways on subways that's what's on subways but it's at least going in the right direction [Music] so this 100 car trip saved so this is a very important line you see that it's starting to clear out some of these cues but all of these vehicles are absolutely packed to the brim back to the gills as soon as they reach there so we need all of these unfortunately all of these these uh these vehicles that are serving this line that's gonna what happens when you have a long line this one's 14 kilometers lots of utilization it's really the backbone of the entire system serving both residents and tourists you can see there's a good division in between even the the ages of folks that are using this so it's a very important line i'm okay having all of these uh all of these subways here kind of going up and down this line as long as we keep this completely empty which is looking more and more challenging this airport stop is really challenging it's really challenging and this makes me wonder if it you know maybe there's some sort of express that we could have with this other line directly to central station maybe that would have an impact on this it is starting to clear up but as quickly as it clears up it seems like we get another couple hundred people at this stop that said look at that we're down to 900 so maybe i just need to be patient [Laughter] let's look at our other lines real quick 72 percent on the government line 63 on the party line 48 on the vine street line that's interesting not saving as many car trips here that's okay so we we've certainly cranked up our our transit service here from a traffic standpoint we're at 85 now so that's outstanding 84.85 i'll take that any day of the week the last bit i want to do in this episode is i want to take a look at what we're doing with our tram so our tram's been kind of this weird this weird service that doesn't really it's kind of listless at this point like why do we have this service so i like what it's doing i just don't like where it's doing it um so right now what this line is doing is it's kind of serving this this area connecting old verde beach to our tourism district and that makes perfect sense to me what i don't like is that we have this high capacity transit corridor that could be very valuable and rather than sending it down a highly visible corridor that's well connected we're sending it down this side street which made sense when it was initially constructed now i'm not sure that i love it so what we might consider doing would be to actually send this we'll continue to have this loop we'll send it down main street come over here down semper verde and then go down is this sunset yeah it's sunset so we'll go down sunset and do the loop that we have been doing so this the purpose of this will really be to maximize our coverage this will be to supplement our future bus service we're not using it um this is not super fast we're not super concerned about that so so let's get converting on some of these streets you can see that we just take it off here and i want to change that so you might wonder why i'm going all the way up here that's mainly so that we have some sort of synergy with our bus okay so we've had our trams going all the way down to the lewis lumber company and we are going to stop that i do want to take a look at this route first so i understand what i'm eliminating because i do think that we are going to want to think about this in the future so we've got 15 vehicles with 20 stops serving 215 passengers not surprising it is serving a destination but it's not doing a very good job of it you can see that there's a lot of stops here and it's not it's just not that desirable an area to have this kind of transit i think that this would be an area much better served by buses so we could be flexible as things move we could change our bus route we've got this line and truthfully we can just eliminate it at this point in time so we've got this line over here doing lots of things and we are going to pull it off and have it do things over here instead so we're going to remove these stops hopefully that will be enough to get it to switch roads [Music] and we've got lots of stops here to maximize our coverage and this is the game plan of this it'll provide a transfer over to both the subway and this monorail line so you could get lots of places you'd also have the opportunity to get under the subway here if you wanted and truthfully i might look at this particular stop and move it i think that does a little bit better job now you can get off here and walk around the block and get to the subway so again it's giving that interface opportunity with our existing system and now we have lots of roads that we're going to need to convert into regular old roads and i think that we're going to take this opportunity to have tree-lined streets here oh this is just that's unfortunate so this was just a uh a monorail street we're at the hamano rail tram street so as a result we just totally took it out took out everything around it so these areas still have fairly good access it's just that we're moving it a block over there's not a lot of a lot of traffic on this particular corridor but one thing that we've done now is this side of old verde beach had great access to transit and now this side does as well they can both walk over to main street to get on the tram which is a really big boon to this entire area in my opinion so where they did lose transit access is going down this road this is really expensive transit to have going down a road like this and one of the things that i'm seeing as i look at this is there's just not a lot of traffic i think we might actually put this road on a road diet and what we'll do is knowing that we have transit coming here in the future we're going to reduce this down we'll have a transit lane here in the future when we have our bus lane at least this will be prioritized we're not doing anything in terms of right-of-way the elimination of it or requesting more and adding on we're just repurposing the existing right-of-way actually i have some i was starting to add some really nice streets over here this is an industrial district and we can have industrial roads in fact we probably should have had industrial roads all the way along here but we didn't so we can make those couple of changes while we're in this area now these roads are a little bit louder but the maintenance cost is way less so i look at that as a win for this area [Music] so i thought it'd be fun to upgrade some of these really old roads that we've got we have through here and we don't have enough right-of-way to actually do this without moving things so we'll keep that one old dirt road through here and people will wonder why it's because the city doesn't have enough right-of-way to do anything better there so we are stuck with it this is significantly better than it was before so let's take a look at what our transit ridership looks like now that we've made our changes and we got this up to over 5 000 trips a week which is awesome on our just residents on our tourists we're looking at 2500 we look at our traffic we're at 86 85 we're in an awesome spot now there are a couple of targeted things that i think we could do to make this even better um so there are two more things i want to do in the episode number one i want to make a core a key connection over here that i think we're missing and number two i want to plant trees along along sunset because that was a critique that i received and it's one that i take seriously we don't have enough landscaping we can fix that so this there's a bottleneck so these two districts are working together but there's only two ways to get there you can either go down river street or you can go down semper verde across the highway through the double roundabout it's not ideal but what would be ideal would be having a local connection through this area so what we're going to do is we're going to extend this road we're going to say that this is getting re-purp this is being rebuilt it's very old at this point in time and the city is going to come in and use it as an opportunity to say we'll give you some of this right away from the highway if you allow us to build our road here so i'm going to build this right here we'll cross the highway well we have an earthquake sensor here we will need to relocate this earthquake sensor right along the highway the absolute best place for it and we wanted to move this deep space radar anyway for a long time not overly concerned about this location this is very ugly we are going to improve this we cannot settle for that that's terrible [Music] so there's a significant topographic challenge here you see that we're going up so i think i actually need to take this bridge even higher than i was taking it so i was going up three and i think i actually need to go up four that's not perfect but it is significantly better so this connection right here i think is going to take a ton of pressure off from semper verde so the other thing that we could have i mean we could probably have two of these if we really wanted to but that one is probably good enough and you're gonna see a lot of traffic funneling down through here just so i remember where this is i am going to upgrade this road ah we got a fire department here mucking things up for us so this is a very important connection now let's see what this road is called water street to juniper we'll meet it there water street will meet up with juniper here at elm street again our small right-of-ways so maybe i just need to be okay with some dirt roads back here they're not hurting anything you can see that there's already traffic coming down here this already looks lighter let's take a look yeah this is already a heavy corridor very important corridor already so we could certainly do one more connection if we wanted i think that what would rationally probably happen here is this might be re-angled because obviously the dominant movement here is this so i think that the city might work to to acquire this property and 90 this up because right now this is a really challenging turn plus we have all of these stop signs kind of remnants or all of these signals which are remnants of our previous system so this might help as well okay so i think we're in a better spot yeah this is functioning at this point as a collector and you can see the amount of traffic it's carrying wow that's a lot yeah that's that's that's okay though that is completely okay in my book we've got heavy spots we don't have a lot of stopping so i think i think we're in a good spot with that 86 percent 86 and it's hanging there for a little bit so that's that's awesome so what we're gonna do now i one of the things that was mentioned is that in the comments is that it's really a shame that we have this corridor which all these trees before and now it's empty so what i'm gonna do is go up and down this corridor and make sure that it feels like verde beach we're gonna add some palm trees we clearly had a fire in this area so we're gonna just continue to increase the flammability of this area [Music] oh my goodness we finally did it so we made it all the way up and down sunset and added some trees and you know what you got you guys are right it looks a ton better with some palm trees it feels like a vacation so what started out as maybe some gorilla urbanism some residents going out and planting a couple palm trees in some right of way that uh it was underutilized maybe we got the arbor day foundation involved and they helped make this a tree city the city really decided to double down and make sure that every square inch of landscaping that or of land that was not landscaped could indeed have a tree planted on it you can see it just it breaks it up there's sometimes these walls of buildings and that can feel okay but having that greenery in there man that feels good too that feels real good i really like this and i hope it appeased myrtle you know we had a we had a fire problem over here at the start of the episode we have one over here i don't see any fires so uh maybe she's okay maybe she's okay so we have accomplished the goal for this episode let's check out how it is doing now that we've let this run a little while and yeah wow 5 400 uh resident trips per week almost 3 000 tourist trips per week let's take a look at this main line see how we're doing we have for the most part cleared things out couple hot spots right here where we're we're forcing that transfer not surprising that seeing a lot of a lot of activity not surprising that we're getting a lot of tourists on this particular line as well i mean we we certainly have our our motto rail to take a great deal of this when we take a look at it we see that wow there's actually a lot of residents taking the monorail yeah the monorail has has a lot of residents taking it too that's not not a huge problem at least we're able to accommodate these trips on transit and what that ultimately means is that we have 86 percent traffic flow because we're keeping people off the roads and on transit and we have our policy i believe it's citywide to ensure that people are taking they can transit yes free public transit we're good so i'm gonna leave it here i'm very pleased with how this episode turned out i think it's really improved the city i hope that you enjoyed this episode if you did please consider giving me the like button uh hitting the like button if you aren't subscribed to my channel please consider doing so and if you want to be notified when i release new content hit that notification icon i also want to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters their support really helps me to elevate my content improve my equipment and my setup so that i can keep improving the videos and i also want to thank you your likes your subscribes they increase the reach of the channel which is incredibly helpful i want to leave you with a brief city tour and we'll start that right [Music] now [Music] me [Music] wow [Music] wow [Music] wait [Music] foreign [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 146,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, verde beach, verde beach cities skylines, cities: skylines, unmodded cities skylines, city skylines, cities skylines subway, cities skylines subway system, cities skylines metro station, cities skylines metro system, cities skylines metro layout, cities skylines metro tips, cities skylines tram roads, cities skylines tram system, cities skylines realistic city, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines metro, lets play
Id: SxtT78ETIrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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