Meeting City Needs: Parks, Deathcare, Utilities, etc. (Verde Beach #7)

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[Music] hello and welcome back to a city planner place city builders where we are building the city of verde beach and today is going to be an interesting episode uh what i want to do today is go through all the city's needs and make sure that they are being met i really want to focus on what the city is saying it needs and make sure that i'm meeting those needs now i've been looking at all of the needs of the city and noticing some interesting issues i think that we are on the brink of a major catastrophe so i'm going to pause this and show you a little bit of what i mean so i'm looking and our garbage processing status is falling a bit behind i look at things like our death care and notice that our cemetery is nearly full and i look at our water and see that our availability is dropping down today i'm going to go through each and every uh one of our info views and and figure out what the community needs and try to meet those needs this is everything from you know death care like i mentioned uh all the way to parks which truthfully i've been pretty bad about placing parks and neighborhoods the only park that we have is founders park the rest have really been avoided we also don't have any child care or elder care and as a result you see that the average health of of senior citizens is dropping and they are roughly a quarter to a third of the city's population so we are potentially on the brink of a death wave which is pretty terrifying when you don't have cemetery space so i think that we're going to have some significant issues and that's one of the reasons why i paused one of the other things i've given some thought to is the layout of this park i'm very excited to build this park area but it's just not the right time now one of the things i want to do before i build the park is actually have all the land around it purchased and right now i have available to me the ability to purchase these two lands but i can only purchase one at a time so i am going to purchase this area uh that's directly east of the coast corridor district but one of the reasons i'm doing that is i think that this is the readiest area for expansion uh based on you know its characteristics and um the distance that we're gonna have in between uh river street and the park itself this is at least a couple blocks wide up here because of uh you know what i've done here with green away road there's really not a lot of room to build neighborhoods up here so i'm pretty concerned about this and i'm probably going to reconfigure this some as we go through this episode to try to improve um local traffic through the area i've already built this arterial and i'm not going to have very many if any connections into it in this particular tile so that means that all traffic is going to be funneling to greenway road and that's going to create a significant traffic problem when we build this area out on the coast which i fashioned being the downtown or at least one part of the downtown all of that traffic is going to need to navigate through the main area to get there now that's a problem because there are no collector roads going to the to uh to the coast corridor so we're going to need to contemplate that too and what i think is that evan street is the most likely candidate to be converted into a collector i don't want to convert river street into a collector that was never the intention i want to preserve the waterfront for local uses i want it to be a little bit more pedestrian oriented i don't want it to be a street that is meant for getting a regional traffic through the community so we're not going to do that but i think evans street can be that street that said we're going to need to make some decisions on that in the future so strap in i think this is going to be an interesting episode so what i'm going to do is start out with looking at our needs and so right now we're doing fine on electricity but on water like i mentioned we're in a bad spot now in the past i've been laying uh these uh i've been mainly focused on water towers as our main source for uh water production in the city and this has been rightly critiqued there's a large freshwater source here that likely spring fed so why wouldn't the city be using that and why would they be pumping instead well i think it might be time to make a change there and i've been talking about this public works campus for a long time i think that this area on west river street would be an ideal location for a public works campus in this campus we would have some of our uses like you know i think this would be where we have our water pumps or water treatment it would also be a place where we could have things like you know a road maintenance depot for instance we don't have one of those at the current time so i am going to extend river street out and have some water pumping over here there will be issues with that no doubt we do not have the ability right now to we don't have any power over here so we're going to need to extend power over into this area which is certainly a concern we're going to have to think about but we do have water here at this point and that is a an improvement so let's get this connected [Music] and we're going to need power as well i do not believe that this power is going to be permanent ideally in the future we have uh uses along this road that will make that connection but for the time being we do not uh do i think it's incredibly reasonable that we would have power lines going over the freeway like this no i do not but i do think that it works well for the time being and we're gonna run with it so at least we have power and water going here we've got that connected so our first need is being met next we have a problem with trash collection so again i mentioned that i want this to be kind of a public works campus and one of those uses at the campus will be trash collection so i do want to mirror our roadway grid out here just in case we ever decide to redevelop so i am going to go the 12 up and the 15 over and i'm going to look at what we have available to us so we have incinerator plants but i know that if i place that too close to the water it will pollute so i am going to go a little bit further up and place this a little bit further away i don't love this being here for aesthetic reasons but i do like this being here for noise reasons and for that i will deal with it i think that that's probably that this is probably the best location for it the other location that would be okay for it would likely be over here near the recycling plants but reasonably i kind of want to move some of these in the future and consolidate them over here and at that point it'll make a lot more sense so i am going to place one to start out with i have a feeling we're going to need more in the future in likely the near future so that is two down hopefully let's see all right our garbage processing status is again okay oh no it's not okay now it's okay that's it this would provide power to the water pump in the future okay so we're good there next let's look at our education so we have elementary we're good high school we're good university we have uh none and we have a lot of eligible university students so i want to build a university campus in the future but for the time being i i don't really want to focus in all that much on that uh so one of the things i've been thinking about is with the creators packs we have these university buildings that have a moderate student capacity so i'm thinking it might be nice to have a small private university in the area right now what i was thinking is a great location for that would be near this public transit hub so what i think i'm going to do is place just a couple buildings and have a walkway going between there making kind of our own university complex [Music] so this brings up evans street this is going to be converted to a collector we're going to use eminent domain take out a row of high density buildings not great form in my mind but i think it's necessary i think this is uh for the growth of the city absolutely mandatory there's no way around it we have to do it so we are going to do it and one of the things i'm thinking is we will take evan street and turn it right here fortunately that means we're gonna need to do a lot of modification in this area they might wonder why i decided to turn the road like this what the purpose of it was why in general well i'll try to explain it so first of all i'm concerned that not only are we lacking east-west connectivity but north-south connectivity through here so this will give us the ability to at least channel some of that traffic through here i think evans is the most logical place for that because we can make a collector collector connection so we're going to do more here in the future but for the for the time being this is what we're going to have i do want to focus on pedestrian connectivity here though so i am going to add a path through this area to make that connection considering there will be no roadway connection directly here i also want to be cognizant right up front right up front about priority of this roadway so this is a priority road whoa actually ooh sunset boulevard i like that better than evans i know it breaks the naming i think i might go with it though i just i like that maybe that's the uh the former la uh dweller in me coming out yeah i want to adjust the priority on this right off the bat we've got a priority or we'll make this a priority road and we'll adjust the junctions accordingly and uh in the future the lots this is this road's going to carry a ton of traffic this will be one of the ways to get from the interstate over to this area speaking of the interstate uh there's been some discussion about how my naming conventions are not correct so i've done a little bit of research and you're right it would be a two-digit roadway name in this area so we are going to do that so east-west roads would be even north-south roads would be odd so let's fix this so i think we're good now take it into the great beyond okay and here also ends in that same spot and we will take it way out here also need to take a look at these so why don't we make this okay so these are odd numbered street they're uh interstate so we have that correct let's see looks like it carries through four five northbound and southbound so we're good there much happier with this we will fix this as well [Music] and while we're thinking about it let's also change the price let's change the naming of river street to make sure we don't forget about that now we do have some roads over here that will need to be renamed we'll do that probably in the future right now that's not the main focus i got a little sidetrack there let's get back to where we were so we had education and now we have a university so i wanted to add some paths through here to kind of demonstrate that this is a campus [Music] it would also be nice to add some landscaping in here to make it look a little bit more cohesive so i think i'm going to do that as well also let's upgrade this road while we're at it so that we don't have issues like just occurred happening to us a whole bunch the other thing i think i want to do i think i'm going to add some fences i know that this is controversial i like the fences because i don't have the ability to remove zoning and i don't want to inadvertently zone this so that's the primary reason i'm going to add fences it's just mainly a safeguard protection against myself basically in the future because i don't want to accidentally zone this area okay so i've got to be careful near the trails that look like it looks like in this area it didn't stop the zoning anyway so i'm just going to need to be very purposeful and with with my zoning i'm just going to mix up the landscaping a little bit here add some clusters of bushes and maybe even some benches [Music] okay so this is by no means a perfect little campus but i think it works it defines it and it is something that is a thing now as opposed to what it was before which is kind of just a cluster of these uh different buildings if i wanted to get really into the weeds i could say math building science building humanities building and now we have a little university and the significance of this is now we can have office buildings and we have now fulfilled one of our needs we could certainly do with another library we have one library in our system i think we're going to build another one close to this university it's going to be a logical location for it so let's see if we can fit this in so one of the things that's unfortunate is because of greenway road we are limited in our locations and oh the topography is terrible um let's see if we can improve that at all nope or i'm guessing that some people could i am not as skilled as some people at terraforming and landscaping i will give this go unfortunately i think that landscaping is probably going to be my uh best approach to actually making this happen as i'm doing this i am going to upgrade the roads in this area as well just to make sure that i don't have any surprises later one of those surprises for instance would be it looked as though i could plant some trees here i cannot so at least this is in close walking distance to this area and we have met another community need now this isn't at all adequate but libraries are a challenging thing in city skylines i don't think you'd want to put you know uh so first of all we have one library asset and it's huge and this is a city of under 10 000 people at this point we've lost 100 population and it still wants more libraries i don't think you know reasonably one library might serve a community this size that said i know 10 000 is probably actually 30 and even at that it's still probably fine okay so i think we're good there we uh aren't meeting our entire university need but we're getting some people to the university and i think that's good enough for now all right so let's look at our happiness commercial low um i think through this process we'll improve that i think we need to start looking at health care which we are good in death care which we are about to have a problem with child care and elder care so let's first start out with elder care and child care so i've been giving this some thought and i think this is some underutilized land back here and it could be a really neat place for some elder care now hear me out i know that you're probably thinking what you want to stick the elderly people at the back of the interstate how disrespectful but i don't think that it's as bad as it might seem as it might seem to be first of all this could be a park-like atmosphere if we do the right things so first of all the right things start out with changing our power line situation so that's part of it we have modified our power line so we have kingsley street and have it extend out here and place our elder care back here truthfully i think we might even be able to get away with having child care out here now this is not a great location for child care so maybe i won't place it there it doesn't really serve much of anything in fact when you look at it the distance served is really only impactful when it's centrally located so we're probably going to want to redevelop a property to make this happen let's focus on this for a second so first let's get the utilities there we need that so the reason why i think this is a good location is if we plant adequate landscaping and extend our sound walls over here i think it won't be that bad we could even have some more residential uses out in this area now i think i do want to space them out a little bit these are tucked away so why not increase the spacing and i only want to put them on the side of the road that is opposite the interstate reasonably we also might want to make this a cul-de-sac but i don't have any narrower roads so i'm stuck with if i were to do a cul-de-sac doing a two-lane cul-de-sac i just don't think it's worth it so i am going to just continue my zoning out here and kind of call it a day in this area [Music] the my guess is to it to to be a to be able to develop out here a significant landscape buffer would be required at the time of development to make this happen so that's one of the reasons why i have this big fairly symmetrical looking landscape buffer because i think that this would be required right off the bat this wouldn't even be a question i think also behind it because there's industrial uses something very similar would be required so i'm going to add some landscaping it looks like i had an asset sneak through i won't use that but i do want to be totally transparent about that not sure how that happened whoops i will double check that before the next time i load in [Music] and honestly this is a pretty nice neighborhood now i wouldn't mind living here even though it's that close to the interstate because even from these houses you can see it but it's a sound wall so it looks like you're just looking at trees with some buses peeking over overhead and behind it this industrial is a tree farm there are far more noxious uses so this is okay so we've got that worked out but we still need child care you can see our our our uh let's take a look at our elder care our lifespan has already dropped a year since we started the episode and we have three times as many six seniors it means we've gone from one to three for child care i do want to get some more child care uh in the city i do think this should be centrally located i mean i've got to look for an area where maybe we're not quite so leveled up should look at our uses too so child care is a commercial use so i think this might be a good place to put it in the neighborhood cities are doing lots of interesting things with child care i know that some communities are now looking at child care as a use by right which i think makes some sense um right now some communities look at this and they say well to have child care in an area you have to have you know kind of go through a a bunch of hoops to get it to be a thing so by making it a use in a residential district by right you could see a residential area redeveloped which is great because i'm looking right now and this doesn't fit with our path and i don't want to have to not only redevelop a commercial area but use eminent domain some homes so i am going to simply redevelop some homes with a child care center with a great view of the coast so lucky children um i know that that's not always the case but i think we need more than one and i think the university area would be a great location for said child care center so we're going to place one over here and let's see what that does for our child care our coverage is a lot better we could still use one more maybe over here i might try to place one along maybe along the interstate or near it again this isn't the most desirable land for housing there are homes there but there are certainly better better locations but this would be nice for the residents here because they'd be able to walk their kids to daycare now that brings up something that i've been thinking about which is this neighborhood in general it could be really close to transit if there were a pedestrian crossing so i'm going to say that the city recently won a transportations transportation alternatives grant and as a result has the funding for a significant pedestrian crossing and we're going to build one across this area this would be an ideal location in my mind for such a crossing we just want to make sure we get it right we don't want to go any higher than we have to [Music] so that's a significant incline that is not going to work so i think we're gonna have to turn this [Music] so this is certainly more challenging on a vanilla build being able to make this happen is is a struggle i think we are going to need to take out a bit of property to make this happen that would make a simple tap application turn into a crazy application the transportation alternatives is a federal program that is available at the local level to be able to apply for things such as a gigantic pedestrian bridge this is kind of ugly i don't i don't love the look of it but i do think it will be effective see if i can clean it up at all okay much better i think i want to move some of these trees that are clipping through here and replace them you kind of do the same thing over here as well now i think you're going to see a lot of utilization now this would be nice because that opens these folks up to be able to walk to some of these commercial areas so reasonably if you lived here you'd be able to drop your kid off at daycare here and then either walk to the tram or to your place of employment at the busy corner shop for instance so yeah right away you see people deciding to make this this transportation decision so it was a good one all right so we've only gotten through health death and child care elder care which is getting worse for some reason more and more seniors though it's the the population of seniors is rapidly increasing so that tells me i'd love to build a death care facility the problem is we need to get to 14 000 population they have a crematorium available and we don't have that yet so we're going to need to build another cemetery we don't have a lot of great land available for this kind of use at this point in time um so i think we are going to be building this again along semper verde or another similar area i think semper verde might be where it ends up i don't want it along the river i don't want to demolish a bunch of homes semper verde it is so this will prevent us from being in a real mess soon i'd really love to have a crematorium but that's just not in the books right now so let's take a look so i want to look at that levels let's look at transportation we're doing all right there i do see a bit of a problem here though there's been some backing up and i do think that we could potentially benefit from examining uh our road here and potentially having this um dual turn lane i think that that's gonna really improve things here so i'm gonna add that i know you can't see it now but i've watched this thing back up to the interstate so or at least to the ramps so we're gonna make that change now most everything else for traffic is okay pollution i'd love to move this recycling center and i might do that right now we'll move that closer to this uh to this incinerator that we have over here so this is going to do a couple things for us um i know there have been comments about the lack of optimization of lewis the lumber lewis lumber company um i think that we need to get some more plain timber uh or paper as you can see we have 241 tons of raw forestry products and we're not doing much with most of it we're just raw putting that out to other communities to process so why don't we take a look as we're doing this right off the bat we'll look at these policies we want to improve the capacity of our extractors and processing buildings we need that because we have a lot of production we are okay with healthcare so we're not going to deal with that just now and again improve our uh production capacity so we're gonna implement that policy as well i think that that'll improve the profit overall in this district so hopefully this area will clean up a little bit and we'll be in a better spot all right so back to our issues noise not a lot we can do about that right now we're going to have some noise in our commercial areas i do see there's a significant amount of noise coming from the train station so maybe we should double sound wall this and hopefully that will improve the sound pollution in this area it looks like it did a little bit unfortunately anytime you have commercial like we have over here or a major transportation hub you're gonna have some of that next let's look at the fire hazard so we do have some issues near the shore um in the future i think we're going to keep this in the back of our head because we're going to need a major fire station somewhere in the coast corridor so we just want to keep that in mind next crime six percent our coverage is pretty good um i'd love for that to be lower but that's that's good enough transit we're not going to deal with that today i do want to look at one thing though i inadvertently took a look at our uh tram line and showed was showing that as what we were receiving from our train station which wasn't right so as you can see we have 47 passengers served and if we look in this view it says uh okay it says we have 17 residents per week 55 tourists using the service per week right now remember this is all interest city um our inner city we don't have any local service same thing with bus service we have a lot of passengers served they're all coming to the community from somewhere else our tram is really where where everything is is happening okay so next population it's dropping uh we knew that was happening i think we're having a lot of deaths look at this we're having a lot of births when i was looking at this before it was 29 verse 28 deaths and now we are up to 11 deaths and 47 births so we are going to have a population explosion and that is something that you also see with the demand for residential zones we're gonna need to keep that in mind i'm gonna pause it for the time being because i know that we are falling behind on our services so outside connections not a big surprise we are importing basically everything because we have no industrial zones we're going to need to improve that in the future we're exporting forestry products i think in the future we're going to want to get some industrial areas along this corridor maybe have a you know rail cargo terminal over here and uh that'll be a future project it'll probably come when i lower this um this train line that was built or that came with the map that i know a number of people remarked that that the slopes here are pretty egregious i agree they stink and we will improve them but again not today so on to land value and there is relatively low land value everywhere and this is directly correlated to the services that we are providing people so we are going to use eminent domain to provide some services so i want to look at the areas with the lowest land value because the city is going to be frugal when it makes some of these purchases so as you can tell near the hospital low land value that would seem to be a good place for a small park now we are going to need to take out that path most likely which is unfortunate but that also means that the city already owns some land there you can see everyone loves that [Music] let's get our path back too okay but i don't want to stop there that's one park we'll run it again uh let's look at some more land value i think that we could have another park near this industrial area the land value is again low now this is okay we don't actually don't want it there we have commercial there so maybe just on the edge of the commercial we will place a park is this the absolute best location for this maybe not we're gonna have to be mindful of the destruction that we are causing and we just purchased a few homes there to make this happen the nice thing is this park already has paths built in so we will use that existing path and zone another building here so that'll improve this area it also provides a nice place for kids to play and i think we want to be thinking about that when we are looking at these some of these parks like this small park that we just placed by the hospital doesn't have that the playground certainly does so our coverage is okay there i think near this daycare would be a natural place for a park as well so we are going to use eminent domain once again and have a small playground near that daycare so now this daycare could reasonably walk kids over to this park so that's nice okay next i want to take a look at some of our business areas and think about having some nice plazas japanese garden in this area might be a nice fit the nice thing about this is it should fit fairly nicely uh inside of the zoning that we have so this looks it's eco mark market uh it might be a good location for it let's take a look at our land value it's moderate i think we're gonna use eminent domain take out this low-rise building as opposed to taking out a high-rise residence this will be beneficial to the resident residential area and uh this uh seventh street district that would make rename this make it the seventh street farmers market so another thing that increased the attractiveness in this area you can already see that this is a really localized building doesn't provide a lot of benefit everywhere but it certainly provides in that direct area so this is a higher end area and i want to think about that with the park what i think i'm gonna do i know that i want to i mentioned that i'm not happy with greenway uh green away road i'm going to make a change here so i mostly think it's gonna be difficult to develop this area and there won't be any local roads i'm going to try to smooth this out we are going to encroach upon that forest a little bit unfortunately but i think it's going to be in the best interest of the city in the long term to do that we are still going to preserve much of it and i think the development pattern in this area can respect this forest history so to speak in this area i think i'm going to just eliminate that all together now we'll worry about the shape of this in the future right now what i want to do is place one of our biggest park assets in this area now this will disrupt our grid which is something to be aware of because this is one fewer local roadway connection and we're going to need to do some special stuff through here to make this work well but this will benefit this area tremendously so we are going to do that i think one more park is necessary at old verde beach potentially somewhere with a nice view of the water and we don't really have any uh any children or any actually dog park would be wonderful so we don't have any dog parks in the city how about a dog bark with a dog park with a view of the water i think we could eliminate three homes here and accomplish that four four three two all right two everyone loves that except for the people directly adjacent to it in reality they would be very irritated by this dog park um they are controversial because they are loud uses um i'm curious if that's reflected here looks like it might be anyway it is it is there so we uh we have that so let's take a look at our land value it's a little more normalized we could probably use some more um but i think that we have at least provided some more coverage ah maybe one or two more parks actually so first of all we just built this senior living community that would seem to be a natural place for a small park not a playground we don't need that this is not a small park this is a very large park let's see okay small playground dog park large playground tropical garden might fit yeah i think we're going to put a tropical garden here so again eminent domain and more homes but this i think fits really well with this elder care facility let's respect our elders give them the opportunity to uh relax in this in this nice tropical garden so there would be a lot of density in this elder care center so that makes sense to me i did i've not been very good about leaving space for parking and i know that in city skylines if you have trees on a road you don't have parking so i guess let's leave some parking in front of this building as well all right next up let's take a look at our parks one more time i think that we need one an old verde beach like i think this should be a playground unfortunately i think that we are going to need to do something a little more significant here because we do want to maintain that path curious if it will connect to the park though it will not so i think we're going to try to make a connection in the rear which took out a whole bunch of homes so uh not ideal in the slightest but that's a city skylines thing at least give them some trees around their on their new uh path maybe that'll make things better i i doubt that it would uh we just completely demolished some homes use them in a domain these people are now homeless because of what we did so we're losing population again but this is a desirable area for home i have no doubt that people will move there once again all right and i think with that we're going to leave parks for the time being oh no we're not we're going to add one more here in the summit district [Music] again i'd love to go with a playground i might actually be able to sneak it in here without demolishing homes which would be wonderful except that i just demolished that new construction site whoops okay i know these are actually going to connect but they do if i fudge with it so good enough i am happy with that [Music] so you might be wondering why i'm adding all of this landscaping you know i haven't done that before but when you do stuff like this you would think that the community would come in and say you know we have this path behind our house and there's no landscaping i really want landscaping so i'm adding that now uh in anticipation that that would be a conversation that would occur so they wouldn't just be the part they would get they'd also get the landscaping as well as you can see our coverage is now significantly better there are some gaps but we're better oh louis shores completely forgot about our industry area and again this should probably be a playground i think we'll put it at the corner take out some homes again but lewis can do this because they are the developer of this neighborhood [Music] and let's just mirror that on the other ah just kidding i don't want to redo all these trails so we'll just have one nice park in the area that people could share all right very good so parks taken care of natural resources not worried about that park areas libraries sports arenas none of that is an issue we've got all of our districting we do need to add another district up here we'll do that in the future leisure that's where we were just at topography don't need to look at that heating not a concern here escape routes nothing yet road condition is terrible so let's make sure that we are focused on that and again we'll put this in our public works area it's a great location for it because it should provide access to basically well a significant portion of the community based on its location i think we'd want a second hub over in this area as well which makes sense because this is kind of our second public works campus so now our coverage is good and we're going to see our condition rapidly improve if we speed it up for a second let's see [Music] that is beautiful so we're moving in the right direction there so radio coverage no radios destruction uh we have our this the disaster response unit disaster detection there traffic routes we've already dealt with some of that tourism it's not a curiosity let's take a look so all of our parks are now tourist destinations that are receiving many tourists along with our old industrial district and our market so that's neat our library interestingly is a tourism destination attractiveness basically founders park that's that's not surprising no tours uh but certainly some places that could use tours once we establish tourism park maintenance we missed that so founders park is just deteriorating that is a problem so let's get a park maintenance facility built i don't love most of my options here but i think i am going to again continue this concept of the public works campus over in this area as well and we'll kind of fill that in so now we have this park maintenance building they should be able to get to founders park and in the future to our new park fairly quickly from this location so i like it it's a good location for it it's not a building that needs uh you know much besides to have good access so we're good there why don't we take a look one more time at our park maintenance yeah they're normal they'll be boosted before you know it so our industry areas we made this couple of policy changes let's just take a look and see if it changed anything so yeah it went up a little bit unfortunately it also boosted our raw forest products i think that you know we could certainly make some improvements here maybe in the future we'll do that now is not the time post offices we need a post office desperately this is not the episode i don't think well actually why isn't the episode why not why don't we at least get the post office let me think about where this is okay yes that's right it is in our transport so we're gonna again continue to load up these kinds of uses in this area so we'll have our distribution facility right over here our sorting facility [Music] now i think at this point i want to i want this to be a clean hub area so i am going to move these recycling centers they've been over there for a number of years not overly concerned about that [Music] again these will load off the interstate they should be able to reach most places in the community pretty fast we will want to keep an eye on what is happening over here uh though with with that uh because the last thing we want to see would be our our garbage processing suffer because i decided to do something mainly because i think it it keeps some of those externalities concentrated in one area that can handle it so while we're at it i'm just gonna relocate this because that's the most reasonable thing to do obviously so this area should clean up while i'm thinking about it i'm going to also place our police helicopter depot as well move our new road maintenance facility because we're spending all of the financial resources to improve this area right now i want to be careful with this because i don't want it to disrupt our future grid so i'll leave it here you might be wondering with this fire depot where it would collect water i've got a special idea for that in the future but that's not right now so with our post office getting back to that we also need a post office and we'll probably want to place that in our downtown area clearly for a use like this eminent domain would be appropriate so we do want to i think keep this in a fairly dense area with good access to everything so i'm going to put it right off of semper verde near our disaster response unit we'll take a look at how that functions [Music] okay you see the reach is pretty good there and the reason for that is though i didn't place it directly onto semper verde i put it on apple street it has direct access to semper verde main street and all of the surrounding roads so reasonably most of the most of these areas should have some level of coverage so we're in a good spot there and last but not least fishing industry which we don't have yet although fisherman's been will have it at some point so i think we are in a better spot it's not perfect but we're still making money uh we're moving forward we have a lot of demand now we're gonna need to build things out and take things from there but things like this new uh pedestrian bridge that we built have lots of activity that's going to boost their transit ridership and utilization and this is just in general a better community to live in now than it was at the start of the episode which is important to keep our demand indicators up and interestingly our demand indicators they were relatively uh you know uh similar residential uh the residential commercial and industrial indicators were all kind of in the middle and now they're all uh is pretty much gone and what we're seeing is a huge demand for residential and moderate demand for commercial it's kind of an interesting externality of of what we've done i see another one and that is garbage is piling up shoot just want to sim this real quick quickly to see okay it does get resolved so it is it is functioning i'm just going to need to keep an eye on that so with that i think that's where we're going to end it today a lot of changes but the city looks darn near the same you know not not a lot has changed except that our land values gone from 25 to 38 and uh in general it's a better place to live but we have added a significant amount of land in the next episode we are going to build up our population tremendously to uh uh to start to have the ability to to do some of the things that hope to do like build buy this area and fill in an area around this park um and really start to increase our density and become a big city that's going to be an exciting transition that we're about to make anyway i'm gonna end this year like i said uh if you like this video please consider liking it if you aren't subscribed to my channel please consider doing so and if you want to be notified when i release new episodes hit that notification bell and you will be notified thank you so much for joining and we'll see the next one and i'll show this little montage in the meantime thanks bye now foreign
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 170,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, city planner plays cities skylines, urban planner plays cities skylines, Verde Beach, unmodded cities skylines, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines ps4, cities skylines gameplay no mods, cities skylines parks guide, cities skylines parks and plazas, cities skylines utilities, cities skylines utilities tutorial, cities skylines land value, cities skylines deathcare, cities skylines childcare, city builder games
Id: ef_7iaSBzhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 40sec (3160 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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