Building An Unstoppable Ant Army

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so today we're building an empire of ants and to have a giant army we need lots of food for our food chamber luckily i've got lots of food nearby so we're just gonna go ahead and gather some of that the same thing i eat in real life nothing like a good leaf i'm gonna feel much better when i have idiots to do this for me so we go ahead and drop it here it gets processed into delicious mushrooms okay put this in your mouth and give me more adds well there's an egg which yeah is going to turn into more ants now that ant is going to go from there bringing the leaf into the mushroom chamber but because we hatched a i need to show them where to get the food from yeah it was definitely over in that direction you complete i guess we just have to let stupid people believe what they're gonna believe all right well that thing's gonna make some food we'll make some more workers uh here we have some quests to do but we've already completed a few we need to make two worker ants we need to have leaf storage chamber basically yeah upgrades i just wanted to wander around a bit to see what other kind of foods we have out here or fun places to send my aunt brothers to their death i mean i'm pretty sure ant culture is full of ritual sacrifice but until we have a few that we can sacrifice we're gonna have to keep feeding the big one so to upgrade the food processing chamber i need 10 leaves to make a leaf storage chamber i need 10 mushrooms okay so we're gonna have two ants doing this and one ant doing that are we rich yet are you guys done you're literally just standing there well all i really need to do is hang out for a bit and uh we're gonna get more stuff how's our leaf doing still lots of food here i'll even help him out a little bit okay i think for now i'm maxed out on ants there's two more here so we're just gonna have everyone gathering leaves for now you're gonna stop doing whatever that is and for now we just have everyone gathering food and bringing it back that's gonna work nicely we'll be rich in no time look at all the food coming in so we're not quite at 10 yet but we're about to be so here we go a seed storage chamber that's only going to take a minute we can upgrade this as soon as we get 10 leaves again while we're gathering some leaves i wanted to take a look at the map to see what exactly it is we're dealing with out there there's a giant colony of red ants to the east and a couple leaves to the northwest along with a big ass spider but since there is a big ass spider out there i've now made it my mission to destroy it i need to build an army i just don't know how to do that yet and if i'm reading that correctly the army uh the colony of red ants has 80 so they're outnumbering us so far we won't fight them maybe yet now i am going to need some leafs kind of as a currency also so i'm gonna have one ant bringing these to the leaf chamber so i've let my idiots pile up a bunch of resources so we're actually starting to get kind of rich so now it's time to upgrade my food processing chamber only takes 10 leaves and we have 40. while i'm at it i'm going to upgrade my uh leaf storage chamber as well just because i might as well the idiots are working anyways and we got a pretty good pile of mushrooms do you think i could get away with stealing a neighbor's uh one of these are they gonna attack me they seem pretty friendly overall i don't think i could hang out here for a long time but i got one of their nuts not really sure what it is i'm going to do with this so i'm just going to drop it here i wish i could just lie there all day and have people bring me food so i put one ant back to feeding her uh we should probably stop gathering leaves then huh because our leaves seem kind of maxed out i'm gonna get the ball rolling i'm gonna bring her mushroom that way we can start producing more workers so we can get even richer faster and something's completed but we also have enough for the seed storage uh seed storage container that only takes a minute takes 25 of either so i'm gonna start that and look at that we've got some new idiots here to help us out you guys uh go bring some food and the seed storage uh thing just finished so i'm gonna go steal some seeds from the neighbors i might not be able to fight them directly but i bet i could probably find a way to starve them some of the ants are bigger than me uh yeah so those are soldier ants and uh they kill me now i'm an egg well since i basically have unlimited lives let's try that again the seed gathering might have to be relied on by me right now because my brothers well they're just not that smart i'm the only one capable of stealing from the neighbors so far okay i'm actually maxed out on workers that's why i didn't realize i had so many already so no more making ants you go get some leaves uh we'll probably balance that out now uh we might sacrifice a few ants trying to get some of the seeds over here uh they do have a guard patrolling right now they have several guards patrolling they seem to know that i'm here which is weird i've been so careful about doing this i'm gonna set up a wall of guards eventually i'm gonna take that over okay next on the quest is upgrading food processing again so we're gonna do that we should be able to hold more but also make more worker ants at that point okay the upgrade chamber is complete i can now hold 200 pieces of food if need be and i can make more workers once i get a few of these i might make them go for this stuff so they can uh gather some seeds as well a few of them will die along the way but i mean what can you do as long as we're hatching new ones we basically replenish them as they go so even at a 50 loss rate we're still making progress next in their agenda we need to upgrade the queen's chamber so i do need to go get some seeds we need to breed worker ants and one soldier ant luckily i've got an idol worker so you're gonna go ahead and go get some seeds i'll even go grab one myself just to show them how it works oh i think i need a source anyway uh there's a source for yeah okay so now they know where to find it just watch out for the enemies they will kill you there's my friend coming in so far there's no soldiers around there's a few ants coming in on the mini-map but we'll probably be fine uh yeah you might want to start running now uh whatever that's fine that's replaceable i've just got one ant on full-time basically replacement duty so we're gonna send two out this time to uh do that and uh yeah whatever i'm just gonna sit back and let the resources roll in i wish it was a way to just set newly born workers to go and get the almonds like that that would be so much easier but i obviously keep dying so i keep having to make a new job for the new ant that was born oh but look at that he got one without dying wow we're learning so much i've just gotten news that our resources of leaves have been depleted so that's not super great uh maybe a new one will fall or we'll go find more as this ant returns with his seed that's going to be the last one we need to upgrade the queen's chambers which will allow us to make soldier ants that's going to be 3 minutes or i could touch this and make it sooner there is another leaf but it's way up there to the north i think the spider won't get in the way but it also might also if it needs a few minutes along the way well so be it this is going to be a long walk for those idiots why couldn't this fall nearby that should help point them in the right direction again we still need more leaves over the mushrooms so we'll maybe do a 6'5 balance i got the notification at workers under attack that's great and all uh i'm a little busy i've got something i want to try okay stupid come here that's it yep yep yep perfect good oh no okay it gets quick i was going to bring that to the neighbor's colony and let it go ham but it's smarter than i am so joke's on me uh the seed eaters also keep getting devoured by red ants too uh it's going to be a process but we'll get there now that the queen's chamber has been done we can make soldier ants they are very much not cheap to do but we can make them not sure what we're going to do with the big idiot yet but we're going to have one soldier on so far so we're just going to need a lot of ants to make food because we need lots of soldiers to fight the red ants and the spider okay apparently i need six sultry ants to defeat the spider nearby all right we need to make this easier so we're gonna upgrade that to hold more and then we're gonna upgrade that probably just to hold more as well and no one has died in a while so that's been kind of fun okay i'm gonna change the workers around a little bit we need less sleep gathering we have two on that and everyone else there plus the scenes are important too still it looks like my soldier ant just kind of hangs out uh oh that's not great stop eating him yeah i think i can actually like rally the uh soldier to me if i hit this flag he seems to come toward me uh i really just want him here kind of it can't be a lot of fun to be one of these newly hatched workers you basically hatched into the world to go sacrifice yourself to try and get seeds but life is cruel when you live in my empire of ants if i really wanted to try out this i could just grab leaves from my storage and bring them into the food processor but obviously everyone else do all the work it's much easier that way what i can maybe do is try and protect my seed gatherers because they continually die i can bring my soldier ants maybe over here both my other upgrade chambers are complete though so we are able to get more ants than ever before so we can just keep on hatching new ants for a while as well i think for now since i need the leaves so bad or the the food so bad i'm just gonna put everyone on food duty except for the one who's gonna bring food to the queen because we need more workers still but i just need all the food coming in right now okay well i finally maxed out my workers so i've got 20 workers now all basically making food so i definitely have more than enough to make uh the soldiers i need but it said i need six soldiers to take on the spider that means i'll probably lose a few soldiers so let's hit it with more and then i can have less soldiers lost and at this point i think we're getting food faster than we're producing soldiers so i can produce these pretty quickly all right well because there's something wrong with me i decided to go with double the amount of ants we're supposed to have so adrians will follow you anywhere that's so stupid of them they have no idea what's going to happen all right so we got everyone most of everyone ants assemble yep good enough let's go stupids we got to go a little bit slowly because they're a little bit slow so we should be able to get close and it said the attack button yeah there it is attack okay okay good job soldiers way to do your job and you know protect the ants that might have been slightly my fault okay recruit everyone here most of everyone whatever now that i know where the attack button actually is we will attack and then i'm going to run away not sure what happened there tarantula is getting mobbed by all of them i would help but i'm not going to see we lost one soldier so if we had only six the house would have dropped a lot slower we'd lost more soldiers it's very sad that i lost two of my ants doing that uh so let's make the body parts chamber that only takes a minute uh we need 50 ah seeds i know a pretty good way to get more seeds i'm gonna go ahead and recruit these fine gentlemen then i'm gonna put my workers all on seed duty for a second and if the red ants have a problem with that they've got to deal with all of my soldiers that i currently have we're going to sit right here and they're not going to do a thing about it in fact they're already killing them in a big hurry perfect we'll kill them one at a time if we have to we just need some seeds there's savages and they're not yet sending their own soldiers at least there's a few but as long as we can outnumber them we'll kill them in a hurry and uh yeah that'll work out we can definitely reduce their numbers pretty quickly here if we uh attack them like this because if we hit them with like a 10 on one we'll kill them so quick they won't get any damage off well at the very least we're going to hurt the red hands a little bit that's all i really need to do so the red ants were now seem to have retreated away from this they seem to have learned that this is ours now which is fine by me they might send an army this way at some point okay we have what we need so we're gonna take one minute to build that while that one that is passing we're gonna sit here and get some more seeds anyway because why wouldn't we and it looks like as long as i'm sitting here with my army they won't go near the seed pile so it's all the seeds i want and they can just have leaves all right it looks like the body parts are good to go so no more seeds body parts for everyone and uh we're gonna uh yeah we'll give up the seed pile now these guys can uh they can have their seeds back for a bit uh i'm gonna try and make this our source if i can i think we need to disband these yeah and then source i can't wait to eat this thing here come all my idiots to tear it apart and hopefully they make short work of it i did throw all 20 of them at it yep there we go so apparently as a reward for uh gathering the bug we now have to fight someone so i guess we're gonna go ahead and do just okay there's who we're fighting you guys just ah don't kill me i always forget my aunt so vulnerable okay you guys uh fight please go ahead and attack fight do something yeah there we go just get in there with everyone wow they got a stronger army than i had hoped for i think we're going to be destroyed here why did let me do that we're fighting such a stronger army that actually killed my real army i didn't realize that because it took us somewhere else completely i would not have done that so recklessly if i'd realized he was using up my real invaluable soldier ants so i'm going to put 20 of my workers right here on this little close by leaf and we're going to gather up food in no time while they're making me rich there i'm gonna continue to make a new army um i also seem to have lost all of my workers uh i don't know if they died in the battle or they're just not here because it says i'm maxed out on workers and two soldiers i just don't know where they are they seem to have just evaporated uh then again all of my resources seem to have evaporated so i'm not really sure what to physically do at this point uh the worker ants don't exist my resources have i think i need to reload okay i reloaded uh it turns out that it says login to save progress online that means it doesn't save locally so i just lost everything but at least we you know defeated the giant spider before the game breaking bug killed me [Music] you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 599,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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