Evolution Couldn't Stop Me

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today we're going to use this detailed villager to create something ridiculous because by putting things on top of other things three create new things if we let a villager have us where the very bush he produces berries so he gets to feed himself at least if he's lucky he does now with our extra cards we can't do anything with we can sell for money so now he's my most well taken care of idiot in existence he's got two berries two coins and a berry bush but basically we just need to put things together until new things happen for three coins we can buy a humble beginnings pack so while we're seeing what's in there he's going back into the berry bush and we're gonna open this pack and we didn't find much but he's got lots of food and that's kind of what matters for now actually he can go for the rocks so i think the key is keeping him fed while trying to make money and find new ideas but i'm not entirely sure i'm not really good at taking care of people in any capacity it's true but it's about time for the end of the first moon that means we get to feed villagers plural i only have one villager but we'll give them some food i'm not sure if i can combine them with anything detrimental but we're gonna try really hard to find out i'm gonna sell that one so we can get three coins to get another humble beginnings pack this one comes with soil stone and berry bush i believe if i put a berry on top of soil something happens it just takes a long time but that's okay because he's got lots of berries to eat for now uh we can put them on the berry bush i'm pretty sure this stone at least for now can't do anything so we'll destroy that in for a coin there's another berry and we had a quest completed for five food i'm gonna leave this open up top because i think it's gonna act like something of a guide not that i need to help but to be fair i am incredibly stupid but the longer these videos go on the more coffee i drink so things usually get better by the end so if i can play two more quests i get to unlock a pack so the berry bush is gonna be one of them i don't think wood has a use now so we're gonna sell that and we're also gonna sell that wood then we're gonna take those three coins to make a humble beginnings pack hopefully that's worth it we'll see what else we get rock berry bush and stone so we'll put him back in the berry bus she's going to be a well-fed and then we're just going to sell those because uh i just don't like looking at it i wonder what point we get to make coffee i feel like things are really going to take off there oh we're gonna feed him now we still have enough for another three days without doing anything plus i think we're gonna grow our own berry bush not that i'm counting down the minutes but i'm kind of waiting there it is quest done build a house okay we probably should have saved a little bit more wood then but this is they're going to continuously transform themselves so you're going back in the berry bush we're gonna have to sell a few things but now i gotta complete this little circle again which isn't a big deal cause we're producing berries we don't really need right now we'll just do this to make it a little quicker okay now we're going to open up this idea's house so we need two wood one stone one villager interesting so there's one wood we're going to put the id over there okay he's going back into berry bush we're just gonna have to pretty much sacrifice these for a second to make this work stick is wood and villager i think if i put the villager in the tree he'll do that but i want to produce my food again first but i basically need two wood here we got lots of berries again villagers going in the tree to hopefully make a big mess of that then we combine that with the stone okay there's a stick which isn't something we need but we can use it at some point and we got a second stick so and it's the end of the day so he's got to eat okay sticks are actually pretty valuable and since we don't need them right now we have more than enough for humble beginnings we get a coin back a rat that's interest and rabbit okay we're getting new stuff okay the rats being annoying and attacking things uh i guess they're gonna fight for a second that's probably fine uh we hit it for a little bit of damage the rat's not too debilitating we got a bone which is worth three the seeking wisdom pack is available now that's all good and all okay the rabbit is probably gotta go because i think it's eating my berries so the bones gonna sit there i like the cards that don't move right now there's more bones we'll do something with those later actually we're going to sell some of the bones because i need some coins because i need another pack because i need some this is going to get very disorganized quickly uh my villager is going to go in the berry bush for a second we're going to there's some wood and another villager to feed i don't know if that's good or not going to have to try and organize this somewhat we're gonna put ideas over here go oh okay there's my two what i need for my house so it's two wooden stone i think uh plus a villager so two wood stone yep this one's gonna make me a house which hopefully keeps stuff safe so now that i know how to build a house i can sell that two wood one stone i need to remember that and one wood and one villager equals a stick i just realized how many more berries we're gonna need to feed two villagers so there's the house if i put him in the house does that do anything oh two villagers in the house oh i know what two villagers would do in the house so we're already going through four berries per turn and we're gonna probably add another villager to this mix and that's probably fine let's see what the new pack is going to get us hopefully some more food seeking wisdom idea offspring uh one house and two yeah we're already on that a garden is what we need one soil two stone two wood one villager i don't know why we made a baby but we did okay so we got another rock so what was the garden the garden was one soil two stone two wood how come we can't sell the baby shouldn't the baby be wear something anyways i'm gonna need to sell the bone for more humble beginnings because we need the parts out of there to make the garden which we really need because we're gonna start starving soon and i'm still going to need another humble beginnings because i think i'm going to need one more stone i actually have a stone here never mind that was stupid there we go and he's making a garden we're going to starve a little bit now but actually if we put him in the berry bush he can finish that by the time it's done so by the end of moon five we have enough to feed everyone currently and we're about done a garden okay it turns out you also have to feed the baby who knew but um that's probably fine i think we put something in the garden okay we can put berries in the garden maybe that just endlessly creates berries kind of just realized i don't really have any resources now to make a lot of money with i can sell the stick for two i guess so maybe just making other humble beginnings to try and get something going again okay we got a berry bush which is a very good bind right now and then we did get more soil which is also very important i need to get this this area thriving in an automated process before i could move on otherwise i'm going to starve everyone and i'm pretty sure i know how to make the garden now so we could probably just sell that but it's very expensive having all of these people can we do some other things we can do train militia kill a skeleton start a campfire would be interesting explore forests so i've got a long ways to go oh and all the ideas just show up over here so when i need to find how to make something it's right there in front of me uh we might also have a little bit of starving now the garden finished i think it made a berry bush so a garden basically turns a berry into a berry bush time to feed the villagers they might take a little damage here there's not enough food human will starve of hunger wow corpse oh we're gonna make it with a corpse come on that's gotta count as a new item corpse plus garden stone soil a corpse isn't even worth anything that's not that fun uh the baby's about grown up anyway so that's fine i know how to make new villagers when i need new villagers now okay we're gonna sell a stone because i need the money and i don't really have anything i can sell right now okay just gonna sell a berry bush whoops because hopefully i can get a quick berry bush out of this to feed everyone and i think i'm officially starving to death but on the bright side of this one i did get a wood foil card which is worth five so i might actually be somewhat saved if i hadn't noticed that sooner at least because for now i think we're pretty much just going to be in a lot of trouble unless these guys produce a lot of berries right now uh which they actually might there's enough to feed one idiot well one of my idiot survives and probably only need one idiot for now anyway because it's just really expensive to have more so this guy's the winner this guy dies i am good at collecting corpses so far uh this actually just feels a lot better though there's much less to feed plus we unlocked reap and so so now we should be able to get food even better we have a graveyard very different from a normal yard okay we're gonna put one berry in the garden that way we have lots of berry bushes at work graveyard is worth five i should just be killing people that's much better money than most things we're gonna keep the stones there we got lots of berries coming in berries are on the way so we can actually do that so we need 10 coins for that i don't know if i want to sell a graveyard though probably should that's just easy money uh i'm not sure what happens when i put the villager on a rock you might turn it into a stone i'm not really sure what he does here i can't remember yep he turns it into a stone which is actually a somewhat valuable resource okay we got nine coins almost enough for this one oh he actually uh sped out of flint too which is good for making fires i think probably so once he makes one more of those i'm going to put him there we got another berry bush he can also go rummage through i didn't know there was like different things we could um find out of as set items okay he was fed because there's only one idiot uh we're gonna put one berry back in the garden we're gonna put him in a berry bush i just really need to make sure we're staying ahead on food production because it's the one thing that this guy needs i also just realized some of the quests are like have ten stone and wood and stuff so uh yeah at some point we'll work on that okay we got another berry bush we're gonna go into that we're gonna sell that now we got 10 coins so we can make one of these so we should hopefully get some interesting stuff uh coin chest okay that's not super helpful there's a rabbit here we're going to have to deal with we're going to deal with that now because otherwise it's going to annoy me too much it doesn't look like it's going to be too hard to kill it is a rabbit after all there's raw meat we need fire for that so one coin and two wood makes a coin chest uh i don't know why i have him in the berry bush right now but he's just going to eat up some berry bush we're going to sell the coin chest okay then i'm going gonna put them back into the rocks because we're gonna sell some of those i need some more humble beginnings pieces i think because i think if i get some water sticks or something we can actually make some fire and apparently i have one card too many didn't even know that was a thing so we'll sell a stone yeah i had no idea i could be limited by things so okay stone goes there barry goes there and i did get another flint maybe i need seeking wisdom maybe that would be better because that might give me the card i need to tell me how to make something new you get back in your berry bushes i did complete the quest for having 10 food so that feels pretty good i think i've got way too many cards currently though so for now we're gonna have to figure out which ones to sell probably don't need a berry bush for now we actually have too much food too so let's just shed some of these right now before we are forced to sell them anyway because we have more than enough food for him for a while plus we have the coins we need for our next moon so if we go like that we'll get seeking wisdom hopefully a villager that's not what i wanted but i did get a chicken all we need is a chicken and an egg we also have poop and we probably also have to sell things now well once they eat i guess i'll have extra room the problem with having two villagers though is that now i have to feed two villagers but i can put two of them to work maybe it's sticks plus flint would make a fire i'm gonna have one of the villagers punch wood for a second there's a stick there's two sticks in the flint one stick in the flint there we go one stick in the flint might make the fire i need uh we also have a berry bush and we have a soil plus berry so we'll have some more food on the way and we have a campfire can be used to cook food so raw meat campfire and since i have another flint i might as well go like that and just make another campfire we'll condense a little bit of stuff and uh we can cook more food if need be okay we're gonna sell the chicken thing because the idea is just permanent anyway maybe we'll just do seeking wisdom one more time because it's clearly got some good stuff yeah that's better now we have lumber camp three wood one stone one villager and spear one wood and two sticks i have one wood and one stick i can punch this wood into another stick and then i can make a spear which i can use to defeat rabbits uh the raw meat is almost done we have way too many cards that's gonna be a problem well i guess we do need to sacrifice four cards to villagers now i think i only need to sell two so i can sell the lumber camp and the spear because those are just sticking with me and a strange portal uh that seems to be a bad thing so hopefully that spear gets done soon because i think that's probably going to spit things out at some point so we'll maybe move some of our stuff away from that curious cuisine is now available for 10. our militia man is done so you fight the goblin get away from my house he's doing extra damage so that's kind of and now he's fighting both of them that's okay i think we'll be all right we got a bone come on please hit him again there we go and we get rewards for killing things we'll sell the bone even we're rich i don't know if the militia takes extra to uh feed or anything i kind of hope not i feel like i should make a lumber camp too maybe i should do the curious cuisine first i feel like we need the food right now lumber camp would be fun but i don't really need a lot of wood at least not yet uh the militia man seems to have got some of his health back every time he eats he gains one health okay for now i'm just gonna take humble beginnings again i just i just really want to make some of those things berry bushes and stones which isn't really what i wanted but that's a lot of food anyway then we'll just sell these poops because i feel like they're not super important and we sell those and then we have 10 coins so we'll buy curious cuisine which there we go we got an egg and apple and a fruit salad apple and berry to create a fruit salad an egg can't be eaten raw if i combine it with a campfire it does nothing but we need the chicken anyway okay it looks like we're gonna have lots of food again for a couple minutes which is a good place to be in i do want maybe some more humble beginnings to make a lumber account next because i think that's just going to be a continual producer of value we'll even sell this flint i know where to get it now it shows up often enough that i'm not that worried about finding it again and we got a rabbit militia kill the rabbit uh hopefully he doesn't get killed by the rabbit that would be embarrassing for him fruit salad fed a bunch of idiots the militia man is up to six so that's pretty good we can sell the bones we'll get more humble beginnings perhaps uh okay we just got a bunch of danger you take care of the rabbit i will sell the poop he's fighting a rabbit oh we got a carrot out of that too i have the militia man fighting a tree right now uh not entirely sure why but that's what he's doing that did give us a little more wood and for the lumber camp we just need we have the wood we just we need one stone now and if we sell say one berry and one would we should have enough to get another humble beginnings which hopefully comes with what we're looking for which i believe was a stone we got some rocks so if you haven't punched that you're gonna fight the rap for a second okay the rat gave us some raw meat so that's a nice find there's the stone we need three wood one stone one idiot is going to make us lumber camp plus we got a flint and the militia man can uh also do the same things a villager does so that's kind of nice i think he might even do it quicker we'll collect some more stones i keep moving my organization around in circles because that's how my brain works the organization keeps leaving time for the feeding of idiots uh that's all fine and well everyone's back up to full health we have too many cards so we're gonna sell well we can sell a berry because we have a berry bush we can sell that one and that one they'll be replaced and we've unlocked logic and reason though i still need to get a lot of these just so i can get new stuff there's a lumber camp and a limited resource of wood perfect get in there so we can continually sell wood now we're gonna have a wood empire we're gonna be a wood dealer i probably also need a coin chest i don't know if that's necessary but it might unlock new stuff i've also realized i probably don't need two campfires so i'm gonna sell one of those that just takes up a spot so the lumber camp produces wood but it's very slow we could make another baby we could do lots of things well for now let's just sell some wood because we have a resource for that now and let's just sell some of those i want another reap and so so we need money running out of uh berries to feed these idiots not that that's a huge deal and we're gonna have to use yeah cooked meat anyway so that's fine that was taking up a spot maybe we'll do a seeking wisdom and try and turn that into more money we're sacrificing four coins so we'll see if we make a profit on this one oh there's a new idea for campfire which you already had a quarry three stone one wood one villager i feel like that's pretty obvious now that i think about it there's a rock so you get out of your lumber camp and start punching that thing you get in there and assault that berry bush like a good boy maybe for now i will sell the flint because that's an easy then we have seven coins uh then i'm just gonna sell the wood there's ten reap and so again so we have something new raw meat a chicken finally chicken and egg do the uh whatever it is you do and we can make a shed now one wood one stone one stick uh okay so you get on there we're gonna cook the raw meat wood stone stick villager that's easy enough to remember there's a stick there's a stone you just need wood and a villager if we don't get it here we can humble beginnings our way back to it there it is wood stick stone villager make me a shed don't know what it does it's gonna take up a spot but hopefully something good and we can eventually make a quarry there's some good stuff going on down here militia get in the berry bush uh yeah we're gonna feed the villagers luckily we still have ample food for everyone but i know that a strange portal appeared i think on moon 12. this will be 50 longer as of uh 18 so we'll see if something spawns or not kind of hope it does my militia man's getting a little oh so the sheds actually yeah it's gonna increase our card cap by four so that's a really good one uh let's see if we can create a quarry now there's cooked meat also so food is still okay so all i'm gonna need is three stone and one wood that shouldn't be that hard to get a hold of we already have the wood plus our chicken egg combination is about done which produced us two chickens which i guess are helpful to me they're like defense and the best part now is that i don't need to buy cards to make money necessarily i can put him in the lumber camp and uh they'll uh you know do their thing okay can you guys stop hopping around and bumping my cards around please though i can also build a coin chest i believe with two wood and one after we eat the idiots and yep there's a strange portal again so we'll put the chickens in the neighborhood we can sacrifice them if anything there's some of the wood we need two woods and one coin yeah that'll make a coin chest i'm sure that's helpful for something malicious also going to go up here you're going to come out of there and we're just going to move things away hopefully when the things show up we kill them quickly coin chest click to remove coins okay so we can store a whole bunch in here that saves me a lot of room definitely also don't have a ton of food right now that's probably fine uh yeah there we go everything can just fight everything uh yep okay you fight you and you get in the fight too that way it's not a yeah perfect i don't know what to oh the chickens just lay eggs once in a while i see so you go in the campfire no can't cook a chicken egg can't garden them okay well egg's worth value at least uh-oh did someone die yeah we have a corpse okay he also died though so we're okay we got a map turn a villager into an explorer uh okay we're gonna put a corpse over here goodbye i love you look pretty uh map we don't want an explorer yet we're gonna cook some food eggs we're just gonna sell we're gonna keep all those the key is used for something uh we need to get you in the berry bush keep your food going i kind of want to feed you the carrot which you probably will uh maybe we need more humble beginnings just to try and get some of those base resources again stone tree etc i can see now why this is overwhelmingly positive so he's all fed he got a little bit of health back i wouldn't say we're thriving but i don't have any kids to take care of yet anyway so that's probably a good thing probably could use another uh villager but a militia is better for defense chickens battled an egg they both did so there's two easy dollars whatever okay stop uh plus the flint we don't really need uh the tree we can punch stuff out of there's more stones because i was gonna make a quarry i think the quarry was two stones plus wood okay the quarry was three stones plus wood so let's do this again and hopefully get another stone yup there's a stone we need and a villager perfect punch that tree for now plus an apple i think we can make a salad if you put those two together uh we did get a stick which is pretty valuable but i don't think we need that right now we needed the three stones plus the wood plus a villager so they'll make a quarry the sticks can probably be sold then we have some money then if we will have too many cards you put them in the coin chest villager is going to go to work on the berry bush you're going to try and create that before that runs out uh we have enough food to beat everyone oh i forgot we have the map too we can turn our our one villager into an explorer there's the quarry we need chickens are about to spit out some eggs so there we go we got two coins there we're just gonna keep them wrangled in the corner everyone was fed and apparently we have a traveling cart which uh give me five coins and i'll give you a card apple that wasn't worth it that was stupid i guess we can make another salad for whatever that's worth okay uh villager is gonna turn into a explorer cartographer something like that he'll be fine got lots of fruit salad carrots berries and we got the explorers pack but i still need to get logic and reason so we need some money but that's also why i'm uh trying to create lots of rocks and sticks and stuff we got the explorer so i think you just unlocked the other thing corpse isn't worth anything where's my lumber camp let's put you next to that then you guys can both produce me money along with the chickens we have enough food for now there's some stone so we'll sell that okay i put the carrot in the garden and that seems to be making probably more carrots which is good because carrots have stats on both sides now i'm just kind of sitting here waiting slowly making money oh and the chickens both gave me eggs we're actually making money at a pretty good rate now we also have another berry bush so as soon as one of these guys is done we'll create more berries actually we'll see how this food intake goes because it's uh about 20 so we'll see what's left over then we'll adjust accordingly so it's time to eat wow he ate okay i guess we're just using up the fruit salads then that's probably fine that means we have the berry bush for other things like that and you're gonna go there then we sell you so we got a stack of 10 so oh lots of good reason uh we need 15. luckily i'm a master at making money by this point so it won't be long at all to get the 15 we need for logic and reason the carrot is just about done in the garden plus we have the 15 coins we need for logic and reason so that's about 2 carats interesting we're multiplying carrots now so logic and reason got us brick and animal pen planks wood iron bar okay that's a little bit advanced for us so let's just go ahead and uh break some of this stuff down we did get a brick which is very valuable so we can sell the animal pen because we get money for that and we still get the idea we're gonna sell the flint for a second sell that stone we're gonna put you on that it's time once again for the feeding so the idiots get fed and moving on uh we've sort of officially ran out of berries which i didn't really expect to happen so let's just get some humble beginnings hopefully we don't get a villager out of this otherwise i'm gonna let one starve and we didn't get any berry bushes either probably fine because we can just recycle some of this anyway oh wait there's a bray bush over here i need to start paying attention again we do have a carrot so we'll at least feed one of our idiots and there's an apple so that's good food also sell some eggs uh we also have a rabbit so we can probably just murder that for some easy meat sell some wood there's another soil uh do we have time for that we can probably make a berry bush there he's in a berry bush currently not very efficiently but he's doing that i didn't realize we already had uh 10 so doing curious cuisine or reaping so yeah let's try that one hopefully we get some uh shiny cards they're worth more that was not at all worth the money i can't believe i just spent that much on such garbage okay raw meat we're gonna cook we got lots of carrots suddenly so we'll put one of those onto the garden to double it am i missing some basic tools do i need like flint and sticks to make something i might be missing some very basic tool ideas okay we did uh get a rat this bomb but we did also get some trees so we'll hopefully get some sticks out of those then we'll try and combine that with some flint or something maybe some bones also okay there's the stick maybe we'll try stick plus flint yeah that's making something we might have been missing out on some very important tools or that makes a spear i don't remember i've also put apple in soil and that seems to be making something so i think we have some new food on the way also uh we just got another campfire that was the flint and the stick wasn't it that was stupid okay i remember now but now i do feel like i've missed a whole bunch of things by overlooking some very basic combinations that i should have been trying and we just had a strange portal up here so that's probably going to be a pretty big problem for me okay we had a bear and a giant rat up here so we're gonna have to throw everything we have at those guys i think we're probably pretty doomed here needed to be way further ahead probably some proper weapons or armor or defenses or something uh they put up a pretty wonderful fight we can make a graveyard now at least so that's something but we're out of manpower because we're at corpses hindsight i probably should have done more experimenting unless whatever it was i was doing [Music] you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,242,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CPqehLx2qQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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