I Evolved The Ultimate Monster

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today we're going to make the biggest worm you've ever seen ever and to do that we just need to put a whole bunch of things in our mouth like a herd of dogs and some people the more we eat the more health we recover and the more fun we have and we get a nice big combo like that we get i think double the score we'll get some nice upgrades along the way because uh this room is pretty big but we could do better i still have to kind of aim it to eat people i want to just cruise around and consume the world just automatically size has been increased which is good and all we need more so we have a choice we're going to take 20 speed over 20 health because i never die anyway and i'm gonna use that extra speed oh that we now have to help me not get shot anymore and also eat hang gliders they thought they were safe in the air but they're not uh we also have the cow cavalry have come in to uh try and disrupt us we're gonna go ahead and just eat them too that's a nice big herd of policemen we're gonna eat them there's some cows speed up and hummer i'm starting to lose a little bit of health so i should probably stop getting shot quite as much as i am but there's a nice four piece combo so we're back in shape you will give me you and the calc whoops that was a really bad spot to jump okay we can take out those two for now then we'll finish off the kill cavalry on my own terms but also by going like that then we're gonna jump right over the bomb and back to work also didn't mean to jump into all those bombs over there but sometimes it just kind of happens when you've had this much coffee anything is possible and we're bigger again actually we are a lot bigger than where we started it was hard for me to notice because i'm just having so much fun eating the neighborhood dogs and that was before i started making videos today one enemy remains i think it's him i wish the bombs would blow him up too it's not fair that they're worm bombs but also this isn't fair for him so now we either get fat tissue for no hunger pains or adrenaline makes you glow red two times rampage speed i don't really know what rampage be this but i really want to find out so we're gonna cruise there's a rampage i get it now you just gotta eat lots of things i think if we stay kind of near the surface here we're just gonna naturally eat everything i assume we circled the globe at some point definitely starting to take some damage though so can i eat some things to there is my health back i like rampage speed we have idiots on jetpacks with a gun so we'll throw them off by going back to the left and then eating that guy and those two okay there's one enemy remaining think i got him so we either get inward spikes for more speed or outward spikes very pointy spikes that kill yes please not that we needed any help killing stuff but i won't say no to a little extra backup oh rampage time okay 13 combo is pretty good that was definitely new record for me there's an 11 combo uh i don't know if the spikes are to blame or not but i don't really care i'm just having fun on my rampage okay no way to get a small tail or a big tail we'll take 20 speed oh i was gonna get that jet oh we have robots trying to get us now the robots are going to die too during this cruise in all of those once you have a rampage going really just unstoppable so i really can't complain whatever i did to this worm i evolved it the right way i really do want to get one of those jets and i can definitely jump high enough to get it it's just a matter of timing it because they show up very briefly yeah once i get in this nice level little rampage nothing really survives because i can just go like that i'm done less bomb damage or bigger mouth obviously giant teeth that's just what the worm needed i got the jet i got two jets i got a two jack combo that's unheard of also getting a little hungry oh we got the last guy it was a paraglider we want badass wings for flying so okay this is perfect i can kind of just glide along here i can't really fly i guess i can but i can kind of glide so there's a 10 combo a combo this worm was just sort of a destroyer i don't know if it's classified as a worm anymore but i'm not like a biologist i had an 18 combo because nothing can kill me because i'm a giant worm that can fly i'm a worm dragon maybe a dragon worm sounds better things can't spawn in quick enough for me to be able to keep up let's eat some jets yeah there we go we need less bombs in the world i'm on a peacekeeping mission ah let's see if we can turn around go the other way it's so big like it could barely turn around which is a good pump to have there was a 17 combo so we'll get lots of points but there's not much challenge at this point we're just endlessly destroying things my size is still going up i can still get bigger hold on so while i might not get any big physical upgrades i do physically get bigger and quicker so i can just cruise along like this pretty much destroying the world in a constant combo of rampage and death and i'm pretty sure nothing can kill me because i do take damage but i eat things to replenish the health as fast as i get hurt when i started i was just a little worm that would hide way down in the dirt now i can barely fit in the dirt and you can see the upgrade counter at the bottom we have to eat like 20 things to get an upgrade for speed or size we do that like a heartbeat because we're already really big and fast am i still getting bigger it's getting hard to tell let me do the ground measurement yeah i definitely take up like the entire size of the dirt so i'm definitely still getting bigger so and i'm pretty sure at this point we're killing just everything on screen because nothing can fit past us especially with our spikes the occasional jet might get by but they don't have long to live i'm really just still not sure this is big enough i think we can do better uh our combo just got up to 40 something i'm not sure if i hit record in time but we had like a 46 48 combo going which isn't surprising considering we just eat everything like even this one's up to 34 37 40 51 57 it gets pretty big when we can't miss getting all the way up to almost a hundred we broke a hundred well i feel that this worm has succeeded where all worms before it have failed so what time for a new worm all right this time we start with wings and we have more animated cows ooh there's even underground lizards i want people though or chickens but really mostly just people 20 enemies remain oh we can glide already that's fun surprise that man's got a pot on his head you must die sir that's absolutely ridiculous that doesn't fly in my world got that one got that one size up we're even bigger now take that chicken really got to keep an eye on that hunger meter it's a very hungry little worm it's a very hungry caterpillar who grew all the way up hey give me that oh i got it one more idiot okay got him do you want big and slow or small and quick longer worm shorter worm i want speed that way i can fly gracefully through the air before incinerating people and taking the rainbow cats there's a six combo there's a four combo man these people are really bad at dealing with worms i think they've called in the military though so give me the cat i saw something up there there's planes up there i need to get up to the planes you take me to the planes not the cats oh there's a good combo rampage that's my favorite kind of page okay oh they're dropping bombs on me now they're starting to get serious about this worm creature that's destroying the world how how very wise of them i thought those were food not bombs okay there's two idiots remaining out there somewhere i've gotta eat soon don't eat the bombs okay i'm gonna eat some of this are you wondering what i need to eat there it is next might get you killed might poke out a night might get you killed sounds fun i want more speed if i'm too quick nothing can stop me and there's a nice big wow real big combo 24 all thanks to my speed yeah can we do better we're just gonna skim the surface eating everything we can we could probably make it up to the jets now should we try oh we're so close can somebody give me a boost i want to make it up to those jets maybe i need a rampage to get there can i have a rampage we like already ate all of the enemies so there's really not much left to kill one enemy remains whoops and i've killed it so now we have skin mutation so we can have no hunger pains or massive mouth during rampage only yeah i want that one because not to sound overconfident but i'm pretty good at rampages these days like we already got one and we're just going to continue to destroy absolutely everything the big mouth really helps because i don't have to aim as much there was a 17 uh homicide uh oh we got some jets finally uh we finished that level alarmingly fast because my enormous mouth ate all the jets in a hurry we're definitely going flame jets all gas and no brakes light yourself on fire plus rampage speed we don't need less mind damage because we kill everything before the mines really show up see there's a 20 20 something rampage so we just cruise along at about this level there's a 50 round page 60 70 69 so i still haven't eaten any of the big jets metal heals you or bigger mouth let's try metal heals you because there's some big metal planes in this guy i need to eat still it's actually really bothering me how i've been able to eat any now they have like uh robots to attack me giant uh mechs but i feel like i still hold the advantage somehow just a hunch really but i feel like i'm pretty unstoppable oh these are both so fun make a vacuum or jump to new heights alright so now that i got my power vacuum new ability above ground only so yeah whatever what is going to go on a rampage and make myself bigger bigger and quicker as we go where oh we can already get way up there anyway we don't need the extra jump height suspiciously oh i got a plane finally we took down the passenger chat that's all i ever wanted aside from getting enormously big uh as a worm or whatever this is classified as now i don't know what to call this thing we should probably stay just off the ground with these less bombs huh i don't know how to use my vacuum move i guess it doesn't really matter probably should have taken less bomb damage at some point but at least the metal heals me because we're eating a lot of metal high genocide diet 170 200 combo size and speed are both increasing we definitely need more bow i think this combo is probably gonna hold for a while as long as idiots keep spawning in there's a 330 combo so far the trick is to stay above the landmines i think once you get to this size though we are pretty well unstoppable because well you just hit everything as we go we're like the size of buildings now how big is too big does that exist my mouth is so big that i can like pretty much eat every enemy on screen there's not much left well i'd say i've created another very successful worm we'll let him live out the rest of his days with whatever he wants to do we can jump right into space so mission accomplished good work [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,159,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Sml29WqhS1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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