This Bow Fires Over 600 Arrows Per Second

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you know what really makes me happy legendary upgrades so we're gonna start with one and I feel like that's a good omen for what's to come I've had better follow-ups to that but we can take increased critical chance it might just be a straight up critical damage and chance day but it's like I always say you can never have too much damage ever increase your critical chance by 10 so we've already got a 15 chance to critical hit and that's a lot of damage so we'll take a little bit more attack speed then that gave us basically a 33 increase which means these Debbie idiots aren't likely to do much stabbing for a little while we're going to go ahead and increase our quick Chance by 10 I know kids can activate later and do other things too so the higher the crit chance the better already we're doing a one and three quick chance which well speaks for itself and next up let's just take another five percent quick chance I guess 35 over one and three stupid blanket they all thought they were gonna have a relaxing Friday night then I show up and murder each and every one of them I don't know how much I like to projectile bouncing I do like critical chance a lot what is straight up gonna do damage our arrows aren't gonna bounce they're not gonna do anything fancy they're just gonna hurt things an awful lot that's what we're all here for anyway our first chest ooh your attack speed is three times faster when you're close to enemies but three times so when you're far I'll take that difference I mean they get really close and my damage is going to be absurd when they're far away I don't care anyway they're far away another 10 55 crit chance already and when they get close my attack speed Goes Bananas so we're gonna be able to push this really really far I guess at some point I should do 150 more crit damage you know we're doing three and a half times damage on our crits which is often so we're very high very early damage we even killed him with a lucky crit and same thing I guess since it's a purple your crit's still 150 more damage and they're 500 crits while we hit this five times damage it'd be nice to make it a straight up break the game with damage uh we're gonna take an attack speed at this point because that's gonna pair uh with some of our other things really nicely like hook hands here he's dead and what is this every 30 shots your next shot is slow huge and three times damage it cannot be stopped yes because we're gonna do 30 shots often because where our attack speed's already getting really high is that good for us or bad for us that's got to be good for us right that doesn't hurt us I just saw a big mama got excited as I always do I guess it is going to take an extra five percent crit chance because none of the options there were great we're already at 60 there goes the bomb oh it just left okay it is Friday night that we've all got places to be except me this is what I do with my time endlessly getting a lot more attack speed oh the projectile doesn't actually blow up he does just wander he just goes through everything and really makes a mess to them so when everyone's all bunched up later it's gonna plow right on into them it's gonna be Mega penetration for that big guy and another level up we're gonna gain a lot more damage because that's gonna stack with our quits we're doing five times crits so we went from 400 to 500 on crits and I think I just had a shot go through me okay that one uh I was scratching my leg I have an excuse I didn't realize there's a boss blanket sitting there watch how fast we kill him though our damage is so high uh there's a few here that I definitely like I do want to shoot an orbiting projectile regularly we can get 20 of those going uh eventually that's just gonna help give us sort of an armor and I think they can also crit so that's also going to be super damaging critical chance another 10 70 crits I don't know if we're gonna do any more quick chance you might just do damage at this point it gets a little redundant to keep going seven out of ten are already crits so but we'll leave it up to the nature of the power reps whatever we get we will roll with it will make it work well none of these are a lot of fun really so we'll maybe just um I don't know five percent more 75 chance to quit three out of four is a crit and our attack speed is gonna get absurd it's already pretty quick it's gonna get worse these idiots keep taking my rotating arrows though quit still 100 more damage yeah 600 crits so watch your password kill this guy dead Okay permanently gained 10 attack speed every two minutes that's only going to give me 30 extra attack speed but that's a big 30 extra attack speed that's gonna account for like 45 homicides a minute and another level up already those are coming quicker and quicker so we're just gonna take more damage 115. we're gonna need base damage and crit damage at this point to stack critical chances all the way there we can spend the next like thousand upgrades on damage damage all the way through it's kind of lonely now though everything's dying too quickly there's nothing left to shoot let's get them all to come in and bundle up even the little cactuses that want to roll through me oh and there's gold coins on the ground now that's gonna help us get even stupidly stronger great upgrades I don't want gray upgrades I guess damage isn't gonna hurt though that extra uh 10 base damage means an extra 60 crit damage and I don't know how much healthy enemies have but we're already hitting some of them for like 750 which is a lot we hit that one for 2215 we're nowhere near done the end of the game uh we have attack speed we have crit damage we're probably gonna take crit damage attack speed doesn't matter if we can't actually kill things later on and I'm going to be doing like 10 million per hit at least the gold coins really are nice I do like the coin system every time we get a new coin it feels good to pick them up because it feels like I'm making progress again okay stabby hands is here he's dead whoops I'm definitely being a little bit lazier than I should be permanently augments your damage by 20 yes so now we're doing 150 base so now our crits are over a thousand and we're gonna gain a little bit more damage again we're at 162 base damage which means ridiculous damage 1134 quits already and the protectors being slow doesn't really bother me that much they're still going to where they're going and killing things there is definitely a downside to that that I'm just too dumb to think about but for now blind confidence projectile is now I could probably just keep it vlogging I could probably honestly just get like eight of those going and walk them along like that that could be fun yeah come here idiots walk through the big bullet I'm gonna take a little more Health at this point three hits is not enough my big bullets leaving can I have another one where's my next big bullet yeah I might try that at some point I might just follow those around because those are gonna hurt for big damage oh here's a horse then and it's dead and so is everything else in sight I wonder if I can reduce the cooldown of that too so make big bullet fire more often so I think my projectiles now bounced two more times I don't oh they do that does give them a balanced grade so now they're gonna bounce back and forth wasn't sure that was gonna work we're gonna take a little bit more damage just so we can keep up with those crits and the big bullets with arrows bouncing back and forth and all around now it's really going to give me a lot more breathing room again things are gonna get nowhere near me for the most part because it's just gonna be a wave of damage All Around Me projectiles can still hurt me and that's always going to be my downfall because I'm stupid and lazy this one's tempting you get one more choice for each upgrade an object selection yeah I like getting that earlier on but I'll take it now because that's still gonna probably rule out a few great choices moving forward and this all about choices Yep this is going well it'd be nice to fire a big bullet that way can we get one there we go that's gonna go through everything whoops that was like 3 000 damage but I was watching the big bullet I think we might need a little bit more attack speed again we're doing well and the closer things get to me the more damage I do damage is fine the uh maybe attack speed is what we're lacking or penetration maybe we need more piercing or just to hold still like this that was close he missed I was holding still in the projectile Mist okay so shots pierced to one more enemy we just asked for it we received it so now they're gonna bounce and then Pierce which is good because they're just gonna go that much further they're killing more enemies than ever before I kind of wonder what other new upgrades there are though the big bullet's a fun one but what else can we get can we get multiple big bullets that would be something I feel like it's been a while since we have created a damage or crit damage what happened to those options well here's a bunch of things that are super relevant I can take maximum health too that's gonna give us six for now which is pretty ample all the other upgrades that were great anyway so they're boring I do like this one where the closest weird enemies the faster we shoot because that gives them confidence well as me probably gives me too much confidence because I assume if anything gets close they're gonna die which is obviously a very dangerous assumption okay Chris still 100 more damage the exterior piercing is tempting the straight up damage is good that way as soon as our Arrow touches anything they're obliterated we've got a lot of things to kill still whoops okay it's time for the first sheriff I'm gonna be greeting grab a few things he's gonna show up at any moment now there he is okay the closer he is the more faster we shoot he's already down like all his health okay this might be a record for me he's already dead that bodes well for our future the cactus right here is tempting but I never really understand how it works plus we have an upgraded cooldown I'm actually not going to touch that we're going to get an admit an aura that slows things by 50 even though we haven't increased the size of anything but that's fine things that get close to me will get aurid and super murdered with my super speed we're also finding red coins now so that feels good could I get everyone to this Bunch up it's so annoying having to wander around murder all you people crit's still 100 more damage with 900 crits 1500 damage which should definitely be enough to one shot everything so far uh a regular shot probably won't kill them at only 100 74 but we'll probably get that up there too and we got a nice wall of arrows going so it's hard for anything to get close to me oh here comes the mole yeah yeah good right there smart okay there's a few good ones here there's appears what appears to be a lightsaber slaying younglings but also we can triple our shop but permanently reduce our Taxi by 40 this one's good too because when they do critical damage they pierce I want both of those we're gonna take a triple shot I know we're gonna lose attack speed but we can get that back and the closer things are the faster we fire anyway and um this will be okay I also noticed her firing fee big ball it's now in multiple directions so that's also a lot of fun the piercing critical shot is interesting though I don't feel like we're gonna need it that much because our shots Bounce Around anyway maybe piercing becomes redundant but I'm not sure I'm just doing what I do in real life and just kind of trying to make up excuses for why I actually made the right decision okay we're gonna get 100 more crit damage so we're doing a thousand percent crits for 1740. we do need more base damage but aside from that early gold damage upgrade they've all been pretty gray and we're gonna kill this big guy now okay again we're stuck with a few choices that want everyone made a deal 30 of your damage around you I guess I damaged him some credits anyway that's not exciting right now firmly raise your attack speed 30 half of your shots are less precise I don't need Precision I'm firing three errors plus a big bullet and I've never been a Precision guy I've always just been about Brute Force what some might refer to as praying spray another level up look at all the blues we've got I think I'll probably just take another 100 crit damage so eleven hundred percent on our crits and those big bullets fire in all directions if I get three going in the same direction I might go on a little journey with them at some point but I also don't really want to leave our debris field it's become very close to my heart I already like the looks of this I don't know what it is but I can tell I'm gonna like it the first time a projectile hits it spreads into three projectiles that do 35 of your damage yes does that include the big bullets I have questions now so we're having oh they do oh this is gonna be fun I could honestly just follow them for a long ways because these two are just about lined up but I'll do that when we need to for now we're more than capable of killing these guys especially with our splintering arrows so we're firing I I guess up to four arrows per shot and they all Splinter so it could be 12 arrows per shot basically 12 arrows at 1100 crit damage and they're almost all crits it's gonna be fun crits to 150 more damage 1250 crits I wouldn't even get that over 2 000. nothing will need to but it would just be a lot of fun and what's going on with my arrows surrounding me why is some of them going sideways have they splintered into small arrows I have questions I'm already breaking things kind of walked into an idiot but that's because I am in fact an idiot they say opposites attract but not in the case here look at all the bullets going out though this is so much fun I need more splintering action I need to fire arrows also behind me okay when we don't get that I'm gonna do probably a little bit more damage 174 to 186 that was still a pretty decent upgrade I think it's about five percent and I mean we're hitting things for 2500 damage so five percent is actually quite a chunk I love those bullets though I should just follow this way for a while but I really can't it's so tempting to do that but the faster we fire the more there's big bullets uh we are gonna fire so pretty soon the skin might just be full of those I really hope so I think it's every 30 arrows so that's obviously pretty often when they're firing this quick we just need idiots to stay in our face not too close but you know just enough to maybe smell their cologne all right not a ton of great stuff here creates an extra 100 though is fine by me 1350 crits at a 75 chance of happening oh it's already time for Sheriff idiot so we'll get right in his face with all this damage and look at him go and he's dead that was actually a record for myself onwards to game breaking stuff but also gave me a gold upgrade for my duty okay this one's kind of interesting yeah projectiles bounce off the edge of the screen I mean think about all these bullets bouncing off the edge of the screen what would lose 30 attack speed but we get a taxi when people are close to us so now it's just gonna be bouncing Doom of all sorts of bullets that are also fracturing we're literally filling the screen with arrows we just need to fire one from behind I wish I had more ways to fire projectiles hopefully there's some new upgrades that can help me with that do the big guys bounce off the edge of the screen he's going go he does then the little ones do too I don't really know what I've created but I'm just gonna let it go because so far it's wiping the entire screen very clean attack speed is a little slow but everything there is like a nuclear bomb anything that gets touched is absolutely destroyed I got hit by something that I assume was a projectile it's getting a little bit hard to see as it often gets when you create the chaos and then we just keep going around the outside a blue damage upgrade it feels like it's been a fortnight since I've had one of these that was actually really okay that was a good 10 damage increase so I would happily just take lots of those now hey look another bus uh he's dead hug means you're damaged by 30 reduces your attack speed by 20 we're gonna have no attacks people we can have ridiculous damage enema projectiles are faster now so they're gonna Bounce Around the screen quicker that's just more efficient killing or something it doesn't matter anymore damage lots of damage you're here for the damage so there's like all these people in front of me yeah they just explode because the arrows Splinter the initial ones hit super hard the small splintered ones hit crazy hard also I think maybe more damage 289 base damage pretty sure there's a few good upgrades it would further uh supplement our damage but it's just a matter of actually finding them I do like this bouncing off the edge of the screen thing I also haven't upgraded dash at all but I haven't really needed to I guess because our damage is so stupid that I don't really need to go anywhere dashing through enemies deals damage to them that also reduces my Dash cooldown which is good because I only have one dash so the quicker I can do that the better bouncing bullets save me yeah so later on when the enemies are swarming at me we're gonna fire constant big bullets that are currently going to be all over the screen another upgrade well there's the dashes we probably need but I want to attack speed instead we're going from 0.67 to 0.76 so like a 10 increase which is okay we'll probably distract damage I wanted to see how much uh attack speed that would actually give us and it's not a ton but attack speed isn't a problem because we're just firing so many arrows anyways this is actually really good at AOE explosions would also be helpful considering we could do explosions and Splinter arrows but there's no need to get too greedy uh okay these are both really good we can shoot behind us we could also do 50 more damage to enemies I want to shoot behind me just to be sure we're getting maximum arrows out and I'm pretty sure now when you fire a big Arrow big thing I don't know if that shot behind us I don't think it did that doesn't matter anyway with our slow attacks we just need as many areas as possible going out where we're 69 000 yeah at this point we don't really have to move like even when the enemies are fire away we attack slowly they still can't get close to us yet so let's just let some of the loop build on up around us here comes the mole so we're gonna get his face and he's dead I'm gonna gain three re-rolls for upgrade choices at this point because they're gonna get slow and slower to get now so we want to make each and every one count so if we don't get something amazing right away we'll re-roll it but I'll take 100 more crit damage 1450 crits uh which is yeah probably gonna be a lot of damage something hit me there but you know what I deserved it because I walked right into them and we almost got another level up already just because there's so much treasure sitting around waiting for me okay getting a lot more damage yes 289 to 320. so that was it 50 50 damage bass boost basically uh which is like 1500 crit damage so we're definitely hitting for a lot and there's a lot of Splinter arrows going out here comes another mole I'm gonna have fun killing him that was quick for each current health gained 10 damage it will come 320 to 512 damage we're moving slower but our damage has gone up even more so we're still probably one shot in just about everything but now if we stack Health we also get damage so that was a nice Synergy but we also start to move slower but I mean I think things are kind of trouble getting to us anyway getting more damage 550 damage and real big bouncy bullets I don't know if I'm gonna bother to increase my uh movement speed at any point I don't know if it's going to be necessary it's crazy how big a like AOE damage we do like we just fire into a mob and the Splinter was destroying absolutely everything plus then the big bullets start going to this one just never fails I always manage to build something stupid even when I really have no plan in mind like today I was just thinking will start damage and crit damage we did that and here's where we're at this one's always a debate shoot four times faster but deal three times less damage I don't remember how this exactly Works in theory that's more damage like DPS overall but it's less damage per shot you know what I think I'm gonna do it because that's just gonna be more arrows and more splintering we're pretty much machine gun yes our damage dropped to 183 from like 550 but overall DPS is up and we'll look at it I guess the back door firing where big bullets too should also be factored in haven't you picked up any upgrades in a while might as well project does bounce one more time don't need that attack speed don't really need that gain more damage we do need 183 to 196 so we'll put it right back on I guess I could keep in mind too that uh adding Health had also had a lot of damage we're not one-shotting things I don't think anymore depends on what we're hitting them with but we're just gonna overpower them with bouncy arrows there were so many power-ups lying around that I basically got another instant level up which is kind of insane because I'm level 41. we're going to take an extra two maximum health that's going to put damage up to 220 so that was about a 10 damage increase along with extra health I didn't even know there's a boss there a chess just appeared uh we're gonna take fire projectiles around you upon taking damage you're gonna get one health for another 12 damage so when we're close to things we're going to like 20 per second 20 euros per second times the four or seven potentially the Splinter next to 321 20 yeah we're firing like potentially 400 arrows a second so yeah you can really feel that in the way that everything just evaporates I am also furthers the cause when your projectile should be destroyed they keep going they get 50 damage instead but they keep going so the arrows and stuff are going to last longer and my big bouncy bullets also I do need to be a little bit more careful about movement speed at this point uh or movement in general really because it does take me a second to start firing again to get the bouncers going look at all of these give me something better um I think these are probably equivalent of each other uh we'll take this to see that's 20 damage yeah that's a better choice just give me more damage we didn't get extra Health but we don't need extra Health not yet at least I want the damage back I want to be back up like 500 per Arrow because then all the giant crits we do yeah I'm gonna wait here because I'm roughly in the middle of my debris zone so when you want to take a walk in a minute we'll go level up a bunch okay this is also when I very much like enemies around you are 30 faster but take 50 more damage so that basically doubles our damage output uh I'm seeing some shots for I don't know what it's big the enemies are faster that's okay they come in and spawn and get closer to me and die quicker that also increases my attack speed so that really only works to my advantage okay we're gonna pick up some of these upgrades that do need to be a little bit slow like I need to step for a few steps and then stop and I won't wander out to the very edges right now what is collect what's on here because the further I get the more you know I'm gonna spawn treasure on the outside of the map and I just really don't want to go get it over there yeah I'm gonna take an extra two Health which is going to give us an extra 30 base damage uh so multiply that by 15 for its crit increase wow the enemies really stack up quickly now they move so quick but then they get blown apart quickly too the closer they are the better because all my fractury arrows are just Pierce and Destroy and it's ugly game's starting to slow down a little bit I can feel it I think a cactus just hit me something rolled into me which must have been this idiot okay I'm gonna pick all these Target deputies that way uh when they're on screen we increase our attack speed end damage by 50 maximum so no whenever those idiots show up if they don't die they just make me stronger until they do die and I clearly need to be stronger I'm very much struggling here with um I lost my train of thought you guys are so weak now that I can't even focus to think I'm just mindlessly killing you and it's getting boring uh do we want more attack speed no our attack speed's already blazing fast let's do 100 more crit damage no let's do base damage I'll place up to about 300 which it is multiplies bigger off the crits anyway so Math is Fun look here comes a mole and oh we almost got me the TNT but he's dead attract Collectibles from further away usually I don't grab that one but I can see it coming in handy now because it's just less further I have to walk for upgrades and heals and normally like I wouldn't be able to get those ones out there because I don't want to wander that far away Hmm this is working a really nice reaction I never realized how big that Magnus zone is at this point I mostly just want lots of mini bosses to spawn that way then give me their treasure because honestly I just don't know the patience for slowly leveling up at this point I just want to kill everything and get more power-ups until the game breaks well since this is all here we're gonna take an extra damage 3 and 11 damage I'm gonna sit right here for a minute and um to see how this goes uh ooh the kid is a boss who can actually got close enough to touch me uh the onion in Aura is tempting but nothing's going to get that close and it won't be that big attract all collectibles when you eliminated Deputy I guess that last Deputy didn't count because he was already dead things are definitely about to hit me like if I would still like this occasional things are hitting me we're collecting Hearts to kind of mitigate that my only conclusion is that I need more damage or that upgrade that goes the longer I hold still the faster I fire hopefully that's still a thing because I would love that right now uh we're getting up to about 30 arrows per second when idiots get close so it's 30 times the uh like multiple splintering arrows that's like 500 per second oh here comes an idiot now okay please don't kill me uh oh I don't know what's happening I can't see I need some hearts is he dead when you stay still periodically fire projectiles around you yes the game does not want to work right now okay we're gonna re-roll those because there's no yellows a blue I might take 330 base damage wait it's kind of looks something like this I don't know if it's enough to fend off the idiots it doesn't look like it is I think their their health has gotten too high I need more damage that's the only thing I can take away from this when I stand on the edge though maybe I'll get a little bit of breathe room for Zach I really do want that one where if I hold still I'll do extra because I'd be up to like 60 attacks per second instead of 30 right now I'm dying again all right well let's go for another walk then we're just gonna collect some hearts along the way those will prop me up because I don't have enough Dash yeah we'll start firing again here and hopefully this works out for us oh there's an idiot so once he dies we'll go uh take his chest in we'll get all the power-ups because of it you projectile so any enemy they touch by 70 for one second so things enemies should be slowed down even more yeah that's actually giving me a lot of breathing room because my protectiles are touching almost everything always I just realized I also need the one where uh I need the one where if they do a critical hit they pierce because these things would just hit every enemy because now they're only sinking a few layers in I think and stopping only the big bullets hit the edge of the map and back but it's actually really amazing what that went upgrade just did every enemy that gets hit is slowed by 70 for one second and suddenly not many of them actually hitting me anymore okay I needed to go pick up some hearts I never realized you can only pick those up so quickly didn't even see whatever that thing was but it's dead creates an explosion four times the damage upon taking down image okay that's gonna give me some extra damage thanks to the health and explode things which is always just fun there's attack speed which could be interesting I kind of just want a lot more damage 343 to 366. we were at 550 damage earlier we cut it down by a third we're almost back to where we were which is almost enough to keep the idiots at Bay we have a little boss coming in he's getting melted uh he's causing issues because they're focused on him but he's dead this is what I was looking for when your projectile still quits they pierce they have a 75 chance of crits so they're going to be piercing a lot more so these arrows are each are going to be doing a lot more damage than they were just now okay we've got another uh mini boss on here we're up to about a 350 000 Bounty those extra penetrating crits are definitely making a real big difference for us he's about to die then we'll collect the power-ups anyway so I can probably mostly just hold still I guess we'll get 50 more damage and cooldown reduction when I have less than 50 Health by that point I'm pretty much dead anyway okay things are starting to hurt me again just a little bit so I'm gonna move to wherever there's a few more hearts and then we can observe them for a minute okay I have another mini boss on the screen he's actually getting really tough like we're not hurting him a ton when he gets close we'll do a little more but it's gonna take a second to actually kill him but that's kind of funny the closer he gets the faster we fire the longer he's here the more damage you do we're doing 500 damage and 30 almost 40 arrows per second so we should get more Health too we'll actually do more damage with more Health your first piercing shot now targets the closest enemy that's interesting does that make a difference at this point I don't know if that makes a difference at this point I really just want the one where the longer I hold still the faster my attacks go that would be the biggest bonus in the world to me I don't think the Homing thing matters at this point because I think our arrows are pretty much always hitting something even if they get to the edge of the map they bounce back in I just realized they still only have one dash I've never made it this far with only one dash okay here's a hook hands they're not as strong as the other one they're quicker but they don't have as much HP so it might actually get through them reasonably quick and he's dead Delirious damage before you dash that's as exciting as it gets and then we're back to the leg Fest and it's like two seconds after we picked up that chest and killed the last mini boss at another one shows up so they're clearly taking a minute to kill these days so in saying that let's take a walk up here to all these Hearts because we're probably going to need these to survive look at all the arrows though this is so much fun and the next mini boss is dead I'm sure the next one's about to show up but we're starting to slowly get hurt so I guess every time we Dash we'll take one damage but permanently gain 10 damage when we go like this we'll get extra damage we're up to 500 damages it is it might be a mini boss on screen but will this Dash will take damage but we'll do extra damage because oh there's a mini boss up there uh the bullets are actually stuck on the minibus and slowing them down so that's interesting yeah I guess they they just may be constantly splitting on him they're stuck to him I can't think of why they're doing that but they're doing that therefore he's very slow so we can leave him up there for a sec actually we need to get close to him because we won't attack anything but him so we might as well focus our fire there to get rid of him hopefully without dying which we're getting close to yeah look at that the mini bullets are sticking to enemies not really sure why but that doesn't really matter oh that must be that homing thing because they try and home after they pierce but they don't go go anywhere because they're big bullets so they just stick forever okay this dummy's almost dead let's try and finish him off can you just take all the arrows in your face please there we go come on just a couple more We're Not Really Gonna absorb anything because of this I just want his Treasure Chest give me your treasure I guess your slow projectiles around you well it was meant to end at some point but we got up to firing over 600 arrows per second so it was ridiculous DPS [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 612,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7IlWDxC4yhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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