This Flower Ends Lives

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we're going to kill a million idiots as they try and get to my flower nobody touches my flower and the more idiots we kill the more experience we get we use experience to level up then we can get a lightning effect we're gonna add a lightning effect to our original flower then we shocked idiots also as they get closer so we're off to a pretty good start I'm not really sure what this little guy's deal is but that lightning is destroying things so far so we'll once again upgrade projectiles Pierce greatly but move slower firing an additional projectile also sounds good I'm gonna fire an additional projectile I don't know if great piercing would really be that good because I don't know how heavy the enemies are gonna get okay this one isn't actually that good because we now shoot around the enemies when they get close we'll hit them with double the bullets but until then we'll hit them with precisely zero we're also going to grow a new flower and it's gonna have a faster attack rate so it's going to be a speed shooter we're allowed to put that anywhere apparently I'm just gonna put it close to my first one because strategy forever eludes me and the less I think the better I do that works for anything in my life we already got another thing projector speed up projectile slow enemies and fire rapidly but deal very low damage let's just go for some lightning effect and I'm gonna add that to this flower because I don't think we can double lightning we actually might be able to I'm not really sure okay that thing can spawn other bees and fire them at me but we're gonna fire lightning back at it lightning defeats bees at least it usually does head to homing effect that's going to be good for my double shooter because these things can actually hit something now hopefully yeah that's much better we've got to focus to Fire and I don't really trust flowers to aim very well their eyesight isn't known to be reliably great okay let's add a new flower rapid fire over a wide area that sounds fun well we also have explosions I've never seen one that looks like this though so I'm assuming this is a good one I'm gonna place that down over there so there we go we're able to stop everything the enemies actually stack up really quickly but when they get closer they have to deal with my little shotgun flower it's gonna start getting hard to know um which flowers have which an additional projectile yes we're gonna give that to my new flower that's rapid firing anyway so now it's super rapid firing it's like a minigun and we got big turtles and even bigger Turtles I'm using Turtle here very that Loosely I don't know what that is fires two additional projectiles with less accuracy yes because my Center one has homing anyway so it's not gonna fire I think four projectiles but they're gonna home anyway so that's gonna be a big Power and we kind of need it because there's a lot of enemies I'm happy to sit back and murder everything though this is very pleasant rigging up getting 360 Big Range boost uh damage up also I'm gonna go do damage up for my main flower I don't know if range is gonna matter much it probably is but I'm a sucker for damage my Center flower is going to be really really really strong it's firing for high power projectiles out that seek out the idiots so far so good there's a lot more idiots coming in now buy an additional projectile I'm gonna give that to my Center flower because uh we just keep upgrading it it's just gonna get stronger and stronger maybe we don't need other flowers so far it seems up to the task of destroying pretty much everyone but we're getting red Turtles coming in and we we know red means danger or I stop or there's a fire truck fire two additional shocks shots with less damage and accuracy oh let's do projectiles explode on contact that's going to be good for my main flower now we're getting some AOE I think I think those explosions don't hit the things around them and the enemies are starting to Cluster up pretty good simply because there's a lot of them some of my small flowers are probably pretty weak in comparison but as long as the idiots are dying we're good to go projectiles orbit around you in a wave-like fashion does that mean my cursor I think that means the flower yep okay so we gotta projectiles around the flower too so anything that gets close is really gonna be dead extra super dead I think we're getting blue idiots coming in now I think they're even stronger than red but this just means more experience for us I actually hope we get more and more of these because so far we're destroying them I'm gonna add another flower at some point though as soon as I can uh that way we sure did get a little more damage going out there grow a new flower uh this one is going to have increased experience generation rate I'm just gonna put that down here uh I'm not really sure what the strategy is yet but extra experience is going to work just fine for me it's probably not going to kill a lot but a little bit that it does is going to help us I think we actually got hit there I heard the sound it didn't sound great I might be wrong though because this might be our health bar at the bottom because as the top bar goes down we get closer to the Boss by the time he arrives he'll be hearing Boss music we're actually starting to get really really strong I don't know if piercing works because we have explosions on our main flower or would they explode and Piers I have questions yeah we'll try that putting it on our main flower this might also break us entirely but I'm hoping they explode and keep going to explode on someone else uh and in fact they might it's a little bit hard to see amongst the chaos as long as the explosions are still happening that's all I really care about I don't care if the penetration doesn't really happen but it seems like it is we have exploding penetration and nobody is safe they're all blue enemies at this point so it'd be nice to just straight up get damage upgrades might still need more flowers I think the Boss Bar is dropping quicker too because we're just fighting more and more enemies as time goes on would have been nice to get an experience upgrade from the beginning but I guess we're still about did level 15 so I really shouldn't complain not sure what that was but they all got pushed back abruptly upgraded an existing flower increase range and adds homing lowers rate of fire I don't need High homing uh small critical boost chance yeah why not that's going on my main flower it's not a super big upgrade but the more Goods we do the better simply because more damage when firing up projectiles out of that thing that's got to actually stack up to quite a bit of DPS oh the idiots got pushed back because we got hit we lost 20 of our health and make that 40 of our health we're gonna need oh they can actually reach my other flowers and like either hurt them or destroy them hopefully those respawn because yep they sure do but they can't get hit oh Gateway is starting to take on damage we got to be a little bit wiser about our next upgrades and we have a really big turtle thing coming our way uh hopefully our swirly doodads did not well they killed him but he got to us before that happened gotta keep firing gotta keep firing everything's fine we're almost at the boss that's why it's getting tougher we just need one more little upgrade that's going to carry us through this never mind I think we're so close to the boss but I think we lost all of our upgrades when we were 95 of the way there so that doesn't bode well for our odds unless this happens to be a mega upgrade I guess we'll just take projectiles Pierce greatly they're gonna move slower but I don't care they pierce so to go right on through those idiots and on to Nowhere they are kind of painfully slow but they'll still just continually go on and hit everyone so if we fire four or five of those at a time we'll be getting somewhere I just took a big range boost uh simply because it could be firing no slow projectiles from way downtown now and the enemies actually move back and forth that kind of works out well because we'll fire a whole like band of bullets out that will probably hit something eventually and our bullets basically go to the edge of the map now so I'm gonna to put attack rate up I'm not going to do the dual shot until we get homie at least and we'll just send out more piercing balls at this point no one is safe now and at this rate anyway the enemies strafe back and forth but they do run right into the bullets raided by increases large accuracy and range penalties yeah that's about be fine we had tons of range anyway and accuracy doesn't really matter because they straight back and forth so wow that's a huge upgrade to damage for us it's wildly inaccurate but we don't need accuracy we need bullets we're more of a spray and prey type player shots explode and deal more damage but move Subway these things are not going to be moving at all pretty soon but that might actually work to our advantage because the hair basically not moving at all but as soon as enemies get close to us they're going to absolutely explode on those or they're gonna hit us instead I might have ruined our build I need faster projectile speed everything I have wants to slow them down projectiles exploded with lightning speed decreases yeah whatever let's just embrace it at this point so the projectiles are barely moving to the point where the enemies can actually touch me before the bullet reaches them though we are starting to Fan bullets out in all directions so that's actually a really nice Shield I'm also going to buy a new flower at this point I just need some help and increase experience generation rate yes I'm gonna put that right here where I can kind of help guard my main flower uh there's obviously a wall of damage oh look who decided to show up oh he's walking right through my damage wall though oh yeah we did have a reset in our flower though so we took out five percent of his health gave this will help projectiles deal much uh deal less damage but move more quickly that's fine we can balance that back out again because I need this that would actually work yeah look how much quicker that is again the bullets are actually going like full speed and they can actually land on him he's taking off 10 of his health and he's actually dropping a lot of experience for us too and he's walking through our uh wall of bullets too that's definitely helping us he did touch us once but then went into our wall supercharges projectiles with lightning yes I do think I want lightning damage that'll be especially a good for him we need to hit him with tons of damage so now we're gonna hit him yep that's definitely actually chunking him pretty good it's just when he gets close he's gonna start hitting us again I need that range it really sucks that I'm not attacking him right now come on hit him lots yep it actually chunks him really good when it hits but then he walks right into us because he's strong well he's down to almost half Health at this point but I've been feeling pretty soon he's just gonna walk into me because he can there's so many good upgrades we could have splitting projectiles but I don't want I need boss so damage and projectile speed up those bullets will get to him quick and don't hurt him more yeah that's a little better there absolutely warping out to him damage is definitely up but he didn't touch us and for some reason yeah we get to go again but we've also reset all of our upgrades that's okay damaging projectile speed up will get him one way or another uh attack right up we need to fire those shots off when he gets in range he did also just drop her as a homing effect so that's hopefully going to be a little more efficient damage to him this way we don't have any excuse for missing he does move pretty quick uh laterally so hopefully the Ballers can keep up with him but I need more than anything his range increase XP generation rate by two traditional shots with less accuracy and damage yeah but that's still fine because we'll fire three at a time and with the Homing that's hopefully gonna mean three shots hitting him then we're gonna do faster attacks with less damage and more spread that's okay because the spread is negated by the Homing ability and if we just get those shots off quicker like that that's a little better we just need to come back into range it's so annoying how little range we have it's my own thought but yeah look at that once he does get into range we absolutely start wailing on him and this is what we need attack range up some of these other ones were good we need to hit him just a little bit further out that's obviously going on my main flower then we should be able to hit him yeah right now even that's gonna be way more damage overall to him but I feel like every time he circles down he tends to walk toward us here no he might be going for another lap or nope he's coming in that's bad news for us I think I finally found the secret to defeating him it was actually the projectile split on contact with enemies because I would hit his shots and then they would Splinter and actually hit him I now see what we need to do we need to get a minigun that fires nukes so it's just a matter of getting lucky and finding a rare upgrade to begin projectile's home and explode rate of fire decreases that's okay we can fix the rate of fire later because we're really gonna need to fire a few shots at a time now though as well home and they also explode those yellow upgrades I think are the rarest of them so they're going to be the best and explosions do hit other idiots we're gonna turn their attack range up that's simply a good one we're actually hitting them way out now and this is one of the very best ones we can find so early increase experience generation raid that's going to add up to a ton of extra power as we go through this projectiles split on contact with enemies I think that's another very important one that gives us a very big multi-shot chance and those actually spins here in all directions that's something I didn't know that's going to be the key to clearing out lots of these little B things and then we're going to add lightning effect as well that's also going to help clear things out I still don't know if I should add more flowers or not I can see the benefit but I could also see how that might work against me fires two additional projectiles with less accuracy yes we don't want to get too inaccurate but firing people checked outs at a time and we're homing anyway that should help that's basically triple the damage that is actually triple the damage because there's no penalty for that one increase experience generation rate we're still early enough that that's also going to help in a big way so maybe I should just put all the upgrades into this one flower because it's getting the experience upgrades and so far it's wiping the entire screen basically continually we got three projectiles that further split and when do you know what more increased experience generation rate this is still early enough that those will pay for themselves fairly quickly I'm gonna go all in on this singular flower we can do this shuts explode and deal more damage but move slower that's okay because I'm pretty sure it's easy to put the speed back on as long as they don't get too slow like this is borderline too slow we can't take any more speed decreases but the shots will get to where they're going and they will explode and fracture and hit all sorts of things please fire that way thank you that was really close I don't love any of these and I can't go back to make another flower projectiles already explode we could increase experience generation greatly but we lose other stats to do so so we'll just go range and that's not gonna hurt anything I mean we can hit things way far out now so as soon as they appear on screen we should be more or less sending projectiles their way and not just like a few projectiles a lot but we're already starting to get into the red guys so we need to start getting some more speed upgrades again projectile slow enemies on contact okay that's great I guess whatever we don't manage to kill we will slow and if they're slow out there then yeah that just gives them all the more time to take damage on the way in that's fine by me so far damage isn't a problem at all though our exploding fracturing shots are really really doing work there's this one would have been good we already have that so we're just gonna go with damage up when in doubt add more damage it will carry you through any problems like those your way this is a lot of damage though there are a lot of homing if we can increase the Homing power a little bit more even we'd be even more efficiently killing things but because of our range of bullets make it all the way to the outer edge and then Splinter so they really really taking out everything I like this so far it's a very low ever build I decided with a single flower and watch everything die I guess we're just going to increase our range one more time because I don't really like the rest of these the critical chance is nice but I don't want to lose the base damage but that's also good for us that way by the time the bullets get there they've clumped up and they're well homed by that point the further they have to go the more accurate they're gonna be is what I'm trying to say and so far our bullets are being very very efficient look they grew up in this murder all of those little things we need to start killing some stronger things though I am already level 13 though so we're doing really good level wise here's a good one either projectile speed up or attack rate up I think attack rate's good enough for now that's more damage overall and that should help us anyway as long as we're getting more attacks out there are splintering explosions should take care of the rest and this way the enemies get a little bit of a chance to live I mean they're born just outside of the map then as soon as they're alive they basically get exploded they're born to face down an absolute hail storm of bullets and at this part so far we're actually starting to have trouble with seeing enemies on the map we just got so much damage going out like those guys are supposed to be a problem they evaporated we still might have been better off with more flowers but this one flower so far is really doing the trick even the red and blue ones are disappearing very quickly but we did Stack a lot of damage in the early part so it's no wonder that this is so strong well we can fire an additional projectile so that's actually gonna add a lot of damage now we're firing three four at a time I think four yes the one was hiding to the left four bullets at a time for extra extra damage I do think we're starting to get slightly stronger enemies spawning again though so we're gonna have to be uh aware of that but we'll level up again soon and then we can have faster projectiles again because this last 20 is where things start to get a little bit more intense we're getting those light blue guys I think that's the strongest of them all but we're not seeing them for very long so that's a good sign too I didn't realize how close we were to the boss at this point just because everything had been dying so easily I kind of zoned out I think this is gonna make sure it work at the boss I don't think it's projectiles are gonna get to this very quickly and we should be able to hurt him quite badly pretty much constantly yeah that's taking care of the boss this is what I was looking for he's just dead he was alive for three seconds flat like I always say it's all about the damage [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 296,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4swfELEkaLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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