Forcing Idiots To Make Me Money

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we're going to create a company worth trillions of dollars and it all starts with a simple printer which gives us paper that we bring over to this desk do you know running a business is that easy you just need a printer to print out paper then you give it to this idiot and then he gives you money it just works i'll take another stack of paper please this guy's not full yet luckily this building comes without ceilings so we can stack these as high as we want to also give me the money so that little bit of effort was worth 150 dollars so far pretty soon we'll be able to unlock hr and a manager but why but since i have 200 let's go ahead and unlock another idiot with a desk they seem to want me to uh get hr i don't feel like we need hr in fact that seems counterproductive to my normal type of business i don't want to have to treat people fairly i want to exploit them for everything they have and then probably murder them because that's cheaper but now i've got two idiots uh producing me money so this will go twice as fast so i'll take you your stack of money and then i will also take your stack of money think i'm gonna need to automate this process pretty soon getting a little tired of running back and forth i'm just kidding i was born to do this so i'll take a little of this and a little of this and there's 700 that's enough to buy an entire hr person apparently they're considered a helper okay so now that i unlock the hr i need to further give them more money to get more stuff wait never mind the helper is here so now i don't even have to carry paper anymore because that idiot is gonna do it for me but he's not very good at it so we're gonna help him out just a little to get started if we're not making an alarming amount of money we're not doing it right so that stack of money is worth about a hundred dollars this deck of money is worth a couple hundred dollars we can make the helper better but it's gonna cost us a lot of money so he's gotta earn his upgrade before he gets it and i feel like there's not a lot of point of unlocking more of these guys because they're kind of operating at capacity anyways more desks means will they struggle even more to keep up with the paper delivery but this company's officially earned its first one thousand dollars that means we could buy a manager that i thought was more money than he is but now if we spend a bit of money we can get more upgrades for other things so like any good boss i'm just gonna sit here for a while and collect the money while everyone else does the work for me because my company value is only 2 300 that's not good enough okay are we rich yet this guy's got a large stack of money i feel like that's realistically more money than that but since we got the money let's unlock another one of these now we can get paper from two places i never realized these uh papers can actually run out too so if we take them away too quick they're gonna run out themselves i've created a skyscraper paper for that guy and their money stash is getting about full so let's collect i think it's 500 per stack and we're going to use that to increase the workers speed that means these guys will spit out the money even quicker so we can buy more upgrades even quicker and we saved up another 1700 that means our helpers speed is going to go up look at him go now eventually we can hire a ceo which should probably be me but we don't get to choose that yet we've saved up another three thousand dollars now we're going to get another hire all together now we have two idiots collecting papers for me double the production which is good because we've been at this for a long time we've only made 8 400 but i told these guys if they work hard enough they can have their hair back another eighteen hundred dollars that means we get another upgrade for the idiots more capacity now they can carry more papers at once like good morons that should hopefully keep the uh paperwork guys a little bit busier than they have been uh so far it looks like they can deliver papers now faster than they can go through them so it's time to open up another desk there you guys go your reward for doing good work is even more work the money is really rolling in now those last year upgrades really put it over the top then carry just enough paper now i think to keep these guys perpetually busy look at all the stacks of money we have now we're gonna have to step up our production again so worker speed increase again they'll tear through these stacks of paper ever faster for ever more profit the company now is worth 13 700 so i still can't retire but with this exponential growth it shouldn't actually take that long to get to that point it feels like i only have to look away for a second before i get a massive pile of money but speaking of massive apollo money let's spend it on what i think is a bigger desk i maybe should have done this earlier because that seems very efficient i really need to start wandering around more because these guys are going to have four idiots at a single desk producing money so these are actually going to be much quicker than the other ones i'm clearly going to need to buy more helpers because suddenly all these guys are falling asleep at their desk and they're not paid to sleep i'm the only one that can make money for doing nothing i need six thousand dollars and just like that we made another six thousand dollars which is enough to buy an entire another person so whenever they want to show up they have a job and our sorting ability is so crazy quick now that they still have my idiot sleeping but we're still making money at a pretty good pace so for now i don't care and another four thousand dollars means i can increase the idiot's carrying capacity so they can carry a little more and hopefully they'll be less sleeping and more profiting they're actually carrying some pretty big stacks now so i'm happy about that they're carrying the same size decks as me now so they're like real people that will hopefully keep everyone else a little bit busier i have made basically three thousand dollars back again already so that was very quick the big desk down below as long as they have paper basically fills their stack by the time i can come back to it i spent another four thousand dollars upgrading the idiot speed but another problem we're having is we're actually running out of paper up here so we're gonna have to start cutting down some trees but i'm probably also just gonna have to unlock this now we hopefully won't run out of paper and we'll make money ever quicker i guess i'll buy this one now just because i can it's only twelve hundred dollars so there's really no reason not to pretty sure that guy's gonna spend most of his time sleeping but why are they piling that guy so high what did he do to everyone the company value has risen to about forty thousand dollars but i've got a lot of expanding to do and another ten thousand dollars is going to be spent on one single human being so hopefully they make it worth it and i just take the occasional stroll around collecting all the money like a good boss but that probably also means we can afford a few more desks looks like we still have a lot of sleeping idiots so i need to upgrade my workers just a little bit more to keep all these guys going but the money's coming in very quickly i like this visual i just walk around and collect the money and then i can upgrade to make even more money and i can use all that money to buy more coffee which in turn somehow makes me more money i forgot we could turn up the workers speed for so cheap so there's 4 500 i'm not going to upgrade my capacity because i don't need to do any work i do however want to see what this is so apparently this is just a vending machine that spits out money that's probably fine for a thousand dollars we can even upgrade it i don't know if that's going to give me much money overall but it does just spit it out so great these guys still seem to be kind of sleepy so i'm gonna need another worker or faster workers or both fifteen thousand dollars later we gotta increase these guys speed and next is gonna be capacity they're at max speed and they're definitely moving along pretty quickly we're running out of paper fairly fast i'm really hoping that all my long slow investments here make me a little quicker in the next part but we'll find out max capacity idiots so they can definitely carry a lot of papers even over a full stack somehow but we're running out of papers so we're gonna need to upgrade the paper distributor pretty sure once we do that there won't be any more sleeping bald idiots in my job the money comes in so fast now it's almost a joke but there's another paper producer and well since the game's giving me paper i'll probably help out just a little bit but i'm thinking now the paper should start to restock so they should have everyone going once everything balances out a little bit because they can carry a lot of paper at once and they do move fairly quickly it's actually just kind of stressful trying to keep up with collecting all the money so let's give them even more to work with there's another super desk so that's going to be really hard to keep up with for them oh won't even let me go in that part yet that's a break room anyway these guys don't deserve breaks sixteen thousand dollars for a human i'm not paying that much but since my time however is completely worthless that i can sacrifice for a human so now we have the maximum amount of workers very upgraded carrying lots of paper to lots of idiots these big stacks of idiots generate a lot of money so i think it's time for the file zone i suspect that's okay that's going to unlock that but i think it's going to produce files for the ceo office nope that literally just unlocked this entire zone okay you get back to work okay he's going to slowly produce files so i guess it's a waiting game for him then i've got to unlock these things for three to eight thousand dollars luckily we're making lots of money up here so it won't take long to make that much and look at those stacks of paper up top we're going strong actually one circle of the money up top at that point was two and a half thousand dollars basically by the time i circle it twice we'll have the money we need not that i know what this is but we unlocked something hire me for this machine okay before doing that i'm gonna need some paper because if i'm understanding that correctly that goes in okay the files come out i see now so i'm pretty sure i just hired at least one guy for that so he's gonna run back and forth with these folders i think bringing him over to here or something i don't really care as long as you're doing something that's fine by me i'm just gonna sit around and collect money for a while well i've definitely got a lot of idiots running around doing stuff now so that makes me feel better i'm not really sure what happens if i bring a file over to here they kind of just sit there so we'll unlock one of those and it's just another one of these guys oh that's where he's supposed to be but he um came over here i've gone ahead and locked them out of fun stuff forever that's the kind of crushing spirit we want so they turned the blue ones into folders i guess so that's whatever to me after standing around looking important for a little while i'm up to about thirty thousand dollars and i have no idea what to spend it on look at the size of that stack of paper and look how quickly they go through it that paper goes down so quick and the money spits right out i guess i still need a lot of those to unlock the next area i've just been too lazy to physically carry things myself like even now i barely know what to do with these papers i'm not a very good boss so we'll take those out for the blue things and i guess i'll put the blue things i don't know over here do i seriously have to manually carry these myself what kind of boss am i okay i got everyone there going so now i can get more blue things so i can give more blue things to him and this thing's spitting out blue things at quite a pace so i'm actually going to upgrade my idiot finally just to move this along while collecting bundles of money and i can increase the workers speed again i forgot about that there you go oh we could do that twice if we want to well we're going to carry uh increase our limits quite a bit and then when we get thirteen thousand dollars i'll increase their speed again which shouldn't take long because the amount of them there are going in the amount of paper and output we have thousands of dollars goes by quick our company's worth over a hundred thousand dollars now so i'm almost ready to retire but we're going to invest another 13 000 on worker speed do they look quicker yet i don't know which workers sped up is it all of them is it the one carrying paper i thought it was the ones carrying paper maybe that's why we're out of paper everywhere so now i can obviously carry giant stacks of anything i want so 200 is actually going to go by fairly quickly as long as these stay well stocked up and it looks like they're going to because i'm pretty sure that things output had been full for a while and that's why uh it has a skyscraper or paper next to it we have skyscrapers of everything right now but we can get through that fairly quickly another stack we went from 74 down to 29 so we can carry a lot of blue things at once and apparently we can carry different things at once if we accidentally pick the wrong stuff up luckily it sorts itself out is this enough to be done can we have a ceo now yeah we can would you like this last one because i feel like i shouldn't be carrying this around i'll make one of these guys turn it into money thank you sir okay it's really hard to walk anywhere and not pick something up so i'm gonna very carefully try never mind okay we're just carrying the blue book for a while you have work to do not really everyone else has work to do is this is this the same thing again this one's spitting out blue some things okay you want microchips now do we make more money over here i think we make more money over here uh and i'll be honest i make more money on the other side so you do that for a while i'll come back when i can afford some stuff for now we'll unlock hr i don't know if we get a free idiot for that or not i don't really care right now for now i'm just gonna go around collecting a lot of money and then when we have a bunch we're gonna move over there and automate everything in a hurry this guy just came and grabbed me i can carry devices yeah that's fine go for it all right well i'm gonna wait right here for a little bit until the money stacks up it really doesn't take long at all we're a little bit out of paper but we've got tons of money to collect not sure these guys down here are doing i really need to remember not to collect all that stuff but if we carefully walk around we can drop these here and then get out of this area entirely so that means i've got 19 000 to spend and a stack of this is worth six thousand dollars i know i literally just said how much money i had but i forgot right away so i spent two thousand dollars on that one and maybe six thousand on this one then let's hire another idiot and then they're both gonna sit here working away for a little while while i wait for these guys to fill back up again i probably should buy a worker first a manager you know what let's take a little shortcut let's take their speeding capacity up okay that was done so these guys should hopefully be making me lots of money i thought their stacks were more than this but maybe they need to pile up a little more i'm gonna need you to go ahead and come in tomorrow these ones however always pile up these guys are really efficient on this side i wonder how much money we're gonna need on the other side i guess that doesn't really matter considering i built a business not basically doing nothing like i don't even know where income comes from these guys just spit money out for some reason but we got forty thousand dollars to spend and they're clearly a little bit short on these things so those guys can have another one of those and i guess we'll take another idiot and while we're at it i might as well buy one of these super desks because i assume that's the same as the other side and it's just gonna spit out money faster than anything ever so let's increase the speed of the guys sitting at the desks and also the carrying capacity of the idiots on the floor that should help make me lots of money using the blue parts our company's value is up to two hundred thousand dollars that's a twenty five thousand dollar upgrade board member i wanna be a board member okay these guys can actually fill this up pretty quick now so that's a good sign and we opened up another desk to hopefully keep the idiots just a little busier um well we're at it all right i added a few little upgrades so hopefully now these idiots are going to be moving along quite a bit faster they've definitely got a lot of blue things to be working through so i'm going to go ahead and click money on the other side for a sec because i'm pretty sure yep all of these are going to be absolutely ready to go with paper stacked to the moon i'm not sure how much i had before i walked into this room but we now have fourteen thousand dollars and the stacks have already replenished themselves and a few other small piles of money later we have about twenty thousand dollars to spend so let's maybe unlock this one because it's going to be a quick one and we're still going to need the laptop zone for twenty four thousand dollars that's expensive but nothing's too good for me and my ambitions we still have so many blue things how did i end up carrying some of these get over there but our starters are working pretty quickly so this should translate into lots of money before too long hopefully i mean i guess when i do new money i just need to walk 100 meters to the next building because this one always has lots of money and look at how high this paper stack is i don't even know if it has a top anymore clearly we didn't wait as long as last time there's only ten thousand dollars to be gained this time i'm going to increase my collect speed i hope that counts for money now that i think about it i was just annoyed that i had to stop and wait for the stacks of money money is starting to stack back up again we have 55 000 thanks to this area really starting to pay out this guy needs to work faster do i think we're actually running out of blue things so we're gonna have to go ahead and buy one of these which is very expensive but whatever we need the production then i'm gonna buy the laptop zone because that's gonna give us access to all of this which is all very expensive but we're gonna need it and we need this guy to get to work also all i need is fifteen thousand dollars we have fourteen thousand now so that's not going to take long to do we're already halfway there and we've got it that's gonna get us one of these which makes me put this guy back to work also i could be taking these and putting them in here now and where i get the thing to be a board member which is black binders okay so i got these guys working now uh okay yeah we're going to stack some of those up but they should be splitting out the black binders we need to get the other thing we want whatever it kind of makes sense in my head only 592 more to go but i think they probably do spit out at a pretty good rate so i'm gonna help these guys just a little bit and i just realized my stack size doesn't apply from the other side to this side so we gotta upgrade that all right well things are happening i'm gonna run around and just collect a little more money simply because i can that's better look at how many of these things i can carry at a time now so we'll be able to load up this machine fully and then take the other things out fully which will take us a long ways closer to that but it's still gonna be a minute so for the next few minutes i'm basically doing this loading this thing up taking things out carrying them over look at how fast these guys print out money though like if i take their stack away it basically reappears within a few seconds and i've gathered another forty thousand dollars to put into this one that way we could also be using this to produce these things and this one's very much nice and close so i can just run back and forth pretty much continuously we're now at the point where we've kind of got more money than i know what to do with i make it so quickly that i don't really want to bother to buy anything i've got one goal in mind this might be the final stack i need to finally get to the board member nope so that obviously this stack is going to be the one we're seven short pretty sure this is seven and we did it the door is open you can have this as a tip sir and apparently that this leads us into logistics department and the great irony is that i thought doing lots of good work would get me somewhere other than doing more work again [Music] you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,150,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Yvp17QOQyyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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