WorldBox, but I let a Sheep be GOD.

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hello everyone Kyle here and today we're back for some more World Books I decided that for today's video I've let a sheep decide the fate of the world I mean it can't be any worse than what we allow in the real world so how bad could this go I won't blame you if you turn the video off after that joke I probably would let's get started so first we'll create the world we'll select a large world for this next I'll turn all the ages off except the first one because I want as minimal random event interference as possible over in the world laws tab we'll leave the majority as default but we will turn off biomes overgrowth to stop them fighting with each other erosion and both the disasters great now we can set the mood with a 6x6 grid of square Islands next we'll number them one to six this way and label them a to F this way in case you hadn't realized already we've made a grid it's a grid it does grid things now we can go ahead and give the map a suiting name sheep of make sure you really get that mmm part down because that's the most important part of it all without the you don't quite understand that it's good and bad at the same time here's a portrait of the sheep it looks pretty angry and doom like if I do say so myself next we'll add in some small isolated area where the Sheep of Doom is going to live it's a very simple idea you place them in the center and if he runs to the left it's a bad choice if he runs to the right well it's a good choice being a sheep of Doom he has all the traits associated with sheep and doom related things such as agile so he can dodge left and right with ease Giants so we can see him easier as I'm pretty blind and long liver which I hope is that he lives longer and it isn't an enlarged sliver because that would probably be a bad thing we also need to make him evil which goes hand in hand with the title of Doom and give him voices in the head which is basically me just Whispering sweet nothings into his sheep is appearance wise I imagine him with one eye and gold teeth kind of of like a pirate wrapper will also give him super Health to make him hard to kill and some other fluff traits to make him prettier to look at but also evil for example I've gone and given him this ability that plants flowers where he walks which seems like a nice thing at first except I've also given him burning steps so he immediately sets fire to the flowers as a kind of middle finger to Nature now we'll go ahead and just fill our map with some random biomes and resources to get the ball rolling there we go lovely stuff the outside of the map is quite nice biomes and common materials the biomes get harder towards the middle but the resources also improve it's a simple risk and reward setup you risk your life and the reward is your suffering ends so in each of the corners we will put different races human in the top left elves in the top right Orcs in the bottom left and dwarfs in the bottom right now we will appropriately name the different kingdoms the humans who hum the elves on thy shelf the dwarfs who eat rocks and lastly the Orcs who eat porks you may have noticed that they all rhyme except for the dwarfs I did that on purpose why you ask just to annoy people I told you I was like Anyway now the kingdoms are set up we'll add in four more settlers into each place to give them a total of five crate now the map is ready to begin the game basically every in-game year we let the Sheep of Doom make a good or bad selection doing it yearly gives the kingdoms time to work out their issues before each good or bad thing occurs once the Sheep of Doom is chosen we can bring up these lovely name wheels that I made earlier this one's full of good things which could be interpreted as bad to some people and this one is full of bad things which could be interpreted as good to some people we Spin The Chosen will and also these other Wheels I made which are just the letters and numbers once the choice has been made we do whatever it has landed on at the selected grid tile simple enough hey let's start the first choice and get the party started so shape of Doom which you know kind of suggests you want to do bad things what will your first choice be for us today hopefully Doom oh that's not Doom you misleading piece of Click bait dammit we have a good choice first let's see what it is spin spin spin to win where it lands no one knows except now now we know blood rain well that certainly sounds evil although it's a good choice Raining Blood over the forest is quite a dark thing to do really I don't think though in the game actually does anything but you know we can hope that the trees soak it up and get a taste for blood turning them evil no but seriously it did nothing right now we wait for another year to pass in the meanwhile our little settlers will build up their bases time for event two what say you sheep bad choice bad choice bat yes that is evil what do we get as our evil choice though something truly diabolical I hope a rage Cloud over F4 oh that sounds bad what does it do though makes you want to yell at the weather uh great so it makes you British wow this is lame it literally doesn't do a thing to the people it goes over okay so another year another Choice we've got evil again our evil choice of today will be sponsored by delayed TNT over F5 oh good this is a great one we're going to be destroying the dwarf's food source I don't even feel bad because I've given them four years to gather the berries from the bushes and they've chosen to just build up their base it's their own fault really that this is happening isn't it so almost at year five and each settlement has grown pretty slowly you look at the humans and elves with their four children born over five years and you think hmm that's pretty bad until you see the dwarves who have had a single child and the Orcs who have had none they are literally in no rush to continue their survival meanwhile in the jungle there's a monkey throwing crap at whatever the heck this thing is is in nature beautiful another Choice please sheep of Doom and another evil pick and it's five Bears on A6 oh that's someone's base it's the elf space I hope you can deal with the Bears because well they're coming even if you can't we'll just unstack or this child with the Bears to keep them safe we'll go ahead and rename the child Goldilocks and yeah three of the five bears are gonna be Mama Bear papa bear baby bear and the other two can just be like distant cousins enjoy the Bears Oh weird they actually do get on which I guess makes some sense as elves are known to be nature hippies I was kind of hoping that devour at least one child so really this has turned out to be a good choice as the elves now have bears as bodyguards this is lame sheep give us another choice and this time make it truly evil oh hey quit toying with me go over the line or the choice doesn't count there we go I knew you wouldn't disappoint me a super pumpkin on D4 great let's go ahead and place that down nice so I guess it will keep spawning these fat little pumpkins and make this tile that little bit more orange so next up we have another evil Choice it's a flame Tower to be spawned on F5 oh this is next door to the dwarves this could prove to be quite sucky for them as it shoots fireballs and spawns demons great the fireball knocks things they hit so hard that it makes them fly into new islands this is going to really mess up the ecosystems the demons also have crazy amounts to health for this level no way would the dwarfs be able to take them on if they meet up let's roll the Sheep dice again and see what we get a good choice huh 20 Penguins on C1 wow this certainly is a pleasant choice now we've got a little community of swamp Penguins so she what's next in the cards to fate an evil Choice curse on C1 hold on a minute this is our swamp penguin Community Trust you to take something beautiful and make it ugly now the penguins are a community of cursed swamp Penguins what's the flame Tower up to cool still flame and I see creature another choice now evil again what do we get this time something cool I hope nice an atomic bomb on B5 will help B5 prepare for a facelift ah it has improved the island by 67 next up another evil choice this time we're getting the death tray added to D2 so what this says is the void calls for him and he's gonna answer it so I guess it just means things die let's add it to the island and see this car has been infected with it and now we unpause the game and yes the cat is dead lucky get cool a monkey just died too what fun that was probably one of the most eventful days of my life so coming towards the end of year 12 and the humans and elves the neck and neck population wise the Orcs have actually caught up quite well the dwarfs are still not that bothered I mean they're trying but they really don't care for continuing their existence they're my kind of people Construction wise the humans have a dock in a town hall as do the elves the dwarfs are even a little behind on this they only have these weird houses and a tent the Orcs are doing okay though I assume this weird thing is like a town hall okay sheep what's next for the Planet evil choice I hope yep Mega heartbeat on D1 I don't actually know what this does it seems to just put a ring pulsating out from them and it doesn't actually do anything to creatures near them so yeah kind of pointless maybe it activates when they're in combat or something but we'll never know at this point so let's get another sheep pick it's evil again and it's a tumor and it's on C2 we'll just plop that amongst the trees and yes the Buffalo is attacking the tumor babies oh so are the Penguins wow who knew that all this time to fight tune as we just needed Penguins although it does look like the penguins are losing the battle this is probably why penguins aren't used useless Birds anyway it's here 15 which means it's time for us to join some islands out so going diagonally from the corner bases we'll just connect the nearest Islands this will hopefully promote expansion and make them start exploring because at the moment they're just all quite happy on their little Islands there we go Bridges complete sheep do your doom evil again living up to the name at least a freaking UFO on A6 this early in the game Puppeteer this isn't going to go well as a better hope that the elves are friendly with aliens as well well they seem to just be leaving each other alone so maybe they are meanwhile the dwarfs after having connected the first islands are now connected to the flame Tower so yeah they've got demons attacking them I don't think they're strong enough at this point to win this one so it's probably the end of the dwarf race already yeah yeah that king is dead some of them are just getting blown off the island they're in so much trouble right now but hold on there's a new base on the other side of the flame Tower this must be the guy that got blown across the water ah nice so the survival is going to come down to driller here who is now covered in skin burns and their newly elected King dick oh my God diggers an abbreviation of dead inside gaming oh my God what are the chances oh my god well I guess the dwarfs will continue to live for now but it was certainly a close one okay sheep it's on you again evil and we're getting 10 Orcs on B5 well that means there's a new settlement nice they could start on what remains after the atomic bomb that should be healthy we'll call these the Orcs to eat humans oh good they're already being welcome to the world by their neighbors in the same way I was welcomed by Mine by having feces thrown at their house and family thank you neighboring monkeys your poop will make for some excellent conversation starters so the dwarf space is still alive which surprises me oh and what's this the original Orcs who eat porks to make it an alliance with the elves on thy shelf I wouldn't have thought they'd get along but there we go it shows actually what I know ah there we go the dwarf's original base has finally burnt to the ground we can sleep peacefully tonight sheep it's your time to shine again evil choice but I'll win trait on F4 oh that's where the dwarfs have moved too you're really against these dwarfs surviving aren't you just because they ride your people like tiny little horses doesn't mean you can toy with their lives to this extent interesting interesting and bad just bad this is definitely going to hamper their survival so sheep evil choices again and mine's on C4 cool we get to booby trap an island or you know we'll just drop the landmines down and the local Wildlife will set them off immediately whatever floats your boat let's have a quick check up on the civilizations now oh dear the elves seem to have lost a bunch of their buildings I guess that UFO didn't count as nature after all oh now the UFO has gone after the Orcs who are still being bombarded with monkey poo as my father said on my 10th birthday your life has been short and meaningless so sheep again evil seeing a pattern here now it's almost as if he's some kind of lamb of bad stuff 10 bowling balls on E3 nice the bowling party how could this be a bad thing oh I like how when they land they just delete the biome beneath them watch out Orcs here comes some fun oh dear took out that town hall off yours or whatever you know that weird building I guess this is your chance to rebuild it a little less weird this time it's left little swimming pools on the islands which just can't be a bad thing how are our little dwarfs doing great they're still just throwing each other around I'm not going to lie you're uh you're doing just fine sheep good choice oh my I don't think I'm ready for this 20 chickens on F4 oh that's the dwarfs again that's good then isn't it they're getting some chickens oh wait when I put them down this guy's just gonna start juggling them cool so um shall we just you know continuously throws them up into the air and lets them crash to the ground until they either learn to fly or die I'm not very hopeful for them learning to fly so rip chickens right what's next bad choice and hemata bomb on E2 oh nice so now the Orcs are going to lose their rock supply however they have gained a rather lovely swimming pool so I guess every cloud does have a silver lining no idea why it doesn't make sense to me never has well our dwarf King is still up to his usual Antics so let's rename him but this name is a little misleading that's better have to include the children he has thrown as they're a big part of it meanwhile this monkey is still harassing the Orcs it's the only thing he has to live for let's not take it away from him please okay bad choice again great good one E6 oh dear oh dear this is a bad one indeed so E6 is this tile and it's also connected to two other tiles including the dwarf's original home and the area with the flame Tower I'm pretty sure when we start this skill off yeah yeah okay okay it's just going to continuously eat the land until it's stopped by the water nice that means it's going to destroy the flame Tower it's another bad thing that ends up to be good so what if it eats a couple of the islands in the process it's better than having a flame Tower of Doom salmon and doom demons let's add the shallows in to represent the ghosts of the islands oh and this just gets good at and goodier the demons die in the water as they're fire-based weird it's left a little island for the demons to live on thought the goo would have destroyed that too but it turns out to be a merciful towards the demons well we still need to paint the shallows around the islands demons don't get off your Island the ocean's going to come back you'll get wet oh what did I say damn it Paul's dead or the demon is dead let's save Matt Matt demon well personally I feel good about saving the demon no life deserves to be ended not even a hell spawn next up a bad choice robot Santa on E2 case so we need to place this on the tile above for it to hit the chosen tile there we go now it will spread Joy across the lands with his explosive presence Joy Of course being the name of this Buffalo Rest In Pieces Joy bad choice again to lay TNT on C6 well it's another empty Island but it will clear the resources off it so it is kind of a bad thing another unfortunate Buffalo I see seems to be a bit of a massacre against them happening at the moment oh never mind he's survived the TNT somehow oh oh see the aliens have made it to the dwarf this might not end well leave them alone it doesn't mean to throw children at you it's just what he does now please don't kill him he's tried so hard to stay alive this long ah he's been blasted here another Island and now he's fighting a crocodile this dwarf just doesn't get a break does he right bad choice again and it's a freaking dragon on C1 Haka swamp penguins are in trouble I mean they did try and fight him earlier so I imagine they'll have to go at the dragon as well yeah yeah there we are oh God this tiny black and white bodies everywhere think of the penguin babies Another Bad Pig another anti-matter bomb and it's on top of the last surviving demon I know I said I felt good about saving him earlier but I won't lie I feel equal amounts of Happiness towards killing him see you in heck Matt I said heck instead of Hell to light in this situation what's this the dwarf has managed to establish a new base has he finally killed the crocodile nope it's still there this is some serious multitasking he's just done ah never mind the crocodile destroyed the base and now he kills it mate if you'd have done that two seconds sooner you wouldn't be starting over again again again meanwhile the dragon is going after the humans now so I think this may be the end of them if he takes a liking to eating them these humans are trying to kill the dragon bless them I think the dragon is just healing faster than they are damaging him yeah here he goes into the town now the houses are made of wood which is good and bad good because wood fires smell nice but bad because the people in them probably won't think it smells nice ah the dwarf's starting to rebuild which is good he's still alone though so I'm not really sure how um how he's going to manage to repopulate his village but you know what I'm confident he'll figure it out let's get another sheep rolling and try to stop the dragon bad choice cyber court on B6 nice that's the elstead as well then the island is connected to their main base and these little robots are pretty tough the bear bodyguards they had are coming down to their defense but the robots are just one shot in them oh the Hell and all the rules if the elves have to die from robots so be it ah this humans seem to have a little break from the dragon you can see all the bases up the top of the map are really starting to struggle with numbers considering they were both two of the highest before this also had been another 15 years now so let's go ahead and connect some more lands so things can kill each other easier there we go all connected to the next diagonal row soon they'll be connected all around so sheep do your stuff bad choice as usual super pumpkin on C3 ah this isn't that bad at the moment still not connected to anything so we'll just plop that down in the middle well since connecting it to the main island you're also now being attacked by robots from one side while in turn they attack Buffalo and other Wildlife on the other priorities are a bit all over the place at this moment but whatever kill those Critters If It Makes You Happy nice the dragons back with the humans they've only got a couple of houses left so bad choice ten wolves on C6 I have a feeling these are just going to run into the robots and die oh well I may introduce the animal into the ecosystem but it's not up to me how quickly they want to remove themselves again well the dragon is in the human space again they're also being attacked by whatever these are it's not a great day for them is it and to make it worse the Orcs have decided that while they're being murdered from all angles it would be a good time to declare war on them the robots meanwhile have completely destroyed the elves and are now fighting the small Orcs settlement here they certainly won't be around much longer with the robot in their base and apparently their other base is on fire oh there is hope for the humans though the dragon is battling the element guys let's roll another cheap Choice out oh so it's a good choice for once 10 elves on F4 nice so we've got another new population of elves so their race isn't completely wiped off the planet just yet we go ahead and call these elves who hate robots seems fitting so the Orcs up here have managed to hold on for a little bit longer the robots seem to have gone for now but my hopes for them aren't very high as their King is a seven-year-old the dragon's about to yeah yeah there we go the humans are gone and the seven-year-old King has abandoned the base uh oh right the base abandoned him seems he can't be a king without land makes sense I suppose so the next sheep is a bad choice Rats on D1 that's part of the orc space so we'll pretty much spawn these in and they're going to get whacked with sticks by the Orcs maybe if they're quick enough they can spread a little plague before they die ah the Titans all tuckered out after killing the humans oh there's a little element approaching him wake up dragon wake up oh no he's dead so long Dragon oh and there's a single orc that survived to fight in a crocodile and he's also dead so yeah so long walks there's a monkey here attacking robots and he's got 16 kills wow that's probably the most anyone other than the dragon has achieved on here this monkey is actually a ninja meanwhile down at the dwarfs who somehow have continued to survive they're starting to rebuild the base what is really nice is the king is rebuilding a base while throwing his kids around that's some Next Level parenting to involve them next choice grenades on A1 so we're just going to wipe the history books of the humans all together there we go the 2023 thing to to do washing away the past like it never happened next up another bad pyromaniac trait on C2 well it's a desert Sapphire is going to be a bad trait for it however luckily it's only gone on to a rhino and I don't think they understand how to make fire so next up we spawn 20 cheeky monkeys on C1 so they're going to live with the last remaining curse swamp Penguins I wonder how they'll do in the swamp environment well the throne poured the Orcs across the water so I'd say they're doing okay ah damn it the UFO is picking on the king of the dwarves leave this guy alone he's gone through so much hardship just let the guy throw his children around in peace I mean look at this he's killed 37 people and had 24 children which means he's killed every single one of his children plus some random strangers who have tried to intervene the guy is sad and I don't think anything could cheer him up at this point except maybe throwing another child around the monkeys continue their bombardment they'll regret this when the islands are joined together at year 45 oh how they'll regret it bad choice flame Tower A2 well that's out of the way now so we'll let them burn the land in peace the monkeys are just taking on everyone those cheeky monkeys the UFO is coming I swear these monkeys take down the UFO is going to be the Star Planet of the Apes and they took it down how did they do that they literally threw crap at it and made it crash wow I've been picking too confident now with their poop throwing I never thought I'd say that again but there we go what's a dwarf up to still fighting the wildlife I see what a hero what's the choice now sheepy oh a good choice no no wait you stopped on the line are you going to oh yes he did he just tricked us and went for another bad choice what a crazy sheep so we've got star bomb on C5 just dropped the bomb here and yeah nice pretty much cleared this island and most the surrounding ones too the Cyber core is dead and the Great Pumpkin the dwarf King is still abusing his children let's rename him to the child Slinger the fastest kid thrower in the region of f4 so bad choice again and another Dragon this time he's indeed three so we'll just Place him down here and he's flying up to Candyland where are you going the people are all the way in the South Dragon okay cool it turns out he's just a misunderstood Dragon who has a passion for bacon except he's going and to burn the cookies if he isn't careful come on you went to Bakery school for three years hold on hold on a second is there a school for Bakers if there isn't there definitely should be you went to a school for Bakers for three years to learn to respect the dough not burn it he's low on health and retreating run little dragon run or fly I meant fly now don't stop in the woods there are sugar bears oh oh dear the bait Goods have killed the dragon great next we have a crab bomb on day two just throw that down oh that was rubbish this Penguins just standing there like is that all you've got hey monkeys yeah you attack on the Orcs remember how I said you'd regret this eventually yeah well now it's year 45 almost and I'm going to connect the islands so good luck to you there you go all the islands are linked except the middle ones but you could still do laps around the world now if you wanted to next another bad choice anti-matter bomb on E1 well hell that's part of the org space looks like they're getting a smell and pull two then Ah that's nice so just like I thought you're also running around and attacking the monkeys now but the monkeys are still winning they're just too well trained at this point over at the elves space who I'd completely forgot about the Kings just died to a popsicle so these element guys are just running around now destroying the elves base and the elves are being thrown around as well by the dwarf King this guy is ruthless he doesn't discriminate against anyone yep there we go the king of the dwarfs is defeated the newly appointed King Of The Elves by throwing him gently until he eventually died so another bad pick now mines on A2 oh that's the flame Tower just throw that down here there we go now the demons can walk around and explode doesn't do much to them so whatever oh no the elements got too close to the king and now he's throwing them around this is sort of the end of him yep he's dead he did so well to have lived as long as he did with the tornado tray I mean sure he killed like 30 of his own children but it should still be respected as the leader of his people so good choice 10 chickens on F2 nice this is next door to the Orcs so yeah we know what's going to happen here chicken Massacre incoming next bad thing a tornado on e4 just put that down here and it's hidden away from everyone no no way it's coming back it's got ah yes it's come back it's gone into the town I mean it did a little bit of damage I was hoping for more oh oh the tornado and the massacre of the chicken seems to have sparked a war the Orcs have declared war on the dwarfs this is probably going to be the end of the dwarfs 2 now finally yep there is an army running in towards the town to destroy it all and now they're beaten the children to death with sticks you have to respect that this is probably the only game in the world where you can say that phrases are positive thing they're even battling the elements over who gets to destroy the base looks like they're winning there we go no more dwarfs apparently the elves died at some point too didn't even notice spookers which means the Orcs are victorious all hail new rulers of the planet squares the Orcs well there's only one thing left to do now the Victor must fight the Sheep of Doom give him a bubble and give the bubble to a bunch of walks as well apparently Oopsy Daisy move him over here give him more Buffs and unpause the game yes my sheep of Doom yes Massacre the Orcs destroyed them all yes you are literally my child I will one day sell plushies of you for extortionate prices to my viewers I've already designed you to have the most pleasing features known to people like a beautiful smile people will at first complain about the price but then we'll realize it's acceptable as it comes with a guarantee of funding Doom related things bad things evil things things to do with real estate and something else evil let's just throw bombs down yes yes destroy them kill them all the plushie will be like 24.99 and seven places like Toys R Us I can see it now this Toys R Us even still a place or is it closed down I don't even know I should look into this before sending them prototypes of my product otherwise it might just get a turn to Sender this has gone on too long now the Orcs are dead or hail the king sheep of Doom II anyway I hope you've enjoyed watching my midlife crisis unfold in the form of playing rushing roulette with a sheep as much as I've hated every minute of it if you'd like to see more of this game let me know in the comments or don't whatever for now I'm going to sit here and pay an evil things to do with my sheep plushie fans so that I will uphold my end of the agreement be sure to uphold your end until next time toodaloo
Channel: Dead Inside Gaming
Views: 671,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldbox, world box, worldbox god simulator, world box game, worldbox game, worldbox god, worldbox gameplay, worldbox walkthrough, worldbox earth, worldbox funny, worldbox comedy, worldbox how to, worldbox lets game, worldbox lets play, funny moments, worldbox simulator, god sim, god game, jesus game, funny game, epic game, history simulator, alternate world, super worldbox, super god, planet simulator, sim life, life sim, life simulator, tycoon game, world creation
Id: DG63ql13EqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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