I Built A Cat-Feeding Contraption!

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Thanks a million to KiwiCo  for sponsoring this video  This is a ball of cat food,  and this is a marble run  Combine the two and it doesn’t actually fit But I’ve built a larger one, and it’s quite   possibly the coolest thing I’ve ever made  You see, my cat Ralph’s favourite hobby is  to meow relentlessly at six in the morning,  which of course he’s refusing  to demonstrate on camera,  until I have no choice but to get up and feed him He’s like the world’s fluffiest alarm clock  I tried simply leaving enough  food out the night before,  but he just eats all of it in one sitting and   still meows at me in the morning [Ralph meows ‘I’m still hungry’]  So next I tried a smart cat feeder, that I can either control with my phone,  or program to release food at a set time, buuuut Ralph’s incredibly scared of it It’s a real pickle [squelch]  Yep, definitely a real pickle! But I’ve invented a solution I call it: the  Mightily Elaborate Overly Whimsical Sloped Transportation Of Pellets  for Pestiferously Early Risers, the MEOW STOPPER Essentially, it’s a giant cat food  marble run spanning my entire house,  and it’s gonna be magnificent But yeah, if you enjoy this video,  please consider subscribing, and keep an eye out for the   bronze silver and golden cat statues hidden somewhere in the background I want the first section to have a sort  of ‘Wallace & Gromit’ contraption feel,  with drainpipes mounted above my bed I’m gonna be releasing ten cat food balls at once,  so to do so, built a simple pulley system  All I’ll have to do is pull  the cord, and go back to sleep So it starts above the bed, turns a couple of corners and into   the hallway where it goes above my bathroom, but I’ve still got enough room to go under,  and then into my office where it turns again, goes down this spiral,  and then down the final drainpipe  where the next obstacle will begin It’s simple and efficient, and importantly, as out-the-way and unintrusive as possible  A lot of my previous projects  have been wildly inconvenient,  blocking doorways or turning  the stairs into a deathtrap,  so the aim is to avoid that this time round But anyway, onto the next section  This is a mini-mini-golf course, featuring as many mini mini clichés as possible  I’m talking a windmill, an open-mouthed crocodile,  and three mystery holes For the crocodile I used a latex mask,  which I padded out with paper  stuffing and expanding foam  This was my first time using expanding foam and let me tell you,  it was just as fun as I’d always imagined Next I got a simple windmill garden ornament,  and cut a hole in the front  for the balls to pass through  Also, the sails weren’t long enough, so I made my own and spray-painted them red,  plus motorised them  Let’s see if this works [laughs]  I think that’s probably a bit too fast I slowed them down using gears  That’s way better And for the mystery holes,  I cut three ordinary holes in a sheet of wood Two will continue on their journey,  but one will lead to the final mini-golf cliché, The sand pit  To make it look more like an actual golf course, I stapled on green felt,  and added rope borders so  the balls wouldn’t fall off We have a problem It seems that the   increased friction created by the felt now means that this section doesn’t   actually work anymore [weird noise??]  That wasn’t meant to happen So whilst Bella set about cleaning up the mess, I set about fixing the problem  I raised the back legs to increase the gradient, and added these wooden barriers   to better guide the ball Finally I set it all up in my office,  and we were ready for tee-off At least until the morning  Yeah, Ralph’s left me a  little present in the sand pit  Yeah… Woke me up at 6am AND pooped on my golf course,  thanks buddy! So now the third mystery   hole just drops sadly onto the floor This is why we can’t have nice things But let’s move on to the  jungle-themed stairs section,  inspired by the Marmalade machine in ‘Paddington’  I’m using bamboo pipes to guide the  ball down the stairs and into the lounge  I had wanted to keep it as  out-the-way as possible,  but that quickly went out the window, and it’s now completely in the way  I decorated using fake leaves, and added a few oranges in   honour of the bear himself This looks so much cooler now Which brings us to the very last section, which like the MEOW STOPPER as a whole,  also has an acronym for a name: the IRWAH BMCWTTEI  Ok, maybe that one doesn’t really work, but it stands for:  I Really Want A Hamster, But My Cats Would Try To Eat It  This whole obstacle’s gonna be hamster-themed, using tubes, ramps and wheels to finally   deliver the food to Ralph’s bowl I built a crude hamster cage out of wood,  and painted a series of colourful  ramps inside for the balls to roll down  Add some bars and decoration, and it looked pretty funky  I’m using hamster tubes to  join everything together,  and ultimately lead to the final  part of the entire contraption:  a giant open-Ralphed mouth, I mean,  a giant open-Ralphed mouth- no,  that’s not right, a giant open-mouthed Ralph,  there we go I questionably Photoshopped his mouth wider,  and had it printed as poster, which I mounted on a wooden board  I then cut a hole where his mouth  is and fed through a hamster tube  I call him… Mega-Ralph On the other side is a large drop,  where the balls will fall onto a giant sieve,  split open, and the contents   will funnel down into Ralph’s bowl All that was missing was a real hamster,  BMCWTTEI And I believe that just about concludes it  So with industrial, mini-golf,  jungle and hamster themed sections,  is the MEOW STOPPER actually  capable of stopping meows,  or is it just an overly elaborate trip hazard? There’s only one way to find out Goooooood morning everybody,  you join us here at 6 am where Half-Asleep  Chris is currently Fully-Asleep,  but not for long if Ralph  has anything to do with it,  a proverbial starting pistol ready to  get this event underway any moment now  Come on boy, give us a meow! [Ralph meows] And we’re off! Chris pulls the cord to initiate the MEOW STOPPER,  and the race is on We’ve got 10 contestants   here all vying for a chance to be cracked  open and their innards feasted upon,  and you really couldn’t ask  for a better prize than that,  evident by the sheer quality and  speed we’re seeing right out of   the gate and as we round the first few corners This section however has been known to slow even   the most experienced of cat-food balls, and then it’s on to the spiral of doom,  something of a misnomer as it’s  essentially a giant fun slide  Weeeeee! Just look at them go! The final drainpipe sees our brave  contestants washed away like spiders and   brings us to the mini-mini golf course, and into the jaws of a crocodile  Chilling stuff, but it doesn’t phase these seasoned athletes,  each eager to be the first into the jaws of Ralph Down the holes they go,  and good lord, we have our first casualty, let’s get a replay of that please Jeff,  it’s straight off the side of the green, oooh, that looked painful,  only nine contestants remain  as we approach the windmill  And what a remarkable piece of architecture it is,  the red sails are nothing short of exquisite, but can the balls get their timing   right and escape being hit? I’m on the very edge of my seat Hold on to your whiskers,  we have another two casualties  if my eyes aren’t deceiving me!  First the windmill claims a victim  brutally pushing the poor ball aside,  and at such a dastardly sight another  ball seems to lose the will to continue,  and stops right there on the green We had such high hopes for this ball,  there was even talk of him  making the national team,  but it’s all over now, and only seven balls continue Let’s catch up with those seven as  they negotiate the mystery holes,  subject to an appalling act of vandalism last  night which is why the sand pit’s currently absent And Gordon Bennett, we’re down to six!  at this rate poor Ralph’s  gonna have nothing to eat  and will surely being meowing for all eternity Let’s keep our fingers and toes beans  crossed then as we enter the jungle,  where the remaining contestants will  have to keep their wits about them  This is what all those hours  training have been for,  the late nights, the early mornings,  and I must say they’re in fine form as they  negotiate the sharp angles and zoom towards   impending glory [zoom]  Bam, into the sponge, bam, there goes another one,  and bam, another, it’s neck and neck   as we approach the final obstacle, which Chris is calling the IRWAH BMCWTTEI?  That’s not a real word, has he completely lost his mind?  I guess that’s what not having  a hamster can do to a fellow  He’s even built an entire cage, complete with a water bottle,   wheel and even a fake hamster, this really is quite pathetic,  but please forgive me for getting side-tracked, we’re on the home run now Into the tunnels they go, racing forwards and so nearly at the finish line,  just look at the composure and pure  technical ability on display here,  and… yes, we have a victor, entering the mouth of Ralph,  and splitting open like a coconut, closely followed by the other five athletes.  My, what a competition! It’s been splendiferous,  and a true honour to commentate Back to you Chris good Sir So it works, but will Ralph eat it? Bella!  Once again she’s more than  happy to hoover up the mess,  somehow entirely avoiding the bowl itself  and opting for just the pellets that missed  But what about Ralph? Will it finally stop his early morning meows?  Nope. [Ralph meows ‘did you really think I’d use it?']  If anything it seemed to make him meow more! [Ralph meows ‘I just like meowing for no reason’]  He did eat a single pellet,  literally just one and once again  from the floor not the bowl,  but then went right back to meowing [Ralph meows ‘you should get a hamster’]  Welp, I tried He seemed somewhat more   enamoured by Mega-Ralph however, and that kept him quiet   for a little while at least But I guess I’m destined to forever be,  wait for it… wait for it… Half-Asleep Now in a video a few years ago,  I went to Bruges to film a giant  cylindrical drum atop a bell tower,  essentially a giant music  box that controls the bells  Well this video’s sponsor KiwiCo have  sent me a miniature version of that,  and it’s incredible! KiwiCo make   educational hands-on projects like these, aimed at exposing kids to Science, Technology,   Engineering, Art and Maths, STEAM,  with nine different monthly subscription  crates catering for all ages So now I’ve got to slot these  pegs into the holes on the drum  to play the Ralph & Tom theme song They’re a great way of learning at home, and actually making it fun,  as well as turning it into a  personal family experience,  with hours of entertainment. Here we go [Ralph & Tom theme song plays on music box] That’s amazing! It’s a domino-laying robot, seriously,  it doesn’t get much cooler than this If you want to learn the STEAM concepts I  use to make the absurd projects in my videos,  KiwiCo really is the way forward, and you can get 50% off your first   month of any subscription at KiwiCo  dot com forward slash Half Asleep Chris Oh, and did you spot the cat statues?
Channel: Half-Asleep Chris
Views: 2,825,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8Q_sebGRkAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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