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hey guys how are you doing we got lots to do with the fort today today we are going to enclose the fort i have two tarps and i have a couple pieces of big plastic i brought some nails uh i'm gonna show you guys my two oldest pieces of kit i've got good food to cook up we're going to address people's concern with the fire pit a lot of people commented in the comments about these rocks not being good for the fire pit so we're going to show you and we're going to explain that we're going to spend all day out here i'm happy to have keeps as a sponsor for today's video did you know that two out of three guys are going to experience some form of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35 well this is certainly got me thinking you know i'm 37 am i 37 i'm on the other side of 36 and you can see the gray has come in to stay but the best way to prevent hair loss is to do something about it or you still have hair left so in the past you've had to go to the doctor's office for your hair loss 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we are going to beef the fort right up ah okay one more load we should have it all hot seat hot seat look out again i found good thick mill by three mil even thicker uh plastic in my garage so we're gonna use that i've still not bought anything except for that big tarp back there that's still wrapped up i did buy that the other day to bring here i brought some tape as well this time you can fix up that tarp if you want to okay one more one more uh load one more load that's the word and this is potentially my door with that ah it's all heavy with that i'm done carrying things in this is a solid oak or maple pallet no pine here it's cold carrying all that stuff in it's helping me warm up okay first things first let's address the comments the comments section on my last video is rife with people's concern and people telling me that i do not know what i'm doing because of the rocks so let's get that out of the way i 100 agree with most of you yes you can have rocks blow up if you use rocks around the water and put them for a fireplace guarantee it yep you are right i do not debate that one little bit and in hindsight definitely i should have said in the video that that that's a possibility and the reason why i'm not concerned about it with these but i have said that many times in the past in videos and you don't even have to take my word for it there's proof you can actually just go back and watch the videos i've actually had had it happen to me someone said in the comments that i was surprised they could say they could tell that i was surprised so i didn't know that rocks could explode if they're in the fire they tell they said i was surprised by the the original one that had a little crack on it but that can't be further from the truth and i actually have videos of me talking about it um when i did one with boosh maybe two springs ago and we made the leak the wild leek soup we actually had a river rock explode on us and we got real lucky that day so in my experience i've only ever had it happen once and it was with a river rock and i believe it was made out of sandstone these are limestone i believe those are sandstone they are more bouldery as opposed to slate like this the reason i'm so so confident in this is i already made a a fire pit at home with these exact rocks you know i've gone from the same exact spot and i've been using it all summer and it's fine but again we don't have to take my word for it it's totally cool let's start a fire in this fire pit we'll get keep it going hot fire all day long while i'm out here and if that doesn't satisfy you then we'll just keep it going you know what i mean every single time i come to the fort we'll get a big rager fire going and and and see what happens i'm not concerned if they crack i'm not concerned if they split off you know what i mean like like the original one the boulder that did that i had there that someone was saying that i was confused about but never had that issue only once with river rocks i'm very very uh confident that this won't happen again i appreciate the concern and i also appreciate the people telling the people i didn't know the deal that i actually did know the deal because there's proof of it there's there's years and years and years of video proof okay so we've filled in we've kind of filled in that little angle i wanted to make it more of a rectangle got it all in there and we put some more rocks on the back so it's nice and sturdy i'm happy with this fire pit now it's time to get a rip roaring fire going not only to test the rocks out but because i'm chilly [Applause] nice hot fire going get a big bed of coals we'll spread them all out through the whole thing and keep her going nice and toasty i'm thinking with the proper skin on this this could be my door right and i don't need i don't mean a door in a sense where i open it and shut it all the time but just more of like a blocker for the elements that i can shut while i'm in there or when i'm gone it's definitely tall enough i just need to see if it's wide enough it's kind of too tall actually it fits over here pretty good and don't worry i'm not going to leave it ugly like this it's going to have a green tarp wrapped around it and nailed to it uh so it will be more of a wind block door type thing hammer it dig down in the ground a little bit there but that would block off a good portion i'd still have an opening here and there to come in from and some some airflow but that takes up a good chunk i'm pretty hungry and cold so i'm going to get something in my stomach and make up a tea here real quick i told you i'd talk to you about and show you my two oldest pieces of kit well this is my zebra billy can i've talked about this recently this is the 12 centimeter look how shiny the lid is now i've sos padded it at home i got a little shiny but the the pot itself that's as clean as she comes look at right there it's as clean as it comes i spent some time cleaning it up today too anyway just a little bit of tea have that going while i'm working my other p oh piece of old kit i will show you later on so this is probably circa 2005 2006. zebra billy pot i got the idea from watching ramirez bushcraft before uh everything blew up on the internet before you could get knowledge and and everyone knew what gear to get so i came here the other day and did a little bit more work to the fort that's why the chairs moved around there's some extra logs here i'm pretty confident pretty happy with this solid wall and i actually believe it's done originally i was going to go out to here and then over that way but if you look this kind of lines up perfectly with that tree there maybe one more and it would be perfect but i'm i'm okay with lining this up that way in order to do and then this will be my front right and i i could do whatever i could put plastic here now or put a tarp here now and block all the snow until the snow comes in take it down and then build my snow wall with my slide like i wanted to do crossing my fingers that there's enough snow this year there's nothing there's a little tiny dusting on the ground and by now every other year there would have been a couple feet so anyways i can do that but in order to do that i need to take down this cherry tree which is okay because it's dead now just using it there for firewood anyways leaving it there to dry but there's a big hump here that i'd have to uh level out the ground for two which i think is doable there's a lot of roots there but let's say we do that this is gone this is our last pull we just go right across to here it almost lines up perfectly with this maybe even this tree a little bit better and now that's our front shot closed off we have a little bit of overhang extra to store stuff if we want to but this is this is closed off here and i think that that's a good idea because this is the biggest opening where the snow is going to come in the most a big opening of front work can kind of blow in so i think that's what i'm going to do i think that's how i'll start off today by cutting this evening the ground out and trying to wrap either plastic or a tarp around and enclose the front off and again this is not permanent this is this is temporary until i figure out what we're going to do for the front wall remember i'm filming in here this isn't just for hanging out and having fun so i need light big time in here okay oh that changes the look quite a bit actually changes the look of it nice a little bit more uniform this way cool uh hmm okay so you can see here what i mean like this is a big difference right like a foot taller i don't have to dig this uh stump out probably cut it too unless i can squeeze in between but oh no the ground is frosted up it's pretty hard that's gonna make things a lot more difficult like we are i'm on borrowed time now like with the snow like for real [Applause] just pulling up chunks of earth wow [Laughter] yo that's about right it's nice having this little rock platform i can keep my teeth warm here without actually cooking it without letting it get too cool cheers super hot i broke the stupid shovel so let's see what we can do should have known it's pretty dense pretty hard ground there to be smashing in like that but anyway no big deal we'll figure it out this is already pretty good rocking bed of coals and throwing hardwood on left and right but again let's test this so we're going to throw some big rounds on this is big dense maple maybe i'll split this one down just this one but yeah i'll throw it on and see what happens live a little right anyways i am confident so uh [Applause] i could probably come on to the inside of this stump so i don't have to try and worry about removing it yeah i think i can uh so okay uh i've done the best that i can there it's not going to come any further so i've got to come up with another solution one that i'm thinking i might do is to take a big log from the one of those down trees back there saw a big length of it put it on the ground here and tack the state the plastic or the tarp to that run it along the ground and stop it here though put it there at the lower spot and stop it here because this is higher and have like maybe like a flap where i can open it up open and close pretty easily to get in and out let's try it and see how dark it makes it in there and uh then we'll go cut the log and get the tarp out first i have this ugly like mint green tarp which i don't really want to put up i have two of these surplus tarps this one was one that was here before it's just like literally frozen with ice on it i'm trying to melt the ice off so it doesn't rip the tarp uh but i have two of them and so let's see how these would look on the front instead i've got i brought some nails about two sizes of nails i brought these guys and these guys so let's see what we can do told you guys i'll show you my other piece of old gear this is a wetterlings hunter's axe it's got the rounded pole i had this is probably circa 2005 or six as well this and my zebra pot were the first two pieces of bushcraft gear i got the eye is all messed up extra wedges in it sharp as the dickens though nice and rounded very convex 19 inches i've used this uh quite a bit but i learned learned a lot on this okay so we're going to use and this might cringe some people out but we are going to use the pole for hammering and i'm not going to leave the axe mask on i will be careful but the reason i'm not leaving the axe mask on is i've seen before and people have used it for hammering that when you're doing this the leather actually gets hammered onto the edge farther and farther farther they'll split the the the sewn part of the axe mask so that's why i never use the mask on one i'm using it as a hammer [Applause] oh they will reach they will work with the two of them okay got some taping to do got some taping to do but that's not even where i wanted it is it i do redo that'll actually work if i tack it if i get a big round log and tack it to the bottom one of these actually will work going across yeah i can even wrap this around a little bit we have extra okay so um i guess the thing to do would be to get that log and see if it's wide enough to even to make it closed off on the bottom well that's a good start and i can even adjust it quite a bit come up here you know what i mean and make it completely flat but uh oh i'm gonna do the long hard arduous job of sawing a big piece of wood first you know what we got to do something important before we go and use that saw a whole bunch gotta switch out that blade actually we have to trim up the blade to make it tighter changes the look of it already our coals are going real good i'm gonna put some more wood on here keep it going real hot all right check it out i've had this seat for a couple years i got it for christmas i think for my mom my wife a couple years ago i've never used it once figured i need a spot to bring it out leave it at the fort keep my bum bum warm okay we're gonna do this remember last time how i opened it up we won't have to show you the whole process again if you haven't seen it just check out uh last sport video and you'll get the gist of it got the multi-tool not my leatherman would you believe that i lost my leatherman already literally just bought it for myself and lost it right away i bet you would believe that i bet you that's not hard to believe that's all see how it has the two holes you just got a clip close on the first hole and pinch it work it back and forth and break her off if you had decent snips that would even be easier there we go it's off see there's only one hole now that really should do it i'll leave the other side for now and if it gets pretty bad sawing wise i will i'll fix it but i don't think i have to all right we did it now she's just a little bit tight to clip on but no harm no foul it will be uh it'll stretch out and it'll be much better to work with all right let's go do that so she's a ranger this is the length that i need or that i think i need and i'm almost done cutting it very dense and very thick took me a long time to clear off the branches and start on the sawing and i've left two big branches at at the end there because it seems like it might be propping the log up so we'll take care of those after but i've got a good chunk of this done oh i might have to get rid of those they might be making this pinch the ones that are holding the log up yeah i think it is it's getting pinched okay i gotta stop for lunch after this i won't show me cooking it in detail i know i do that a lot we gotta concentrate on working today this one i left three attacks i don't want it to rip out though okay not too shabby huh there we go pretty straight line big log though so it is a bit off but i do believe that the saw is working properly again now we gotta figure out how to carry this monster back to the camp she's a bacon she is a big and everybody keeps telling me stop lifting with a rounded back uh i can't straighten my back i do appreciate it but it's how my back is okay this is gonna take some doing you know what right up and over this would be the passive or as the crow flies at least [Applause] uh oh it's heavy whoa okay time for lunch [Applause] okay okay double boil action it's a pretty rocking bed of coals if i do say so myself we're almost done okay great success here we go look at that all cheesy as the day is long oh that looks so good oh man upside down and everything no back back in your home cheese okay no bacon today that's okay this is good well that food certainly hit the spot lots more energy now um so let's do this okay so it slopes the other way so we actually want it uh turned the other way around big side on this side oh yeah a bunch of stuff down the shirt okay we gotta figure out how we're gonna do this it's going on the inside or what's happening okay well that's about as far as it needs to go over then this stump is in the way stump is in the way [Music] [Applause] oh it almost just fits in there yeah shave it out some see if i can get it in there even so it's going to be uneven like crazy huh maybe prop up the other side have a little gap on the ground all right it did a number on the stump now we gotta see if i can fit it in i dug some out too behind it hoping that this will just nest in there [Applause] pretty uh tight pretty snug and then i will be able to not have to worry so much anymore about this part of it okay that's about it for there if i want it snug and [Music] there still off the ground a bit but not so bad here's the test though so i do need to move that tarp up a little bit on the ceiling or on the roof rather so this probably is not going to even be long enough i might try the two tarps lengthways though let's see working up a sweat as you can see it changes the whole look of the fort with this up and the light will be so drastically different so you know what i think i'll do is i'll make this so that i can pull it down in the daytime if i want to pretty easy i'm not going to secure anything i'll just have it pretty tight on nails where i can pry it off and slide it down and then i won't be out of sunlight um when i need it so who's up with fries let's hang it lengthways and see now the question is do we wrap it around the outside or the inside let's try the inside and see what it looks like maybe the inside looks a little bit better i think and this goes up around here it's tacked down let's see it's got to get all tied pulled tight still huh well let's get the other one up and see all right well this is working out pretty good actually um starfish tarp is still stuck together for the most part but let's see what we can do here it's not perfect it's not completely straight i do kind of like this if i if i go on the outside of this one and on the inside i have this little bit of a door that if i need to i can just kind of go through and it's still closed up obviously like no snow is going to blow through that if it does not much is going to go through i still do need to tack it down a bunch but i got to figure out if that's how i want it or if i'm going to go all inside oh that's pretty snug huh what do you guys think what do you think let me know please i don't think it looks bad i like the color i wish that this is a little bit more uniform but it can't be i also do have to make my windows still so it's kind of in the way if i put if i tuck it in but what do you think it's going to keep the snow out until i don't want this up here anymore until i want the snow as a snow wall what's going inside there's some holes i got to patch up and i do got to tack it down a little bit more but i could still go in if i needed to not too bad huh i don't hate it and the snow that would originally accumulate here and maybe put too much weight on the tarp is going to mostly be blocked by this so i'm not too concerned about that let's go inside we're running out of doors that's not bad it's not bad i wish at the top there i set like i said it was a little bit more uniform but i can't it just doesn't work but i don't hate that yeah i can't bring this to the top i guess i could if i wrapped it inside right there wrap that around that might work okay let's try that [Applause] hmm how does that look oh much better hey much better look at that fancy fancy nancy go get some wood on that i love it when a plan comes together [Music] this is even better i'm blocking off some of the side i put my window up next for sure okay um all enclosed extremely enclosed i even have like an l angle here my fire is doing all right you know it's died down pretty good now i've had this going for hours and hours today already no bad things no explosions no real cracks even actually i thought i did see a crack here maybe there's one there starting but not an issue more firewood right now and window we gotta tape up that hole too that one right yeah yeah i don't know what to think about this big palette here once i get like a tarp skin on it it might make a difference but i don't really like the way it looks if i'm being honest with [Music] you so all right let's build a window [Applause] okay okay plenty high plenty tall and plenty long damn son getting somewhere getting somewhere folks we can trim all this stuff up after too not a concern okay i don't want to leave that on there for too long [Applause] [Music] how you doing all right we're getting there framing it out happy with that real happy with that [Applause] well this is the messed up part i guess i'll do it on here you know what guys believe it or not in the like 12 13 years i've been doing this on youtube this is the first time you've ever seen me hammer a nail i'm not even using a hammer another one in that in the middle there i think [Applause] so so uh i messed that up i started way down here i should have started in the middle had the thing come all the way maybe i'll just put an extra piece here though and call it good no big deal okay [Applause] well if this looks subpar it's because i've never done anything like this before but i'm pretty happy with it to be honest it's going to do its job at least that i'm certain of okay lopsided joe okay okay so [Applause] okay okay yeah i like it i like it a lot well we're getting there folks we've got the front wall covered for now until we figure out what we're going to do with it be it snow leave this up for the winter whatever the case may be again i need light in here and being able to take this down or even access indoors without having to pick my way around and choose choose a side where my door my one specific door is that is a bonus to me we got our plastic up it did cut down the light in here not too much in the camera which is the big deal so that's okay but i feel pretty good about it i'm not done just yet i just still do want to do a few more things i really don't know what i'm going to do but i'm not ready to go home good as new well if nothing else this will be a pretty sturdy ladder for the fort [Applause] i'm gonna roll the tarp up at this end and leave this log up here it's a real heavy one it's live and frozen or it was live now it's frozen okay you can see the setup that side we've got a log holding it down so it doesn't blow around in the wind i can adjust this by unrolling it give myself more space or sorry more airflow or less regardless this is now tied to the bottom of this tree and i can move it up for airflow the other side is re-tied back way over onto the other tree but i can move it onto this one for airflow so it's all completely adjustable very easily as well it's not an issue to do it when i come up when i come out here maybe i don't even need to do it sometimes but it's there if i do um okay one more thing i think i want to get done before i go the back the back is ugly let's go look at it this will all be covered in snow very soon and i can throw more stuff on it to to cover it up but because it's from it's the it's the roof it don't really matter all right there she is the unphotogenic side to the fort it's no big deal but since we're improving our life out here at the ford i'm making huge improvements to this sport winterizing it if you will uh let's i got all this dead fall all this tops the trees i've been using i think we just throw it on cover i'm going to be a little gentle with it i'm trying to keep this tarp in uh good working order all right well that did something anyway i cleaned up all the area at least over there around the fort too all this is old cedar branches are i believe rabbits ate the bark off of it could be wrong but it sure looks that way to me put them on top for holdings for holding reasons you know on a counter on a counter it'll hold the stuff down tripper wenton had a his second surgery second set of surgeries on both elbows so he's uh he's at home could be feeling a little bit better but he's on the mend that's less obnoxious a little bit more natural oh look at the fort taking place taking shape i mean well the fort is really starting to take shape if i do say so myself i'm pretty happy with it i'm really happy with the progress for today fire's done i'm not going to light it any anymore let's check it out chill with the fire pit we'll go around and check out everything we did here yeah man pretty pretty uh i feel pretty accomplished [Applause] i've cleaned up a lot of the area around the fort too a lot of the common foot traffic area no splosions and uh doesn't look like any of these are cracked at all anyway so pretty pleased with that these rocks are piping hot like yeah piping hot anyways an all-day fire for sure and uh we'll keep doing it now the sun's going down and i am done for the day i'm pretty hungry ready to go home and eat some supper uh if you guys want in the comments you can let me know what you want the next video to be and i'll check it out i i'm going to do an overnight or the next video for sure i just don't know if i'm going to come here and build tomorrow and sleep here or if i should go and do a uh somewhere completely different and do like a minimal gear type thing over which i'm kind of leaning towards but uh i'd like to know your opinion i'd like to know what your preference is to be honest i'll do both of those videos regardless i just uh i know i don't know what one do you want to see me do next if you want to let me know in the comments that's cool and i will try and appease the majority of the crowd alright guys thank you very much for watching the video i'm going home and i'll see you soon on the next one goodbye oh no i can't leave yet silly i forgot i cut up that cherry wood i had a really fun time today i uh i just kept delaying leaving i was done a long time ago like an hour or two ago i just really did a lot more stuff i walked around and cleaned up the area and sawed up a bunch of stuff that i didn't need to taking pride in this i'm having fun but it's starting to take shape and it's becoming pretty cool there i'll walk you around the fort here real quick so i've got another piece of cherry but that can stay there standing up look at the ground though cleared it all up put a big brush pile there all like useless pieces uh rotten that is cleaned all that up stuck that brush on there got a window on a ceiling pretty happy all right i'll see you next time fort peace
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 631,936
Rating: 4.8675075 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: cNGy0X0ASd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 22sec (3502 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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