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a good shelter and a good fire need to happen tonight so we have to search around now for a suitable site with building materials and a bunch of firewood might be a nice day today we're getting some sun that's for sure this whole woods is lit up it's awesome man seeing the snow on the trees with the sunlight reflecting on it i love winter camping i didn't expect this to be winter camping this is a mainly pine forest there are some maple and oak in here but this is a mainly mainly pine forest and the ground is made up of duff and as even though i scraped it down to the dirt and it's soaking wet and almost frozen and there's a ton of snow around i just if i'm gonna be having a big fire for two days here i don't want to mess something up i don't want to the embers can go down onto the underground and burn on the burn the roots for a long time and then come up and burn a tree or whatever you can start a forest fire and i really don't want that that to happen because i'm out here having fun so i'm gonna go scrounge for some rocks and line it clean the area of the fire and the ground is smoldering a little bit so i am making the right choice it's a lot more work and i really don't want to do it but it's important kind of build it up as a long fire just oh i just broke my rock with uh on top of the rocks right so the rocks are going to i want to put the wood on top of the rocks and then i will build a barrier around so it doesn't want to roll off and then a barrier behind it as well and then i'll probably build a wooden fire reflector [Applause] the rib work is done i gotta get a lot of thatching material which is gonna be difficult because the duff that i was going to use is covered in snow i don't got much time i got to keep going the wind is picking up i can still work on it tomorrow that's the good thing but i do have to get the majority of it done tonight because tonight is the cold night tonight is the negative 10 night tomorrow is only negative four i still and i gotta get a ton of firewood still too it's a lot of work guys people think they come out here build shelter and dick around i'm in go go go and it's uh it's a lot of work guys this is that stuff i've been using to thatch it's uh duff it's all mixed up with um snow and dirt and sticks and roots and all i'm doing is just scuffing it up with my hands and my feet on the ground and i get this really nice packing stuff i'm pretty pleased with that back wall there's not too many gaps i'm looking right now on the very end there there's that like long gap but other than that i can't see any daylight through there's a lot of snow on there so we'll see what happens when it uh when it melts but it is gonna get cold so it might not melt um but i have to get firewood now i would like to build sides but that's gonna have to wait till tomorrow which is fine it'll give me like a project for tomorrow but i have to i have to get firewood and probably build a fire reflector because 3 30 now it's gonna get dark very soon i got maybe three hours of light tops that's a really big piece of really solid wood oak probably yeah that's oak it's not in the ground it's actually falling or leaning so i i'd like to just be able to pull it out if possible this is going to be a a huge bonus to just get this much wood in one tree as opposed to gathering a bunch of small and this will burn a lot better and longer even if i split it down one in the middle it moves it's gonna be slow going so there we go almost i'll carry that back in two pieces and i'll have a heck of a lot of firewood it's a good feeling like money in the bank oh danger bacon i didn't bring a sleeping pad or a tarp and i brought only my negative seven celsius sleeping bag the reason i did that was because i was trying to go as little amount of items as possible this sleeping bag fit the best on the bottom i could have used my negative 10 sleeping celsius sleeping bag but it's probably double the width of this and it was too bulky so i don't have a sleeping pad okay that's that's the whole just to this and i on my way in preparation for this trip i didn't expect there to be this much snow if any uh this came like yesterday so i was planning on using duff as my insulation bed and then just putting my reflectix over top of it to keep because i knew it was going to be a little bit damp but there's no way that i can do that it's just going to be mounds of snow maybe tomorrow if some of the snow melts i can dry it off by my shelter like the duff but i can't tonight um so that that leaves me with sleeping on my reflectix in my sleeping bag that's not rated to how cold it's going to get tonight so i have to really rely on i i know i'm going to be up feeding the fire a lot probably every hour i think i'm what i'm going to do is take rocks and put them underneath my bed because there's a big distance i'm gonna clear out all the duff underneath there there's a good i don't know eight inches between there and the ground and i'll put the hot rocks under there and warm up that way and what i'll also do is before i go to bed i'll boil some water put it in my nalgene and put that in my sleeping bag with me i i'm confident i'm going to be okay it's going to be a cold night it's going to be probably not the best sleep i've had but that's okay we're out here doing a minimalist kind of bushcraft thing so i'm cool i'm i'm cool with that the best use of my time right now is to make a fire reflector because i'm sitting there in my shelter and a lot of the heat's just escaping try these gloves out hopefully a fire reflector is helping big time i'm actually warming up quite a bit i'm going to lose this wool so i don't want to start sweating i've been trying to stay somewhat dry today because i'm spending all of tomorrow and tomorrow night out as well with the same gear uh my gloves are soaked my knees are soaked my butt's wet my feet are wet my feet are wet from sweat everything else from snow make sure my glove doesn't burn here but yeah i know this fire reflector is doing the trick man so i feel i feel nice and comfortable right now nice and warm but i'm sure i'll need to put those layers back on in a couple minutes i'm going to cook up my steak here real soon i'm going to brush the coals aside continue having a fire just cook on the one side i don't have anything to cook my steak on so it'll be right on the coals this time no grill or nothing it's 5 30 now it's a long day it's a full work day i'm hungry so i got my angus steak and i didn't bring like i said anything to cook it on but i'm not a i'm not a peasant you know you gotta have a little bit of a little bit of steak spice on that piece some montreal steak spice on this guy save a little bit for the other side not too much this time cooking it on the coals gives it a good taste anyway it's a nice big fat steak i like ribeye i prefer ribeye but this is a new york because that's what they had new york strip fire pit's working out okay move some stuff over to this side bam we're doing it right on the coals that wind is whipping through here remind me i need to still make a side on that shelter took the steak off it's gonna sit for five minutes and we'll stoke the fire back up this is one of those big rounds probably the other side of this plate actually not too shabby steak's really good hitting the spot man time to do the dishes the temperature's dropping pretty quick i have that mylar blanket that space blanket and i figure if i tie it off to the ridge pole directly to the ridge pole tight and then slope it down gradually not close enough to the fire where it's gonna get burned obviously but slipping down i think that it'll make the heat it'll trap the heat that's going up and swirl it back down into me here i'll take it down in the day and show you how i did it but i can feel warmth from it i can feel radiating heat coming from it the only problem is it's a little crinkly i ended up having to move the space blanket it was creating a ton of heat in here and all of the snow that was inside the duff that i packed on the back of my shelter was mel was melting and dripping all over my sleeping bag and i tried bunching my sleeping bag up and it was just dripping all over me it was getting the whole bed wet so i ended up untying it from the two points that were out there and just tying it down back behind me so this is the back wall of my shelter he's not doing half as much i can still feel warmth here he's not doing half as much that other end was set up with the angle down that is on point but the snow and the duff there's nothing i can do about it i can't pick it out if it does drip it's gonna even just stay on the back side of this mylar and run right down past my bed now i'm gonna lay down i'm gonna stoke the fire and lay down for the night i'm sure i'll be getting up to stoke the fire every couple hours so i imagine i'll uh i'll check in with you guys periodically through the night oh slept till two got cold now it's time to stoke the fire ah it's a pretty good run pretty good pretty good run of sleep i imagine that'll be the longest run i get but i'm happy to get it good night again good morning i was a rough sleep guys that was really rough the uh the reflectix that i put down underneath me didn't do the job i knew it wouldn't you have to have some kind of loft some kind of insulating loft underneath you the sleeping bag actually did a pretty decent job i don't think it got down to negative 10. i left my watch out a couple times between um soaking the fire over there hung up on a tree and the coldest i ever saw say was negative six so who knows uh it might have got colder or might not have my watch might not work it might have been negative six i don't know but seeing as how i wasn't dying cold i don't imagine it did get down past around to negative 10 but the problem was where i was laying my hip my back my shoulders all like pushing the down squishing it down on my sleeping bag gives me no insulation underneath and now they're just freezing and and sore from from basically feeding fetal position all night but i got up a few times to stoke the fire i think i checked in with you guys one time um i burned the back reflector the fire reflector got burned so uh yeah but it's all good i got up i i rubbed it in the snow and put it back together so it's fine all while shivering uncontrollably good night and uh hopefully tonight will be a better night i slept for a good chunk right off the hop when i checked in with you guys it wasn't two in the morning it was 12. i rubbed my freaking clock wrong because my watch wrong because when i got up the next time it was only two so that fire had only been going for two hours when i stoked it stoked it probably two three times i think and then the last time was around four and it's seven now so it's completely done i gotta get a fire going so just tying up a couple small tripods for to make cooking and boiling water easier more convenient so all i'm doing is tying a couple overhand knots on three pieces of small dead pine i've already built one and then i just need to get a cross piece to go across this should be good this is right from the butcher some smoked bacon three pieces of thick bacon and then i'm gonna go with my eggs at the same time so i got some boiled water all ready i had to boil it because i needed some for drinking so that's gonna go in there that's gonna go back on the fire and cook up with my bacons now i got some food done and i'll throw some pine needles into that boiling hot water spork is probably a better idea let that steep have a nice little brachy nice albrecht copper big hole yeah that's what bacon's supposed to taste like i feel rejuvenated i'm going to put my bacon in my eggs live a little way whoa my feet are numb and i need firewood for today so i'm gonna kill two birds with one stone i'm gonna go for a hike and warm up my toes because if you go on a 20-minute hike in boots regardless of the temperature your toes are gonna warm up and i'll scope out firewood at the same time i don't have any tools with me but a lot of the times i've been able to just push the trees over push the firewood over so this was my makeshift wall last night but this is really good firewood and it's not a good job of a wall so we're gonna remove all this so pretty happy about my wall now but i do want to tie these two poles together just to give it a little bit more structure so i'm going to tie a canadian jam knot the same knot that i used to tie up this shelter same knot i use all the time just torque it as much as i can there you have it just pounding some steaks in to try to contain um the bedding that i'm gonna put in the twigs so they're not just falling everywhere all right doesn't that look comfortable a nice comfortable bed of sticks i'm gonna crunch down on these as hard as i can yeah man i do have some loft and that the reflectix on top will be the si the lifesaver for sure once again i'm gonna flatten these out as much as possible so i'm just using these buttons that i had tied on already from last night and that's the cord that's on it i'm wrapping underneath the bed wrap it in the middle as well that's not so bad right here i have one of the big pieces of wood that i got yesterday and i want to split it down i don't want to saw it any shorter but i want to split it down so i made up these wedges but some very very dense white oak and we're going to try and split it so there's a natural check or a crack already in the log going down so i'm gonna place the wedge there i'm gonna have to get it down off this log it doesn't want to stay here this will work nice i thought i might have had to use both wedges at the same time that is beauty right there guys some hard wood man nice bam son i whip myself up a little table use the tripods that i was using for my cooking and then one of those slabs that i split down i figure i will while i still have some light i'll prepare my dinner i got some salt and pepper put a lot of onion i want to put a lot of garlic lots of potatoes hopefully lots of sausage we'll see how much it turns out to be so i'm just cutting it up big chunks and then it'll go right in with my potatoes onions all that fun stuff so there's lots of butter in there get the remaining garlic pieces and i want to make it kind of flat as flat as possible actually so i'm trying to smoosh it out a bit bury that butter in there and i'm going to wrap it again and wrap it the other way so that the ends get nice and protected it's got my salt and pepper tubes throw those ends in the fire first up salt can never have too much salt right never hurt nobody at all pepper the bam so good i can hear coyotes i heard them last night a lot yipping throughout the night when i was getting up to uh feed the fire and stuff but this is still early this is like eight o'clock that's pretty cool maybe they'll start going again i've got my watch hanging up it says 16.2 you can see the on the bottom there anyway 16.2 degrees celsius and that's right there which is not quite at the top of the of the um shelter but all these all these holes are all warm to the touch like no doubt about it down here below me behind the cold where they're not reached getting any of the fire but all the ones up here are all very warm the ridge pool especially oh piss there's my watch okay it was up to 17.2 now it's down to 16.9 we're calling it good at sixteen nine let's go hanging in the tree out in the cold give it about a half an hour or so how will i know when a half an hour's up i don't have a watch the watch is in the tree the tree took my watch 1.6 and it's been like that for a while i was busy all day today but i was not rushed i didn't feel rushed at all and yesterday i did a lot hiked in found a spot set up shelter firewood cook all that fun stuff yesterday was rushed yesterday i i freaking busted my hump moving around today was good it was a good trip man it was a little like i said a little bit more camp life which is kind of cool i like it two nights solo doing this kind of stuff it's not too bad at all i'm going to bed i'll see you guys in the morning wish me luck good night good morning seven in the morning i slept better than i did last night it stayed warmer it snowed quite a bit last night but i stayed nice and dry in here i gotta get up pack up and hike my butt out of here you can see really see how much they crunched down lost all of the the springiness and the law but it did the trick i wasn't half as cold last night i actually fell asleep last night in my full clothes and my boots on top of my sleeping bag next to the fire okay guys this has to be it my battery's flashing at me on my last bar on my last battery i'm not going to cook breakfast this morning because i don't want to start another fire um that one's out it's done so i'm just going to eat granola bars and get up and get out of here i got a i don't know about an hour hike to get out and then i have a six hour car ride home so i don't want to dawdle no dawdling granola out a gross just flew above my head i'm huffing and puffing guys the plan for this trip is to find my old shelter build it up a little bit more weatherproof because tonight is going to get down to negative 2 degrees celsius and tomorrow night negative 11 with freezing rain so that should be lots of fun finding this is turning out to be a little bit more difficult than i had hoped or imagined look at this place it's just rocking pine trees oh oh snap there she is i see her i see her okay cool can you see it yet coming up to her pretty good condition it looks like heck yeah heck yeah oh man i'm pumped i'm pumped can you tell very cool so what i want to do now is uh i want to clean it up and i want to start adding thatching to the back it's not going to rain today so i'm fine today but and i want to start building a roof on top of it like uh put some beams that are coming out from here to maybe this tree and there that tree and make a little thatched roof even if it's only this long or something like even if it only comes out to just pass the fire so that i can protect my fire from the rain and have a chill spot while it's raining oh man this is pretty cool love it when a plan comes together this time i have a little blanket and it's going to get really cold like i was saying so i'm going to be relying on this fire you have a decent wind wall here but i'm going to build that up higher probably to the top of the ridge pole here bam son i do want to clear off all the leaf litter from around here in the immediate area so i can have a good fire um i think what i'm gonna do is just kind of rake it or shovel it with my foot all to one side and then i'll be able to use it for thatching on the top lots of projects for the next couple days i'm stoked glad to be back i wish this place is closer to my house so i can come here more often i realize this may sound silly but this is one of my favorite things to do it in shelters like this i don't know if it was from ramirez i originally saw it or dick prenicky but just kind of stick oh no kind of sticking your axe into your seat log and that's that's where it is whenever you need it kind of thing pretty cool so i am gonna do that and i'm gonna put my uh axe mask away so that i don't lose it silly silly let me know what you think in the comments man this weather is crazy i took my sweater off there like half an hour ago or something now i'm freezing the sun is out and going behind clouds every now and then but it's really the wind so we got lots of work to do today look how cool that thing looks man i like that stays pretty good and then i'm going to throw those other sticks on top of it kind of hold it down you know what i mean i got lots to go lots to go still so we're just going simple lunch have this for today and tomorrow i got some good food to cook i got some salmon for tonight and i brought my um savante freedom reflector oven so i will be able to cook salmon like a broil broil salmon basically the same way i did my lake trout that would be pretty good and then tomorrow night i got got the staple you know they had to bring the old steak i had to but we'll save that for tomorrow night tonight will be a little bit easier going than tomorrow i think because it's supposed to start raining around three o'clock and rain until about seven o'clock uh p.m but hopefully by then i have my roof built and all that stuff goals goals just kind of looking underneath here to see if i see any sunlight coming through the only spot i really do see is just right here at the very top so it tells me it's pretty good i'm going to add some up to the top go around back and look and see if i need any more but i think i'm almost done that i got to start getting firewood and thinking about tonight now before i do anything else i think i want to go down grab some water out of the lake time to get serious my grandma's axe coming over to retirement she's stubborn there we go the way i'm going to measure it is with my axe so i'll go from just outside the tree because i want to be a little have a little overhang one two three four so if i go if i go about four and a half of these i'm golden one two three four and a half mark it there put it right about there so i am going to try to tie it a little higher because it's going to sag a bit i'm sure maybe i can maybe i can try to rest that side on there nice okay so i'm going to do a canadian jam not not going to go into detail about that you can check out some of my other videos for that done it lots and lots and lots of times all right i think it's gonna work i think it's gonna work okay pretty good first one there my feet are up the ground slid it down as far as it's gonna move uh nice and solid oh that's a rude awakening i just uh i just heard a shot a couple shots pretty close to where i am here now this is the first week of deer season and i meant to bring an orange hat and i never did so that's a little dangerous i'm out in the woods and camouflage people are out here hunting so i have a orange piece of paracord i'm going to try my best to replicate some kind of hunter safety orange maybe tie a band around my arm or something like that i know it's not enough but it's all i have i don't have anything fluorescent a little macho man up in here oh yeah brother that's about perfect right there we can still walk under it and this this thing doesn't have to be too very uh strong load bearing because i'm not gonna put too much on top of there so this is fine for this very quickly canadian jam knot tie knot in the end tie a loose knot right underneath it okay so i'm gonna have that ready so that i can just tie my um secure my log very easily because it's already tied well how did you guys spend your week well you know i just tied some sticks on some trees and slept in the dirt that's it all right so it's pretty good i feel like i have to duck a little bit yeah i have to duck a little bit to get in but once a minute it's fine because everything's gonna also go on top of these two um yeah so making progress and i just realized i completely joked up the the whole situation i have to this one this first one here is just like even angled the completely wrong way so if i want all my water running off right into my fire then that's the way i should have it but that's not what i want but i'm losing light i got to get a bunch of firewood for tonight a bunch to cook my dinner on and then just to stay warm with considering it gets dark at five o'clock so i'm gonna re-tie this and then it's firewood time i found something over here in the woods growing kind of a cold beer i don't know man i don't know if it's good or not i just just found it out here oh my kind and everything would you look at that there we go okay pretty good all banged up why didn't i wear my gloves one you're gonna go get wood and do some work chores and camp chores and you have gloves and it's cold wear them it's a hack it's a scramble dome camping non-bleeding hack i'll try this over here okay i think this will be the last piece for that that's there pretty good blocks it well i suppose this firewood's not going to cut itself pretty pretty good wood pile stuff is solid man very solid my arm is done i've got my don't shoot me orange paracord necklace on okay the sleeping pad out i brought my old school sleeping pad my thermarest neoair not the x therm just the neoair it's not as warm as the extern but it's more durable i feel it has like a rubbery kind of bottom because i'm laying it right on these logs that's what i want to use i'll let a little bit of air out i don't want it super super tight super inflated less chance to pop i feel that way i think for tonight i'm going to try and do the wrap method where i have half underneath me half on top of me these little stakes man i'm telling you they make the bed so much uh more stable more comfortable there we go home for two nights oh yeah man that's perfect looking forward to that looking forward to a good night's sleep it's getting dark we're losing light obviously not on the camera once again should start shooting manual i guess i just found it very difficult to shoot manual when i'm switching i'm zooming in and out and the aperture changes and i'm out here in the woods running around doing a whole bunch of stuff a little reflector oven there we go you can see it's starting to cook up a little bit starting to shrink and crisp up let me take a nice hunk of butter just lay it right on top of there let that melt slowly put it in a couple different spots let that melt slowly on there i got some steak spice on there too and i will also cut a little slice of lemon or a couple slices of lemon i guess put them on top and then after i'll squirt it all with lemon i can't have too much lemon on the salmon you know lemo is sam right that's right no there we go but i am son perf so i got a big old fat sack of broccoli got them broccoli trees my wife said she packed some broccoli for me for my trip i did not expect it to be this much but that's okay maybe i'll take a third of this maybe i'll have some tomorrow as well i got some rices rice and potatoes and all sorts of fun stuff when you got this much broccoli you can uh you can be picky you don't have to eat the stocks broccoli rich you know oh she looks almost done i'm gonna put it on for a couple more minutes call the greens peachy keen it's nice and hot so i want to get the butter on it well it's still hot oh it smells like broccoli smells like broccoli boys and girls oh she's flaky she's flaky bam look at that that's like a it's like a restaurant looks like a high-end restaurant he kind of look right there oh she's a toasty one tastes great doesn't taste too fishy at all oh oh fresh lemon fresh lemon joe what are you doing what was i thinking what was i thinking eh super stoked super stoked on this food oh yes yes you guys ready for this something not previously seen on my channel i've had it before i haven't got in a while because i was going more towards the citrusy type but this is a little bit on the multi side this is a muskoka mad tom oh i squeezed it well it smells good smells very good i like it it's a colder weather beer for me well ever since the sun went down i've been waiting for 10 o'clock so i can justify going to bed i'm doing that now it's 1007. i hope i have a uninterrupted good warm sleep i'll be with you guys in the morning good night warning i slept pretty good i got up once at like two to stoke to fire but i slept pretty solid until two and then from two until about five pretty solid from five on i was cold and moving around and feedling up and stuff but for the most part pretty good oh i'm chilly today's gonna be a big day lots of uh building to do i'm gonna cook up some bacon and eggs right now relax for this morning try to warm up by the fire i burned up all my wood except for like two or three small rounds so i'll have to get a little bit more wood too i think for breakfast and for warmth i like waking up to the cold it's invigorating in 20 minutes i'll have a fire going i'll have already cut some wood i'll be warm by myself warming myself by moving around then the fire and then the food are gonna warm even more oh i can make a hot chocolate i have an after eight mint hot chocolate it's not after eight but it's after eight in the morning always thinking joe i used a lighter and birch bark this morning no messing around in preparation for tonight how cold it's going to be i'm going to set up a space blanket just like a reflector mylar along the back side of my shelter all right i already got one piece up i'll show you how i'm doing it i'm using buttons it's nothing new i've done this hundreds of times before too on video i'm leaving the space blanket doubled up so it's a little bit more durable that's about all the the coverage i need anyway to cycle back to the heat onto me a good little little handful like that size is perfect try not to have any sticks in there you have a small pieces of paracord i have my duff or whatever it is that you're using you go right to the corner of the mylar or whatever you're using to tie up you can use like garbage bags or if you don't want to use the grommets in a chip cheap tarp anyways there's a like a clove hitch you can tie but i find two overhand knots is more than sufficient it's nice and tight up there and i could just tie it off to itself uses a little curtain too like a little divider leave me alone there we go it's doubled up so i could have easily got twice as much room here but i don't feel like it's necessary i feel like it's gonna hit and circle down anyways and it'll give it a little bit more durability because there's lots of uh pokey sticks coming off the back of this so it could rip and then once it rips it's done pan nice and buttery fry up my eggs right here comes the flip you ready oh bam son i broke one yolk broke one yolk we got one one intact oh no i didn't even break it nice she's slowly melting out there it's broken yeah it's broken now it was a whirlwind of emotions right there all right well i just got a call from the wife uh there's an emergency at home i i have to go it's beyond my control i can't get around it it sucks and i don't want it to be this but i have to drive like seven hours to get home now like right now i have to tear down camp and go um i'm sorry i i can't do anything about it i'm gonna try to get back here as soon as i can and spend a couple nights here thanks for watching bye hey guys as promised we're back at the shelter to do some work on it and we're going to camp here for two nights buddy mike's with me you haven't seen him in quite some time so yeah we'll have some some uh good times hang out by the fire do a lot of building eat some good food and have some good drinks it's 2 30 now so we don't have too much time before it gets actually dark it gets dark around five but today is a very cloudy day already so um what we want to do is we want to make mike a bench of his own i got mine here my this is my bed my bench i want to make mike a bench going from that tree to that tree or that basic area tomorrow we'll work on getting the roof done and a back for mike's wall if we can do all that but um definitely the bench and the roof so mike's over there sawing like you saw he's going to get the big base pieces of wood that go on the ground that prop the bed up to give you some height and i'm going to start cutting the actual bed the logs that go on the bed so here's a nice dead white pine this thing should come down very quickly i put a brand new saw sorry a brand new saw blade on my saw this is a dry aggressive dry wood blade so we'll see this is the first cut on this new blade yeah that's pretty decent all these twigs can be used as kindling and i would like to get a fire going relatively soon we have a big tomahawk steak lots of dead pine for building and lots of dead oak for firewood this place is awesome and we got the planes overhead so i feel like home so you're higher on that side already yeah you don't really want to go any hot you don't not going to go any higher on this side so for the length of the bed we know we need about four axe lengths i'll go a little bit longer mark it up all right it definitely fits see that's long enough oh yeah i'd say perfect okay trying to get these uh limbs off flush so that mike doesn't get no pokies in the middle of the night we do have sleeping pads but also you don't want to break your sleep or poke through your sleeping pad right right oh that's perfect yeah nice height slide that paracord through and wrench her down bud just wrench her butt but bam son we're just putting some heavy duty spikes in like i did on mine just to hold everything together it's a pretty uh decent sized tarp very nice size actually i think it's technically three by three mike's beds made his tarps up i got firewood so we're gonna start this fire so that we can start to thaw with that steak because she is like a brick now this gasket is so old that the spine is kind of rounded yeah my fire still's full of little ridges which doesn't really help too much there we go michael gets smoked out tonight like crazy huh maybe not it's gonna swirl it's gonna swirl okay so our steak which is sitting over there two and a half pounds and it's literally a block of ice smart mike and joe we've got a frozen steak when it's freezing outside three pounds so we're gonna run a ridgeline from here across to the other pole and we're going to dangle the steak over our fire for a little while to try and slow roast our thighs so we can eat sometime before midnight as you can tell for frozen firewood yeah we got none other than this yeah okay yep lots of things to do nice there we go ah i really hope this thing thaws out so we can eat it yeah i know we won't be until about eight getting pretty comfy in here as soon as we hung up got got uh mike's bed made and hung up that tarp it felt very comfortable very homely i'm using this weird pillow thing to light up while i'm filming hopefully it works good subscriber comment one of my videos saying really appreciate all the little things you film such as and used putting stakes place on the stake for example instead it makes you feel like you're there with with us so i like that that's what i'm going for i would love all my videos to have that feel so we're gonna show uh put a little cake spice on this thing bro come on camp with us right here with us oh look at that look at this softness we've been waiting oh dude it's defrosted fully nice okay we're calling or done so we're gonna take her off let her sit for a full five minutes let it rest but look at the color on that man nice and red cannot wait to dive into this damn son look at that that's so delicious yeah i'm gonna take a big old honking bite of this thing [Music] you like a burger oh my god it's all right eh cheers dang what a tasty beer in a tasty steak some coyotes out there you guys hear those coyotes can you hear that mike sounds close this fire is very warm it's radiating like crazy like before my feet were really cold and uh my whole body is just super warm now i feel very dry ever since mike hung that tarp it's been really comfortable really cozy looking i really don't know if we're going to get his back wall done tomorrow very happy to have this spot very happy to be here this is a cool kind of camping this is probably my favorite kind of cool weather camping you know what i mean a little bushcrafty a little man-made materials just kind of hanging out doing what you want i'm glad to have mike with me good night yo are you doing good good sleep yeah a lot of coyotes jeez dude at that one point in the middle of the night oh my goodness going to town probably pushing it for the sleeping bag it's a negative seven bag but it's not true anymore it's it's been a few years old and lost a lot of down and stuff so i did bring a little blanket with me i kind of draped that over half over me uh during the night and that helped a little bit didn't compress my down too much which i was concerned about but everything's fine this is how all canadians are born there's a flurry there's another flurry we're gonna get some snow i'm totally fine with snow rain i could i could do without this cooking tripod is turning out to be just awesome uh we're gonna cook some sausages later up tonight and they're frozen so i'm sure we're gonna have to use this as well i have to trim it down so that it fits underneath the roof but let's uh let's grab a piece of bacon there michael cheers or bud cling so oh buddy smoke is killing my eyes yeah me too but wow who needs to see when you can taste right we need a roof there's things falling from the sky so we need this bacon get out working decent perfect nice there's even an arch in the middle yeah nice so right here let's see yeah that's a good overhang there and then yeah just keep your hand there and we'll we'll cut that there perfect hell yeah so we already use that one two three times that one piece of wood and then the end can be used as firewood or whatever decent solid pine too so again we're gonna put the thicker pieces at this end oh look at the pitch mike heck yeah that is perfect anyways yeah big thick piece here thicker pieces this way everything small running this way rain snow all the shed running that way the back is stacked really well i'm not worried about it dripping into that i can always attach it more and i can on honestly whenever i'm coming here i'm worried about it i can line this with a space blanket and be totally good well bam that's looking cool there you go should we cut it too short you can always do another one it probably needs to be a longer right probably okay so we'll use this as a marker and add like two inches to it okay so let's dig into the ground a bit we're just digging down in into the ground a bit so that um the post that we're gonna cut to fit has somewhere to rest not too deep just a little bit so then that's up there like that pretty secure this side has popped up a bit but we're going to take it and tie pull it down and tie it with paracord it's all gonna be very secure yeah nice nice and i made ourselves a little a little coaster a little coaster for the beers there you go michael you're welcome it's a little icy oh i see oh yeah look at that i must have bought we got about a third of the roof done so we'll take maybe another uh i don't know a few a few trees five trees again we're only using dead we have a plethora of dead wood around here so a plethora of dead pine which is very easy to work with which is good and i like to say the word plethora so i'll just keep saying that plethora of beer left too plethora we've got pretty much the roof done we got to get a couple more pieces over there but then we're done uh we also built up the fire reflector quite a bit that that top piece of wood on the fire reflector is a decent size and then we were able to do a canadian jam knot tie these bad boys in together and now that's sitting properly everything's coming together pretty good it's starting to snow a bit with just small flakes we're hoping it stays as snow and doesn't switch over to rain we've kept the fire going all day which is pretty cool it has like a nice homely feel to it i'm not throwing too much on sometimes it's like old pine cut-off ends and sometimes it's actual firewood actual oak that we've got as we've been building we've been collecting wood all day and i think this is the better way to do it look at all that that's all super dense that's more than enough for tonight we don't have to collect any more bruh get in there one more couple yeah one or two maybe bam son come look at it from this angle it's pretty tight pretty tight bro yeah that looks great all right this is the last real piece there's still going to have to be some adjustments some um patchwork putting some duff on there but the last real log up there don't want to put duff like debris off the ground leaves sticks pined up up there because it's really not going to do much um what it will do is create a fire hazard rain stuff down and not be that waterproof if i'm being honest so what i do want to do is get bark i want to get either birch bark or thick go ahead mike that's all good just trying not to saw so he doesn't make noise uh either birch bark or or some white thick white pine bark or something like that to line up on there but like i said for this trip it's okay it's not gonna rain it is snowing now it's not gonna get any warmer uh there's frozen puddles in the woods here so what we are gonna do what we are gonna spend our time doing it's 3 30 now we don't have too much more time we're considering we have all of our wood already and everything i've been wanting to make this wall a lot taller for the past couple trips so that's what we're going to focus on we need to put a bigger stake in because right now this stake here is nowhere near tall enough to make the wall stand sturdy okay so this is going to be our stake we're going to raise it up to about here just above we want the wall to come right to this top piece so we're going to cut it maybe up here so we can drive it a couple inches to the ground and then we can fill up in between nice right there yeah if you push those four uh towards me back towards me we'll have to put another one out here i think tie another one like a tall one yeah but still i'll be fine all right guys pretty happy with our progress i think we're done for today we're losing light it's four o'clock so sun will be done in an hour the little little sun there is but we got to spend our time cutting up our firewood now and getting ready for supper check this out inside here doesn't that look cool nice and homely completely closed in obviously there's gaps everywhere but it does retain heat very pleased with our progress we're gonna get that tripod in here too and see uh see how the fit is but very cozy you can see in there i got a lot of coverage and i'm not really exposed to anything but mike over here um the wind's coming in this way and his feet are pretty exposed to the elements so we're gonna throw up this mess tarp i have a 5x7 he's going to tie it off to there i'm going to wrap it and then tie it off to this tray so he gets this whole big covered spot i already went around and cleaned off this pine uh of all the pokies because obviously i don't want to hook a hole in my tarp got more more coverage where it needs to be same idea but look at that instead of being all down there mike's got what half your bed cover basically so maybe straight in there pretty comfortable yeah they're nice mike it's snowing a bit there he's coming down the wind's coming out look at that beautiful shelter wow that's awesome looking hit i've been trying to show you the accumulation of snow it's not much but it's hard to show but on this green tarp you can really see it so it's coming down more than it has the whole time right now i'm hoping we get dumped on really hope you get a freaking couple inches of snow well mike cheers are to a good day of hard work good day we've got some sausages got some green beans we got some more beers it's 5 30 now so early it's so early lots of snow out there but we're just noticing the awesome glow off the fire in here and i had to get it on video it's just very uh ambient ambiance you guys like this video you like this type of video i feel like we've been going going going just doing stuff the whole time so all the time there is light light out that's right yes so i hope that there's lots of good content uh in the footage and i hope it's not just me rambling on like i normally do well what are you gonna do there's there's some rambling yeah it's uh it's nice in here it's nice and warm it's very cold up there very windy snowy and in here it's uh it's cozy it's honestly yeah it's comfortable all right we got our sausages i don't know if you can see that my light's dying but uh we got our grill up our grills up on the cooking tripod what kind of these like honey garlic honey garlic sausages from the old butcher they should be pretty tasty i got some mustard and cheese to go on them as well so i'm excited for that they're not too frozen but we're going to slow cook them up there okay boys and girls the piece to resist those what kind are they like did you try it yet are they honey garlic i don't know oh my goodness okay random sauce not sausages with cheese and i have some mustard i gotta find that lutard right quick because that's going to go phenomenally with the sausage try these bad boys oh i'm happy yeah we're not welcome oh my goodness temperature warm whoa they cook perfectly though it's still juicy yeah that tripod ma'am way to do it um so good got that cheese on there that mustard loving life look at that yeah look at that cheese boy all right shut up martin uh still recording broke it straight broke it straight broke it that sucks dude i don't know if you can see it look at this this is my microphone dangling off anyways uh i'll get back with you get back with you if i have something to film i'm just beside myself about breaking this 300 microphone you saw what happened to my my camera there michael yes i did i don't was just talking to it and it fell completely right off my tripod yeah it just came right out of the mouth i don't know as if like somebody hadn't screwed it on i didn't even have it off maybe i did no it was all me 100 it was all me hey guys we had a good night's sleep a little bit colder last night had to bundle up a little bit more but we got to get out of here do a long hike and a big drive to get home so we're trying to pack up now and get out before the storm storm comes we got all this new snow on the ground probably a couple centimeters of snow overnight so thanks mike for coming it was lots of fun thanks joe for having me and we will see you guys on the next one good morning how you guys doing i'm feeling good i'm out on the water it's 8 30 in the morning i'm gonna cross over a couple lakes and uh get to a spot where i can camp i shouldn't get there later than 10 in the morning i have all day and all night i just got a small little backpack with me foldable saw axe a little bit of food going to be good weather no bugs yet so i'm looking forward to this now i gotta hop out of the canoe hide it in the woods grab my backpack and hike into the woods about 20 minutes half an hour until i find the perfect spot in the forest trying to find my old shelter my semi-permanent pretty decent bush shelter the one that i've been building for i don't know a couple years now mike helped me with some renovations on it not too long ago uh maybe before the winter yeah we came before the winter we had to break ice on the way out ah stop for a little drink here i've got my why not wildland scout pack the one i designed you haven't seen me use this in probably a year or so got everything i need for an overnight in there i got a small uh sleeping bag got my kooksa heavy cover canteen lots of fun gear this trip we're almost there i think gotta find it hopefully it's still standing and uh hopefully i can find it oh look what i found still standing still intact this thing looks awesome look at that oh i love this thing bam son just like me and mike left it just like mike and i left it lovely absolutely lovely no one's been here this is the tripod we left here underneath the shelter on purpose this is exactly how we left it okay cool oh man this is so cool i absolutely love this place i love the way the shelter's built i love the forest it's in everything i feel very comfortable here um there is a little bit of a problem there's about a million black flies around right now they're all over my camera and they're swarming me i have a very bad allergic reaction to black flies but that's okay i don't think they're biting but they are swarming like crazy so i think what i'm gonna do first off is get a smoky fire going in there in the fire pit and kind of just smoke this whole place out of any any of those bugs i got some lunch get to my gear i'll show you my gear it's gonna be a good trip nice and relaxing wanna fish work on the shelter should be good fire reflector solid everything's coming up milhouse i have to go on a hike for some birch that's okay aw they are biting son of a gun okay fire fire well that smoke really seemed to work the bugs have died down completely just got a little bit on there but it's smoking really nice so like i said i really do love this place it's awesome but it needs it still needs a lot of work uh it's set up for me there fine with the lean too this is all waterproof here but the ceiling definitely is not and the extra bed is not so definitely mike is going to come back soon or somebody else with me but for sure mike maybe somebody else as well i want to get this part ready for them and then also in this corner i want to kind of make like a like a wood storage okay she works pretty good pretty pretty good i don't mind black flies as much as mosquitoes it's just that i react for the black flies way too much okay this isn't really doing anything here that's coming out oh she's soaked under underground that's all soaked whenever i use my axe to pound things in like this i always get a lot of comments saying you should leave your sheath on because i always take it off but i've personally seen someone cut through their axe mask by doing this the pressure of hitting down made the axe bust through the axe mask in the front and i've never seen someone come up and hit themselves in the face with their axe like this i've never done it so carefully i'm going to use it with the the axe mask off and that's why i'm doing it that way oh that's sweet check this out pretty cool hey and that's all super resinous fat wood esque the bugs are getting bad they're bouncing off my face like crazy out here i don't know what it's like inside the shelter black flies love sun as opposed to mosquitoes who are looking for dankness i'm not trying to burn a ton of wood or anything like that i just want to keep this fire smoldering throw a little bit of wet stuff on there too actually after she goes these uh pine cones really make a good little smoke or two until they catch with all the resin but some of these i can burn keep those ones that i can over here easy access most of them cool there is like dead oak everywhere just the best kind of firewood i'm trying to get all dead trees to do this with like there you can see those are live that guy there she did yep that's what i said that guy there she did she sinks in pretty good she's a little wet down there she is dead she's juicy i just died not seasoned yet yeah these are 100 black flies they are swarming so this is an eye opener it's a big eye opener ice out isn't even in algonquin algonquin doesn't even have ice out yet like uh look at this they're not allowing people to go on back country trips yet it ain't winter anymore it ain't winter we're back in the land of the bugs oh my goodness look at the bugs look at the bugs okay so the plan is to tie up a new ridge pole one from this ridge pole to that one going this way leave about two feet up here gap from this one to the next one for airflow uh smoke to escape and all that stuff so i'm gonna get that up there measure it cut it and tie it so it's one of these three that i'm going to use for the ridge pull they're all pretty long but i'll probably end up using the thickest one so it's strong to support the weight of the other ones leaning on it that means this one right here so she's on there i'm not going to wrench it too tight when i go do the other side and then wrench them both gotta give her the old body weight test that's about the extent of my chin ups okay perfect see my hoodie see my scout logo hoodie merch link in the description what what i think i'm going to do is line it up with the outside of this tree here can you see that yeah the other side of this tree and just kind of make a wall flat against that so that yeah it comes out as far as the tree does basically so it can go that straight i can cut it right about there oh these bugs guys they're not they're not leaving me alone ah they're climbing up my clothes black flies love to do that climb in your clothes and bite you underneath they crawl around a as opposed to mosquitoes that just kind of land on you and bite you guys will find the opportunity i know a lot about the black flies i've had a lot of experience i'm very intimate with the black flies okay well i'm super thirsty i have no water left um i want to get some fishing done and i want to get all these black flies go in the breeze for a bit so i'm gonna leave my dslr here and grab my gopro head out to the canoe uh it might take me about probably 20 minutes to get to it so go fish for a little bit get some water hang out in the boat for an hour or so and then head back here it's only 1 30 now so i got lots of time coming together well i'm in my canoe and my good idea to get over the dank or sort of the still air into the breeze so that the black flies wouldn't bother me it was a great idea you know in theory there's no breeze out here it's more sunny and there's more black flag so i'm just trying to get through this little like meandering creek part of it hoping to open up into a lake and uh a little bit of a breeze that would be heavenly a little bit a bit of a breeze would be heaven right now it's not too much to ask for right just a touch of a breeze well she's pretty calm out here on lake like you can see i'm getting swarmed oh man no escape and here is the breeze quite nice quite nice getting a nice amount of breeze now heck yeah this is great black flies are gone i'm literally just sitting here comfortable now very cool very cool this bruce is a godsend ah camping now this is not sped up this is in real time cruising through this little passageway bye hmm hi can you see me make a feather stick with one oops or not oh my goodness okay i gotta get this fire going i wonder if i can just throw a spark onto it instead of planting it down in there there we go nice just throw some big old pieces on there see what happens i gotta start getting coals ready for my supper too so this is all just pine still i'm gonna go have to get some firewood um i ate a bunch of snacks when i got back jerky granola bar and some raisins drink a bunch of water so i'm okay right now what i think i want to do is try and get two or three more trees fill in a little bit more of that wall because i didn't really do too much today i spent a lot of time out there didn't do too much building really just the ridge pool those trees cleaned up that area this will be the biggest diameter one that i've taken down so far it's wide just a touch wider than my axe head so i'm going to put it that way yes right that way yep nice and clean notch there and go around the back side make a couple cuts and then push it over she was going too put it all right it's time to cook up some supper for dinner tonight i have long grain wild rice all natural the ingredients are parboiled long grain rice and wild rice that is it so should be pretty good for me for my stomach i also have store made honey dijon sausage that's what i had to get this morning on the way here uh from my buddies to this place and about two things were open so that's what i got [Music] that's done that is plump sausages were still cool when i pulled them on my backpack i'm not worried about it i just definitely want it cooked that is tasty wow it's a nice temperature out man very nice this is an awesome trip just today already really really a lot of fun it's been uh it's been a long time coming you know what i mean like the last time i was able to put around my canoes in the fall i feel good this is good my bug bites don't seem to be too bad oh i think that's buggies i'm gonna say take that smoke that doesn't really make sense dispense doesn't make sense doesn't make spencer rice i'm gonna have to cut up the rest of this wood man i really got a sunburn my arms are red and tender i'm gonna cut up the rest of this wood and uh yeah get some materials for my tea whoa there we go not too shabby not too shabby at all so i've got a lot of axes like 10 something like that most of them are boys axes some of them are 19 inch um like half axe type deals not really hatchets because hatchets are like 19 and smaller i'd say this is something in the middle this is like a 22 23 tops inch long handle so it doesn't qualify as a boy's axe the head is let's say a pound and a half maybe two pounds maybe two pounds it is made in the usa a few things make it different one of them is the fact that that it this is the size the 23 inch is not a normal size um the other other thing is it's a flat grind it's not a convex like on the gransfors axes this is a flat grind another thing that's different you have this swell for splitting doesn't go all the way to the top grooves out there and on the bottom it does the same thing right there it's very sharp uh it works well for splitting in all honesty using it with one hand feels a touch heavy it's not a deal breaker by any means i love the blonde handle on it i'm going to treat that linseed oil and beeswax probably i like to get it a bit dirty beforehand and i mean dirty it up a bit and it gives it even more character when it all gets darker they have the wooden wedge and the metal wedge in there again it's a wood craft by council tool i bought this myself with my own money i bought it from canadian outdoor equipment they're mississauga i believe near toronto they have an online store and an actual store that you can go into so i went in i like to go in there and talk to tim the owner he's a nice guy i get along with him well camped with him once before but yeah i thought i'd try this out the last axe i got was my grandspurs scandinavian forest axe and if i'm being honest between this and that one i would probably pick the grants first just as it oh as an all-around tool but i like it it's a nice axe i like the fact that it's made in the states i like the fact that it's a different kind of uh kind of shape you know it's not it's not very narrow it's not very narrow whereas the grants first brooks pretty much all of them are flares out flares out at the top there again this is only my first time using it so take it with a grain of salt but not too shabby oh i guess i don't need to go far wintergreen right here oh there's a little fern coming up too nice oh finesse we love that look at that looks lovely now they spill it everywhere trying to show you the joys of filming there we go little top up that should be a good tea minty citrusy bam sun cheers nice the winter green is overpowering everything overpowering the pine needles and the rice water it's good it's very good feels good on my stomach oh that's nice oh buddy that's nice i'm gonna make another one that's super good all right guys it's just about 10 30. i'm headed to bed that's the moon it's 3 30 in the morning i'm uh i can't sleep very well i've been up for about a half an hour now since three i'm trying to go back to bed wish me luck good morning guys just five now 4 59 in the morning i've been laying here since i last talked you haven't gone back to sleep um so i'm gonna get a fire going right now uh shouldn't take too much effort i got some split up stuff and i got that um fat wood stick i just made a little feather stick left it on the stick there oh that's nice and warm oh yes all right time to pack up start making my way on out of here breakfast was good the tea was not good it was so strong there's only a couple sips i had to just like i took one sip and tossed the rest of it that's all right all right guys that's it for me i'm gonna put everything away hike out paddle out thank you very much for watching i really appreciate it sorry about the hiatus before this try not to let it happen again but it is what it is right health and family comes first always i will see you guys very soon on the next one goodbye finally i'm back at my national shelter i'm going to do an overnight at the natural shelter i have a wool blanket on my backpack i've hiked in for over an hour trying to find this thing finally found it it's still here it's still standing this will be my very last time at the natural shelter tomorrow morning i will be tearing it down i'm moving far away i will never ever come back here and i really don't want to be just leaving this in the woods i got mushrooms growing on the logs that's pretty cool okay so check this out this bench which is protected by my lean-to and the debris is dry it's way more dry i'm sure it's damp you know what i mean i'm sure it's got a little bit of dampness on it but look at this one there's no mistaking it like this is soaking wet i could wipe the water off of it huh so even though my shelter was not thatched still like 100 good well it is good it's not the best but it is holding the water out with just this duff off of the ground no live material was used for this whole shelter that is cool that is very cool look at that they're dry well that's very cool that was the first time i used the duff like that as a full thatching material on the back too i've used it as bedding and partly on the back but never just that and man this has been standing for years years through snow wind rain she's good to go guys good to go very proud very proud of my lean too you are the best lean to get this backpack off this is a hidden woodsman deep woods ruck deep woods ruck and i'll get into this a little bit more later but right now let's just hang the bad boy up this is a beasty pack it's an external frame no joke here i got to get some firewood i don't have a saw with me i only brought an axe so that'll be fun i haven't used an axe in a long time so i figured leave this all at home just leave the side home i really do like this place and i'm proud of it and i've put a lot of time and effort into it but the fact of the matter is i don't want to just leave this standing knowing that i'll never be here again when it's like potentially could fall down potentially could if somebody's in it maybe somebody could hit a cut a rope or hit the wrong board or something and potentially have it fall on them at the very worst case scenario and at the very least there's paracord on the trees here that the trees will grow around and it will kill off the trees and it's littering right if i just leave this paracord here that's not going to just disintegrate right so other than that there's no live trees cut i swear to god and i cut no live trees for this i can show you after when i'm tearing it down not a one so i feel good about that and i use no branches no limbs no no needles no no pine boughs or anything like that on this for any kind of thatching or for um rainproofing when i did use the natural material for the bed i used sticks i used a bunch of bundle of thin sticks dead sticks so that's my reasoning behind it i feel okay about it being torn down um even though it's a good shelter i feel better about it being torn down than just leaving it here so i will be building more upon my up on my property and then property i have access to up there that i'm allowed to i will be building a couple more up there so it's not a big deal i just really will never be visiting this spot again i know it it's too far from my new place and there's no point in coming here when i have countless acres of wilderness up right where i'll be i hope that makes sense you follow you dig the acts that i chose to bring on this trip was my council tool woodcraft i accidentally left my wedding ring on i don't like doing that when i'm camping because using an axe digs into it like crazy so i want to put this away and then let's go chop some firewood because i have to have a fire all night long with just that wool blanket the temps are i don't know right around nine or something celsius but a fire will help all righty let's go find a tree now i have been here a lot and the immediate area is pretty devoid of dead trees considering i use them for firewood and for building what's all right we'll go take a little hike all right this is perfect this is exactly what i'm looking for this is a white oak and it's just kind of fallen uh out of it out of a tree or fallen itself falling over so this is perfect i don't have to chop it to get it out anywhere and uh it's a nice dense wood it's a little wet on the outside a little damp but it's okay once i get a fire going everything will everything will burn everything will dry everything is going to be a little bit damp right now got a nice white pine here pretty petrified wood nice and seasoned okay so this axe is a bit on the short side i don't know if you saw that but on my second swing i really almost missed it i didn't uh i only hit it with the top part of the ax head there so anyways take some getting used to but she works really well i obviously got this tree down very little effort but again it is a white pine and there's a lot softer wood than that white uh oak man it's so pretty back in here there's so much moss right here in front of you too there's a maple i could probably just pull down perfect when the log was really long i was able to just drop it on chop away without it bouncing too much now when it's short like this even though in that specific situation it didn't bounce normally it is going to bounce um so i'll put my foot on to it but then when in doing that you got to really be careful when you're chopping this way but you don't bounce off and put the axe into your foot that's why a lot of times you'll see me chop away until it gets a good groove in it then come back it has much less chance of of uh slipping and hitting you that way because nine times out of ten they'll get stuck in this groove if you do slip and slipping isn't something that this should happen if you know what you're doing anyways but accidents happen and having an accident out here with an axe and my foot is probably not something i want to do and then once it's closed you're a whack blah bam son so when i come down to a size like this especially in this situation where the end of it is all rotted from being near the ground it's not that desirable uh to burn anyway so i definitely want to chop this in half still this is way too long um but putting it on the ground and trying to do like that is kind of too short and awkward so sometimes not always but sometimes i'll do it like this trying to find the middle and just work at it around i'm putting this on a log on the ground here beneath it you can just put it right on the ground i like to work on a log it gets it up higher and doesn't have as much give although this log has a lot of give she's old you can see i'm not putting so much effort into it just kind of mark it on all four sides all right and by the time that's done you should be able to just do one of those nice and easy i can still use this piece this is just not desirable right so that'll go on after the fire is nice and hot still decent though so here's the reason why i like a saw right because you have this wood even if i got it and collected it without a saw or or even an axle a lot of it i was able to push over when you bring it back and you want to cut it into lengths that's how it just makes easy quick safe efficient work of it the axe works just fine just a little bit more work it's not as safe not as efficient and the ends aren't neatly stacked or neatly cut but that doesn't matter at all so again in in lieu of having a saw i'm going to try the tree method to break some now you guys have seen me do this a lot i really really believe in giving credit where credit's due so the first time i ever saw this i saw les stroud survivor man do this but then i read morris kahanski's bushcraft book and he talks about it in there and in all reality i can't break this in all reality he learned it from someone as well and he'll be the first to tell you that that all this is just rehashed none of this is new people have been doing this stuff for hundreds of years let's see if i can break it though see if i can do it okay go so this last piece i'll chop or maybe [Music] they don't need those stinking saws bruv what look at that look at that man i absolutely love this time of year it's like rejuvenating invigorating for me this summertime is no good it's way too hot but like listen it's dead calm nobody's out here there's no bugs out here it's chilly like too too sure to buff thick socks pants you know i'm chopping wood and i'm comfortable very comfortable if i could have all year round like this i would i'm gonna miss this place man i've been here a handful of times i just got a feel to it i love the feel that this place has do you know what i mean does anybody understand what i'm talking about somewhere in the woods that's not hard you know it's not like excuse me it's not a fight to be comfortable kind of thing i'm very comfortable here in every sense of the word i'm just looking for a couple pieces of wood that i can practice my uh curls on i'm gonna grab a hard piece and a soft piece so this has a nice straight edge on it so this is a piece of maple grab that and i'll grab a piece of pine even if i have to split it down to make an edge that's fine i'll use that one it's nice and uh it's thin enough at least and then let's grab a piece of oak as well while we're at it because i got the pine uh this should be or sorry because i have the maple this will be oak let's put up an they're all pine i guess let's start with this maple not so bad as a rule maple is pretty good for curls i'm just making it flat right now it's working she's working just like a knife should wow my favorite check out those them's my favorite type of curls dems is look at that i don't like to toot my own curls but you know wow okay cool i'm happy with the way that handles man not too shabby at all those are fast curls i'm fast canadian curls look at that boy are you guys excited as excited as i am that doesn't sound like it okay so that's cool let's try uh these are all good starters i got a little birch bark too but just having fun right so that's all good really really good starters actually you know what because it's not that imperative that i have these for the fire let's spark that and see how good it lights up you're flaming up so much i love it i love it so that was not resinous at all it's got no sap in it it's just a maple and you get fine enough curls throw a spark or three or four onto it then you got a fire this ground is very wet i'm just um extinguishing it right now all right lanyard on the fire steel feathers igniting very good like a lighter i'm ignit all right let's get this one split down now this is pine this is white pine we'll see how well this does with the with this knife for the for the shavings to get it split down i'll probably cut it in half first and then use half of it as a baton and then that way we can see how well the knife batons as well and before i do all that i'm gonna go put my shavings in the shelter australia and out of nowhere again i'm not getting full swing i'm barely choking i'm choking up on this a lot barely getting any oomph into it but it's not needed see see all right so both of these have a check going through them a line a dry line this one's a bit shorter what was that so i'm going to use this one for the piece we work with i'll use this as our baton ready some of those limbs believe it or not spruce and pine limbs are very hard the knots frozeny too the knots where they connect to the wood are very dense very hard so it's always a concern for a blade on those those spots anyways let's baton this so i'm gonna try to go with the line the split that's already there oh yeah not as good not as good let's try it the normal way the normal people way oh wow well i don't like it as good as the maple it's still making very thin curls i just can't control it as much but like nothing wrong with it by any means yeah that'll work this would be a good amount of wood um i'm not done but it's a good amount it's a good start why don't we get a coffee on sounds like a good idea they are french vanilla don't get me wrong they are french vanilla get a nice big fire going right off the bat with these twigs some good coals and then i'll probably try to keep the fire going all day until tonight where i cook supper and then keep it for warmth for at least part of the night all right well i think i'll start it with my uh shavings just because i made them and they go up pretty easily then i'll be able to add a little bit of birch bark just to get get everything going really strong then i'll get my uh excuse my wet kindling on because these are wet they definitely have moisture on them they are not dry they're bending but it's okay they will they will lay it on fire oh bam son this place has such an awesome glow even in the daytime i can feel and see the glow coming off that fire it's very enclosed right it's almost two three sides enclosed here so um no almost two sides it closed really bounces off and reflects baldin well that coffee was really good i sat here and almost let this thing go out that squirrel so i want to stack it up a little bit more with wood stoke it even and we'll get some more firewood because this ain't gonna cut it i've already put a dent in what i had see that if you can hit it in the same spot every time or close to it not like that it's supposed to be the most efficient fits good like that i'm getting cooled down now that i'm not chopping wood and i took off that vest oh that's such an inviting look how inviting that looks i'm way up on the hill and all i can see down there is le chateau and the warm fire oh yeah the roof and everything man i love this place i really do do i say that yet ah i don't know how well it's translating in the video but like this is eerily calm like really the calm before the storm it feels like rain it feels like it's gonna storm um i am to put my tarp up on the top just over the over the roof a bit maybe draping down the back a bit um yeah i have it here why not um and then tomorrow when i am tearing down the shelter it was supposed to rain all day tomorrow right so tomorrow when i'm tearing down the shelter i can leave that part for last tear down the other stuff film it have somewhere to sit and relax if it does rain all night or whatever i'm sure it will permeate through a bit and start dripping so yeah why not we have it this is my by nine still nylon tarp that kyle made that i love to use you guys see me use a whole bunch i've got some paracord already attached to it for my last trip and i have this nylon cord that i always keep with it this reflective cord so we might not need that but let's see i'm not even too sure how i'm going to get it on just yet but we'll get it on we get around [Music] whoa bro it's really gonna get that down and then we're good i got a piece of get a piece of paracord though that's pretty slick and i mean it's big enough it covers quite a bit on the top all of the back you got a little bit of wind block there on on the side so you can see all that smoke in there right it's just coming out exactly where it needs to it always has a draft going this way parallel to where the bed is it's quite smoky got the old joe robinette blend that's what it looks like oh where's my spoon a little spicy little salty little sweet little well good big good i have a lot of vegetables here a lot of vegetables i really wish i brought butter but that's all right i'll throw a little bit of tiny bit of spice on them after felt good broccoli and yellow beans oh my goodness i'm having trouble here i can tell there we go there we go ah danger danger bro get from here i can have a beer i can have a beer i have two beers and i save them i can definitely afford to have one with dinner right that's what they're the that's what they're here for there we go cheers folks smells so hoppy it's worth the wait okay which is really good even myself okay lid goes back on stick time now oh it's tender try not to cut through right to the grill oh surprise surprise i overcooked it again it's not bad all right let's try it excited it's very soft there's lots of fat which on a rib eye is a very good thing in my opinion most people's opinion all right here we go that taste is through the roof bro oh that is really good it's 6 30 feeling very content feeling very happy i was able to come over here feeling very glad i did come out here but anyways hit that subscribe button and that bell notification thank you all too this wouldn't have happened without you guys obviously right not at all if nobody's watching my videos it's not i'm not getting paid i'm not getting sponsorships i'm not becoming a bigger youtuber big youtuber i'm just dead in the water but because of you guys and because of all your support and because of all of your continued support and growth and new subscribers and every single thing it's all because of you guys i think yeah i can't thank you enough for real for real pharrell no rain has come yet but i expect it to during the night so i grab my backpack my coat and all that stuff throw it all inside my backpack and um tuck it down be signed by uh my shelter here and behind it try and stay dry if there's a thunderstorm or if there's a lot of rain or something in the middle night i'll grab the camera and show you guys but other than that i will get with you in the morning and yeah we'll get up and tear down this camp it's a it's a little surreal all right guys you have a good night wish me luck sweet dreams i expect i'll sleep pretty good i've got a nice flat bed i got a sleep pad i got a wool blanket i am warm like i have something undone i could definitely take it off it is nice and warm under here all right guys oh first almost died down i got to throw some more wood on it but it is raining started raining staying nice and dry under here though so that's good good morning guys i gotta tear this thing down in the rain that'll be a good closure good closure right anyways i gotta get going i gotta do this and bounce out of here i gotta hike like at least now a good hour out of here i wanna get drenched i just spent that rainy rainy night in my natural shelter a big old lean to debris hut whatever you want to call it that i've had for about three or four years i love this thing but today let's tear it down when i first met you you were lying all over the ground a bunch of pieces that i had found and i built you into a home you protected me when the weather was cold kept me out of the wind the rain and the snow i'm really sad to see you go you are the best thing to you're the best link to you're the best you're the best [Music] i don't want to just collapse it and leave it all there i want to take the paracord out i want to disperse the logs somewhat it's obviously not going to be no trace but uh it'll be not just a big pile of logs so let's get started so like i said i just spent the night in this thing i normally don't have a tarp on it but i knew it was going to rain all night and it did and it's still raining first part we're going to take down was going to be the front wall i'm not sure how i feel about this part i like it in the sense of having more of a cabin feeling and seeing logs in front of you and having a little bit of a block but in the same respect a lot of what i do over here is film and it cuts out the light not only that i'm glad to have had this this empty spot in the front next to the front wall just to see out you know i mean it's nice to look out into the woods it's a beautiful scenery in front of me as opposed to just staring at the same logs all the time which sometimes i like these are all dead trees i cut down no live i sure used to build this at all just mainly white pine and some oak some maple but these will all get restored back to the forest floor biodegrade break down provide more nutrients and soil for more white pine to grow later on you can tell by the weight of them they're all very light all very dead these are obviously supports mike and i put these in after because of all the weight of the ceiling or the roof coming down on these on these posts going out we thought we needed to brace them up and we did in the middle and it definitely did something as you can see that dropped big time i better not take the other one out until i get the roof off so here's the original ridge pole right and i leaned them all the back pieces against that and then i wanted to put a ceiling on instead of just leaning all my ceiling pieces my roof pieces onto this main ridge pole as well i thought it'd be too much weight so the thinking behind the roof was only to put the ends of it about halfway onto the fire they went a little bit farther but it still worked fine and that was for the ventilation and the smoke to leave and for me to stay and for me to stay more dry over there and when i came in yesterday that bed was dry and this bed wasn't and all i have for thatching material to keep it dry is duff off of the ground yeah let's get that roof off working up a sweat bro what's good pesky paracord man [Music] that's why it wouldn't break because she was still tied up look at the difference already man wow such an awesome spot guys it's bad i have slept on many's a night manny's a night you will be missed flat sleeping area look how dry it is under this piece that's one side bam son look at that wow that's a lot of duff on the back of there man look at that that's a lot of work guys no joke that was a whole lot of work over the course of a few trips four or five wow all of this would have stayed here to potentially decompose over the course of 100 years or just sit here and litter so i'm really happy i got that much out of here so it makes me feel better about it i honestly don't think i can just leave that sitting there like that either it's not a big deal it's not gonna hurt anyone nobody's even ever find it but it just looks too aggressive i think yeah the rain's calmed down a bit and i am warm so i think i will disperse it a little bit better before i get out of here it's just i feel bad about leaving it all right let's do it pick debris thick thick debris on top a good shelter boys and girls no matter what i do this duff this debris is gonna stay there oh don't breathe that in but it's okay it was off the ground anyway all right that's as far as she's getting whoa ah it's a bittersweet moment for real it was a good shelter i'm happy to have had it and have experienced time and experiences here with people with by myself all right guys i get hiking out of here and drive the long drive home today so i'm gonna get out of here thanks for watching thanks for experiencing this with me like i said it's bittersweet throw me a subscription please it's going quick now now that i started asking for it so i'm going to keep asking for it throw me a subscription have a good day guys bye
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 172,153
Rating: 4.9041252 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: d0V2FdtFI_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 29sec (8669 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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