Thatch Roof House: Full Bushcraft Shelter Build with Hand Tools | Saxon House
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Channel: TA Outdoors
Views: 7,188,809
Rating: 4.643014 out of 5
Keywords: building, thatch, roof, house, bushcraft shelter, bushcraft camp, saxon house, thatch roof, hand tools, full build, no talking, log cabin, off grid, foundations, timber frame, viking, vikings, viking house, ancient, diy, simple, bushcraft saxon house, wilderness, iron age, iron age house, historic, winter, super shelter, clay, building a thatched house, thatched roof, anglo saxon, grubenhaus, thatching, hut, build, saxon camp, camping, survival, woodworking, homestead, primitive technology
Id: 923QZglteeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 6sec (4866 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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This is dope love it and I couldn’t do this if my life depended on it so I think you really talented
To think, that's how everyone lived a few hundred years ago.
Love this guys channel, his dad has a fishing channel aswel which i love
MmmMmmm. Thatch roof.
Picks up a log. Chops away part of one half of it. Shaves the rest: BOOM! MALLET, MOTHERFUCKERS.
Oh fuck yes I love their videos. So damned relaxing.
55:20 when you accidentally eat mud. Great video!
My favourite!
Can anyone answer me why, at about 17:38, he put the pine tar on that joint? To prevent moisture rot?