Bugtime Aventures - Riding for a Fall - Christian cartoons

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[Music] losing your way in a big world like this can make you feel timid and small [Music] the stories will unfold and for you [Music] the stories will unfold and for you the light will shine [Music] many many years ago in the ancient kingdom of aram there lived a great warrior a man who won every battle he ever fought and who conquered every city he ever entered to his enemies he was known as a fierce fighter but to his countrymen he was a beloved hero [Applause] [Music] he was a leader a general and a fearless victor of many wars and yet his greatest enemy would soon be before him his enemy of pride this is his story the story of naaman and elijah [Music] you're home at last master naaman has returned and with hardly a scratch but then again no man or sword could ever harm you am i right sir you men must be hungry please go inside we've prepared a feast in your honor tell me naaman are you still sick i'm afraid my dear it's only gotten worse whatever disease i have it is spreading that's it team quick and efficient let's keep it moving how's our new little bugs library coming oh uh hi mayor everything's coming along great although i did make a few tiny little changes to the plans you and spud design uh how tiny well you ever heard the phrase bigger is better how's the library coming bigger and better right mayor bigger yes but better i'm not so sure the mayor's just a little nervous about some of the changes i made but soon we'll have the best library buglesville's ever seen what happened it appears laughing timber is incongruous to our undertaking we're using the wrong wood [Music] spuds right this is much too flimsy i thought our instructions were to use hardwood only uh yeah well i meant to tell you that this was just another of my little changes great now what do we do well for starters we get some stronger wood and i know just the place the hardwood forest just across the great river i'll go get it mayor green it's the least i could do i won't argue with that but this isn't a one bug job it's going to require teamwork to haul all that wood webster megan gina why don't you go with anthony [Music] and please take the kids huh they could use the exercise you got it mayor and don't worry this time i'll make sure the group follows your instructions what all the directions are written on this map but whatever you do don't stray from the path it can get dangerous out there danger is my middle name now remember work as a team and when you get to the river make sure to build a raft so you can float across to the forest are you sure a raft is really what we need mayor it just seems so basic that's the idea simple and sturdy okay if you say so but you know i'm quite the craftsman oh oh yes yes i know your handiwork is becoming uh quite legendary i knew he was sick but leprosy it just seems so unfair don't worry my lady god has always looked out for master naaman i'm sure this is all part of his plan is he going to live i'm afraid it's bad very bad general naaman is a brave man but no man has ever survived this i'm sorry stop sasha don't come any closer i don't want you to suffer like me but the doctor said you're going to i know but we have to be brave but i can't even touch you naaman and the disease has no cure if i may suggest master i know of a cure cure there's a man in israel my homeland who can help you he's a prophet who goes by the name israel i don't need their help are there no prophets here in aram my love you need all the help you can get you're dying that may be but i'd sooner die at the hands of my own people than strangers are you saying you're giving up the brave general naaman this hebrew prophet you speak of tell me is he really so great indeed his name is elisha and his wisdom is legendary very well prepare for the journey we shall see whether this prophet is as great as you say he is [Music] one of the oldest plants on earth oh how exquisite are you getting this kids kids are we there yet are we there yet okay okay let me check the map you know megan i know of a shortcut that you won't find on that map that's great anthony but mayor greene's instructions were quite clear let's just stay on this course now now hear me out what if i said i could get us there 10 times faster we wouldn't have to walk and it'd be the thrill of your life then what would you say oh let's do it uh i mean oh no that's a terrible idea we can't do that look anthony i want to get there as quickly as you do but we have to trust mayor greene he's an authority on these things but who says he's always right besides when it comes to shortcuts i'm an authority [Music] anyone want to go for a ride let's roll sorry ladies but all of my eight legs are killing me i'm going with anthony [Music] enjoy the long walk and when you do finally get to the hardwood forest we'll be there waiting for you but anthony we're supposed to be a team yeah yeah yeah see ya [Music] come on gina we may get there slower but we will get there [Music] uh are you sure you know where we're going don't worry about it the river and forest are just beyond those olive trees [Music] i say we're saved let's do it again huh let's do it again boy i love mud phew i don't think this is mud all right boy let's get a move on samaria is just up the hill [Music] these sumerians know who i am they should be giving me a hero's welcome why aren't they cheering stop the caravan [Music] we're here master name home of the great elisha where's the red carpet or the lush gardens or the ceremonial guards where's the palace i'm afraid this is it elisha lives in there i knew we never should have come here there's an interesting plant because it only grows in moist places and it sticks to everything like that big fat rock it's just like the map says huh that's right the big mossy rock the great rivers on the other side we made it looks like we beat the boys here so much for anthony's shortcut a i told him he should have listened to mayor greene but some bugs just want to do their own thing so shall we get started on the raft [Music] no but i'm sure we're getting closer well at least i hope so you've been saying that for hours i knew leaving mega and gina was a bad idea then why did you join me because not walking sounded like a better idea but now we're walking in circles why didn't you follow mayor greene's directions hey why go on the journey if you can't have some fun you call this fun oh never mind let's just keep hacking yeah [Music] may i help you yes the great general naaman of arum is here to see elisha of course we've been expecting him wait here please the leper has arrived sir so i see shall i invite him in no that won't be necessary tell the general that if he wants to cure his leprosy then he must go to the jordan river and dip in the water seven times but sir he's expecting to meet you don't you think he'll be offended if you don't even see him that's not important god has told me what naaman must do and now it is up to him to do it now please deliver the message it is an honor sir now that's a proper welcome thank you elisha actually sir i'm not the prophet i'm one of his disciples elisha has told me to give you a message to cure your leprosy you must dip in the jordan river seven times that's an insult who does your master think i am a peasant i'm sorry sir but if you wish to be cured you must follow the prophet's words may god be with you [Music] that's it the mighty elisha is too good to even meet with me if i may say sir god's help often comes from unexpected places yes but the muddy jordan river i'd sooner bathe in the clean rivers of damascus but we've come so far i don't care if this is how i'm to be treated i'd rather take my problem elsewhere [Music] wake up no my lady you can't touch him his skin is infected quick bring me some water and linens [Music] what's going on where am i it's okay master we're here the pain it's unbearable it's spreading through my legs you can't go on like this your own pride is going to kill you my pride is all i have left what about me this isn't about bravery neyman it's about trust it's true sir you should at least try what the prophet said he means well fine although i still have my doubts help me to my feet [Music] i wonder where the boys are they should have made it here by now oh i bet they're just waiting for us girls to do all the work probably wherever they are i'm sure they're having a lot more fun than we are [Music] just for cover i wish i had 12 legs [Music] [Music] that was hairy i'll say but something tells me that snake wasn't after us [Music] he was headed to the water it's the great river we made it [Music] okay here's the deal kids i'm gonna need a hollow log a curved bean sprout and some moss and some cork now hop to it right away so if i make the vessel waterproof i use the sprout what's all this stuff for thought neither green said to build a simple map boring what i'm building will be ten times more exciting but fair green's an expert on these things and so am i only i do it with a little more style besides what mayor green doesn't know won't hurt him yeah but but it can't hurt us ow see what i mean this is humiliating i can't believe i let you all talk me into this a little humility never hurt anyone have some faith in what a hebrew prophet who shunned me for all i know he could be a fake he's not sir i assure you but you have to believe you have to try [Music] you see the boys anywhere you mean those lazy bugs no no sign of them yet what on earth could they be doing okay who wants to hop in first i do me first oops no more room i guess my measurements were off oh but that doesn't mean you kids can't take her for a spin bon voyage [Music] nothing this cure is a hoax i was a fool to even listen to that so-called prophet you're wrong naaman it's the one who doesn't listen that's a fool you've only dipped once keep going [Music] this is terrible [Music] yes [Music] we need you the kids are in trouble quick we gotta build a raft i told you we should have listened to bear green no more this water burns i've been here long enough you've only dipped six times you have to do seven just one more [Music] it's a miracle my skin is like a newborn child's i've been healed and the best part is i can finally hold you again sasha come [Music] too long here die you filthy fish [Music] didn't i tell you while the girls work the boys play typical i don't know why i ever doubted elijah he truly is wise why didn't i see that because you were blinded by pride general naaman i present elisha elisha i'm sorry for doubting you please allow me to pay you great riches to show my thanks rise do you think that i am god that you bow to me it's not i you should thank it's god and your willingness to listen to him rest assured i won't ignore him again ah so you have learned it's time for you to return to your home but please go in peace that's a message i'll gladly obey don't be shy webster put some muscle into it but getting lost was anthony's fault why do i have to be tortured like this because you should have known better and what do you have to say mister i should have known better too and and i never should have ignored mayor greene's instructions i just wanted to show off how smart i was i guess i still have lots to learn that's okay anthony we all do ah thanks megan i'm sorry about all the trouble i'm sorry to all of you guys apology accepted and to prove our trust you can lead us back but only if if i follow the directions and believe me i will [Music] [Music] naaman returned to his kingdom a wiser and more humble man having learned that many times help can come in ways that are quite unexpected [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 117,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christian cartoons, Bugtime Aventures, Bugtime Aventures cartoons, bible stories for kids, jesus stories for kids, Jesus story, bible story, Bible stories, Jesus's stories, story of the christ, jesus movie, life of jesus, christ, jesus christ, Christian, adventures, cartoon, animated movie, christ story, animated film, story of jesus, superbook, bible stories, cartoon for kids, Bugtime Aventures Riding for a Fall, Naaman
Id: 1L6KsWnseJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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