Hermie - Buzby the misbehaving bee - Christian series

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[Music] did you bring the party favors party favors did you bring the dip veggie dip how about the invitation veggie dip i said invitation i thought you had it how are we gonna know how to get to schneider snails party without the invitation hmm oh what was it he told me uh to get to my house stay on the straight path well that's it we just stay on the straight path come on it'll be easy come on come on easy nothing with hermes is easy this is a very good dip need a little more tomato [Music] oh just a second i need to get something but hermie remember what schneider said stay on the straight path i know i know a little detour won't hurt us just need to get past this skunk tail and climb this pear tree and uh did i say skunk tail you did stink bomb take cover [Music] let's go we need to stay on the straight path good idea [Music] hey hermie wanna come with us and scare the ants awake sure army remember what schneider said stay on the straight path uh i better not well suit yourself come on guys [Music] good morning what's going on here up to it boys [Music] boy and sure are grumpy when they wake up stay on the straight path right right [Music] you have to come up and see this the view of the garden is spectacular oh stay on the street i know i know i heard you gee you don't have to yell [Music] stay on the straight path stay on the straight path let's go this way but this is the straight path this way is shorter but schneider said stay yeah yeah but this way is shorter we'll get there faster and we'll have more time for the party no no no hermie i've listened to you the whole trip it's time we do things my way let's go [Music] you see this is much better a straight bath army huh i guess you're right let's go [Music] [Applause] hey guys thanks for coming veggie dip no thanks we have some did you have any trouble finding it uh what's that i can't hear you i have something in my ear you know schneider proverbs 2 12 through 15 talks about staying on the straight path and those that mess up walk down crooked paths the straight path is always better hmm that's good advice yes very good advice where have you been the dance contest is about to start look out everyone my public awaits i'm making a straight path to the party okay who put that there [Music] when a parent or teacher tells you what to do do you listen many times we wonder why are there so many rules in my house or why is everybody always telling me what to do what do's and don'ts can you think of don't climb a thorn bush oh hi hermie that's a good one don't eat a thorn oh yeah that's good don't fall into a thorny bush oh okay don't sit on a thorn i'll see where this is going don't fall asleep on a thorn don't play around with thorns don't jump over thorns this is a real thorn in your side yeah you could say that well those are all examples of don'ts can you think of any do's yes one what's that do you mind taking this thorn out of my side oh sure yeah let me get that are you a licensed doctor no but i'm a father and i've done this before okay uh on the count of three you pull all right one uh two there it is that's it i can scream now sure if you must oh wow that feels better thanks max our parents tell us not to play with thorns so we won't get hurt the reason that rules are put into place is to keep us and others safe and as busby is about to find out god's rules are the best rules to follow [Music] all right [Music] i don't need them i'm king of the bees that's right k-i-n-g king i'll start my own hive h-i-v-e busby's beehive people will come from all over to see it they'll say who built this amazing hive and i'll say busby the king of the bees b-u-z-b-y remember that name [Music] ouch o-u-c-h ouch [Applause] one for you it's just a dream what is that [Music] ah it's good to be busy be you as why i'm busy you go right there yes oh a new neighbor excuse me you're a busy bee so late at night when uh most insects are sleeping [Music] i'm a busy bee bee busy name's buzzfeed b-u-z-b-y i'm king of the bees i'm fast and i got a stinger that's right i'm taking care of bees gotta go gotta go go nice to meet you so late at night [Music] whoa what happened to i was up late with our new neighbor whoa whoa what was that our new neighbor [Music] i'm collecting pollen and making honey y'all like honey i like honey i like to drink honey i like to spell honey h-o-n-e-y honey [Music] excuse me ladies i'm king of the bees b-e-e-s i'm taking care of business and i gotta go who is that he's cool busby king of the bees k-i-n-g king it's nice to have new neighbors oh hermie i was wondering i need to go to a rose garden party over by the bushes and was wondering if you could watch haley and bailey for an hour is that possible sure no problem oh nice to see you hayley hello bailey i'm bailey she's haley uh right yeah now you two don't get dirty stay with hermie and do whatever he tells you to do do you understand yes mama i'll see you later bye bye well this shouldn't be any problem watching kids is a cinch what kids already they couldn't be far uh hayley really hayley hayley bailey bailey hayley bailey oh there they are [Music] where have you two been we just stopped by to say hi to our new neighbor oh this place is a mess he obviously doesn't know the garden golden rules hold done the king of the bees has finished the hive nice word w-o-r-k oh thank you very much yeah it's a beaut all right yeah hey um buzz me since you'll be living here has anyone told you the rules of the garden rules i don't like rules king don't like rules i'm king of the bees yeah but all bugs live here not just bees come with us i think you'll find this helpful i'll go well i got things to do i'm busy i'm king of the bees you know me yes we heard well there it is the garden golden rules oh boy number 10 no loud noises after bedtime number nine no speeding number eight don't cause others do wrong number seven don't make a mess number six don't hurt another bug's feelings and number five do love one another number four do help one another number three do listen to your parents number two don't open the gate number one golden garden rule always listen to god so what do you think i don't like rules rules aren't cool i'm cool c-o-o-l i'm king of the bees baby i got my own rules now i gotta collect paul and make some honey bye well that went well oh yes he's so cool yeah [Music] these rules just aren't for me well i'ma be ucb white looking at the beast if they all say yes then i say no and you're supposed to stop well [Music] [Music] i swing at them [Music] you can better turn left or what to do next is the bees on the top of the town and it's easy to see that i'm too close [Music] well [Music] please [Music] busby you have to stop you're breaking all the garden golden rules rules aren't cool i'm cool i'm king k-i-n-g king but you're having an effect on the children look i think they look cool i like the way they look yes i do and you know they need a stinger i got a stinker okay if you don't listen to me you're gonna have to listen to them no time to talk got honey to make i don't like honey i'm a busy bee name's busby b-u-z-b-y b-y-e he's gone g-o-n-e gone yeah he's a tough one we should talk to god he'll know what to do my thoughts exactly hello hermie hello wormy hello god uh are you busy sure but i'm never too busy for you have you seen this busby bee guy well of course you have i mean your god you would have yes busby is a very busy bee isn't he he doesn't like to follow the rules i've known many like him how do we get him to understand that there are rules to follow some need to find that out for themselves they have to learn their lesson the hard way like someone i know what i'm concerned about those who follow the rule breakers too those who think breaking the rules is cool like haley and bailey they're hanging around busby a little too much and hey wait i'm supposed to be watching them hayley really billy billy ellie bailey thanks god i know we'll be back anytime in the meantime i'll talk to busby [Music] grab my own hive lots of honey life is good fresh honey fresh from my hive the hive of the king of the bees that's me busby what was that who said that busby it's me who's talking to the king of the bees busby it's god and i'm the king of everything you need to follow the garden golden rules i can't hear you there's too much noise buzzby please listen to me i got things to do i'm a busy bee very busy be us why hi you came by to see the king of the bees yeah we think you're cool yeah very cool i'm cool i'm king of the bees i break the rules breaking the rules is cool yeah breaking the rules is cool let's go have some fun [Music] that was fun oh we love mud surfing let's do it again on first this time hayley bailey what do you think you're doing i told you not to get dirty and to stay with hermie mama don't butt mama me i don't want you hanging around this bee ever again he is a bad influence on you but i'm king of the bees k-i-n-g but i'm their mama m-a-m-a mama okay oh there you are oh uh i'm sorry lucy uh they kept getting away from me i'm not blaming you these two knew exactly what they were supposed to do they directly disobeyed me and you let's go i think we need to have another talk with busby i agree you know busby it's important to obey the rules at first uh you may not like them they make it seem like you can't have fun but they do help you have fun it's no fun when you're hurt right i don't like to get hurt getting hurt's not cool rules are good and god makes rules because he loves us what do you think i think there's a big fence in our way what oh yeah big fence let's open it do you remember rule number two on the golden garden rules it said very clearly don't open the gate do you remember that yeah sometimes fences keep bad or dangerous things out so let's move on this place gives me the creeps [Music] so why don't we start obeying the rules by picking up our mess which is rule number seven on the big countdown well i need to go see how lucy is doing with haley and bailey i don't like to clean cleaning's no fun i like making a mess m-e-s-s mess i'm king of the bees i have a stinger mama was busy cooking so we thought we would sneak off and hang out with you yeah let's break some rules king b are you oh something close enough i like it when you spell follow me [Music] lucy i was just coming to look for you oh hi hermie have you seen haley and bailey are they gone again i don't know what it is with them every time i turn my back they're gone they continue to disobey me it's buzzby he's a bad influence on them you don't think i do [Music] there it is the fence the big gate let's open it uh i don't know about that that's one rule we'd better follow what are you talking about i don't follow the rules i'm king of the bees the king makes the rules i say we open this gate [Music] you see it's nothing uh-oh big frog f-r-o-g frog not cool busby has left the area [Music] hayley bailey where are you [Music] there they go where have you two been [Music] [Applause] it doesn't matter you two are in big trouble let's go [Music] did you hear that nope come on we need to find busby [Music] you don't like frogs don't like big frogs don't like big bully frogs don't like any frogs what [Music] my hive my hive is gone geo any gun the king of the bees has no castle i got a stinger but no castle what good is that [Music] i don't know but i've been told private art ant what do you see here um a hive that's been uh destroyed sure and whose hive is it that be who find our retail sir and what should we do in retaliation private arnie ant mess it up real good sir tempting thought private but not what we're going to do what do you suppose god would have us do hmm [Music] i like a sandwich covered with mold [Music] i wonder where he is what the bullfrog is loose [Music] all the work just weeks ago on the part of antonio and the ants who risked their lives to capture the frog [Music] they fought the great beast they brought him down [Music] making our homes safe for days to come we salute those brave ants and all that they do to make our garden free now the frogs loose we need to tell the others it's the frog go ahead for the hills [Music] with me god is with me [Music] king of the bees lives here now you're a fly i'm a bee i gotta stand here [Music] the frog is loose we know head for the ants bunker you'll be safe there we need to find the ants i wonder where they are let's make sure everyone gets to safety sure is quiet i like the piece p-e-a-c-e peace buzz b oh no not again busby we need to talk this place isn't as quiet as i thought i've got to go [Music] well i think that's everyone except us [Music] everyone stay calm and don't move oh we can't what's going on here the frog is loose we're following the emergency procedures in case of a ufo an unexpected frog occurrence good work darken cover [Music] we've been hit [Music] is there a lightning bug in the house ah thanks sunday must keep going can't stop [Music] the ants fixed my hive after all i did to them they fixed my hive oh i'm gonna cry c-o-y the king of the bees never cries as he does i must find the ants say i'm sorry s-o-r-r-y sorry i wonder how he got loose we know it was busby we were there but we didn't do it we told him it was a rule and not to break it but we shouldn't have gone with busby we're sorry we disobeyed oh i gave you those rules so you wouldn't get hurt and so others wouldn't get hurt just look what breaking one rule has done to the garden we're sorry mama it's important that you told us what you did and said you're sorry and very important to always mine and obey your mama thanks for telling us bailey haley i'm haley she's bailey uh are you sure what should we do anyone have any brilliant ideas how about we yell and scream for our lives great idea [Music] oh no this is all my fault fuzzbee god was that you yes it is buzzby i'm sorry god real sorry i let the frog loose i caused all this i broke all the rules of the garden will you forgive me of course busby but rules were meant to be followed not because i don't want you to have fun but because i want you to be safe my rules are a way of saying i love you you know what god i'm not the king of the bees you're the king of the beast k-i-n-g king thank you busby now i have something for you to do and it requires your stinger i have a stinger [Music] all right you big bully croaker i want you to stand up and get off my friends you understand don't make me get rough i got the king of the bees on my side he created me with a stinger and i'm not afraid to use it okay you asked for it it's time to take care of some bees-ness it sounds like buzzby he's trying to save us [Music] there's me my stinger culture s-t-i-n-g-e-r [Music] [Music] listen up everybody i got something to say i'm sorry i broke the rules i broke all the rules god made the rules for us the rules are cool c-o-o-l and i'm gonna follow the rules and just to show that i'm sorry i want everyone to come by my house today for a big party [Music] thank you for having everyone over buzzfeed i like what you've done with the place i wanted to thank everyone for what they did especially the ants hey buzzfeed you never told us why you left the other high i was kicked out for not obeying the rules i was a bad bee but i went by there today and apologized rules are cool that's nice yeah then i invited all my bee friends over for the party that's nice [Music] i think you're going to need more honey [Music] busby learned that following the rules is cool god gave us rules like the ten commandments so we would know how to live he's not trying to take away our fun god wants our lives to be joyful and happy and he wants us to treat others and their belongings with kindness and respect max how well do you know the ten commandments well pretty well don't worship any gods before him uh don't make any false idols don't use his name in vain keep the sabbath day holy you're good um hey anything about inviting someone over unexpectedly no i i don't think so oh phew why well busby wanted to come by and see you well that's okay he doesn't need an invitation but uh he wanted to bring someone with him oh okay who oh a few of his friends [Music] hey everybody there's max mecado l-u-c-a-d-o locato hello h-e-l-p you know [Music] i was very excited to play the part of busby i'm i'm a big fan of bonom uh that's elvis that's elvis you're doing an impression of elvis oh i mean elvis max oh max is a nice guy to work with really is yeah he naturally steals the scenes being 300 times bigger than me talking in booming voices that hurt my ears and always getting in the last word too i'm uh i'm the one getting thorns pushed in my side incidentally uh that wasn't a prop you know playing the part of a bullfrog in a children's video was a stretch for me as you know my credits include shakespeare in the palm production of a mid-summer night swamp comedy and uh frog on a hot tin roof i've been nominated for a golden garden award you know and i've had an audience with the queen bee so i'm a very serious actor sorry yeah all that spelling stuff was cool yeah i like to spell okay mississippi m-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i whoa now me now me czechoslovakia oh that's not fair bees are a social insect we live together in hives work together side by side all day sleep together eat together everything is together it gets a little nerve-wracking i like to spend time alone quiet walks in the petunias watching the sunset listening to beethoven but that constant buzzing the bullfrog wrestling scene was uh pretty tough of course i did my own stunts the director wanted to bring in a stunt ant but i insisted on doing it myself on a close-up you'd be able to tell it wasn't me and everyone knows this face i really liked the 50s the music the dress the way they danced to jitterbug it was all fun for me i never knew you liked the 50s you never asked uh oh yeah yeah right right obsequious hey mom this guy's not playing fair yeah i get stopped a lot in the garden everyone seems to recognize me now all those pictures all those autographs all those adoring fans it's the burden i must bear being a star well a lot of people ask about my husband i am married you know to a wonderful bug but he's a bit camera shy and hasn't gotten into the whole hermi mania but um would you like to meet him sure ricky get over here isn't he dreamy you big lug
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 73,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian series, christian cartoons, Hermie, Buzby the misbehaving bee, Hermie and Friends, Bible stories, Jesus's stories, story of the christ, jesus movie, life of jesus, christ, jesus christ, Christian, adventures, mission, nazareth, cartoon, kids, children, animation, animated movie, christ story, animated film, cartoon movie, story of jesus, all episodes, understands God’s desire
Id: 1MZz7EQmi-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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