Bugtime Adventures | Season 1 | Episode 1 | Blessing in Disguise: The Joseph Story | Barbara Goodson

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[Music] losing your way in a big world like this can make you feel timid the stories before you and for you [Music] [Applause] boy you're a heavy Anthony it's the grape take a shortcut through the palace [Music] so much for the shortcut thousands of years ago there lived a great Egyptian ruler named Joseph a man who wasn't even from Egypt yet rose to become a beloved leader in his adopted land but despite Joseph's success he wasn't very happy as a young man he had been horribly betrayed but now as a powerful ruler his chance to strike back had finally come because on this day his betrayers had returned and though they didn't recognize Joseph he recognized that great I promised the kids I'd do some tricks at the picnic see anything yeah I sort of noticed come on let's buzz out of here the picnics probably started by now [Music] whoa watch out No Oh turned out the lights [Music] krisily said prepare the feast the governor will be back shortly [Music] sire is everything all right tell me kuru does your family know you yes of course they do mine doesn't even when they stand before me not one of them recognizes me you mean the men inside there they're my brothers and yet they haven't always treated me with brotherly love I don't understand sire there's a lot about me you don't know : perhaps it's time I told you [Music] don't gotcha yeah no kidding now would you at least be so kind to sorry can't talk I smell honey [Music] now where was I oh I know you're gonna tell us you're raving wildebeest story uh yes just one of my many harrowing adventures well it all began when I was hiking across this dog's back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what took you so long Anthony might say my ride left without me students are having fun yeah until they find out we're all out of cupcakes that's gonna wipe the smiles right off their faces don't worry I'll take their minds off it so there I was facing the most ferocious weight I've ever seen when all of a sudden ladies and germs bugs of all ages I give you [Music] it's show time such a bother as I was saying [Music] goodnight was just getting to the best part with drapes come back only for mr. Antony oh you know for kicks and maybe even a few tricks [Music] hey hotshot if you really want to impress us why don't you try something challenging do you have any idea how hard this is Roderick not as hard as facing down a ferocious flea can you juggle more or are you just chicken [Music] alright give me your best shot oh it would be my pleasure [Music] it's not funny this isn't part of my act that's too bad because you sure do look funny [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've never told you this koru but I'm not from Egypt my brothers and I are from Canaan and it was there on my father's farm where my life would take a dramatic turn [Music] my sons gather around I have something magnificent to show you such a glorious robe who's it for it's for one of you I assure you but this robe is not a gift it's a reward for my one son who has always made me proud congratulations Joseph your brothers would be wise to follow your lead [Music] father may like you best Joseph but that doesn't make you special and don't forget what goes around comes around from that moment on my brother's never treated me the same and soon after that my destiny would change forever brothers I must tell you God sent me the most fantastic dream last night do you want to hear it Wow everyone stop what you're doing the dreamers got another tale to tell well let's hear a daddy's boy in my dream we were all working in the hay field each of us was binding a haystack and suddenly the most amazing thing happened our haystack stood upright each of your stacks formed a circle around mine and then they all bow so what do you think how dare you first you steal our father's affection and then you insult us by proclaiming that we will one day bow down to you huh it was just a dream guys come on no reason to get mad wait come on what are you doing those are slave traders perhaps we have something they might want don't worry Joseph you might not ever be free again but hey you can always dream about it your own brothers sold you into slavery how could they be so cruel because they were jealous kuru they resented me and when Envy turns to anger even good people do bad things oh he was just teasing everyone thought you were hilarious it's not so funny when they're laughing at me instead of with me you just wait I'll get back at Rodrick because what goes around comes around come on you know about Rodrick you've got more important things to worry about like preparing my crumbling spice rack not to mention my leaky roof you promised you'd fix it last week you're right I did I'll get right on it guys I promise just as soon as I get even with that pesky cockroach what your brothers have done can never be excused but it can be avenged you're right kuru and perhaps it will be but you haven't heard my whole story my darkest days or should I say years we're still ahead of me when I arrived in Egypt I was sold to a man named Potiphar a wealthy Egyptian official who soon put me in charge of his house and staff Potiphar believed I was a natural-born leader and even though I was a slave he thought very highly of me problem was Potiphar's wife also thought very highly of me [Music] on more than one occasion she tried to test my loyalty in faith but despite her advances I always resisted until one day she got tired of trying and then her affection for me turned to fury it's not true sire she's lying I'd never betray me take this liar away I was accused of a crime I didn't commit and I was quickly thrown in jail where I would remain for two long years thanks at least you're willing to help me unlike some other bugs yeah what's up with Anthony it's like he totally forgot about us maybe he's still upset about everyone laughing at him at the picnic hey let's stop by his shop and cheer him up good idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] moving around I'm working what my spice rack and Iggy's roof you promised you'd fix them remember oh yeah I'll get on them just as soon as I finish with this say you're not still planning to get back at Roderick are you this whole thing is just a hobby a hobby huh well I'll believe you if you finish those repairs you promised me deal it'll be the next thing you do tt oh I call it the rod inators special it's something I cooked up for the party I'm throwing this afternoon in the park I could really use your help buddy old pal I'm bear you name it make sure everyone in town gets one of these invitations and don't forget the rod mater I mean Roderick he is my guest of honor at least he isn't till I get my revenge then the honor will be mine [Music] [Applause] [Music] your brothers have a lot of nerve coming here they had to kuru they're starving and we're the only Kingdom left that's stored enough grain but sire they've caused you so much pain surely you must want to strike back at them I admit kuru the idea is tempting but as you'll soon hear sometimes even the worst of Deeds can be a blessing in disguise [Music] on your feet slave the Pharaoh wants to see you Pharaoh we beg your forgiveness Pharaoh we failed you the prisoner Joseph sire as you requested I'm told you can interpret dreams and I've been having a most terrible dream none of my wise men know what it means but you might I can try sire but I must tell you it's not I who gives the dreams meaning it's God very well in my dream I was standing on the banks of the Nile when from out of the water there appeared seven healthy cows they began to walk toward me and then seven more cows up here only these were thin and starving the thin cows began to slowly creep up until suddenly they arose and the dream ends the same way every time what does it mean God tells me your dream is a warning the seven healthy cows represents seven years of plenty a time in which your kingdom will enjoy much food and nourishment that's good wonderful what great news wait the seven thin cows what about them sadly they represent hunger seven years of drought and famine many will die and your kingdom will most certainly be ruined unless you prepare do you know a way to save us I do you must store food in the granary and when the famine hits you give the food to all who need it not only will your kingdom survive but so will your people your vision impresses me Joseph as does your loyalty I hereby appoint you to be my overseer you shall manage our food storage and if you should save us then one day you shall become second-in-command of the entire kingdom the years since have been just as the dream said and now that the famine is here starving people from all over have come to us for help including my brothers I'm surprised they didn't come begging sooner they did but they didn't recognize me then either that's why I've invited them back I don't understand sire why invite them at all because it's time I confronted them the only question is do I now forgive them or do I make this supper my brother's last [Music] pee-yew who's been gargling with garlic for your information its curry we wouldn't be wearing it if you'd fixed my spice rack sorry I've been a little tied up more like tightly wound [Applause] hey you're planning to get revenge on Roderick your so-called guest of honor surprise surprise I got a reel in my students but remember Anthony if you're not willing to forgive Roderick the next time someone might not be willing to forgive you now be nice [Music] coming maybe Megan's right but sire they have betrayed you it's because of your brothers that you were sold into slavery and imprisoned and worse yet they separated you from your father they don't deserve your mercy I beg of you sire the time is now take your revenge Oh a French it sure is sweetie have no fear the guest of honor is here oh how lovely and I even get my own hat now where's that Anthony I need to have a few words with him a few words is that good or bad that's not a choice anymore excuse me I want to write what's been wronged and finally be at peace but I also want my family back and that's something revenge can't give me so maybe revenge isn't so sweet and besides Kolya what my brother's meant for evil God has turned to good it's time they were forgiven I think it's time I did some forgiving too before I do something unforgivable well so much for the Rada Nader's special I'll just unload it slip into the party and Rodrick will never [Music] [Music] [Music] don't you recognize me brothers it is I Joseph and I'm happy to say I forgive you all do you think that was funny watch this cheering
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 26,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Feature Films, Films, Christian Videos, Christian Movies, Marc Graue, Movies, Christian Films, Religious Movies, Barbara Goodson, Willie Ames, Bugtime Adventures Tv Series, Bugtime Adventure Tv Show, Bugtime Adventures, Entertainment, Joseph, forgiveness, Joseph and his brothers, Animation, Biblical Animation, Christmas, Christmas Story, Nativity, Stable, Leprosy, Naaman, Elisha, Leper, Samson, Delilah, Bugtime Adventures Season 1 Episode 1 Blessing in Disguise The Joseph Story
Id: ur4XCj51kkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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