Bugtime Aventures - A Giant Problem - Christian cartoons

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[Music] once there was a shepherd boy named [Music] david whenever this flock of sheep was threatened david would come to the rescue [Music] and there are many more threats in this world that the young shepherd would have to face this is the story of one of them the story of david and goliath it is the time when king saul is the ruler of israel a time when the armies of israel stand face to face with the enemy armies of the philistines in the valley of eli gentleman would let a lady go in front of him well when you find this fellow you let me know dax do something to move this line along we're getting thirsty you're bored hey hey lick bring it up will ya now that's going to make a difference oh don't get your adventures in a not dax i'm almost fine [Music] [Music] does anyone else feel like they're gonna faint that's gotta be the giantest giant i've ever seen [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh this is not good mayor green's gotta hear about this yes yes keep your wings on i'm coming don't bother knocking come right in [Music] oh yeah perfect now tell us who's a genius answer anthony oh then again maybe not oh this is so embarrassing ah i have an idea i'll try my map-o-matic way don't megan sees this yes yes still a genius huh wait a minute [Music] anthony anthony megan thank goodness you're okay oh not so okay i strained my shoulder when i got washed away everything in bugglesville is flooded even the school [Music] where did this water come from we've got to find mayor green he'll know what to do just be careful with that arm okay [Music] all right everybody now is not the time to panic lion's stakes then when do we panic [Music] that dam is not going to hold and there's worse news mayor green there's no escape the other end of the valley is all collapsed we're trapped now can we panic mayor greene there's just no need now i've met with buglesville civil engineer and we just might have a way to fix the dam before it's too late haven't we spotted affirmative mr bear he means yes by my calculation even without an adequate egress he means escape route we can most assuredly facilitate a constructive reparation of the damaged community asset he means we can fix the dam ostensibly the dislodge material need only be repositioned in the aforementioned rupture he uh uh beg pardon spud you you lost me on that last part we gotta plug up the hole with a great big rock [Music] yes there you have it a light at the end of the tunnel my friends uh we need a team of volunteers to climb up there and plug up the hole why that's simply impossible may agree you bet your sweet wings it is prissy indeed what fool would risk their life doing such a thing you're always calling me a fool boss that's my dundering assistant rhino beetle should be seen and not heard i suppose it doesn't have to be a group of you uh perhaps just four or five volunteers but the damn is gonna collapse it can't be done i'm too old how about three two of you well how about just one volunteer i'll give it a try mayor green iggy you can't lift a big rock you have enough trouble lifting yourself oh yeah that's right i'm pretty useless with this sore shoulder how about you megan me no i couldn't possibly well then unless we find another plan i'm afraid bugglesville and all of us in it are doomed i'm sorry anthony there's just no way i could get all the way up there and fix that leak it's okay megan no one's going to blame you what we need is another plan there must be some way for us to get out of here [Music] i have an idea if we climb up that slope we might make it to safety sounds good to me shall we try it [Applause] [Music] you pathetic little creature are you israelite soldiers or cowards king saul i ask you again won't just one of your men face me no i couldn't do this not me i promise a good clean fight but what if you are defeated i don't know that's never happened before but if i were the philistines you see behind me would be your slaves [Music] winner takes all i swell it by dagon the great god of all philistines what say you men i'm more than willing to help after days of his taunting will none of you step up to fight goliath we wouldn't have a chance your majesty the giant could kill the best warrior among us i won't be patient much longer i just might come for you [Applause] [Laughter] just as i thought cowards every last one of you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it take it slowly careful now uh i'm scared miss megan don't worry kayla you'll be safe and um kind of hungry too then we'll be sure to get you something to eat won't we no no that's all our fun oh much obliged anthony if only i could climb up there and stop this water from rising we're hungry too can't we stop and eat miss megan give me the courage to do something [Music] surprise eliab it's me david look food me first i'm hungry too is everyone in the camp death can't you see me brother look there's food for all of us megan not so fast megan megan oh mayor greene what are we gonna do now [Music] and you call yourselves soldiers you're just a flock of sheep oh cowards cowards are you going to let him get away with those insults believe me boy you get used to it yeah especially after 40 days what do you mean get used to it i'm coming to get you ah he's stepping into the stream [Music] you've let him insult you for 40 days it's worse there are nights when i can't even sleep he's yelling so loud this is unbelievable someone has to stand up to that bully yeah go right ahead king saul is offered a huge reward to anyone who will fight him the king will even give the victor one of his daughters for a wife and his entire family will never have to pay taxes ever again but you shouldn't need rewards you soldiers should be falling over each other for the chance to fight the giant you can't let him disgrace the armies of the living god you can't david what are you doing here ah your place is tending the sheep go home eliab i'm here with food for you and our other brothers a likely excuse you're just a bored little brat who wants to see us battle with the philistines right by the looks of it i don't think anyone here is going to do any fighting at all what are you all so afraid of we have god protecting us you there shepherd follow me king saul wants to speak to you the king wants to see me [Music] that's it steady keep moving megan where are you thanks for the lift my man iggy what do you think you're doing you can just fly up to safety huh oh yeah anthony sure you sure got the brains [Music] iggy wait you can fly you can fly up and find megan she's been carried off by a giant okay anthony oh i'm on the case cause never fear iggy is here is he with you the one you told me about he is your majesty at last someone brave enough to fight goliath well don't just stand there let me see the bravest man in my army i'm not in your army yet [Music] but i'll join if you want me to your majesty if this is a joke i'm not amused no joke you don't have to worry about that giant any longer i'll take care of him for you and you are david sire humble shepherd and your servant you can't fight goliath you're just a boy and that brute's been killing his enemy since he was a boy impossible hmm as impossible is me stopping the flood but sire i've taken care of my father's sheep all my life fighting off wild animals the lord saved me from them didn't he so he'll save me from this giant as well of course why didn't i think of that megan so there there you are anthony's all worried about you come on i'll get you back to safety somehow okay iggy but we're not going back to antony we're going straight for the dam say what this is no time for kidding around between you and me we can do something to stop the flooding in bucklesville are you with me anything you say megan let's rip it up [Music] god is with me so i have nothing to fear what do you say your majesty go right ahead then david fight the giant and may the lord be with you servants bring me my armor you know megan i don't think this is such a good idea i've got to try and stop the flood but that's impossible what if you get yourself hurt or worse come on faster these wings were only built for one you know [Music] our bravest warrior must be properly dressed for battle [Music] faster iggy faster hey who's the pilot here we're sort of flying into the wind you know [Music] i can't fight goliath wearing all this i'll meet him dressed as a shepherd [Music] oh no iggy look [Music] megan you're safe i'll take care of everything anthony at least i'm gonna try [Music] you can stop all of your bellowing goliath i'll fight you what are you going to do boy chase me away like a dog [Laughter] no i'm going to shut you up once and for all stupid boy you're not going to fight me alone are you of course not the lord god almighty is with me right now i can't do it it's okay if you're afraid of me afraid what do i have to be afraid of [Music] [Applause] i've had enough of your childish boasting boy time for you to die [Music] oh [Music] [Music] did you see that the boy killed goliath [Music] [Applause] impossible [Applause] who would have thought a little shepard [Music] lucky thing that giant felt like he did or you might not have plugged up the dam do you think it was just luck there may have been another hand helping us [Music] and after young david killed the mighty goliath his reputation as a great warrior grew throughout the land and many soldiers fought with him but that's another story for another day
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 127,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christian cartoons, Bugtime Aventures, Bugtime Aventures cartoons, bible stories for kids, jesus stories for kids, Jesus story, bible story, Bible stories, Jesus's stories, story of the christ, jesus movie, life of jesus, christ, jesus christ, Christian, adventures, cartoon, animated movie, christ story, animated film, story of jesus, superbook, bible stories, cartoon for kids, Bugtime Aventures A Giant Problem, Young David, david and goliath
Id: TC7DBBuCkcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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