David and Goliath - The Beginners Bible

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[Music] do you know how the world began how God created it by hand from mighty mountains to the raging sea to any every single tree it's just warming up [Music] [Applause] it's a story Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] long ago God sent his prophet Samuel to find the future king of the Israelites [Music] Samuel go to Jesse's house in Bethlehem there you will find the new king over all Israel I wonder who that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] my son's come into the house there is a guest here to see you Oh David you stay there and look after the Sheep we're going inside [Music] Jesse you say you have eight sons yes and they are such fine young men here they come [Music] which one could it be surely this must be God's chosen one no satinwood you are thinking too much about what it looks like you must look inside you must look at his heart hmm wait there are only seven here don't you have another son yes but he is the youngest and the smallest see him off there guarding the Sheep him no it couldn't be him thank you I will leave now [Music] you must look at his heart what's your name son David God has told me that you will be the new king of Israel someday God is my friend he helps me save my seat yes and one day I hope you save us all goodbye David goodbye and God bless David's three older brothers were called away David come over here and pray with me as I bless the men of the family for battle to go fight for the people of Israel belly up up in the dog Shama may the Lord bless you and keep you and bring you safely home from that but father what son you didn't bless me I want to fight for Israel hmm don't worry about us father we're old enough and strong enough we can hardly wait to fight the enemy of God's chosen people the evil Philistines will win and be home before you know it David hey wait everybody wait don't leave without me please please let me go father I want to fight for the people of Israel - I may be small yeah I'm great like just the other day I saved our clothes flock of sheep from a huge ferocious lion and I hit him with a stone from my sling and knocked him clean out want to see how good I'm getting no David not now first I had to suck that lion right on his nose Oh rescued our little leg and then I'm not afraid of those Philistines so please father please let me go fight to [Music] guarding sheep isn't exactly the same as fighting the big bad of Philistines little David stay home little brother father needs your help to watch over the Sheep and father can watch over you grow up little lamb you may be brave enough to fight but you're just too little [Music] we heard of trauma time to go but my father goodbye goodbye my goodbye someday I'll go to battle for the people of Israel father someday now the two great armies met for war in the middle of a vast Valley King Saul led the army of Israelites [Music] but the enemy the Philistines had a giant on their side [Music] [Music] the giant came marching across the valley towards an army of the Israelites his legs were his biggest tree trunks his arms were strong as iron and his steps made the whole earth tremble I am Goliath the Giant and all of you are nothing but King Saul's little servers even if all of you fight me together you can never beat me spare yourself I dare you choose just one man rave enough to fight not me not me not me either just one man if he beats me all of my men will be your servants but if I slay him all of you shall be our servants forever who is brave enough to fight mártires just step forward I'll be waiting [Laughter] [Music] every morning and evening for 40 days Goliath marched to the center of the valley and gave his great battle cry [Music] [Applause] [Music] who will fight me today not yesterday [Music] [Music] well what do my brothers think no don't even think about it I'll try to you're not risking your life for him maybe neither are you le ab it's not worth it not even to Mary King Saul's daughter oh but wouldn't it be great being rewarded with the princess's hand in marriage defeating the Giant oh I wish this was over and we could go home to Father in Bethlehem the king will come up with a plan you watch [Music] [Laughter] bet I can get five in a row [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now remember never be afraid David that was a good shot son did you see that father maybe now you'll let me go join the army and fight if King Saul in the Israelites no son I told you before they won't take you you're too young to be a soldier and you've got to get some more meat on those bones of yours but father I'm strong and I can run like a deer I said no David now do as I ask and take this food to your brother's then hurry home to tell me how they are not be careful son I pray you will bring good news [Music] who will fight me today Wow is there one man brave enough to fight our old Israelites nothing but coward [Music] Elya Abena top shovel what are you doing why are you running away you'd better run yourself if you know what's good for you it's Goliath the Giant is the champion for the Philistines against the people of Israel [Music] what do you mean look at him he's too strong he's over ten feet tall none of us could even lift his spear but what about King Saul King Saul will give a rich reward to the man who slays that giant you'll even let him marry his own daughter and none of you are brave enough to try no because none of us want to die for no reason [Music] Elya why won't you fight I've been a DAB why are you afraid Shama are you afraid of the giant - all the soldiers are afraid little David yes little brother aren't you afraid - you're too young to be here at all David yes little brother go home and take care of sheep where it's safe no I can't someone has to fight Goliath but who everyone here is afraid I'll fight the Giant I'm not free you yes God is stronger than Goliath and God will help me go tell King Saul I'm not afraid I have news for King Saul what news so there's this Israelite champion it was really a young shepherd boy it says he wants to fight for King Saul and the Israelites it says God will help him fight the giant he's never even been trained as a soldier well tell the foolish lad - the whole King Saul is no use for jokes out here on the battlefield - tell the boy tell the boy to come here but sire joab bring the boy here to me now I wonder who he is I wonder why he's the only one brave enough to fight the giant it's be refused to be the size of a small tree and all I've got is that slingshot [Music] [Applause] [Music] the diner [Music] the rolling I with a little baby I was no debris the fight was gone not my this but I know I have a jaw [Music] you the trouble [Music] [Music] [Music] next is the Oh with me [Music] so that's the little hero looks like he couldn't fight a flea make way for the little giant killer I don't see any giant killer I don't see anyone neither do i silence make way for this boy I said make way for the shepherd boy the king wants to see him oh yes surely commander and right away sir your majesty I let the boys speak please sir don't be afraid of the giant with God's help I'll fight him for you I'll fight Goliath for you and for all of the people of Israel but how can a boy like you fight Goliath you can't match him in size or strength or skill my boy why you've never even been trained for battle it's true your majesty I am young and small but God will make me strong if God saves my sheep God will save me from this giant now let me fight the giant for you and the people of Israel yes little David and may God be with you [Applause] so I get my sword and shield get my armor put them on young David huh Joab I said dress the boy for battle huh yes yes your majesty well didn't you hear King Saul do as he says but David God's help is all the armor I need [Music] please help me die help me fight Goliath the giant for the people of Israel can you hear me Goliath the giant I am ready to fight [Music] [Music] ha do you think you can fight with sticks and stones you'll be sorry you fight me with your sharp sword and heavy spear Goliath but I fight you in the name of God [Music] [Applause] Goliath he's dead and the Israelites chased the Philistines away [Music] [Applause] [Music] go ahead this dead where is the boy Joab bring him here to me little brother it is you our brave baby brother David bring the boy here to King Saul thank you my son thank God your majesty that is how little David beat Goliath the giant with the help of God this was only one of the many great adventures God had planned for David David the shepherd boy grew up to become a great king who served God throughout David's long and adventurous life he always remembered the comforting words of God [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Beginners Bible
Views: 3,074,367
Rating: 4.4526458 out of 5
Keywords: David And Goliath (Artwork), The Bible (Religious Text), Goliath (Art Subject), David (Religious Leader), Religion (TV Genre), beginners bible, beginner's bible, bible for kids, Bible Story (TV Subject), Bible Study (TV Subject), the bible, bible story, story for kids, bible story kids, childrens bible, david and goliath for children, david and goliath, david, beginners bible david and goliath, bible story for children, bible story for kids, bible story for children animated
Id: O7phn_d0Cok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 14 2014
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