Hermie and Friends - Episode 1 - A Common Caterpillar - Christian series

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It’s called “Hermie and Friends”

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/aktaller 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was shown this exactly one when I was like 5 but it is burned into my memory

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/legomountaineer 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have this on dvd lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] a garden this is a vision of paradise [Music] everything that is good perfect wholesome why just the way god intended [Music] up down here who are you i'm max max locato oh i'm hermie can you spin a web no can you float like a butterfly no do you sting like a bee no hmm neither can i hmm you must not be very special either well sure i am in and you're special too sure right can't spin can't fly can't sting just crawl that's all i do here i am crawling right now get out of my way i'm crawling isn't that exciting you know if you don't do anything special you start to wonder if you are special but as hermie finds out he's far from a common caterpillar hey do you eat fly eggs neither do i [Music] so [Music] oh look at that wow oh boy he's about to fly oh check this out you're gonna miss it [Music] well done bravo i give it a 10. perfect execution yep oh it's just brilliant beautifully brilliant [Music] foreign oh look at that tree i just tree oh no hey what whoa whoa hey oh [Music] look at that [Music] hi hermie oh hello oh wow [Music] oh boy hi herme hi oh hey milt can i ask you a question sure whatever well how would you describe me [Music] ordinary you look pretty ordinary to me [Music] thanks anytime [Music] oh i love this part these are the best i ever had [Music] that's it [Music] well here goes nothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh god uh are you awake always hear me good um i have a question yes herme why did you make me so common i mean other caterpillars have stripes some have spots you know i even saw one with stripes and spots but i i don't have anything i'm just hermie oh i see and i'm just wormy hey hey whoa you scared me who are you talking to hermey oh i was talking to god uh do you uh you know talk to god yeah oh sure all the time really well i never knew that you never asked yeah well that's a good point [Applause] [Music] there he is beautiful huh oh have you ever seen anything like it check out his wings and the way he moves see how he flies it's amazing now look at me tell me what is it about me that is so unique well uh well there's the there's uh well uh yeah that's what i'm saying common ordinary blah i want to be unique like that don't you look at me what's the deal what's a worm gotta do oh how do i stand a chance when i stand next to you the more i try the more it seems that i just get left behind if i could find a way to sprout some wings there's nothing i wouldn't try if i were only bigger a little smaller a little thinner maybe taller think of what i could do how about a little faster a little brighter i could fly if i were only lighter i know it's not me but all i want to be is just like you oh look at that oh boy so many in this world that i would just love to be and i don't care what it is [Music] just as long as it's not me if there's a plan for my life i wish i knew what it could be cause there's gotta be more to all of this than sitting around eating leaves if i were only bigger a little smaller a little thinner or maybe taller think of what i could do about a little faster a little brighter i could fly if i were only lighter i know it's not me but all i want to be is just a little bigger a little smaller i'm not asking for much just a little taller think of what i could do how about a little faster a little brighter i could fly if i were only lighter i know it's not me but all i want to be is just like you all i want to be is and maybe fly among the trees and all i want to be is just like you there's got to be a way something that we can do that'll make us stand out [Music] wait look at that ah oh god uh it's me herme tell me your name he knows my name right well we'll say hi then hi god hi hermie hi wormy oh uh hi how you doing um we wanted to ask you a question you've made so many special creatures uh spiders that spin webs and bees that make honey you know that and uh crickets that make that uh music and lightning bugs at light um thank you [Music] uh you're welcome uh and we were wondering um what about us uh we don't do anything that's wow or uh whoopee or even uh look at that we're just common uh everyday caterpillars and uh well um so we want to be different hello now you've done it don't worry i'm not finished with you yet i'm giving you a heart just like mine not finished with us well that's good so um when will you be finished with us exactly not yet [Music] why do we have the leaves lots of things eat leaves everyone i know eats leaves what should we eat well hey how about rocks i don't know anything that eats rocks maybe for a good reason now here's a tasty little treat you know we're gonna be hermie and wormy the rock eating caterpillars here goes [Music] oh well leaves are good duh what did you expect [Music] all right guys excuse me [Music] whoa i'm on cleanup duty today my colony is just down the path a lot of traffic will be going through here soon wow my you're a strong one thanks i can carry up to 50 times my weight boom how do you carry such a big load don't know i guess it's how god made me he made me strong [Music] yeah he sure did [Music] wow oh oh sorry about that i guess i don't know my own strength you know what wormy it'd be great to be strong wouldn't it ah that would make us different sure but come on i have a plan do you think this is such a good idea oh don't worry most great ideas seem terrifying at first all you have to do is jump land on the end of the stick send the pine cone into the air so it will fall into my arms then i'll hold the pine going up and show everybody how strong i am got that [Music] okay go ahead okay here goes [Music] i got it [Music] what happened but get us [Music] i think there's more coming [Music] i'll be back [Music] god why can't we be strong like the and we want to do what he does and not be weaklings don't worry hermie and wormy i'm not finished with you yet i'm giving you a heart just like mine uh-huh oh yeah yeah that's the heart yeah you know um maybe you were too high we should decrease your velocity [Music] ow oh what was that whoa hey what what what what was that oh incoming [Music] hey guys some storm we're having uh-huh it's dry over here greetings and salutations looks like you need to get out of the rain yeah i'm not kidding we're getting soaked i'd invite you in but there's not enough room you should have a house like i have that's your house sure is watch nice and dry all the comforts of home i take my house with me wherever i go umbrella uh no thanks this is very nice well this is just like have a little uh trailer what kind of mileage you get oh i don't get very far or very fast for that matter but that's okay because everywhere i go is home pretty cool yeah yeah pretty cool [Music] hey guys you want to take a dip in my jacuzzi oh [Music] that would be nice to have a house like that everywhere you went oh it sure would um uh thanks nail for the great idea whatever i can do man iced tea no thanks uh we have work to do come on oh boy here we go again [Music] you ready wormy no not really oh don't worry it'll be fine look when i say go you release the vine which will drop that beehive on my back then i'll take it with me wherever i go and maybe this isn't such a good idea wormy do you want to be common and every day every day look this is our chance to be so non-ordinary like the others why would you want to be plain because it's safer wormy everything important requires some risk now release the vine on my signal i don't know about this okay ready go it's working it's not working [Music] sorry who we're not home right now leave a message at the sound of the hood oh look oh isn't that pretty oh [Music] uh god hi hear me again uh can i ask you something sure hermie um why did you give the snail such a neat mobile home mean we live outside hanging off leaves we want to be like him hermie wormy i love you and i'm not finished with you yet oh yeah thanks not finished that's not good sorry to uh uh intrude [Music] you know where me maybe we should have just used the bird's nest hey army if god's not finished with us what do you think he still has to do um who knows maybe we should just wait and see yeah yeah will you see that huh hi you guys wow you are beautiful gee guys thanks but i'm married no no no no your spots they're they're so so gorgeous yeah yeah and and so so black yeah and so so uh perfectly round yeah all of that and you have the prettiest spots i've ever seen [Applause] hey [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] how did you get such a beautiful coat i really had nothing to do with it this is how god made me oh yeah right yeah we know [Music] hey wait a minute that's it i have an idea uh-oh i i think i hear my mommy calling oh no no no no come on come on let's go i'm having a severe case of been there done that this'll be different trust me look all you have to do is drop a blueberry on me the stain from the juice will give me those bright purple spots which everyone will admire what if you get hurt what could go wrong it's only one little blueberry all right fire when ready okay here goes great i told you okay okay that's enough sorry just [Music] come back come on back [Music] army army army army [Music] hear me leave me alone army what are you doing hiding so no one sees my common face [Music] ow why'd you do that you can't stay in there forever who would even notice i would i'm sorry wormy i i caused so much trouble well it's not me you have to apologize to [Music] uh we're sorry god uh we know you're good and wise uh but we don't understand why you made us like this uh we're so very common yeah yeah common when are we going to be special hermie who made the ant you who made the snail you who made the ladybug and the butterfly uh you uh where are you going with this who made you oh well um you know if i made all those creatures special then there must be something special about you do you think i made a mistake when i made you well oh hermie oh wormy isn't it enough that i love you just the way you are even though you don't love the way you are okay but remember i'm not finished with you yet [Music] are you okay um yeah yeah yeah it's uh i'm just a little sleepy been a long day i feel like i could sleep a long time then we'd better make you a bed this is um oh thank you [Music] this is so soft tonight oh thanks you go to sleep i'll be here waiting for you when you wake up oh wormy yes army it's tiring trying to be something you're not it's sure right worby [Music] thanks for being my friend [Music] oh god it's okay that i'm a common caterpillar i have a great god and that makes me special [Music] hey [Music] things aren't what they seem to be they change [Music] that turns into spring there's hope and promise [Music] [Music] god's purpose is [Music] don't you ever forget [Music] the changes is [Music] is [Music] with [Music] hello is it still night what's going on who turned out the lights oh boy i'm stuck in here uh get me out army wormy is that you hear me hear me uh you gotta get me out of here now uh i don't like this come on now quit getting around [Music] no army oh i'm flying wormy look at me i'm flying i'm a butterfly hermie herme you're a butterfly oh this is wonderful i'm flying [Music] yo you ought to be up here you can see forever oh and you look different you know from up here you look like an ant buy a snail look at you you are so big hello ladybug [Music] hermie you are the most beautiful butterfly i've ever seen oh oh sorry you're married oh hi guys hear me you know god was right he wasn't finished with me yet i've never seen another butterfly like you hermie you're stunning hey hey what are you doing i'm putting puppy down [Music] you know what wormy i'm not an ant i'm not a snail i'm not a ladybug but but i'm special you need you know god was not finished with me yet and if he's not finished with me he's not finished with you ha ha you really think so i know so oh boy oh this is great oh wormy it's beautiful up here [Music] i'm starting to feel a little sleepy too [Music] hey herbie why are you slowing down already let's go oh god [Music] i'm glad god's not finished with me yet either you know he loves us just the way we are and he's not going to give us new wings but he does give us a new heart a heart just like his that's why he's molding us and he's shaping us and he's making us so we can be just like him isn't it exciting to think about what god can do with us hey max hermie hey you look great yeah thanks hey listen you wanna race come on down to the waterfall i'm back ready hey what are you doing get away from me with that i might have a stinger you know help oh hey wait a minute [Music] oh this is just great
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 639,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christian cartoons, Hermie, Common Caterpillar, Jesus story, bible story, Bible stories, Jesus's stories, story of the christ, jesus movie, life of jesus, christ, jesus christ, Christian, adventures, mission, nazareth, cartoon, kids, children, animation, animated movie, christ story, animated film, cartoon movie, story of jesus, all episodes, understands God’s desire, God’s desire
Id: DzHQeCfeM_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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