Theme Park Workers, What Are Your Horror Stories? (r/AskReddit)

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theme park workers of reddit what are your horror stories worked at a six flags as a sound technician so i spent most of my time backstage with the characters and actors one time i walked backstage to find a headless bugs bunny and scooby doo having sex costumes just unzipped not off not exactly a horror story but definitely scarring i once worked at a water park as a lifeguard supervisor and it was an everyday thing that someone crap or threw up in the pools we even called it a code brown so we weren't straight up saying ah yeah another turd in the kiddie pool another time we had a riptide water ride where people could ride bodyboards like a big wave and while i was talking to another guard i heard the whistle go off like there was an emergency as i approached a god told me that there was a nail in someone's foot i thought he meant someone stubbed their toe and their nail pushed back into their toe but it was an eight-year-old girl who had stepped on a four-inch screw left over from the maintenance the ride had recently undergone right into the heel as i saw it i got a little light-headed but that what i was trained to do so as i picked her up and pulled her out of the water she moved her foot and it started to come out but it was still in there a good three inches i put a latex glove on it and told her itd be okay as i called for paramedics her dang brothers came up and said that she was gonna ruin their time if they had to leave and i had to tell them to get away when the paramedics came they picked her up to put her on the stretcher and when they did that good old latex glove slid off her foot and got hooked on the screw in the foot causing her what i believed by her screams excruciating pain never found out what happened after that but she should have sued big payday i just got an image of a lifeguard screaming down a walkie-talkie code brown we got a code brown we need backup down here quick operated rides for four years two moments stand out the scariest moment i had was when lightning struck a utility pole below me my position on the ride was about 50 feet up knocking out power to my ride and forcing me and my supervisors to unload the ride in the middle of a lightning storm the second was a guy who was very upset that i wouldn't let his kid who was a foot under the height requirement ride i told him no early in the day but one of my co-workers let the kid ride while i was on break the family comes up later and the father who was noticeably drunk jumps to gates and over the tracks to threaten me with a knife i called security and he ran i used to work at a small water park where there were some dry rides up the southern end there was this eight-year-old kid just being a little crap pushing in line climbing up the slider of the playground knocking other kids hats off that sort of bulls i warn him several times then ask him to leave but he doesn't i go and ask my supervisor what to do and he says get the scissors he means to cut his wristband without which he can't go on any rides i call him over and he surprisingly complies and before he can react i grab his wrist and cut off his wristband but naturally he starts crying like a bee he runs off to get his mum and she comes back about 15 minutes later and comes and talks to me without her son she asks why i did what i did and i explained the situation to her and how it is standard procedure she nods and understands and knows that her son is a demon child she leaves but lo and behold 10 minutes later here he comes he tries to cut in line again and i stop him and ask him to go back to his mum his first reaction was to punch me in the balls oh crap no he didn't my supervisor sees and immediately calls security apparently his mum saw two and she comes running she doesn't say anything to her child but goes and tells the supervisor to scare him when security arrives 30 seconds later they grab the kid while him around and handcuff him he's crapping himself at this point they grab him and take him off in their golf cart a few minutes later they return and the kid has obviously been crying and hard he jumps out of the cart and runs straight to his mum who grabs him and walks out people watching the stunned bit amazingly and i crap you not some applauded as they went off best day of work i had at that place i am simultaneously astounded and very happy that the mother let the kid get what was coming to him we take care to make sure everything is as safe as can possibly be so i haven't had many horror stories in my time working at a theme park the only thing that comes to my mind is all the times parents be at you when you tell them their child isn't tall enough to ride or when someone makes a scene when you have to politely tell them they are too large to ride and must get off the right because they don't fit i've seen people totally lose their crap because their child missed the mark by at least a good six inches seriously if their kid gets hurt they aren't gonna blame themselves for being so ignorant the worst thing that's happened is a guy spitting in my face and starting to film me with his phone while screaming at me that he was going to sue the company i work for because i confronted him when he tried to trip one of my performers during a halloween event he was drunk he was arrested we all laughed at his mug shot the next day i don't know if these count as horror stories as there's no injury or gore involved but here's a couple things that happened to me while interfacing with the theme park going public i was managing a few ride photo booths and i was in one of them talking to an employee when a guy looked at our prices picked out the package of four photos for twenty dollars and said twenty dollars for one photo that's unfair to families i told him that the price was twenty dollars for four and if he'd like a single photo it was ten dollars he got very close to my face and growled are you getting smart with me i told him no tried to walk him through the different prices and he kept saying are you getting smart with me finally i just walked away round to the back of the booth to check on some stock during which point he told my employee that if he saw me again i was getting punched in the face worked at king's island on a ride called diamondback one day the train came back and this kid 10 or 12 years old was completely unconscious he was slumped over in his seat being held up by his mother for those of you who don't know the seats on diamondback are lap bars so this kid was literally like folded in half slumped over also the ride is smooth as silk so he didn't hit his head or anything anyway we immediately call 9 1 1 inside the park any park telephones route to the park's first aid station when you call nine one one meanwhile all we can legally do is statisticistististististististist i had to stand there completely helpless watching his parents try to wake him up they said he passed out while going up the first hill 230 feet and they had to hold him up to keep from flopping around throughout the entire ride when the first aid cart got there they lifted him off the seat and onto a stretcher and wheeled him off the ride and he regained consciousness near the entrance of the ride my area supervisor asked us all if we were okay to keep working and said if we needed to we can all go home it was terrifying i thought the kid was dead and the moment i saw him slumped in his seat is still etched in my mind that memory isn't the worst part though standing there legally unable to do anything even if i knew how while the mother was crying just trying to get a response while the father tried to keep it together for the boy's sister is the most haunting memory i have and i think it will be for a while i worked as a lifeguard for a while at a water park the wooden building behind the wave pool caught on fire one day probably because of an employee smoking in there the park had to be evacuated and people were passing out in the parking lot left and right since it was about 100 degrees outside the building burned down along with all of the ride tubes that were stored in there it was one of the worst days i've ever had to work i just imagine people running and screaming in the parking lot literally dropping left and right while in the background miles and miles of amusement park is just burning to the ground i worked for the halloween events for a theme park in my area won't say the name but it might be on the border between two states i got kicked in the face and almost broke my nose i was given a break for as long as it took for my nose to stop bleeding and that counted as my only break for the evening we got under 30 minutes of break time for a eight-hour shift another guy actually got fired because he had a b grain and had to go to the first aid area until it was over it took something like two hours and they fired him for it we were also the maze closest to the only place that served alcohol in the park so we had to deal with drunk buttholes and crappy kids fairly often someone choked a girl working in the maze the maze almost burned down a few times because buttholes decided that a dried corn maze was a good place to smoke a freaking cigarette i had a lot of fun most of the time but i had to deal with a bunch of stupid crap on a nightly basis well i worked at busch gardens williamsburg and i have two stories first story wtf i was working as a ride operator on the big bad wolf now torn down it was a slow day for us so my area manager had me move from my current position to help out the area staff cleans the park in a busier part i didn't mind because most of the time you just walk around and take in the sights i also like to keep it clean and the park is usually pretty dang clean i then got a radio called to come to the men's bathroom at the german fest house now usually this would mean there is an overflow in the trash or some toilet paper on the ground from inconsiderate nesters you know who you are well i walked in and instantly realized something was wrong the smell oh my god the smell it was so thick i could taste it i walked past the open stalls and still nothing could be seen but the smell got stronger the last stall was in sight and it was the handicapped stall i went to the door and opened it inside was what looked like a caveman painting of horses and arrows but drawn in human fesses it was everywhere literally everywhere i immediately went to a couple of stalls over and threw up i then radioed in that the men's bathroom was a big nope from me and put an out of order sign on it not touching that little crap picasso that was going on in there story two sad this is a sad story and one that has managed to stick with me for a long time i was on break the park was hot like 94 degrees out with the humidity squeezing my neck the park was packed with walking room no better than rush hour traffic my friend was a park medic who only has been working for about four months let's call her shelly while we were talking and an alarm came in over the radio stating a guest has passed out next to her child she immediately left our conversation and took off running the next time i saw her i was clocking out and she was walking to her cry crying i asked her what was wrong and she let the waterworks go s shelly looked up and told me what really happened an old lady came to the park with her granddaughter the grandmother was waiting on a bench while her daughter played in a splash zone the grandmother collapses and the daughter runs over just as the woman starts bleeding from her eyes nose mouth and fingernails shelly is there moments later as a manager was by her side in panic shelly immediately starts trying to check her vitals as the girl grabs her arm and begs her not to let her grandma die the grandmother died shortly after shelley quit that day i have experienced a couple of incidents mostly just people trying to attack me if they don't get their will but the most horrible thing i've encountered is also the best thing i encountered i was working in legoland in denmark and i was at a ride that was just a train we would be too on shift and i was standing at the line waiting for my partner to come back with the train while i stood there and waited a guest from the line called me over and said that there was a boy who wasn't a boy who wasn't a boy who wasn't a boy who wasn't a boy who wasn't a boy who wasn't a boy who wasn't a boy who wasn't a boy who wasn't a boy who wasn't a boy who wasn't a boy who wasn't bra after there went some seconds i decided i couldn't wait for them and started to give him mouth to mouth i had the kid out a solid minute and was starting to crap my myself when he slowly started to wake up and breath ajian both me and the father just sank down in relief that the boy survived then the emergency crew came and got the father and boy to a hospital the next week they came again and i was thanked by the boy's old family and they said they were extremely grateful for what i've done they tried to offer me all kind of stuff but i refused and said i was happy with just the boy being alive thank you for sharing this worked at a paramount park several years back as a lifeguard the grossest part is that the giant wave pool is not drained refilled all summer by the end of the summer when the wave pool was turned off at the end of the night you could see sunscreen oil slicks on the surface and all of the band-aids and hair ties would settle into a giant disgusting mass a few times i saw guards going after money but i can assure you it wasn't worth it after the water park closed i filled in on rides duty one time i filled in as a height checker because the girl who did it before me had her arm broken by a psycho dad who tried to take her wristbands which were used to indicate kid's height from her for his kid who was too short to ride safely my first job out of high school was at a theme park nothing crazy just a lot of poop kids would poop on rides adults would poop on rides it was a daily poop fest at the time i was under 18 so it was always awesome when it happened because i had to shut the ride down and call in for cleanup instead of doing it myself diarrhea on a roller coaster is not fun for anyone on the ride [Music] never had a lot of horror stories as a lot was quite safe but before i worked there a woman went on stealth very fast and very high and it hit to bird mid-flight and part of its beak went into her arm but apart from that the constant sick one time i saw a pigeon get obliterated by someone's face one one of those pendulum rides that spin and swing it landed just in front of me in the queue and its claw grabbed the air in its last motion as a trickle of blood ran off the edge of the ride and into the water underneath the worst part was when its little pigeon lover was looking out sadly from their nest which they decided to make in the triangular legs of the ride worked at a theme park for seven years past few have been in the water park area we have a slide that is about 100 feet tall and rockets single riders straight down and into a lengthy trough at the bottom last summer we had an issue where the water levels were incorrect for a few weeks it was too low and guests were complaining about their backs getting scratched so the plumbers raised the water level however being that this slide rockets you was an ungodly speed this created a b-day effect on people who rode the slide one woman came down and just laid in the trough waving one of the lifeguards down when they reached her she was screaming that a massive and a massive and a massive and a massive and a massive and a massive and a massive and a massive and a massive and a massive and a massive what we were walking around the amusement park wasn't open in mosul iraq looking for a mortar team that was reported to be in the area and a sniper took a couple of shots at us does that count i've been to the baghdad children's park uh we just kind of parked in the shade for a while not quite as exciting as many on this thread but my dad worked the log flume at six flags as a teenager and his boss refused to give him a water break even though it was ridiculously hot he ended up fainting faster first onto the metal lap bar while checking it and knocked most of his front teeth out ended up suing six flags and got full dental reconstruction and they paid for his college well there was the one time a kid was decapitated after trying to get a hat that fell off during a roller coaster i imagine that is pretty scarring or the veteran who lost his legs in iraq getting on a roller coaster at darien lake and flying out of it [Music] back when i worked at a relatively large east coast theme park we had what many called the craziest shutdown anyone had seen or heard about the ride i was working was a dark ride a motion simulator that followed a track and had 3d projection screens i was closing in the control room that night where we would dispatch ride vehicles rvs and monitor ride cameras and the ride control screen over the headset i hear that an intoxicated male couple was coming up to ride okay fair enough as they were getting on they were acting slightly belligerent so was informed to watch them through the ride by the loader in scene 1 the ride has 11 scenes they begin to make out fair enough it happens all the time i was narrating it over the headset since it was a slow night and we were all shooting the crap in scene 3 i see their hand moving due south and next thing i know they're standing up in the rv at this point i depress the emergency stop and all the ride work lights come up with all the rvs stopping in place i then pull the ride down explaining the e-stop is due to a drunk couple standing up here's where it gets interesting they decided to slip their way out of the lappers and begin climbing out of the rv i get on the right mic telling them to please return to your sleigh they're also called slays little did i know i select it all call on the touch screen for the ride mic and people down at the right entrance and passes by were randomly hearing me yelling please return to your sleigh i scan the monitor attempting to find them in the right area and cannot for the life of me find them at this point the entrance host calls controls to ask what the heck is going on i explain and he busts out laughing i hear my supervisor's keys jingling as she's running up the exit platformer she's laughing from the call over the radio about a drunk male's couple standing up and climbing out once she arrives we do a ride evac so we can reset from the e stop and to walk the track to find the culprits after about 30 minutes we can't find them and give up and start cycling the ride again before going back up we checked the control screen to see if there had been any ride doors recently opened and none had since that morning when maintenance was clearing the ride for operation at close we all had to fill out witness statements for security and we all had a good laugh next morning maintenance tells us they found two condom rappers in scene three the scene they escaped in to this day we have no idea where the heck they ended up not me but my friend used to work at disney in florida he was standing at the entrance for the line and had to tell a family that their child was too short to ride the ride they could switch off and ride the ride if they wanted but one of them would have to stay with the child they say okay and walk away well the child was young enough to be wearing one of those leashes that you can put on your kid and maybe 20 minutes later he saw the kid a little ways away by himself tied up to a light pole so my friend we'll call him rob resolves to wait a minute before calling it in it may be there in the bathroom not that it makes it okay anywho 15 minutes later the kids still tied up and he calls security it takes security maybe another 10 to 15 minutes to get there so the kid has been tied up for at least the better part of an hour now they come and see the kid and say hey wanna come with us we're gonna take you somewhere fun and the kid is excited and goes with them rob's shift doesn't end for another three hours and he doesn't see the family come back well the next guy who comes and replaces rob sees them come back later and freak out by the time the parents got back and found a manager and found out what happened their child was already with social services they were from out of state they had to go back without their child and return at a later date for a court hearing [Music] i work in retail at adventureland in des moines if any of you are familiar with the place i'm loaded with wax stories we have these slushy fountains in certain stores and i happen to be working in the water park area one day when this chubby little kid comes in shirtless he goes up to the slushy machine and takes a straw and unwraps the paper off it he proceeds to scratch his stomach using said straw and then he puts it back in with the rest of the straws then he just leaves it was actually pretty gross we also have a strict no smoking policy though drinking is allowed one day this group of obviously drunk guys walks into my store one of them has a pretty good sized bloody cut on his leg he tells me he walked into a wall and hurt himself which was obviously bulls i go ahead and call first aid because it looks pretty bad while waiting for first aid he starts smoking a cigarette i inform him that i couldn't let him do that because it's against the law in iowa then he just puts his hand behind his back because apparently if i can't see his cigarette he isn't smoking one i'm pretty sure he and his friends got escorted out i operated rides in management for four years some girl riding in the front seat of a major roller coaster struck and killed a bird upon rey entering the station her chest and face were covered in feathers and bird goo some guy with a cup full of drink upon being asked to discard the drink dumped its entire contents into our loose article bin containing phones hats etc and literally no more than 15 seconds later the loose article bin guy arrived to collect the items inside the guy comes maybe once every other week so it was absolutely ridiculous that he came the moment that all the stuff inside was now covered in sticky soda some lady and her son were hanging out near a coaster i was operating and the lady was housing a bird in her cleavage and feeding it pre-chewed foods her son began doing the same feeding it while it was still in her chest when i called security twice because it was a health concern they finally sent one guy who saw it and immediately picked up the phone to inform base that it wasn't a prank they thought i was completely making it up when they sent more security she strapped her eight-year-old kid into a stroller stuffed her bird in her bra and booked it on independent day weekend a few years ago one of my employees literally took a crap on the ride he was working on which is absurd because the ride is quite open and there are no spots he could have been where he was completely out of sight of at least some guests when i finally got there i had to clean it up in another bird killing incident our drop tower shot up in launch mode and struck a bird flying by plunging approximately 200 feet to its earthly demise it was kind of surreal because we didn't really know what happened until we saw it come to a stop on the ground i only heard this one through my friend who worked in the water park some guy was getting off a water slide and lost a contact and he demanded that they shut the ride off so he could look for it when security told him to get lost he refused to move from the waterslide and they called the police to escort him out when they showed up he sprinted off and they eventually had to restrain him for disturbing our operations and generally being a huge butt about everything i can't even find my contact when i drop it on my bathroom countertop that guy's insane some guests are just obnoxious i saw the family of a mum dad brother and sister the boy was about nine or so the mother was furiously yelling at him because he didn't want to ride the roller coaster it went something along the lines of are you gonna do it or not stop being a freaking pee or we'll just freaking go home i was pee for the rest of the day sounds a lot like my mum needless to say i'm moving far away the first chance i get i had a friend who worked at great america for years his most gruesome story was about the day he pee off the boss and got a sign to clean the ball pit but just the sheer tonnage of crap never again not a horror story or anything i worked at the biggest theme park in toronto i was a ride operator in the dead of summer we would switch between two or three rides in our area i operated a roller coaster and swings the booth we sat in for the coaster was air-conditioned i loved being at that right but the swings had a booth about the size of a porta potty one window the window was stuck and it was about 35 celsius without the humidex i ended up fainting after i was in there for about 20 minutes as i passed out i whacked my head on the control panel giving me a concussion after that event they started bringing huge jugs of water to each ride if it got over 30c i worked on amusement park near my city for a month one summer there was this one ride that was pretty much just a bunch of fake airplanes that slowly rose up and turned in a circle slowly anyone could go on it babies pregnant ladies etc the only restraints were seat belts each plane could hold about 250 pounds one day i finished checking all the seat belts and proceed to click the start button and the ride starts up now from my operating booth there was one airplane i couldn't see in the time i took to walk to my booth and start the ride some kid around six or seven decides it would be fun to undo his seat belt but he doesn't stop there the kid decides to climb out of the plane and by the time i see him the plane has risen about 10 featuring in the air and the ride has begun to spin he didn't decide just to crawl onto the ground though he was standing on the dang wing of the fake airplane i freak out because this kid looks like he's gonna fall and i slam on my emergency stop button usually an emergency stop button brings the ride back down to the ground but this time it just stopped spinning and the planes just hung in mid-air frozen as this kid stood on the wing i had to call maintenance to lower the planes and i seriously thought the kid was going to fall his parents said nothing to him and got mad at me for not keeping him in his seat tldr some kid climbs out of the right to stand on the wing of the fake plane as it rises into the air and i get yelled at by his parents another story same summer i was working on a really lame ride nothing much was happening and boom i felt it my period was there i needed a washroom break but i couldn't leave my ride unattended i used the phone in my booth to call for a washroom break i said it was an emergency one hour passes i'm in heck i call again they say they'll send someone by the time someone comes i have bled through my pants and the blood is dripping down my legs i was about an hour drive from home and had taken the bus to get there i had to sloppily clean up and live in my disgusting pants the rest of the day not getting needed breaks was a common thing it was awful tldr need more freaking brakes so you don't bleed everywhere i was visiting cedar point in sandusky ohio and was stopped right at the gate of the chaos ride since all of the cars were full little did i know this would secure front row seats for the best story of the entire trip a man who had gotten on the ride just before me had placed his video camera on the operator's booth so he wouldn't have to take it with him on the ride and risk breaking losing it as the ride is starting up one of the operators notices it and gets the bright idea to start filming thinking well this will be a nice memory that the father and son won't have to put any work into preserving at all she was wrong halfway through the ride the owner of the camera loses his lunch and breakfast and what looks like dinner from the night before seriously this guy had a lot in there and a lot came spewing out of him before the operator with the camera realizes what has happened he has stopped barfing and she quietly closes the camera and puts it away as the ride comes slowly to a stop the man apologizes for the mess gathers his camera and things and leaves an embarrassment none of the operators say a word about the fact that it is on film all i can imagine is him sitting his family down to watch the home movie of their trip to cedar point and him going home i don't remember filming this oh god oh god no as his entire family sees the recorded history of his weak stomach tldr man unknowingly is recorded on his own camera vomiting i can imagine her narrating while recording hopefully you don't mind sir just thought you might enjoy this memo god um i'm so sorry end recording my friend worked at a major water theme park and told me he once saw a special needs guy jerk off and unload into one of those huge pools with big waves lots of people were in it he said all the park did was shut down the pool for half an hour poured a little chlorine and opened it back up strange after reading about people getting injured and killed etc this is the one story that made me so horrified my jaw dropped open for a spring semester i was an intern at walt disney world i worked in a fast food restaurant in the magic kingdom basically you're at the happiest place on earth but serving the angriest people on earth because they're all exhausted and hungry anyways one day i was working in the front of the house on a particularly stormy day and like most people of america know it rains almost every day in florida in the warmer months well customers like to complain when the weather is bad and ruining their vacations i get it i guess but some take it to the extremes now on the particular day the dining room was packed with people just trying to hide out from the rain i got a call on my radio saying code v which is the code for vomit being the intern i got to clean it up luckily they have the stuff that looks like pencil shavings that just soak it up and then you just sweep it i go to the table and this poor little girl was in a high chair and the throw up was literally all over her high chair the table and the floor so i get it all cleaned up and ask the manager if i can run to the nearest gift shop and get her a new shirt disney is awesome like that i come back and no joke 15 minutes later i get another code v same table this time it was just on the table but i noticed it was not primarily in front of the little girl i don't question it and clean it again i start talking to the mother who was very overweight and quite older and then came to the realization that it was the mother both times who had thrown up not the daughter and that she didn't know it was coming the first time and that second time she felt it but didn't want to lose her spot at her table so basically i learned that day that people will do anything to remain being a lazy person i don't work in a theme park but at cairo lines an ncsc amusement park they have this halloween thing called scaro winds or something like that employees dress up in these scary costumes and run around scaring the visitors a big ruler is that you cannot touch them and they cannot touch you this is the story of the time i broke that rule so my brother and i were waiting in line for a kiddie ride of some sort when out of the bluesome guy dressed in a zombie wolfman costume comes up and scares us in fear i screamed and punched the guy in the face as hard as i could he screams in pain because i had just broken his nose security gets called they take my picture while the police and amusement park security talk to my dad and the injured employee i can't much remember what happened afterwards other than telling the police officer what i did than having to say sorry to the employee as of 2006 i am not allowed back at scare wins until 2016. yep colin this is what happens when you scare a nine-year-old girl you end up with a broken nose and a hurt ego by the way i can go to cairo wines but my dad won't let me or my siblings go since the incident dang for a nine-year-old girl you packed a wallop got a good one here so back in high school i worked as a lifeguard for a small water park on the east coast the job sucked the pay was horrible and the management was a real be so after the first month of working their motivation really plummeted well in order to have insurance the company that ensured the water park hired individuals who would come to the pool as normal patrons with hidden cameras and pretend to drown in order to see how fast a competent one of the lifeguards would rescue them additionally they had this life-size child mannequin that would sink to the bottom and they would carefully put it in the water to see if any of the lifeguards would spot and rescue it in time now this thing looked like a real kid and was complete with swim trunks and goggles so underwater it was close to impossible to differentiate it from a real child the first time the insurance company did this the lifeguard on duty failed miserably to spot the dummy within time so the whole park got audited and everyone had to go through retraining but the company let us keep the child dummy for training and practice now for the good part the park was still open to the public while we were going through our retraining and everyone got to take turns carefully placing the dummy into the water and testing each other on how fast they could find it but when it got to my turn for placing the dummy into the water everyone had pretty much exhausted every way to put this thing into the pool so i decided that i would one-up everyone and do something nobody thought off there was a water slide that pretty much went around the park and i came up with the idea that about halfway down i would throw the dummy over the side of the slide and have it land in the lazy river where nobody watches sounds like a great idea right well about halfway down i grab this thing and throw it off of the slide and completely miss where it was supposed to land instead of landing in the pool this dummy goes head first into pavement right in front of where all the chairs and families are relaxing people were screaming kids were crying lifeguards were freaking out everyone thought they had just seen a kid fall about 40 feet onto concrete and had his face completely smashed in after numerous complaints and threats of lawsuits caused by the emotional trauma the guests had endured i was fired that afternoon the dummy itself was too damaged to be used anymore i was in cedar point when this mom begged her son about nine or ten to go on the millennium force with her he was nervous and did not want to ride but was also nervous about waiting without her so he agreed and sat down when the ride starts it kicks you out really fast and i could hear him screaming i lost it haha and when his train came back he had einstein hair and the look of what the heck mom on his face along with tears of happiness that it was over i couldn't stop laughing poor kid i hope that didn't ruin roller coasters for him probably buried but i used to work as a lifeguard at a small water park the park was so small that during the week some of our only customers in the first half of the day were day camps about once every month we would get a special needs day camp why they thought it would be a good idea to take special needs kids to a water park i don't know well i'm at the top of our biggest slide a platform that's about 40 60 feet tall with two slides an open and completely enclosed slide anyway we get this get kid come up with one of the counselors it's clear the kid can't really communicate however he appears to be scared to go down since the councilors are familiar with the park they want him to go down the open to the element slide as it is much slower and less intense than the enclosed one the kid is obviously reluctant to go down so he steps out offline for a bit finally he braves enough courage to go down however the first few feet down the slide he gets stuck he was kind of a bigger kid with a poor suit and the slide hadn't been waxed in a while normally when this happens people just push off the wall once and are good the rest of the way down being special needs and all his first instinct is to stand up here i am panicking seeing a special needs kid standing up 40-60 feet in the air on a slippery surface luckily the counselor immediately reacted and went slowly went down the slide grabbed the kid and together they slid down to safety however the slide is poorly designed to the point that i can't really see people at the bottom i'm trained to send people down when i see the person walking on the sidewalk it's sort of complicated anyway me in my stressed out state i see the counselor walking around so i assume it's safe to send down the next rider however the counselor never thought to turn around and grab the special needs from the bottom of the slide before i noticed this it was too late and to make matters worse the person i sent down was a 300-pound semi-truck who was hauling down the slide seriously not exaggerating this semi-truck of a lady literally plows though the special needs kid at the bottom luckily the kid was alright but that was the worst day of my first year at the park dude putting the tl dr at the beginning is cheating i have to read the story now i've posted this before but here goes oh man i love this story but it's a long one i worked as a ride operator one of your rides was a water ride you get into a big boat it goes up a big hill comes down the hill into deep water splashes everywhere one day working the ride i'm talking to my buddy who worked with me i think a new skyrim preview video got released the night before and we hear there's someone in the water so i tell my buddy you stop the ride i'll go check it out now the water isn't deep maybe six seven inches but there are fences all around it and if you're in the water you're 30 feet from a four ton moving ride so i take a walk out of our area into the exit area and i see a kid sitting there maybe about 12 years old he looked he was sitting cross-legged so i thought he climbed the fence jumped in and landed on his leg and broke it i see my friend calling on the park phone to security and i think this is going to take too long so i take my shoes off put my socks in my shoes and climb over to check on the kid i get down and i say it's cool dude people are coming and we're gonna get you out of here you okay you cool it was then that i noticed he was feeling around in the water i look and he's got a handful of change in his hands i'm like crap i think this kid is [ __ ] so i start talking again hey there we're going to get you out of here real soon okay you think you can climb that fence yourself now he was a pretty big kid for his age or what age he looked i tried to lift him over the fence to his guardian but as soon as i went to pick him up he went limp dead weight he was not having it so i'm talking to this kid trying everything how was your day what was your favorite ride what's your name didn't get a word out of him he did like to splash though he especially liked to splash when i asked him not to good times so security finally gets there and me and two other guys haul this kid out through a break in the fence there for maintenance they sit him down and start talking to the mom apparently he has add adhd ocd and sever autism and he hadn't taken his medication today she swears she only took her eyes off lim for a few seconds they had to strap him to a wheelchair and wheel him out if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 10,241
Rating: 3.9894736 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, theme park, theme park worker, theme park horror, horror, accidents
Id: nY-XUcaassI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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