Pleasure Workers, What Is the Saddest Request You've Got?

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sex workers of reddit what is the saddest request story you have with a client i once spent an evening with a very old man who had booked me because i looked just like his late wife when she was young he missed her terribly and just wanted to lie down with me hold me and pretend i was a another one was a man who was paralyzed from the neck down since a swimming accident when he was 16. he couldn't feel anything other than his face so we just talked and kissed i stroked his hair and his face and of course provided my boobs for motorboating he was an artist and he painted these beautiful watercolors just using his mouth and a paintbrush and he had a little straw he used to control the tv i remember him saying he was really into studio ghibli films at the moment and we spoke about those nice guy but it was also heartbreaking hearing about how little physical contact and affection he received how rare it was for someone to touch his face and stroke his hair he spoke about how hard it is when it's like people are scared to touch you even loved ones and friends i hope wherever these men are these days that they are well and happy and are finding the solace and physical affection they need i can't say that for all my past clients but certainly those ones i have so many depressing stories the first i can think of is an older man i had just started and was working with an agency i spoke with the man on the phone and he sounded extremely old his voice was frail and shaky how house was in an average middle-class suburb he was 79 years old he used a walker and was stuck on one floor of the house he told me his story and it broke my heart he was married and his wife was out with friends a few years prior he'd had a stroke followed by another closely after this left him unable to care for himself and his wife became his carer she was sick of it and left him to his own devices i can't blame her for being exhausted but at least get this man a nurse his son moved across the country and he missed him daily he wore diapers because he'd lost control of his urination and bowel movements after the second stroke he showed me photos of himself when he was younger and talked about his life he said the only thing he looks forward to was his weekly phone calls with his son and grandkids i held him and he cried for two hours i almost broke down with him but i held it in sometimes i think about situations like this one i'm more afraid of ending up like this than dying when i was a cam girl i had one guy who would often pay for private shows but it was fairly innocuous and he never asked for anything sexual at all but instead he just wanted to practice his flirting social skills as he was autistic and really wanted to ask out a girl at his college he said because of his disability his family never took his romantic question seriously and laughed at him and just would tell him it was cute that he was asking etc i'll never forget the day he told me he finally asked her out and she said yes i'll admit i got pretty verklempt a lot of guys on those sites just wanted to be heard and seen and feel safe being vulnerable and i was always appreciative and conscientious of the power that anonymity held for those who felt alone or confused didn't expect to see yiddish in this thread kind of the reverse here from the store is here i had an escort that would hit me up to get rides in my cab for her out calls or hotel changes instead of charging her for rides to go out and get food she'd just buy me food also because i was often too busy to stop and eat at times one night when we were both having a slow night she mentioned how she hadn't had a home-cooked meal in over a year and would kill for a steak i told her i had two in my fridge if she wanted one ended up driving to my house picking up on my steaks some instant mashed potatoes can of corn and some fresh garlic bread went back to where she was staying and cooked a home cooked meal in her hotel with a microwave and a george foreman grill we ended up eating and watching ted that i pick up from a red box down the street she randomly hugged me and started balling her eyes out because i was the first person in the past year that has treated her like a regular person and should couldn't remember the last time she could relax and enjoy herself that is so sweet and sad this wasn't me but when i was stripping my co-worker had an elderly client who would come in and buy her out in vip for the whole night just a nap in her lap and since our club was not high end let's say our vips were connected so every time i had a lap downside go into vip and just see her on her phone with him just napping with his head on her thighs our club was only open for eight hours six pm to 2am and then he'd get up when it was last call give her a big hug and dip apparently he'd been married for like 45 years but his wife passed away he hadn't slept alone since he was 18 years old and couldn't sleep for crap in his own bed he'd come to the club and get his sleep there with freaking rihanna booming over the speakers he slept through all of it there was a rumor that he bought her perfume that matched what his wife wore but i never found out if that was true this just breaks my heart i have a client who gives me an allowance just to go and see his mom absolutely nothing sexual i just have lunch or dinner with her a few times a week hang out and talk she doesn't live alone he's got a whole staff to care for her but she gets lonely honestly if he stop giving me the allowance i probably wouldn't stop coming it makes me kinda sad when i think that this dude can afford to spend a lump sum on me but can't afford to lose a day of work to see his mom i had a client who was a newbie he booked me for a dinner date during dinner he started crying he broke down and told me he had just gone through a terrible divorce it sounded like he still loved her but she was already engaged to her new man i ended up seeing this client regularly and things devolved the ex-wife took the kids out of state the kids wanted their cats so he gave them up too both his parents were dead no siblings he stopped seeing me for a while when he got a new girlfriend she ended up using him for his money the last time i saw him he said he was thinking of moving to mexico he wanted to get away i didn't hear from him and life became busy for me a few years later i thought of him randomly and looked him up i found his obituary and it was a few weeks after the last time i saw him i think he killed himself and i really feel terrible about it it really haunts me an elderly man would come in whenever he'd saved enough money to afford an hour or two he didn't speak much but always had the kindest smile for me all he wanted to do was to hold me in his arms and sway gently to the music nothing else after a couple of months he shared with me that he used to do this with his wife before she died and that he misses the intimacy of their moments together and at some point he stopped coming i don't know what happened to him but i will never forget him a good friend was a dancer in fl and she told me a similar story this old man widowed would come to see her once a month and gave her 500 for an hour in vip just to slow dance with her topless nothing more than that i was hired by a middle-aged woman who just want companion for the evening and night she was a beautiful woman who i didn't understand why she hired me but i met her at the bar asked her name and she gave me her card and told me to treat her and my name was bill so i brought her drinks and paid for her meal we went to watch a movie i think it was molly's game i can't remember then we took an uber back to hers and we spent the night i only found out why she does this by talking after we spent the night her husband and son died about four years ago and she likes pretending when she's having a bad day that she goes on a date with someone that reminds her of her husband people often think that it's about sex sometimes it's not good about the sex sexy about the companionship and the feeling of reliving past moment or even just ignoring emotions at the time [Music] the young man who came into a rural australia brothel i was working in he didn't want sex he just wanted someone to hold him and touch him for two hours he barely spoke but he did tell me his story he lived on a large station i'm talking around ten thousand kilometers squared his parents lived in the farmhouse at the front of the property and he lived at the other end of the property in a smaller house on his own like most farmers he worked dawn till dusk most days he rarely spoke to other humans and he didn't have time to go out and meet women i felt sad for him because this was his life and he had pretty much lost his social skills my saddest is similar this guy wanted me to hold and rock him while he just cried like he didn't have another safe place to show emotion i usually ended up crying too i was a stripper for a few years and i'll never forget this texan man that was in my area for business i sat at his table and we had some smaller talk and he mentioned how he never paid strippers because they're just rolling in money and they didn't need his i corrected him and said how we actually paid to be there and there are times we go home and actually can no money on a bad night and people like him contribute to those bad nights that just blew his mind and he appreciated my honesty apologized and he handed me some money and said something like why don't i buy you a drink and let's talk for a while so we are sitting there drinking and talking and he slides me money every so often we are both getting pretty drunk and eventually he asks for a dance so we go back to the rooms and i'm getting my whole dance thing going and he just stops me he asks if i'd be okay to just sit in his lap and hug him and i go of course he starts getting emotional and confesses to me i looked and sounded exactly like his friend we had talked about back at the table he had been telling me all about her and how they grew up together and all the fun things they would do together he didn't say it but the way he talked about her i got the feeling he really loved her he told me she had just recently died in a bad car crash and when he held me it was like he was holding her just one last time he hugged me so tight and i hugged him back so hard and we were both crying i'll never forget that and i hope with all my heart is doing well these days this made me sad but also happy thank you for doing this i had a client who was a leading medical professional in the city i was working in and had a ridiculously profound ability to recall information he entered a competition as a child and was able to recite one hundreds of digits of pie i did a check online and found the results so he wasn't lying which was a novelty growing up but confounded for him into an issue of him being so good at recall that he was somewhat indispensable and consistently relied upon in his career our sessions started with moderate role play and bdsm scenes where he fetishized the idea of me eating his brains his first orgasm in a session was me finishing him off with my hands while telling him how tasty his brain would be with all the melatonin and dopamine he would secrete during climax in the beginning he would always book long sessions and pay very generously so i was okay with the types of requests he had this soon progressed in intensity though in one session there was extremely light and small kicks to his head and he subsequently told me that it was the most enjoyable sexual experience of his life because he knew that with each kick it was creating micro traumas and minimally reducing his cognitive function he divulged to me in session that it was a deep burden for him to be so successful in his field and that his life would be substantially better if i fulfilled his fantasy of making him incapable of continuing in his profession he continued to attempt to book more sessions pleading and begging that i incapacitate him and that he would pay generously for me to drill into his skull and remove parts of his physical brain while it obviously was a little horror-esque he had a serious desire to just have all of his responsibility and pressure and work removed from him and he saw this as the best possible way for that to happen i stopped booking sessions and blocked him as a client but sometimes think about how sad he was and how he truly wanted to escape the pressure and demands of his job but didn't quite know how sounds like he needs both a vacation and a career change there is nothing wrong with saying i can't take this anymore and sounds like he was starting to get desperate to escape his personal prison i really hope he is okay and safe because the end of your story makes me think he needed to go on suicide watch with a forced vacation to a rehabilitation clinic not my story but one from a friend she has a client that comes to see her and he pays her to just sit and talk and make fake sexual-esque photos that he shows his friends he is gay but can't come out because he is a japanese salary man and would be disowned and probably lose his job she's felt guilty that he pays for nothing and now it's turned into a friendship and she gives him english lessons in the sex time it's heartwarming because he hasn't got time to study is literally they are work to death in japan but when they go on salary men night outs it's very common for them to sleep with prostitutes and go to sex houses so it's a great chance for him to study he wants to move to the u.s because and get this he wants to be free actually makes me feel fuzzy it was in south korea someone requested me to come in the middle of the night for a very high rate arrived there the guy finally just wanted to take a rest on my knees i was a sex worker like you until i took a sad guy in the knee i had a regular who was an older gentleman yes we did do some deeds but 95 percent of the time he just wanted company i'd go with him grocery shopping out to eat to his apartment to cuddle and watch movies he'd tell me stories about his family that had passed stories from when he was a kid stuff he learned when he got his pilot's license i was at his funeral when he passed i'll never forget such a sweet lonely man who just wanted human companionship this is so wholesome i would literally watch a film about this my time to shine this has been posted before but it's the only thing i have to contribute so this strip i used to manage had this regular who would come in once a month roughly he tipped well kept to himself and was polite enough every time he came in though he brought this old school lace 90 which he would get the girls to wear and dance in he tipped them lavishly as well as paid their hourly rate whatever drinks they wanted etc etc it wasn't until the second or third time i finally asked one of the girls what the deal was with the bio-lingerie and she told me that it was his dead grandmother's nighty so there you have it the whole time i was reading this i was thinking please don't be his mother's nighty it ended up not being hers but i have to say i'm just as disturbed a man basically paid me to compliment him daily he had just gotten out of an extremely toxic and abusive relationship and had the lowest self-esteem i'd ever seen i'd comfort him listen to him help him and constantly let him know he was a lot better than what he thought he was i had to break ties when he started to assume we were dating i was doing it out of love i cared about him sure but i didn't love him nor did i seek a relationship with him after a while i returned half his money and wished him luck i too spent a lot of time with the shrek1 dvd it never paid me though one time i was doing a vip session and this dude legitimately told me to stop dancing and basically broke down in front of me telling me he was only there because his friends dragged him along to cheer him up from what he told me he caught his wife in bed with another man and they recently just got divorced he told me his now ex-wife told his kids that he was the one cheating and his kids basically hated him now i've never felt so bad for a total stranger all my life jesus christ i can't imagine being such a crap human being to manipulate you kids into thinking your partner cheated on them i won't share any specifics but i've often experienced clients opening up about their past traumas sometimes there is tears always hugs it's sad but i'm happy to be there for them in the limited way that i can thanks for being a decent human also i am baffled by how far your job goes i mean sex that is one thing but why you are essentially describing what priests or therapists are doing and one of those would probably pay better i had a call through an escort service at about 6 30 a.m way too early for me i was sleeping i kept ignoring my phone they kept persisting i finally picked up agreed on an astronomical hourly rate and the client agreed i show up to his room about 730m and he answered and to my surprise he's a tall fit guy in his late 20s he gave my full agreed rate i could tell he had been drinking we're sitting on the bed and i'm trying to ask him questions to keep the mood light and friendly and he starts to cry like he's bawling his eyes out i could tell he wasn't crying beforehand just really wasted i was so shocked i didn't know what to do especially since he's this macho guy i figured out he was in the armed forces he told me he was in town for his father's funeral and his emotions and feelings were just hitting him and he wanted someone to be there with him so i stayed the whole time and i let him talk and grieve and held him for a bit we didn't do anything sexual except a kiss at the end when my driver picked me up he gave me his number and told me to call him if i was ever in his city i still have it a call from a shouting woman with a crying child heard in the background she shouted do you work with five-year-old kids not sure what she wanted me to do with that kid but i didn't feel like continuing the discussion and it was really creepy not one but my fiancee's sister is she has one client that pays her to just 50-yard field goal kick the crap out of his nuts winner the birthday is always the worst for me i have a couple guys a year book me for a few hours tell me it's their birthdays and want to spend it with someone as they have no one to spend it with it's very sad to me when you have to spend money on someone to spend their birthday with you always helps me feel like a double bag i at least show up with cake and a small gift i hate those dates the most i guess this one is kinda sad for both parties involved but i had a female client who hired me a couple times she was in the medical field looked extremely tired like she was about to pass out like every time we met i don't think she had much going on in life outside of work and we spent a lot of time after just laying together it also was pretty rough for me because i'm a lesbian and outside of her practically all of my clients were guys so i mentally checked out of most times i was with them but i felt so comfortable with her it's been almost eight years ago now and i still remember how calm i felt with her when everything else in my life was a complete nightmare i'm willing to wager she felt the same with you my worst experience was a veteran who came in and booked me at around 1am it was just me and the receptionist left he told me about his work in the military and how he's done undercover stuff idk he was a bit drunk and near tears so it was hard to understand and i am not sharing the details and how knew the people he'd gone against were going to find him and kill him he just didn't know when he talked to me about how his father would be ashamed of him crying especially in a prostitute's arms the receptionist helped talk him down for a while and when she ducked out to check laundry he looked me dead in the eyes and offered me 10 grand to kill him i had to talk him down from that alone and after we eventually got him safely in a cab home i broke down i spent the entire next week alternating between sleeping and crying in bed before going back to work stripper here had a young attractive wealthy guy take me to vip for an hour just to listen to bruce springsteen songs he just sat back closed his eyes and sang along to every word he told me when he was a kid he grew up in a really oppressive household where his likes and interests were discouraged and totally disregarded he listened to bruce and his lyrics gave him the hope and strength to eventually run away as a teenager since then he'd had so much success and joy but he just really wanted to share his story and the music he loved with somebody that night former sex worker i had a soldier that would just wanted me to hold him when he came back and before going on deployments to and from afghanistan that's really sad i don't mean that in a mean way it makes me feel sad that he felt that the only person he could get to do that he had to pay a young man wanted to hire me for a role play because his high school sweetheart had gone to college far away and despite them promising to stay with each other and get married after college she had lost her virginity to a frat guy in her first month of school he said i looked like her but the saddest part was that he didn't want to role play her losing her virginity to him the way he had always thought would happen he wanted to role play the frat guy and meet the girlfriend where i would have to say but i have a boyfriend but would end up in bed with him anyways it was too sad and he was too young so even though he offered me one thousand dollars i said no cuddle him no dances just wanted to cuddle and rub his head i look just like his dead wife later found out he drained his bank account and gave me most of it and killed himself after our time upstairs sad sad sad someone told me they wish i was their best friend one line one hard punch in the sentiments i consider sex workers related to the concept of loneliness therapy we have people to help almost all human conditions but no one has the designated job of loneliness reducer but that's what sex workers also are i'm not a sex worker but i'm a medical student while on gp rotation we would go see this bed-bound man who was super obese bmi 70 basically on his deathbed one day we go to see him and we see a couple young woman walking out before we get there when we asked him who they were he was very candid he wanted one last bj before he died and he needed two because one of them had to hold his fat up next week the frisky bastard said he'd called them back another three times not the saddest but it's something that's just stuck with me a guy i saw just wanted to wear my lingerie and talk he was straight but enjoyed the feeling of dressing up i had some older items i sold him so he could keep them after wearing because he couldn't get that stuff delivered to his house if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 6,950
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: saddest request, pleasure workers, sad request, saddest stories, sad, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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