Pork Belly Burnt Ends | Smoked Pork Belly Burnt Ends on UDS Smoker

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He’s a very likeable guy. I’d heard of him on here but not seen any of his content before. I can understand why he’s gained popularity

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EarlofErewhon 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey welcome back to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed today I'm going to show you how I make pork belly burnt ends now I love brisket burnt ends they're one of the best parts of that point it's cut up it's cooked just right they just melt in your mouth I'm gonna do the same thing except I wanted to have that pork flavor so what's the best part of that hog that's that belly meat and I'm gonna cube this pork belly up today we're gonna get it on the smoker and some good rub cook it to it's tender it's gonna melt in your mouth it's gonna be fantastic let's get to cooking so today I'm starting with about an 8 pound piece of a pork belly if you can find these at Sam's Costco even your butcher can order them for you you just want a good piece of pork belly with the skin off for these burnt ends because that skin gets a little tough we want it just to melt in your mouth and all I'm gonna do is we're going to cut this into bigger strips so that we can cube it up into those burn in size pieces so I'm just gonna eyeball it here and I just want to cut long strips across the pork belly about an inch and a half something like that would be perfect now these pork belly burnt ends are gonna cook down some you're gonna lose some of the size on it because they're full of fat that's just belly it's about 50/50 fat to me that's what we want because that fat is flavor it's gonna make them taste awesome so you want to cut them a little oversized now what we want to do it I'm going to kind of spin the board so you can see what I'm doing I'm just gonna start cubing these strips that we've made you want them about the same size as the width so we're looking about the same size there so just kind of eyeball it you don't have to be precise but just a ballpark now that I got the pork belly all cubed up it's time to get some seasoning on the outside you want to be sure to get it on all sides because that's where we're really gonna start building flavor I'm using my killer hogs D barbecue rub but of course you could use any kind of rub you want just make sure you get it covered on all sides now we're ready to get these burnt ends ready for the smoker and I'm using one of my pork racks sprayed with a little bit of cooking spray to keep them from sticking you just want to arrange each burn in on the rack it allow a little space in between solution to develop that bar and that rack is gonna make it real easy to get from the cooker to the this cook you're gonna need an indirect smoker running about 250 to 275 degrees I'm firing up my gateway drum then I'm lightened up some that good blues hog lump charcoal use a couple wax cubes to get the fire going you want to give them about 20 minutes make sure you got your intake vents wide open for this part once those coals are good and hot you can put your lid on then set that exhaust vent wide open we want the temperature to start coming up on the smoker we'll adjust those in just a second now once the tip starts getting close to 250 degrees I want to go ahead and get some good wood on the fire I'm using just a couple chunks of cherry grill wood let me go ahead and get my grade in place then I'll put the lid on adjust those intake vents you want to about a quarter inch open on each side to maintain 250 to 275 all right I got a look at that cherry wood smoke rolling on the drum we're right up to cook attempt I want it between 250 275 got my vents dialed in on the drum we're ready to get to cooking I'm just gonna leave the pork belly right on this pork rack if you don't have one of these how you can set it right on the rack it'll work just fine this just makes it a lot easier moving it around and I'm just setting it right on the grate goes right in a perfect run center-mass cherry wood smokes going get on it I'm going to caramelize this pork belly down a little bit then we're gonna show you how to really go and get it tender after we get some smoke on it so now we got the lid on leave a top vent wide open we'll just adjust these bottom vents as needed they're about 1/4 right now I probably go down to about 1/8 open it's gonna be perfect hold it's writing it 275 degrees and as always you can cook this on any smoker if you're falling along with me just run your pit about 275 it's going to be perfect we need about two and a half three hours in the smoke then we're gonna get them tender y'all come back and check it out all right these burnt ends have had enough time in the smoke you want to get that lid open and closed fast so we don't lose any temp on that drum now I'm going to show you how I get these things real tender I'm really gonna put the treatment on I'm just going to stack these burnt ends and a half size aluminum pan then we're gonna top up with some brown sugar just spread it all over the top and we got to give them a little bit of that honey for the money give it a good drizzle all over and you know I got to add just a touch more fat I got a stick and a half of butter I got to cut up into slices we're just gonna scatter that all around the pan so it melts down it's gonna be sticky it's gonna be sweet it's gonna be delicious cover that pan up with some aluminum foil and get it right back on the pit hold it steady at 275 after an hour and a half covered in the pan this pork belly part in should be tender you want to get one out and squeeze it a little bit it should be really really soft but still have just enough texture get them out of that braising liquid line them up in another aluminum pan now they're ready to glaze and I've got a pork belly glaze and I'm just gonna drizzle all over the top you want to just pour it on and then use your hands and just kind of gently toss those pork belly burnt ends around so they're all covered and sticking all they need now is just to go back on the pit just for a few minutes to caramelize that sauce all right I'll let these pork burn hands glaze for just about five minutes it really doesn't take long they've been cooking and all that fat so they really they're cooked down they're super super tender the fats just gelatinous I mean it's just melt in your mouth and you get that nice lean pork belly that's in there too that way that's what makes pork belly's special and I'm gonna tell you these are just beautiful if it looks like burnt ends I don't know what does what I'm gonna do is just take them out of that sauce that glaze pile them up here on the board you know I can't wait to eat one so give me just a second here oh yeah so check that out man if I didn't pork goodness I don't know what is pork belly burnt ends cooked for about four and a half hours on the drum they're simple to do we season them up with a little barbecue rub got them right on there a little bit of cherry wood smoke about two and a half hours got them in a pan put the brown sugar the honey gotta have that money for the honey a little bit of butter in there all that goodness cooking down rendering that fat that's what got him to this real soft stage then we glaze them with a little bit of sauce mixed with some apple jelly and apple juice a little hot sauce for some kick I'm gonna go ahead and get one of these sticky delicious treats timeout hey I cooked a lot of good stuff here on how to barbecue right you've got to try this one pork belly burnt ends is where it's at I mean this is so succulent so super rich sweet fatty juicy it's just no way to describe it I don't know if any other thing to say but you've got to try it and it's just like pork candy I mean it takes that bacon candy to a whole nother level mmm that just melts in your mouth it's almost no chew into its words can't describe how good this is hey thanks for checking us out today if you like what we're doing you want to know what we put out new videos subscribe to that channel you'll get an email letting you know if you got those comments send them to our Facebook and Twitter we love those we'll see y'all next time Kyle these are good
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 1,876,683
Rating: 4.9324093 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, pork belly burnt ends, pork belly burnt ends recipe, smoked pork belly, smoked pork belly recipe, smoked pork belly bbq, smoked pork belly burnt ends
Id: nL82hlORY-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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