Smoked Brisket and Burnt Ends with Pit Barrel Cooker

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God that looks so good.

Like crack but meat.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zerowantuthri πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Got really into him when I bought castiron recently. He’s a lot of fun to watch.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/soylent_dream πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love Kent's channel. I discovered it almost 2 years ago and I've watched just about every one of his videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JRHThreeFour πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
ever thought you wanted to cook a brisket but you hated to fire up that old smoker that takes 16 hours to get it done well I have got you a way to cook a brisket but I'm giving you a bonus on some burnt ends with a special sauce and we're doing it all in a pit barrel smoker hey thank y'all for stopping by the barn and welcome to another brand-new episode of cooking with who cowboy Kent Rollins yeah you got him live and in color coming to you right now I want to welcome all you new viewers for just joining in for the first time and who we want you to go ahead and hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out we have got so many brand-new things coming up this summer we even got some fresh stuff coming right out of the garden but today I'm taking a shortcut now I'm talking about smoking a Certified Angus beef brisket now y'all have seen me drag out that old fire-breathing dragon that I have out there weighs a bunch you have to go cut firewood takes 14 15 hours to get it just right I got that long and the big don't want to wait that long neither so today we're breaking out our pit barrel smoker to see how this thing performs and get that before any further I think y'all should know this is not a paid video nor is it a sponsored video but I have been to a lot of barbecue cook offs and I've seen these little bubbles standing out there and smoke coming out of them so I got to asking these people that was using hey what do you think about this deal they had rave reviews so I reached out to the pit barrel people and asked them could you send me one of these little barrels I'd like to try so let's see what happens let's go back to regular programming yeah bonus today with this brisket I'm talking about some burnt ends on the grill afterwards with a special sauce that goes in there now a lot of folks they be using charcoal briquettes in this little feller behind me but not me you know the cowboy ain't gonna use that stuff we're gonna use a hardwood lump this hardwood lump or real wood is going to give you better flavor more heat and last longer and plus it is all natural but I tell you we have a very special culinary guest that dropped by today what is his name hey can you look at the camera alright we go this is our very special guest our culinary host for today Marmaduke now we're fostering this dog and I mean he is went through the Kowboy Kent Rollins and Shannon and beagle training program to where he knows how good food is stick around later we're gonna give you all the info you need on how you can be the proud owner of the next culinary genius taste tester control don't well here it is and don't it look pretty Certified Angus beef brisket wait about eleven pounds and fourteen ounce and then we trim it so you're probably getting around nine and a half pounds out of there after you trim that fat off this is the whole brisket not just the flat got the cap in down there too so if you need a little help trimming the brisket we did this in depth in a video channel have you a little a link right up there where you can click it we went ahead we put lime juice on this rascal rubbed it in really well now on the fat side of this after we got it trimmed I used mesquite seasoning and I rubbed it on there really well turned it over put original on the top let it sit in the icebox for at least six hours but we let this one set about ten so let's get as a fire started and we're today gonna use a hardwood lump you can find this at a lot of grocery stores Home Depot Lowe's places like that I like to use an oak and mesquite mixture and that's what we're gonna start with today look what I got I'm gonna use some newspaper and we're gonna see what turns out here it just goes right under the bottom there we're gonna put a pretty good little dab in there to get this started y'all ever watch that old show paladin some of you will relate to it have gun will travel have striker well as you see we're letting her get good and white here we're gonna go ahead and dump this one in there so that we're gonna go ahead and finish filling it with fresh this here mayor lid lifter works really well so down in the pit bar let go you can see that Tim Kohl's is generating some heat so let me set this lid right over here now this pit barrel smoker you can get two optional grills this one here solid this one here has a little deal you can open it I'm gonna need that today now we're going to want some more smoke flavor on this brisket so let me see I got three cards here you don't pick a card chin which one you pick got middle one you got a piece of Mesquite and another piece of Mesquite and another piece of Mesquite so let's put them in there so we can get us some smoke to generating that grill has done got hot it has we got our brisket seasoned ready to go we're gonna set her right in here fat side down I like to use me a little thermal meter okay now I told you I was going to give you a tip and a trick because if we just let that run like it is it's soon gonna be two three hundred and fifty degrees because we're getting us some airflow too much down here so let's shut that deal plumb to the bottom right there but you see these little holes it's got here there's four of them we're gonna stop three of them up we are me I like to use ten fold to plug a hole you remember that old saying I'm not a plumber too but I'm the plumbers son I'll plug the hole till the plumber comes I just wondered if you knew it so there's one okay got a vent shut down there got three out of the four plugged these here ten full deals with this sticking around will help you get better reception on your cell phone while you're out here sitting around the fire but also you can watch TV now you can see that little vent hole down there is shut it don't shut plumb solid it leaves you a little sliver there or that moon and showing right there through there that is all in the process that these fellers have developed when I make this - whether you're cooking at sea level or a high altitude down here pretty low to the ground we're 1800 foot here in Harmon County I'm gonna leave it cracked like that the higher you get the more oxygen it's gonna need during this cook time we want to run about 220 to 240 and if it's getting hotter than that when we check it in about a hour we'll stop that other little hole up there so ain't getting as much circulation from air to keep that fire hot well we've been on an hour we have look at that good sweat and action that we get that's what I want to see in one of them what's that say Shen fifty-five all right so at 255 that's just a tad hotter than I like remember what I told you we would do so let me go ahead and just plug this in right quick and let me tell you your reception just got better didn't it we got to add us a little more smoke and look there's Marmaduke the chicken dog he come to check make sure everything's good now this is the reason if Shan will come back in here that I choose this great today because you can pick that up without having to take to your grill off so a little more smoke in there now I know you'd be telling yourself I want to check this all the time when you're looking yang cooking so that's regulating that temperature pretty close so we ain't gonna worry about it we'll check it another hour and a half in and just see what's going on make sure we look at that gauge they're waiting on reaping the benefits of being a culinary assistant is what my to find helpers are doing well we've been on another hour and a half we have after we flipped it they get some good smoke coming out of there so it comes time now for us to give it a little bath get you some aluminum fool cause we're gonna need to seal this rascal up tight guess what we're gonna put on it folks you've heard it here first you did Red River Ranch green chilli chopped Oatley relish because I like it to have a little bit of that bite in it it's gonna get a little sweet and a little heat but say you want to do this today and you ain't got time for Pony Express to bring you none well get you a jar your favorite salsa if you want to spice it up a little more just use you some barbecue sauce just want you to put that barbecue sauce on there lightly now the relish I just like to spoon over the top of it so you can see we some really good color out of this little pit barrel smoker in about two and a half hours let's flip him over cause the next three hours we're just going for a little more flavor but a whole lot more tenderness see my help is hard at work as they wait they are but if you want to do this and you don't want to put the relish on there it does need a little moisture at this time if you wanted to use some cherry juice apple juice peach juice spray it on there looky there the right amount just like wrapping up a present I want it sealed good and tight everywhere now for this last three hours of cooking we're gonna take our antennas out we're gonna add a little more hardwood lump probably about a half a canister this is not lit this is not ready I just want to put it in there it'll catch a hold keep a slow burn going laying right dead center lid goes on the lid zone all these little holes is empty this is right here where it needs to be so I don't know what time it is but the Beagle says in three hours it's gonna be done so don't run off yet cuz wait three remember that bonus of them little burnt ends we're gonna put on there with that special sauce don't quit me now we're gonna try to run this still about 220 to 240 along in there and you can achieve this factor by this little thing right there you just cooking it a lot of altitude above 5,600 to 6,000 foot I'd open that rascal plumb up we're about 1800 so we just gonna let her flop down there where it needs to be that's how we're sort of regulating some heat in there well y'all tired of waiting if we're to had that old Dragonbreath smoker we'd still be waiting but we've been on five and a half hours but right now I need to add some more coal to the fire so I can get them in to be getting a good crystallizer now if I could just get this little felt look you see how that sliced look at that just peel right off there so nice and easy it is our new official chicken dome so we're gonna set that right there go ahead and wrap this back up because it can sit here and rest it ain't gonna hurt a thing now a lot of the burnt ends are traditionally they just this burnt part that you peel off the corners of all the brisket me sometimes there ain't enough of that to go around so I just like to chunk them up here and you just put them in bite-sized pieces whatever you won't see this goodness that's here in this bowl all it is is some Worcestershire sauce some honey some brown sugar and some garlic powder stir it up really well for this one everybody to get a good coating and these will go back on the grill while this flat is resting and then we're gonna just lay them in there sort of caramelize over with that sweetness of the honey and the brown sugar if you want a little more smoke on them hey trap it in there to me they got enough and you're gonna have to turn these here in a minute when they get to cooking but just let them sit there and mind their own business a minute we want them to get that good color and sort of get that crunch so when you bite into them you get it about 15 minutes time you rode them around there after we got the fire going back again where it was good and scalding hot but they got a lot of great color to them and the cap into that brisket has gotten more of a stringy texture to it but it's also got a little higher fat content right there and that's what makes these things so good to me we're gonna slice always against the grain when you have a coarse meat like this so let's just start right here and see what happens looky there that smoke ring done cut down in there and there's a little bite looky here does it come apart oh so easy so let's take one of these little briskets and folks this is just like I cooked it in the Iron Dragon for 14 hours and we went five and a half so mmm that is so good gives me so much energy oh my gosh so tender so much great flavor I get a little of that heat just a little from the chipotle relish that we put back in there but a great smoke taste to it I am really impressed with that little feller so impressed that I'm gonna ask the Beagle what he thinks are you waiting on it you have such great manners I know you're showing out ain't you do you want this it's okay you can have it let's try that one more time you want this you can have it but you get I gotta have some tail wags so let me know what I told y'all we had a special guest this week a culinary star he has been through many many hours of training he has from the Kent Rollins Academy try this out and let folks know what you think so what is it me and Shane rescued him about four or five weeks ago but he needs a good home he does a good loving family because he is such an affectionate dog and I know some of you are saying hey why don't y'all keep him the big needs a buddy well folks I got a surprise for y'all that many of you might not know the beak is a little old and a little grumpy and he's pretty set in his ways and he is sort of a two-person dog that's me and Shan the little adoption papers the little form everything you need to know will be down there in the link below but folks this is serious business this dog is special and he needs a special family most of all I want to tip my hat is I always do and thank our veterans our servicemen and women and everyone who is keeping this country safe and letting that flag fly check out them barrel smoker people because let me tell you three things I really love about it number one it's light and it's compact I can pick it up and towed it anywhere - it don't take much wood to keep it going number three it holds that heat in there and it regulates it well with that little vent now this is a veteran owned company and all Vokes how we always support them veterans as you all know and our servicemen and women hope you enjoyed it I did see you down the pit barrel smoking brisket trail
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 598,920
Rating: 4.9574594 out of 5
Keywords: brisket, brisket rub, brisket burnt ends, brisket flat, smoked brisket, pit barrel cooker, pit barrel, pit barrel brisket, pit barrel cooker review, bbq, bbq brisket, barbeque, barbeque brisket, cowboy cooking, cowboy recipes, outdoor cooking, burnt ends, how to use pit barrel cooker, pit barrel smoker brisket, pit barrel smoker, how to smoke meat, brisket smoking, brisket on pit barrel cooker, camping recipes, camping cooking, how to smoke brisket, Super bowl recipe
Id: wigYNG91UZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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