Traeger vs Big Green Egg (Brisket Smoking Competition) | The Bearded Butchers

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hey everyone I'm Seth Perkins this is Scott Perkins we're the beard of butchers today it's all about barbecue and not just barbecue we're gonna talk brisket right here on these carcasses we're gonna show you how we pull a brisket we're gonna show you how we trim it and how we're gonna cook it Scott we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be taking one of these briskets and we're gonna take it to the Big Green Egg a little bit more of a charcoal I'm gonna show you what we do to set up for charcoal in terms of how we're gonna trim the brisket the other ones got to go on the trigger so we're gonna be showing you how to set up for a pellet grill so yeah we've got beautiful Angus cattle here we're gonna get them out on the floor we're gonna pull the briskets out of the carcass and then we're gonna be using some Victorinox equipment and we're gonna show you the best way to trim up these briskets get them prepped and then we're gonna pour seasoned them with that beautiful beer to butcher blend seasoning out to the smokers they go so we have two whole carcasses hanging here this is one steer and this is another steer so off of these two animals we can get a total of four briskets today we're only going to get two so we're just going to use this first steer to get those 1 briskets gonna get seasoned with our black blend the other one's going to get seasoned with our original blend so let's head the processing floor let's get these briskets cut so in the cooler when we broke this down we actually made a cut we counted up 5 ribs and we made a cut between the fifth and sixth rib what that does that's going to mark us out for when we come across here and so we go through the Chuck we're gonna be breaking obviously the chuck away from the rib but when we come across here we're gonna we're actually going to cheat up a little bit we're gonna get over here so we get a little bit bigger brisket I mean come on who doesn't want more brisket and you have to recall or remind yourself that this part of the beef right here this is actually the chest and so this muscle right here I mean you can actually see these muscle fibers gets a ton of use the things obviously trotting around all day getting nice and big and fat juicy but this muscle is getting a lot of work and that's why when we cook this thing we're going to talk about how important it is to get to the correct temperature because the flavor is gonna be awesome but we want to make sure that the tenderness matches it too so let's just get started we're gonna finish breaking this down between the Chuck and the rib pulling that eight-inch breaking knife through there then what I'm going to do is I'm going to get my six-inch Victorinox and I'm gonna start about right here and like Scott mentioned we want to sneak a little bit higher rather than just cut you know through that fifth and sixth rib and come all the way across you're gonna wind up with a real short brisket so we're gonna sneak up a little bit higher make that cut and then right here I'm just gonna come down a little bit because we'll continue cutting this all the way down here to that point but so now I can just get my fingers behind this brisket and just start peeling them down now not a lot of you are gonna actually do this part this gets done at the packinghouse but we wanted to show you where it comes from because a lot of people have brisket and they have no idea you know what we're on the animal that it comes from right and this is what what you're gonna see when we pull this off is essentially going to be what is referred to as a packer that just means that it's it's one of these big gnarly heavy-duty chunks of brisket so essentially we're showing you where that packer comes from how it's broke out of the carcass and then what we show you next is going to be what you do with it once you get it in front of you so there he broke it down between the chuck and the rib this is a two-man process I'm gonna go ahead and solve this off form the rest of the way now we're gonna flip on our bandsaw and we're gonna break this brisket shank portion off of this arm and Chuck portion now that we have that broke off we can remove that shank and from here we can continue to extract these bones off the back of this brisket making sure you don't spoil the meat right here pull the bone out well trim that up for some ground beef this folks is a packer style beef brisket point flat you can square it up a little bit so we're going to do two different versions like we mentioned earlier one of them we're gonna prep for more of a charcoal style grill where the fat renders down more than a pellet style grill so on the pellet for the pellet grill we're gonna go ahead and remove this external fat and trim it up pretty well so we'll show you those steps so here's the first brisket we're gonna continue cutting this beef you know all the retail cuts for our store steaks roasts burgers patties all that stuff July for us right around the corner Father's Day so we're gonna have our meat cases packed with all those wonderful cuts so we're gonna go ahead and get this half cut and then we will get the second half out of the cooler and we'll get our second brisket alright folks there it is our briskets times two these weigh currently about 16 pounds of piece give or take a little bit for brisket they're pretty close to the same size thick the meat cutter did an okay job so now like we mentioned one is gonna stay pretty much untrimmed we might knock just a little bit of that fat off for the charcoal big green egg and then the other one we're gonna trim it up for the trigger pellet grill we're gonna do a cook of both all the way through and at the end of the video we're gonna slice them up we're gonna show you how to cut against the grain we're gonna season them smoke them slice them and eat them so next step let's get these babies shrimp now time to trim the briskets season them and get them on the grills but first of all I want to show you guys where we're at this is the original building that was built on our farm here in Creston Ohio we've turned it into sort of our studio thought you guys would like to see it it's pretty cool all these old tools on the wall hand-hewn beams just imagine the folks that built this building so thought it'd be a pretty cool place to do a video like this and there's gonna be more done in here in the future let's get started trimming these briskets snag them out of our cooler we did go ahead and vacuum seal these there's one and number two there's our briskets and you saw them get cut off of the carcass now we want to show you the trimming the seasoning all the way to the grill the slicing before we get started I want to show you this torn ox some of our favorite knives and inside this kit I should mention the last time this was used is when I was on the show the butcher out in California so just a little bit of anxiety when I go to rip this open because my heart starts beating I think about being in front of those judges for competition but anyways this is our knife set this is the competition barbecue set from Victorinox it's pretty cool like I show you real quick paring knife there's a boning knife 8-inch breaking knife a real nice slicing knife cemet are you got to be careful with these because these are razor sharp and then this is our our slicing knife that will use the slice of brisket and a honing steel this is available on Victorinox website as a kit you can buy it there we'll throw a link in the description if you're the serious barbecuer you might want to get this this is also available by the piece on Victorinox website so check it out today we're gonna be using this kit I'm gonna start with trimming these briskets using the 6-inch Victorinox boning knife so let's go ahead and get started I should mention that if somebody's not comfortable using a blade maybe this large go ahead and work down to the paring knife use something a little bit smaller maybe you're less intimidated by it but today I'm gonna go ahead and use this blade let's set these aside let's get started the first brisket we're gonna start with is sixteen point five three pounds this one's going to go on the trigger and I want to show you what we like to do and how we like to trim our briskets going on a pellet style grill so you have to remember that when you're smoking a brisket on a pellet style grill such as the trigger the fat isn't gonna render down quite like it does on say a charcoal grill like the big green egg so we're gonna do these two different styles we're gonna show you both as I'm trimming these you're gonna see Scott prepping the grill so you're gonna see him add in the rock wood charcoal you're gonna see him building in his wood chunks and doing things like that but let's go ahead and just get started so when we pulled this off the carcass you saw we kind of squared it up but at this point we're gonna go ahead and just start removing the fat so I like to just start up here on the sick side so for a pellet style brisket we're gonna leave just a little bit of fat cover maybe a quarter of an inch or so on the top of this brisket I should mention you guys are probably wondering why I am using a disposable cutting board this is a stark board we've mentioned these in our videos before the reason why I put this on top of the wooden cutting board is I want to do some seasoning and I want to do it right on top of this disposable cutting board so I don't have to stain and wash my wooden tables up as much so let's go ahead and just knock some of this fat off of here and I want like I said I want to leave just about a quarter of an inch knock it down to where you feel you know you're comfortable you can take off as much as you'd like a point you feel like that knife maybe is losing that edge a little bit grab your steel this has a smooth side and a rough side so depending on where you're at with your edge you can go ahead and use whichever side you need that's part of that eight piece competition barbecue kit from Victorinox a lot of folks have been talking about when we steal our knives and we do it over the meat we want to make it clear these Steel's do not take any of the actual nice material off of the knife a diamond steel actually take some of the metal away from the blade so if you were using a diamond steel you wouldn't want to be over top of the meat you'd want to wipe the knife wipe the the steel or whatever these however all you're gonna do is just simply roll that edge back into place they do not take any metal off of the blade good point Scott thanks for bringing that up so on this side just a little bit of this fat as we mentioned before point flat this is a full packer brisket right here in the middle there's this fat seam so we're gonna go ahead and remove some of this fat out of this seam you can see I'm using my pressure with my knife use my hand to kind of get underneath that meat a little bit cut that fat out of there you can get as much of this out as you'd like I'm not gonna go too far inside there cuz I do want to leave just a little bit of that go ahead and flip it over and now I'll use the tip of my knife maybe you at this point you know this is where you want to use your paring knife since it's a smaller blade still very sharp and just peel this back a little bit like so and then just cut this big chunk of fat out of there like that it's looking pretty good about where I want it like I said for a pellet style grill we are gonna leave just a little bit of this fat on there you see that beautiful marbling inside that prime Angus brisket so I'd like to point out here if you have any venison trim elf trim bare or anything like that maybe you want to make it into some further process items this is a good some good beef fat to use to make you know maybe Smokies or summer sausage or something like that so keep that in mind if you do end up getting a bunch of meat cut off with your fat you can go back through you can trim that meat out you can even grind it into some hamburgers if there's enough of it there but like I said you certainly don't have to throw that away you can use it however you wish all right so at this point we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna get this one seasoned that's going on the treasure grill how's it going Scott good getting her lit yeah so I got my charcoal bed laid just real quick with a big green egg actually I'm using almost exactly ten pounds of rock wood charcoal it's an extra large big green egg we love rock wood it can be ordered straight to your door so I'll put a link in the description ten pounds charcoal I've also layered it with some rock wood Hickory chip or chunks and just getting ready to hit it with my leuf lighter so I'm really feeling good about the way the charcoal beds laid and it's time for fire in the hole I was waiting to hear gunshots well Scott's getting a bigger in edgelet we're gonna get this brisket seasoned today we're gonna do two different flavors of our beer to butcher blend seasonings the brisket that's going to the trigger we're gonna use our black seasoning the brisket that's going in the big green egg we're gonna use the og the original seasoning remember if you order a 4.5 pound bucket on our website of any of our flavors it's gonna come with a free bottle of the same flavor so if you're doing smoking like this you're doing briskets pork butts ribs your using a lot of it we highly recommend do you snag one of these buckets of deliciousness the equivalent of 12 bottles of seasoning in one bucket nice sealable lid you can seal it back up you can refill your shaker is needed pretty cool deal so we'll throw a link in as well so I'm gonna take my my shaker my six ounce shaker black you might want wonder what is in our black beer to butchy blend seasoning this is a mix of some spices we're not gonna tell you but it has coffee in it and it has molasses we named it black because of course the coffee but when you put this on products you're gonna smoke the bark that it creates is awesome everybody's looking for that bark and that's the one that's gonna do it so let's just go ahead and get started I peeled the freshness sticker off of there the seal and I like to hold the bottle you know pretty high off the meat and then that way you get it evenly dispersed you can see how nice that's being dispersed onto that brisket so we're gonna go ahead and just put put a pretty good amount of seasoning on here you can't really over season something like this so we're gonna go ahead and just work our way around get the edges because we want to get as much as that beer to butcher black seasoning on there as possible so now we're gonna go ahead and flip it over and we're gonna do the same thing on this side and you're gonna see what awesome bark this puts on the product if you haven't tried a coffee rub and we recommend ours of course because we think it's the bomb if you haven't tried it on when you're smoking something got it you got to try it the bark is just can't be beat some people when we when we repeat words over and over they like to say they should take a shot every time we say it usually its membrane or incredible eating incredibly incredible eating experience this time it's gonna be bark so every time I say bark do what you want with it this is seasoned we're going to let it set for just a little bit let some of those juices start absorbing out of that Brita get the seasoning is gonna adhere to the meat real nice I should mention that you don't need you know any olive oil on here you don't need any mustard to keep that rub on the seasoning itself is gonna stick in here real nice to the meat so at this point this brisket it's ready to go on the trigger let's start on the one for the Big Green Egg brisket number two as that brisket sits there for a little bit we're gonna let that some of that moisture absorb out of that cut a little little just for a little bit we're gonna get started on the second one that's gonna be for the Big Green Egg so this one if you remember what I said we're not gonna trim as much fat off of it but we are gonna take just a little bit the fat is gonna render down a lot more on this simply because we're using the charcoal grill versus the pellet it's what we've noticed you could if you're feeling confident get out your 8-inch breaking knife that comes in that set that I talked about and use that if you'd like just remember to be careful with it and I'm just gonna knock some of this heavy off here not taking is not near as much off though if you notice I take my hand I put my hand behind where I'm cutting I never leave it here and pull towards my hand I always put it behind it holding the cut back here because if that knife if you're gonna cut yourself it's gonna be when it slips through that fat or if I you know if I'm maybe I'm not using my hand I'm always gonna hold it up here out of the way until I need to grab a hold of that fat pull it or you use it like this and you cut you know away from yourself like that so just knock a little bit of that heavy fat off the top you can see I'm not taking near as much off here I'm gonna go ahead and flip it over maybe I'll just for the heck of it use my little paring knife see how sharp and this thing is dig just a little bit of that fat out of there like that maybe take just a little bit out of where that flat meets that point pretty much ready to go in my book so this time we're going with the original seasoning all right it's trying to flip my bottle seasoning like I do my knives but anyways this time it's the originals turn here again same thing 4.5 pound bucket of deliciousness comes with that free bottle and I used probably 2/3 of a bottle maybe 3/4 on that first brisket so just to give you an idea that's about what I used seasoning wise go ahead and get that seal off and let's just get started this one doesn't have the coffee in it this is just our original you can see it has a little bit more pepper sea salt base they're both sea salt based you can see it's a little bit has a little bit more orange color so it doesn't have that coffee in there go ahead and get that top all nice and seasoned flip it over I want to take a minute thank you guys because we just hit 325 thousand subscribers on YouTube almost 33 million views we're sending seasonings all over the world you guys have been awesome just had a moment here when I seasoned this brisket and wanting to thank you because it's very humbling we built this business from scratch we poured a lot of heart and soul into it it's got our dad's picture on the bottle means a lot to us so we're really connected to the brand and just wanted to say thanks for preciate all you guys really means a lot you know we're all about faith family and food around the Perkins clan it's just it's the little things in life that you know that mean the most so when you can get together with family and friends eat some good food some barbecue well it's all about there we go hit that just a little bit more think we're ready to go on the grills this one's been sitting here for maybe 10 minutes 15 and you can see some of that moisture it's starting to come out of that brisket seasonings adhering really nice to that to that meat let's check in and over here on on Scott the smokes rolling just get it set up going going great I want to get rid of that dirty smoke so that's one thing we don't really want to put it on when it's at white billowy what we would call bitter smoke so at this point we're just gonna get this thing roll in life we want I've actually connected the big green egg egg genius we're gonna be running that for our pit overnight that's got to keep our temperatures dialed in right where we want them so yeah we're gonna go ahead and get this thing cleared out get this sweet blue semi-transparent smoke that we love it gives us clean tastes rolling and get our meat on somebody's gonna ask about the cap smoke we're but on our website with our logo they fit medium large and extra large big green egg if you want one grab one off the website I know somebody's gonna ask though God throw that in there at this time let's fire up the Ironwood 885 our pellet bin is full of oak pellets and I'm gonna go ahead and pull the probe from now we'll put that in later and we'll set an alarm I'm gonna start this out at what he thinks Scott 200 225 what temperature we going with to try to keep up with these with the egg I'd say 225 225 yeah so in order to keep up the egg because we know the egg is gonna run a little bit hotter we're gonna run them both at 225 so 225 we're gonna press a press ignite to start another thing about this is since this is the iron wood between 165 and 225 you can run it in super smoke so we're gonna hit super smoke mode iron wood and the Timberline has that option so with the trigger grill the new models don't forget you want to light these with the lid shut so we're gonna go ahead and close the lid we're gonna wait for it to get up to temp ready to rock and roll we came in to work this morning about 5 o'clock Scott and I did along with Shawn of course Spencer and we butcher take that a.m. as it is 8:40 4 p.m. right but I want to explain to you why we're out here as the Sun is setting over Creston Ohio the reason being is that we wanted to time this so that we could wrap these at about 165 degrees so we're gonna start them tonight with egg genius on this one we're going to use the app on our phone on the trigger and we're gonna try to time it so that we can get in here tomorrow morning at the perfect time to wrap them both at 165 ish degrees and put them back on the grill to that sweet temp of 203 to 205 so that's why we're in here as the Sun is setting we're doing an all-night smoke this one season with OG original they're all trimmed up and they're ready to go on the grills big green egg trigger next step did the girls they go [Music] your pit ready it's a temp my pits ready the grills are hot check it out sweet blue we talk about this all the time it's semi-transparent sweet blue smoke that's going to be the really clean low acidic smoke so at this point I'm gonna grab the brisket stuff trimmed up and you know what you do that I'll get down and dirty I got gloves on so on to the big green eggs she goes oh she's a she's a beauty now meat likes to spread out as it cooks so we're gonna kind of scrunch it a little bit keep it all in the family here go ahead and take my meat probe put that and fattest portion right there in the point good night sweet brisket good night big green egg brisket it's been put on the grill now it's time for the trigger brisket go ahead and lift that lid place that big hunk of meat right in the middle of that grate I want to show you at this point it's important to make sure you put your place your probe in the thickest portion of that brisket and that thickest portions gonna be up in that point that point in not down here in the flat because you have to think if you put that probe down here this is obviously gonna cook quicker so this portion won't be cooked enough so let's go ahead and now that we have it probed we're gonna put our probe into the port it's gonna ask me if I want to set a probe alarm yes I do I want to set that for 165 I'm gonna hit set now our probe set to 165 our grill temp is 225 we're going to close the lid and we're going to let this babysit all night long so trigger biggering egg they're both holding temp and we're gonna check back in the a.m. [Music] [Music] okay it's just a little over eight hours the Sun is now coming up in the east the coffee and we're in the mid-60s and ready to wrap on these so I've got unwaxed peach paper butcher paper I'm just gonna cut two sections about about an arm's length this makes it nice you have something like this paring knife right here cut these two nothing fancy about an arm's length and then I'm just gonna slide them back like this so I can wrap my brisket of them let's take a look dialed right in bang 225 it's gonna be the first look this puppy Oh all that just looks amazing some of that fats rendered down right there we put it in fat side up I'm gonna grab it wrap it all right little pro tip doubled up my gloves pull off the outside pair and I don't need to change gloves alright nothing too fancy here I'm just gonna grab my peach paper reasons why we're using teach paper this is gonna allow us to keep some of that beautiful bark on there and still get us to pull through this stall that you almost always hit right in your mid 61 60s back on fat side up probe goes right back in that point in and we're way and smoking now it's us turn on the trigger Scott's got his brisket wrapped off the Big Green Egg now it's time to go to the trigger my probe says it's perfect ooh check that out Scott I think we nailed it let's see what she says checking it multiple places heading up into those mid 160s 165 time to wrap it and get our probe out of there hmm that looks amazing so just like Scott did on the big green egg nothing fancy keeping the fat side up it's gonna wrap this up sort of like that present actually what I'm gonna put this paper down this way if you saw the way I wrap my birthday presents in my Christmas presents pretty much the same style so this time we use the trigger butcher paper and we've got it wrapped back up so let's go ahead and put this back on the ironwood eight eight five fat side up just like we started right the center of that great we'll take our probe push it right through the butcher paper we're gonna close our lid this point now that these briskets are both wrapped we're gonna go ahead and bump the temperature of these grilles up 50 degrees so we're gonna go from 225 to 275 and then we're gonna meet that temp of 203 to 205 get these things in our cooler and let him rest so we're gonna go ahead and just bump the temp up to 75 Scott's gonna go to the egg genius over here on the Big Green Egg and he's gonna do the same thing since I'm running the egg genius on the egg makes it super simple I just go to my app and I've dialed it up the pit temp to 275 showing my meat probe temp 163 and now we wait so as the Sun comes up over Creston Ohio we're gonna finish drinking our coffee we're gonna go in the meat shop we got some work to do these briskets they're gonna finish and then we get to look forward to lunch check back we've met temp it's been just over three hours since we wrapped these we did bump our grill temps up to 275 if you remember we've got the heat-resistant love's on grill heat aid get a pair we'll throw in a link these go over nine hundred and thirty degrees Fahrenheit pretty awesome gloves anyways there she is you can feel the jiggle that probe just by removing that probe you can tell that brisket it's gonna be super tender and it's you can tell that it's the way it's moving around she's ready to go let's just go ahead and take our brisket we're gonna move it over here into our cooler we're gonna place it in our cooler we're a lot of rest so the trigger brisket is finished it's in the cooler we're gonna shut our grill down and right along with it is the Big Green Egg now it's Scotts turn I just want to show you guys real quick so this was what what are we 30 now errs total cook time yeah since we lit yeah closer twelve twelve hours since we hit the ignite button I wanted to show you a lot of people ask you know how many pellets it takes to do a cook like that last night this was completely full VOC pellets and you can see we've burnt down not not even half so maybe closer to just over a third just to let you know to show you that's about how much we used in 12 hours so I thought I'd throw that in there always remember keep your pellet box nice and full brisket number two internal temps 203 on the big green egg brisket and really what we're showcasing here is a little bit different trimming styles and that's why we're showing you with different Victorinox knives the best way to trim these briskets because charcoal and pellet are a little bit different we were able to run both of these grills simultaneously and they ran perfect and we've got our briskets done exactly the same time obviously a lot of that comes with experience so one of the most important things to remember is that you rest these briskets because if you don't rest these briskets what's going to happen you just put this over the fire for twelve hours all that juice is gonna fall out when we carve them so into the cooler they go minimum of an hour we're gonna let these rests that's what we talked about with barbecue it's always better to be over then under so get this stuff done well ahead of time you can rest it for a minimum of an hour even longer and when we come back all those juicers will have reabsorbed into that muscle and we're going to carve them up using some of the additional Victorinox tools that we have here so stay tuned carve and eating comes up next the moment you've been waiting for the briskets have rested inside the cooler now for about two and a half hours it's time to pull them out we're gonna put both briskets on our table trigger vs. big green egg we're gonna look at the bark on them and we're gonna look at the juiciness and we're gonna taste them so Scott snag them uh-huh did the smell hit you yeah that's when you got first that's big green egg big big green egg brisket and the treasure brisket so we're gonna go ahead and open the big green egg first take a peek [Applause] haha that my friends look at the jiggle that looks amazing I think is pretty much perfect so Big Green Egg brisket now let's go ahead and open treasure brisket there again I think that's pretty much darn near perfect as well you can see this one doesn't have as much fat on it because as we mentioned it doesn't render down quite as much on the palate style grill as this one does you can see it's a little bit larger in size I should mention if you remember back at the beginning of the video both of these briskets came off the same steer one one per side so you can see the size difference it's because we trimmed this one down more going on the trigger versus the one going on the Big Green Egg so at this point we're gonna get them off the paper and let's just get started slicing back to the ultimate competition barbecue set from Victorinox number of these knives you could use the slices this is just they're slicing knife the Scimitar or the just a slicer today I think we're just gonna use the Victorinox slicer pretty cool blade if you're serving this up to maybe some guests you know you're giving out individual slices you'd have to worry about poking somebody or anything like that so let's just go go ahead and get started and with this brisket you want to cut against the grain so we're gonna go ahead and start up with this at this point on the flat we're gonna start at the point on the flat then we're gonna work our way down to the point we'll change direction a little bit and we'll go from there so let's just go ahead and we're gonna cut into this and see what we got so this point I'm just gonna go ahead and separate the point from the flat we're gonna take a peek look at that that looks amazing juice is just running out of there let's just slice down through here and see what we have this is just falling apart tender super juicy it's like it's gonna be some amazing brisket go ahead and take some slices off of the flat now what I want to do is go ahead and take a few slices off this point as well you can see we change directions on there this is gonna have that fat see minute that we talked about earlier in the video at this point I think we go ahead and just give her a little taste test there you go Scott Cheers oh wow wow that is really really good that's some phenomenal brisket bro so tender all those smoked flavors are coming through it just really is yeah I got that I got the Hickory I mean the mouthfeel is incredible because it's just so tender and moist so then I got the Hickory right up front and then right behind it I got the beer to butcher Blount original and it was simply divine I mean just just look at that it literally just it just falls apart you can just take it and but it's not dried out at all mmm unreal all right big green egg briskets sliced now let's do the same thing on the trigger brisket same thing super juicy I am noticing maybe just a little bit more of that outer smoke ring on that one and it's probably because we took more of that fat off that fat cover initially just go ahead and start slicing against the grain you won't see what it looks like don't you so do I look at that and I bet you that's gonna pull apart you ready for this again okay I can do this all day there we go cheers Cheers Oh black right off the bat mmm tasted that blood that black seasoning money big green egg brisket I was tasting that hickory smoke from those wood those rock wood wood chunks coming through me up off the bat with the treasure brisket I'm noticing the black seasoning with that coffee rub right off the bat and you can see this one has a little bit darker color and we mentioned bark earlier in the video and that's why because that lacks seasoning creates that that bark on the outside of that brisket so I'm gonna go ahead and slice up just a little bit more let's get a little bit of that point sliced so there's that flat let's go ahead and slice some of that point you can see there again keep talking about that bark that's what everybody's shooting for that smoke ring a lot of people think you can't achieve that on a trigger yeah absolutely cam so neck-and-neck these briskets were pretty darn near close I think wouldn't you say all the way tails very similar we got a little something your beard that's uh they taste very similar and you know wasn't so much about the cooking today it was more about the tools that are associated with this this entire cooked the process obviously we butcher this deer you saw stuff break the briskets out of the steer beautiful Angus steer that we butchered right here away for the meats we take the briskets we showed you two little two different trimming styles one if you're gonna go more towards the pellet smoker one if you're gonna go to more sort of a charcoal or stick burning smoker and so what we found out was through the entire process we used the Victorinox cutting tools whether we were on the process begins with the slaughter floor to the processing floor we encourage anybody that wants phenomenal blade that they pick up a Victorinox Swiss Swiss Army knife a competition set like this obviously is going to cover all the bases you can start with one or you can just go right to an eight piece set like this and you're going to have everything you need in your arsenal so starts with the cutting tool and then it moves to the way that we seasoned the way that we cook and we're going to put a link in the description for all the tools that we use today so you too can enjoy this same experience at home we also want to remind you beard or butcher blend seasoning go to beard of butchers calm you'll find all the spices all the sauce that you need to season and spice and sauce the salt I this up just right so it looks like that's getting ready to I'm building this out do something one more here building you a sandwich do you want barbecue you want rebel red on it I want to start with barbecue okay and then I'll have another one gonna help you sandwiches so our sauces twelve ounce bottle this is available on website in a bottle or you can get that same flavor in a half gallon like this on our website so let's go ahead and hook Scott up first with a brisket sandwich with some of that barbecue sauce on it now this barbecue sauce has our original seasoning in it for a base doesn't that look incredible give her a try I can't wait Oh ma'am Oh whisker looking good like we like to say it's all about food family faith it starts with the butcher process and it ends with something like this we want to say from beer to butcher blend seasoning the bearded butchers we hope you enjoyed the video reminder subscribe and also follow us on our other platforms we'll continue bringing you more content like this see you soon in the future it's summertime in Ohio what better way to celebrate then smoked brisket whether you using the Big Green Egg or using the Trekker grill we love both we highly recommend both until next time Cheers I got to talk about this machine for a minute somebody's gonna ask this is our dad's 1951 pan head kickstart no front brake hand shift foot clutch you know dad being a Vietnam vet rode right when he got back from Vietnam and he's been riding bikes ever since so true American blooded all the way through just so everybody knows we're working on a history video of the Perkins family we already filmed a segment of dad so if you want to learn more about our old man stay tuned because we're gonna do a history video on all the members here the bearded butchers at white feather meats this bike means a lot to us it's our old man's you can't even put a price on something like this so he built it too I remember from the frame from the ground up dad built this bike it's pretty cool had to show you [Music]
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 1,120,176
Rating: 4.8974409 out of 5
Keywords: bearded butchers, bearded butcher blend, bearded butcher bbq, chipotle, cajun, hot, original, seasoning, grilling, big green egg, bge, charcoal grill, whitefeather meats, ohio, creston ohio, scott perkins, seth perkins, traeger, ironwood 885, pellet grill, father's day, smoked meat, beef brisket
Id: vs_Y6ClKKHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 37sec (2857 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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