The Weekday Brisket - How to smoke a brisket during the week. From work!

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hey it's Matt we meet Church coming to you from my live fire outdoor kitchen here in Waxahachie Texas so today's gonna be a unique video I get asked all the time by people how the heck do you make brisket all the time especially during the week like Tuesday Wednesday Thursday because that's what we do in Texas but seriously though here in Texas we generally make briskets on a traditional offset stick burner so you're running a fire you know you're still having to throw a log on at every 45 minutes or an hour so obviously you can't do that if you're at the office and during the week so I thought what I would do is show you something I've been teaching students around the world which is how to make a brisket during the week using triggers Wi-Fi or cloud-based technology [Music] so today we're starting with a prime grade full packer brisket it's already trimmed I'm not gonna show you how to trim it today I've got a video on my channel on how to trim a brisket so if you want to check that out you can we're gonna jump right into seasoning it I'm gonna use our beef rub which is holy cow you can use kind of your favorite rub but this is a this is a real popular Texas option made right here just outside of Fort Worth MSG and gluten-free got to season up kind of high I'm actually gonna put two rubs on so I'm kind of keeping that in mind as I go I'm gonna season the meat side first in this case I'm gonna cook it fat side up I'll talk about that but since I'm going to fat up I'm gonna season the meat side first so we're gonna go about two to one holy cow to our holy gospel why this choice this is a pretty tried and true combination we finals at the Houston Rodeo and brisket this year with this combination so I know it works I like it like I said you guys can kind of go whatever flavor profile you like we have an injection - I'm not going to eject this today this is going to be you know kind of my standard backyard brisket and I don't think that you need to inject in the backyard you're welcome to try it and I also don't use any binders so I didn't put any liquid on the meat before I put the seasoning you can that's the way for your seasoning to adhere quicker but for times sake I'm just gonna Pat this a couple times I'm gonna flip it over so that you guys don't have to wait if I had all the time in the world I'd let it sit about 30 minutes aside but to be honest with you guys at 6:30 on a Monday night here in Texas I just got home from work hung out with the kids for a few minutes came outside gonna get this thing seasoned up and I'm gonna put it on coz we've got dinner plans tonight so my goal is to get this on by 7:00 p.m. in this case so what I'll do on this side is I will let this this side sit this is the site I'm gonna cook up and I'll let this sit for you know I'd like to have 30 minutes so I'm okay with about 15 the seasonings super fresh so it's gonna be nice and potent you guys are going to taste it so anyway we've got that sitting I'm gonna take off come back lit it it here and sweat out get my trigger roll in and we're gonna put it on okay so this brisket is sweat out it's just about seven o'clock and gonna put it on the cook it so how am I gonna make this thing work for dinner tomorrow night a couple things first off I'm gonna lower the temp to temperature low enough that it won't finish so instead of running my normal 275 degree brisket recipe I'm gonna start this one out at 190 degrees and since I'm gonna trigger Timberline I'm gonna hit the super smoked option just because I can I'm running oak pellets Texas barbecue is made with Post Oak so it's a heavy smoke you could also go with like a hickory and the ski Texas beef but I'm going with the heaviest which is oak and the other way I'm going to accomplish this triggers why fire technology you can take there app on your phone and connect it to this grill in 30 seconds and you can control it from anywhere in the world so I got this thing set at 109 degrees it's actually running at 192 right now I'm 100% filled with pellets I could put a meat probe in but I'm gonna wait to do that till later so I'm ready to put this on so you can see we got the smoke rollin [Music] I've got the top shelf out so I've just got it here on the second shelf right in the middle works for me I'm going fat side up that's the Texas way you're welcome to cook meat up a lot of competition based folks go meet up it presents veteran competition but Texas barbecue joint I'll serve it to you fat up and that's what I like so that's the way we're gonna roll but you can do what you want to do so again we're gonna let this thing go it's gonna go all night I'm not gonna touch it I'm not gonna spritz it do nothing I can monitor it from my app if I want but we're gonna go eat supper I'll probably take a peek before I go to bed but I'm just gonna let it go so we'll check back in on this thing tomorrow morning morning guys it's Tuesday morning 7 o'clock about to run my kids at school and then head to work so we've done nothing to this brisket it has sat on here for 12 hours at 190 we have not spritz that we have not touched it so I'm gonna come in here open her up whoo looking nice and barked up she's shrunk up a little so I'm gonna wrap pink butcher paper it's kind of what you do in Texas I'm gonna use our butcher paper you can use foil but keep in mind we're gonna keep this cook nice and low for a while we're not going up I want this to go all day because I don't want to have it until dinner so when it comes to wrapping your brisket there's a lot of ways to do it it's just important to wrap it tight so this is our 18 inch paper so we've got a couple pieces overlap on one another and I'm basically just wrapping it as tight as I can think like swallowing baby this is my baby all right got a my beautiful little brisket baby I'm gonna put it right back in I did put my meat probe in I'm gonna put it right here in the flat [Music] shut it down I must set a probe alarm for 195 so briskets are normally done around 203 degrees I'm not touching the temperature I'm leaving it 190 I'm going to work and so sometime around lunchtime I'm going to crank it up remotely on my app to 250 and that'll take about 4 hours to finish this brisket give it time to rest and heat it for supper tonight so taking the kids at school headed to the office see you guys later hey guys it's 12 o'clock here at the meet church BBQ supply store and beautiful downtown Waxahachie Texas so I'm going to take my app which will allow me to control my trigger from anywhere in the world and if you look it's still rocking 190 degrees so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bump the temp up to 250 we go from experience I know it's gonna take about 4 hours to finish that brisket so this thing ought to finish around 4 o'clock and remember I set a probe alarm for 195 to be a little failsafe so I'll get alerted if I get to 195 so we'll check back here in just a little bit before we head home to eat so I got an alert a few minutes ago the brisket hit 195 let it go about 20 more minutes and then hit keep warm on my app that'll turn that trigger into a warmer which will safely hold my brisket as long as I want so I can run home now or I can run home in a few hours doesn't really matter but we're ready to roll so we close up here in just a bit I'm gonna head out of here get to the house and have some brisket hey guys so back at the house after work it's just after five o'clock brought Ava home from school a little bit ago how was school today what'd you learn today what was your favorite part go into recess sounds like me you ready for brisket for dinner all right so remember we put this thing on at 190 last night it rolled 12 hours we wrapped it in paper didn't touch the temperature when we bumped it up at the shop around noon to 250 and around 4 o'clock it was at 203 degrees at that point I hit keep warm on my app which dropped the trigger to 165 we're home now ready to pull it off and I'll tell you take the take the probe out you know for me I can tell briskets done looks real nice and squishy I do recommend probing it checking it when its probe tender that's when you know it's done this one is it's been sitting in the warmer you know 165 for just over an hour I typically would recommend you put it in your cooler no heat and just rest it for a solid hour for this video purpose I'm gonna go ahead and open it up and show you what we're working with which you know should be good I'd like it to be a little cooler but it'll be okay oh yeah I think that's gonna work look at that look at that jiggle you like that it's not tell mommy I like my brisket like I like my women you gotta have a little bit of jiggle don't tell her I said that so I mean this bark is epic you know people often say how the heck do you get that bark on a tray well I just showed you I mean that's unreal whoo-hoo you ready to eat she's ready to eat so all right got my brisket slicer here in Texas one of the first things you you go to barbecue joint they actually you want the leaner the fat eat me I want the fatty that's on this end so I'm gonna make a make a nice big slice right here show you the payoff see it's steaming a little too much you can tell it didn't rest long enough but that's okay and I don't advocate you squeeze your briskets but I just want to show you guys what that trigger is capable of I mean that just looks epic man can't wait to have a little bit of that I mean this is just super tender nobody mad about that right there man I'm gonna get me some of the lien here slicing it against the grain so I like to go like number-two pencil with sizes here on the lien and then I'm gonna go thicker down here on the point so you look at that right there man not bad for a Tuesday meal normally people doing this on a Saturday but I just showed you guys how to make a brisket during the week so we're gonna enjoy this weekday brisket you ready for brisket Ava don't sound so excited all right well folks we're gonna go in and eat if you like this subscribe to our channel we got lots more BBQ magic coming your way see y'all
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 526,917
Rating: 4.9153786 out of 5
Keywords: Meat Church, brisket, traeger
Id: uxkU-I7e63E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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