Brightburn (2019) KILL COUNT

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Kinda weird that James mentions James Gunn for his work on the guardians of the galaxy when we all know his most iconic work is the live action scooby doos

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 96 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FullyGrownIguana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

i feel like james has been harder on himself for the 8 minute child’s play intro than we were

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/acidfalconarrow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

There are two major problems with Brightburn, one is that it's exploring a genre that has been explored countless times in comic books to great effect (squadron supreme is one of the best comics to come out of the 70's). A film version of something like that would be great but the movie instead acts like Superman but evil is original and clever when there have been countless works since near the beginning of Superman (Heck he was originally conceived of as a villain).

The movie could have been great, i don't think there has ever been a "Beware the Superman" beyond the comics industry but for its first effort it doesn't do enough to warrants it's existance.

The other is that the Boys is basically doing the same thing but much better in nearly every way

Oh and if you want a decently good take on a Superman gone evil comic story Irredeemable is a rather great series (even if its second half is extremely flawed), it has a much better take on why their Supes went evil and generally better characters.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pafscii πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FriskeyVsWorld πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Here's some food for thought: Brandon's parents are antivaxxers.

Think about it. He's never bled, meaning his skin has never been torn. Therefore he's never been stuck with a needle. So he's never been vaccinated.

At the very least, it explains their dumb decisions.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RumoCrytuf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The kid looks like John Kramer from Saw

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/J_A_C_K_E_T πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Limp Bizkit reference, I see you James lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jahgee1124 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was really in to the idea of this movie, but the kid being such a little creep really killed the movie for me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jjnunn118 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Happy Friday!

I hope y'all are having a great Holiday season thus far. Are you ready for "Ready or Not" next week?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Stoop_Girl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] I'll go to the kill cow where we tally up the victims and all our favorite horror movies I'm James a Chinese and today we're looking at bright burn released in 2019 bright burn is the first superhero horror movie I've covered on the kill count but it's an ever expanding sub-genre which only makes sense given Marvel's complete domination of the box office this past decade in fact bright burn was produced by James Gunn the guardian of the guardians of the galaxy films and who also wrote and produced the Belko experiment although James only produced this movie it was written by some young guys his brother Brian and cousin mark their script essentially asks hey what would happen if Superman was kind of a dick or more specifically what would happen if Superman had been sent to earth as an alien sleeper agent only to be activated as a 12 year old and told to take over the world bright burn is an okay movie I guess the premise is pretty interesting and I love the way it's shot by director David yarv o yaara ves ki but the plotting feels uneven to me and the character decisions seem kind of stupid sometimes it doesn't help that we barely get a good sense of the characters before the plot kicks into action which means Brandon briar the central anti superhero becomes way too unlikable way too quickly for this story to feel tragic at all it's a bit of wasted potential especially since Elizabeth Banks and David Denman do such a great job playing Brandon's conflicted parents but if you're just here to see a cool and gory horror take on your standard superhero origin story well you're in luck Chuck cuz bright burn is hella slick and it's got some surprisingly graphic deaths I know that's what some of you are here for so let's avoid another eight-minute intro and get straight to the kills [Music] the movie begins in bright burn Kansas just down the road there at the Briah fire inside their home tori and kyle briar are trying to make a baby and not by ringing up the stork if you catch my meaning things haven't been working out for them with their trips on the spermy expressway but it looks like they're about to be in love tonight cuz something just landed in their backyard and Freddy you want to tell them what it is after some home movies that show baby Stardust they're growing up we jump to 10 years later with the heaven-sent diaper dirtier now a 12 year old boy named Brandon played by Jackson a DA is still quite the stinker hiding from his mom Tori and jumping out at her like a little monster rah rah rah at school he's a smart little monster with encyclopedic answers for his science teachers questions that earns him derision from some of his classmates but encouragement from others smart tasting a clean fight subjugation you say one night the barn on the Brier farm starts glowing up more than Matthew Lewis which causes lights to flicker and Brandon to experience scary dream voices hey yeah that'll give you nightmares push out Brandon is compelled to fall out of his second-story window which Tori hears from downstairs one blurry flash in front of the camera later Tori's checking out the barn where she finds her creepy little space baby throwing himself against a chained up trap door and growling passwords that fail to open it maybe a left capslock on little buddies so yeah brandon is apparently activated already which is kind of a shame we barely know who he is or what was normal for him before he intercepted an alien transmission we do see a bit of him as a normal kid the next day while Kyle talks about how scared he was when they first adopted him but I could have used a few more seems establishing a baseline behavior for the kid while his dad is out brandon sets a new PR and mower tossing someone want to test that kid out for juicing damn and don't look now up turn mower but thanks to the return of those alien whisper voices you about to get these hands or at least one hand which is plenty enough to stop the blade on its own looks like this adolescent boy is gonna have to be extra careful to avoid death grip syndrome brandon has a jump cut filled birthday celebration at a local diner where he and his parents are joined by Tory sister Marilee and her husband Noah who's played by Matt Jones of Breaking Bad fan and who for a while was also part of an amazing musical improv show in LA called opening night Noah gives Brandon a rifle but his father immediately confiscates it and we're left to assume that Brandon's indignant reaction is very out of place for it give it to me I'm sorry what'd you say you should give it to me but no one seems to notice the electrical flickers going on there not even as they correspond with Brandon's emotions or arm movements so Tory and Kyle just take Brandon home embarrassed they expressed concern about their son worried about him and getting older changing but not once during this entire conversation do they ever acknowledge that they found him in a fricking crater the whole time they're talking about him it's like they don't even know that's a thing it's insane the next morning before they head out for a family camping trip they face a couple of strange hang up first Brandon's all of a sudden got an appetite for silverware and second they find his stash of smut which is mostly pg-13 stuff until they get to pictures of intestines and shit careful there Brandon that'll get you age restricted the pictures prompt Kyle to get Brandon the sex talk which goes just as awkwardly as that conversation usually does who's okay too thought she ate her play with it what's what you know your penis okay maybe this one's a little extra awkward that night Brendan takes it upon himself to act on his urges disappear from the campsite and pay a visit to Caitlin that nice girl from school I gotta admit his abilities are a little bit confusing to be here Caitlin wakes up to find her laptop open and playing music and after closing it confused and walking back towards her bed the laptop is suddenly reopened and playing music again so is Brandon just like super ultra fast and opening her laptop and invisible speeds or is he telekinetic I don't know but he is hiding behind your curtains little girl so watch out wait a minute is he well he's not anymore but Caitlin did get a good look at who was back there good thing Bibi he's got a watertight alibi it was just out there peeing in the woods no big mom Brandon's behavior grows more and more aberrant like sure there's nothing that weird about doodling superhero costumes or logos with your initials but when you start standing in front of the chicken coop and staring at the poultry all night that's a good sign of being cockadoodle cray-cray that point is proven when Kyle wakes up to find all the family's egg layers dead and dismembered Tory dismisses her husband and says the chicken killer was a wolf despite Kyle's solid line of reasoning but a wolf can't do this they can't rip a fricking door off and break a lock and this is the first of many scenes where I'm like what the fuck Tori don't ignore the facts here during a trust exercise at school Caitlin causes Brandon to fall because she thinks he's a fine boy and that gets him mighty mad so when she's forced to help him mob Brandon breaks her hand oh shit he fucking red said Erica he said he's sorry what the fuck Tori sorry's not gonna fuse those splintered bones back together Brandon gets suspended from school but to add insult to that sentencing kaitlin's mother Erica makes sure to insult his adopted status do you even know who his real mother brandon briar Torian Kyle have another conversation of concern only this time they finally acknowledge Brandon's XO Genesis when Tory tells Kyle she found him sleepwalking in the barn did he find it then Kyle starts freaking out and mentions that Brandon's never bled once in his entire life a fact that probably should have been mentioned before we were already through a third of this movie later that night Rory does some celestial research and Brandon starts hearing voices again props to the sound design for this movie by the way it's some of the best I've heard in a while Brandon is drawn to a red glow in the barn and begins to repeat an alien voice growling Adam goes when Tory finds Brandon he's float in midair above the open trapdoor when he falls he cuts his hand on an object down there and that makes him bleed for the first time in his life that moment would probably feel more important if we hadn't just learned about the bleeding thing like two minutes ago the Kryptonite - Brandon's high armor class is the meteorite from the beginning and the discovery of that space crib leads to a conversation about where he came from answer that rock right there Tory tells Brandon that she thinks of him as a gift straight from the universe but he gets all alien angry about having been lied to his whole life so he storms away from her and starts to break stuff it's just one of those days you know when you don't want to wake up he leaves the house verbally repeating the alien message he just learned from that space rock until he's able to decipher its meaning teach take the wound and one-and two-and laser eyes and good grant keep it bright before going to take the world Brandon stops by Kaitlyn's room again and delivers the scariest manifesto a young girl could ever hear very special you're one of the only people in the world then that was how special I am watch someday you alone Kaitlyn says that her mom told her not to talk to him but Brandon tells her he's got a plan for that don't worry Kaitlyn he's gone now and you know what we can just drop your character entirely - yeah we won't be needing you for the rest of the movie Thanks instead Brandon moves on to her mother Erica who's currently closing up shop at the local diner things get spooked in a hurry with weird symbols appearing on the windows and the ceiling lights flickering overhead oh wait did I say flickering because I'm at bursting open hall and she got it in her eye in an excruciating weGrow seen Erica fixed the glass shard out of her eye it's totally gross the experience leaves her seeing half red which is a pretty cool effect and with her inhibited vision she has a hard time seeing the costumed individual appearing in various places all around her she runs into the freezer and locks herself inside but Brandon just Huff's and puffs and lasers the door down Erica gets one final look at her tormentor before Brandon kills her with a jump scare yeah that's the way this movie's effects look they're fine I guess the next morning Brandon comes downstairs and tells his parents that everything's perfectly all right now he's fine he's all fine here now thank you how are you although his suspension is over now Brendon still has to see his school's counselor who just so happens to be his aunt merrily oh wow talk about a rigged ass system of justice Brandon alarms merrily with his talk of being superior to everyone else and his total lack of remorse for what he did sometimes when bad things happen to people it's for a good reason that's a young strong marilee who tells Brandon that she's gonna have to tell his parents and the sheriff about his troubling behavior nah good Brandon especially since the sheriff's already investigating Erica's dis clearance from the diner oh no and he's getting sexy with the windows and finding those bee bees are aware merrily gets a house visit from Brandon that night who tells her that she's not allowed to speak to the sheriff about what he said in school it's just not good for anyone perrolli is like dude you're making it worse get the fuck off my porch and sends him away but then very stupidly and in my opinion unrealistically she does not call her sister to tell her that Brandon was at her house instead she just decides to go to bed never noticing that Brandon's standing back there looking like a stranger at a bar kayo laments to his buddies that his son might actually be a monster before Noah takes off and heads back home when he comes through the front door the noise scares Brandon out of the hallway and into the ceiling corner of Badgers bathroom but his in business speed isn't quite fast enough to keep Noah from catching a glimpse of him as he D Batman oh shit Noah finds Brandon in his closet and Matt Jones reminds us all how effortlessly funny he is what the fuck you doing in my closet were in this creepy mask not creepy he tries to haul Brandon outside so he can take him back home to his parents but Brandon would much rather put his mask back on and play a game of glowy eyes ha ha uncle Mel you lose Brendan disappears and Noah gets into his car and drives off to where I don't know he could have just gone back inside his house where his sleeping wife was and locked the door but instead he decides to go for a joyride Brandon brings his ride a little less joy and the impact causes his car to stall out in the road after some scary floatie stuff and a bunch of negatives from Noah no no no his vehicle begins to rise from the road a send-up hit is absolutely terrifying to see from Noah's perspective and you really feel the power of the impact when the vehicle was dropped and hits the ground the hand on collision with the ground doesn't kill Noah right away but it does break his jaw right off it is a nasty marriage of sight and sound as Noah slowly gurgles to death and he finally dies after Brandon stares him down for a while and passively and as if dying wasn't bad enough for Noah Brandon then uses his blood to draw his shitty little edge logo on the ground Brandon comes home to his very worried parents and it doesn't calm them down at all when they see that he's missing a shirt what's up with that brand brand I was playing soccer oh okay he was just on teen skin it's cool having plopped out some bullshit straight from his mouth Brandon goes up to his room leaving his parents so flustered they talk openly about his backstory maybe we need somebody he needs it like a special what and say what hello this is our son we found him in a fucking spaceship and woods Kyle says that this is all their fault that they should have done something a long time ago and then goes to bed angry you should never do that my man cuz that's a good way to have freaky deaky nightmares like the one where your bedrooms in a forest or the one where your wife adopts a space baby yeah that one's always messy some evil glowy baby eyes wake Kyle up where he's greeted with a phone call from Marilee at the hospital who tells the Briers that no his dad when she mentions that Brandon was at her house shortly before an apple Tori and Kyle grow concerned and over an off-brand box of Zumba O's the next morning they confront him Brandon is nonchalant when they tell him his uncle is dead which causes Kyle to pretty much openly accuse him of foul play his bullshit is fuckin lyin Brandon goes to peace out and when Kyle tries to stop him Brandon shows his dad who's the new Superman of the house and throws him backwards through a wall while Brandon's showering off his rage Kyle jump-cut searches his room and finds a shirt tucked behind a dresser hidden because it's covered in blood better hide that discovery from your little Anthony Freemont bear Kyle he shows Tori the shirt but again she won't listen to a word of it how could Brandon have killed Noah and it made it look like a car what the fuck Tori your son's a goddamn alien start putting the pieces together here instead she leaves Kyle in a huff and lets the movie get back to its half-baked cop plot where the perfunctory sheriff finally notices that Brandon's symbol was on both the diner windows and the ground by Noah's accident kyle has a patriarchal cry as he takes a walk down memory lane to a time when Brandon was younger and much less murdery in bed that night he comforts Tori and tells that he's gonna take Brandon hunting over the weekend to show that he still loves them oh that's nice after they leave the next day the sheriff arrives at the Brier house to ask Tori if she recognizes the symbol he keeps finding everywhere and then would like her BB baby Ezrin Brandon Bryan doesn't look like anything to me Sheriff she sends him away but is worried enough to look through Brandon's stuff where she finally comes face-to-face with reality he had touring her kid sucks you've been enabling the little bastard this whole time he's become a little bastard with big ambitions too all because you just couldn't fathom the idea of Brandon being a monster but Kyle's been fathoming that idea for quite some time now so he decides to take things into his own hands during the hunting trip he sets his son off for a look at the rabbits moment but even though he lands a good draw it doesn't even begin to phase the game oh shit you fucked up Kyle you have fucked up now Kyle spams are but before the reload action is complete Brandon disappears only to reappear seconds later in his little homemade costume he plays a round of Quidditch near his dad and knocks him to the ground then kills his Papa dearest by frigging laser beaming him through the phrase we had to get a laser beam killin here at some point and I couldn't have asked for a better one than this solid shit here Tory tries to call her husband but it's too late Kyle's gone forever and Brandon's already home again he terrifies Tory by shaking the house and doing all the stuff you probably saw him the trailer like flying in and out through the walls a couple of times yeah you get a good look at that floating mistake out there Tory she calls 911 which brings the sheriff and the deputy to her house but as she comes outside to get their help the sheriff has err tackled into oblivion leaving very little behind for anyone to see damn that was a sudden death just kind of awesome the deputy sends Tory upstairs to hide under the bed that has killed herself after Brandon appears behind her and slams her all to kingdom come in the background of this nifty shot to show his work when he's finished he tosses her corpse aside Tory keeps herself quiet face of her sons floating beat and eventually sneaks away from him banging out the upstairs window when she falls she cuts herself which reminds her of Brandon similar injury in the barn a few days ago and realizing that his space crib comet may be the secret to defeating him she runs off towards the barn real talk though I don't know how she gets there when Brandon's already floating in the air and has been shown to be invisibly fast but get there she does and after seeing Erica's corpse and a bunch of bb's on the wall she breaks off a convenient shard of spaceship with which to stab her son she crawls out of the barn basement and calls out Brandon's name then convinces the creepy little Superboy that called down for a goddamn second and listened to his mother I still believe you the words of matriarchal love seemed to assuage the young lad who tells his mom that he wants to be a good boy he promises but he can't do that if he's got a shard of metal in his back so knock it the fuck off mom you're not helping God Tory tries to apologize but it's too late Brandon cries out and flies up up and away taking his mom high into the night sky to show her a whole new world her sorry to kill her cuz that's what he does it's completely cold-blooded but he just holds his mom out and drops her at least she'll have plenty of time during freefall to think about how she shouldn't have tried adopting an alien space baby oh shit yeah all the movies almost over and the body count isn't enormous I'm so sorry all you big number lovers this must be so difficult for you dear how about we add an entire goddamn plane to the cow cuz Brandon sees one in the sky and apparently it just blows it up since it's wreckage is seen the next morning oh hey and listen to these nice reporters here they're doing my Counting job for me no survivors 68 passengers on board way to hook me up final destination style and just like in final destination I know that the number they say is up the planes passengers but I think in these casualty reports that would include the crew right like the crew members were still passengers on the plane in one sense of the word you know now know all I do know is that Brandon Breyer is a bad guy cuz after a last minute title card that doe passed Billy Eilish song plays over credits to confirm it we see some more news reports and yes one of them shows a building collapse but I can't count kills there because it's literally impossible besides maybe the building was somehow evacuated beforehand you don't know okay the movie ends with Michael Rooker as a Youtube conspiracy theorist ranting about other mythical figures in this universe like the Crimson bolt from super the 2010 movie made my producer James Gunn thanks to Brandon briar how many people's life forces are no longer burning bright let's find out and wait what get get to the numbers [Music] get to the numbers by my count 274 people died in Bry / other than the 268 plain victims we had an even ratio of 3 guy and 3 girl big dogs I bet you can barely even see them in that PyCharm Wow at the wrong time of 91 minutes that left us with a kill on average about every 20 seconds but I mean you know I'll get the golden chainsaw for foolΓ­s kill - uncle Noah the shot from inside the car as it drops straight towards the ground is terrifying and obviously the guys jaw falling off was sick nasty dull machete for Leyva's kill will go to Erica who got super jump scared and that's it right burn came out in 2019 and although it kind of sets up for a sequel with that Michael Rooker good at the end I'm not sure if we'll ever see one thanks to a middle and box-office performance until next time I'm James a Jenice this has been the killcam thanks a lot for watching this kill cam I want to thank some patrons like Club and Fang Luke Mackenzie Richard Robinson Jonathan Bjork and Philip J Smith jr. usually I try to fill this as much as I can but I kind of went for a more minimalist approach this time thanks for that enthusiastic response to the child's play killed now hopefully you'll be equally excited about all of December's releases be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 7,006,683
Rating: 4.9159546 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, brightburn, superhero, super hero, superman, kid, james gunn, elizabeth banks, david denman, jackson a. dunn, matt jones, meredith hagner, brandon breyer, earth, alien, superpowers, super hero horror, DMKC, brightburn review, brightburn ending
Id: rRTp8yOxTg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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