Ma (2019) KILL COUNT
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Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 6,261,035
Rating: 4.9505134 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, octavia spencer, ma, blumhouse, tate taylor, juliette lewis, diana silvers, corey fogelmanis, luke evans, jason blum, missy pyle, mckaley miller, dante brown, missi pyle, allison janney, dominic burgess, ma movie, ma movie review, ma movie ending, best horror, horror channel, dead meat ma, ma octavia spencer
Id: xoYS_j7uEAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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So happy "Fall Break" is NEVER going away.
Doesn't Ashley, the sleeping girl also die? She tries to escape, gets hit by an iron and we don't see her escape with the others. At least, I don't think so, I could be wrong. I think she burns with the house.
Im not gonna lie I felt very disappointed with this movie, instead of it being good like I was hoping or at least bad it was just boring, lacking in all aspects, and Maโs backstory was just, bad, like theyโre setting up for this big Carrie like situation and then itโs like, thatโs it, itโs just a big letdown of a movie in my opinion at least.
The Kill Count was great though and it wasnโt a disappointment like Ma was.
The movie was ok imo, kills were a bit underwhelming
love this movie and this kill count is awesome props to you james
Not my favourite movie, but Octavia Spencer was great as always. And seriously hoping fall break becomes a recurring skit.