Halloween (2018) KILL COUNT

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Both the Resident Evil 2 remake and James' Halloween 2018 kill count come out on my birthday? Sweet!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/depearce πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one indeed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheKazarka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can't wait to get home from work tonight and watch this, made my Friday!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Juyah1234 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought you would have saved this for Halloween.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ROBOT_B9 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This came out on DVD already? Damn time goes by fast

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/psychotronofdeth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awesomely unexpected kill count! Thanks for the great work!

This film can be legally streamed via rental or purchase from Youtube, Google Play, iTunes, VUDU and DirectTV Cinema. (Links in link)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Khalbrae πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Regarding the baby, I am pretty sure Michael gets distracted by noise outside which is why he leaves. I doubt he would have killed the baby but I remember feeling at the time there was still a chance.

And I fucking love the score to this movie. Welcome back, JC.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShiftyBea πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun fact: that baby crying is Jamie Lee Curtis’s voiceover! She’s like...scary good at baby cries

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Flash-Over πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kilzi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the killcam where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James Agee nice and today we're looking at Halloween no not the 1978 original no not the Rob Zombie remake either yeah there you go the 2018 sequel that has the same exact name as the original for some reason although its title is the same Halloween 2018 is not a reboot at least not entirely what it does do is create another new timeline in the Halloween franchise since this movie is a direct sequel to the original 1978 classic so in this movies timeline there's never been a Jamie Lloyd or a Carrie Tate or a Busta Rhymes or a Sheri moon zombie and perhaps most significantly Michael Myers and Laurie Strode are no longer related wasn't it her brother like cold-blooded murder laid all those teenagers no that's just a bit that some people made up to make him feel better I think since remember that fact didn't come out until Halloween - in 1981 that girl that's true that's Michael Myers sister I think it's entirely understandable that they wanted to wipe the slate clean because the timelines for this franchise are ridiculous and it's much easier to just start over from the end of the original Halloween 2018 is the first sequel since season of the witch to have any direct involvement from series co-creator John Carpenter and in fact the whole movie was billed as a return to form by director David Gordon Green and co-writer Danny McBride I think they mostly succeeded with that goal while it may be much flashier and /er ER than the now 40-year old original it definitely feels more like carpenter's classic than anything that involved cult curses or big brother style livestreams in this timeline Michael's been waiting 40 years to kill again how many will he secure as a sadistic spry 60 year old let's find out and get to them [Music] the movie begins at the Smiths Grove sanitarium where uncomfortable close-ups and excellent sound design create an immediate feeling of unease a couple of wannabe journalist podcasters Dana and Erin are there to record a story about Michael Myers and to that end they meet with Michael's overseer doctor Sartain who sounds like dr. Loomis in more than one way michael has been my life's obsession in fact Sartain here was a student of dr. Loomis who shadow still Loomis is large over this franchise nearly a quarter century after Donald Pleasence his death dr. Loomis was the only one to see him in the wild and he'd conclude that he was nothing more than pure evil Sartain leads them out to the prison yard where Michael Myers reigns king of this human chess board the little pawns all around him start freaking the fuck out when Aaron tries to reach into Michael's soul and evoke something using his old Bill Shatner mask he says he got the mask from a friend at the AG's office which sure I mean it's just a little murder case evidence might as well let the amateur podcasters borrowing no big now well the mess they used in this movie isn't for reals the same one they had in 1978 makeup artist Christopher Nelson recreated that mask and added really good looking aging effects to it I think this movie's mask looks better than most of the ones from throughout the series has specially that stupid fuckin alien looking one from Part 5 in this movie Michael Myers is played by actor and stunt performer James Jude Courtney who was a very pleasant dude when I met him at the Halloween convention last year fun fact Courtney was recommended for the role by stunt coordinator Ron Hutchinson who did stunts on this film as well as the Rob Zombie Halloween because everyone in this movie is obsessed with hearing Michael's speak for some reason Aaron yells at the killer in hibernation to say something a few times his command eventually crescendoing to an intensity that leads into a title card the opening credits kick a lot of ass featuring a pumpkin reverse decomposing and a chance to shear in the theater when John Carpenter's name comes up it's all set to an awesome update on his classic theme and it ends with a close-up on the jack-o'-lanterns eye and nose now can you tell it's Michael holding a knife so many of you couldn't see it in the original even after I pointed it out so maybe that's why they made it a lot more clear this time through when we come back we find our intrepid podcasters driving around Haddonfield Illinois and recording some shithouse quality audio seriously as I mentioned before in the dare I say fantastic trailer reaction video that Chelsea and I did for this movie we've used the tascam dr-40 extensively and if you want to know what it would sound like recording without an external mic like Aaron's doing then here this is what it sounds like it sounds like she and Aaron and Dana pull up to some private property that's fenced in like a t-rex pen and has a security camera keeping gar this is the home of Laurie Strode and the podcasters earn access with the promise of a $3,000 bribe or speaking fees Laurie's house is a full-on isolationist bunker and it's in this home of floodlights that we get to see the world's most famous final girl again just after she takes care of all these locks and barriers we good ok one more there she is hell yeah Jamie Lee Curtis it's great to see you again Laurie's not very receptive to these Yahoo's who are prying at her personal histories so they can get more downloads for their podcast through them we learn that she's twice divorced and currently estranged from her daughter's family the conversation is obviously very painful for Laurie which makes this whole scene great commentary on how any jackass with the tascam can fancy themselves the next serial and go invade communities and personal life Laurie ain't havin it though and sends these podcasters back to whatever shit town they came from let's meet Laurie's estranged family that we just heard about they consist of her daughter Karen played by Judy Greer Karen's husband ray played by strongest man in the world toby huss and their National Honor Society daughter Alison played by quote/unquote newcomer and Amanda Jack they're introduced to us at a breakfast scene which is always fun remember the Rob Zombie one let's see how this family compares oh man I got peanut butter on my penis weirdly similar I guess whether you're white trash or National Honor Society breakfast is a good time to talk about penises as we already learned through those prodding podcasters broadcasters Laurie Strode 'he's not on good terms with her daughters family although it sounds like Allison wants to be closer to Graham Graham than her mom Karen will allow she expresses this frustration to everyone in her social circle let's see we've got her best friend Vicky who's all about that MOBA Vicki's boyfriend Dave a STONER played by the son of Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon whose mischief involves blowing up pumpkins her bad-boy boyfriend Cameron who's more interested in the next night's Halloween party than meeting Allison's parents at a dinner that night and Cameron's best friend Oscar a mini Josh GAD who serves as some solid comic relief you know you're just you're too yucky dumpsters and I want to go dive in Camaro while Allison's in class we get a nod to that scene from the original when Laurie glanced out a window to see Michael Myers but unlike when they alluded to that scene in h2o with Michelle Williams also seeing Michael when she looked out her classroom window this time through its Laurie herself standing there stalking this movie does that a lot it has Laurie replacing Michael the new renditions of classic shots it's a fun way to touch on the theme of Laurie and Michael being forever connected even without the familial relationship Laurie's at the school the pass along that podcaster pay to play money to Alison for her National Honors accomplishments and during their fraught conversation Laurie defends her parenting techniques that wound up causing her to lose custody of her daughter when Karen was 12 years old it's the way I raised your mother means that she hates me but then she's prepared for the horse of this world then I can live with that Laurie is definitely prepared for the horrors of this world with a home shooting range full of mannequins and a bunch of guns including one of those lever-action rifles that ash had an army of darkness and that I previously mistook for a shotgun thanks for the correction you know I'm a gun dummy Laurie takes one of her guns and gently caresses the trigger of it while she sits in a car that night drinking baby bottles of booze the reason she's such a mess right now is because they're transferring Michael from Smiths Grove to another facility in the scene that features a voiceover by comedian colleen Mahan doing a Loomis impersonation and that plays over an illustration of our favorite shape shrink meanwhile our least favorite shape shrink is boarding the bus to accompany his patient we'll see how that pans out later but right now let's get a little taste of Jamie Lee Curtis is famous scream she still got it at a restaurant Allison's family is celebrating her academic success and meeting her boyfriend Cameron whose father is no stranger to ray no no money amortized over there oh yes I sell me peyote wait Lonnie why does that sound familiar oh shit that's right Lonnie was one of the little bastards who bully Tommy Doyle about the boogeyman and made him crush his pumpkin in fact it was Lonnie's friend and fellow bully Richie who was the first person to run into Michael Myers with that cool sound effect Laurie crashes the family dinner and chases down all that airplane alcohol with a full glass of red exactly why we don't reach out to him Karen don't fuck around but you can't really blame her I mean who wants their drunk mom crying all over their entrees even if it does give this movie a chance to reference Michael's og nickname the Sheep that's cool but we've got company here for dinner grandma after Alison comforts her vulnerable grandmother Lori leaves in her giant pickup truck and in a weirdly flat performance by Judy Greer Karen recounts her childhood of survival training and reenacting Silence of the Lambs to explain to her daughter why she doesn't want Lori around I've spent my entire life trying to get over the paranoia neuroses that she has projected on me maybe the monotone is supposed to stem from digging up childhood trauma but still seems kind of weird speaking of interesting vocal performances here's this kid his name is Kevin and he is not excited about going on a hunting trip with his dad enjoy but I'm missing dance classes yeah also he sounds like he just spent the first 15 years of his life screaming his lungs out he and his dad come across the Smiths Grove bus on the side of the road the inmates wandering around much like they did in that shop from the original when Loomis and Marion chambers found them freed from the sanitarium Kevin's dad gets out to see what's going on while Kevin calls the police but when his pops doesn't return Kevin takes his hunting rifle and checks out things for himself he finds a guard or cop or someone on the side of the road and for some reason keeps his gun trained on him like the dudes an 8-bit jock trying to fly off screen the guy isn't dead when Kevin finds them but he seems to have bit the dust by time we talked to a longshot so I'm fine with having him kick off the count our first kill a full 30 minutes into the movie Kevin approaches the bus looking for his dad but instead he just showcases more crappy firearm training flees from the scene of the crime damn kid who raised you when he climbs back into his truck to get out of there Michael stops him by rising from the backseat and grabbing him by the neck you might expect this kid to live because of his age but now son Michael Myers ain't playing 40 years later and he kills cabin by breaking his neck against the car window he had dude they killed the kid although to be fair this series did do that already back in season of the win since Kevin managed to call the cops before his untimely demise deputy Frank Hawkins shows up on the scene to reveal another couple of bodies to add to the town we don't need to add this body in the background cuz turns out that's Kevin just compare the clothes it's clearly the same outfit we can however add this cop who Hawkins notices on the side of the road and before you even start I don't think it's the same dude that Kevin found just compare where the two bodies are they're on separate sides of the bus they're also in different positions and I don't think the cop Kevin found had enough life left in him to crawl that far away from his original spot we get another body to add to the count when Hawkins finds Kevin's dad up against the side of the bus his neck so broken that it almost looks like there's some extra vertebrae in there out when Hawkins checks the bus for any more bodies he finds dr. Sartain who serve I've getting shot by Kevin and who tells Hawkins that Michael Myers has escaped the next day on Halloween the podcasting duo heads to the Hatton field Cemetery to look at Judith Myers as grave where Erin describes her death in such detail that it evokes flashbacks to the original here we have another great bit of commentary this time on how some true crime podcasters seem to get off on the morbid descriptions of the victims they're covering it's kind of unsettling oh and speaking of unsettling Michaels there in the background watching them all the while in fact after they stopped at a gas station where I think Dana said she needs to drop a deuce to almost immediately we see that Michael has followed them there as well walking around in broad daylight all willy fucking nilly Dana heads to the bathroom and a shot that makes this gas station look very much like the one in part four the one connected to that shrine of Lincoln diner where doc Loomis encountered Michael again and after Dana finds a suitable stall for her poop Caston she hears Michael walk into the bathroom which is evocative of that one scene in Halloween h2o where he stole the keys to a car from that young mom on a toilet this movie has franchise references all over the damn place while dana grows more fearful of the man outside her stall aaron peeps in on the gas station clerk and finds that he's been killed on the job his jaw broken and his teeth ripped out in a gnarly off-screen death this movie is actually full of those it's kind of cool Aaron then heads back to the garage of this gas station it finds a mechanic's body stripped of his clothes we actually saw this mechanic being killed in the background a minute ago when Dana was asking where the loo was but I'll put him on the list now when we know that he's confirmed dead back in the bathroom Michael gives Dana a present about $35 in tooth fairy box score he chases her underneath the stalls in a scene that's equal parts suspenseful and nast day until Erin rushes into the bathroom to save her Michael responds by grabbing Aaron and beating him completely senseless bashing his head against the wall and then the stall door a whole bunch of times it's very violent and although we see Aaron clinging to life the last shot of him does show his eyes closing so I'm just gonna add him to the list if he comes back in the sequel don't bite my head off this dude's injuries seem pretty damn fatal speed as for Dana she gets confirmed killed just off screen after Michael raises her up by the throat and breaks her neck with a nasty crotch oh no with these two Deb's our audience will have to choose to listen to the 5,000 other true-crime podcast what a bummer with his warm-up kills out of the way Michael takes his mask out of Erin and Dana's trunk and suits up to his final evolved form Mike Myers is back baby and he ain't here to be anybody's love guru after Laurie hears about Michael's escape from the prison bus on a news report she heads over to her daughter Karen's house so she could fire drill or family gotcha you're dead even though she warns them that Michaels bus crash they're more worried about the crazy lady waving a gun around in their house so Karen offers her to the door and says take a good look at your daughter Laurie because that's the last time you're gonna be seeing me for a while Halloween night comes and with it trick-or-treaters as well as a direct reference to a scene in the original Halloween - same costume same shoulder-mounted radio and similar abrasive sound cue that omage leads into my absolute fuckin favorite scene in this movie which contains a few more references to Halloween to remember when Michael kicked off that first sequel by stealing a knife from mr. and mrs. Elrod after she asked a very important sandwich question how that must be that seam gets updated in Halloween 2018 after Michael grabs a hammer from a garage and then begins a two and a half minute long one tape where the camera never stops rolling it starts with a housewife apparently named Gina panchala making a sandwich in a very Elrod Ian's kitchen before Michael walks in and murders her off-screen you hear him hit her at least six times with that hammer and we see the body momentarily after the shot continues on through the kitchen Michael trades out his hammer for a much more comfortable kitchen knife and then walks through this woman's house thankfully ignoring the crying baby in the living room oh hi guess that's where the line is drawn raspy teenager okay to kill wailing baby too much even for Michael he leaves through her front door and heads down the sidewalk the camera is still following him without a single cut yet the shot continues as he scares a nurse and doctor couple getting ready to go to a costume party and then as he steps onto a porch to find another victim with a classic sound cue with the shots still fucking rolling y'all the camera holds its position as we watch Michael go around the side of the house it's a perfect scene of suspense and we don't break the tension until we see Michael come into the house and murder this woman apparently named Andrea Wagner by stabbing her through the back of the neck the CGT knife admittedly looks a little weird but hip that's what they had to do to assure that one shot went off without a hitch it's totally worth it at the high school Halloween party where a DJ with a badass Frankenstein themed table blares an odd icone a pop song Alison and Cameron are having a good time dressed as gender bent bonny and quiet when she takes a call from Vicki who's babysitting a little kid named Julian Mickey wants Alison to come hang out with her hand honestly Alison you should do it just so you can chill with Julian that kid's hilarious obviously the scene is just here for comic relief but it fucking works man I love the back-and-forth between Virginia Gardner and Jibreel nan Tambu a first time kid actor who apparently improvised most of his dialogue some other kind of babysitter she be reading me a story I wouldn't be up cooking my nasty-ass toenails plus they have a real sweet baby sitter baby city relationship and isn't that what this whole damn franchise was founded on in the first place Dave shows up at Julian's house as a farmer and riding a wooden horse named after Laurie Strode alias in h2o this is Taylor hi tayt he's there to get a key with Vickie but before they can get sticky Julian interrupts them complaining that there's a boogeyman in his closet Vickie goes to retook Julian in bed but when he asks her to make sure the closet door is shot she has a hard time fulfilling his request that's because there is indeed a boogeyman inside and after Michael slashes Vickie to the ground Julian gtfo Vickie awesomely hits Michael with a chair and then tries to be a runaway but she slips on what her socks that's socks man I would have much rather seen her put up more of a fight or have a proper chase scene but maybe I'm just being picky about Vicki instead Michael kills her quickly with a couple of kitchen knife stabs to the back and then shuts the bedroom door as for stoner Dave to his credit even after Julian tells him to run he grabs a knife and goes to defend his girlfriend a police report about the incident comes through to Hawkins and Laurie picks it up on a scanner in her truck as well while Hawkins investigates Julian's house Laurie arrives outside and tells kids wearing the Halloween three masks to get out of there and go home but maybe don't watch any TV commercials when you get there okay kids underneath the sheet ghost Hawkins finds Vicki's body and if that seems too decorative for Michael Myers for you don't forget he did splay Annie out in front of his sister's tombstone back in the original he's no Jason or anything but he's always had a small streak of creativity when it comes to corpse decoration outside Laurie sees Hawkins through one window of the house and then Michael and another the first time she's seen him in his mask in four decades for this shot Michael Myers was played by Nick Castle the man who originally donned the mask in 1978 he was also a very pleasant dude when I met him in person Maurice shoots at what ends up just being Meera Myers so Michael is able to just sautron out of the house totally unscathed by time Hawkins goes downstairs after him Michael is gone but he does find Dave's body pinned against the wall with a knife through his back again another pretty decent off-screen kill and this one's even got a time stamp outside Laurie shoots Michael in the shoulder but he still manages to get away from her Hawkins catches up with Laurie and they talk to each other in a very familiar way so at first I had guessed he was one of her ex-husband's but alas turns out that's not the case he is however the cop who caught Michael after was shot off that balcony 40 years ago in this timeline after Michael disappeared from the ground scaring the sanity out of dr. Loomis it was apparently captured mere moments later by none other than Frank Hawkins here who also prevented dr. Loomis from killing Mikey my my the badass look and sheriff Barker arrives with the recently awakened dr. Sartain but unfortunately sheriff Barker's not a bigger character in this movie and instead we're about to be stuck with Sartain for a little while Sartain sees Laurie and fanboys over her harsh chill out dude you should know miss Curtis don't like that kind of shit after meeting him she refers to him as the new Loomis although I personally prefer the much shorter Numis during all this Allison's time at the high school dance has been a total disaster since she caught camera and kissing with a kitty named Kim between that and all the contraband booze he's been guzzling Allison is totally done with Cameron but good riddance to him girl this dude's the kind of jerk who'll toss her phone into some unsanitary party nacho cheese fuck that guy Allison and Oscar leave together and during their walk home we run into a spot of awkwardness Paz there's a cool Sheila Priya stand you're the nicest girl in school huh and if anyone doesn't appreciate that their crazy person thank you it's very sweet oh no we have all seen this relationship play out before and nobody ever seems to win in the end Hawkins and Numis are out looking for Michael Myers and during their buddy roadtrip conversation we see just how frigging obsessed Sartain is with the silent serial killer I want to know what he's feeling I want to know what pleasure he gets out of killing because of that he wants to capture Michael alive but Hawkins ain't looking to repeat the same mistake he made in 1978 when he let Michael live meanwhile Laurie and a police escort get to Karen's house and tell her that it's Mima bunker time so they fruitlessly call Alison submerged cell phone and leave voicemails that call back to classic Lori lines no do as I say so right now Alison is taking a shortcut home with Oscar who's crush on her erupts just as awkwardly as we all feared what he did mm-hmm you deserve better oh boy you just hate to see that happen at least he stops when she tells him no hobo he does go into a little too much detail while he's apologizing to her all these girls were like dancing on me their beautiful bodies got me all shoved out out she leaves him in this backyard that has motion sensor lights and when Michael appears behind Oscar the horny kid mistakes him for the yards owner mr. Elrod which yes is a reference to the sandwich couple from Halloween - Oscar pours his heart out to the emotionless figure in a bit of backyard therapy you ever really liked a girl and you just can have her you have no idea Oscar we get a very well-constructed scene utilizing the motion sensor lights that keep turning off because of Michael's ever-closer stillness and that builds nicely to a solid jump scare Oscar makes a run for it but gets stopped by the gate so by time Allison turns around in response to his screaming it's too late Michael stabs Oscar in the back who then Falls and gets a spear tip fence post through his chin we get a better look at the nasty carnage after Allyson arrives and finds his body damn that's gnarly the franchise's newest heroine and Michael fucking Myers finally come face to face for the first time ever and holy shit there is an amazing piece of music to accompany the seminal moment [Music] Tamm it's great to have carpenter back as one of the composers and hear and make new stuff for the series just a bit of background another of the movies composers was John son Cody carpenter and that awesome noise in this piece was accomplished by running a bow across the guitar as seen being performed here by the movie's third composer Daniel Davies who is the son of Dave Davies and nephew of Ray Davies of the kinks Alison runs away and bangs on a neighbor's window for help and we get a nice reversal of the same situation from the original back in that movie Laurie's pleas for help were met with indifference and the neighbour turning off their porch light but this time around Alison finds a Good Samaritan who turns the report's light on and then sits with her as they wait for Hawkins to arrive oh that really warms my heart those neighbors were good people Hawkins is there to take Alison to her grandma's house where Laurie Caryn and Ray are already waiting why Laurie's house over say the police station well because Laurie strokes house is a goddamn fortress it's even got a hidden stairwell underneath her kitchen island that leads into a bunker full of food and water oh and got lots and lots of guns what you're trying to do down there Laurie open your own Walmart Hawkins finds Michael walking down the street and plows into him with this police vehicle and I know what you're thinking this is one of those Ben tramer situations of mistaken identity right [Music] [Applause] never gets old but no it turns out this is actually really Michael Mayer for real dr. Sartain tends to him and tells Hawking that he's dead but guess what so our Taine's a fuckin liar cuz he actually wants to keep Michael alive so bad that he takes out a pen knife and stabs Hawkins in the neck with it hot damn Sartain gets Hawkins to the ground as Allison watches helplessly from inside the car and the crazed doctor kills the deputy with a couple of stabs that we've been bleeding out to death from the neck r.i.p hawk sir when I first saw this movie I was aghast watching this twist unfold and my confidence in it was not at all restored when Sartain popped up into Allison's view wearing the Shatner Mass holy shit that looks dumb but thankfully his game of dress-up only lasts as long as it takes him to load Michaels unconscious body into the backseat with Allison after all can't really drive in a mask like that I'm going to live with the Sartain thing partly because it's here that Sartain admits to being responsible for the bus crash that freed Michael in the first place that works for me but it does still feel like a pretty cheap mechanic to get Michael de Laurie's house since I guess our team's gonna take him there for a reunion - honestly I don't know this guy's crazy and very disrespectful of corpses the entrance to Laurie's property is currently being guarded by officers francis and richer a pair of cops who are another source of comic relief once again it works for me I find their conversation very natural and hilarious as they talk about what they pack for dinner fresh brownie okay chocolatey homemade brownie I made that myself that's that's like what a five-year-old would eat if they could make their own lunch I was actually really surprised to learn that these two actors weren't comedians or UCB improvisers or anything of the sort officer Richards there is played by Charlie Benton in his only credited role since his real job is a Special Victims Police Detective he served as this movies law enforcement technical adviser and somehow wound up rocking this very funny role and officer Francis there is played by none other than Christopher Nelson this movie's makeup artist who made Michael's mask and who won the Academy Award for makeup effects for his work on Suicide Squad it was awesome to learn that these two non actors managed to be really funny way better than the last time this franchise tried to have a pair of comedic cops [Music] all clear nothing nothing below never forget those stupid fucking clown noises on their way to Lori's Allison gets arcane to pull over by saying Michael spoke to her and that she can tell him what he said again since everyone in this movie's obsessed with that shit for some reason it works and he pulls over Hawkins his car right down the street from Francis and Richards Michael reawakens and Rheem asks himself and then kicks the crap out of Sartain through the police cars caging as Richards tries to get Hawkins on his radio Michael pulls the doctor from the vehicle and Allison takes the opportunity to flee into the wood from the ground Sartain stares up at Michael and gives him one final request say something how almost shell see had a great idea for this moment back when we first reviewed this movies and then Michael I would have been the best 90s movie ever if he was like something in actuality Michael doesn't say anything he just squashes sartenes head like a pumpkin he have Michael you earned your patented head tilt with that one allison runs away right as richards and francis show up and although they find what remains of sartenes body they don't spot Michael as he stands behind them from inside Laurie's house ray sees the police car pulled up and goes outside to greet the cops but when he gets to the cruiser he finds them dead inside instead these are probably this movie's best off-screen kill since Richards has Sartain penknife lodged into his head and Francis is a full-on jack-o'-lantern stick that next to the opening credits why don't you Ray barely has time to piss himself before he backs up right into Michael Myers who's waiting for him with a wind chime chain that he uses to Korat the poor patriarch to the ground it takes a little while but Michael finishes the job with a quick snap of Ray's neck home man are we ever gonna break this to little Pete Laurie hears the commotion and comes downstairs with a gun to see a master Michael standing on her front lawn she locks the door and sends Karen into the basement but after she gets stupidly close against the door Michael breaks through and almost ends this epic matchup before it even gets started Laurie saves herself and prolongs the headline fight by shooting off a couple of Mikey's fingers with her shotgun and shooting out her eardrums right you know she about to hear anything after that she heads into the basement with Karen and they turn on all the floodlights as Michael breaks him through the holes in the nor Laurie tries to wallhack and shoot Michael through the floor he's standing on but it apparently doesn't hit him so all she's got now is a hole in her floor in a blown position she goes upstairs to finish this 40-year old grudge and the movie once again makes a nod to the original by having her suspect that Michaels in a closet with wooden slat doors but she doesn't find him there among the clothes and vacuum cleaner so instead she methodically checks and clears each room in her house one by one locking each one behind her with a gait system as she's installed meanwhile alison has run over a river of blood and through the woods to get to grandmother's house but when she pops out of the tree line we end up with a very overwrought scene of her getting scared by mannequin man I hate the scene what are they even doing with this I much prefer my horror mannequins to have a quiet unsettling presence about them like they do in a room upstairs in which Laurie looks for Michael after she finds Ray's body stuffed on a closet shelf like so many Christmas decorations she does indeed come across Michael who attacks her for round two of this rivalry during this fight he actually manages to stab her and then toss her off the balcony in a reverse situation of the original Halloween's ending but after Michael gets a good look at her body out there Alison comes through the front door and calls out for Laurie distracting Michael long enough for Laurie to emulate his famous disappearance from the original dun-dun-dun elsa joins her mother in the bunker where the two of them hide among the food stocks but since lorry had shot from down there earlier Michael knows where they're hiding so he starts tearing up the kitchen island with his crazy scary strength while he's huffing and puffing Karin's strode sees a gun with her name on it horn her initials at least so she grabs it and takes a defensive position at the bottom of the stairs Michael finally breaks the island away but doesn't show himself immediately so it's up to Karin to flush him out with a show of tears and fear damn Karin don't fuck around and for that matter neither does lorry happy Halloween Michael yeah like any good showdown this one's got a third part to it so Michael Myers and Laurie Strode take turns beating on each other one last time she knocks him down into the bunker and helps Alison escape into the kitchen but when Karen goes to follow Michael gets back up and grabs the middle strobe lady Laurie tells her granddaughter to run but Alison wants to earn her place among the pantheon of kick-ass strode women or as Jamie Lee Curtis calls them hallow women she grabs a knife off the ground and uses it to stab Michael in the shoulder and slash him in the hand until he lets her mom go then it's just one kick to the face and a pull of a lever and Michael Myers is trapped in the basement by some scary spikes gas starts pumping into the house and Karen tells Alison that the bunker is actually a trap Michael is all locked up with nowhere to go so all he can do is stand there and look up at Laurie impassively while she lights a road flare and throws it into the basement the gas catches fire and Michael still doesn't move not even as explosions take place and the flames spread all around him Laurie and her lineage leave as her fortress burns down mannequins monitors Mini Myers houses and all but I'm not gonna put Michael Myers on the kill cow because as these empty shots of the basement show we never get to see a body and you know that fucker always comes back for more Plus during the credits you can hear him breathing which was also performed by Nick Castle the movie ends with three generations of kick-ass survivors flagging down a truck and a texas chainsaw like shot that pans down to Alison still holding that bloody knife freeze-frame how many kills did Michael Myers get in this latest and greatest Halloween sequel let's find out and get to the numbers [Music] I counted 18 kills in Halloween 2018 putting it near the middle of this franchise for number of victims those victims included only for women in 14 News and among those 14 dudes was one kid so you know factor that in however you want to with the wrong time of 106 minutes that comes out to a kill on average every five point eight nine minutes golden chain saw four coolest kill goes to dr. Sartain obviously the head is one messy head crunch sorry I can't show it uncensored in the public version but peep that shit on patreon if you want or just you know watch the fuckin movie doll machete for lamest kill will go to Ray both because of the method by which he was killed and the fact that we never get to see his wife or daughter acknowledge his death like come on at least one line of sadness that dude was cool and that's it Halloween 2018 came out in 2018 obviously and did so well at the box office that a sequel is already in development I've got more big requests movies for the next few weeks ahead but until next time I'm James Agee nice there's been the kill Kyle thanks a lot for watching this kill Kyle I want thank a couple of patrons like matt AKA fred allen bent bob Karcher chase joy al and chad brothers if you're new to the channel because of this video or because of bird box make sure to check out the 10 all their Halloween kill counts I have should be a button somewhere on the screen forum and I oh man just go watch all the other videos on the shell just go fuckin watch him be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 21,990,483
Rating: 4.9172173 out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, halloween, 2018, remake, reboot, sequel, franchise, second, 2nd, series, jason blum, blumhouse, john carpenter, danny mcbride, david gordon green, jamie lee curtis, michael myers, laurie strode, nick castle, james jude courtney, virginia gardner, andi matichak, judy greer, will patton, original, toby huss, babysitter, theme, new, DMKC
Id: oHfGhuidwBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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