Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the killcam where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James a Chinese and today we're looking at our first ever musical on the killcount Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street released in 2007 by director Tim Burton this film was based on the identically named Tony and Grammy winning 1979 stage musical by composer Stephen Sondheim who also created West Side Story and into the woods sometimes musical was itself based on an earlier play by Christopher bond which was one of many retellings of the tale of Sweeney Todd of Victorian villain whose literary history goes all the way back to the string of pearls a penny dreadful series from the 1840s Sweeney Todd has always been a fixture in British media with the appropriately named actor Todd slaughter famously playing the role in thousands of stage performances and a 1936 movie so yeah this was a well known role long before that one episode of The Office attending the tale of Sweeney Todd in fact it's pretty amazing how many elements of the story have remained the same since it was first told over a hundred and fifty years ago not only has Sweeney Todd always been a murderous barber he's also always had a trapdoor chair that sends his victims into a basement where his partner-in-crime mrs. Lovett has always cooked their bodies into meat pies I've been a Sweeney Todd fan since I saw a filmed version of the musical in my middle school band class long before this film ever existed thanks mr. Kinnett I was excited when I heard about this movie being made and it lived up to my expectations this is one dope-ass big-budget musical adaptation that translates the material to the big screen so well even creator Stephen Sondheim approves this really is an attempt to take the material of the stage musical and completely transform it into a movie this is not a movie of the stage show this is a movie based on the stage show this was also one of those rare respectable horror movies that earned one Oscar win and a couple other nominations Wow the Academy recognizing a good horror movie love when it happens which is rare this is a Tim Burton movie it stars Johnny Depp and Burton's then partner Helena Bonham Carter who were both pretty much born to play these parts even if Depp's amateur singing didn't quite match the film's Broadway origins I think it works for the movie though also working for the movie is it's Hardy embrace of spurting neck blood after all as the late great Alan Rickman points out the film gives you the opportunity unlike a stage production to do Sweeney Todd with full blood that's why I'm grateful for today's sponsor who happens to have a bit of Barbara now I'm excited to be partnering with Dollar Shave Club to bring you this killcount and to finally get this beard off my face it's not a bad beard I just don't feel like me with it you know Dollar Shave Club can take care of all your grooming needs from shower stuff to do turrent and of course most importantly shaving their starter sets got a whole heap of goodies to keep your skin happy including my favorite the shave butter cuz it's fun to say shave butter waitress mark shave butter you can get the starter set for yourself for only five bucks over at dollarshaveclub.com slash dead meat with it you can take care of your own shaving and not have to visit any potential demon barbers how many meat pies will we make as we sing ourselves through the streets of London let's attend the tale of Sweeney Todd and find out [Music] the movie begins with kick-ass Sondheim music as we follow some very 2007 CGI blood down into the floor and straight into a title car it is with the warming me nice side we kick things off on a ghost pirate ship perp wait never mind that's just mid 19th century London air quality this kid Antony is thrilled to be back that is until his words are used against it no there's no place like London yep Living Dead Man Sweeney Todd over here says the London's a shit stain on the underpants of the world which I mean if you know anything about Dickensian London he ain't wrong this was before the city had developed a proper sewerage system meaning it was one stinking dirty place for instance the River Thames the riding on there with a colour varying from dark green to black anyone who ventured near the water and a danger of contracting cholera typhus smallpox or tuberculosis fine of course mr. Todd also has a personal vendetta against these dirty streets which he tells Antony about through saw there was a bomb around his work and she was beautiful this film was the first time Johnny Depp had to sing in a movie since his voice was dubbed over for the singing parts and cry-baby thankfully Depp was friends with music producer Bruce witkin's since he had originally wanted to be a rock star before being cast in Nightmare on Elm Street Wiccan worked with Depp to get his singing up to snub starting with the song my friends I basically that was the first song I ever sang in my life you know that's pretty weird yeah having already been cast by Burton death was under a lot of pressure to perform well after all as producer Richard zanuck notes we are spending millions of dollars on the picture not one person on earth at her Johnnie sank and he used to start the picture by the way if dick zanuck looks familiar it's because he and his producing partner David Brown were pivotal in getting jaws made back in 1975 dude was a huge force in the film industry and helps Spielberg and Burton make it big Preston piece guy Todd continues his song about the barber Benjamin Barker and his wife Lucy who were a happy couple with a happy baby daughter but one day while they were glowing outside in the flower market or some shit a severe-looking judge named Turpin came upon that one look at that radiance was all it took for him and his ratty henchman Beadle Bamford to SiC the police on the unfortunate barber Barker was sent away to Australia I think and never learned what became of his wife Lucy now 15 years later Benjamin Barker is back with a brand new name and no handshakes to give he returns to his old stomping ground on Fleet Street which you can tell from this wild and wacky look at it his one destitute destination he enters a meat pie shop owned by mrs. Lovett who tries to sing his cash into her till with the worst sales pitch I've ever heard yeah probably Plus everyone else is selling bug pies to her pies are straight nasty because she can't afford good meat instead she's been killing and using alley cats for supplies which gives us this incredible line yup she's making pussy pot pies all of that felt gross to say like Johnny Depp Helena Bonham Carter had never performed in a musical before although she had been a fan of Sondheim Sweeney Todd since she was a child mrs. Lovett I wanted to be her since I was 11 and I went around apparently mrs. Lovett head tubes obviously being with Burton helped her get an audition but Sondheim himself had final approval over casting and was happy with Carter's vocal abilities after her three-month crash course and singing feeling bad about feeding him her fill mrs. Lovett takes mr. Todd into her apartment where he asks about the room he sees is vacant above her shop she says no one will rent it because it's on Tim but why don't you expound upon that a little bit mrs. Lovett oh actually you know what I think he knows this one well it is able to fill him in on what happened to Lucy after Barker's exile though Turpin tried courting her which she steadfastly refused until she was eventually convinced by Beadle Bamford to come and collect an apology from the judge she arrived at his home to find a costume ball going on and it was here that the judge promptly raped her in public yo y'all are fucked up when that shit go down especially you Beatle you extra nasty Sweeney Todd's outraged reaction out Sina's Benjamin Barker to mrs. Lovett who tells him his lovely Lucy poisoned herself shortly after the ball poke the app and also judge Turpin's got his daughter Johanna and has raised her as his own welcome home Todd tells her he has a new name now and moves into his old room which gotta say it's not a great way to maintain an alias hey who's that new guy who looks like Benjamin Barker and who moved into Benjamin Barker's old place you think that's Benjamin Barker from beneath the floorboards mrs. Lovett retrieves a box she's been saving for mr. Todd and in it is a set of shiny silver straight razors upon seeing them Sweeney Todd declares himself the loneliest man in the world he strikes a couple of poses with his friends and even double-fist some all while mrs. Lovett gets thirsty and tries to woo him with her cleavage damn better luck next time love it but that's what you get for trying to get busy before he's even got all his limbs together my there you go that's how you dramatically complete a man elsewhere in the shithouse city the Lannister looking Antony here's a beautiful voice coming through a window its Sweeney Todd's baby girl Johanna trapped in her bedroom like so many caged burns while she's looking at Antony down below Judge Turpin is looking at her through a peephole that's undoubtably drilled into a very sticky wall Antony learns who Johanna is from a miserable woman on the street and immediately starts to sing about her and what he'd like to do [Music] enjoy whoops don't upset the quiet part loud dude cuz here's Judge Turpin beckoning Anthony inside Turpin who's wearing the dopest ass outfit I've ever seen learns that Anthony is a sailor and thusly shows off his worldly knowledge the geishas of Japan the concubines of sand the catamites of Greece olives okay judge we did it you've got hoes in different area codes Turpin suggests Stanton E that he'd take a hike to one of those locales after what he saw him do it you gandered at my ward and there was a clearly visible sign saying no gathering he threatens Antony and kicks him out with beetles telling the boy to go on and gear and take your smelly ass gym bag too bitch Todd and Lovett head into these surely disease-filled town square where a pop-up stage is set for signor Pirelli king of barbers at Barbara King sir Ellie's opening act is this dirty little lad with a drum hoop Whitely takes the stage well yes you can you nice young starving boy this kid Toby hypes up his boss as the man behind the elixir that gave him this head of mcGarry's hair despite his well performed jingle for the serum Toby loses the crowd after Todd makes a declaration about its context smells like fish [Music] wah wah wah whee-wah later though Farrelly himself is standing on stage and presenting his bulge to defend his elixir Todd challenges Pirelli to a good old-fashioned shaving contest and with one whip a decay Pirelli accepts ban ass Beadle Bamford a grease to judge the competition and the Fleet Street Ian's get really into it because people back then were so fucking bored they would form a crowd just to watch some dudes get shaved Pirelli sings as he works but his grandstanding is no match for Todd's Wolverine strike unleashed upon his subjects face he's declared the winner according to rules that were never really made clear and win some prize money from Pirelli as well as some interest from potential customers you should surely see me there before the week is out how are you about to shave a Beatle they got such hard shells days later Antony returns to Joanna's window-side where she tosses him a key to her room he takes it and rushes over to his boat buddy mr. Todd to who he spills all that delicious Johanna tea including his intent to steal her away and to me asked Todd if he can hide her there at the shop and perhaps because the lad reminds him of a younger version of himself Todd agrees to the arrangement before sending the Sailor on his way Pirelli arrives at the barber shop on announce Toby in tow and while mrs. Lovett tends to the boys empty stomach Pirelli heads upstairs to confront the old Swain stir he reveals that he's neither Italian nor dumb he knows who Todd really is used to pinch him in thumb Pirelli knows because he used to apprentice for Barker back when he was a kid and he recognized Barker's silver friends during their historic shaving competition he tries to blackmail Todd but that only earns him much kettle to the face and a seriously scolded beat down from the very pissed off Sweeney Todd man does that guy got some anger inside him Pirelli ends up stuffed inside a chest and after seeing that he's still alive Todd finishes him off with a slit of the throat crazy how bloody this movie gets for such a mainstream film he's got a respect man after condemning a child in court to a death by hanging sorry little buddy Turpin tells the big bad beetleborgs that he plans to go full-on Woody Allen and Mary his ward Johanna only for some reason when he told her this plan she wasn't all that jazz beetle Italy tells Turpin that Johanna will surely be more excited after the judge gets himself a good shape and he knows just the barber to do it say no more beetlebum let's go over at the meat pie shop toby stuffs his face removes his wig and shoots some gin before lova decide she'd better check on mr. Todd needs a boat funny joke here but it was also an unfortunate reality back then Irish nurses gave it to the pauper children to keep them quiet which it did permanently in the mid 18th century over nine thousand children died of gin poisoning a 19th century London fuckin saw upstairs loved it determines Todd's crime through both inference and hard evidence but comes around to supporting the murder when Todd says Pirelli tried to blackmail lemon nestea noodles with no harm done snatchy snatching Todd's willing to cut Toby's neck as well just to tie up all the loose ends here but Lovett convinces him that the boy would be useful as a shop key who's we can have to still company Cheney before Todd can tell her about the dangers of adolescent cirrhosis he sees the judge and his beetle approaching he kicks love it out and puts on his finest woman's jacket - welcome Judge Turpin into his shop in spite of its uninspiring interior Turpin sings into Todd's face that he would like one shave please and sits down to start an acapella group with his new Cruella De Vil haired acquaintance a bomb as the shaving commenced both men sing about pretty women and one of my favorite songs on the soundtrack although honestly I could probably say that about every song on the soundtrack I rock hard to Sweeney Todd dog as with Depp and Carter this was Alan Rickman's first foray into musicals a daunting task when Sondheim himself was present during production it's so tough and it's so ridiculous what you're about to do ie sing for Stephen Sondheim that time something in the body just says well then just do it the actors all recorded their songs and sound booths by themselves before they ever arrived on set to film any scenes together having the singing parts done already made some things easier for them the pre record is the guide and is also the safety net in a sense you don't necessarily have to hit the note properly you know each time on set although it did was that other unique difficulties they had to then deal with say sometimes you did come a cropper he thought like oh I think we're gonna look at me of that that was what I'd imagined in my booth of course when you're acting on your own and a booth your other actor is always gonna do what you want and then when they once that they've got different ideas Todd and terpenes beautiful back and forth duet isn't enough to make the barber forgive the man who raped his wife so he puts his blade up to the judges neck wholly for fuck-boy Antony to charge in and balls it all off screaming about his Johanna napping plans Johanna pings Joanne tapping the judge dresses him down like a child on death row and charges out of the shops leaving Todd absolutely furious over his missed opportunity he reiterates his hatred of all things London then steps it up a notch by saying there ain't a single person here who shouldn't get guy [Music] pretty extreme beliefs there my dude but I will give you credit for your consistency he fantasizes about seeing his daughter and getting revenge against the judge well in the meantime he'll kill a bunch of random people you know just to keep his blade sharp she know some Obrecht some nice or a booth trip downstairs as Toby takes a pine flavored nap mrs. Lovett comes up with an idea of what they can do with Pirellis body with the poison be told it is when you get it if you go do good she got it she may not be a star Baker but she is skilled at at least one area I'm not business the two of them sing about cooking up a variety of professionals from priests to poets in a song filled with lots of fun ponds is the politician so only what is on the bum high lob out throughout the number Todd can hardly contain his blood loss nor love it her lost lost turban catches Joanna in the act of packing for her getaway with Antony and as punishment he has her shoved into a carriage and taken away Antony sees it happen and after Turpin fucking creditor poses on him he runs after his recast object of affection he sings through cemeteries and past opium dens until he finally locates Joanna up in the window at fogs asylum poor thing at the barber shop Sweeney Todd engages in a full-on Little Monsters montage to rig his barber's chair into a body dump enthroned about now listen my man if you spent a whole montage making it you'd better spend one using it too oh what's that you are great during this cavalcade of kills Todd slits various throats while singing about Joanna after each kill he dumps the bloody body down his newly installed corpse chute sending it into the basement from which mrs. Lovett emerges with freshly baked meat pies he cuts a total of five throats during this song giving us a mighty fine edition of kills alongside a whole bunch of spurting blood this sequence showcases the movie's fantastic practical effects which use prosthetics designed by Neal Scanlan whose work I previously highlighted when I covered both from me and Jurassic world falling Kingdom dude makes great dinosaur stanlon and his team experimented with many different stabbing and slashing techniques until they found in effect that Burton liked most one that used over a gallon of blood for each kill what we're trying to do is to push the boundaries to the slightly ludicrous by doing that you take the audience away from that feeling this is real using a series of two it's not a big truck blood was pumped through an appliance attached to each actor being killed on screen then full-size dummies were made with interlocking soft foam body parts that moved realistically for the corpse dumping from Todd's chair which by the way was a fully functioning construction made by effects supervisor Joss Williams and production designer Dante Ferretti who won an Oscar for his work here well deserved - since Ferretti built the giant sets that made up Fleet Street in all of its buildings like I've said before a good set can do wonders for an actor's performance since it makes it that much easier to immerse yourself in a film's fantasy world mrs. Lovett has a grand reopening for her meat pie shop complete with the sweet sonic sounds of Toby the Boy Wonder and some outdoor lighting that you could find at half a dozen restaurants in Silverlake everyone seems excited save for that miserable homeless woman who has seen the black smoke of the meat pie shop and has claimed it's meant mischief many times over she tries to crash the eatery but la bete has Toby shoo her away and aside from that unwelcome visitor the night goes real well for loved' and her shop with business booming love it turns her attention towards her personal life in the films only sequence that doesn't make me feel like I need to wipe a layer of grime off my monitor she pitches to Todd that he should forget about vengeance and just let her kisses cheek all day in the song by the seat a notoriously difficult number to sing since it doesn't account for oxygen intake I know I know Duffy the song sequence depicts a dream life for mrs. Lovett wherein she and Todd get to where fun outfits on the beach and sip tea on the porch these outfits like all of the immaculately done period costumes in this movie were designed by the incredible Colleen Atwood whose work here was nominated for an Oscar Sweeney Todd let's love it go on with her fantasy up to and including a marriage with truly passionate vials makers willing to be on oh ho not so happy there Casanova that's a place of God love it finishes her song by telling Todd to move on from his missing daughter and dead wife after all life is for the living Anthony makes another dramatic entrance and tells table that he's located Joanna much to mrs. Lovett's chagrin Tom forms a plan for Antony to go rescue her but after sending him away he writes a letter to Judge Turpin straight up snitch and on the web six sailor he finishes writing his tattle tale and gives it to Toby to deliver then paces the day away in front of his giant window overlooking the street wait has he been killing people in front of that thing this whole damn time when Toby gets home later he tells mrs. Lovett he really loved its hearse and she saved him from doing more dangerous child labor seems like the good Lord sent you for me great sentiment toasters well just think about it [Music] hear that love it your own personal 80 pound bodyguard he tells her that Sweeney's a weenie and undeserving of her loss and after he sees Pirellis coin purse and is told it was a gift from mr. Todd oh hell that just settles it for the kid time to go to the police Lubbock tells him to hold his goddamn horses for a minute cuz how would he like a promotion instead Congrats Toby now you're a baking boy and your lessons begin immediately here's the giant scary furnace used for coking and here's the giant scary grinder used for grinding she tells him to give that a whirl while she locks him inside the basement and Ponder's what to do with him under disguise as an apprentice wig maker Antony wins entry to Boggs Asylum asking to see his blond inmates for supplies he holds Fogg up and escapes with Joanna allowing the inmates to swarm their keeper but I don't know if he gets killed or not so I'm not gonna put him on the list Beadle arrives at the barbershop in response to the stinky smoke that's been emanating from the bakery but before he can check out the cook room Todd convinces him to come upstairs for some free cologne and ROM which honestly doesn't sound like a bad groomsmen gift making a note and done Toby tries to enjoy himself in the basement by eating free meat pies but that plan goes south when he finds little jack horner thumb instead of a plum inside oh shit little man the meat pies come from people people like Beadle Bamford whose body crashes down the chute blowing his brains out better cover that ish with a half Todd and Lovett come downstairs to deal with Toby but the boy obeyed them and they're singing search by hiding below the sewer grade man you're missing out on a free shave their tow dog as they look for the child they hope to murder and Toomey arrives upstairs with Joanna and tells her to stay put as he goes to look for Todd make yourself at home while he's gone Joe you can unknowingly enjoy your own baby pictures Joanna hides in a chest when that vagrant who's been orbiting the story this whole time walks right through the door she's looking for Beadle Bamford whom she saw enter the shop with Todd earlier but instead she finds the barber himself and he is not in the mood for her nonsense even if she's not exactly a stranger next time with the judge calling out for him Todd slits the throat of the miserable woman and it's a good thing she knows how to die standing up cuz that keeps her over the trapdoor long enough for Todd to send her to the basement Turpin arrives asking where Joanna is and Todd tells him good news she's on her way right now and better news she's all of a sudden pumped to marry him how about an engagement shame oh but actually judge there's also some bad news Sweeney Todd is Benjamin Barker [Music] benjamín bullshit motherfucker stabbed him with that razor he stabs him multiple times in fact sending blood all over the place before he delivers one final throat slash that's not quite enough to finish Turpin off since he still has enough life in him to give mrs. Lovett a scare but he does die soon enough so no worries Todd retires his friends and discovers his daughter although he mistakes her for a common youth in need of a good shave he stopped by a scream from lovin as she finds Judge Turpin so he lets Johanna go and leaves to see what's going on in the basement by the light of the cooking furnace Todd realizes that the miserable woman he just murdered was actually his dearest Lucy turns out Lovett misled Todd letting him think that Lucy died from taking poison whereas in reality the poison just messed her up in the head and left her homeless Todd grabs loved' and gives her one last dance before chucking her into the furnace and closing and locking the door damn all that hair about to smell real bad as it burns bra the hope I guess y'all were probably already dealing with that problem Todd cradles his dead wife's body and reprises the song about the barber and his wife while Toby emerges from the sewer with some teenage mutant ninja benjin's on his mind as the boy takes one of Todd's friends off the ground the barber I think senses his presence and presents his neck for cutting having no good reason to live anymore Toby obliges and splits Sweeney Todd's throat giving the barber a taste of his own bloody medicine haha he's just dripping it all down into Lucy's dead face Krauss did the movie ends with the barber dying in the basement of the Bake Shop and it was beautiful how many corpses got cooked into meat pies let's finally finish the shave and get to the numbers there were 11 deaths in Sweeney Todd only two of them were women meaning nine of them were dudes but thankfully the most innocent characters like Antony avoided being cooked into this human meat pie chart with a beefy runtime of 116 minutes that left us with a kill on average about every 10 and a half minutes I'll give the golden chainsaw four coolest kill to Judge Turpin nearly every kill in this movie was the same all razor blades and blood sprays the terpenes was the most graphic besides maybe the old beetle Bamford's brain Boston but terpenes death had more importance to it the old machete 4 lamest kill will go to the fourth kill in that montage I guess since it was shot from behind and thus at the least visible gore and that's it Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street came out in 2007 and is pretty friggin awesome next week is a Star Wars super cut and then a bonus kill count of Valentine for Valentine's Day but until all that I'm James a Chinese it's been the killcam thanks a lot for watching this kill count on Sweeney Todd I wanted some patrons like david story jim fasoli Krista Allen Vaughan Zachary Jordan gambit and a special thanks to my moderator spork who gave me that Sweeney Todd action figure back there thanks for key and another thanks to Dollar Shave Club for sponsoring this episode and my shave thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 8,204,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, sweeney todd, sweeny todd, johnny depp, jonny depp, helena bonham carter, musical, music, fleet street, british, uk, borat, sacha baron cohen, sasha baron cohen, tim burton, alan rickman, snape, barber, razor, haircut, songs, song, johanna, office, timothy spall, sweeney todd review, sweeney todd recap, sweeney todd razor, DMKC, sweeney todd kill count, sweeney todd barber shop
Id: 1BHvIm9JdZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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