The Belko Experiment (2016) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the killcam where we tally up the victims at all our favorite horror movies I'm James Agee nice and today we're looking at the Belko experiments since that one the YouTube poll I posted a few weeks ago the Belko experiment was written by James Gunn in 2007 but by time production began in 2015 he was a bit too busy with the MCU to directed himself so wolfcreek director Greg McLean took over and to me the resulting rift in tone kind of hurts the final product gun script is full of dark humor but McLean's direction takes the material a tad too seriously and we wind up with an uneven movie that gives me tonal whiplash Naoko has gleefully been described as office space meets battle royale a fair enough description since hey it's got John C McKinley in it and he was one of the Bob's in office space the premise is simple at an office building in Columbia 80 American employees are told that they have to start killing each other man that's pretty much it the Belko experiment like Battle Royale has the most horrifying concept in the world to me average everyday people being forced to murder or be murder y'all know me I want you to be good people well what are good people supposed to do in a situation like this let's find out get to the kills [Music] the movie begins in the capital of Colombia where a single imposing building stands representing American capitalism in the form of Belko industries looks like today has some extra security going on as CEO o berry Norris played by Tony Goldwyn notes the guards of new faces and these new faces are checking every nook and cranny on the vehicles driven in by the American workforce also the local employees are being sent back home alright three-day weekend the opening credits play over a montage of future victims and close-ups on office supplies that will sadly never get to see used as weapons also there's a big rack of monitors and a switchboard somewhere those are important this movie's got a real big cast and you're about to see them all murder each other so let's get to know a few faces before all the killing starts new hire Danny played by Melanie Diaz is meeting with Vince the head of HR on her very first day she mentions that she got the standard company tracer put in her head the day before an electronic tag meant to protect her and all the other employees from kidnappings a likely story Danny made some friendly faces like Vince's assistant Rosia as well as Roberto and Liotta two other employees who befriend her right away fun crowd but I'd rather hang out over here with Peggy played by rusty Schwimmer who was the abrasive diner owner and Jason goes to hell and Keith played by Josh Brener he of the big head and small ambitions leAndria played by Adria hona is getting weird at by Wendell played by everyone's favorite snarky dr. John C McKinley she tries to tell him off using the offices weirdly backwards messaging system but she has to resort to just closing the blinds on him to get real privacy you know the kind of privacy that'll let her make out with her boyfriend Mike Miller's played by John Gallagher jr. all of these characters and plenty others get their day interrupted by a voice coming over the intercom hours most of you will be dead your chance of survival increases by following my orders your first task is simply this murder any two of your fellow employees within the next half hour yep that's it they say it doesn't matter how but if two people aren't dead in 30 minutes there will be problems the employees aren't sure how to react to it whether it's a joke or whether they should be concerned or what but the phone lines are dead cell reception is non-existent and it it looks like they ain't getting out of there anytime soon because that building is quickly becoming a bunker which is more than a little concerning with most employees gathered in the lobby Barrie takes control and tells everyone to remain calm because it's probably just some kind of prank bro he ends the powwow with some excellent corporate buzzwords I'm gonna go work on that and circle back to as soon as I can that guy knows out of business Mike asks head of maintenance bud played by Michael Rooker if he can do anything about those walls but when he takes a blowtorch to him with Lonnie the Robin to his Batman they discover ain't nothing getting through that metal there shut in tight plus the air conditionings been turned off all of that combined with those scary new guards has my concern that Barry's wrong about it being just a prank bro who are you saying we should pick out a couple folks to kill no no no got it how's the joke Mike Barry tells Mike that he's probably just wigging out a little bit and that things will be okay Keith Danny Liotta and Roberto go up to the roof roof and try to flag down one of those new guards that they see but this is none of his business so he completely ignores them there's another group on the roof getting high but not too high from Panama man it's not that strong it includes Marty played by James Gunn's little brother Sean and Chet who I would just love to have give me a big ol bear hug Marty tells the others that this whole thing is just a psychological test man and that they just want to see how the employees react to all this look at me look how fucking chill I am they lose man but then the chick next to hims head blows up oh yeah that's not just a prank bro or a psych test this shit's for reals and the heads keep pop pop and down in the sweltering lobby with another three employees getting their heads blown up by mysterious means that people at first assumed as gunfire but then realize whose head exploded huge that's right the explosions are coming from inside the Hat yep it's those tags that everyone had installed in the back of their heads when they began working there so that sucks Mike it's thinking fast he grabs a box cutter and heads into the bathroom where he starts slicing into his own head to get rid of the baby brain Bob unfortunately for him the voice hairs all seized all they give him a countdown and he stops before it ends shaving his head later on Vince and this guy Terry discovered that there are indeed cameras everywhere as Mike gets stitched up Wendel increases his creep factor telling Leandre how he clocks all the quote-unquote flirtatious looks an email she sends his way fuck off yeah fuck off window pack in the lobby Barry struts up a convo with security guard evident by James Earl and asks him for the keys to the armory so we can make sure the guns in there stay safe wait what I'm sorry this building has an armory that sucks when Evan refuses Barry tries to pull rank but Evan nominally quits his job in response he'll just hold on to those keys for now thanks Barry down in the basement bud is trying to fix the air conditioning wall on e is slowly losing it be good for his little lonnie brain when the voice returns over the speakers it says they'll be getting the results they want whether the employees play along or not and lays out some ground rules no more dismantling cameras and no more attempting to remove the head explosives if you do either of those you're gonna come down with an acute case of brain blow up itis then the next directive there are currently 76 of you left in the building in two hours thirty of you are not dead we will have 60 of your lives through our methods begin and we're off some people like Wendell and this big dude Antonio immediately start arming themselves with whatever they can find in the kitchen others like this Lady Agnes just want to find a place to hide Lonnie's really freaking out now and when bud tries to calm him down he gets a reflexive wrench to the head oh shit Lonnie did you even mean to do that cuz oh wow yeah that is one beaten skull dude it's a real memorable moment as bud struggles with some acute brain damage before slinking to the floor death the death all the more surprising due to Rooker's acting pedigree witness to the somewhat accidental murder was Danny and when Lonnie sees her he grabs her and starts swinging that wrench at her she fights back and slams him back against the wall where there are some inconvenient pipe sticking out one of which goes straight into the back of his head killing him well that's two maybe of 28 more people can die accidentally everything will be okay in the cafeteria where most of the employees are Barry says they have to consider all options at this point and different ideologies begin to form Mike being very much against even considering any murder and as if tony goldwyn talking about killing people wasn't scary enough already Vince let's slip that the CEO is apparently ex Special Forces as everyone else goes off to make some rescue signs some of the more utilitarian astable about how their families need them at home they take the blowtorch to that after mention armory in order to obtain the stash of guns kept there like a neben are against the plan and when Wendell threatens them because he's such a big strong man Evan pulls out his handgun showing tensions are getting real high Mike talks him down from killing anyone but also dismantles the blowtorch so there won't be a new slew of weapons in the mix it was a stupid fuckin move looks like Leandre agrees with very chastising Mike for pissing those dudes off and also for not considering the realistic possibility that they may need to actually kill some more I get that this premise is a good way to explore how different people might approach a kill-or-be-killed situation like this but there's still something supremely off-putting about how a cervical en turgut's with her boyfriend excused him to strange I think you just stupid hey fuck you she eventually calmed down but again it's Jardin to have serious character moments like this back-to-back with funny stuff like Marty and his crew deciding that the company must be drugging them through the drinking water it's gonna get moldy especially considering the stuff that's about to happen the tone just isn't well blended a big group of people get to the roof and try hanging the rescue signs from it only to be met with gunfire from the armed guards on the ground and the voice saying that if they try it again they'll have some exploded heads to clean up in the stairwell on their way back down Berry's crew attacks Mike and demands the keys from oven when he throws them down Wendel stabs him with a knife because that dude is just one enormous asshole in addition to being a pervert tĂ´chuken sounds like something a pervert would say they leave Evan to bleed out to death on his own in the staircase a real bummer since that dude seemed pretty cool Barry opens the gun safe and starts handing out some of the weapons to Wendel Antonio this dude Bradley and Terry who doesn't seem that scary they corralled the rest of the employees into the lobby although when Bradley sees Danny hiding in the basement he leaves her there I guess that's one of those first day privileges like having your boss buy her lunch for you the other 72 employees all wind up together in the lobby where Barry starts to sort them into groups people with children under the age of 18 are put in one group while everyone over the age of 60 is put in another Terry starts to have second thoughts about the whole thing but Barry is steadfast that this is the way things have to be this is the right thing this is the only choice yeah he starts to choose the remaining victims seemingly at random but he ain't no RNG so I don't think this is entirely fair the stew Jonathan also recognizes the pseudo randomness of it and starts making a fuss leading to Wendel just executing him right there on the spot dr. Cox seemed a little too eager to get shooting there maybe JD should buckle down and quit daydreaming for his own personal safety Barry's quote/unquote random selection includes both Peggy and Mike so vessels but luckily Danny is still hiding out in the basement so she's avoiding this whole situation which is about to get real disturbing real fast Harry has Antonio put on the radio and a spanish-language cover of California dreamin starts playing and this is where the tonal fractures of the movie are the most apparent because the stylistic music scouring the scene makes it feel like the filmmakers are trying to make it more cool than disturbing but rest assured this shit is seriously disturbing and if you're sensitive you might not want to watch it because after one last bit of encouragement from wendell berry begins the executions last note the count is gonna get messy here so bear with me and please just trust me I spent an entire day going over this and I'm fairly confident I got right Barry start shooting people in the back of the head to kill them while Wendell counts up the body we see a number of them happen on screen or just off screen but I'm also counting a few gun shots that we hear as Danny runs through the basement terrified my logic is that these people are lined up to die and Barry's probably not missing or wasting any bolas and so during this initial execution scene I hear or see 10 people get shot and that's how many go on the count meanwhile mike is trying to convince Terry to let him go but despite his poopypants crybaby face Terry rejects Mike's pleas and gets ready to follow through it's at that moment Danny flips the circuit breaker downstairs turning all the lights in the building off and starting a panic where everyone runs for their lives during this sequence I'm once again going off of audible gunshots which is less realistic here since it's unlikely that every single bullet fired resulted in a death but if you do this and count even the most faint gunshots going on in the background the kill count lines up with what the voice says the next time it checks in on our characters so with that in mind during the sequence that's still scored by California Dreaming which is uncomfortable 13 unnamed people are killed that's the number it has to be also during the sequence Danny escapes into the elevator with Roberto where they climb through the ceiling to get on top when Antonio comes into the stairwell after Peggy Mike jumps on his back and Peggy ends up stabbing him in the stomach with his own butcher knife killing him that's one of the Wild Bunch taken out and another one falls when Bradley is distracted by the circuit breaker long enough for Vince to sneak up on him and get him down Vince and a whole crowd of other employees then stop and kick Bradley to death gettin real crunchy with it until Rosia begs them all to stop finally the song ends and so does the massacre I kept pulled it go coach just go as many as you can that's right Terry no need to count because the voice comes back on it says they're at twenty nine people killed one short of their quota and that they only have two minutes left to kill someone else before an additional 30 get off so when Leandro gets the jump on Terry and get some begging for mercy with the blade of a paper trimmer you'd think it'd be an obvious kill after all this dude was just executing her coworkers a few months ago but she can't bring herself to do it so Terry is saved until the voice comes back on to give him a record deal or sorry to say that 31 additional employees will now be eliminated and the first to go is in fact Terry as some non-diegetic tchaikovsky starts playing we watch as dozens of employees fall victim to the messy squishy explosives going off in their heads again with the classical music playing over this whole thing I'm not sure exactly what the filmmakers are going for but I have a feeling it's more of a look how awesome and edgy the scene is rather than I yo this shit is fucked up type centum and that upsets me given the otherwise very grounded portrayal of these people as human beings the kills includes second-tier characters such as Leona and Peggy whose death is real sad as she shares one last look of Terror with life then it's finally over well okay sorry now it's finally over Keith makes thirty one for the head explosions and with the count that I've been doing we're all squared up there have been 64 employees killed and only 16 remain the survivors are left colouring in fear or in the case of this dude Tyson and chillin in the freezer like his namesake chicken nuggets when the voice comes back to explain the last phase of their game it rattles off the current tally which has burying the lede and Wendell in a near second and windows looking to shores numbers of so he takes a cleaver to the two people he finds in the bathroom mark and Agnes we see Agnes died after a few other people that's why their kills are number 65 and 69 I'm just grouping them together here because it's easier for the graphics head of HR Vince has one acredited kill so he reluctantly starts to add more starting with his own secretary Rosia and continuing with his other unnamed employee who tries to run away this one shake Lorena tries her own method at survival by exposing herself to Barry and telling him he can have her if he doesn't kill her a real sad point of desperation made even sadder by how much it doesn't work since Mary tells her he can't waste a bullet and instead twist her head around in a CG effect not much better than that one in Freddy vs. Jason Barry gets in the elevator that Danny and Roberto around the roof of and when he hears them up there he starts to open fire Danny's like this is my floor thanks well Roberto is faced with the prospect of getting crushed by the ceiling he tries to escape but is instead crushed between the roof of the elevator and the ceiling of Wanda floors killing him and also stopping the elevator dead in its tracks temporarily traffic Barry inside the andr armed with the gun now comes across marty and Chet who are removing the bombs from the heads of anyone who died with them intact their plan is to put them against the wall and blow a hole through to the outside an unlikely plan but at least it's something Leandro wants Mike in on it so she gets on the intercom and asks him to come meet her on the first floor on her way there in the cafeteria she finds Wendell dragging Tyson out of his freezer hiding place cleaving him to death to get one more kill under his belt although maybe he was just taking that Tyson meat out to thaw for later use the Landers not interested in Wendell's frozen dinner so she shoots him knocking him to the ground she takes cover behind a table with Chet and Marty but unfortunately Wendell fires back with his gun shooting Chet through the head and as Leandre and Marty pushed the table towards him Marty throw sad to see both those characters go but I'm happy they lasted as long as they did Leandre pens Wendell down with the table then stands over him with the fire axe as Wendell cries in disbelief she goes friggin nuts on that dudes face hacking it to a bloody pulp against the floor and that's a wrap for our secondary antagonist who goes out with a seriously gnarly smashed head on his way to the first floor mic picks up the staff at area lady named Lisl and they meet Leandre in the lobby where she shows him all the bombs Marty and shed had collected Mike pockets them for later use out of nowhere comes Vince with the Molotov cocktail he throws it and he splashes onto Lisl burning her to death and knocking the survivors down to the final five sorry weasel at least outlived the pervert - all chuckle all right I'll just call you smashed in face dude is that better Vince tosses more cocktails sending Mike and Leandre into the stairwell while Barry's coming down at them with his gun he fires at them but they get away and when Vince goes to throw another cocktail he gets a slug through the chest courtesy of a co Oh Vince goes down another Belko employee dead take that HR meanwhile Danny's been being a total badass in the elevator shaft monkey barring her way across the chasm and eventually getting onto the roof of another elevator she's been such a great player this whole game that is frustrating as fuck when the script makes her decide to hop down into the elevator and senselessly take it down to the lobby it makes no fucking sense and of course results in her getting shot in the head by Barry when the doors open god damn that's the most annoying death in this movie Danny was way smarter and more careful tonight looks like Leandre ended up getting shot in the stairwell by Barry so she and Mike make it to a quiet place where she can tell him she loves him and da real bummer for Mike but an even bigger bummer for us it's one of the last deaths of the movie and she just bleeds out like a Linderman with Mike real pissed at Barry for murdering his girlfriend the final showdown begins Mike leaps out and starts beating Barry who definitely has the upper hand as a Special Forces trained fighter the brawl eventually accidentally turns on a projector giving the sequence the backdrop of a PowerPoint presentation somehow random slouchy office guy Mike is able to get the best of Special Forces trained Barry and he starts beating him in the face with a tape dispenser the cover image of the blu-ray is born as Mike lifts the tape dispenser high above his head and brings it down on Barry's skull over and over pulverizing his face and yet another real gnarly broken head effect and killing him to end the Belko experiment I mean the experiment itself the movies not over just yet the walls around the building go down and armed guards come in to a score Mike out of the office building they take him to the next door hanger that looks like the headquarters of spanks spanks and Mike finally meets the man behind the boys face - scarred face the says they're part of an international organization studying human behavior and that they've learned a lot from these experiments they tried to give Mike a little questionnaire but he cuts that shit short by saying he placed the explosives on the guards and the boys when they escorted him inside he runs to the switchboard and starts flipping switches willy-nilly killing the two armed guards with the explosives then he grabs a rifle and opens fire on the questionare guy and the cameraman when he tries to flee killing a total of four altogether the voice is left pleading for his life on the ground and tries to appeal to Mike's belief in life being sacred but the time for that is over and Mike opens fires straight into the voices head unloading an excessive amount of ammo into him and giving us the final kill of the film bloody and messed up beyond belief Mike walks outside and drops his weapon to the ground he stares up into the sky probably wondering what sounds good for dinner as the camera zooms out and reveals that he is still being monitored along with a whole bunch of other people in similar situations and stage one commence stage two oh boy definitely an ending that sets up for a sequel even though this one has enough kills for four or five movies on its own don't believe me let's get to the numbers in a new killcount record unlikely to be beaten anytime soon 84 people were killed in the Belko experiment 10 for my research that took way too long it looks like there were 35 women and 49 men but that could be off I don't know for sure with the runtime of 89 minutes that comes out to a kill on average nearly every single minute good god I'll get the golden chains off the coolest killed - Barry Norris because it's a kill that actually utilizes an office supply aka what the entire movie should have had instead of just a bunch of gun shooting and head exploding come on - all mache for lamest kill will actually be Danny because I'm pissed at how unfair it was to her character Danny was better than that y'all and that's it the Belko experiment premiered in 2016 - mixed reviews and box office numbers so who knows if we'll ever get that sequel speaking of sequels though we're back on that leprechaun grind on Friday with part 2 and until then I'm James Agee nice it's been the kill count thanks a lot for watching today's kill count I won't thank a couple of patrons like Tricia glass Nova chat Jourdan Shannon my impression is that a lot of you like this movie a whole lot more than me and that's totally okay I express my opinions in these kill accounts but that doesn't make them the end-all be-all appraisement of these movies in fact sometimes my opinion on movies is swayed by comments you lead so if you love this movie go ahead and leave a comment telling me why alright thanks I'll be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 18,949,956
Rating: 4.923491 out of 5
Keywords: john gallagher jr, office space, films, adria arjona, royale, melonie diaz, brent sexton, short horror film, james gunn, sean gunn, josh brener, body count, battle, john c mcginley, belko experiment, horror, kill count, horror movie, movies, rusty schwimmer, scene, tony goldwyn, clip, dead meat, james a. janisse, building, michael rooker, office, jaj, blumhouse, greg mclean, corporate, trailer, kills, owain yeoman, scary, scrubs, DMKC, corporation, the belko experiment, colombia
Id: HMWfqMvvtQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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