Countdown (2019) KILL COUNT

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[Music] welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies i'm james agenese and today we're looking at countdown released in 2019. countdown is the feature debut of writer and director justin deck based on his 2016 short film of the same name both films have the same story a new app can tell people exactly when they're going to die and it proves to be quite accurate no matter how hard they try to change their fate countdown is thus often called the killer app movie even though it's actually a demon not the app itself killing people and even though there was an actual killer app movie called bedeviled released in 2016 but i think the world has collectively agreed to forget about bedevilled and frankly i don't blame us unfortunately countdown's pretty forgettable too anyone who has paid attention watching horror movies could tell you exactly how every beat of this thing goes and because of a pg-13 rating it's unable to get graphic with its kills instead relying on frequent and cheap jump scares it's got some decent direction a well-designed demon and some light-hearted fun to it so if you're new to horror movies or want something you don't have to get too invested in you could definitely pick something worse to watch besides i think it's important to occasionally look at mediocre and unremarkable horror movies just to remind ourselves that the genre is not always good and not always bad sometimes it's just you know whatever how many kills occur in this horror movie well there's an app for that or sorry i mean there's a youtube host for that and it's me [Music] the movie begins at a solo cup party and by that i mean exactly what you know i mean look at that game of beer pong a small splintering of this young hip party is seated around playing drinking games and talking shit about their peers chris murphy needs to stop posting pics of her food we get it liz you're vegan as long as y'all ain't talking shit about my boy austin zazer there he have scary stories to tell in the dark and his youtube channel he's got a web series with kevin smith on there called sun in lockdown that i found very endearing good work austin the kids end up stumbling across an app called countdown that has a singular cassandra purpose if you could know exactly when you were going to die would you want to know ooh how are you going to react to that genie everyone including the reluctant courtney here downloads the app and conducts the universal daily lie then compare their countdowns most of their readouts range between 20 and 60 odd years but courtney's working on a bit of a shorter timetable it says i only have three hours to live you're gonna die oh man it sucks that austin's asia is not in the rest of this movie courtney goes to leave with her boyfriend evan but with his bac getting into the 10th decimal place she doesn't need 13 reasons why she shouldn't let him drive not wanting to let the app's death prediction come true she opts to walk home by herself instead as evan drives off angry whoa court was that a clown in your pocket or are oh agreement broken yo and they sending dementors out to enforce those here it is again in case you missed it courtney gets home and tries to calm herself down but eventually her clock runs out i mean i guess i'll counter it dead now even though isn't she dying a little early there oh never mind it was perfectly timed which is actually pretty crucial to this whole plot and looks like her time was supposed to run out in evan's car since at that very moment a tree branch was going through her seat with the pretty well done opening scene out of the way we begin the movie proper by meeting our real main character hospital intern quinn harris is working hard to become a nurse which means rolling carts down hallways and comforting pre-op patients evan the car crashing drunk driver tells her about the countdown app that correctly predicted his girlfriend's dad and now it's saying that i'm gonna die during that surgery quinn mentions the app to her co-workers as they celebrate her passing her nurses exam which once again leads to everyone comparing the length of their lifelines 57 years that'll make me 98. well good for you dr sullivan or should we say dr centenarian quinn installs the app and agrees to the terms and conditions only to find out she's got two days in change left to live if only she had that much time before having to deal with doc sullivan's inappropriate workplace behavior but the countdown for that ish ends in five four three two there it is quinn goes to her childhood home to get her birth certificate but it's a place filled with painful memories of deceased matriarchs so she tries to sneak in and out without seeing anyone she fails when she runs into her younger sister jordan who doesn't appreciate quinn's constant absence see you in another six months then cool oh don't be like that jordan come on do you want to build a snowman or something their sisterly squabbles wake up their dad charlie and before quinn can get out of there he gets her on the hook to visit their mom's grave that weekend with evan's countdown saying he's got three minutes left he decides to ditch his surgery in an attempt to keep himself safe oh shit dude the ram app is pissed again and don't look now but the enforcer's been sent out maybe you'll be okay if you just nope get on out of there he goes to a stairwell of stock sound effects and sees courtney standing on the steps looking a little bit more backwards than the last time he saw his phone falls down the stairwell and gives us a countdown to our second kill of the film quinn finds out about evan's death from nurse amy played by tachina arnold who is one of the kick-ass greek chorus gals in little shop of horrors remembering what he said about the app she grabs his phone to investigate and though it takes some effort is able to unlock it hey don't you come to daddy us mister you keep your eyes to yourself and you know looking forward if you can perhaps getting cold feet after seeing evan's cold body quinn calls her dad and cancels her cemetery visit and by the sound of her phone she just canceled her trip to the grave in more than one way and that's how you get visited by hospital ghouls nah just playing or am i dr sullivan corners quinn in a room and after giving her a hug that should definitely be more ass out he implies that she should pay him back for all the career help he's provided i really want to guess you right now oh i don't think that's appropriate man elizabeth lal just can't get away from obsessive stalkers huh the doctor doesn't take no for an answer a much more physical villain than the spectre she passed a few minutes ago and when quinn tries to report the incident to nurse amy she gets talk blocked by sullivan who pulls amy away for a task that son of a bitch yet we know phone user agreement broken quinn looks up countdown in an internet search and finds an article about courtney then a video from a commenter saying she too is experiencing unintended spooky side effects from the app like last night i saw my cousin who died in april i saw him the woman then says it's here and i'll believe her encounter is dead even though plenty of the comments think it's fake and or bullshit they're probably right quinn never mind since quinn can't get countdown off her phone she takes it to a repair guy who's not too concerned about getting good yelp reviews where's your manager let me go get him just yeah hold on hello i'm the manager so i can help you with derek here is played by comedian tom segura and is one of the movie's bright spots breathing life into the paint by numbers plot with his character work i trust you something in your eyes says you're a normal completely sane person he sells her a clean new phone but the thing gets corrupted in no time next and the countdown app is once again unable to be removed another customer named matt hears quinn freaking out so he goes to the parking lot and shows her that he's part of the countdown club too they head to a bar and talk about the app's user agreement in flat dialogue meant to be funny did you read it and terms and conditions every word really no let's see a little energy here people come on wanting to read over the agreement again they decide to use the phone of a drunk conspiracy theorist barfly played by john bishop who 35 years earlier played a very excitable bully and silent night deadly night i'm sorry what was that oh that's what i thought you said reading over the terms and conditions more closely they discover the clause likely causing their problems any attempt to use information derived from countdown to alter the user's faith will result in a breach of this agreement except the terms of our fate matt says he attempted to alter his fate when he canceled the trip he would have been on when his countdown would hit zero just like quinn canceled her cemetery visit which also would have occurred at the end of her death clock you know i think it's pretty obvious there's only one explanation here demons yeah wait yeah yeah i mean it seems like demon stuff to me i guess it's demon stuff they're directed to a demonologist by a priest at the hospital but on their way to go see him nurse amy pulls quinn aside leaving matt to do his best ian malcolm impression i'm talking to myself that's that's chaos theory matt has a bathroom run in with the feet of a young boy who just can't pick which stall he wants to poop in hell he can't even figure out how to walk backwards without breaking his ankles damn the lights flicker off there's a scary flying demon kid but then it disappears and that scene is over nurse amy takes quinn into a surprise hr meeting where doc sullivan has managed to get out in front of her complaint but you cornering me in my office like that that wasn't okay it needs to be addressed quinn is understandably pissed about her abusers uh what were those comments saying oh yeah bullshit and she storms out of the room when no one listens to her side of the story she seems like a very unstable young woman quinn and matt go to a church to meet their demonologists and find him in the back listening to lil nas x and munching on jesus crackers body of christ father john is played by pj byrne who was the sex pest in the best final destination movie and it's great to see him in a less obnoxious role here as an excitable but inexperienced demon-obsessed priest i love this stuff i mean the bible is like the ultimate graphic novel producer sean anders calls father john the comic-con priest and his character along with derek the phone repair dick points to how the filmmakers were hoping to make countdown a fun horror movie makes sense that this movie would have a comedic tone since producer anders primarily works in comedy having written hot tub time machine and written and directed the daddy's home movies in fact the producer met director justin deck when deck was a pa on anders's first studio film 2008's sex drive always maintain those connections folks father john tells quinn and matt a story about a roma woman who once told the prince when he would die when the prince tried to avoid his fate he got hit with a cosmic punishment in the form of a fictional demon it's the demon ozin ozin that's scary mofo tormented the priest until his prescribed moment of death which is the same fate that awaits anyone who breaks countdown's terms and conditions hoping to get more info from the app quinn and matt return to derek and give him their credit cards to hack into it this feels illegal i like it he opens the app's code and after noting that it has some latin written into it begin searching up their name derek sees that he has 32 years left and decides to alter the code and set himself up for an oldest living person record when he goes to look up quinn's code they discover that her sister jordan's name is also listed inside the app our clock is the same as mine actually no hers is three minutes shorter did you just well actually this woman about her sister dying dude he changes all their codes and takes off for a tinder date leaving quinn and matt a little more relieved now that they'll live to be nona and octogenarian still they figure this whole experience is as good an excuse as any to stay the night with each other do you want to be alone tonight not at all at quinn's house matt divulges his hashtag traumatic past when he was 10 his younger brother got sick which took up all his parents attention and got the sick siblings some sweet toys this stupid robot dinosaur whoa whoa ain't nothing stupid about no robot dinosaur anyway matt took the dino robot from his dying bro not thinking about how guilty he would feel until this very day or about how his dead brother would visit him in hospital bathroom quinn also opens up and says how once upon a time when she was young she ran off to a party and when her mom went out to look for her she got killed by a drunk driver with their misery tail trade complete the two of them have earned a snuggle sash haha i love snuggle sessions don't you matt yo are you calling my name wait if you're oh my god turns out their app hacking didn't work worth shit and both of them are back down to their final hours jordan is as well which is why she's getting tormented by ozen who appears as their dead mother asking where quinn is quinn comes and gets her and the three of them go back to father john who translates to latin in the app's code this curse will come upon you will pursue you and overwhelm you until you are utterly destroyed this is good this is like really good he's excited because he thinks he knows how to break the curse all they have to do is prove satan a liar by making their death clock wrong even if only by a single second they create a protective symbol on the ground using white paint and blessed holy souls the plan is to stay inside its boundaries keeping them safe from deadly demons until matt's clock runs out and satan is proven wrong as his countdown nears its end ozin comes a calling but he's unable to cross the sodium boundary no matter how scary he'd be looking i really like ozin's design which was done by scott stoddard who worked on the friday remake and howard berger of knb who's worked on uh everything they based the design off a drawing by aaron sims who also created stranger things as demogorgon and knb effects artist dirk rogers portrayed the demon on set after a makeup process that only took a single hour surprisingly ozin is almost entirely practical aside from some digital augmentation around his eyes unable to get in ozen decides to lure matt out by sending in the greatest toy of all time motherfucking robot dinosaur ozin appears as matt's younger brother again and admonishes him for his childhood thievery then gets him to take a step outside the salt circle so it can grab him and pull him away by time quinn gets outside to help matt is hit by a truck and smashed straight into a tree poor guy anyone got a painkiller to give him might make his last seconds more comfortable as they run out right on time solidifying their failure to extend someone's life past their countdown jordan's bleeding from a spill she took in the basement so quinn takes her to the hospital she works at probably hoping to get the family raid while there she's approached by another nurse named rachel played by lana mckissack who once had a youtube channel and who very nearly became a drunk disney guest back in the day rachel tells quinn that she heard about what happened with slimy sullivan and that she too has been a victim of the guy's harassment rachel's revelation gives quinn an idea if she can't prove satan a liar by keeping someone alive maybe she can do it by making someone punch their time card early with her and her sister's countdowns nearing an end she decides her only option is to orphan some vampires quinn goes to sullivan and comes on to him saying that she wants her job back and is willing to do anything for it she leads him to a closed wing of the hospital where he follows a trail of her attire but this game of cat and mouse ends when the mouse runs up and starts beating the shit out of the cat quinn goes to stab sullivan with a fatal dose of morphine but he just says no with the help of his friend ozen she catches up to him kicks him in the nyats and shouts a time we reference your time's up you rapey fuck but even after she chucks a fucking crowbar at him she's unable to kill him thanks to continual interference by the bulldoze and ozen jordan's staring down the end of her death clock meaning she might get cancelled early without a satisfying conclusion damn ozin you're really about to throw a high school girl through a window that's rootless he's just about to kill jordan when quinn appears with a plan c in hand unable to extend someone's life or shorten someone else's quinn has decided to end her own life early to make satan a liar and finally break the curse ozen tries to stop her with a hallucination of their dead mom but quinn sticks to her plan and sticks herself with an overdose of morphine sorry ozin floating quinn in the air ain't about to save her she's dead ahead of your clock meaning satan's just like paul giamatti a big fat liar with his curse broken ozen straight up disintegrates right in front of them and drops quinn's body to the ground a distraught jordan tends to her dead sister and finds some postmortem instructions on her arm looks like she can save quinn through the power of all together now drugs it works and quinn is revived but i'm gonna leave her on the kill count because i think she would have technically had to die in order for the plan to work i don't think you can just fake a death for a demon so to me it still technically counts as a kill even if they did throw a reverse uno card at it does that contradict my counting in some earlier episode almost certainly i mean there's 240 of these fucking things quinn's family finally makes that cemetery visit and they see on the news that doc sullivan has been arrested so the movie ends with everything great right wrong because quinn just found a new app on her phone oh yeah there's also a mid-credits scene where kevin is shown being piggish on a tinder date with fellow comedian christina pasidsky who also happens to be tom sagura's real-life wife no that's nice the app's little scream goes off and we hear his countdown changing but i'm not gonna count a kill here because kevin's original timeline showed him living for decades more and it doesn't make sense to me that ozin would make himself a liar just for widow old kevin how many kills did i count up and count down let's find out and you know actually yeah i don't really feel like doing the numbers today i just terms and conditions broken what i didn't sign no contract i'm my own boss ozen though i guess you know maybe i should just go do the numbers anyway you know just in case there were five deaths in countdown though only four of them stayed permanent huh lower body count than i'd expect oh well at least it gave us one of those rare female majority pie charts with a run time of 91 minutes that left us with a kill on average every 18.2 minutes i'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to evan obviously none of these kills were bangers but his was the best directed i think dole machete for les miskill will go to the snuff video victim since we couldn't really see what happened to her and that's it countdown came out in 2019 and is just one of those whatever movies you know on friday we look at a classic the 1933 invisible man but until then i'm james agenese this has been the kill count thanks a lot for watching this kill count i want to thank some patriots like colton bell amanda kronstadt david scholler abby matthew mitch gibson and abigail m i'm looking to make some tweaks to the set going forward i would love to hear your advice what do you want to see i know i had the deadmeat sign up there before i want to have it up there again i'm just hesitant to nail into this newly painted wall you know the colored lights that were in the back those aren't there right now do you miss those did you notice those thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 7,919,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, dead meat, movies, scary, films, kills, kill count, body count, james a. janisse, jaj, pine commander boogie, countdown movie, countdown movie review, countdown movie reaction, countdown movie trailer 2019 reactionest horror, horror channel, countdown, countdown scary scenes, countdown scary app, countdown app, countdown app movie, countdown movie kill count, countdown movie explained, countdown movie app real, dead meat dountdown, countdown kill count, DMKC
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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