Ancients are BROKEN (Rimworld Ancients Part 1)

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what happens if you combine naked brutality with a fallout new vegas shelter and top it off with completely broken super powers the result is fallout 76 but actually fun i'm the grim cleeper and today we'll be exploring the new vanilla expanded ancients race but before we do execute that like button and subscribe to the channel now on the video with the vanilla expanded ancients we get a new scenario called sealed vault we only start with one person but there's a bit of a catch to start the game we are going to be in a large hills biome because i find that's the best when you're working with vaults something else extremely important is our ideology because we have a very special aspect of it called isolationist by being an isolationist we can no longer recruit other colonists or be recruited ourselves but the isolationist trait also gives you a very specific bonus that it doesn't tell you about of which we're going to be getting to later or also scrappers which means we get mood bonuses for junk now when we get into the game you'll notice that we are uh a bit alone starting in the beginning of the game here our friend hertl here is completely isolated and the only way we can move through the vault is by hacking these doors hacking doors does take a a really really long time although the alternative of breaking the door down is not very possible considering it has 20 000 hp the walls aren't much better because they have 12 000 hp now colonists from vaults are very special because they all have powers our colonist here for example has one superpower and one weakness his superpower is that all of his crafted items are two quality levels higher or his weakness is that pain is multiplied by 300 percent now having played this mod extensively on my twitch which i'll shamelessly promote right now link in the description there are a lot of different super powers there should be about 30 super powers and 30 weaknesses total some of them range from having perfect accuracy to being completely crippled one of them turns your character into the doom slayer and allows him to one-shot enemies for a glory kill so they can get pretty insane you've also probably noticed that there's lots of empty slots which is because we can acquire new superpowers through some less than ethical means you know it would be really sad if we died of starvation before i could even hack the first wall come on game hurry up and we discovered what we were looking for the lab so this mod adds something called a gene tailoring pod which we can use to give our colonists even more superpowers unfortunately with every power we also gain a weakness and the chances of success are usually not that good we're already on trivial malnutrition so we better hurry up with that door oh a flash storm yeah that uh that doesn't really matter much for us does it oh my gosh we hit the jackpot look at all these survival meals now one of the really cool things that this mod adds are a lot of new ways to generate power in our starting colony we have an ancient chem field generator which is 4 000 watts for only 30 fuel meaning it is extremely efficient the other two are bio battery tanks where we can make our enemies misfortune very very lucrative now we have gotten one of the final doors open and right in here should be oh oh so normally a couple of these pods are filled with people that we can unlock and gain as colonists in our scenario they're all empty this is gonna make this a lot harder so the other problem with being in a vault is uh colony wealth looking at our colony wealth right now it is almost a hundred thousand dollars and we're barely into the game that means that when we get raids they're going to be big now i've gone ahead and deconstructed most of the useful stuff that we have in the colony resulting in a whopping 103 components and 2 000 steel so not bad so at some point we do want to leave the vault because our one person is not particularly amazing and beautiful there we go finally the outside world and all of its glorious glorious mediocrity uh okay you know i was about to say that now that we've opened our vault we can finally get raided uh and you know i wasn't expecting one that quickly that being said we do have this ancient point defense turret which as soon as these guys get in range yeah i think you'll see why this is pretty strong we might not have the most people but we do have a double minigun turret here which is definitely helping our cause now you might be wondering our ideology says that we can't recruit more people so how are we possibly going to increase the size of our colony well with a little help from this ancient broadcast station we have a surefire way to get extremely powerful colonists see by hacking these stations we can find more vaults normally the ancients in these vaults are hostile and will try to kill us but when you have isolationists instead of turning hostile they'll immediately join us now as you can see down here we've discovered the location of the next vault and we're going to be sending hurdle over here to go get over to it now this does leave our base a bit undefended although undefended is in quotation marks here but it'll all be worth it the moment that we hit the other ancient vault so it looks like we're about to hit the ancient vault and perfect and as you can see the moment we hit the vault we immediately get a recruit called green now normally this entire compound would be hostile but because we're isolationists as well we immediately recruit anybody who's in here and green isn't the only one now this base for all intents and purposes is significantly better than our old one and that's mostly because it has access to an ancient geothermal plant which never breaks down and provides 68 hundred watts of energy constantly plus two ancient chem field power generators and this pipeline junction which basically gives us free chem feel all in all extremely good for that reason we're actually gonna go ahead and settle it and uh immediately get access to the arko nexus quest dear god so i was taking a look at some of our super powers and uh oh my good lord kill a random enemy spawning a large amount of blood and removing a random amount of their limbs this is just an otk and considering that they're mute i think this is literally the doom slayer okay this guy can just no clip through walls ability matter phasing turn on to phase through walls for 10 seconds what is this oh but he'll instantly kill all of our prisoners that's that's nice wait promising candidate chances of experiment failed are always reduced to zero percent and callus isn't even that bad so i've never actually seen this one but what this means is that if we enter the gene tailoring pod adding a superpower always has a zero percent chance of failure with normal characters this chance is extremely high and when there is a failure it usually results in the brain death of the colonist so the fact that we just don't have to worry about that with our character is pretty insane now at this point we've started to settle into our new colony but we have left a ton of stuff in the old colony behind so we are gonna head back with the doom slayer and hurdle in order to go grab most of the stuff although considering how much is here it'll probably take a couple of trips the most valuable thing that we want however from the colony is this nanite sampler normally when you use the gene tailoring pod it gives you just a random set of super powers and a weakness but with the nanite sampler it lets us choose between two sets of superpowers and two weaknesses one of the most important things in this mod is having access to animals that can haul because taking all this equipment back is going to take an extremely long time if we just use colonists oh crap we got a raid and this one's actually on our new colony but i can do some pretty silly stuff like use our matter phasing ability walk through the wall shoot them and then just walk back through i don't think they were expecting the gmod hacks also i just realized this guy's name is dog and he's riding a kangaroo that's definitely something out of one of those really bad disney channel shows oh no we're surrounded how are we going to escape except for you know just walking through the wall i guess ah ended like every disney channel show should with dog the kangaroo rider getting mowed down by dual mini guns now with our second caravan on the way we should be able to get back to the colony with some pretty good items most importantly the nanite sampler because we're gonna turn god here into an ultimate superhuman okay yet again while you don't run games at times for speed we got a bunch of mad gazelles and they're like right on top of all of our colonists no escape escape wait he might actually get stuck in the void he's got three seconds two seconds one wait oh my god i thought he would just die are we really going to lose to these mad gazelles is that how our colony dies i mean the doom slayer is currently on his way so i'm not really all that concerned but still green has defied or forgotten their orders and stopped working really no no really get back to it go go do what you were doing before now that we've got everything all prepared we can go ahead and put god into the chamber and start adding a superpower the process as you can see takes a really long time but the end result is absolutely worth it oh my gosh a wild pod crashed in our territory these guys have like 800 trillion hp 200 armor means that these guys just don't take damage oh hey the animal actually joined now something else that pairs pretty well with our strategy is this production specialist by making hertel here the production specialist he only can do production related tasks but what happens when he goes to actually build something well it turns out that we've just created a monster because his superpower means that all of his crafted items are two quality levels higher but by being a production specialist they also get an additional plus one which means that in total all of our crafted items are three levels higher than they'd normally be surprise surprise this is totally broken on our second try we get a legendary artifact and his skill is only going to go up from here also we just got a random wanderer which is kind of concerning because she might be a spy all i know is that she is insanely good stats so we're going to keep her until she probably betrays us and a second legendary work followed by a masterwork i don't even know what to say at this point and actually what i am going to do is quickly mash out a ton of them because we just got a war merchant so i should be able to sell all of them and legendary legendary legendary oh my god this is so absurd unsurprisingly by selling all of our ravager helmets we bankrupt the traitor ah and with this we have our traits self-resurrection the subject is practically a zombie over the course of three days they'll recover from any wounds and resurrect this pawn cannot die oh yeah i guess that's all right the downside is that whenever the subject kills someone they have a chance to go berserk but considering the trade-off i know what i'm taking here are the other two if you want to pause the video and read them experiment success god just seeing that every time is never not gonna make me laugh now this is pretty strong but we could go further normally by this point the percent chance of operations to fail is like 60 to 70 percent but because our character never fails oh baby now we are gonna head back to our original base until we can eventually extract most if not everything from it and i guess i was right it looks like sarai is a traitor and she's currently got her priorities straight trying to break through this vault wall with the you know about eleven 11 900 hp remaining good luck with that now of course my good friend the doom slayer does have something to say about this and it's not very good for her well uh you know with this uh rock music going on in the background oh my god left arm right our right leg gone he just completely tore her apart it really gives off that completely obliterated vibe oh my god okay guys i get it you want to visit now with these visitors here though it is prudent for us to accept the deserter quest and because we're enemies of the empire already it's only really a good thing and tiberius is an utter disappointment man that's great and right as our allies are leaving the map of course we get the siege then the imperials have decided to steal what they can and leave you guys just stole your own gear the only thing that happened because of this is that they gave us free stuff and the new traits for god well i guess we could just give him glory kill the other ability is to summon lightning which isn't really all that great plus the downside for this one is actually quite good psychic sensitivity plus 100 means he's actually a better cycaster as well but we're not done with him yet so let's just toss him in again and see what happens you know i was wondering why our colonists were so bad at shooting and then i realized steel ravager helmets give a minus eight to shooting accuracy yeah of course oh my god so for anybody curious what this pipeline junction is basically we hack it and then open it when we open it it gives us a free 250 chem feel but it does have a chance to summon infestations this process can get repeated as many times as you want although it does have a cooldown making it a pretty reliable source of a ton of chem fuel oh crap a mechanoid cluster and it's on this tiny ass map too so you know this is the part where i just forbid my door and say alright time to hide because we could just wait for someone to enter the map and probably triggered the mechanoids oh good god well we just immediately got a black hive attack and they're somehow not actually triggering the mechanoids which kind of sucks but all right but i think to fix this we could use our uh very special superpowers here and hopefully proc these mechanides okay and now go run green hopefully he can wait an hour and then be able to just phase back through the wall unfortunately our point defense turret here is probably gonna end up dying and yeah that's that's a little sad but on the flip side we are able to cue these mechanoids to fight each other with the insects so it's not all that bad and green is of course safe and sound by just walking through the wall up here okay and now the mechanoids are just done fighting the insects i guess and they're just gonna start smashing our walls down now we do have some time before they break in considering these walls have quite a bit of hp but as mechanoids are very persistent they are just going to keep smashing our stuff until they are through it's pretty lucky that they're choosing to fight the uh 12k hp walls as opposed to my 160 health steel door oh crap i totally forgot they have a mech assembler which is just going to keep making more pikemen that could make things a bit complicated but in the middle of all this it looks like god has finished up with his superpowers and he's got some pretty interesting ones this one gives him an ability to move at four times speed for 30 seconds okay and this one means he can instantly tame animals i think i'm gonna have to take the animal one the downside though is that we can't tell him to do anything so right clicking and forcing tasks just doesn't work now we should make clear that both the doom slayer and god have access to glory kill so we're just gonna walk out here and obliterate two of these mechanoids all right boys go get him a ma'am and skadoosh proceeding to rip out his right leg and thorax oh good lord that being said it's also pretty bad that we're getting shot at by this inferno turret so hopefully we can get in its minimum range and try not to die it looks like we have for the most part finished everything up although green here uh no longer has a stomach an entirely new meaning to lost your appetite you know i was just looking at the screen right here and then i heard and i realized that there's actually another pikeman sitting all the ways back here trying to break in i think i'm just gonna wait until glory kills off cooldown and then go beat him into the sun now as most of you know i don't really do series but if this video hits 2 000 likes i will make a part 2. if you like what i make consider checking out my second channel where i have even more thanks for watching see you
Channel: The Grim Kleaper
Views: 819,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kleapit, the_grim_kleaper, kleaper, rim world, rimworld, anti-kleaper, kleap, grim, ancients, ancents, anceints
Id: dzs_vXNvfLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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