I Played 100 Days of Dredge

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welcome to this peaceful fishing simulator oh no oh no unanimously praised as tranquil and rejuvenating to the soul go go go go go and there's certainly nothing strange lurking below why would you think that oh crap I played 100 days of dredge okay this has got a very nice art style angler wanted he looks like an angler oh hit a rock fortunately the mayor was able to give me a new boat and he sent me on my way to catch some fish encouraging me to return before dark before the fog rolls in with that ominous advice ringing in my ears I headed for this fishing spot and threw in my line which brought up the first of many fishing minigames it was a simple matter of hitting F at the right time to reel in the fish faster I caught a blue mackerel one out of 128 fish types in the bag and I'd have pleaded this fishing spot catching four more let's catch some of these have the right equipment okay my flimsy Rod was only capable of catching Coastal fish so these shallow fish were beyond my reach for now I caught some cod I kind of suck at fishing dude alright so we've got some Tetris action going on here with the cods don't rotate it I can look at that I tried to catch these eel looking things but it was another shallow fish so I had no luck and after depleting one more blue mackerel fishing spot my cargo was full and the sun had begun to set okay am I in danger why do I feel like I'm in danger foghorn [Music] spyglass oh I can't see where I'm looking but what's this cool all right let's doc old mate rotund welcomed me informing me that my old boat was beyond recovery so he proposed a portion of my fish sales would go towards paying off the loan of this new boat ship learn repayments 50 remaining okay and the fishmonger he does look like he slices fish the fishmonger expressed surprise that they managed to find a replacement fisherman so quickly what happened to the other one he uh it takes a certain type of person to last out there okay that's a worry he explained that fresher fish will sell for a higher price and obviously different fish will fetch different price ranges fortunately this entire catch was fresh so it seemed to sell pretty well I earned myself 120 and paid off a portion of my debt just like that in the mirror stop following me man he gave me my first research part and advised me to pay the shipwright a visit I bought a rusty outboard engine which added plus 10 knots to my ship speed it cost me 100 and took a couple of hours to install and check out the research trees unlocking these items makes them available for purchase at a shipwright I used my first research part towards unlocking the flexible fishing pole the fishing takes time so try and be as quick as possible from Western daylight catching these seven mackerel took the whole morning and catching five car took me through till 3 46 PM I found this message in a bottle telling of a couple who were honeymooning around these parts in 1927. something tells me that I'm gonna get a bunch of messages in a bottle and it's going to end with them getting eaten by some fish headed back to gray tomorrow and hit up the fishmonger oh special order tell me about the order one golf flounder and one gray eel I sold my entire catch one by one before realizing I can sell all if I hold down F I didn't have the 150 needed for the better shallows ride so I settled for the cheap one it's a bit star at catching fish but I figured getting them shallow fish ASAP took priority I'm gonna go out at night and see what happens I'm gonna figure out if this is a bad plan apparently different fish come out at night because right at the Bay's opening I found some Arrow squid featuring a slightly different mini game what does that eyeball mean the eyeball represents Panic the wider and crazy of the eye the greater the Panic what does the Panic do we'll find out soon enough don't worry as I docked a grumpy old lady approached she asked me what I was doing here and I told her I was all about the fish to which she responded do yourself a favor and move on excuse me Lighthouse Keeper doesn't like me the mayor handed me a weird package and asked me to take it to little marrow across the way which he helpfully marked on my map and I sold the arrow squid for a cheeky 50 before having a snooze in the morning I tested out my new Rod catching some golf flounders from the shallows uh how the hell do I fit this crap in man let's just take him back right away I handed in one flounder for the fishmonger's quest and I I sold the rest finally paying off my debt and opening up the dry dock for business this allows for significant upgrades to my ship I love the sound of extra space more attachment points Superior holes to commission these upgrades I needed to seek out a bunch of materials like Lumber and metal I headed across to little marrow where I was greeted by the dock worker he took the package off my hands and apparently the goods were stale so I must have taken too long thanks to my morning fishing session he rewarded me regardless with a book called sustainable fishing but you know what isn't stale the healthy meal is delivered by the sponsor of today's video Factor 75 when you've got a busy life of fishing and crashing your tiny boat into Cliffs you don't need the stress of an enormous grocery shop meal prep cleaning up mountains of dishes trying to get your partner to answer this dreaded question what do you want for dinner all of this can be solved when Factor 75's freshly cooked meals appear at your door to be clear these are not frozen they are Chef crafted nutritionally Rich meals and you can choose exactly what you want there are over 27 dishes available you can ask for vegan or veg options keto options calorie smart are options and you can choose how many dishes show up each week so it's flexible to your needs save time eat well avoid junk food it makes sense to me so give it a crack and see the difference it makes to your lifestyle and you can pause or cancel your plan anytime so don't be afraid of commitment use my link or go to go.factor75.com and use code pogfloid jun50 for 50 off your first box once you click my description will live update to count up the purchases okay friends back to the terrifying Waters of dredge look at this fella what a majestic beard oh that's not a beard that's a Scarface is that a beard I don't know this perspectical Trader purchases Trinkets and what not and I didn't have any of those to sell so my visit was brief I selected my new book to be active which means I'll read it as I'm out and about passing time I caught some gold for flounder and after dark in my first gray eels I noodled between these rocks to take a close look at the Lighthouse and when attempting to navigate out I had a stinker oh my gosh oh damn it so taking Hull damage literally decommissions one slot of inventory and whatever was in that slot gets lost or put out of action have the remainder of your order big fella the fishmonger's next order was for some nighttime fishies some squid and a grouper I paid the ship right 30 to repair the hull and I headed out to see if I could track down the nocturnal fish for that New Order well I'm scared who have tried again tomorrow night well just relax we'll try again tomorrow I don't know what is that red Beam by the way so I've made it about three meters away from the starting town and I was already pooping my pants a great start I had a quick snooze and headed out with daylight to continue fishing I caught my first a trophy fish by hitting this golden section A giant gray eel I stumbled upon my first Oceanic Disturbed water which I was unable to fish just yet and a dredge spot which I was also unable to collect from positive there's a lovely scorching noise don't you think and I finished reading my book 10 chance to not reduce fish stocks when catching a fish with a rod nice the night fish emerged after 6 PM so I waited until then and caught a couple of Arrow squid before heading back I handed the squid over for the quest and sold the rest of my catch raising my total money up above 350 the fishmonger must have known I'd finished my first book as he gave me a new one to read let's read this next rods reels and rigs I spent 180 on a cloudy lens which worked as a respectable little headlight and I bravely headed out to catch a couple of groupers well that's all I needed don't crash I got a bad tuning Circle in this uh this light's pretty good oh what was that did you see that someone shoot a torpedo at me I turned in the grouper completing that Pursuit and as a reward crab pots became available to me he gave me one on the house and I bought a second I quickly whacked them down over here and by the time I was done fluffing around day broke so I headed out without sleep which judging by the extreme whiteness of my singular eyeball was probably a bad idea what the hell whole scene card what caught a strange looking fish never seen anything like it in all my years it died as soon as I pulled it from the water but its scales are still pulsing this gave me a headache and made my ears ring that was the first aberration I discovered creepier and creepier I fished the day away and found another message in a bottle it was from The Honeymooners again detailing a boat accident where they crashed into rocks that seemed to appear out of nowhere the husband was paranoid he failed to prepare his new boat properly so superstitious was he about the strangeness of these Waters I gotta say this game masterfully presented a spooky Supernatural Vibe and I was definitely on edge I checked my crab pots they were still empty and I headed back look at my grotesque Fish Man he grins okay he likes it why do you like that you weirdo he sliced open the apparent Cod and found a handkerchief inside which he gave to me and he promised to pay extra for any other corrupted fish I came across what the heck right that'd be like that I know what you took to the fishmonger I know he extracted an artifact from it I need to inspect it but not here meet me on Blackstone Isle head out of this Bay and cut South I have a business proposition that you want to hear I'll be waiting waiting okay in the morning I found a common crab caught in one of the traps and I took some more open waters for the first time and headed over to Blackstone Island there was a workshop at Blackstone Isle but it was locked so that was that but up at the ruined Mansion I found the shadow lurking weirdo he said he was a collector of artifacts and when I handed him the handkerchief he was amazed it was from a ship lost long ago and he was searching for a number of artifacts that had sunk along with it he offered to outfit my boat with dredging equipment and in exchange I was to hunt down his artifacts looking for a ring a necklace a watch a music box and a key he suggested I ask around for news of any shipwrecks to begin my search I caught another aberration a grotesque mackerel and I found my first Flotsam to dredge judging had its own Mini-Game and I was terrible at it genuinely terrible I started wondering if that time I was like five and I slipped over and whacked my head on a tractor's back hoe had done more damage than I thought I got the hang of it eventually though and dredged up a worn Gold's ring I collected from my other trap and headed back to Greater marrow where I immediately turned this little crab into the fishmonger before selling my day's catch raising my cash on hand up to 450 dollars I checked in with the lighthouse granny to see if she knew of any nearby shipwrecks and she mentioned one out the back of Greater marrow but she warned me off investigating the strangeness that lurks out there clearly she knew something about the weird fish and artifacts something ominous I also chatted with this Builder if you find me some materials maybe you can help me move I mean really move there's an island I've heard about steel point just to the north two units of lumber and two units of scrap she told me to stack up the materials that still point for her so just like that I had two more x's on my map to investigate I struck out towards the Granny's shipwreck on day seven and found some metal to dredge up on the way what is this creepiness a slab of rock juts out from the water so this looks like a Cod so if I fill this up with a bunch of cod I also found the wreckage of a boat oh what it had some juicy loot including two Lumber And my second research part and I found this weird Black Stone Place your hand on the stone the Cold Stone does not respond to your touch weird I sure was getting distracted by all manner of creepy nonsense on my jaunt out the back of great marrow but finally I made it to where this relican sunk to the ocean floor all right I'm gonna it was a big old key now it's dark though oh gosh oh what is that how do I get back I don't know how to go don't poop your pants this fishing spot was glowing strangely and I immediately caught a voltaic group of aberration so I wondered if the glowy weakness represented funky fish and in this Crab Pot I found the second variety of crab I needed for the fishmonger's quest but sadly I had no cargo space I have space space is a real issue you know and I finished reading my third book I don't know how this book gets so much reading done in between bouts of shiaterra but I respect it I used today's research part to unlock the hydraulic Rod as this provides the ability to catch Oceanic fish and I used two metal and one Lumber plus one hundred dollars to add two engine slots at the dry dock I bought another Rusty outboard engine and then uninstalled and reinstalled my existing engines in new positions so I could fit all three there we go we've got the triple engine going now this will make my boat about 10.5 knots faster I grabbed the fiddler crab and then wandered over to little marrow where I sold the jewelry I'd found for a disappointing 50 or so it's safe to say that catching fish is the winning money making Venture in this game I chatted to a grieving father who mentioned his son had died in a wreck nearby he asked if I could dredge there hoping I might find his son's bronze belt I dredged up some Lumber oh there's more I keep like failing to realize that there's more gosh dang it and I headed to the Shipwreck The Grieving father spoke of it was just around the corner and I dredged up the belt buckle along with a couple of metal scraps some reason this game like does my brain in I'm actually so bad at that I think I have issues clearly I was still having trouble with the dredge minigame I did get better at it later I promise I returned the Buckle to Old mate and earned myself another research part I Chuck some stuff in the storage locker which is accessible at any dock by the way and I headed back to Greater marrow catching a few cheeky squid on the way uh oh why did my light turn off what was the point oh rocks just appear out of nowhere there aren't rocks there usually there are not indeed but when your eyeball is wildly panicking the creepy magic of these Waters causes rocks to pop up in the Gloom I turned in the crab with the strong right pincer and the fishmonger asked me a rather strange question he wondered what I reckon happens to someone who eats a mutant fish I said they probably go mad but he wanted to know for sure so he asked me to catch one for him what a weird bloke I unlocked the flexible Rod but held off buying it for now opting to spend 410 on the hydraulic Rod instead so I can get some Oceanic fish I headed out and caught a bunch of cod and dredged up some Lumber I caught a bronze Whaler too but it was rather enormous and awkwardly shaped so I had to discard it all right let's see what this thing does I expertly arranged the five cod and was rewarded with the sinew spindle an absolutely disgusting fishing device that can catch both Coastal and shallow fish I discarded my old rod and installed this new one and immediately used it to catch some groupers in Squid which I sold before sleeping through the rest of the night on day 10 I caught my first Stingray and the mutant Shard raid too they filled out most of my cargo hold so I took them straight back and gave old me to the mutant Ray he gave me two research Parts in return the faint is Whispering fishmonger's gone crazy he slammed his door behind me terrified and hauled himself away to deal with the Widow fish creepier and creepier I unlocked the improved outboard engine and replaced one of my rusty ones and I chose to ignore all these big fancy engines at the bottom of the tree and instead began researching towards the jet drive engine this costs way less research parts and it only takes up one slot so it seemed easier to manage I caught another bronze Whaler and wandered over to give the key to the collector what the heck he's casting spells a burst of light fills your vision and you stagger back briefly ability unlocked intuition tells me that the current may have carried some debris to the South East towards Gale Cliffs and I caught a black tip reef shark except I couldn't make it fit so I discarded the bronze Whaler from earlier and I tried out my new ability that the weird bloke Spellbook gave me all right that's kind of cool it makes you go Zoom the fishmonger's shop was still locked up tight so I whacked my catch in storage for now and hit the hay in the morning the ship ride had another improved engine in stock so I had it in store for 200 should be moving quite a bit faster now lovely and I fished and dredged the day away performing one of these ones over near steel Point could drop the lumber off immediately oh damn it no I lost I lost Lumber because of that I was at least able to stockpile the first of the lumber at still point for the Builder's Quest and I headed back to Greater marrow through the fog catching my first brood squid mutant on the way old mate was back in Action suffering from short-term memory loss and a headache but alive and the shark I had in storage sold for 40 even though it was rotting so I was excited to find out what a fresh one would sell for I had the ship right repair my Hull and in the morning set off back towards Still Point hey oh I need the bolts of cloth shipwrecks are no doubt a sad thing often resulting in the loss of life but I gotta say I love a good shipwreck lots of great loot I used the research part immediately towards unlocking the jet drive engine and then finished stockpiling the materials needed for the Builder I did some dredging some Lumber a goblet a little goblet a little gobbly goblet some metal a research part which was a glorious find and then it was time to head back oh gosh what is that oh no I lost my boat my bowl of cloth I needed that I needed that it appeared out of nowhere stupid rock I shouldn't have been zooming you're gonna need to zoom I'm just impatient I dumped all my stuff in storage got to three out of five towards the Jet Engine and in the morning I invited the Builder into my cargo hold in your hop your big Dingus he takes a six slots I feel like I've commodified her I dropped her off at steel point to settle and build her new home and she rewarded me with two research Parts which I used to fully unlock the jet drive engine with this I can get up to 60 and I currently have about 45 I can get just shy of 60. that is mathematics people I dredged a bit and I was particularly pleased to find some bolts of clock that's a bolt of cloth I caught my first sailfish and it was rather large we got an upside down selfish I also caught this rather handsome lumpy mackerel a lumpy mackerel looks like a turd all right this thing sells for 120 bucks holy duly I added two fishing rod spaces at the dry dock only 300 okay I think I need to just make a bunch of money I feel like money making is on the agenda so I fall went to sleep and headed out to catch some fish I caught a snag squid another hideous mutant oh no oh no oh no why they're eyeballs why the eyeballs why is there a creepy noise oh that scared me so I nearly died but at least I had a cheeky 127 after a snooze to calm my frayed nerves I uninstalled my sinew spindle and headed out to catch exclusively Oceanic fish I'm not sure that two extra cargo slots is that useful but apparently at the time I thought it was a genius idea I ended up catching literally one fish and spent the rest of the time dredging day 15 began with some fishing and dredging would you believe I caught my first many eyed mackerel unlocked the extra net and lighting space at the dry dock and began work towards the hull upgrade this was a particularly juicy one as it made the hole more durable to damage and most importantly it would add 5 extra cargo spaces I zoomed off towards the Gale Cliffs as I figured it was time to expand my horizons beyond the marrows and its limited variety of fish what is that what's this willy willy there's a flaming tornado man I found a ship's manifest in a bottle which seemed to indicate I might find the music box old fella wanted to somewhere in the Gale Cliffs I paid a visit to this hermit who lived in a rather dodgy spot he told of a feud with his brother how he'd stolen the family crest and how the resulting estrangement meant he was stuck here he also said a big scary monster stole the family crest and he asked me to look for it amongst the cliffs right next to his house there were some destructible rocks so that's probably where the magic box is right it's got the red crap coming off it so I need to find explosives somehow I headed over to ingfell where I found a resident who asked me to catch a rotting Conga eel and the hermit's brother the retired Whaler and he had a whinge about his traitorous sibling hopefully if I find that family crest there will be a beautiful reconciliation I then paid a visit to the final dock of these Gale Cliffs the traveling Merchant she had a fish market a shipyard with some juicy stock I can buy a research part I can buy a refined metal I need the refined medal for that and she had a floating dock for ship upgrades too she asked me to track down four exotic fish for her and provided me a place to rest until I fished up a storm on day 16 catching my first Oceanic perch plus the mutant gnashing perch and my first stonefish and I sold this cloudy lens and replaced it with this halogen Spotlight which had over twice the luminosity and 5 meters better range I rounded out the day catching my first wreck fish and dredging Up This research part in the morning I bought a troll net and I uninstalled my Oceanic fishing gear in order to fit it on board this net drags behind the boat and catches stuff every so often and it has its own inventory so I was curious to see how profitable it would be almost immediately it caught me my first tiger mackerel okay wow okay that's really good oh crap no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you seen that oh my gosh oh I took three hits I think I would have been dead with one more hit I caught a few more fish making sure to stay well away from the cliffs and its Cyclops Behemoth fish I returned to my new friend and had to repair my banged up ship as well as the troll net which was already more than halfway spent she gave me a book art of the silver tongue so I began reading that as I headed out to catch some more nighttime fishies what does that mean what does that red stuff mean on second thought I chose to have a snooze I fished and dredged the next day away as I decided I wanted to focus on upgrading my ship basically I needed lots of money I caught this mutant flayed mackerel made a little progress to my new Hull upgrade and fish through the night which was blessedly uneventful although I did catch a tusked grouper and my eyeball did get quite wide the troll net was catching the odd fish for a small profit but it did need regular repairs so it wasn't exactly revolutionary it gave me hope higher tiered troll Nets would be quite good though I headed off in a new direction as the sun rose and stumbled upon a shipwreck where I dredged up some jewelry Lumber metal and wool on the way back to Chuck all those juicy materials into storage the troll net snagged my first black sea bass and I was inching closer to upgrading that hole I attempted another productive night but found literally nothing except for the fruit of my Panic some imaginary rocks hey those rocks don't exist I dredged what was left over from yesterday and then attempted to Noodle my way amongst the cliffs from a different angle oh crap no no no see you later nerd I'm too fast for you you still following me now get get lost are you still following me leave me alone can I fish this without let go me no I can't no I can't oh crap I be lined for the safety of the dock because once docked it seems you become immune to monstrous Shenanigans in the morning I bought one refined medal for 500 the last material needed for the hull upgrade all right so now all I need is 500 oh and then I can get plus four cargo again yes I hit the Open Season figured I'd go see what awaited me at some nearby Islands what is this oh this Grim Reaper looking weirdo wanted a blue mackerel okay well that's convenient I just got one in my troll now oh come on man I gave it to the hooded figure and he immediately sliced out its heart and ate it next he wanted a tiger mackerel I wasn't sure where to find one so I went about my business assuming I'd run into one at some point I finished reading the art of the silver tongue book and as you'd expect it improved my bartering skills and I fished and dredged my way back to little marrow where I sold some jewelry to the trader he also gave me another book The relaxed mind the fishing spots were once more teeming with life around the marrows so I made sure to remedy that and I sold my morning catch before getting rid of the sinew spindle in favor of the flexible fishing pole this has plus 50 fishing speed I also took the troll net off so I could fit as much as possible I fished through the night and on my second cargo load I pulled off something rather satisfying perfect packing yeah it is perfectly packed that's a wonderful achievement I sold the catch for 200 bucks and got straight back to it I caught my first riddled flounder and with this catch I finally had 500 once again here we go here we go upgrade all right so now I can take four damage and we got four extra slots not bad not bad I caught my first Fang into Cod and then employed a cheeky strategy where I dumped my daytime fishing load in storage at little marrow and then nighttime fish my way back to Greater marrow and just like that I had over 500 once more I think I can do it immediately oh yes I can oh yeah beautiful I put some stuff towards these other upgrades too and with that I was fresh out of materials and due for some more dredging let's try for some ocean fishing I caught some sharks and then paid the Builder a visit and she was done setting up her new home she gave me a book as thanks I dumped my sharks in storage and dredged the day away I continued catching big fish in the morning and the three fresh ones sold for over three hundred dollars which is huge but the ones in storage have begun to go stale so they only sold for about 35 a piece it certainly pays to sell fresh no doubt I unlocked one extra engine slot and two more fishing rod slots it was then back to Oceanic fishing and I made use of my scope thing oh to track down the fish I was after I finished another book Spider bunch of weird looking Abyssal fish dredged up some wool and sold the catch for a cheeky 350 dollars I bought my first jet drive engine for 300 and installed it in the fresh engine slide before switching out rods and heading out for a day of coastal and shallow fishing I zoomed straight for any stingrays I could see as these self-reduce the amount and when I saw some stuff to dredge up I of course did not say no oh lightning oh dude is that guy running at me what are you doing leave me alone leave me alone you Widow what is your problem you see that Sean ran me oh I'm pooping my pants man I didn't notice at the time as I was too focused on avoiding the Rocks but I'm sure you didn't miss it that boat when it came close morphed into some monstrous fish I installed two more jet engines and headed back out the shipwright seemed to have one jet engine in stock per day so the plan was to keep buying one each day until my speed was as good as I could get it passed away you look terrible are you okay I worked all mate in amongst the giant stingrays and took him to safety and he thanked me by giving me a Signet ring which I sold for 99 another 258th so money man money I captured the grind collecting materials and building my wealth constantly returning to Greater marriage to sell my catches while they were fresh and in the wee hours of the morning on day 29 I was able to replace my artboard engine with two more Jets increasing the overall boat speed up to 73.5 knots oh yeah we got some speed for reference my boat started with a max speed of like 25 knots so we'd already come a long way I needed refined metal for the next Hull upgrade so we're headed back to the Gale Cliffs as the only refiner metal Source I knew of was the traveling Merchants shop on the way I claimed some juicy loot from this shipwreck and I now had quite the horde of research parts that I wasn't sure how to spend I immediately bought the one refiner medal she had in stock and crossed my fingers the restock would happen soon and I got back to business catching them fish after dark I caught some Conga eels but I'd forgotten that a woman had asked for a rotten one of these so I sold them apologies to the random lover of rotten Nails no delicious meal for you today I checked the shop and the miscellaneous tab was empty but after a snooze all right she's gonna for sale again she's also got a research 450 for this referral medal okay done I can see nude fishing Coastal and shallow fish I bonked damn it I dredged up materials and yet another research part and now all I needed was to fatten my wallet back up to 800 by the way encyclopedia check by this point I discovered 34 out of 128 fish on day 31 I decided to be brave once more oh there he is hey how long are you gonna follow me for big fella are you ever gonna leave me alone your eyeball idiot I zoomed letting the big buffer chase me and then threaded back through the cliffs to this open area giving the monster the run around work to charm as it's quite fat and slow so I was able to dredge up the feuding brother's family crest and by this point I wasn't even sure if he was still on my trail are you still following me get out of here you Dingus I already outsmarted you just give it up all right I doctored in fell for the night and in the morning paid my guy The Hermit a visit ah hello again uh he asked me to take the family crest back to his brother in infell as he was determined to find reconciliation I took it to the grumpy KOJA and he was amazed and he gradually agreed to let his brother return yay reconciliation between the Bros the retired Whaler informed me he'd set charges of explosives on some rocks amongst the cliffs but he'd been chased off by my good friend the Cyclops fish before he could detonate so he wanted me to go finish the job I got cyclops's attention and then fled to enter the cliffs from a different angle here we go yes when I returned old man had readied everything so it was time for me to pick up his brother little brother you're home I'm so sorry I was so foolish we both were come inside let me get your bags that's beautiful completing this heartwarming Quest unlocked the Wailing yards where I received my first explosives on the house and I could buy more for 36 a pop in the morning I blew up these rocks and dredged up the music box and I headed straight to Blackstone Isle to give it to the collector this should make future return Journeys a little more Swift allow me discussing another spell on me oh ability unlocked manifest instantly return to Blackstone Isle he suggested I look for the next artifact in the Stella Basin I dredged and fished until evening and when I docked at greater marrow the lighthouse granny was waiting for me what are you worried about old lady was it the Cyclops I'm I'm worried about the Cyclops too clearly she had a bad feeling about my dealings with the dude on Blackstone Island and frankly I did too anyway there's nothing like sweet sweet money when it comes to shaking off any concerns about morals and ethics so on day 34 I indulged in some fishing my first catch earned me over 300 and the second around 225 and I was ready to upgrade my Hull once more look at all the space look at all the space and I was able to move towards an upgrade for four more cargo slots rather quickly we got everything we need straight away holy moly I fished the local Waters that evening and the following day earning the 300 I needed for that upgrade and having Tapped Out the coastal and cello fish in this area I switched out rods and in the morning headed to track down some big boy Oceanic fish I caught my first Blackfin tuna and these weren't actually so big which was handy to fill cargo slots amongst the awkwardly shaped sharks all right and that is 480. okay the Blackfin tuna kind of sucked but these big boys these bronze Whalers I bought a seventh jet engine and replaced my one remaining artboard engine jet engines for days in the morning I kept up the hunt for Oceanic fish catching my first sallow sailfish and oceanic fish are definitely less regular than Coastal and cello fish so I put my scope to good use spying them in the distance and it's 752 this is 400 bucks on its own I pivoted towards a new plan installing this improves troll net to passively catch fish while on the move ignoring fish and we're just looking for dredge I wasn't sure where to find more stuff to dredge up though so it took me a while but before long I was pulling some metal and lumber aboard what is that noise oh gosh what is that noise doc doc oh my gosh did you see that yes it was the hungry psycho fish pretending to be a boat after a snooze I continued looking for materials and I stumbled upon this little boat inside was a terrified Courier who was taking refuge in the shallows after an encounter with a leviathan I offered to deliver their package a scorchy lump oozing dark fluid to be delivered to the dock worker at little marrow as a reward I was given another book all right well I don't blame you for hiding friend getting over it with mind and body I headed to little marrow and delivered the ominous package that dock worker is receiving packages with like oozing dark fish I think in them he's a weird look back over at greater marrow I completed an upgrade adding plus one engine slot and I immediately bought and installed an eighth jet engine I continued with the zero fishing rod Zoomies on day 40 and over at these islands I found a decent load of goodies nah bro you can't catch me you can't catch me and the day's dredging helped me unlock one more light slot and two more net slots I went rod-free once again in the morning and I was kind of regretting it because I kept seeing juicy Oceanic fish oh my gosh that's a whale scared the crap out of me okay here's a shipwreck oh no no no no no no you don't no you don't you cheeky bugger how could you do that to me man this shipwreck over here was less monstrous fortunately day 42's Oceanic fishing netted me my first sturgeon and about 650 for just over one cargo load and on day 43 it was Stingray day two loads of rays earned to be another 700 and I bought the day stock of a refined metal as I knew I was gonna need a few more of those down the line the next morning I caught a couple of tiger mackerel so I headed to give one to our hooded friend hello Weed Man wait what oh the person passed away apparently I was too slow with the mackerel and the fella just died that's my bad a wreck with a familiar looking hole it's almost identical to the ship Community by the mayor except this one has a huge breach deep Sky deep Sky deep forever casket seal broken fog core five equals rise he knows hello I have no idea what that was about but it definitely wasn't eerily terrifying not at all I suddenly remembered I still needed to get that lady a rotten Conga eel so I headed to the back of the Gale Cliffs to try and catch one oh he's there he's there immediately oh gosh oh what is that stop whispering to me no stop whispering stop Whispering look how aggressive my eyeball goes when that happens and one metal scrap to show for my efforts today a hugely successful Expedition no doubt I bought another refined medal in the morning before heading towards some nearby Islands to see what I could find there was a beach with weird symbols arrayed around an abandoned fire from which I stole the ring and this beach felt totally pointless and yet I also felt like I'd invited 1 000 generations of curses upon my descendants when I stole the ring I also found a golden Grim Reaper who wanted a red snapper I'll try not to let you die I caught one immediately and the golden Widow ate its heart before requesting a fang tooth Fang teeth are Abyssal fish and I didn't even know how to get an Abyssal Rod so I was slightly worried for Old Maid's Health at this point I dredged up a research part spied on some spooky looking fish a few different Abyssal weirdos out this way interesting and in the morning I used the research part to unlock the versatile Rod I found a scrap of paper in this shipwreck some metal scrap and another research part in this shipwreck and I arrived at the Stella Basin where I found this rather disturbing message in a bottle While most of what they hauled up was junk they eventually came up with a large wooden casket he brought it open easily the buckling boards cracked and groaned with relief as they splint it apart Crimson cloth spewed out onto the deck the crashing waves Rose to fill my ears I hear them still he stared down into the open casket then turned to me in his eyes I saw the void it was a little more tropical down here quite a Vibe I found another wreck with another scrap of paper and this abandoned Seaside town where I dredged up a bunch of lumber and most importantly I found a stranded dog which I of course welcomed aboard the plan was to find at a home I skirted the outside of the Basin fleeing some whispery red no whisperies no whispery weirdos what's this oh crap that's another crab and just as the sun began to rise I arrived at the traveling Merchant spot at the base and with all the lumber I'd collected I was able to unlock two more fishing rod slots as well and to highlight how successful my dredging Shenanigans had been I was able to contribute all the materials except for two wool bolts to the next Hull upgrade just like that foreign I spied all manner of goodies out in the middle of the Basin but the water was deep there and I could see some creepy looking tentacles so I kept to the shallows for now my days collecting brought me to this rundown platform ah research outpost on the other side of the table you find a hastily scrolled note it reads not safe expect retaliation from what something extremely large and Powerful created these holes and for all its spookiness the Basin is kind of pretty by night with all them glowy fish and coral I braved the fog and headed to this fort which is where the research team had fled when The Outpost was under threat she's had a large creature that now rests at the center of the Basin had destroyed her Outpost and disrupted her research and now she needed help she asked me to collect three nearby fish specimens for her I spent the day fishing and dredging and with the sale of this mutant consumed grouper I hit fifteen hundred dollars in the bank and so I commissioned my final Hull upgrade this added a very juicy plus 15 cargo slots and my Hull was now strong enough to withstand six Bonks I'd accumulated five or six research Parts by this point so I used five towards unlocking the harvesting platform I was dead broke though so I couldn't buy one just yet I fished the night away and in the morning something strange happened something slithers into my cargo old excuse me infected what does that mean I immediately sold it to the traveling Merchant so I guess whatever slithered aboard is her problem now I fished up a veritable Bounty of groupers I dropped off a squid at the researchers Fort and I found another scrap of paper at this shipwreck what is this popped it what the hell I popped it I combined the three scraps of paper and used my Elite skills of deduction to pinpoint the location of the treasure so that's just out to this out to sea a little bit over here and after snoozing the Knight away I went to get it it was quite a respectable Hall of loot do I try go out here oh gosh oh oh laughs how do I deal with that it just slapped me with this tentacle man can I just ignore it and tank hits while I do what I'm doing I decided not to go ahead with that full hearty plan and instead use the Manifest to teleport back to Blackstone Island I zoomed over to little marrow and sold all the treasure I'd hoarded for about 600 and I checked in on the dock worker his neck and overalls are covered in a dark fluid the same dark fluid that was leaking from the package a trembling head turns ever so slightly towards you his breathing grows heavy and anger until you step backwards leaving him standing there on the dock hold mate has been possessed I fished the night away while panicking up an absolute storm and I sold the catch for 500 in the morning I tried to find the dog a likely home amongst the residents of Greater marrow but no one was Keen so I put the good boy in storage for now which sounds slightly abusive but I'm sure it was very comfortable storage I spent the rest of the day dredging up these spots over near steel Island which had somehow replenished while I was out adventuring I continued fishing on day 54 prioritizing Oceanic catches as they sell the best I also used all the dredged up materials to complete my final cargo space upgrade so much room for activities I bought the first total ride but I didn't install it just yet and I headed back to the Stellar Basin I caught my first glowing octopus Aurora jellyfish as well where's that I couldn't spy any with my scope so I was perplexed I then popped these red nerds on my way to drop off the glowing octopus to the researcher I caught two cargo loads of fish the next day which helped me clear two grand in the bank and I decided to attach a troll net and see if I could scoop up on Aurora jellyfish for the researcher the quest actually tells you this is what you're supposed to do but I was too stupid to read that properly but I was smart enough to eventually figure it out on my own so maybe I'm actually a genius yes I headed over to the Fort the researcher was pleased to receive these surface samples but she needed samples from the depth of the Basin too which was no mean feat considering the Slappy tentacles lurking therein she had however developed a sonar device that spooked and disarmed the Beast and she asked me to pick up some prototype parts from the research Outpost I grabbed them and she was pleased I received a rod to catch the Abyssal fish that dwell in the depths and she gave me the repulsion machine you'll have to return it and re-engage it every few hours but other than that it's completely automated and these were the four Abyssal and hadel fish he wanted me to catch I caught my first hammerhead shark before heading back to the traveling Merchant where I found I now had access to research bottomless lines so I bought one of those and installed it finally I was free to catch them deep deep fishies I scoped out towards the center of the base getting an idea for all the stuff I wanted to grab while the creature was incapacitated I caught this gulper eel right on the edge of the deep bit and then I headed to the research Outpost to activate the machine okay I've got I've got a short amount of time let's go go go go I caught a snailfish giant anthropod and I dredged up the jewel encrusted band there was a bunch more treasure I could have dredged up but I wasn't hanging around out there any longer if I didn't have to on the way back to the Fort I caught some more Abyssal fish in the open sea loose Jaws a fang tooth and a mutant cursed fangtooth so much progress today that's gonna be the most fruitful day I've ever had I donated three out of four fish the researcher wanted and I headed back to the traveling Merchant to sell the remainder of my catch in the morning I headed out to sea I caught some Barrel eye viper fish and late in the day the sought after anglerfish I gave it to the researcher and she was able to complete her study of the area concluding that the thing in the Basin was harming the surrounding sea life at a cellular level causing the mutations creepier and creepier she gave me a book as a reward I sold my catch and teleported back to Blackstone Isle where I gave the collector The Jewel and trusted band The Collector suggested I might look for the next artifact in the Twisted strand I sold my two lights and swapped them for this big light which had a bit more brightness and significantly more range I caught a ghost shark and another fangtooth which I hope to give to the golden Hood weirdo unless he's just expired like the other guy he had indeed expired two dead hooded weirdos a wonderful track record I snuck out the back of the Gale Cliffs and caught a Conga eel and I managed to avoid the watchful eyeball of the Cyclops this time I bought some explosives from old mate and then went exploring while allowing time for the Congo eel to write on my Adventures I caught a sunfish a charred Sunfish and a rat tail and by evening the eel was nice and rotten so I gave it to this weird lady and her dog and earned 150 as reward and I hope they slurped up the decayed eel with Great Gusto the next morning I headed north to check out some unexplored areas I caught some Ahmed sea robins an ossified sea robin and some snake mackerel before noodling amongst these ruins to dredge up some bolts of wool what is what is that what is that why is everything red oh it's oh it's hot it's hot down there I made it to the traveling Merchant spot up here in Devil's spine and after spending the night I awoke to the toasty Gloom of this region I grabbed this message in a bottle ah what the hell leave me alone little piranha weirdos what the heck I'm out I'm out I'm out I read the message I'd scooped up my darling I found you at last when you left I was scattered to the winds but now I feel almost whole again there is just one thing to do throw me back I don't know about these messages in the bottles man I continued dredging up materials until the next morning when I returned to Greater marrow and unlocked two more engine slots and one more light slot and I was short just one llama to get the final upgrade I was able to unlock the fathomless winch with a couple of research Parts I dredged up and with that the entire fishing Tech Tree was unlocked I sold my old winch and installed the fathomless one I bought another jet drive engine and installed it and since the fathomless winch can catch Oceanic fish I decided to get rid of the harvesting platform in favor of the versatile ride so now I can catch all seven types of fish with these two rods I headed west and checked out some islands and this one had a lovely surprise it's gonna be a monster isn't it yep called it cheeky bugger and through the fog I zoomed toward the Twisted strand I caught a gray mullet and a twisted mullet on the way and as midnight approached I docked at the traveling Merchant here's another encyclopedia update 67 fish discovered after a sleep I made my way into the mangroves so foggy oh gosh oh there's a fella can you move oh he can move he can move he's angry how about I come from a different angle why is there another Widow oh man how do I do this let's just quickly catch one of these oh gosh I failed is he coming for me he is no you don't no you don't see nerd I fled to that nonsense and bought my 10th and final engine from the traveling Merchant finalizing my top speed at 105 knots pretty Zippy after sleep I continued looking for excuses to avoid going into the mangroves so I went and investigated this nearby Island it proved productive as I found to the final piece of lumber I needed I thought for sure this plane wreck was a monster but the only monster was my driving damn it I hit my lights are you a monster then you you gotta be a Monster yeah after a fruitless time exploring the rest of day 66 I decided it was time to be brave on day 67. what the hell am I doing what is this what is this is this where I wanted to go yeah this is where the x is stranger from that look on your face I'd say you've encountered the local wretches take a seat if you mean those noodly creatures yes I've been trying to rid them from this accursive jungle ever since we wrecked here the boys called The Mind suckers on account of them affecting the mind they made us see things do things this Airman had lost his entire crew to the crash and the mind suckers and he was Keen for Revenge upon the monsters I promised my help he asked me to track down the pieces of his squadron's mortar which we could then use to bombard the beasts I seem to be clear of any Loch Ness monsters so I navigated my way through the rooty mangroves and track down the first dredge spot and collected the first piece of the mortar this brought me to The Far Side Of The Strand so I did the brave thing and skirted around the outside to get all the way back to the traveling Merchant where I rested for the night I think I'm just gonna go for it right oh he's right there oh crap go go go go go go go go I think he's coming for me I think he's coming from is he coming for me he's not coming for me why didn't he come for me what an idiot there's one run okay that's not so bad I'm I'm so fast we had what we needed to make the weapon so my next job was to collect bait to use to lure the monsters to traps the Airmen had set up around the main Grove each of the three baits required different fish for 80. so I spent some time memorizing their shapes before heading out with my scope to track down the correct fish I called a sergeant fish some gray mullets a tarpon and a gar fish before night fell and I hope to find some nocturnal fish too I did some long thin eels I had what I needed for baits one and three but I was short one fish for bait too I hadn't seen it during my relatively extensive daytime exploring so I headed back out hoping it was another nocturnal one ow shoot him shoot him shoot him yeah get some inspect inside is the obliterated corpse again his proof of My Success big fella good Lord that was terrifying and just around the corner all right we got it we got it we got it go on then that is a elaborate trap genuinely impressive and then you get morted right on the head you love to see it I headed back to the Airman and handed in a catfish with which he made me the third bucket of bait and I handed him proof of the first mindsucker's death which reminded me I totally forgot to collect the corpse of the second one so I grabbed that quickly before heading towards the final trap it's a bit of a labyrinth in the Twisted strand so it took me a while to navigate I ended up in this rather mushroomy area just as night fell oh crap oh crap go go go go go go go go wait a minute where am I I'm in the wrong area go go go go go go go what the hell my catch has been tainted by the spores oh my gosh he's putting up blockades everywhere I'm so scared laughs I can't take any more damage by the way foreign I think I bumped into the beach crap when was my last save so that was some top tier gameplay make no mistake the save took me back to this morning so I picked up the second corpse again and arrived at the third trap much more quickly this time around all right that's better that's better that was much smoother an absolute an absolute stinker I caught an entwined mullet and twinned Eels before returning to the Airman to show him my Grizzly trophies embedded in the flesh of the third creature he found the shimmering necklace he gave it to me and he also gave me some bait which can be placed in any water to attract fish from the region I caught a clawed garfish and then spent some time studying the encyclopedia alright so I'm starting to think about actually catching every fish because I think that is a good challenge to try and do for 400 Days as well as finish the story I am kind of running out of days but we'll see how I go one of them is this one but I just haven't seen this at all and then you just keep looking I guess it must be rarer I also discovered there are Regional crabs that I need to catch using crab pots so I unlocked a couple of higher tier crab pots bought for and chucked them down hoping to catch the two Twisted strand crabs are needed the Twisted strand was safe now that we'd morted all the mine suckers so I freely roamed fishing up a storm trying for aberrations I needed a couple of Tarpon mutants blistered Tarpon and Vortex interloper both of which I found I returned to find both crab varieties had been caught which meant the crab hunt was done for this region so I picked picked up all the parts I think this must be it right there we go we got the big fella the Goliath tigerfish hang on catch rare fish Goliath tiger fish yeah I informed the traveling Merchant of the glass fish's location and realized I'd also caught the gulper eel she was curious about I believe back at the Stellar Basin so I was able to turn that portion of the quest in too with that I was officially done with the Twisted strand so I teleported back to Blackstone Isle as a reward for finding the necklace he once again cast a creepy spell granting me the atrophy ability and he suggested I should now head to the devil's spine in search of the final artifact that evening I tested the atrophy spell oh okay I couldn't Target it it just I think it just got the nearest one which happens to be these squids which I didn't really want but whatever that's pretty cool though that night I headed to revisit the Stella Basin I know who you are you can't catch me I'm too fast I'm too fast mate I had quite a number of crabs and aberrations to catch in the Basin so the next morning I chucked down my crab pots and got to fishing so keep the creature at Bay for a sec atrophy there we go we got it I also had a crack at getting the snailfish aberration there we go two for two just like about baby I caught a Savage Barracuda at the first fishing spot I tried too so that was quite a streak of luck on day 74 I switched up my fishing rod setup and made space for a troll net and I headed straight out to open sea immediately catching a gazing shark oh what the hell is that what is that [Laughter] where there's a fish I need out there whatever that was seemed to be gone so I tentatively headed out I caught a void eye but the mutant anglerfish continued to elude me but later that night when I used atrophy to catch some angelfish there it was the bursting anglerfish the next day was much the same except I had zero luck until evening when I caught the glowing octopus aberration first to try I also collected two out of three crabs I needed and then I circled the Basin trawling all night as I'd realized I needed an aurora jellyfish aberration and these can only be caught at night in the Basin using a troll net I had no luck this first night yes there we go got the perished loose jaw there we go we got it I packed up all my crab pots and resumed to my nighttime Basin trolling with no luck and the mutant jellyfish was the last fish I needed in the area so I slept until evening and tried again let's go for a psycho run across the middle ready go go go go go I'm too fast I'm too fast for you you suck try again you big tentacle idiot you can do better than that he's not even trying look at that thing it's so terrifying go on go on try okay I had some fun with the tentacle idiot no doubt but I did not trawl up a mutant jellyfish I slept the daylight hours away once again guess what happened that's right I did not find my jelly I decided that was enough for the time being so I teleported to Blackstone Island zoomed off towards the devil's spine on the way I tried for some aberrations and I got a razor fin tuner and when I atrophied this mackerel I got a beaded one that night I arrived at a strange temple in the volcanic region of the devil's spine whoa I can't look at this book a rapturous day is a fanatic okay a fresh disciple carried to me Atop The Waves uh all right this lovely bloke record I had arrived to replace him in his fanatical vigil at this random Temple he tasked me with collecting three fathomless Flames from around the spine I chucked down a line of crab pots and I caught another fish in the troll net a serpentine mackerel after a snooze I headed to explore the sunken ruins the first altar was just around the corner and it required some crabs before to give me the fathomless flame so I left it for now until my crab pots produced some yields I used atrophy to catch a ghost shark spot and got myself another mutant and I headed back to check my crab pots we just caught all three crabs for the volcanic area hey and that gets us up to 100 of 128 found nice that meant I could collect the first flame so I did along with the research part I ignored the treasure because I was rich Beyond imagining already Let's test this to see how foolproof it is let's get these nerds chasing me come on then and then lead him through the vent oh he just gets scared off he doesn't get killed so I had a fail safe if I attracted the attention of the little Snappers unlike back at the Gale Cliffs where the Cyclops will chase you for eternity in the morning I headed out to open sea to work on the encyclopedia some more let's use atrophy boom atrophy always seems to get aberrations maybe that's a trick it makes sense since atrophy is a creepy magic that I get the feeling is associated with the cursed happenings in these Waters so by that logic I was making things worse but I of course did not care I just wanted to complete that encyclopedia I headed to the next Altar and found the open way into these ruins was infested with a little red piranha widows but there was a spot for explosives to work some magic boom all right you want a pale whatever and then that thing what is that thing it's a ghost shark which I caught and placed immediately oh what are you doing that's the blind mother as the Blind Fish get out of here as you can see she's pretty easy to avoid as long as you keep the little red ones off your back I'd kept a pale skate handy in storage so I grabbed that went to sleep and in the morning collected flame number two also that's like 900 of refined metal but I left it because I am rich Beyond imagining I headed towards where I thought the final altar was but I couldn't seem to see it it turns out I was actually in the wrong spot so that was a solid effort as evening arrived I left off my fruitless silly willies and found this spot to dock with a cave detailing the birth of a civilization when a great Beacon repelled a tentacled figure and it also depicted the fall of that Civilization as the volcano's eruption rendered them vulnerable to the monsters of the sea I headed up to this Lighthouse too the daughter witch had a socket to place an item I spent the night and in the morning I snagged a frilled shark before heading to the Fanatics Temple where I lit two out of three statues oh there it is where was I before I was I don't know what I was doing so I don't know what I was doing yesterday but this is the spot except I'd run out of explosives so I headed back and bought one and dumped all my research Parts towards the heavy duty troll net as this is the only nap that can catch Oceanic fish and I'd realize there were two oceanic fish that could only be caught with a troll net so basically I had to get this thing if I wanted to complete the encyclopedia in the morning I made my approach to the third flame this final Shrine wanted two malformed fish I caught one in my troll net so that was one hmm oh what is this she's coming for me scary you blind or not why are you coming right at me run and I used atrophy to get the second aberration I snuck back to the Altar and claimed the third flame you can just install this to get 330 extra fishing speed I didn't have room to install it though and I somehow missed that I could press middle Mouse button to send it to storage I don't know what I was doing but I left it there for now I headed to the Ancient Temple and gave the third flame to the Statue The Fanatic was pleased and he burnt himself alive the freezing Blaze climbs his legs his chanting continues no pain detectable in his voice seconds later The Inferno engulfs him it rages for a moment then abruptly dies away a cold Mist pulls around the floor of the temple briefly before the wind sweeps it into the sea no trace of The Fanatic Remains the pyre is cold and damp inspect all right well there's the pocket watch I've got to tell that bloke that I had no intention of replacing him at the temple I hope he wouldn't mind I had made space so in the morning I grabbed the Talisman and I gave it a test it took me like 30 minutes to catch this fish which I guess was a bit faster but I realized I didn't really care how long it took me to fish and decided this Talisman wasn't that exciting after all I teleported back to Blackstone Island and gave the collector his final Relic now with these five relics in our possession only one thing remains I suspect you know by now no word it will become apparent soon enough we must make one final voyage this time I will be with you but I ignored all that for the time being because I had unfinished business there were five more Pursuits to complete and 23 more fish to catch I used the atrophy trick to get a blood-skinned shark and I turned my attention to the Gale Cliff's fish I was missing this kept me busy for a few days until day 90 and in that time I caught about a dozen fish and crabs I also had a run in with my old friend oh there he is run I'm pretty sure this thing is here somewhere but where would it be I spent the entire day zooming around looking for it but I had no luck so the next morning I gave up and resorted to Google and I learned it was hidden behind the waterfall the classic sneaky cave behind a waterfall trick look at that long boy and I decided to see if the researcher wanted a dog have a dog I had a stellar Basin trolling session that night hoping for the jellyfish aberration no luck of course I told the traveling Merchant about the all fish I'd found behind the waterfall earning two more research parts that I put towards the oceanic troll net I saw this Majestic whale breach and I used atrophy to get a collapse to viperfish I zoomed around searching and found another viper fish spot to atrophy getting its final mutation and that night our atrophied again to get a cleft mouth shark I needed to find one more exotic fish and I'd found one at the three other zones so I figured the last one must be in the devil's spine I eventually spotted this destructible wall behind which I found a coelacanth I informed the traveling Merchant of my find finishing off her Quest and earning me two research Parts which I used to unlock the oceanic control net I can now catch the troll fish I need I'm getting close but I have three spaces for quests here so I've Googled them one of the quests is a stone tablet Quest oh it's even glowing yeah this is this is it I trolled up an anchovy while fleeing about 200 red idiots and I looked around for the stone tablet pieces which were easy to find now that I realized they glowed gold I dredged them up and then headed to say hi to this nearby hooded weirdo I was determined to keep this one alive so I switched out the troll net for my rod and got to work I caught him a cusk eel and he found its heart delicious he wanted a sailfish next which can only be caught at daytime so I used the night to visit the trader in little marrow he had the fourth Stone fragment sitting on a shelf so we combined them all and I had a strong feeling I knew where to put this thing on the way back I tracked down a sailfish for my good mate and the final fish he wanted was a frilled shark which I had for him already because I'm a genius it's gonna look like I Googled which fish to catch in advance but I didn't I only Googled the red Grim Reaper's location I caught the frilled shark earlier and hung onto it because I had a feeling anyway you be the judge am I a genius or a googler the good news is finally a hooded Widow survives I headed to the lighthouse and used the stone tablet to gain access flame of the sky 3500 Lumen and it's only two slots or I'll just discard this who cares all right the one remaining Quest they haven't done it's at E9 it's over here somewhere there's also a nighttime Oceanic fish I'm supposed to catch so if I can spot that that would be wonderful oh I actually found it as one and then I think can I re-brain this I've caught one I used the atrophy to catch another done just like that only got two more the purple hooded fella wanted a tarpon and then a horseshoe crab so I chucked a bunch of crab pots down and slept the night and thankfully they'd caught one in the morning and finally he wanted a barrel eye which I was able to find immediately as well two out of four robed fellas aren't gonna just die while they're waiting for me to bring them fish all right that is all quests and side quests completed and the final frontier anchovy aberration so I need to just troll in the open ocean the Aurora jellyfish aberration so trawling in the Stellar Basin I chucked my troll net back on and it took me five whole days to catch the two remaining fish I got the anchovy King on day 102 and the extremely elusive parhelian jellyfish on the morning of day 104. after around 10 nights total spent doing donuts in the Stella Basin alright 128 128 finally we can go and finish the game the relics are coming with us we should wait for the fog to thicken with luck the Seas will remain unaware of our intentions what are we doing in the giant red bean man not sure I feel very good about this this is the place this is where she was taken from us and where we can at last bring her back who only here and only because of what we've achieved he opens the book and begins to read aloud to release a lost one Frozen in time he throws the pocket watch overboard and tethered by chains in the Deep he throws the necklace overboard buying them to this world once more he throws the ring overboard open the door to the starry Heavens he slots the key into the lock of the music box and lay the weary world to rest throws the music box overboard it's key left Unturned there it goes plop achievement unlocked Unshackled are we about to be eaten a woman who is who is she oh my gosh oh that's a that's a good looking fella uh that was it so we resurrected the woman but oh no the town got burned surprise surprise so my guess is the collector is the dude from the messages in the bottles and he lost his wife the creepy magic of the book convinced him he could resurrect her and with my help he succeeded or at least it looks like he did but either way he didn't really succeed because we also unleashed the tentacle monster fella who despite his extreme handsomeness is quite clearly not a good bloke as he Unleashed destruction upon greater marrow uh whoops we managed to destroy the town the world is as cursed as ever I feel like that's a job well done that is a job well done congratulations
Channel: Floydson
Views: 1,015,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: floydson, aussie, dredge, i played 100 days of dredge, 100 days of dredge, dredge horror fishing, horror game, floydson dredge 100 days, i played 100 days of dredge and here's what happened
Id: GnNkRGAjo8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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