All 44 Nations on a Desert Only World! | Civilization (Civ 6)

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let's see what happens we put every single nation in Civilization six on a desert world basically there's not gonna be any food here there's not gonna be a lot of things here actually but that's the the biggest is there's not a lot of population that's gonna be running around I think this is gonna feel like Mad Max just everyone fighting for the scarce amount of resources there is left on this world should be pretty intense actually a whole lot of people probably own dying now some of these settlers are probably gonna have to find a new spot because it's not super ideal or maybe they will maybe they've just settled in a corner I don't know if it's best to be in a corner or next to this river but even the river itself isn't really gonna help that much obviously there's gonna be certain saves that have a pretty big advantage like just off the top of my head Egypt's or Mali especially someone like Australia I actually think Australia's gonna win this but then again Arabia should do pretty well as well as like both India's cuz there's to India's anyone that has like unique tile improvements or just bonuses in this biome actually can't exactly remember what some of the bonuses I mean there's so many to remember it's hard to distinguish but anyways everyone's gonna slap down their capital I don't think everyone is gonna do it on turn one though we should see like turn two and three like everyone settle Australia immediately started off with some uranium that's kind of a good sign although they won't be able to use it they've got to survive for a little bit before they can really take advantage of that oh yeah and there are barbarians so not that they have a chance at all I'm just saying at this point I think everyone has your capital down if not there they're dead they didn't have a chance and yeah they don't necessarily see all the resources like I said with the uranium and things like that there's coal and Niger out here but we'll just have to keep that in mind for like their future it's pretty much the only part of the map that really has any extra room so someone's gonna have to pump out settler someone nearby because if someone like far away throw something out here at the Brighton lose it to loyalty oh these poor dudes are getting surrounded yeah I figured they didn't have much of a chance but I mean someone can get some extra golds I think every little bits gonna count especially in a world like this just looking around like some people are really at a disadvantage like look at Brazil they don't even have Hills or a river or anything within like reach they just have this silver which is nice like don't get me wrong it's something then again something like the Mapuche don't have anything really at least at the moment they don't even see the uranium this is again not gonna come into use they lost the iron safe to say these guys are not gonna a good time I of course had no control over where people started this was just completely random so wow this is a really packed part of map that is probably pretty bad maybe maybe Arabia won't do as good as I thought that's gonna be really important to keep an eye out to see who gets to to population first cuz like I said oh we got France there how did France well France just got lucky I think with their spawn point but they lose it already they lost it like that okay we immediately just witnessed a couple thousand people starved oh yeah that's happening all around the map same thing happened to Cynthia right now which she should do pretty well but yeah like that's what this games gonna be all about like if you don't get population you really also don't have much of a chance all this little bit of room up here to grab something that might be a good idea and it's a Zulu which they should do kind of all right but uh they're not there okay actually this is not too bad do not kill the barbarian dog you better leave them alone don't do it Brazil I know you're desperate I don't know if you're Brazil but oh how dare you I've discussed it I'm wanting to try something like this for a long time if you guys like this one I'm gonna come back and do maybe a snow episode or a forest or jungle episode basically something similar that's really gonna make it tough for the AI I do have disaster set to four but I haven't really seen many like dusts storms or anything like that that'll probably happen maybe a little bit later sees what I'm saying about unique tile improvements that's really what this games gonna come down to so Cynthia here is getting something like some faith and golds she should be rich and maybe get a religion up that's actually why I picked Australia because at the end of the game they get like their little Outback steak houses Outback steak at their stations but I'm just gonna call it steak house and that should help out a lot not too many wars have popped up so far I'm assuming everyone's just trying to get their second or I don't think I was gonna get a third city down and also take out a barbarian they're not really worried about war just yet they will get their I guess I could just show the yields that way people get an idea of just how scarce it really is out there Paris is in a great spot France got lucky because they actually have a lot of things to work with and they got a holy site down so are they about to get a religion maybe but it just makes me feel so terrible for the Mapuche they are probably in the worst but I don't think I've seen any other sieve that is this bad like at least I think Molly might eventually be able to reach out and grab some of this stuff so they might grow live is it safe to say that Russia should just do terrible here I mean this is kind of the opposite of a of a winter so I don't think they're gonna do that well hang Egypt's making it happen though they got all sorts of things over here again with their like unique talent provement they got the Science Building that's I guess one of the good parts about being on the corners here oh there we go there's a nice little storm for you just kind of moving right through the land oh man it's hitting a lot I don't think it's that bad though so I think there's only one sieve right now with two cities and that is Cynthia of course we should see someone else maybe like Persia or India get something oh I didn't even think about this but India can make their own food they don't even have to worry so obviously The Sims that can do this they're gonna have a pretty big bonus here as long as they don't get taken out what are these things again dang they're nice okay how is that fair that that's looking good so Persia is in a pretty good position right now it's fancy too I don't know where they found all this green to plant the bushes around this building this there's none of that in this world so you guys you guys cheating and I didn't even think about this but look at the Inca the Inca have this like little farming ability they can just slap farms down even though they probably shouldn't it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but whatever yeah okay the pooch I got something now they got in a cam in which they built themselves which still isn't providing them and a yield but it looks a lot better than the head before Nubia is just slapping these things down everywhere she doesn't have a choice she might as well I mean what else you really gonna do the map is really starting to pack in it is getting crazy which is again kind of weird because there's like nobody in the cities they're just out fighting I guess - population is actually the high right now which is like three or four SIVs with two pops not bad uh-oh something Bad's happened in Sweden they also had like all of their stuff pillaged which wasn't that much but I guess it was worth it to like the surrounding invaders I like how the Greeks just have some random general nowhere even close to their empire just out here exploring I guess got to use every one right now maybe say my prediction came true Russia had a terrible game Russia was actually one of the first to die really just couldn't make it without their winters I know someone nearby that is probably really happy about that very relieved is Mongolia next Oh Mongolian might be next I mean it all depends on like how competent Brazil is which they don't look that competent I don't think there's many horses in this world which would explain why Genghis Khan probably wouldn't do well either so yeah there's an explanation who would have thought they're already dead and the Aztecs grab this oh it's gone now that's gonna say like we're the Essex ad there's no way they're gonna keep this oh come on Persia you guys are doing so good I was like oh you burned everything down man you guys are messed up I was serious when I said this is pretty much gonna be Mad Max they were like the only people that had bushes in this world actually there's probably a couple other people that found out how to plant bushes but yeah okay also another free city free cities I think we're gonna be popping up because as soon as someone loses their capital then you got to fight over the loyalty I don't even checked on America how was America doing well they have like one Hill tile that's something they'll probably get some more and they've got a campus since there are tanks of the mountains I'm also enjoying minecraft lands the nether have managed to find a lot of yields around them so that's that's good this don't look real scary guys real scary can we get like a world war going on because we need to eliminate some of these people there's a huge race for this city like everyone is just struggling to get this one thing it's not even that special just one pile though they have Hills they got I hope that's more than some SIVs have in their entire empire we do got a couple people brave enough to try to build some wonders and these are going back to back not sure if they're gonna get finished we'll see if they do Canada has built the pyramids not that that really matters but Canadian pyramids alright that is nice I'm assuming they're just gonna use it as a hockey stadium or something Japan also surprisingly doing all right too I mean they're they're making it work even though they have like no advantages in this area how did the kamae managed to get so many tiles do they have something that I'm not thinking about they've got like some Russian ability or maybe they're just buying stuff I don't know I mean that's just all my head cuz there are a couple people that have a lot of tiles Canada kind of has a lot and that stuff's like important because you want to be able to like move through as much as possible about no one can move through this way too many things going on right here okay we need a plague please Black Death come back do you have our first civilization three population and that is amazing I didn't even think about this again those farms are gonna become super useful now they just need to grab like one extra city they need to steal it away though so I don't know who exactly they can fight yeah the Vikings over here just trying their best they're gonna get to the sea somehow they're gonna find a way America is going for a wonder I think it's what is this Machu Picchu or something like that I don't know yes okay so that is good because not everyone has a chance to build that one although a lot of people still do a lot to our necks the mountains it's really hard to tell like what's going on like I don't know who has had a second city for a long time or who's gone back to a free city multiple to I don't know it's just getting really complicated Greece is looking like they might die which maybe it will be this turn they luckily still have their hoplites which might save them although we're definitely getting beyond that point that they're not as good as they used to be oh wow Japan fell apart and I don't even know when man they had two cities and it just kind of left real quick Oh China has got this one now China's got the right idea though oh they got themselves blocked off in here they don't even need anything they're used to this there they're ready to stop anyone from tearing down their city walls the Ottomans now with two settlements which I would think they might do pretty well here they're just in a very unfortunate spot they're squeezed down yeah it's not good I keep forgetting that because there's no population this stuff doesn't really matter the fact that Sumeria theoretically has a ton of science out here but they got no one to work it you know they gotta have people out here in these buildings so I guess the Mapuche aren't really doing that bad because it's not like to have anything here to begin with I mean if they just have stuff here it's just useless what were they gonna do they can't work it this is a post nuke world anyway so you can kind of tell like it's already happens you would think they probably won't do it again I don't know Canada's doing all right they got four citizens which i think is now the most and they've got plenty of tiles to work out here man that hockey pyramid state it must have really worked saying Egypt looking so cool over here with their like unique tile they actually not unique but they got like a unique look to them unfortunately Cleopatra just isn't doing much at all oh we these guys looking cool she's just stuck in the corner can't really do much about that she didn't find a way to get water though which is a unique resource that I don't think most people even know about they've never heard of water before well maybe they have a little bit oh no China's making some money off of this wall man that is pretty nice oh I gotta say that's like perfect game over let's just give the win to him Wow a lot of free cities up this way which I've noticed that they kind of just like to bundle up together someone can't really take advantage of this oh it is already got three cities so they're looking really nice I don't know if they can take on a fourth one maybe maybe Scotland's got three cities as well which is Oh with the last one well they got two and their surrounding Cinthia which is probably a good thing because I thought city would maybe just roll over everyone she can be pretty aggressive but not in this game I love all the Vikings have managed to keep this somehow I don't know why and I don't even know how it's possible but I really like the effort and the inka are beginning to roll and it's looking scary these farms are like the huge advantage that I'm the city the Capitals got five five people living in with it and then I've got two other with two I don't know how they're gonna take out China though China is gonna be pretty much impossible not that not really I know that this doesn't do all that much but yeah whatever there you go Georgia so Georgia's now got the three cities when Rome got the corner one still pretty useful they could still get another one I don't know it there seems to be a power maybe that could come from this area but someone's got to catch up thangka oh they took out China how dare you and he took down the wall don't do that that was a beautiful beautiful wall I I am disgusted wow these dudes really went out here and built a harbor they're going above and beyond really man if they built like a ship that that'd be crazy to see in this world I don't think I was gonna happen come on Australia you guys are my pick you are not doing much I know you're surrounded by a lot of different people but they got an army they just got to do something with it I don't know Oh Canada lost the city man that is kind of surprising they were looking thick and I guess Egypt finally decided not to sit around oh yeah they still got their unique units which they're way out of date it does seem like there's been enough conflict to definitely take a couple units off the board because there was way but there is just ridiculous beforehand it's you know get freed up now you would think there'd be like oil everywhere but uh there really isn't not that that would really make a difference I don't think anyone could build anything like close to a tank right now how did the Congo get 11 population did not think that be possible that's right they got those foods to its trade isn't it it's got to be through trade oh they're just stacking up on the sea wonders out here okay that is they had a lot of wonders to the Congo of all people I did not think they would do well at all here but I guess they are they also built the Petra and the great lighthouse or no great library and the great lighthouse all these things where did that even come from yeah here goes my baby here good let's see if she can keep this stuff loyalty yeah it might be kind of a problem with Egypt's now starting to get it going you know slap those little sinks is down is out there something sink ters now the thing has something else India is still doing all right but uh of course there's still huge race this city's been going back and forth for centuries at this point Rome has a lot of units so does Samaria and they've just stuck with their capital - I love all I've been talking about Mapuche for this like whole time and look how well he's doing yeah he's got no tiles that are of any value maybe just one now but managed to get to population let's see if they starve a lot of the times they starve so who knows but still a round of applause Wow someone was kind enough to bring back the Ottomans who did that it must have been like an emergency situation the Ottomans were killed like hundreds of turns ago crazy to see that we have units embarks right now I don't know where they're going just workers out here I don't think there's any actual ships but you guys are weird but it looks like either the Inca lost to Rio de Janeiro or it was taken from him it could have been taken because Molly's looking strong I haven't talked about Molly at all and I thought they would do much better than this they've just been kind of relaxing the whole time clearly they eyes had a lot of problems because we're now over a thousand turns and people are still struggling although it is still safe to say who won this game I think are clearly about to not only because they've got a lot of cities but keep in mind like just being cornered off like this it's over I mean especially there's no one really up here maybe the Congo could stop them I don't think that 13 population I doubt they have much of a army I don't think so obviously the inca have the most capitals in the game with over seven and they definitely have the world's largest military I just checked so yeah this is they're very far out head they did get even hotter though it got super odd who was using stuff I didn't really see a lot of people out here like burning coal or anything let me know if you want to see me come back and do like a snow world jungle world I kind of want to but yeah we'll see I'll check what you guys think thanks for watching see you next time big thanks to the patrons fallin likes Thursday daddy OPC senpai reciprocation Swiss are go max eg nope galley free cruise mr. Burke Ellie cooter donkey Brendon Hinkle Alfonzo m6 no time we long dong double-booked my main man Manny mega Fat Boy 2.0 the hentai Nicole oh nice it's a 56
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 620,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Civilization, Civilization 6, Civ 6, World, Desert, All Nations, All 44 Nations, Desert Only World, Egypt, Australia, Mali, Sumeria, India, Greece, Inca, England, France, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Arabia, Rome, Khmer, Scythia, Netherlands, Canada, America, US, United States, AI Only, Aztecs, Russia, Zulu, Persia, Nubia, China, Japan, The Ottomans, Spain, Hungary, Units, Map, Desert Earth, Oil, Mad Max, Kongo
Id: 0h9inCbrM_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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