I talked about settling cities and early game strategy - Civ 6 Overexplained Arabia Let's Play Ep 1

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Really enjoying the series as well. Although after watching I went to play and felt like a potato...

👍︎︎ 82 👤︎︎ u/ouainallo 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I recommended this series in another thread. Potato is an amazing resource for the game. I started watching him last year, and he carried me many layers up in the game. His multiple hour streams are a treasure trove - when he breaks off the game and fires up Paint - pay attention - if you have the time.

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

He is good at the game, i don't understand the hate a while ago i read on this sub

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/mobymxplusb 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Okay, be honest. You're just Tater himself posting under a false account, aren't you? We keep telling you Tater, we're watching your videos ironically. Just fricking accept it! 🧐

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/AlmightyOomgosh 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

His vids are amazing and he explains why he took the decisions that he took. Really educational and fun.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ThaTrooperz 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Great idea"

Proceeds to keep playing the same 3 civs every game.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/ludicrouscuriosity 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love this guy

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Turbomusgo 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is why I miss Arumba so much. These youtubers truly elevate your game and give you the confidence to try new things.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/E_l_T_i_g_r_e 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Duuuude! Watch his episode on Industrial Zone placement. It will change your world.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Spader18 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey spuddies potato mac whiskey here and welcome to let's play civilization 6 in the over explained over analyzed in excruciating detail let's play that's why we're going to be playing the game and we're going to be going into every single little decision and thought process to the extent that I can I might forget a few things but I'll do my best to really explain what's going on when I'm playing the game starting right when I create the game so let's get started oh by the way I am using a mod and it should be available to anyone on Steam I don't know about console and stuff like that but it is here somewhere and it is called the super tacks simple UI adjustments it just makes some very small little changes to the UI that I really like and I recommend it to everyone there will be a link to the mod in the description of the video and I hope you guys enjoy it too the very first thing we have to do is create a game of course so we're gonna go into advanced a setup and we're gonna be playing on a continents map because that's the default that I want as many people to be able to understand what's happening and we're also gonna be playing as a saladin today I'm a reason why I'm playing a saladin is quite simple because I tried to record this before and I rolled saladin randomly and then the game crashed and failed on me so I had to start over we're also gonna be playing on DD difficulty with the apocalypse mode added this guide is intended for people playing on the full version of the game ie all of the expansions all of the DLC all of the updates and basically zero gameplay mods and that's the game setup we're playing on DD continents everything standard with apocalypse mode let's start the game let's talk about arabia's bonuses first thing i'll do is i'll just jump into the game and then i'll start talking about arabia's bonuses now we have a few bonuses and i kind of want to like read through them first and then talk about how they're gonna interact with each other so we have righteousness of faith the worship building for their religion the worship building refers to the building that you unlock by getting a religion that stuff like the synagogue stuff like the pagoda i think it's called the stupa all those sorts of things and the buildings that you unlock with your religion and they cost 1/10 of the usual faith caste ie if they cost 500 faiths Arabia can buy them for 50 not only them but that worship building for Arabia gives you an extra 10% science faith and culture in the city that you build it in we also have the last prophet which means we automatically receive a final grade prophet when the next to last one is claimed that means if there's four available in the game once the third one is claimed we will get one for free we also get +1 signs for each foreign city following Arabia's religion we also get the Mamluk which is a unique medieval era unit that replaces the night it basically heals it at the end of every turn otherwise it's indistinguishable from a knight aside from being a you know unique unit that heals and we also get the madrasa this is a unique university that has plus one extra science to its yield and also gives you faith equal to the adjacency bonus of the campus district that the university is built into so let's talk about how all these bonuses sort of interweave together to sort of project a way that we might want to play Arabia in this game so the first one that I want to talk about is getting the free great profit now this bonus actually had the free great profit on the +1 science for each foreign city following Arabia's religion these interact in a very interesting way in that if we go for an early religion and spread it early we will make up for the science impact of not building early campuses and instead going for holy sites by spreading our religion using faith but if we opted to go for its science first we're not punished by missing out on a religion because we get the great profit for free so this is actually a sort of Alden one package of a book thing that basically says to you you're getting a religion this game and whether you go for it early or late you're you're not gonna be punished too hard for it so this is like a thing that is just a huge bonus for Arabia if you want to do a science game supported by a religion a lot of people mistakenly think that Arabia is a civilization that wants to go for a science victory that is somewhat true but I think they're far better off for a science victory because a three of their bonuses give them the science and two and another three of them give them faith so that kind of points me in the direction of going for a science victory supported by a that's kind of like that the the complex lab of things so how do I describe this um basically this bonus righteousness of the faith that we want to get holy sites the reason we want to get holy sites is because you want to get that tier 3 building that will give us 10% science faith and culture and the last prophet says to us that we can get holy sites basically whenever we feel like it like we're not pressured to get holy sites early as Arabia which means you can actually play Arabia as a religion Civ or as a science ative you can do either/or I would personally argue that due to the madrasa you're probably pointing more in the direction of a science if rather than a faith Civ but you can you know you can you can do both and that's kind of where my current sort of bias going into this game before I ever look at the map is that I'm probably gonna want to do a science game supported by a strong religion and that's the plan right that is the plan for this game now the Mamluk offers us an interesting choice in that we can if we want to go for a relatively early war with stirrups we are going to want to pick up irrigation and bronze working Erik sorry not irrigation sorry astrology to get our holy sites and bronze working to get our iron before we go for stirrups but we can go for an early mom like push if we so choose it's it's a fairly late one actually comes in medieval but it's I would say this is like an early mid game push with Mamluks if that's the direction that we want to go now we also want to talk about our starting location and this is a interesting stead alok a location for a number of reasons the first one is that we're on grass land tiles with lots of improvable x' but most importantly here we're standing on a grassland tile that has access in its first ring to multiple tiles with four yields so this is a concept I want to talk about for a second here normally any tile in the game gives you three resources okay our sorry two resources it'll be you know Plains will give you one food one production grassland will give you two food and then there's like weaker versions of that terrain like tundra that gives you one food and then snow that gives you zero food and desert that gives you zero food so in general the sort of minimum value that you gonna get from a tile that you want to get from a tile is to because a citizen one population of your city takes two resources to food to maintain any resource above two is profit that is ie if I work this tile how much surplus am i generating if I work this to food tile I'm generating a surplus of zero because it costs me to food to put a system it costs me two food per turn to put a citizen citizen on that tile and I'm getting two food out so the net production there is zero if I have a tile with two food one production I have a net output of one because I'm putting two food into this tile I'm getting two food out which cancels out and I'm getting a profit of one production so in actual fact what this means is that a two food to production tile isn't like 24-hour 33% better than this one it's twice as good because you're getting double the profit so when you're looking to settle your very first city there's a lot of things you're looking for the first one is fresh water you want to press the four key on your keypad or come down here to the lenses screen and click on settler and the bright sort of saturated green tiles are going to be where there's fresh water now fresh water is a mechanic whereby I can actually look it up here here in the water page here the presence of a water source will immediately set the initial housing level of a city a city not adjacent to it any water will have a maximum population of two a city on the coast will have a max population of three and a city adjacent to a river lake or Oasis will have a max population of five so that's that's what these means these sort of deeply unsaturated gray tiles that means the city will have two population if it's one of these coastal tiles it'll have three population and if it's one of these bright green saturated tiles it will have five population room and five thousand so so that's the first thing you want to look for where is my housing where do I want to settle to get good housing and right now for me I want to settle somewhere on this river right there's some really really good housing all along this river and then the second thing you want to look for is what tile do I want to settle um so let's talk about some tiles that I would want to settle them I would want to put my city down on this silk and the reason why I want to put my city down on the silk is because when you settle on a resource you extract that resource into your resource pool and then you can sell it to other players which is a really damn good benefit not only that but any bonus yields that that tile produces right now would be plus one culture you actually get that in your city center forever for the rest of the game and that could be a really huge boost in the early game particularly if it's a tile that isn't normally easily worked so for example something like incense on planes it's not usually great to actually work it but if you settle it you get that plus one faith per turn in your city and that can mean an earlier Pantheon without actually having to work a suboptimal tile but the the main thing I would say is if you're a new player you want to look for somewhere that you can settle that has good yields adjacent to the city center so for example if I settle in place I will have adjacent to my city center one tile with zero profit 3 tiles with one profit and two tiles with two profit and so I would give these a score of like 1 right a score of 1 and then these I would give like a score for right because these are just way better they're so much better to work at to food to production tile compared to it the to food tile or a to food one production tile like so it was so far in a way so much better it's ridiculous so really what I would want to be looking for is where can I settle to work the maximum number of yields if I could like the potential to place my settler anywhere so I'm thinking where I would settle is right here on this grassland tile and it's for a number of reasons it has three tiles adjacent to it it has a really crappy water tile but this can be really good later on with the game we'll talk about that it has has a crappy water table that's not a worry because that will just be a harbor at some point right if I if I so choose settling here will give me not only fresh water it'll also give me coastal access if I want it which means I can get error score from a galley or a trireme or something it'll give me three tiles with four yield that are adjacent to the city which means my first three population will be able to work for yield tiles easily without any problems and then it has a further bunch of tiles just slightly further out the stone here and the hill here that also have for yield not only that but this is a hill that has woods which means if I settle on this I get rid of the woods and I get rid of the hill and the reason I get rid of a hill quote-unquote is because when you settle a city center the city center produces two food one production and you can see here that's what these hills produce a Plains Hill is slightly different in that if you settle on the plains Hill you'll actually produce two food to production in your capital but that's kind of like a little bit more an advanced thing that we'll talk about a little bit later when we're settling more cities but if you settle on a grassland hill you're basically wasting it so I want to actually go find a crappy flat land tile to settle on to get rid of I'm gonna go settle in place because this will also give me an extra chump that I can chomp that woods later for even more benefit so we'll settle right here on this tile the other reason why I want to settle here is because I have an active volcano to myself and there's a reef here and I can very easily get a +3 adjacency campus right here excuse me a very easily get a +3 campus right here by settling on this tile thanks to the reef if you don't know let's go ahead into the campus district right here you scroll down here and that has a bunch of adjacency bonuses but more importantly you can see it gets plus two signs adjacency from each adjacent reef and then if I later on I decided to go for a harbor which you generally want to do in a coastal city you'll want to get a harbor because they provide you with a lot of gold potentially a lot of production and they improve the coastal tiles which will make up a significant portion of the tiles that a crabber city will work and then the city center plus the harbor in adjacency with the reef will give this plus three signs adjacency on my campus right because every district gets plus one a Jason see from every two adjacent districts and the city center counts as a district the harbor counts as a district so this could potentially be a very good harbor for me or a very good campus for me and the reason you want to get at least plus three adjacency on your campuses is not only because they're playing Arabia under madrasa which is our unique University building if I go in here and I look at the madrasa our unique University building gets bonus faith equal to the adjacency of sites in the district which means when I build my university I'll be getting +3 faith per turn from the University but the other main reason is if I come over here to rationalism I believe it's over here at enlightenment here it is rationalism gives you a 50% bonus to the science yield from buildings inside your campus if the district has at least +3 adjacency and so since I know that I can guarantee a +3 adjacency in this campus I know I'm going to get at least a 50% boost if I plug that card in and this card is extremely important for maximizing the amount of science that you get from your buildings you also get a 50% bonus if the population of the city is 10 or higher this is a pretty high housing and a pretty high food area so we should be able to reach the plus 10 how a population at some point in this game no problem so without further ado would all of that explained let's go ahead and settle our city that gives us the knowledge of sailing that's also important because we settled on the coastline we get the boost for sailing found a city on the coast that is the boost so we just actually got a little bit of science for free I also want to talk about this Harbor this Harbor gets a bonus adjacency if I come in here to the harbor I'll be able to show you guys this pretty easily you can see here it gets +2 Gold adjacency for being adjacent to the city center and it gets 1 adjacency for coastal resources and 1 adjacency for every two adjacent districts so this is also actually a plus 3 adjacency harbor and that's really really important because the harbor building the shipyard gives you production based on the adjacency of the district it says right there it'll say just over the banking tile says 'bonus production equal to the adjacency gold bonus of this district so that means that this harbor on this campus working together are giving me signs and production which is really great so we're kind of so this is this is the current like long-term plan of this city is to get a good campus and get a good Harbor now the other interesting thing about the harbor is if we build this relatively early this opens up some options for us in particular it gives us the ability to build the mausoleum at halicarnassus the mausoleum at halicarnassus is really useful for a number of reasons first of all it's a wonder that the AI typically doesn't really go for but it also gives a science faith and culture which are all things that we want to be getting as Arabia because Arabia is a civilization that can boost all of these yields with our tear for our two or three worship buildings coming from our religion and the nice thing is right here that if we go back into the mausoleum and right-click it and we look at the placement requirements it just needs to be built adjacent to a harbor district that's it it's 400 production and it'll make all of these coastal tiles really really nice as well as give us a boost for our great engineers if we go for any great engineers this game so that would be me sort of thinking long term ahead I would place down this pin right here I can never find them in the list there is the mausoleum so this would be kind of like I would maybe go for the mausoleum at halicarnassus this game because it gives us a lot of yields and it makes these coastal tiles much more attractive for me to work it's not the greatest harbour in the world but I would say a +3 adjacency harbour it's pretty okay plus 4 is good plus 5 is really good and plus 6 is ridiculously good my personal opinion Annie like a harbor that has Italy that has 3 adjacency is like the basic most base line however you should ever go for okay so I've doing a lot of talking about like long-term planning but let's talk about cities right we have to actually talk about what our cities are doing I'll be talking about sort of like more advanced concepts but some players might not even understand what's going on here but hopefully you'll start to piece together what's going through my head as I'm like planning and learning what I want to do in a game cities have a resource called food ok and how food works is if you click on this button here toggle city details and at the top here will be a section called a citizen growth that will give you all of the information that you need in order to make decisions about how to grow your city okay we are getting plus for food per turn the city has one population now technically speaking I'm gonna actually make a bit of a weird thing here the city actually has two population because the tile underneath the Capitol has always worked but this citizen doesn't cost you any food okay just keep that in your head so the city has one population that's currently working a to food to production tile so that means we are getting a surplus of to food per turn because we're producing for food too from the city center to from the tile we're working and we are eating two of it so we end up with two that gets multiplied by our amenities that again that gets multiplied by our amenities growth bonus which is based on the number of amenities you have if I go up to the thingy here and I type in amenity sources sorry it's happiness that you want to look for happiness is a measure of the contentment of your people the important information here is one amenities required for each two population starting at a population of three a content city ie a city with zero positive amenities will have no bonuses a happy city which is plus one amenities I believe will have a 10% growth bonus that's this right here as well as a five percent yield increase if I hover over my culture here you'll see down the bottom it'll say plus five percent from amenities an ecstatic city will have a 20 percent growth bonus and a ten percent yield bonus and having negative amenities will have negative effects on your growth and your resource production okay so if we look at this right we're producing two food Paterna gets multiplied by ten percent that goes to 2.2 which means our total surplus is 2.2 because we have enough housing for our city we're not getting any negative penalties and we have full loyalty so we're not getting any negative penalties there so we're going to be growing in seven turns on how you get that seven turns if you take this food needed to grow population and divide it by the surplus down here so you know 15 divided by 2.2 is about seven turns to grow if I were to just go ahead and work a one food tile real quick you can see that our food surplus is now halved right we're now making three food - - which means forgetting plus one food multiply by ten percent plus 1.1 which means it's now taking us 14 turns to grow right we have doubled the amount of time it takes for this city to grow so it's important to remember that the thing that matters isn't the total amount of food that you're making in a city it is the food surplus compared to the modifiers like housing amenities and all that other stuff and whether or not you can actually support that population okay so that's kind of like the first little thing the second thing I'm going to talk about is production production is the lifeblood of your empire now why is this tile is so important well that's a deep work it and let's work this one production tile if we look down here that is 4.2 production in a city that is 20% less compared to working this okay so remember when I talked about how the surplus is what matters the working this tile like let's say I worked at zero production tile okay that is three production if I work this one production tile three plus one that's a 33% increase right that's a one-third increase but if I worked the to production tile that is a two-thirds increase okay so that's where the idea of this tile with its to foodtube production is worth twice as much as this tile with its to food one production comes from because the relative value of that to the two not working either tiles means that this tile is worth twice as much as this tile so that's what I'm gonna work that one because this is just a huge amount of production to get this early into the game these very low production number is going to be standard I think the most I've ever seen in a city is where I was working like my capital was settled on a tile that had to foodtube production and I was working a tile with two food three production and I think that was like a total of like seven or eight production on turn 1 which is insane right if you can get five production in your capital and turn one you're doing really really well if you're getting four that's like the most basic standard and if you can get six you're doing amazingly well okay so that's what you want to look for now it's really really important that you always the very first citizen in your city is always working at least a to food production tile because growth is so important in the early game because you cannot build settlers until you get to two part that's right we're gonna be talking about what the cities can actually build and just to give you an idea of how important this extra one production is if I look at this Monument it's gonna take 12 turns and if I look at the settler for the builder for example that'll take 10 if I come in here I swap to the one production town you can see here the monuments gonna take 15 turns that's an extra three turns it takes for me to build this and a lot happens in every single turn in the game you move units you you get yields you get bonuses everything happens every turn right and the Builder will take an extra two turns and then if I even if let's imagine I hadn't even worst I read none of my tiles had production this would take 20 turns okay so actually working this tile right here shaves eight turns off of building a monument for me which is massive like insanely huge amount of production here these early game decisions I really what make or break your game that's why I'm spending so much time talking about them because these little adjustments are massive okay so let's talk about the very first thing that we want to build in a game now there's some advanced strategies where you go for an early monument and the reason why you would want to go for an early monument is so that you can power through your culture tree because how you advance for this culture tree at the Civic straight rather I call it the culture tree just like this is the technology tree and I call it the science tree right because this is researched by science this is researched by culture and the reason why you would want to get an early Monument is because you want to build the Wonder a padana that's really that would be my main thing or if you want to get an early government pass or something like that right there's a few reasons you might want to go for monument first but I would generally shy away from monument first you want to get a monument early because they're really really valuable they give you +2 culture in total you can see here it says provides +1 loyalty per turn to this city if the city has already maximum loyalty it also provides plus one additional culture so that's two culture from the monument so yeah I've a generally shy away from getting the early monument even if it is really really powerful there are situations you want to go for it whereas if you know you're not going to be settling a bunch of cities and you want to get to colonization really really early you can just go straight monument but I would say this is generally a pretty weak one especially when you're playing on higher difficulties because it leaves you to open to early aggression and generally what I would recommend is getting at least one scout maybe two so the reason you want to go for a scout is it's actually a kind of a complex way to describe things but basically out on the map there are a bunch of things that if I discover them first I get benefits so for example if I find a tribal village first I get the opportunity to capture that tribal village maybe I'll get a builder right so I could spend six production sorry six turns of production 30 production on a thing called a scout and potentially get a 50 production unit in return which means I'm profiting 20 production so the potential return on a scout is really really high which is why you want to get one or two of them to go explore the map and there's a couple of other reason you want to go for a sex as well right having knowledge of the map lets you plan where you're gonna be settling your cities let's see you know oh how close am i to my enemies do I need to build an army do I need to defend myself can I be greedy do I need to build an army can I skip an area where where do I have really good cities do I have a natural wonder nearby that I can settle to get huge benefits there's all these reasons you want to go for a scout now there are builds where you go for the early monument but they're pretty niche and there are builds where you go for the early builder typically a civilizations like the Maya who really need to get those early farms online and there's also situations where you want to go for military units at the start of the game typically that's gonna be for people like the Aztecs and Sumeria who start off with a unique unit I sort of who can do a lot of really cool stuff in the early game that Scouts would otherwise do for you and that's it that's all of the decision-making that I typically go through in the very first turn of the game never took me 28 minutes to get to this point but that's fine right it's okay to take your time in the early game because the decisions we make now will have effect for the next 200 to 300 turns right they're gonna have consequences down the line if I built this Scout to turn slower that means the next thing that I build is to turn slower which means it comes in slower right so you have to you have to kind of really think about your decisions early game now the only thing left to do is to hit enter although there's also a couple of things that I want to talk about real quick actually before I end the turn we are at the top of the screen also if you want rotate your map hold down your Alt key left click and then rotate the mouse left and right and it will rotate your map sometimes what will happen is you'll actually spawn in this position it'll look let me see if I can get it to work it'll look like this right you'll see tundra below you or you'll be not sure where exactly you are on the map what you do is hold down alt left click and rotate your camera until the top right hand or the top left hand corner is looking directly sort of south of you and you'll be able to see the map edge border and be like okay I'm in the south of the map I'm actually in the north of the map so just like reverse that logic it's much easier to see the north of the map but let's say you're like oh I can't see below me I just rotate the camera and I can see much further into the fog of war and if the edge of the map is there then I would know I'm at the edge of the map right so that's a cute little tip that loudly lets you sort of plan where you are on the map and that piece of information is actually really important because I know for a fact that Tundra is gonna be to my north so I'm gonna want to push south in order to grab better terrain because Tundra is kind of weak so if I'm gonna want to settle early it's probably gonna be laterally or to the south because those are the directions in which good land are more like good land is more likely to be here's a little tip that I put it into a video before but I want you to go into your key bindings and I want you to bind this next action key to something that you rest your finger on I put it on Z because my little my little pinky finger is always resting on Z sorry or my ring finger is rather and that means rather than having to bring my mouse all the way down here to the next turn button I can just tap Z and it ends the turn for me all right let's talk about scouting with our warrior generally speaking you want to just do a little bit of early scouting you want to kind of reveal in like a little bit of a semicircle and what you're looking for with your warrior our barbarian encampments as well as potential City locations and potentially just just generally information you're looking for other players you're looking for all that sort of stuff and you want to kind of scout in the terrain of least resistance ie terrain that it's flat or up onto hills near terrain that's flat because your units can see further when they're on a hill I'll show you that in a second you can see here because I'm standing on this hill I can over all of these hills if I come down off that hill all of these hills and forests now act like vision blockers I can't actually see up into here I'm gonna move out across this open terrain because warriors move a little bit easier over open terrain here's a tribal village this is an important thing in the game also something I haven't talked about is there is a duty to dudes and here somewhere it's one of these buttons why can't I remember yeah there it is show yield icons okay I like to leave this on because I'm just so used to playing the game with it but if you press your Y key you can turn this on and off and this just lets you sort of see what you're actually gonna get from the tiles that you're working because sometimes tiles have yields that are implied from other mechanics like like a volcano erupting that you're not gonna be able to tell visually like I can tell this is a hill and I hover over to tells me to food run production I just like to be able to see that information all the time now I could go for and pick up this tribal village and I think I will because this could potentially give me a bonus like astrology that's pretty cool not an ideal bonus to get astrology because this is find a natural wonder which is a relatively easy one to do if you go for a couple of Scouts early you should be able to find a natural wonder no problem and I'm actually finding a little bit more information here if I hover over this tile here it'll say coast right about here it'll say coast I might tells me that this is another ocean and not a lake and that tells me that I'm potentially on a peninsula now since I know that this goes up towards the north that it's far more likely that the termination of the peninsula is up this way ie where the peninsula ends and meets the water is over here it'll probably be some kind of a shape like this and that in fact the most important scouting direction for me is to the south with regards to figuring out where the AI is and where I potentially want to for it settle and set up my wall my border with the AI and the reverse is true I know with a high probability that barbarians tend to spawn in the extremes of the map ie the north in the south and that I'm gonna want to maybe move my warrior in that direction however I don't have any defensive units right now and I haven't seen a barbarian scout so I'm just gonna use my warrior to get a little bit more information about this South area because there's also some nice desert here that could potentially open up certain wonders for me we also found another tribal village which is very cool let's talk about movement a little bit um how movement works in save six it's not like save five if you're coming from city of five you might be used to if a unit has movement it can move in sip five that's not true if a unit has movement and the movement cost of that tile is equal to or lower than its movement the unit can move into that tile however if the movement cost is higher and you can see here rivers I believe if I go to rivers I think they have I cut off the top of my head I think it's a three movement cost to move across a river without a bridge or anything like that so if I want to move across this river I need to have three movement now the important thing to note is this unit will never have three movement but Errani buffs so the only way I can cross the river is by having my maximum movement because if your unit is at their maximum movement they can move into any terrain it'll just use up their entire turn let's go ahead and scout to the southeast with our scout and you could see here that there's not a whole lot of information going on over here there is a little bit of a fish tile that's within range of the city if you want to know how far our city can reach oh this is something really really important actually it's kind of a concept no I'll talk about that when I'm settling actually so I am one turn from growing there's a little bit of a concept in the game that I haven't actually talked about and I can't remember if it's still in the game so we're gonna test it together I'm gonna go ahead and save this game and I will call this Arabia over-explained turn a seven okay because I want to test something here if we go into the city we can see here that the city is making five production per turn and the settler will take 15 turns to produce okay I want to be producing a settler right now because I have my Scout but I'm not to population that's the prop and I was told that cities can actually save one Turner production which means if I choose to put no production in here I can actually over float that production to the next turn so I'll go ahead and use the hotkey Shift + Enter and double fully and my turn like so I'm actually bumped into Rome hi Rome that were like hitting shift enter willfully and your turn skipping all actions I'm just going straight to the end and then I'm gonna force the citizen to work this water tile that produces zero production so that I can go in here and see the settler still costs fifteen turns to produce so what actually happened there is I wasted a turn I wanted to double check time actually live and we'll go back and reload that turn and the reason why I did that is it's really really important that people tell me things about this game all the time and when I test them they turn out to be not true and that is something that you are gonna be coming up against all the time you always want to be don't just be taking my word for things right I sometimes say things that are wrong people say wrong things to me all the time you always want to test what people say and I constructed a test there that completely proved what they said was wrong at least at least that's what it looked like to me the Scout the settler cost 15 production the first turn and it cost 15 production the second turn maybe there's like some hidden mechanic there that makes that not true but you know it's not an exhaustive test but doing that sort of a little bit of testing based on what people tell you don't just assume what people say about this game is true because there's a lot of misconceptions about the game so rather than waste five production I'm gonna go ahead and put it into something else now that's something else might be a skill maybe it's a monument I know I want to get a monument at some point in putting five production into it isn't a bad move I know I want to get a builder at some point I'm not in a rush to get a builder right now so I'm not worried about that and I think mmm I think I'm gonna put let me have a look at the scouting information yeah it's time to put one more turn into his scout and then I'll make the decision to switch to a settler next to him or I might even actually finish this scout let's go to the next turn that's really annoying that Rome stole that tribal village do I want to exchange information with Rome's capital so this is actually an important discussion here Romans are very aggressive so I'm going to not give him the information of my capital because that might bias him towards attacking him now diplomacy is a very know we did kind of get the information we know east to the south right diplomacy is a very important concept in the game the very first turn that you meet a sieve in a game of civilization six you can always send them a delegation because they're like or dislike for you has not updated so I'm going to send him a delegation and what that will do is it'll give me a +3 relationship boost which means potentially down the line I might be able to keep him from attacking me using only diplomacy he has a minus eight first impression of me I have no idea how the first impression thing works there's so much misinformation about it people say it's based on the unit that they meet but I've had a eyes meet my Scout and still hate me it seems to be like as far as I can tell it's just random if anyone actually has like a link to an article that explains this because I've looked it up before I don't understand how the first impressions work this is something that's always kind of bothered me about the game but generally it's gonna be negative when you're playing on a high difficulty so what you want to do is you want to get that delegation in early because the delegation is forever essentially um at least until they declare war on you it's 25 gold and it gives you a better chance of maintaining a positive relationship with an AI now I know that Rome is to myself so that means if I want to protect myself from Rome I want to settle in a southern leader ection and then build units and defenses down there and that also means I want to start thinking about when I'm settling my next city where do I want to put my city that gives me defense against him so for example generally speaking you don't want to settle a city with impassable terrain behind it so if we think of if I settle a city here if I settle a city here there's a piece of impassable terrain behind my city ie this is the front that I would have with Rome if Rome was attacking me from the south his units would come from this direction and as impossible terrain behind me and the reason why you do that is twofold because that's one less tile that your ranged units can occupy to shoot over the city and defeat his incoming me and it also means if he actually takes that city that piece of impossible terrain now works in his favor making it much harder for me to attack him because I have to funnel through either here or here some of terms of defensiveness a really good location for defense is actually on this tile if I'm settling for defense right here is good because he can't get around to flanked the city it only has one tile that can actually attack the city and I have two tiles that I can position range units to shoot over the city and attack his units that are attacking the city and then there's a one tile gap here so this is actually a very defensive position for me if I wanted to protect myself from invasion and depending on how concerned I am that Rome might invade me I might actually settle this city first even though it's not very good that means I can get the city up and running and use it as a defensive buffer against Rome we found our very first barbarian and unfortunately my Scout got bogged down I was really hoping that this terrain connected here my Scout got bogged down and that means I'm very unlikely to get value from my Scout but I'm still gonna try I'm really what we're doing now is just doing a little bit of ending turn this pair of bar up where did you go so there's definitely a purpose of the only place this barbarian scout could have come from is from this Northwest area and the only place this one could come from is this Eastern Area so I'm gonna use this warrior to kill this and I'm gonna try to push this barbarian Scout away from my city this is really really important to do in the early game you want to use your military units to zone control barbarian units and I'll talk about that in a little bit more detail here in a second but basically barbarian Scouts are kind of dumb they basically just run away from whatever they see if they see a unit they tend to run away from it if they have an active barbarian encampment there's a mega-colossal eruption very interesting that has wiped out this time we'll talk about those eruptions here in a second so if I don't want my enemy barbarian units to come in to Cairo I want to position a scout between them and Cairo you can see here this guy's route to Cairo is up here so guys kind of in the way because if he wants to go up this way he has to enter into my unit is only control Scouts projectors on a control all the way around him so he's much more incentivized to run downwards and away from my scout so I'm pushing the Scout away from my city I'm preventing it from actually you know causing problems for me I also want to talk about clearing barbed caps right so when you're clearing a barbed cap it's much easier to do it if you have the discipline card what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna attack this barbarian encampment once and that will give me a little bit of experience and it'll take me about three turns to heal up which will be when I have the discipline card and it'll make my life easier a single warrior can clear a barbed camp no problem you just have to do it the right way generally speaking you attack once you heal a little bit you plug in discipline and then you attack twice more and that should be the kill it might be three times depending on the defensive terrain this guy is only in mild defensive terrain you can see down here if you look at the combat screen on his side it'll say plus three ideal terrain and plus six fortified defense that just basically means he's in good terrain and if I heal my guy up and get the discipline carrot I'll be able to kill him easily now I got my second Scout and let's have a look at what information I have that'll kind of inform me what I want to do next oh I never talked about my tech choice I completely forgot to talk about tech choice okay so in almost every game but you're not going for a religion you want to pick up animal husbandry okay and there's a few reasons why you want to go for animal husbandry horses are a very early resource that I revealed and they give you plus one food plus one production on the tile that they're on so what they can do is typically because they only spawn on flat land they turn one of these grassland tiles from a zero profit tile into a two profit tile that is a massive increase okay this tile has a roughly equivalent value to this tile generally speaking the total number of yields of food and production about equal out with most importantly food in the early game being slightly more valuable so actually I would even consider moving my citizen to working the volcano to get the +1 food here because that means I'll grow a little bit quicker a little bit of early growth is good however if I'm planning on building settlers growth can be kind of lose value because every time you build a settler it wipes out a population which is like not only are you spending their production on a settler you're spending the food as well so that's something to consider as well so yeah that's why the horse that's sort of alt and genital to the horse unlocking the horse resource giving me access to more tiles that have high value right this is a three food one production tile whereas previously it was a two food tile and now it's just a better tile and it also reveals it's actually especially important in Plains starts because Plains tiles on their own are just one food one production which is kind of the worst of both worlds like two food you can kind of work for because the citizen is at least paying for himself but in this one you're trading one food for one production which is really detrimental early-game however a Plains horse is really great because it's to food to production which is basically like one of these ideal tiles right the citizen is paying for himself and getting the maximum possible profit in production at this time in the game and production is the lifeblood of your empire so I got two Scouts and these two Scouts should be enough for me to control early barbarians and also get some exploration in so now I'm feeling comfortable about making my next decision now I could go for a monument here that's only a turns now because I'm working to to production tiles if I go for a monument it'll unlock a lot of these a lot earlier if I go for a settler it'll open up potential for me to settle defensively or perhaps more economically settling for land and productivity and stuff like that and typically what I would do in my games is I would go for a settler here and the reason why I want to go for a settler here is is the concept of the earlier you build something the more benefit you get from it okay if I build a monument on turn 10 and the game lasts 300 turns I am getting the benefit of that Monument for 290 turns if I build a monument on turn 100 in a 300 turn game I'm getting the benefit of a monument for 200 turns okay so the earlier you build things the more benefit you get from them settlers and cities in general are things that give you the highest return of investment of anything in the game okay if you build a settler extremely early into the game you get a massive return because that settler produces population it produces production it produces gold it produces science it produces faith you can make units out of it settlers generally speaking early into the game provide such a high potential return on investment that investing into anything else without a really good reason is really hard I also wouldn't bother going for a builder here I don't have mining so I can't improve these tiles right mining is required to build quarries and required to build mines let's see what else would we do here yeah I think I think I think Scout here I could go for a monument here and there's a couple of reasons why you would want to is so that you can get to early Empire really really early and that will give you a boost towards building even more settlers I think I'm going to opt for just going for the settler here because I have relative I'm relatively safe Rome is pretty far away he just have a big military but I should have some warning too if he attacks me right I didn't give him information of where my capital is so here is I didn't give him information where my capital is so here's a bit of a problem this guy could potentially be pushed towards my city so now I need to kill him because if he steps up here it's gonna be really really bad for me so now I'm gonna start attacking him with my Scouts Scouts are your tool for dealing with barbarian Scouts in the early game okay there they're of equivalent strength and your ones are more intelligent because they're controlled by a player okay use these as like little sticks to push enemy scouts around and prevent them from running the safest path that this scout has right now is this direction okay because if he goes this way he gets caught on my zone of control if he goes this way he uses up all of his movement and gets attacked by my scout across the river so I'm basically trying to give the AI a really high value route to run away from me that is away from my city okay that's southeast like I was saying my warrior I'm gonna just heal up here until I have the discipline guard until you can see the barbarian scout ran into the fog of war so that worked out perfectly for me I'm gonna keep this Scout right here I'm gonna heal him up and now this Scout can kind of run on his merry little way and find out more information about this Northwest and area for me okay so we just unlocked code of laws and when you unlock attack they'll be like a little pop-up I just have like a really bad habit of like clicking away from them but they'll tell you everything you unlocked so with code of laws we unlock discipline survey guard King and urban planning and I'm gonna talk about each of these cards right now when should you plug in discipline you should plug in discipline in almost every single situation you should only plug in survey in very nice situations for example if you're finding a lot of tribal villages if you're playing a civilization that has really strong recon units and you want to get highly leveled recon units then plug in survey generally speaking discipline is going to be the card that you plug in 95% of the time the rare situations in which I plug in survey and it's generally when I don't have any barbarians to kill so I'm gonna plug in discipline right now you also have the choice of an economic policy card now there's four types of cards in the game well it's not right yeah there's generally four types of cards there's military cards which are red there's economic cards which are yellow there's diplomatic cards that are your green we'll talk about them later and wild cards which are purple right now I have the government chiefdom which gives me zero diplomatic favor per turn which is up here which is used we'll talk about that a little bit later it gives me +1 influence per turn and every 100 influence I get I get one envoy what is the other one um yeah so that's everything that's everything basically about this government it has a military policy card and has an economic policy card I can plug in god-king this will give me plus one faith and plus one gold why would you plug in plus one faith plus one gold you plug this in specifically because you want to get a Pantheon Pantheon's sort of tie into the religious system if you want to know more about Pantheon to go ahead and click on the civil a PDA here type in Pantheon and that will bring you to this to do faith in religion click on Pantheon little teach you bring you to the fate of religion screen and you can kind of learn about Pantheon so you're probably better off going over here to the religions button clicking that and then if you come down here to Pantheon's belief you'll see all of the Pantheon in the game and when you earn twenty five faith I think it is on standard game speed you'll be able to pick one of these Pantheon and each of these Pantheon can be like a minor bonus to your sieve they can be a major bonus to your sieve or they can be literally game defining it all depends on your knowledge of the game how you're planning on playing what your start location is like and what to save your playing so there's all this information that feeds into how important your Pantheon is one thing is important to know is that you need a Pantheon to found a religion I'm playing Arabia I want to found a religion however I don't need to rush for a Pantheon okay I'm gonna get a religion at some point this game so I'm not in a rush to get a Pantheon so I could actually opted to go for urban planning here there is a little bit of a burden of knowledge here about the Pantheon system because an early Pantheon can be huge for a number of reasons if I if I go back here there is a couple here if I remember correctly is it fertility rites no it's religious settlement if you get a really early Pantheon you can get a free settler that's huge basically I'm DD difficulty the AI I think starts with four settlers and you start off with one so if you can get an early like free settler that puts you on like such good footing in comparison to the AI because you were a player and you're a little bit more intelligent and you should be able to play the game better it'll help you catch up really early I don't think I'm gonna be getting religious settlements in this game if I'm playing Arabia thinking about what pantheon I want to go for it's like a really big decision and if there's not a really great Pantheon here for me I might just kind of opt to get a later Pantheon and right now I'm not seeing a Pantheon that really stands out to me God a craftsman is just generally really good see earth goddess is pretty okay I really like divine spark in games where I'm going for a science victory supported by a religion because it gives you plus one great people points but this is all dependent on infrastructure and the really important thing about when you're going for a Pantheon is you have to ask yourself the question is how competitive is this Pantheon ie how many other people are going to want this party on and how much investment do I need to make for this Pantheon so if for example you're going for a Pantheon that gives you holy site adjacency and you're playing a civilization that wants you to get holy sites really early then getting an early Pantheon is really really important because it all feeds in together to your game plan I'm playing Arabia who doesn't need to go for early holy sites and doesn't need to go for early Pantheon sand is gonna get a religion and I don't have to worry about it so I can actually kind of opt to be like hey you know what I don't need a Pantheon I'm just gonna plug in urban planning get that plus one production per turn and use that to snowball so that is kind of the decision there generally speaking you want to plug God King in if you're a civilization who needs an early Pantheon and doesn't have a way to get early faith outside of God King you can also just like if you're being lazy and you want to get a Pantheon you can just plug God King in at some point but I'm gonna plug in the extra production because again if you remember by plugging in God king I've essentially turned my city center right if you remember this gives +1 production in all cities so let's just imagine that that plus one production applies to the city center I've essentially turned the city center from being a plus three surplus remember all of the yields from the city center are surplus because you don't require a citizen to work it to being a plus four surplus which means I've made my City Center about 33% better by plugging that card in it's pretty good so yeah so generally speaking that would be kind of the logical train of thought that I go through when I'm picking my early cards from my government once I get code of laws now that I have coded laws I have to make a decision about which sort of little branch I want to go down here in the early game and there's two general directions you can go you can either go for early Empire or State Workforce or you can go for one of the sides these are less common to go for these extreme sides I would consider going for these if I was going for a heavy tourism religion game which I'm not going for and the reason for that is basically mysticism is the seller tourism religion side because here is drama and poetry this is your tourism area here is your religion stuff now I will want to go down here but I'm not in a rush to get here this is a potential direction for Arabia but I would argue that the strongest direction for Arabia to go is to get their cities down early and that's generally gonna mean going for colonization which means you want to go for early empire now something you want to do when you're playing on DD is always make sure that you get craftsmanship and the reason you always get craftsmanship is because it gives you the a dog a card or a gog card and that gives you a 50% production bonus towards building units and since you are always weaker than the AI on DD difficulty in terms of how many units you can produce and how strong your units are being able to get 50% more units levels the playing field just that little bit that's gonna mean the difference between you dying and you surviving so if I talk about what I want to do with this warrior I'm gonna attack this Scout and the reason why I'm attacking the Scout is because I want to get rid of him this guy has the potential to spawn an infinite number of barbarians if I don't deal with him so the threat level posed by a barbarian Scout is literally infinite and you want to get rid of him where is this barbed camp I can deal with this okay I could just heal up and I could poke it down and I'll get rid of it eventually let's go ahead and continue the scouting to the northwest I found another barbarian encampment that's gonna require a warrior to deal with so probably after this settler I will have to reconsider what I'm gonna be going for it after this settler in terms of do I want to go for a military unit or something like that but that's it for this turn and what this Scout will most likely do is it'll run off into the fog of war and then probably run over to my Scout where it'll be killed okay so it looks like a blue unit in the fog of war attacked this barbarian and I'm really hoping that he doesn't kill it so that I can actually get the kill so what I've done is I've stepped up here onto this hill in order to prevent any more potential units from getting up onto this guy so that I can be the killing blow we also bumped into Bologna and I was not the first person to meet Bologna which really sucks because that would have been +2 science per turn however they want an inspiration for early empire this is their mission for me and so I just go to my Civic tree and I look here here is early Empire here is the base they want me to grow my civilization to at least six population so that means getting at least six population in a city or six population spread across multiple cities now that's a thing that I can do that means there's plus two signs per turn just sitting here ready for me to claim once I've triggered this so that's a really good benefit I'm really hoping there's a tornado here hmm I'm gonna go step on that tornado and I got a free recon unit this is a bit of a double-edged sword and that I don't need another recon unit but I can also use it to control barbarians and fog bust and stuff like that it's not idea what I would want to get but I'll live with it oh this is huge actually that is so lucky so this barbarian account but just got hit by that tornado which means I'm gonna be able to clear it with a scout which means I get the gold from clearing the barbarian encampment I get the boost for military tradition for clearing in a barbarian encampment and I get the arrow score for clearing a barbarian account so that's a ton of benefits I just picked up there from clearing that barbarian encampment which was this pure look essentially and like I said this blue warrior attacked the barbarian encampment and because I stepped up here I prevented any other potential units maybe stepping up here to try to kill it and now I can steal this barbarian account for myself get 6xb get the promotion get the gold and clear another Bab camp I get myself another little bit of a risk or if I can get a kill on this Scout now as well I will actually get the boost for bronze working which is worth potentially I think it's am think it's 40% of the cost of the text so if you take 80 multiplied it by 0.4 that's roughly speaking eight times four is O'Brien do math like thirty-two signs though so that's work so if I can kill one more barbed unit that's worth thirty two signs for me okay so that's that's really important to be able to keep track of what things here that I could potentially do all right let's go to the next turn so this is actually a really important thing that I want to talk about this Scout the Barbarian Scout decided to attack my Scout and get himself killed I want to talk about why that happened when you kill a barbarian encampment any of the Scout units that were attached to that barbarian encampment go rogue they just go berserk and they basically try to find the nearest thing that they can attack and attack it because they basically realized that they're dead and it's probably gonna happen with this Scout as well so what I like to do is I always like to make sure my units are like pretty well healed so I'm gonna take some time to heal up here and I have a decision now to make with this warrior it has a promotion now the question is I could promote now and you know heal the unit up and get a promotion or I could wait I could just heal naturally and save this promotion for if the unit gets in trouble I personally really really like actually promoting my units and I want to talk about these two promotion trees the current choice that I have is battle cry and tortoise battle cry gives you plus seven combat strength versus melee and ranged units now this is really really important to remember um melee and range units doesn't mean all units that are melee and all units that are ranged these are specific classes of units if I come up here and I type in is a classes no there's a there's a way to do this um the simplest way I could do it is probably just clicking on a unit that smelling right the horseman is melee but it's not a melee class unit is a light cavalry class unit okay if I click the hoplite this is also a melee unit but it's an anti cavalry class unit the heavy chariot is a heavy cavalry class unit now the thing that's actually hidden here is that this actually applies to melee anti cavalry and ranged units and those are all three classes of units it's kind of mislabeled because it actually works on experiment as well at least barbarian spearmen I know that much and ranged class here you go right promotion class ranged archers are a ranged class unit as are let me see if I can find swordsmen swordsmen are a melee class unit okay this is the day we've renamed these to something else cuz they're a little bit confusing but basically this doesn't mean that this unit just does +7 combat strength against every unit and again no it means against those specific classes melee and ranged units and a d cavalry units and if you want to know which ones are you typically you can just like find the lowest level unit of that which is the warrior and you can see the warrior upgrades to the swordsman and then it upgrades to the most common and then it upgrades to the infantry and then it upgrades to the mechanized infantry so all of those units in this trained warrior swordsman must have an infantry mechanized infantry if I take this promotion this unit will have +7 combat strength against them and how the combat system works is kind of maybe another thing that I want to talk about like if I hover over here you'll see that I'm getting what's called a minor defeat that's because if we take the comparative combat strengths of these units okay this one is 16 combat strength and this one is 17 and the reason is 17 is because he's damaged and he has fortified defense and it's based on our strength which means I will actually lose slightly more health than him if I come in here and plug in the battlecry promotion that heals me and gives me the battlecry promotion which means I'm now I now have a combat strength that is 10 higher than him which means I'll do a lot more damage to him so hopefully that explains why I always go for battle cry is because the number of units that it applies to on the offense and defense is so far-reaching and wide that it makes your warriors way stronger tortoise is only good if you're being shot by enemy units so that's kind of the decision there of why I go for the battle cry promotion on my warriors I just really like that promotion there is pottery and the reason I'm going for pottery is because I want to get my early campus I want to get a campus early however I have made a little bit of an error here I want to place my campus here on this stone and I can't place a campus there until I get masonry because I need to get masonry in order to harvest stone so that's something to consider I'm gonna want to get a builder in here and harvest this at some point and if I want to get masonry I'm gonna want to build a quarry which is probably gonna tell me that I want to place a quarry in here at some point in order to boost masonry in order to harvest this stone you can kind of see how decisions start to chain together right I want to build a campus right here there is stone on this tile I want to get rid of stone so I need to research masonry in order to research masonry faster I need a quarry I have a quarry here so I research mining to unlock quarries I get a builder to harvest this or to improve this and then harvest that so you can see how all these decisions sort of link together in a very neat fashion that tells me what I want to be doing in my game unlocking campuses right now wouldn't actually do a whole lot for me but unlocking mining maybe it will because it gets me closer to masonry okay I have my warrior here let's do a little bit more scouting I generally I don't like to move my warrior much more further than this away from my city and I think I'm gonna start moving him back because your warrior is your number one defensive unit in the early game used correctly a warrior can protect you from a lot of crap so I'm gonna be using my warrior pretty judiciously here to defend me now I'm gonna be doing something that is generally ill-advised but it's totally fine for a number of reasons I'm gonna be moving this settler that I just completed on his own out to where I want to settle him and the reason why that's ill-advised is cuz settlers are really vulnerable units that are really expensive to produce and they provide a lot of value of another player captures them it's totally fine to do this in single player if you understand the risks I have full vision of this area which means that nobody can really sneak out and catch me off guard I have to make a decision about where I'm gonna send this settler now up here is objectively the best place that I could settle a city because if you look at these tiles they all have really good yields and I would get a lot of value from settling up here down here is the best city I could settle in terms of defense especially since I plan to go for masonry early this game which means I could get walls open this city and be very safe from any potential attacks from from Rome now speaking of Rome I'm gonna be moving my warrior into a position to sort of Scout Rome I'm gonna be sitting on this dear tile and the reason why I'm gonna sit on this dear tom is because it offers me a very easy escape route it provides me a vision of Rome or any potential Roman attacks and then I have one move to the river one move to cross or potentially one move to river one moved across and then I'm only a couple of moves away from retreating and it provides me with the vision I need to make decisions about whether or not Rome is attacking me early let's see here so I think I would really like to get a city settled around here perhaps on the furs now this is this is a really no actually I wouldn't want to settle on the first I would like to settle on this hill right here and I'll talk about why I want to settle on that hill right here this hill is right on the edge of my own loyalty okay one two three four five six seven eight that means this hill is right on the edge of the loyalty that's coming from my capital it's also right on the edge of the loyalty coming from Rome right now there's no negative loyalty for settling here it's a Plains hill next to an extremely high-value tile that also gives me a potential access route to the east this potential access route is really really important so I'm probably going to settle here and then backfill here to kind of protect myself it also is in access to a really good holy site in here and the tiles in here of just generally really good and it allows me to secure my border with Rome early into the game and then backfill all those cities later on Cairo has finished a settler and I'm a little bit worried about wrong there's a couple of things I need to get my hands on right now and I think one of them is a builder and I think getting this early builder is gonna pay dividends for me for a very long time because I'm going to be able to improve this tile with +1 production and also potentially improve these horses improving these horses will make them better as well as give me access to a strategic resource that I can sell to the AI and then I can use the Builder to chop this to go from my campus so I think a builder right now has an extremely high return on investment now I could actually delay this builder if I wanted to I don't have to build this builder right now because builders in the very early game cost 200 gold 200 gold is a pretty good price for a builder especially early game so I could wait another roughly 10 turns and get a builder that's also another option that you want to consider how do you want to use your early gold generally speaking I will buy a builder or a warrior with it I won't buy these things because they're the return on investment on these are pretty low in comparison to how quickly these things return on investment things like settlers builders and units right if a unit keeps you from dying it has literally infinite return on investment because you didn't die right and dying is you all of your investment goes to zero see yeah I think it would be risky to go for another settler here and I would feel more comfortable you're getting a unit out here in particular I would feel pretty comfortable going for a slinger here although if I just want to get raw combat strenght to make it less likely for Rome to declare war on me then I want to go for a warrior and I think I think I will go for two warriors here just to defend myself now I could go for the Builder and improve three titles however that would give me craftsmanship but well let's think about this right so there's a bit of a risk here that I'm taking there's kind of a whole bunch of dimensions of an analysis that are going on in my head that I'm gonna try to like disentangle and explain to you I really want warriors to be able to defend myself from wrong I also want slingers to be able to get archers to defend myself from wrong I want to get a builder because I was talking about this whole chain to get into a really good campus my capital right getting bronze are getting masonry getting writing improving this improving this and harvesting that right but I also want to get craftsmanship which means I have to improve three times which would mean I would need to builders to improve three tiles and then harvest this to do that poll idea so I think the compromise here is if I go for a monument and then a builder oh I will get a GOG really really quickly sorry if I go for a monument yeah a monument and then a builder I will get a GOG really quickly and I'll be able to build like two or three warriors really fast and I think that's the most efficient way to navigate this so I'm actually gonna go for a monument right now and then go for a builder and these will change as the game advances now what I want to do is I want to find more information on Rome while I still have open borders with him it's a really important idea here is that at birley Empire let's see here unlocks the ability to enforce borders I grants open border and and grant open borders to other civilizations before the AI has that tech researched you can run in and out of their borders at will and that'll allow me to gather a lot of information on raw let me go ahead and place a pin for myself to remind myself that this is where I want to settle for now Rome does not know where my cities are yet so there is a big risk here settling this city and I've identified a better place to sit to scout Rome which is here on this hill because it's a defensive terrain with flood plains which makes units in here weaker and has a river potential defense from two tiles as well although not necessarily in the vector of attack that would come for this city and we'll continue to do a little bit of scouting this guy what's the fastest way to get to that tile okay yeah that's fine I'm gonna link my scout and my settler together even if it's not like ideal it allows me to move them sort of like that so it looks like this is the edge of the Roman Empire so far I'm gonna fortify this warrior here and I'll keep abreast of any barbarian spawning over here as well pop up here there's some more coastline here so settling here will potentially open me up to settling this coastline which will kind of link my city my empire around this mountain range via the sea Rome just researched early empire and that's just to give you an idea of how far ahead the AI is technologically compared to the player in the early game he just got early empire I'm only researching craftsmanship there is mining perfect there's the rest of Rome's Empire pretty scary stuff I'm probably gonna be running into issues here so I really want to go for Mason Lee but I need archery to defend myself I need archery if I don't have archery I cannot hold off Rome if Rome decides to attack me and our relationship isn't amazing right now because they respect empires with a lot of land he could very easily opt to kill me right now and there's not a whole lot that I could do the thing I'm worried about is his warrior is gonna be adjacent to my new city and he's also sending units up to this northern area okay looks like he has decided to attack somewhere else I've also got to keep this Scout here as a forward observer to keep an eye on Rome and I'm gonna be settling right here this is right on the edge of the loyalty problem that I would have it wrong which is perfect I just finished the monument which means I'm getting craftsmanship really quick so the second that this builder is finished I'll be able to mass-produce units and get them down here pretty quick there's a Rapa Nui and they want me to train a galley you want an inspiration and okay so two of the city-states that I've met Antioch Rapa Nui and Bologna Bologna and Antioch want me to get a boost for early Empire which is really good which means I want to point more in that direction because getting an envoy with both of these guys would give me plus two sides and plus four gold which is fantastic early game a little bit worried about this Roman warrior hanging around here I'm gonna go ahead and settle and now this warrior is going to jump into Damascus as a defensive unit and I'm gonna start producing slingers out of Damascus having two slingers over here should be you know pretty good at defense defending and the really nice thing about Damascus is that it's a cities that settled would plus six production from turn one of it being settled right because it has two production on the city center and three production on the first it said this is a great location for a city in terms of being able to be self-sufficient and if itself so that's kind of why I made the decision to settle over here because it also has other really good tiles and range generally speaking I talked about this a little bit earlier about the whole - food - production thing and like how tiles you want to look at the surplus tiles don't forget that you can kind of transfer surplus from one tile to another so because this tile here is producing three food that means it has a spare food but I can sort of use as a token to justify working a tile with only one food because I'm still getting that to food and you always want to be paying for your workers you always want to be paying for the citizens that are working those tiles right the citizens cost to food so you always want to be getting to food from the tiles they're working on average and since this one has three food it means I can kind of if I work both of these tiles I'm getting two food on average right and so that will justify me working this tile maybe a little bit earlier then if I then if I only had like these other two food tiles to work right because generally speaking I stick to around a plus two food surplus going down to plus one is literally having so I try to stay at plus two food surplus or higher so I don't like to go down to plus one food surplus I typically wait until I have a granary to justify working those tiles or something I'm going to step this guy into Damascus as a defense this will raise the city's combat strength and hopefully discourage Rome from attacking me I'm gonna bring this Scout up to the north to have a better control of this area in case a barb comes bonds over here it's very likely it's all in the fog of war and bad things could happen to me so I'm gonna bring this Scout up here to defend now the really worrying thing that we want to look out for is if Rome's units don't leave if Rome's units leave that's great it means he's not planning to attack me but I will be keeping this scout here because I'm extremely vulnerable to Rome for the next 70 turns roughly speaking I am going to be getting like I am within inches of my life just flashing before my eyes if I don't catch the Roman invasion before it happens I'm dead okay that's why I have this Scout setting gear just watching the border because the most likely attack vector is from here which I could potentially miss or from here right it's probably more likely coming from here because that's where the capital is right it's probably gonna come up through here so I I just I just need to catch that attack before it happens because if I catch it before it happens I can prepare that's why I'm going for archery because the potential of a Roman attack when he has 200 military strength right that's like ten warriors worth of units is insane yeah I'm gonna call that there the end of this episode hopefully this has been a really good first 30 turns of explanation and we'll be doing more as we go on I love you all very much and I'll see you guys next time don't forget to join my discord we've been playing World of Warcraft as a community go ahead and jump in if you want to play that game I think it's on sale now and all that sort of stuff too so don't don't be worried about that I love you all very much and I'll see you guys next time bye bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 1,263,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civ 6 Overexplained, Civilization VI Overexplained, Civ 5 Overexplained, PotatoMcWhiskey, Civ 6 Tutorial, Civ 6 Guid, Civ 6 Guides, Civ 6 in depth, Civ 6 is a perfectly balanced game, Civ 6 Arabia, Civ 6 Science victory, Civ 6 Science guide, Civ 6 Arabia Guide, Civ 6 memes, stop reading my tags you cheeky little minx
Id: J62EqRqxnv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 7sec (4687 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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