BRAHMS: THE BOY 2 (2020) Ending Explained

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list of rules that come from kiss goodnight seeing jock jams Brahms with the family Oh bronze is bad just spooked me man well if it isn't Brahms my favorite little doll with a little bowtie - how about that but it D dabbler I know yes so you actually expect me to follow all these rules huh well I can tell you one thing I am NOT giving you a kiss good night that's for dead I'm sure oh come on no kisses just won keys no way and besides I thought that was the guy doing the whole thing not the doll what's going on here no no no I was behind the evil the whole time yes but that makes literally no sense based on how the first movie ended you realize too bad I'm in charge now plus I got all kinds of cool new powers oh yeah like what [Music] hey what the help hmm my chippies how's it going everybody welcome to found flicks on today's inning explain we're looking at the return of the well-dressed doll Brahms in Brahms the boy - we're a few years after a man was discovered living in the walls of Hillshire manor an unknowing young family moves on to the grounds and terror strikes when the boy finds the creepy doll called roms buried in the yard sorry I was just trying to say Brahms as much as possible there mainly because the title of the sequel is a bit strange Brahms the boy - like who are they trying to appeal to diehard fans of the doll or something why not just call it the boy - I have no idea but then again I ain't one of those Hollywood big shots making decisions like that I still stand by my suggested title for the sequel for my vid for the last movie the boy - growing up is hard to do even stranger than the clunky title is if you were actually really into the first one the sequel kind of undoes a lot of the first movie completely all in order to squeeze a sequel out of their creepy doll continuity be damned it made me think it was maybe different people than made the first but no same writer and director so even they don't really care about their own movie I guess because probably the most interesting or mirror will take away from the first film was as genuinely surprising late runtime twist much of the story is all about the creepy Brahms doll terrorizing the nanny lauren cohan but we come to learn and wasn't the doll that was evil or moving around on its own but was being manipulated by the long thought perish son Brahms of the heelshire family again the doll is just a doll not any supernatural stuff going on at all bizarrely the boy - tosses this entire aspect by the wayside as it now is the doll that is containing some kind of malevolent supernatural entity and it is actually behind all the evil pretty huge retcon of the first and it's like they just had to change a bunch of stuff to even make the sequel exist at all the first one wasn't even that good in the first place so I wasn't really expecting much to be honest regardless of my feelings there's a whole new Brahms adventure to look at so we'll be breaking down the store all of what we learned is now true about the doll and explaining the ending that boldly sets things to continue into another sequel let's first do a recap of what went down at the first movie before picking up with our new family of victims as mentioned our nanny Greta was hired by the heelshire family to tend to the Brahms doll a kind of proxy for their supposedly dead son which they named the doll after eventually learning the human Brahms has been living inside of the walls of his parents house for twenty years and is now a twisted and deranged killer who has a room and elaborate crawl spaces to move around the house without detection which Greta and her new boyfriend Malcolm stumble upon they encounter Brahms wearing a porcelain mask like the dolls and when Malcolm gets the crap beaten out of him he tries a different tactic appealing to Brahms long-held desire to be part of a normal family acting as his mother and putting him to bed for his violent actions he flips and tries to kill her Greta getting him in the gut with a screwdriver scooping up the injured Malcolm and fleeing the grounds now it was incorrect back in my upcoming 20/20 video because I really thought the mansion burned down at the end but it is still very much still standing and our killer pal Brahms is alive and well the final scene being back inside the mansion a hand seen placing an eye back into the doll socket having reassembled the destroyed Brahms where we leave things off our killer is very much alive as well as that pesky doll but we don't find out too much in regard to any of this as we jump forward a few years after these events to a new family that crosses paths with the doll the opening scene sets the stage for some real trauma for our family following Liza coming home and her prank loving upbeat son Jude messing around with her for his amusement their carefree camaraderie is invaded by a masked burglar that attacks Liza and she definitely fights back and kicks the dudes ass way to go lady all being watched by terrified Jude this encounter leads to lingering psychological effects for the mother and son why is it plagued by nightmares of the robber every night and little Jude's anxiety has manifested in selective mutism not speaking a word and only communicating via a notepad and constantly clutching a teddy bear his mom gave him for comfort which before this incident felt that he was too old for this kid is dealing with some major issues his parents fighting themselves at a loss of what to do and tell dad Sean comes up with a possible solution to get out of the big city and go stay in a country house for a while hopefully it will help them to relax and potentially get their family back to a better place the actual home they're renting is in fact a former guest house of the nearby abandoned heelshire mansion where our first brahms adventure occurred but of course the family has no idea what happened in their new home I mean you think that's the kind of thing they'd have on Airbnb nice location good atmosphere and oh yeah right next to the house where the dude was living in the walls for decades three stars and when you know it when Jude Eliza go for a walk of the grounds they stumble across the old Hillshire mansion which appeared to be in the process of being turned into some kind of hotel until the new owner simply gave up nearby Jude spots something odd sticking out of the ground a little doll hand reaching out of the dirt to say hello day on earth our favorite porcelain boy Brahms and Jude is instantly smitten although poor Brahms has seen better days all scuffed and dirty after being buried for some time mom gives him the old spittin shine and boom the doll is good as new also noticing based on some little fractures that the doll has been put back together again at some point which we know all about Jude and his power are on the fast track to becoming besties which seems innocent enough at first that isn't all it seems there's more than meets the eye to their little visitor which Jude tells them is called Brahms and they're like that's a weird name to come up with but he informs him that it was actually the doll who told you to name and they're like okay sure kid you're talking to the doll now this is only the beginning of something being off about the doll why isn't having several strange encounters that make it seem like the doll is alive and able to move on its own which is again a huge departure from the first film any time that it appeared the doll moved it was actually due to Brahms living in the walls moving him around but his behaviors seen here like his eyes moving on his own or even somehow changing his little dapper outfits indicate the doll is much more mobile than we would've expected from the first movie the parents continue to brush off the strangeness even as the doll becomes more demanding reaching a breaking point when Jude courtesy of Brahms sets a detailed list of rule he wants the family to follow which is more than enough for Liza and they decide to get rid of the doll exclaiming the doll doesn't make the rules around here they do which was probably my favorite scene in the entire movie the doll is literally tearing this family apart it's really funny to me for some reason they're on a war path to take Brahms away but Liza is stopped in her tracks outside her son's door hearing him actually talking to the doll the first time they've heard him talk since the robbery but as soon as they enter the room he's mute again back to communicating exclusively via his notepad regardless his parents are thrilled with this breakthrough and decide the doll will be staying after all speaking with his therapist he finds it a totally acceptable form of therapy the doll helping him to control his anxiety and acting as a friend in his time of need their connection grows in intensity taking things eventually to a darker more frightening direction it seems the evil doll is influencing the boy's behavior or beginning to possess him in a way growing in strength as their bond grows stronger as well they do make it clear that the reason dude is so adamant to follow what Brom says is out of fear rather than him wanting to do what the doll wants him to he's actually worried about what will happen if they don't follow the rules the whole thing with the rules as we saw in the first film although now it's at all responsible for them instead of a wall dwelling nutjob visit Brahms isn't actually that demanding really asking for simple things like a kiss goodnight or eating meals with his family you know as long as you keep him happy and treat him like a proper member of the family there's really nothing to worry about it's only when breaking the rules that the doll turns violent like when some family comes to visit and the little [ __ ] cousin starts manhandling the doll resulting in him having an accident and getting impaled on a broken croquet mallet just gotta respect the doll or pay the price things soon take another violent turn when meeting the groundskeeper Joseph who was always just wandering around the woods with a 12-gauge draped on his arm with his dog doesn't do much in the way of actual grounds keeping that we ever see he asked the boy the dolls name and when telling him Brahms Joe has a knowing look crosses face responding of course it is a not exactly subtle way of showing us that he knows more than he's letting on about what's going on here his dog also seems to sense something wrong with the doll initially barking when see and standing guard outside the house and the doll isn't a fan of the problematic pooch either wanting it gone and of course his pooch does go missing and inevitably is found later dead in the woods seemingly at the hand of Brahms or potentially a possessed Jude all this made more alarming when Liza flips through his notebook finding several disturbing drawings inside including what looks like the dead dog and a horrifying future of Jude wearing a mask like the dolls brandishing a gun the bodies of his parents on the ground well that's not good sure looks like Browns wants to make sure he and his new friend are together forever without any pushy parents getting in the way why is it timpz to look into the origin of the doll finding a model number stamped on his foot but gets no results in the super doll database during this moment I was like maybe try turning it over lady I don't know when she does do about 30 minutes later or something this time learning of the surprisingly long history tied Brahms going back hundreds of years which is again completely at odds with the first movie the whole reason he was called Brahms is that he was the name of the kid who grew up in the walls he accidentally killed a girl and so his parents pretended he died getting the doll specifically made as a proxy for their murderous son not some random old doll that also happened to be called Brahms ah well looks like they've changed their minds even if it doesn't fit their own continuity sure whatever who cares there's more illogical twists and turns still to come Joe revealing that the Brahms doll is in fact host to a malevolent entity that has been tearing families apart for centuries being passed from family to family over the years each time a child adopts a doll and influences them to kill blaming the actions of course on the doll the human Brahms was one of its previous victims leading to him killing the young girl and even Joe is a victim of his as well even now decades later still doing the dolls bidding indeed everything that has unfolded has been due to Brahms manipulation Joe admitting that he knew that Jude would be coming it apparently the doll has a kind of ability to find people that need him and draw them to him and his powers are sure getting confused and at this point even more so when they head to the mansion and Joe gets launched against a wall with his mind powers I'm like whoa can this doll just do whatever the heck it wants now getting out of hand the final showdown occurs in the heelshires basement where Jude is about to his own murderous prophecy come to fruition wearing a doll mask and suit wielding a shotgun about to take out his mom Sean manages to sneak up unnoticed bashing the dolls head in and when shattered rather than being empty underneath is a fleshy monstrosity an icky malevolent thing living inside of the porcelain shell they toss it into the fire of a furnace destroying the doll and when removing Jude's mask he seems to kind of snap out of his state making it appear that brahms had taken total control over his body and now the boy is back to normal even though this experience in the countryside was probably 6 billion times more traumatic than their random break-in apparently the family has moved on from their past troubles and decided to head back to their old home in London and everything seems a ok for some reason but in our final twist we learned that that's not the case alone in his room Jude puts on his porcelain bronze mask peering into his reflection in the mirror feeling Brahms will be happy in his new home just as long as Jude's parents remember to follow those ever important rules as Joe mentioned earlier Brahms actual intent was to become one with the boy and it looks like he got his wish in the end evil dolls are always wanting bodies and movies it's a given also Brahms seems to have gotten what he always wanted a family of his own this obviously leaves things wide open for the boys series to continue with little jude possessed by Brahms which would reinvent the series again it might not actually be a bad direction to go if they have to make a dang sequel this must be the reason for all the retconning going on in the sequel at the end of the first one everything was pretty much done and the doll was only a doll not much left to work with so why not make it so the doll is actually behind all the evil and has been doing it for hundreds of years apparently it immediately does add a lot more to the story than we would have suspected even if it does not quite fit in with what the first one established not that they really needed to make a sequel in the first place they could have just left it alone but come on it's Hollywood if anything even has a little bit of a success they're gonna wring that bad-boy drive and Brahms the boy to shows that it's already long overstate its welcome just let Brahms rest in peace please this brings us to the conclusion of this inning explain for the boy - that was a pretty toothless pg-13 with no real scares or terror throughout relying on the cheapest of gags to get by add some glimmers of something more ridiculous bubbling under the surface which would have made this a lot more entertaining because even at a brisk eighty-six minutes this one wasn't exactly a pleasure to sit through what did you guys think of bronze the boy - and it's ending are you hopeful that they'll continue the story and more sequels how do you feel about them pretty much undoing the entire first movie let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 1,781,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the boy 2, brahms, the boy 2 ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, twist, trailer, clip, end scene, final scene, explanation, the boy, sequel, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: rwwnC24aYR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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