INSIDIOUS Trilogy Explained (Chapters 1-3)

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what's up guys welcome to found flicks an anticipation of the latest chapter in the insidious franchise the last key on this everything explained will be looking back at the original insidious trilogy not just explaining the endings but the overall series story over the three films investigating its mythology like the spirit dimension known as the further and breaking down the various ghosts and demons that appear over the film's so if you need a refresher before the new entry or still have questions from the first three this video will provide a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know on the series in one video even though the film's chronologically go three one and then two it makes more sense to start with the first insidious as that's where many of the series important elements are first established so let's get started meeting the Lambert family who features in the first two films the Lambert family led by Josh and Rene along with their three children start off with a peaceful happy existence but that all changes when their son Dalton falls into a mysterious coma that no one even the doctor understands as he appears to be completely healthy but simply cannot wake up this is because Dalton is in no ordinary coma and there is a demonic spirit attached to the boy that has caused his unresponsive state the reason this happened is due to Dalton having a very special mental ability astral projection which is the idea of being able to separate your physical body from your spiritual one also known as having an out-of-body experience whenever he goes to sleep Dalton is able to harness this ability becoming free of his physical body while dreaming about the place that his spiritual body goes to when projecting is actually a dark Plane full of spirits called the further a place all around us that we cannot see and without time as we know it which we see explored in part two similar conceptually to purgatory it is said that everybody passes through this dimension after they die on the way to the afterlife but the further is full of many malevolent spirits who do not want to move on these spirits have a few different desires but the main drive for many seems to be that they are hoping to regain life and do this by possessing a living person taking over their physical body there are many dark spirits there that crave life and every time a person visits that have mentioned all of the spirits can hear and even smell the living this draws the spirits to them in an attempt to take over their body and that's what's happened to Dalton by unknowingly visiting the further while sleeping his spiritual body has been discovered and later captured in that dimension by an evil demon the red devil or lipstick face demon who wants Dalton specifically for his powerful projection abilities but he only has half of Dalton's soul and still needs his physical body to fully take him over and even though very powerful he cannot simply walk into Dalton's body but the longer Dalton is separated from his spiritual body it becomes easier to possess his physical one of course the Lambert family have no idea about any of this initially believing the house itself to be haunted and it's not until they reach out to paranormal investigator Elise and her team of specks and Tucker that they begin to understand what is going on with their son Elise too has the ability to astral project or at least contact the further and sets up a seance wearing a strange gas mask like contraption and taps into the dimension to reach out to hopefully find Dalton she is able to find him and now understand where he is trapped but the red devil is getting closer to taking over Dalton's body seeing suddenly out of bed flinging chairs around the room and attacking specks with time running out for Dalton Elise is forced to dredge up a haunting from her past it turns out that just like Dalton josh has the same powerful astral ability as his son and he too had an incident with a spirit as a child that also wanted to take over his body what looks like an old woman in a black dress appeared behind him in photographs getting closer and closer to young Josh in order to help him Josh's mom reached out to Elise way back in 1986 and she wasn't able to defeat the demon that wanted Josh but she was able to suppress his memories as well as his ability which was enough to keep him safe all of these years but with Dalton trapped in the further he will have to reopen these old memories and travel to the further to save his son here we see how Elise sends travelers there by hypnotizing them into a trance using the steady beat of a metronome Josh then opens his eyes and we see he has left his physical body now in the spirit plane he benches deeper into the further coming across his previous house learning of the story behind the ghost randomly seen throughout the movie there a young daughter murdered her entire family blowing them away with a demented look of Glee on her face then they all appeared to jaws chasing after him sending him upstairs to the attic and an ominous red door leading to the Red Devils lair but before he can enter he is attacked by another spirit defending the door the aptly named long haired fiend and it seems that he is working for or at least an Legion with the red devil who from what we see is kind of the boss of all the malevolent spirits of the further Elise tells John that as he is still alive he is more powerful than the death and he deals a mighty punch launching the fiend away leaving him to finally into the Red Door then the main din of the Red Devil finding his son chained under his watch we don't really get any backstory to the Red Devil but I guess that he at one time was human as well like all of the spirits here we see him surrounded by all these marionettes in his little office implying that this has something to do with his former life and perhaps it's by being in the further so long that he has become more demonic in appearance over time Josh gets his son free but the red devil spots them but josh is able to get his son running away he's found his son but the others can't wake him up according to Elise he has to find his own way back to our world following Renee's voice the two are suddenly in an infinite black void surrounded by ghosts from all angles it appears they are crossing over to our world and all the ghosts then bust out of the closet while josh is trying to get inside the two gets separated and the red devil reappears pursuing Dalton while josh comes face-to-face with a reflection in a mirror the black bride the same spirit that attempted to possess him as a child he tries to confront her screaming to get the hell out of here but she only laughs in response to this Renee again calls out to Josh to come back and he is pulled away brought back into our world along with Dalton who also reunites with his physical body everything seems to have worked out with a family warmly brought back together and their son's life saves but a bit later Lise and Josh are alone with Joss returning the childhood pictures to her saying he doesn't need them anymore and when he hands them to her something catches her off-guard for a moment she then takes a picture of Josh who gets extremely angry demanding to know why she would do that pushing Elyse into a chair and strangling her to death it looks like it wasn't Josh that came back but in that moment with a black bride she is the one who returned from the further in Josh's body and it's with this new possession that sets up where the story goes next in insidious chapter 2 making the black bride the new primary antagonist and revealing her well actually his quite twisted backstory as well the opening of chapter 2 takes us chronologically to the earliest time scene in the entire series witnessing the initial encounter Josh had with the bride as a child back in 1986 Carl and associate of Elise's calls her in to help with the case when things are getting too scary even for him and showing least the same photo seen in Chapter one of the bride's stalking ever closer to Josh she then puts young Josh into the same hypnotic trance she did with his older self to try to understand what the Spirit is that's after him they learned it is still in the house and after playing hot and cold to find it at least pinpoints its location asking what it wants and something slashes Elise's arm making it clear to her that it's not a friend at all and she says it wants jaws for his ability to astral project as he's seen things no other living person has until now only now one of the Dead has seen him too and will stop at nothing to get him so it seems that josh is the first living person in the series to ever go to the further unable to defeat the spirit Elyse suppresses Josh's memory to take away his gift and Josh stands saying he knows how pointing to a door that opens by itself but josh is actually talking to someone else here as we see later we then return to the series present-day story picking up with Josh possessed by the black bride that has been hunting him all these years no one is aware that Josh isn't himself but Renee does suspect that something is going on thinking he may have killed Elise which of course he denies and after forensics compares the marks found on Elise's neck to Josh's hands they are not a match because his or in fact those of the black bride and not his after saving Dalton the family goes to stay with Josh's mother Lorraine and unfortunately the Lambert's hauntings are far from over Renee is still on edge after everything that just happened and then more signs of paranormal activity soon start with a female ghost appearing singing row your boat and later yelling don't you dare and slapping her this ghost is tied into the story of the black Brides past which becomes important to understanding how to destroy it so the family reach out to Elise's old associate Karl seen in the intro scene for help needing answers to questions that only Elise can answer hoping to contact her from the beyond he uses dice to communicate with spirits spelling out messages whinny roles leading them to Our Lady of the Angels a hospital that Lorraine used to work at they had their in hope of finding some answers as Elise had to have sent them there for a reason once there they come to a room that Karl is drawn to asking what was originally here Lorraine remembers that it was the ICU and has a flashback of her in the 80s with Josh as a kid when she worked at the hospital the two go to visit an older man who looks frail and weak but suddenly Springs awake attacking Josh and going totally nuts something seems to trigger him about Josh Lorraine remembers seeing the man once more at the hospital a few days later he doesn't respond to her when she tries to talk to him and then when asking a nurse about it she reveals that the patient Parker crane died yesterday morning having jumped to his death and learning that he was initially brought to the hospital after a box attempt to castrate himself yikes so yes Parker crane a male patient who encountered Josh while still alive at the hospital later died and became the spirit known as the black bride and when they head to Parker's childhood home they learn the story behind this when Parker was a child he was abused by his mother who wanted him to be a girl going so far as dressing him and dresses and making a wear a blonde wig and demanding that his name is actually Marilyn and not Parker when he tries to say his real name she flips flapping him tying back to the same moment witnessed by Renee earlier at the house later as an adult Parker began to kill for his mother because she forced him to and he donned a black dress and to commit the murders becoming known in the papers as the bride in black and the others uncover where he hid all these bodies in a hidden room behind the walls in his house and the reason he was drawn to Josh while alive when first meeting him is that he wanted his childhood back that had been taken from him by his mother and that's the specific reason behind Parker targeting Josh after he killed himself and became a spirit to possess his body in an attempt to get his childhood back of course Parker wasn't successful at getting Josh until now who after being in Josh's body is behaving more and more strangely seeing having conversations with his invisible mother's spirit who tells him to kill the family he's also beginning to suffer the effects of taking over Josh's body starting to rapidly deteriorate unbeknownst to him Karl and the others have a plan to sedate Josh and while he's under try to reach out to the real Josh who is still trapped in the further they send Karl in to sedate him but Parker has completely taken over Josh's body now and catches on to Karl's plan attacking him with a knife the others rush inside to help and Tucker tases him but he ends up with the drugs in his leg Karl killed by Parker finds himself in the further and joined by Josh Josh tells Karl he's weaker the longer he's away from his body and so the two set out into the further in search of beliefs they stop suddenly with Karl saying that someone is standing right in front of him but Josh can't see it and Karl tells him he's repeating over and over he's got your baby he points to something sending Josh back to his old house and back to the same time as the events of the first film as I mentioned the further doesn't have time like our own dimension this scene is quite interesting showing us new layers to what happened in the first film kind of like him back to the future - for example it was this Josh banging on the door that his former self heard even seeing himself coming down to check out the noise also right after this in the first film the front door bursts open mysteriously and that was also this Josh now getting into the house and confronting the long-haired fiend who is after his daughter Josh gets rekt but in the nick of time Elyse appears wielding a lantern burning him with the light and launching the theme through the window nice timing Elyse she reunites with Josh and Karl telling them that she was on our way to the bright place when she came back after hearing their call she believes the key to stopping Parker is by finding his childhood home elsewhere in the darkness of the further Josh is familiar with this house but since his memories have been suppressed he is unable to remember how to get there and Elise realizes that maybe they are asking the wrong Josh so the three returned to the moment from the opening of the movie asking young Josh who does know the way standing up and pointing them in the right direction they opened the door heading through and Elise now connects what she didn't understand earlier about who Josh was talking to back then it was the older Josh from now that he was talking to connecting the events in real time that are in our world spread apart by three decades while they had onward to Parker's home in our world the possessed Josh attacks Lorraine and Rene and after a fight were Dalton whacks his dad in the head with a bat they hole up in the basement Josh already starting to break his way in Dalton says he can find Josh using his own ability and makes his way into the further using a can on a string as a line back to our world at Parker's house Elise reaches out to childhood Parker to help them destroy the memories of his mother ensuring it will set him free his mother then appears attacking Josh telling him little girls need to learn at least bashes the mom with a chair and her spirit along with Parker is sent away out of Josh's body and back into the void of the further the walls of the house begin to dissolve into darkness and unfortunately Elise has to stay behind now moving on to heaven leaving Josh and Carl to find their way back thankfully they find Dalton who leads them back to the real world and reunites Josh's spiritual body with his physical one and this brings us to the end of the Lambert's family hauntings as after all this they undergo the same process Josh did as a child to have their memories and abilities repressed does Lee no longer tying themselves to the malevolent forces of the further but of course they aren't the only family to be haunted by the spirits of the further and at least had other cases involving the dimension before the Lambert's which we see led to her death by the hands of the black bride and we learn in insidious three this was the result of her initially saving Josh from being possessed since this first encounter she has wanted to kill Elise as were Finch and promises her it would do so at any time that Elise would visit the further she would get attacked by the bride which brings us to the events of insidious 3 which takes place well after the first meeting with Josh but a few years before they crossed paths again in the first insidious here Elise is retired from her profession becoming essentially a recluse in her house after the death of her husband Jack by suicide about a year ago she struggled with his death and did attempt to reach him via the further but every time she went there she also drew the attention of the bride so rather than risk it she decided it was best not to tempt fate and didn't attempt to return there anymore however a young girl Quinn shows up at her doorstep leading Elise back into the spiritual world Quinn wants to contact her deceased mother and after some initial reluctance ELISA agrees to help her trying to make contact as she's doing though she says she can hear someone but nervously says that it isn't her mother and at least breaks her concentration telling Quinn she will have to find someone else to help her and advises her to not try to contact her mom anymore on her own warning her that if you do call out to the Dead all of them can hear you Quinn doesn't heed this advice trying to contact her mom again later and a spirit does start making his presence known but it's not her mother as she initially believes after blowing a theater school audition Quinn sees a person standing in the street and this distracts her enough for a car to come out of nowhere plowing right into her later went at the hospital she sees this person again as she hovers between life and death finding herself temporarily in the further coming face-to-face with a man in an oxygen mask who appears freakin Quinn out called the man who can't breathe this is the spirit that Quinn has unknowingly gotten attached to her by reaching out to the spirit plane but unlike the previous entities who wanted life from the living the wheezing demon only wants death attempting to possess others to kill themselves and join him in the darkness of the further as his pets he is the spirit of someone who lived in the apartment building for many years in the apartment right above Quinn and her dad 5:14 until most likely committing suicide after the demon also busily at her house she eventually agrees to do a seance to find the man heading into the further version of Quinn's apartment complex similar to the other entities the wheezing demon seems to control this area of the plane which is chock-full of the ghosts of various victims he has led to death over time but Elise is attacked by the black bride again and forced to stop the search out of fear for her life this leads the family to spec's and Tucker at this point working on their own and they perform various tests on Quinn and set up cameras to capture her every movement but it appears that they were already too late with the demon already possessing Quinn who is somehow walking on two legs after her accident and gets a jump on them beating her dad along with the others with a wrench so she's definitely possessed now it has been since she was at the hospital oh well nice try anyway guys she tells her dad she wants to keep him alive to watch him suffer attempting to slash her own throat with a box cutter but the others overpower her restraining her to the bed at one point seeing an eyeball of the demon peeking out of her throat yeah Quinn's dad wonders what they're supposed to do now but the guys admit they're basically frogs and totally out of the league on this one but luckily Elise is back who realizes it's been ever since their accident and their first beating that the wheezing demon got half of her soul the spiritual body as we saw with Dalton and the only way to bring her back is to go to where it lives meaning she has to go back into the further despite the extreme dangers he is facing from the bride there she finds her way to apartment 514 finding a man sitting on the bed but is attacked by the bride choking her but at least remembers being alive makes her stronger than the dead and fights back causing the bride to retreat for now at least tells the man to let Quinn go but we see it's actually jack her deceased husband saying he could feel she was here and had to find her emotional elise asks how she is supposed to move on without a penny officer a solution she can stay here with him forever handing her a blade to take her of life obviously it's the demon taking her husband's form and returns to his old man form who claps bringing in his new pet Quinn seen without a face and under the demons control Elise pushes him Quinn and showing is quite a powerful entity the wheezing demon stomps his foot causing the whole place to rumble violently after Ali Slater stomps her foot and dispatches the man into a hole they make it back to Quinn's room and Elise wakes up but right before Quinn got back to her body the demon managed to grab her keeping her in the further and now on the verge of death everyone grabs hands telling her to stay with us in this world and Elise finds a letter from Quinn's mom hidden in her journal so we see her mother had been trying to reach out to her as well and wanted Quinn to read the letter Elise then calls out to Quinn's mother for help who appears in the further whispering into Quinn's ear hearing her voice is enough to wake Quinn up who grabs the demons mask ripping it off his face causing him to cough up dust destroying the demon so it looks like there is a way to kill certain demons in this case the weakened is probably being his mask without it he dies Quinn then is able to return to her body and come back to life she thinks the others for the help but they say they had some other help too from her mom who wants to speak to her and her mom reveals that she has always been watching over Quinn including when she did her lousy audition saying she was so proud of her and tells Quinn she doesn't need to look for her anymore because she will always be there so hopefully she won't be trying to go back into the further any more afterwards Elise talks to tucker inspects who admit that that was the first ghost they've seen and she suggests that they should go into business together leading to the team-up scene in part one and two which lasted for at least a few years that's the end of the main story but we do have one final cliffhanger finding a lease back at her home later she looks to her bed seeing Jack's sweater laid out on top of it and believes that this is a sign from her husband but no such luck as her dog starts growling and she turns seeing the face of the long-haired fiend in the shadows staring out at her and the red devil pops up appearing right behind her that's one heck of a cliffhanger so hopefully Chapter four will bring us some closer to this and showing us what happened next and this shows us that before chapter one Elise had encountered these two before we know the last key will take place after part three but still before part one showing us a more personal haunting for Elise this time at her childhood home where she has to face the interesting new demon called key face which I think already looks way cooler than some of the previous villains and with the window of time between events closing perhaps a last key will tie us directly into the beginning of the first film which would be a cool way to bridge the series together into one cohesive whole but we will have to wait a bit longer until we find out for sure and don't worry about it folks because of course I'll be doing an ending explained on the last key as well and any connections that it has to the original trilogy that about wraps it up for this in-depth look at the insidious franchise looking at the series bigger story mythology of the various ghosts and ghouls and an in-depth look at the further itself hopefully I covered all your big questions on the series but if there's something I missed you're still wondering just leave me a comment below what do you guys think of the insidious trilogy which is your favorite of the three are you excited for the last key let me know what you think make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching bound flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 8,628,517
Rating: 4.9165745 out of 5
Keywords: insidious, insidious explained, insidious ending explained, ending explained, the further, astral projection, insidious demons, black bride, wheezing demon, ending, explained, insidious chapter 2, insidious trailer, insidious 4, insidious 3, insidious ending, final scene, red devil, lipstick face demon, elise, keyface, creatures explained, trailer, clip, scene, review, breakdown, analysis, foundflix
Id: 6aztuGHlaYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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