CRIMSON PEAK (2015) Ending Explained

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hey what's up everybody welcome to found flicks on today's inning explained we're looking at guillermo del toro's crimson peak in the aftermath of a family tragedy an aspiring author is torn between love for her childhood friend and the temptation of a mysterious outsider trying to escape the ghost of the past she has swept away into a house that breathes bleeds and remembers of all of del toro's works this perhaps feels the most beholden to his own particular taste in film as crimson peak acts as an updated take on the classic gothic horror setup influenced by things like the innocence and the haunting but also the uk hammer films with our lead edith cushing being named after the legendary peter cushing the homages are clear throughout and just like del toro i am a massive fan for some reason when this came out it didn't do that well and it was perhaps due to it being mismarketed it was kind of sold as a more traditional spooky thriller but it's much more of a romantic mystery with some ghosts in there too you already know that del toro makes gorgeous movies and that is the case here as well with the allerdale hall set being just magnificent and the production design and visuals are incredible that's just the way del toro does it it's also helped by very strong performances from her main trio as well as a deepening and disturbing mystery that edith uncovers regarding her new bow there is some potential confusion with how things play out as well as some questions we are left with in the end and that's why we are here today so let's check out crimson peak breaking down the story including the important mysteries at the forefront how spirits work in this universe as well as explaining the ending and what it means in a blustery snowstorm edith looks troubled a slash on her face and blood covering her hands she narrates that ghost surreal and she saw a proof for the first time when she was 10 years old cholera took her mother and due to this she had a closed casket funeral thusly no parting kisses no goodbye that is until the night she came back little edith is wide awake in bed and the ticking clock suddenly stops the door creaks open and she looks down the hall as black fingers emerge in shadow a wispy spirit starts floating right towards her she turns away and it gently places a hand on her shoulder and croaks that when the time comes beware of crimson peak edith shrieks and the spirit vanishes so i ask ghosts are real as she has experienced herself but it's also worth pointing out that it didn't try to scare her or harm her it actually warned her of impending danger edith lived her life without understanding her mother's words and by the time it all made sense to her it was too late we pick up in the bustling industrial square of buffalo new york 14 years later she runs into an old friend allen who happens to be setting up his practice upstairs in the same building where she is meeting with a publisher they're joined by allen's mother and some other ladies who are all abuzz about a dashing new mystery man who is here on business his mom boasts that he's an aristocrat of sorts which edith pokes holes into saying oh so he feeds off the land that the others worked for him he's more akin to a parasite with a title she says and the ladies all gasp in shock allen's mother says he's quite charming and a magnificent dancer which does not concern her as her mom calls her our own little jane austen edith correct she'd rather be mary shelley as she died a widow she says before excusing herself oh you are not like the other girl saw you eat the publisher reads over her manuscript and size oh it's a ghost story she insisted it's not it's a story with ghosts in it ghosts are a metaphor for the past and this also perfectly encapsulates our own story unfolding here the publisher does compliment her dainty handwriting but suggests that she injects some romance into the story she's annoyed at the rejection discussing it with her father but as he points out everyone falls in love even women you know he hands her a gift understanding you need the right tools for the job and it's a fancy pen she then gets an idea it was her feminine handwriting that gave her away and with his help she is able to get a typewriter to recopy the book as she clacks away the aforementioned sir thomas sharp enters here for a meeting with her dad he notices the book and he's immediately intrigued whoever wrote it must be quite good right she reveals that she's the author and he reads more about the ghost her reiterating they're just a metaphor right but he's not put off by it in fact he has always found them fascinating where he's from ghosts are not meant to be taken lightly thomas does his presentation for mr cushing and his partners learning that his family's business is in scarlet clay he touts its value in liquid form which can be made into ore and is so malleable it can also produce incredibly strong bricks and tiles their issue is that over mining has caused most of their mines to collapse but he has a solution showing off a scale model of a new kind of harvester of his own design carver calls out his bombast he hasn't even made a full-size machine so all he has is a toy and some fancy words he also looked into sharp's previous attempts to secure financing rattling off several other cities where he failed he lays out why exactly he doesn't respect him he along with his pals came up through honest hard work the kind that leaves a man with rough hands but sharp as he notes has the smoothest hands he's ever felt smooth little baby boy in america we bank on effort not privileged he declares ah that's a nice thought at least having eavesdropped on the meeting edith wonders if sharp's plan was really that bad but carter corrects that it's the man that he doesn't like edith is a bit more sympathetic pointing out his nice yet dated clothes calling him merely a dreamer facing defeat he brings up that allen is picking him up and he always had a fondness for her when he shows up allen compliments her attire beaming that she should be the belle of the ball but she is not into the social scene home alone she has another encounter with her mother's spirit as the door handle begins to rattle it swings open the handle still violently twisting and she tiptoes closer just about to grab it it rattles startling her out in the hall the black ghost returns she shrieks and edith slams the door putting up her ear to listen the spirit rips right through the door emitting a dark energy and reminds her of the childhood warning beware of crimson peak the substance lingers briefly on the door and the illusion is shattered when a maid enters informing her of a surprise guest mr sharp he's also heading to the same reception as her father and he pleads with her for her assistance he admits that one area that he fails at is speaking american and after some deliberation she does decide to tag along after all at the ball a woman in a striking red dress slays it on the piano to a captive audience the spotlight quickly shifts when edith and sharp enter and here they respectively meet alan and thomas's sister lucille allen's mom had been trying to pawn off her daughter on thomas but it's obvious who he has eyes for she calls for a demonstration of the waltz and to everyone's shock he selects edith as his partner i do declare he describes that it's all about simplicity and elegance and if they are true walt pros they can do the entire dance without extinguishing a candle flame they impressively managed to keep it alight eunice and the others watching on flabbergasted well i do say i'm really puppy cracking they burst into applause and lucille looks perturbed rushing away from the crowd her dad also not a fan of the pairing sporting quite a sour puss carver clearly doesn't trust the man and hires some goons to look into finding out more about the sharps edith reconnects with allen who shows off some real genuine spirit photography that he picked up in london it's silver creates a latent image and the belief is that due to a chemical compound in earth or minerals they can contain impressions of a person no longer living although not everyone can see them referring to a colorblind patient of his they are unable to see red or green and only accepts their existence because everyone else does thusly she considers that perhaps they only show up when it's time to see them just like her mother she's surprised to learn about his little hobby alan shrugging she never gave him a chance he's also cautious here regarding the sharp family but edith is confident he's been gone a long time and she's been just fine on her own in the park thomas raves about her book and goes to finish reading leaving her to get to know his sister a bit better guess what she's aware now he's playing around with butterflies which they don't have at their house only black moths they're formidable but lacking beauty and thrive on the dark and cold their preferred diet butterflies i'm afraid she places one down and a colony of ants swarmed the bug munching it to death basically lucille is a black moth and edith is the fragile beautiful butterfly on their own we start uncovering more about the siblings desperate situation lucille scouts that she's a bad choice and too young but thomas has explained the setup and he needs a ring she is not happy about it groaning that she hopes he's successful it's the last thing they have to sell he clarifies they're not selling anything but indeed buying something with it meaning edith herself he's buying a wife and they're clearly intending to manipulate her assets to save themselves so thomas isn't such a good dude after all and carver finds out even more from his cronies he then requests a private meeting with his siblings and as seems to be his style he gets right to the point thomas has been spending time with his daughter and he's not pleased mixing business with pleasure and all he wasn't sure why he didn't like sharp upon meeting him but now he knows why showing off the files he makes them a simple proposition the two of them leave first thing in the morning and it'll give them a fat check to go away and never come back again the final caveat is that before departing thomas must break edith's heart he gives a heartwarming farewell to the group and edith is upset at the news stopping off he confronts her and acts extra cold saying there's nothing keeping them here as a crowd gathers he goes for the jugular calling her book a bunch of naive nonsense she obviously has never actually lived at all there's a kind of connection between her books characters and thomas himself spitting is that what you dream of a kind man a pure soul meant to be redeemed the fantasy he has concocted is actually thomas as we will start to see not a great dude but pure at heart and in need of some good old redemption it looks like that's all she wrote for the siblings but things won't be as simple as carver intended back at his bathhouse he's drawn away by clanging in the lockers when he returns the sink is overflowing he leans down to grab his razor and someone donned in black gloves appears behind him and bashes his head onto the sink they keep bonking it until the sink shatters leaving him in a bloody mangled heap ah that's interesting the one person that knew the truth about the sharps winds up mysteriously murdered the very next day who could be responsible things aren't so simple regarding thomas's feelings either as edith is awoken to a letter left behind from him it explains all about her father's plan that he went along with and at the news she rushes to find him she gets their hotel room number but by the time she's arrived they are long gone having caught the morning train she's more than a bit heartbroken yet to her surprise finds thomas has returned to her after all he founds that he cannot leave her as she is all that occupies his mind feeling there is a link between their hearts well looks like his feelings were true and they share a romantic kiss but the moment is later soured when edith is given word of her father's death she is obliged to id the body and alan also lends a hand to investigate things edith breaks down at the sight and refuses to accept her father's death leaning right into thomas's arms for comfort at his funeral she is now wearing his red ring indicating that the couple are now engaged hey things turned out okay for thomas after all almost like this is exactly what they wanted to happen so it's off to move into his estate allardyle hall off in remote england surrounded by red clay an older employee greets them and thomas introduces his wife to which the guy strangely replies i know sure you've been married a while now hmm is that supposed to mean a random dog then shows up which thomas claims you have no idea about but does allow her to keep it he carries her romantically over the threshold as she takes in the grand main entry of the house impressive in size by now appearing rundown and derelict there's even a huge hole in the ceiling allowing snow to drift inside she sighs it's even colder in here than outside he explains that the problem is unavoidable erosion the mine is right below the house causing the wood to rot the house is essentially sinking and as he steps up we see just how much the clay is invading splooging up right under his foot edith tidies herself up in the mirror and what looks like her mother's spirit returns which she assumes is lucille she follows the figure rounding the corner as they take the elevator up she mentions what she saw to thomas but he knows that it wasn't lucille it must be the shadows and warrants her to never go down below this level to the mines it definitely couldn't have been lucille as she has just returned from town with new parts for thomas's precious harvester edith casually asked for a copy of the house keys but lucille shuts her down there's some dangerous areas in the house if after you're acclimated if you want one let me know and clutches the keys tight like a prison warden edith draws a bath hearing the pipes groaning in agony before unleashing a red tinge deluge as for the seemingly random dog thomas and lucille were well aware of it and he actually let it out into the cold and assumed it would have died yeah that's pretty shitty dude he offers that they won't have to worry anymore but as she knows edith money isn't here yet she still wants to know why it is they chose her putting a hand tenderly on his chin hmm they're pretty close huh edith attempts to have a nice relaxing bath and the pooch enters with his ball she does a few rounds of fetch but on one toss the dog doesn't return down the hall a red spirit's arm cracks she hurries out of the tub and it approaches her from behind this must be a different spirit due to the color also seeing that it's missing its ring finger they open their mouth and growl edith gasps and spins back ceiling has already vanished the dog scampers in and the ball soon follows after rolling mysteriously towards her from the other end of the hall ghosts like playing fetch everyone knows that thomas serves her some tea confident that it will make her feel better based on the face she makes it's not exactly pleasant tasting any groans that nothing gentle grows in these lands lucille is obviously jealous of their burgeoning relationship watching the entire interaction through the keyhole edith jolts awake in the morning to lucille tinkling the ivories where she gained some more insight into their history lucille was playing an old lullaby that she used to sing to thomas when they were children and edith can imagine the idyllic scene that was not the case as they were actually confined to the nursery in the attic they would hear mother playing through the floor and this is how they even knew that she was back in the country there's an imposing portrait of her in the wall seeing the red ring was initially hers and lucille feels it captures her essence well quite horrible there is already quite a strong bond between the siblings and now we understand where that all comes from they were basically prisoners when they were kids and only had each other to lean on those circumstances of abuse have made their connection even stronger back in buffalo allen is helping to liquidate the cushing family estate there he stumbles on a clue in carver's office the last check stub is made out to thomas he then surveys the sink and considers that this could have been the source of the blows to carver's head he's starting to figure out the more nefarious side to the sharp clan it takes the elevator to the top floor finding the black moths lucille mentioned along with a mural of the siblings as kids she then passes by an old rocking chair and in the sun we can make out amongst the dust the shape of a person sitting in it she pays a visit to thomas's workshop and he also reveals more about their history he used to make toys to make his sister happy and as for their father he was gone all the time scoffing the family fortune didn't lose itself he activates a silly toy and she smiles wide thomas eyes her and tells her she's different from everyone they kiss which gets more passionate and he lifts her on the desk just about to do the deed for the first time they make it clear they haven't been intimate yet they're stopped by a noise and it's lucille arriving with more tea he practically shoves it down her throat while they both decline wonder why that is they never drink the tea and only edith does i'm sure it's nothing she wakes up to her tummy and turmoil hearing odds sawing and the dog barking there's no sign of thomas so she grabs a candelabra to scour the halls got the corsail you gotta have candelabras it's basically the one checkmark chip a door creaks open beckoning her that way she comes to an area with a glowing red light and then here's what sounds like the dog being attacked yeah she sees just fine right outside there's a brief flash of a red face behind another door and there she discovers a wooden box containing wax cylinders hormones ring out and the red spirit rises from the ground it crawls towards her shrieking and dragging herself forward she grabs the dog and the elevator comes to life on its own sending her on a trip down into the forbidden lower levels it is certifiably cavey down there with the clay marking the walls along with locked up vats throughout the room hearing more moaning she finds a trunk marked with the initials es which is of course locked there's even an inscription on the lock enola well that's all quite troubling she confronts thomas busy with his harvester and asked him straight up if anyone has died in the house he chuckles of course the house is hundreds of years old many souls have come and gone she means violent death specifically and excuses that it's not a good time and rushes back to his machine he puts a hand within the inner workings and it roars even stronger but soon sizzles his hand thomas goes on to express some serious self-doubts she married a failure but she encourages him not to say that he is all she has his time to get the harvester running is growing short as winter will be coming soon and then she'll really find out why they call it crimson peak in relation to the mixture of snow and red clay whoops she wound up exactly where her mother warned her not to and we see the realization wash over her face allen wants to discuss his concerns with a lawyer but he thinks all is well for edith she's planning on investing all of her assets into thomas's machine well that's yet another red flag the siblings obviously orchestrated this to get edith's money allen also finds something strange about her father's death and the impact to his head as well as that final check the lawyer confides that before he died carver hired mr holly who dug up some quite unsavory facts on the sharps edith has an odd dream while standing out in a field the red spirit points at something ominously she wakes up coughing and sees she's actually started to hack up blood yup you're being poisoned lady she hears the sound of children's voices and thomas isn't there with her so she calls out to the spirit if you're here give me a signal something whizzes by knocking her to the ground and hear the distinct sound of a woman being murdered followed by children laughing she follows the voices into the bathroom seeing the red spirit in the tub they also have a big old knife jammed right through their head they croak to life and get to their feet and edith backs away terrified it mounts for her to leave now even saying her name she also warns that his blood will be on your hands which must mean thomas she rushes to him and spills what she saw but of course now there's no one in there she frantically describes the spirit as having hatred in her eyes as well as intelligence she even knew who she was and specifically told her to leave the siblings excuse she must have been sleepwalking or imagining things thinking being cooped up here is the problem he suggests that they take a trip to the post office that sounds like a blast he deheaves that she has to leave for good but lucille tells her this is her home now there's nowhere to go well that certainly sounds sinister not very welcoming you know what i mean the parent are baffled how she knew what happened to their mother meaning that they must have killed her in the tub as children they decided that as soon as she signs the papers they will be taking her out they venture to the post office and the employee ids her as lady sharp he has some letters from her one from her lawyer and another all the way from italy but as she mentions she doesn't know anyone that lives there they want to get on the road to beat the storm but when offered a room for the night they decide to wait it out allen meets with mr hawley who has more dirt on the sharps there's a clipping regarding a shocking murder at the manor again linking them to potentially being responsible at the time holly only had civil related documents but he says that was enough to prevent them from getting married as shockingly turns out thomas already is toyist poor naive edith of course has no idea as the two are now holed up for the night he continues reading her book and he has taken his shining to one character he wants to know will he make it out but according to edith it's the characters themselves who decide their fates she doesn't understand why thomas won't leave their crumbling estate and rattles off other cities around the world that can make a fresh start ending with milan he's taken aback at the invention and does say that he's been there once before proceeding to stare off in his face like i don't want to talk about italy she chides him for always looking to the past she's not there she's right here he agrees that he is here too and things start getting steamy again and they are finally able to consummate the marriage with no sister shoving tea down their throats every five minutes once more her book presents thomas challenge as a person it's up to the character to make their own choice and she is trying to pull him out of his past to move on with his life that's the kind of power dynamic developing between edith and his sister we start understanding the depth of this when they return home lucille is shocked and horrified to learn that they slept together in a room she knows what probably happened it seems part of the plan is to keep edith at arm length so giving them the chance to get together has pulled thomas closer to edith lucille loses her [ __ ] and tosses out her breakfast crying that she can't be left alone and was worried sick edith is suddenly feeling faint and there's only one solution as lucille knows more tea please edith notices amongst her massive keyring one marked analla matching the trunk from downstairs she reads a letter from her lawyer all she has to do to complete the final transfer is sign on the document and closed just about to sign it she remembers that other strange letter from milan it's addressed to anola and now she gets the confusion the post office guy thought edith was an ola and she must be thomas's previous wife she switches gears to try the key she snatched onto the steam trunk and yeah it opens right up inside there's a gramophone and several envelopes marked with several cities the very same ones that her dad mentioned where thomas had previously tried and failed to gain funding well i think we can figure out for sure what's been going on here thomas has been traveling to various cities in order to pump more money into the crumbling estate and his dumb minds when he fails to do so he instead seeks a wife any way to make money and save the family's name then of course when they secure the funds it's bye bye wifey edith hears some clanging in one of the clay pits and after cracking off the lock exposes a pool of shimmering red liquid she sticks a pole in there and stirs it around yet nothing turns up however soon after a skeleton bubbles to the surface looks like this is where they dumped anola's body and why her spirit was red now word from today's sponsor hellofresh america's number one meal kit there's one question we can all relate to what's for dinner luckily hello fresh is a convenient way to get meals delivered straight to your door go to foundflix16 and use code foundflix16 for up to 16 free meals and three free gifts there's a lot of advantages to using their service such as it cutting out all the time and stress it takes to meal plan or go to the store for all your ingredients hellofresh comes pre-portioned with everything you need for an exciting and flavorful meal that's definitely cheaper than going out some people might not think that they have time to cook but hellofresh makes it super easy and approachable with 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lucille unconvincingly tells her she'll be feeling better soon and when retrieving her keys notices the anola one has returned now she definitely knows something fishy is going on here edith later gets those wax cylinders cranked up and a woman pamela says hello she's doing a test for her beloved thomas in 1887. she requests from to speak into the horn and he stammers i'd rather not there's photos of them together and they were definitely a couple then there's another woman looking weak in a wheelchair probably from pesky poison tea then there's anola who sounds desperate and weak she said she had plans to leave but was unable to crying out all they want is money for their infernal machine so yep she's for sure also being poisoned even seeing the tea set out in the photo let it be known they did that she coughs and she keeps rifling through things she's shocked to find a baby photo and tragically it appeared to not live for very long pamela then continues about her tea being poisoned and right on cue edith coughs up blood now terrified that she will suffer the same fate of his previous wives she attempts to flee but that will prove difficult thanks to the storm howling outside and she grows weak collapsing on the stairs she regains consciousness to lucille tending to her bed about some tea are literally the first words out of her mouth which edith now knows to refuse in that case you have to eat and she jams some pores down her throat she reminisces that she took care of her mother in this very bed father broke her leg and it never quite healed right so she was bedridden for some time but i cared for her she smiles fetter bather and combed her hair i made her better she boasts and i'll do the same for you ah no no thanks anyway lucille i know what you think make better means thomas enters and appears to have reached his limit barking for her to never drink the tea ever again the siblings problems are mounting with her knowing what's going on here and lucille thinks the only way is to kill her as the alternative is that they get caught she'll be put into an institution and he'll be hanged she starts through a sibling motto apparently we stay together which he completes never apart wow these two are really close huh it also really feels like lucille is the one leading things here she knows that he'll never leave her i can't he agrees wistfully and she's satisfied as she more or less has trapped him in this toxic situation which we still don't know the full extent of yet alan's heroic quest brings him to the post office and asks for directions to the house yet there's some issues standing in his way there's no horses and of course the big ass storm it could take up to four hours on foot he's undeterred reporting in that case he better get going and sets off into the blizzard edith idly sits in the wheelchair facing the quite pokey dark hallway she's surprised hearing a baby screaming and floating in the air in the main room is the red spirit along with a red baby edith understands now that this must be anola and asks what it is that she wants she points her long red fingers in a direction that edith follows she comes to the nursery and the black moss hearing lucille singing on the other side of the door as she sees them edith is horrified at what she witnesses seeing she is um giving thomas a hand he faces her looking ashamed edith backing up unable to even process what she's seeing she rushes to the elevator and lucille chases after her to lay it all out she sees that she knew that she wasn't really her sister but lucille makes it 100 clear she actually is gross this adds a whole other uncomfortable layer to the siblings relationship like we knew it was [ __ ] up but this is some next level [ __ ] the point being they are both very damaged individuals and that's where all of their stuff originated holland arrives and pounds on the front door and fearing what might happen lucille pushes edith over the railing sending her crashing down onto the snowy floor this time she comes to at least being treated by allen and not lucille her and her bro looking quite nervous edith brings up the crimson peak warning from her mother and he spots some telltale crusting on her finger oh and hey alan you know you had a long trip up in the cold how about some i don't know poison tea he is already wise enough to turn it down and lucille grabs his arm inviting him to stay the night i mean the storm and everything it's a mess out there we're definitely not going to kill you both again luckily alan ain't no dum-dum and asks for a moment alone with his patient he reveals his true plan is to get her out of here but his rescue is short-lived when the others catch him in the main hall allen explains that he needs to get her to her hospital and they attempt to disagree he's all yes she does because you've been poisoning her i know what's going on here he knows even more than that and hands over the article on the murder he details all about how lady sharp was murdered in the tub one axe blow that almost split her head into there were no suspects because the only people in the house at the time were the children this was too tragic for the public to even consider so they were sent their separate ways thomas to boarding school and lucille to an institution he presumes the secrets continue to unravel with alan confirming he is married to enola and edith lists off his previous wife's names as well he feebly tries to defend himself but alan has heard enough they're leaving lucille can't have that and stabs him right on the armpit strange choice he stumbles breathing heavily and yanks out the blade he struggles to keep going and opens up the front door lucille orders thomas to take care of him but once again it appears thomas is changing his ways he tells allen secretly it's either going to be her or him and since he's a doctor can he point him in a safe place to stab him alan guides his trajectory to a spot on his torso and he jabs him right in the gut edith shouts out in anguish for her pal sobbing they're both monsters lucille smirks that's funny that's the last thing mother said to us it looks like thomas change of heart has stuck for good and he wants to help the doctor survive he knows lucille is going to force edith to sign the documents and then kill her sending him down to escape through the mines things are just as thomas assumed with lucille holding edith at knifepoint for her to sign those dang papers and is also burning her book in disdain she feels no remorse for any of the previous killings as they were all carefully selected they had money and dreams but no family no one to come looking for them so she feels it's more like mercy killings well then what about anola's baby but thomas never actually slept with any of his previous wives so it turns out the baby was hers wow well now we get why she was so jealous when they spent the night together he probably hasn't actually been intimate with anyone except his sister man this pair is pretty twisted as she says the baby was born wrong and she wanted to destroy it at birth but it was anola who was hopeful that she could save it which didn't work out obviously edith wants to know what's the point of all this horror for money and to save the family name sure the marriages were for money but she was fueled by love a kind that burns maims and twists you inside out it's a monstrous love that makes monsters of us all she longingly recalls her childhood in order to protect thomas she would take all the beatings from their mother things went south when she discovered their forbidden love the only thing they ever knew in these rotting walls edith doesn't believe that it's love but more like she's suffocating him she's tired of the chit chat and barks for her to sign her bloody name she does as asked although another question remains who killed her father we're allowed to think it was thomas but it was actually lucille who did the deed edith wheels the pin appropriately the one that her father gifted her right into lucille's chest she scurries to the elevator just as thomas is writing up he attempts to explain things but she is no longer interested after all the lies and poisonings he knows what he did was wrong but his feelings were real he asked her to trust him one last time and runs off vowing that he's going to finish this he does make a bold stand in defiance of his sister tossing the financial documents in the fire and proclaims she will love lucille as baffled at him ordering her around for a change and he tries to convince her that they can leave and start a new life finally moving on from their name and the mind they can be free they can all be together he offers but she doesn't like the sound of edith around and shirks back from his touch she's heartbroken as you promised he wouldn't ever fall in love he knows what he said but well it has happened she can't handle him having affections for another and stabs him a few times he croaks her name and she pokes the blade right into his cheek he then pulls it out and she rushes to his side now realizing what she's done he grows weak and slumps over lucille a bundle of emotions weeping and taking his body in her arms lucille then sets her sights on edith the pair having a chase across the floors she searches for a suitable weapon and lucille almost gets her she runs into the elevator and uses the cage to keep her at bay she slices at her finger and lucille gets her with a swipe in the face edith sends the elevator down to the mine level lucille still in hot pursuit allen is still alive at least but he's gotta hide she's coming lucille enters the room appearing empty and she pulls up a tile calling out that before she was put away she kept a little souvenir and unwraps the massive cleaver used to kill her mama edith isn't afraid and grabs her knife stepping out ready for battle lucille fakes her out a few times before barreling right at her she ascends the machine coming out at ground level she takes cover behind the harvester as lucille makes it out it's hard to make out anything in the storm edith scanning the area lucille gets a sneak attack in on her and she runs off kicking the machine to life now she can't hear anything either lucille surprises her from behind and she stops the axe blow as lucille grabs her knife she growls it she won't stop until one of them is dead it is shouts out for help her adversary scoffing there's no one here to help you yes there is she declares and she spins around to her brother's spirit the distraction allows edith to whap her with the shovel and lorraine repeats about her not giving up so edith brains her saying i heard you the first time she approaches the ghostly thomas and is able to nearly caress his face but it is not tangible blood spills from his face wound and he disappears in um spirit particles she begins to narrate circling us back to the beginning ghosts are real this much i know she and alan then make their way out of ellerdale as a group of backup is there to rescue them she continues on about the spirits things tie them to a place tethered to a patch of land or spilling of blood a terrible crime but then there are other spirits that hold on to emotions as we float through the empty house they are driven by loss and revenge or love she says as we come around to the piano seeing lucille's dark spirit they're playing those spirits never go away now i've seen several incarnations of spirits throughout but the main thing is despite being pretty spooky looking they are not malicious they're actually trying to help if edith had split when she first figured out the whole crimson peak thing things would have turned out a lot differently but who's gonna believe some ghosts you know you'd probably think you were just going nuts life lesson there always trust ghosts they will not steer you wrong what does that even mean it's like spirits stick around the mortal plane for a specific purpose with her mom who was to warn her about crimson peak and for enola it was to guide her to expose what happened to her and the sharp's hull pass which takes us to the siblings and their respective fates just as thomas ridiculed earlier in eda's story she's seemingly searching for a bad boy that needs redemption it all comes down to the character's choices to determine their fate and even though he did do a bunch of bad stuff thomas ultimately changed his tune due to love that's why after their moment he fades away his soul is at peace he's free the same can't be said for her sister as edith describes she is a different kind of spirit one fueled by loss and love though stick around forever meaning unlike her brother lucille is doomed to haunt the halls of arendelle hall for eternity her soul will never be at peace she has effectively stuck to the past forever with that we've reached a conclusion for this inning explained on crimson peak don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of crimson peak and its ending what's your favorite del toro flick let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 766,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crimson peak, crimson peak ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, expalantion, meaning, review, spoiler, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, ghosts, red ghost, guillermo del toro, tom hiddleston, jessica chastain, gothic horror, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: E-z6TlZh-dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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