PARANORMAL ACTIVITY Series (1-6) Explained

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all right something weird's going on here we're gonna get to the bottom of it what was that oh shoot that's not normal ah crap i knew it we got demons this happened two nights ago and i cannot even believe it guys that everything has been so weird lately like i don't know i've been hearing these noises and there's always this like loud rumbling sound and i decided to record it and that's when i got this footage and so as a result i went ahead and set up cameras all around my entire house you know as as you need to in order to catch all the ghosts potentially and then so actually i was even more disturbed when i checked the footage from last night and i caught this check this out that's me i'm asleep in my bed fast forward there you see this the door is opening by itself we got ghost people so you know there's only one thing you really can do when it comes to ghosts in your house and i i have to consult the sacred text in order to figure out what's going on that's right the paranormal activity movies i got all six of these bad boys here and you know what i think the answer is somewhere in these movies so we're gonna go through every single one of them in order to find out some answers all right we're gonna get rid of this dead gum ghost i'm sick of it i'm sick of this ghost and hey as i recall everything worked out pretty well in the end anyway for these guys right so it's a perfect plan all right let's do it hey how's it going folks welcome to found flicks on this explained video we're going to be covering the kind of big daddy of found footage flicks that's right the paranormal activity series that debuted to great fanfare and success back in 2007. the relatively simple tale told via cameras placed around the house and following a couple annoyed by a spirit spawned a total of six films that grew increasingly convoluted by an ever-changing backstory and mythology that by the final entry feels to say at the very least like a bit of a mess or at least gets quite confusing if you don't remember specific details from all the prior entries that's why we're here today we're going to be tackling the entire franchise giving you an easy single video that you can watch to get the entire scope of the series story and what is going on through every single one of the films if you're a fan of the series you're probably asking yourself which order am i going to go in well i believe that release order actually makes the most sense yes paranormal activity 3 does take place chronologically first in the series but it also added more to the mythology that was presented in the first two so it makes the most sense to start where things began release wise as it's truly from here that this story builds i mean it's not like they had some grand master design for the story from the beginning or anything and they are definitely adding more with each film released regardless of where they take place chronologically hopefully that makes sense so let's get splaining everything begins or well not really technically as we find out later on september 18 2006 where katie who goes on to become one of the most important characters in the series innocuously comes home to her boyfriend micah who has a surprise a brand new big ass video camera that he's purchased oh man seemed like it was a million years ago not 2007 and he's already obsessed with filming totally pointless things and never turning the camera off ever which turns out to be a good thing too there is already talk between them of paranormal phenomena in the house and micah's intent is to film everything to hopefully film any potential weird stuff we soon come to understand that the activity is tied specifically to katie and mentions that there is some kid who has been following her since she was eight years old which is the entity that becomes known as toby another vital character in the series here we are first showcase the almost playful slowly fright inducing behavior which progressively gets worse over the course of several nights and even after saying the camera is for capturing proof it's clear that micah doesn't take katie's paranormal fear seriously a psychic comes and he too explains that many simple things like odd noises aren't necessarily supernatural katie again mentions that she has been going through this since before moving into this house and her experience with her sister christy as eight-year-olds both remembering seeing a shadowy figure at the foot of their beds they prayed for it to go away and they thought it eventually did after a mysterious fire at their childhood home she's been experiencing similar odd occurrence since a teen with them ramping up again in the past few weeks the psychic also realizes that this evil must be attached to katie and not the house and he can also feel its presence there but becomes uncomfortable warning that it is a malevolent force that he feels not just a spirit but a demon instead micah still isn't really buying into any of this ghost stuff and even though the expert specifically said not to taunt the demon he's like hey why not just use a ouija board to try to chat with this guy but katie wisely knows that would be inviting the presents in and obviously a very bad idea and that night the spirit first really makes its indication of being in the house the door suddenly swinging closed on its own then opens again yeah that's it not exactly terrifying especially when re-watching it now but part of the spirit's whole thing is to slowly increase the spooks to feed on his victim's fears that in turn makes him more powerful so fine whatever replaying the footage both are shocked by what they've caught on tape and katie wants to go away but micah is clearly intrigued wanting to figure out how to bring the ghost back good thinking buddy yeah why don't you just invite the freaking ghost to dinner as katie becomes more stressed out micah begins to read a book to learn about the demon's behavior that it exists to cause pain for their own amusement stalking people for decades which definitely sounds like exactly what katie has been experiencing she's even more uncomfortable especially after having experienced similar incidents before and urges micah to put away the camera worried that it is making the spirit mad while micah is butthurt the reality of what's going on begins to sink in as katie never told him about a ghost chasing her around for years seems like something you should tell your partner that is fair that night some loud banging is heard in the house that wakes the couple up but when going downstairs everything is fine and even micah seems a bit disappointed by how mild the spirit is acting and proceeds to directly taunt it shouting is that all you got into the walls yeah that's probably a smart thing to do taunt the angry demon but it appears that he's still looking for real proof of what's haunting them going back through more footage he hears a demonic growl on the audio and believes that it wants to communicate with them going out immediately to buy ouija board to do so the others plead with him not to and he's like yeah i totally promise i'm not gonna buy one wink wink ladies i'm buying one right now the activity does start to crank up a bit odd shuffling noises waking up katie followed by a thud from downstairs so yeah it seems like this spirit dude is pretty mad shouldn't have called him out like that downstairs the lamp is wavering around a staple of the series as we will come to see as well it soon becomes more targeted on katie as we know and she starts to display strange behavior waking up in the middle of the night and standing motionless for hours watching mike asleep she's definitely gonna get possessed this is further backed up when micah finds her later outside on a swing with no memory of how she got there toby is building towards his end game still got five more movies to go bro micah in spite of constantly being wore not to decides to bring out the ouija board even though he promised not to use it clarifying that he only borrowed it okay sure dude that makes it totally fine katie is sick of his [ __ ] leaving as they continue to argue lingering on the board the plants begin to eerily blow and the planchette darts around the table quickly and then catches on fire guess that's how he says hi despite katie becoming increasingly terrified wanting to get help from a demonologist micah continues to be obsessed with capturing the spirit on camera though now also saying that he's doing it to protect katie he lays down some baby powder by their bedroom for it to potentially leave tracks in that night they hear footsteps tumbling through the hall and sure enough see some footprints left behind in the ground they then follow the powder prints to the guest room leading to an open hatch in the closet micah brazenly decides to go up and have a look finding the attic totally empty save for something stuck in the insulation mica emerges with a picture of young katie burned on the edges she's shocked to see it wondering what it is doing in the attic here especially as it along with everything else burned down in that elusive fire that she mentioned the demon continues to taunt them more doors slamming and footsteps running off micah again elects to threaten it now understanding that it is trying to frighten them he's hoping to show that he is not afraid it becomes even more present the activity for the first time occurring during the day and they find a picture of them with the glass over micah's face smashed well seems like the demon is not a fan of micah me neither can't really blame him guys kind of a douche katie can feel that it's here right now breathing on her and seeing it causing her hair to move as a result they decide to seek further assistance from the psychic but after about five seconds in the house he's like this thing is aggravated and i am out of here quickly escorting himself out kitty is breaking down after all the spooks but it refuses to relent one night moving under the sheets and ballooning them into the air accompanied by a shadow quickly passing by the door frame micah had vowed to do more research in a desperate bid for answers and guess where he found it a website another woman diane which is possibly what was written on the planchette by the demon had the same kind of things happened to her way back in the 1960s like her house burning down unexplained shadows the whole enchilada that sounds exactly like their situation based on the article diane did everything she could to be rid of the demon but seems that it ultimately only made things worse and when katie asks about how she died according to micah she was possessed oh well there you go at this point things have been completely broken down between the couple katie unable to even study or pretend to have a real life without micah invading with his camera and ridiculous plans her blaming him for what's going on and he fires back that it was her that brought it here in the first place well that is true but guess what you're still a dick so yeah it's obvious she's gonna get possessed for good by the spirit and everything and it finally happens on night 20. a shadow passes by the door and katie is grabbed by the leg and dragged violently out of the room slamming the door closed behind her micah is able to pull her away katie ready to leave right now saying she can't stay another moment in the room spotting a very sizable bite mark on her side yet oddly the next morning she changes her stance wanting to stay in the house coldly declaring we'll be okay now which sets us up for a quite eventful final night katie shoots up calmly walking out of the bed standing there as the sheet is pulled off micah she continues to stand motionless for a long while before sauntering out of the room after a few seconds she shrieks his name in absolute terror micah furiously running downstairs hearing thuds and groans hmm what actually happened down there pretty obvious though demon katie attacked micah we hear long thudding footsteps approaching and micah's body is launched at the camera katie is seen standing there with blood on her shirt she then turns her attention to the camera lunging at it rather than the sequel continuing with this plotline of a possessed murdering katie we next venture back in time a few months prior to the events at micah and katie's house down in carlsbad california where katie's sister and new mother is seeming to have some paranormal activity of her own bringing baby hunter home their nurse martine calls him a special baby well i'll say and there's even a surprise visitor to meet her new nephew aunt katie again this is before the events of paranormal one still making reference to her fate as being hunter's evil aunt ah nice foreshadowing it's not until a bit later until after returning from the trip that anything odd happens they find the house in complete disarray assuming the work of burglars but nothing of value was taken although oddly the only room that remained untouched from the destruction was baby hunters the family on edge after the potential robbery attempt what else is there to do but install a shitload of security cameras all around the house that means night one is soon to follow here we go again folks but nothing much happens ghost wise although their pupper seems strangely interested in the door to the basement dogs are always the first to know in horror movies something bad is definitely down in the basement it seems martine is also aware of bad spirits in the house saying she's trying to get out the bad ones and keep the good ones we're then given another blast from the past micah joining at christie's informing us this occurs 60 days before his grisly death here christy is still on edge about the house being messed up saying that it felt personal and tries to bring up when they were little but the subject is quickly changed before she elaborates already the spirit makes its intentions known on night 3 hunter is awake in his crib looking like he's engaged with someone making little gugu noises but that's all we get for now but the target is clear give me the baby as we move on to another day the whole family is out leaving martine and hunter on their own she hears noises coming from the basement then another thud hunter is starting to cry upstairs then attempting to cleanse the house she goes around at burning sage his parents come home in the middle of their process and are upset saying the sage is bad for the baby but she maintains that she was just trying to help unfortunately they don't understand it she gets sacked for doing this continuing to warn them that something is wrong in the house but daniel isn't having it coldly dismissing her as we again see hunter staring off as something past his mother and begins to get upset he is later more frightened woken up to hunter crying christy's staying with him until he falls asleep hearing something outside beckons her to the window as behind her the door swings wider open still takes a while for toby to turn up the heat on the family on night 10 a pan falls down oh that's it christy puts it back in place staring out the window and they all continue to wobble on their own another falling and startling her all over again beware of fallen saucepots y'all katie and micah pay another visit and micah seems quite enamored with dan's camera considering that he might get one for himself obviously setting up is quite soon in the future purchase of one that started part one the subject again turns to the girls experience as kids but katie once again stonewalls the conversation saying that they don't talk about that anymore both downplaying it entirely though more odd things continue to happen a burner turning itself on creating quite a sizable flame and then the pool cleaner has somehow started taking itself out of the pool even ally thinks the whole thing is kind of a hoot besides why does the house being haunted have to be bad understanding why she longs for this to be the case considering it could be her deceased mother behind all this but nope this is a bad demon sorry ally dan assuages the girl's fears at least in his mind showcasing how he can make the pool cleaner jump out all by itself what does that thing turbo charge or something he's just hoping to get his less tense and worried wife back but another encounter proves that her fears are justified going for a swim he hops into the hot tub which he finds is boiling hot dan jumping out in a hurry and it's so hot that he needs some frozen peas to soothe his toasted testies that toby what a silly always turning up the hot tub too hot hoping for some kind of normalcy christy and dan go out for a date leaving ally to babysit she's of course joined by her lunkhead boyfriend brad deciding to have a real great time by playing with a ouija board has anything good ever come out of using one of these things come on i get it though as ally is actually hoping to contact her mother here but brat sees an opportunity for some pranks asking the board what it wants and it spells out [ __ ] good one brad oh my god they try it again and this time brad insists he isn't moving it the planchette this time spelling out hunter it does make a grab for him the shadow emerges from beneath the basement's door getting ally outside and locking her out loud footsteps reverberate into hunter's room found sleeping peacefully until an invisible force begins to tug at his leg he's lured into the basement by some magical jingling sounds and then crawls back upstairs afterwards hmm i wonder what happened down there a mortified christy and dan return unable to find ally at first who comes in insisting that she was locked out and heard something calling her name dan is sick of all this haunted house crap but ally dives further into the supernatural she comes across the same thing as micah before about demons but delves even further into the specifics of why katie and christy are being targeted if a human makes a bargain with a demon for power they must forfeit the firstborn male until then they will follow the defaulter and their brood until his soul is collected so yeah someone in their family years ago made an evil deal which both sisters have been paying for all this time things here are a bit hard to pin down timeline wise in this series but katie returns to her sister's house and complains of possible stuff going on at hers meaning that now and what occurred in the first entry are going on concurrently they remember back to when they were little thinking it's starting again but katie again just wants to leave the subject alone remembering what her sister went through all those years ago concluding whatever it was it thrived on fear so you know don't be such a fraidy cat sis it's that easy though ignoring the spirit proves increasingly difficult as chrissy sits down to pursue a gossip mag only to be interrupted by all of the cabinet doors bursting open as more layers are peeled back in regards to the specifics behind katie and christy's supernatural plight their great-grandmother made a deal with the demon to get rich meaning according to the deal they want the family's first born son and naturally hunter is the first that has been born on christie's side since the 1930s man that is one patient demon dan puts hunter to bed as we fast forward through a few hours and the low rumbling inevitably starts the basement door flings wide open abby running down and then getting attacked in the living room curse you toby leave that puppy alone you can take all these other dum-dums though that's fine just leave the dog this must have all been just a ploy to get christy alone once discovering the injured dog dan and ally rush it off to the hospital and the spirit immediately goes after christy she's dragged down into the basement the door closing then emerging later with a distant zombified look in her eye obviously pizazz just as her sister was or is like i said a little hard to pin down the timeline here something is definitely off about christy ally noticing a large bite on her thigh just like with her sister but hey at least dog is okay hooray leading to a weird moment where ali goes to check on hunter and christy vanishes suddenly then appearing at the door okay well that's not good ally hopes to understand christy's sudden change and in earlier footage sees her being taken down to the basement which even skeptical dan can't argue with at this point something spooky is definitely going down in this house he also realizes his previous mistake with martine now understanding she was aware of things from the very beginning and reaches out to her for her health the plan is to transfer the curse that has plagued christie to someone else according to martine it has to be in her bloodline so who else but her sister in order to save themselves well that's pretty dadgum selfish and even before starting the transfer ritual christie springs to life the lights in the house all cutting out the spirits starting to knock [ __ ] over the chandelier shaking around they can hear that they're down in the basement it's dark as hell down there making him a prime candidate for a jump scare oh yeah gotcha sucker coming across hunter he sets the camera down and goes over to his boy another hand grabbing the camera christy appears now sporting some big old demon teeth dan gets her in the chest with the crucifix the ground beginning to rattle violently then things go quiet little hunter waddling into frame and appearing confused it appears after some initial hiccups that the ritual was successful freeing christie of her possession and transferring it to her sister seeing the same photo that micah discovered singed in the attic three weeks later the sisters are chatting by the pool and at least for christy everything is back to normal while katie feels there's more going on now at her house but decides not to talk about that stuff so i'm sure it's all fine oh wait not at all since katie got possessed and everything this development transitioning us right into the opening of paranormal one where katie comes home and micah has his precious new camera setting up they're taking over the family curse yet we pick up one night after micah's murder down in the living room dan is snoring on the couch katie is seen standing there blood on her shirt then vanishes she reappears and snaps his neck while upstairs her sister hears noises of footsteps surprised to see katie rushing into the room snatching on her and walking off into the night with the child after this katie and hunter's whereabouts are unknown but the oddly absent during the climax alley did survive one of the very few to do so in the entire series that still sucks at her family is that another brother was taken by her demon and but hey every day is a blessing right and now we know why the sisters were targeted thanks to a deal from an ancestor meaning it was actually after christy at first that is until they turned the curse over to her sister the demon ultimately still getting exactly what it wanted which rewinds us all the way back to 1988 and by far my most favorite of the entire series even though it's basically the same thing all over again this one still somehow feels a notch above the others we begin with christy pregnant with hunter in october of 2005. and when katie drops by with some boxes she doesn't have space for we see a bunch of tapes from their childhood which she ended up with after their grandma lois died and it's these tapes that illuminate what the girls had fought so hard to forget all these years and already the same spirit is attached to christy seeing her off on her own under the trampoline appearing to talk to someone but you know no one's there and when around the table christy asks for another bowl for toby saying that he's hungry while katie's similar to later as adults tells her that he isn't real one day while working on editing wedding footage her dad hears noises from upstairs in the girls area drawn to an open tiny door oh folks you know that tiny doors are never a good thing and gets sterled by christy suddenly standing behind him but she innocently tells him they just got back from girls day that night julie and dennis smoke a joint and of course he wants to use his fresh new camera to make a sex tape the sexy times however are halted when a huge earthquake occurs sending them running to the girls as they leave dust falls and we can make out that some falls on what looks like the shape of a person toby is in the house y'all showing her the footage dennis is insistent that something is there while she wants him to erase all the tapes and just forget about it well then we wouldn't have a movie though so obviously that doesn't happen and dennis decides to set up cameras all over the house of course they use tapes so they gotta be switched every six hours even though we never actually see him do that maybe they're in slp mode you kids don't even know what that means julie is still doubtful but he's steadfast even saying that he can feel something is here and already on night one gets more evidence christy waking up walking over and talking to someone just off screen dennis later asks her about it mentioning ah sister friend toby and the two have been talking about secrets he tries to press her about their secrets but christy becomes uneasy saying she promised that she wouldn't tell and that if she does that she'll be in big trouble things continue to slowly ramp up as usual lights clicking on and off along with distant footsteps being heard julie and her mother grandma lois seen her for the first time discussed dennis's taping obsession and lois doesn't seem to be a fan of him asking if he's buying more tapes with her credit card as he doesn't have any money oh yeah and where did you get that precious money a year as lois satan books that's right yet lois has another desire saying that she's always wanted a son yeah i'll bet you do lois next is more of that classic making land swing around along with some clothes and blinds by themselves yep i'm shaking in my boots as christy and toby's friendship continues to blossom waking up late at night she's seen giggling and running around the downstairs with her playmate this sends him to research further what they're dealing with and with no internet what are you gonna do his assistant randy bringing some books on ghosts and malevolent entities it reveals that kids are susceptible to spiritual contact realizing this all started when she began talking to toby and as we know it feeds off of their fear the girls decide to play a good old game of bloody mary setting up the camera in the bathroom and saying her name in unison though they get interrupted by their mom and we don't see it has a real effect until when they leave the door slams closed katie is sick of her sister's imaginary best friend calling her a baby she opens the tiny door beckoning for toby to come out and decides to go in herself no don't do it katie she gets trapped inside for a frightening few moments and blames her sister who reiterates that it was toby it's babysitter lisa who gets to have the next encounter with him the girl's asleep the camera pans back and forth across the room a child in a sheet appears behind her quickly deflating to nothing when she turns back the girls are fast asleep in bed and she's drawn to the same odd corner of the room a blast of air is unleashed freaking her out and she goes downstairs to nervously wait for their parents to get home and elects to not say anything about the odd occurrences of course dennis sees it all for himself on the tapes the next day and doesn't want to show julie concerned that it would worry her but is even more determined to keep taping to get more evidence of the entity at another late night play date with toby chrissy walks to her parents room standing motionless for some time and seems to no longer want a ghost pal telling toby no repeatedly and finally that she doesn't want to talk to him anymore well that's just going to piss him off what are you doing lady which doesn't take too long to happen dennis discovers later the tiny door open and a symbol of a triangle with a circle inside scrawled on the wall tied to the midwives as we learn which becomes much more important as the series progresses very first time we see anything about that here land that groundwork story wise and kristy isn't feeling well now dennis taking her to the doctor and getting randy to watch after katie i don't know if i trust this dum-dum to do that who wants to complete their earlier botched game of bloody mary in the dark we hear an odd sound seeing he has a big scratch on his torso loud bangs and violent rumblings terrify katie which quickly passes tee time is over [ __ ] that's enough for randy to throw in the towel telling dennis to watch the tape and see for himself why he's also looked into that triangle symbol from the tiny room uncovering a photo of a group of women from the 1930s all wearing necklaces with the same symbol supposedly part of a coven of some sort as we recall from the previous entries the family made some kind of a deal with the devil or whatever and since then they have been waiting for the family's first born son it then turns his attention to katie lifting your comforter and throwing a toy off the dresser on the screen we see the same triangle symbol as more stuff begins to move around on its own after the display of its power christy gives in screeching she'll do it just let her sister go julie still doesn't believe that toby is real that is until she has some of her own experiences hearing a knock at the front door yet no one is there and when entering the kitchen literally everything comes crashing down all at once and they round up the family to stay at grandma lois's we already know the spirit will follow them and so changing houses will do no good but they also inadvertently fell into the final steps of their ritual dennis is woken up by what sounds like cars outside so julie goes saying she'll take care of it she's gone for quite some time sending dennis in search of her the girls are not in their beds him growing more worried by the total silence in the house he notices that the paintings hung on the wall have all been taken down revealing the same triangle symbol behind one and a pentagram behind the other and it seems like lois is one of those witches that he was reading about one of the midwives he ventures down a hall to another building and when turning the light on is shocked to see lois with a bunch of other women who start coming at him sending him back to the house frantically searching for julie she's found standing or rather levitating at the top of the stairs and her body is flung at dennis sending him tumbling down to the ground christy wanders in the two taking cover in a closet hearing screams and footsteps outside along with what sounds like a creature snarling he peeks out to get a look a black figure is seen rushing by grabbing christy the group of women are gathered outside around a bonfire coming to katie sitting at the bottom of the stairs weeping over her mother's body he puts a hand on her shoulder getting a yowl in response he painfully crawls along the ground as lois enters and his back gets snapped in half instantly killing him youch lois reaches out her hand for the girls who follow her upstairs christy calls out for toby to join them lois informing the girls it's time to get ready the camera abruptly cutting away to static so now we get the picture of the story up to this point as was suspected lois is a part of a coven known as the midwives and as children the two were forced to be part of the group's ritual to get a son born for toby and we know from the end of part two that hunter was abducted by katie their whereabouts still unknown as we move forward five years to another unrelated perhaps family in henderson nevada on halloween night noticing that new neighbors are moving in across the street and when alex and her boyfriend head out for a party they take a shortcut through the yard glimpsing a boy looking quite awkward the kid appears again in their yard and when taking him home learn his name is robbie that night chatting with ben on her laptop sirens outside draw her attention something seen happening at robbie's house apparently as a result of this his mom is going to be in the hospital for a few days so the weirdo will be staying with alex's family he's introduced to wyatt the two instant friends and they're running off to play together alex is a little confused by this as they don't even know him but her mom says he doesn't have anywhere else to stay and i'm sure he's a totally normal kid that won't cause any issues of any kind forget it back on the computer alex leaves for a second seeing a boy's shadow passing by stranger still ben who has recorded their video chat sees that robbie hops into bed with alex while she's asleep pretty creepy kid and while the kids are playing in a treehouse she gets introduced to their other new friend which is our old pal toby who we first get a glimpse of when utilizing the k'nex tracking dots wow the breakthrough technology of the xbox connect amongst the many dots they spot some next to robbie that he appears to be looking at from here it's the same old routine we're starting to get accustomed to small scares like the chandelier knocking around and everything followed by more odd behavior from robbie found talking to someone by alex who says that he was talking to nobody remembering how ben recorded their chat she gets him to set up all the laptops around the house to film everything so they can hopefully catch something a slight technological update to the usual actual camera setups we're used to just as with chris t the boys become fast friends with toby waking up late at night and playing running around the house and giggling it also makes it clear that he's not a fan of alex coming home from school a basketball is tossed down the stairs but none of the boys are there she follows a trail of toys into wyatt's closet startled by a train set turning itself on downstairs the chandelier is wavering again and the one right in front of her crashes to the ground nearly landing right on top of her robbie then appears saying that he doesn't like you watching us she's convinced that robbie brought something into the house that is messing with her but her parents unsurprisingly don't believe her thinking it must have just been an accident later she's confused seeing a bunch of cars over at robbie's house since his mom isn't supposed to be there and goes over to investigate she easily walks through the front gate greeted by a friendly enough lady asking if she can help alex runs off instead saying it was just the wrong house almost like this whole thing was just a setup to get wyatt and everyone else together which becomes more obvious when we see the boys playing and robbie offers to let him see the spirit saying that all you have to do is to follow his orders and you can see him the door to the room slowly closes a black shadow quickly passing by alex and ben hear the kids finding his room in a total state of disaster robbie is there drawing weird stuff on wyatt's body including that triangle coven symbol on his back since robbie isn't given any answers it's time for some trusty online research learning the symbol is a how to sack symbol of fertility related to a demon taking possession of a male there are three stages required for the possession it turns out first to show signs of being preternatural or beyond what is normal as in being able to see the spirit step two is prove their preternatural ability to the demon then a sacrifice with a potential host having spilled the blood of someone pure i.e a virgin bad news for alex as she is a virgin bin jokes well he can take care of that real quick yeah great time for jokes ben a few days later the time has come for the next stage robbie telling wyatt that it's time to go and guiding him to his house across the street alex not that far behind the front door slightly ajar she steps inside all the furniture in the house covered in sheets then we get our biggest surprise in the movie yet katie appearing who thanks her for the help also saying that wyatt looks just like his mom this was all just to get robbie into their house to get wyatt she's most certainly not robbie's actual mom either perhaps he's another child being primed for his own ritual making it seem like she's going around the country taking these kids and raising them for evil purposes she asked why they went to her house in the first place and why it says it was just to meet his mom who wanted them to be friends since both are adopted but how would she know why it was adopted and she also told him that his other family needs him back alex correcting him that they are his family hmm well maybe wyatt isn't who we think he is which we find out specifically on night 10. coming downstairs to chat with toby wyatt gets upset saying his name is wyatt not hunter hunter of course being chrissy's baby that was taken by katie a few years back a boy figure scene approaching from behind in the connect dots robbie informs him that it's his time and the spirit gets his chance when wyatt is in the tub he gets dragged under the water calling out for his mother who can't hear him he later emerges from the water and when getting out appears to be a bit dazed well looks like wyatt's been possessed when alex is left alone to babysit the spirit with some help goes after her katie is sitting on the couch calmly getting up and walks towards alex she hears the garage door open but it seems to be stuck going to get a closer look the door slams close behind her rumbling and odd crackling sounds all around her the car turns itself on and of course the door is sealed shut leaving her trapped as the room fills with toxic fumes katie takes the opportunity to visit a sleeping wyatt telling him he's almost ready assuring that she'll be waiting until he is as alex makes a daring escape attempt smashing the car window with a golf club and backs the car up right through the garage well that'll work that's one way to get out nice job when her parents return they think she's talking crazy again even though she points out that she didn't even have the keys making the whole thing pretty hard to explain away as just being normal her dad is concerned about her asking her to go out to dinner to talk giving toby another easy opportunity to strike mom is distracted on the phone and katie is back now standing in the living room slowly ascending the stairs to wyatt's room mom is drawn to the bookshelf where one keeps falling down by itself hearing an odd growling sound her hair is blown back and she's lifted into the air and violently dropped into a heap on the floor katie does clean up leaving the room undisturbed as a distraught bin arrives with more information on the symbol and the coven he decides to pull it up on her computer not noticing katie appearing right behind him and snaps his neck then placing his body in the closet when alex and her dad come home later she notices someone was on her computer and calls ben hearing his phone ringing from the closet there she spots his body and is dragged out of the room running outside yelling for her dad who is heading over to katie's inside he's being flung around and dragged all over the house and into another room she hears wyatt yelling for her but the voice goes quiet when asking where he is a demon face katie rushes her breaking the door down she leaps out of the window finding her brother outside but he doesn't move and she now notices a whole bunch of women all done with the triangle necklace demon kitty strikes her and well that's all she wrote we don't actually see alex get killed but i'd say that's pretty much a given and spilling of her blood was the final step for the ritual so it makes sense to think that wyatt really hunter has fulfilled his greater purpose of serving as a host for the demon toby not so fast it turns out as before we revisit the ever expanding toby saga we leave katie and the rest and venture to oxnard california in the marked ones following a young man newly graduated from high school jesse as he becomes possessed over the course of the movie with some surprising results initially we followed jesse's teen misadventures with a newly purchased camera taking it on a tour of his apartment building though there is one neighbor that he isn't so sure of who they call crazy anna saying he's heard wailing and moaning coming from her apartment through the vents later hearing some quite loud screams emanating from there a kid from their school oscar walks out from her apartment but gives him the cold shoulder and walks off without a word later hanging with his grandma irma they are able to convince her to do some shots and after two she's dancing around and singing which is actually pretty hilarious granny cannot hold her liquor their fun is halted by some more strange sounds just as jesse described coming from anna's apartment below wishing they could somehow see down there hector has the genius idea of using their gopro attached to some rope and dangling it down through the vent peeking through a naked woman is standing there motionless anna also naked joins her she approaches the woman painting on her stomach a red circle inside of a triangle you know the one this subtly expands the series in a big way because we now know that there's more than one group of witchy women out there who were part of the midwives irma had always believed that anna was a witch but now jesse believes it as well which is odd considering his next choice instead of leaving her alone knowing how to which theoretically could do they decide to have some fun with anna getting a little kid to knock on her door and shout bruja which she isn't too pleased with a joke warning jesse that he doesn't know what is going to happen to him oh well let's shoot some probably dangerous mexican fireworks in the alley the same boy from earlier oscar leaps down onto the dumpster the cops soon overtaking the entire area seeing a body getting taken out of the building honest it seems oscar had his own theories about anna being a witch and decided to take matters into his own hands well by murdering her the kids choose not to tell the cops about seeing oscar as in the hard streets of oxnard's ditches get stitches further convinced she was into some weird [ __ ] hector and jesse break into her apartment in search of clues sure that's a great idea breaking into an active crime scene and hector only shows their ineptitude here touching like literally every single thing in the place you know about fingerprints right bro hearing what sounds like a baby crying one room houses a crib along with a bunch of surgical tools implying they've been delivering babies in this filthy apartment well maybe if they're demon babies the whole sterilized environment thing isn't a big deal who knows in the closet amongst many belongings are a box of tapes including yep katie and christy 1988 so anna is at least aware of the kids in another room the walls are completely covered in blood including the words live spelled out here they find ana's journal encountering arturo the older brother of our shooter oscar who tells them to get out which they promptly do deciding to read the journal they learn of a method to build a door that can travel through time but only unholy places can be accessed through it following the instructions they make a literal black mirror by spraying it with spray paint and in an abandoned church try to open a portal to evil places again great idea as usual kids making a large coven symbol on the ground they place the black mirror on top and begin to say the spell even admitting that they don't even know what's supposed to happen it appears to have no effect but it did function as was described in the journal and once again these fools have invited the evil right to them the next day hector wakes jessie up by drawing a dick and sharpie on his face annoyed jesse recounts a weird dream that he had of being on a farm with a bunch of old women seeing some blood on his sheets coming from a mysterious bite on his arm just as we saw with christy and katie's possessions well nice knowing you bud but it's a slow descent it turns out to lose his humanity but his dog already knows something is off a spirit later communicates with him via the classic 80s light up game simon it seems to respond to their question with a green light for yes and red for no but superstitious grandma does not like it and thinking it is a bad idea takes the game away still worried over bad spirits she lays down a thick layer of vinegar all around the apartment to ward them off and wager is jessie that she should actually be worried about when the pals go out to shoot some hoops that are costed by some unsavory customers and pete the crap out of him he yells for them to stop and both get force flung into oblivion allowing them to escape just as the toby spirit has done multiple times jesse has started experiencing similar behavior and later has another cool trick to show hector able to get caught by this period appearing to kind of hover in mid-air then jesse takes it to the next level of absolute absurdity able to grind down the rail literally flying into the air wow okay weird no one else has tried using their possession to pull off sick tricks jesse revels in his new powers even able to pick up chicks with ease at a party taking them back to the sexiest place in town on his disgusting and evil apartment his catch penelope actually seems super into it though really making it appear jesse has supernatural hump abilities or sheep wraps just has very low standards she's surprised by a trap door flinging open and it's the missing oscar inside seeing he has the same mark of a bite on his arms as well as little critters crawling under his skin he informs jesse the only way out is to kill yourself before you hurt someone showing he's a man of his word oscar ascends the turrets across the street and plunges off the top onto a car killing him going back through the footage they notice that his eyes are black and jesse begins to painfully realize the same thing must be happening to him back at anna's they enter the secret basement seeing that anna clearly had him selected before her death a kind of shrine down there including him all the way back to pictures as a baby along with another picture of his mother during her pregnancy with anna well looks like his mother was selected just like the lady we saw at anna's apartment earlier and jesse was marked to be taken from even before his birth and thanks to names inscribed on the back it appears that grandma lois is in on this as well he later notices something in his eye a long black string that he pulls out terrifying jesse that he's running out of time that's proof of answer as they reach out to arturo oscar's older brother and he remembers oscar about a month ago started acting different then started acting crazy busting [ __ ] up in the house and he also found files from his brother that appeared to reveal the midwives grand ambitions they are trying to build an army of kids all around the world all firstborn boys and he even got in contact with ali our one surviving teen daughter from paranormal too jesse continues to get more consumed by the evil growing inside him having an intense encounter at the store when a guy is talking with marisol knocking him over unprovoked and when the shopkeeper tells him to leave he encourages him to attack grabbing the bat when he swings it and taken out of his hands now understanding that he is changing and is becoming unable to control himself he reaches out through the simon to the spirit it says that it wants something from him and goes to red when he just wants it to leave him alone finally holding it down yep you're screwed dude no way out of this one another encounter at anna's is the tipping point for jesse hearing his dog through the vents he follows the yipping down into the basement a woman seen standing in the door behind him as he crawls down passing through some plastic sheets he comes across young katie and christy the door then slamming clothes trapping him inside as one says he's ready for you loud footsteps loom towards him bursting through the plastic and knocking him over after this just as arturo said about oscar jesse becomes strangely quiet and acts like a total dick to his bff saying that they're not really friends obviously the possession has taken further hold even meows written on the wall meaning mine fortunately hector took ali's number who meets them and explains more about the midwives and how they mark an unborn male in utero waiting until it matures at 18 to be possessed guess how old jesse is she refers to it being an evil infection in the body but says that it can be stopped via a ritual to bring him back to normal or otherwise jesse will be gone for good and unsurprisingly doesn't go well jesse appearing unamused as they rub eggs all over his head and body he then grabs another smashing it in irma's hand falling to the ground and groaning the light's flickering and cutting off completely immersed in darkness the walls appear to be bending and morphing jesse appears out of nowhere and it looks like he's traveled through one of those black mirror portals the next morning he's looking even worse and he quickly disappears from bed outside finding him at the top of the stairs and at the bottom lies his grandmother blood pulling around her she's not dead at least but it is not looking good at this point for jesse who suddenly again vanishes without a trace referring back to that map they found they know the location on it must be the site of the final ritual to claim his soul and decide to enlist his dad's help but don't make it to him hector's car is suddenly breaking down jesse is there standing ominously down the street the car not turning over and the doors jammed as he lunges on the roof scuttling around before appearing at hector's window and smashes it grabbing him out of the door and choking him mirasol subdues him with a bat the two throwing him in the back seat the midwives aren't taking any chances however a truck coming out of nowhere and when they come to jesse is gone at least they know where it was taken the house on the map getting arturo's help before they go who with his buds loads up on some pretty serious artillery let's toast us some witches they sneak onto the property which seems strangely empty and quiet which we can also recognize this as being grandma lois's house and must be the main hub for the coven entering what looks like stables we find that the midwives actually house and imprison some of their victims finding some food and stuff along with a woman who screams for help the first women attack getting blown to smithereens by arturo but they see there are way more than they could have imagined in the fray santo gets injured everyone dragging him back inside and locking the door in another room there's a pentagram with a goat's head in the middle of a silver platter on the floor and when turning back marisol is gone hearing a voice call his name hector is lured to the window and someone smashes their head right through it even more witches are literally down every corridor and he spot what looks like a woman in a sheet with blood on it as marisol plummets through the glass ceiling someone else appears with wide eyes talking all crazy man things are getting nuts around here probably the best climax of all those movies then it's jesse's turn chasing hector to a room upstairs but of course the windows are all boarded up all around the door we see ornate symbols carved and on the other side jesse in normal voice calmly asks him to open the door saying he's scared hector isn't buying it so jesse breaks the dang thing down running through the camera glitches and it appears that hector has stepped through another black mirror portal this one bringing him to katie and micah's right at the very end of paranormal activity 1. originally katie came downstairs screaming for micah which all occurred off screen and now we are taken back to that moment from a different perspective confused he puts a hand on her shoulder and she stares right at him before screaming from micah who runs downstairs as you remember katie promptly stabbing the [ __ ] out of him hector rounds a corner and demon jesse is there waiting for him and nabs him up katie then reaches down shutting the camera off the idea of portals through doorways is actually one of the more interesting aspects introduced in the whole series and being able to only go to cursed places makes sense this making it possible for hector to travel to the night of micah's murder and now we know that the midwives are assembling an army of children to probably take over the world that kind of whole deal so you think by now would be time for their big rise to power but as we already know toby has very specific requirements to perform his ritual turns out there's even more steps before he can finally take over hunter's body or does he even need his body anymore just make your own there's also more than it appeared to little katie and christy's story continuing after the end of part three where grandma lois took them upstairs there they meet some guy who claims to be their teacher and they are all about toby the guy saying he's known him by many names even lois has too everybody knows toby they lay out quite clearly their long-term plan with the girls which we didn't know anything about before now christy is going to have a son that will be chosen while katie's strength is her power tasking her with tracking down another special girl out there like her one year after alex and her family encountered the evil paranormal activity 4 and moves on to another family at christmas time in 2013 who are in fact living in a new house built over christy and katie's childhood home so the family is literally living right on top of where all this bad stuff already happened sounds like bad juju in my book this is also how they happen upon some tapes in the closet along with dennis's monstrous camcorder that's gotten some serious supernatural upgrades at first the footage on it looks glitchy and weird blurred on the edges and later starts picking up trippy stuff like light trails in an odd shape right in the middle of the room which dissipates into a bunch of blobs appearing like he's underwater when walking through it yep somehow this camera has the ability to see the spirits through the lens normally invisible to the human eye and regular cameras when he cracks it open he finds it's completely custom boasting six picture tubes and an extra focus ring meaning someone somewhere upgraded this thing themselves which is never explained whatsoever crying out again he catches his young daughter talking to someone seeing a particle cluster right next to her which he refers to as her friend ah dang it's toby here we go again and obviously the special girl katie was asked to find is layla toby now infiltrating the house to get to her digging through the tapes he's found it's dennis's old footage from part three but there is more unseen footage with the girls after beginning to train their supernatural abilities okay getting christy do concentrate she's able to describe several parts of a girl's room including a tent and it becomes obvious that she's describing layla's room even though this occurred decades earlier he then catches more of the particles and a ball is launched from the darkness that the lens knocking him over they continue to see this black mass just as katie described all the way back in the first movie when skyler whoever the hell she is someone's sister or whatever they take the camera outside and don't notice as a giant black wisp flies right behind her they are surprised to find layla out there the swirling still in view as mike grabs the camera looks like toby is already influencing little layla as she was out in the yard burying her mother's rosary made crystal clear when ryan tries to talk to her and she says she doesn't want to talk to him yep it's toby and he's already got his hooks into her she's found chanting bloody mary backwards with blood on her hand even seeing a shadowy hand appear and smash the glass they find an object on the ground with katy and christy on it and their casual recounting of what happens kind of changes the whole series in a way they say as we know that there was a fire in 1992 and that their house was burned down but they specifically say everyone including the sisters were never heard from again so even since kids they weren't really ever just normal people apparently and just kind of demons i guess that's a very weird detail to include as it again completely changes our perspective on the sisters entirely they've been actively a part of this grand toby ritual the whole time which actually doesn't make much sense but okay setting up cameras just like the previous families it appears that toby is getting stronger instead of the particles he is now a viscous black fluid that pours through the floor and ceiling and becomes an arm of some sort that reaches towards layla's diorama so it's these things that have been doing all the various pan rattling and chandelier shaking of the series which we're actually seeing in action now it continues through a standard mo increasing in frights to feed on the families increasing fear like making leelist art a fire with bible pages or knocking down the christmas angel oh no not the angel you bastard watching more tapes they uncover more footage of the sisters being trained in essentially psychic abilities and again christy is able to describe the room the two are currently in even both brothers but the topper is when a sleepless layla comes in and sneezes on the tape christy's saying god bless you which is pretty weird how they're all starting to play with time and stuff here as with many other children before layla considers toby a friend and children are easily susceptible as you remember and he gets her to draw a door as was introduced in the marked ones leila curiously asking where it goes but after a weird experience finding layla jamming away on a recorder and coughing up some of toby's dark substance she's not as keen anymore on her new friend and becomes increasingly worried that he's going to take her away to be with the others getting the opinion of a priest father michael can easily tell the girl is being tormented by a demonic presence and attempts to talk to her seeing hunter written on the wall and we all know who that is she seems calm enough and agreeable until suddenly lunging at his neck as ryan digs through more tapes for answers it starts to look like they too had a part in this whole complicated scheme with people at their house saying this is perfect for him and describing it as having a good entry point meaning a good place to create one of their time portals and another familiar name makes it seem like he was essentially placed here hearing that their real estate agent was named katie hubbard sounds like our old pal katie has moved into the real estate business and of course the person on the line has never heard of her so even their moving here was set up from the beginning for them to play their part in the coven's master plan after another encounter with whispy knocking down all the dishes they discover another strange coincidence coming across a missing person's article on hunter they learned that he has the exact same birthday as layla which is even stranger when they see footage of him from 1992 with the sisters several years before being born now wondering if this is where toby intends on taking her we betcha that night the door layla drew is opened exposing a cave on the other side and she hears a voice asking her to come play with her lila crawling right in there particles emanating out from the border and after her return layla is changed and doesn't want to leave the house anymore saying she's going to set him free but they drag her off to a motel anyway even though we know leaving will make no difference skyler and mike return to the house the next day they're uncovering what leila's role is in toby's increasingly convoluted ritual a slain lamb will be used against god for the blood of the chosen ones we'll taint it and help give life to one of the seven princes of hell okay wow so toby is a prince of hell apparently and it's laila's blood that he needs thanks to her sharing hunter's birthday the entire intention is to give toby a human body of his own hearing sounds from another room she's somehow in there crawling at the wall and tearing at the crack and weirdly she's left her parents and gotten here all on her own apparently miles from the hotel they were staying at father michael then returns and offers that they don't need an exorcism but an extermination his plan being to trap the demon by using layla as bait by catching it in the sheets and burning it to hell that's all it takes wrapping them up in a sheet lighting them on fire that really doesn't sound that hard honestly well i'm sure that will go well like all the other rituals so far in the series creating a perimeter circle out of salt they place layla inside layla's eye is turning dark as the father starts the ritual he gets about five seconds in before the lights cut out and in night vision mode the father is pulled away by the dark force geez that one even worse than i thought it would my goodness they huddle together in the circle as the spirit appears to grow more agitated and when it jumps into the circle it does appear trapped they put the sheets over it praying to crush satan beneath their feet and the sheep drops to the floor the demon god and everyone confident that the ritual worked fat chance guys skyler suddenly not looking so good vomits up acidic liquid and layla flees upstairs ryan isn't far behind and gets impaled by the darkness pulling him toward it emily makes it to layla's room freaking out upon seeing the open black mirror door in the wall sure let's try it out she ventures inside and the camera glitches which is a telltale sign that she like hector has traveled to another time and sight of something evil this time it's katie and chrissy's childhood home but sometime after their parents were killed as we see everything is covered in sheets implying that no one lives there now she hears layla giggling and jumps around all over the place saying it's too late the darkness is coming passing through a dark area to the laundry room kristy tells her it's done he's real now the other girl is standing behind her a pool of blood is spotted on the ground dripping from a spot on the ceiling she pans back to layla giving a weird little smirk muttering it's okay mom they only need one drop of my blood probably saying he's alive now mommy he's real like you and me emily tries to protect her daughter asking her to move back as a pair of male legs emerge she pleads with him to leave them alone as he got what he wanted he silently caresses her face and lifts her into the air snapping her neck falling into the camera and knocking it on his side layla greets toby who offers a hand the two walking off together as the series ends well way to go toby you finally got that body you wanted after all you did it bud well it did take one incredibly complicated ritual in like 70 or 80 years to finally happen but yeah patience pays off you know this is a pretty fitting final place to leave the series because this as we know turned out to be the grander story of paranormal activity as it mutated into a franchise and it seems the producers felt the same way billing ghost dimension as the big finale for the series but it's no surprise you can't let a good franchise stay dormant for too long so i wasn't exactly shocked when it was announced that blumhouse is working on a seventh entry and when first announced it was originally slated to come out next year but who knows at this point when it'll actually come out it's doubtful that they're even in production at this moment so we have no details whatsoever of what the story will be comprised of and could be a kind of reboot of the first film amping up the scares from the now quite tame original and keeping things nice and simple story-wise however there's still quite a bit of story left at the end of ghost dimension and i think it would be way more interesting to pick up where we left things off here with toby finally in the flesh this will force the filmmakers to push things into a different direction whether they want to or not and would potentially completely avoid the whole haunted house and camera setup that the first films did that obviously had diminishing returns with each entry again i liked the marked ones a lot because it was at least a little bit different you know what i mean just kind of the same thing over and over is not very fun i'll be curious to see which direction they do inevitably decide to take things and you know that whenever it comes out we will be covering it here so stay tuned and don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix toby what do you guys think of the paranormal activity series and its big original climax what would you hope to see in the upcoming part seven let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 3,591,559
Rating: 4.9005423 out of 5
Keywords: paranormal activity, paranormal activity ending explained, ending explained, explained, ending, paranormal activity series explained, trailer, clip, scene, final scene, end scene, found footage, ghost dimension, marked ones, katie, tobey, timeline, storyline, order, chronological order, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: h5-wurUXWf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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