ORPHAN (2009) Ending Explained

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hey what's up everybody welcome to found flicks on this ending explain we're looking at another long requested one orphan where a couple following a loss decide to adopt a child they're drawn to a little girl esther but when a dangerous series of events unfolds her new mom begins to suspect there is something evil lurking under the child's exterior clearly we got an evil kid flick on our hands here a sub-genre that has been around for many years the earliest one that i'm aware of is 1956's the bad seed they're all kind of a take on the same basic concept however orphan does stand out as an excellent modern take on the genre in particular this one really takes its time at fleshing out the characters and making you actually give a crap about them deliberately taking its time to build up to the suspense and drama it's a bit of a double-edged sword as when i rewatched this i was like what is two hours long that is ridiculous ultimately all that extra time is worth it even if things do go into an inevitable direction with the kid also the acting is way better in this than average always love me some vira farmiga but it's really isabelle furman as esther that gives the most impressive performance the whole movie really hinges around her and she absolutely nails it then of course there's the big question at hand what is wrong with esther that leads to quite a whopper of a twist near the end when this is revealed sure the ending i would say is pretty straightforward but you know me there's more than what's on the surface to dig into including kate's arc as a mother so we'll be looking at all that including what we learned about esther and also adding some additional backstory that was only in previous drafts of the script also discussing what we know so far about the upcoming prequel orphan first kill and how it ties into this one so let's get splaining things begin with a nightmare that illustrates the loss that kate feels that really is at the heart of her character her beaming with a giant smile she's here to give birth she tells the nurse they're gonna name her jessica wheeling her down the hall as she groans in agony but she suddenly stops seeing blood starting to drip in a streak on the ground she's taken into the o.r without her husband kate confused about what's going on she's told quite coldly sorry for your loss your baby's dead no it's alive she screams and john enters with a camcorder not really appropriate at the moment there bud they stick a tube all the way up in there warning that she might feel some tugging but it looks way more painful than that and they hand her over a bloody bandaged baby congrats thanks what do i do with this thing she speaks with her therapist about it her confirming that dreams can be manifestations of your emotions the body and mind's way of dealing with what happened she considers that instead of it being about the stillbirth knowing that they're looking at kids to adopt this weekend perhaps it's about her not being ready to adopt yet beyond the trauma of losing her child kate also struggles with an alcohol problem divulging that she stopped by a wine shop the other night but did resist the urge to go in the dock encourages her that the key is not that she had the urge but that she didn't give in to it she then goes to pick up her deaf daughter max at school showing off a lovely little butterfly painting that she did for her at a stoplight she is entranced by a pregnant woman the car behind her honking and she reactively accelerates almost smashing right into a truck well that was close the light's still red too i don't know what that guy was honking about at their quite luxurious house kate plays some piano and hey she's pretty good master tinkler over here she keeps getting interrupted by thuds caused by max outside with a basketball upset with her to stop as she's working but then calms herself apologizing as her husband john and son daniel pull up she gets a startle from jon in the bathroom and expresses to him the variety of emotions she's going through all revolving around adopting a new daughter nervous scared excited happy the whole gamut really the last time that she felt this way she says was right before they lost jazz john telling her that she doesn't have to do this for him but she says it's not for him but that she wants to take the love she had for jess and give it to someone that really needs it and is sure enough now to go through with the adoption they arrive at st mariana's home for girls and there's tons of people there sister abigail warmly greets them inviting them to take a look around they come to a room full of excited girls laughing and running around elsewhere after leaving the restroom jon hears a girl singing upstairs and finds her all alone painting asking if the stack of paintings are all hers yes you like them she asks and he calls them remarkable and introduces herself as esther both formally shaking hands kate and abby join them john boasting about her paintings she asks how she learned to do this as her complaining that she has plenty of time here as it is quite boring well if you're so bored why don't you go join the party she asks but esther feels that there isn't a point as no one has ever talked to her before calling herself different hate suggests that there's nothing wrong with being different thinking that people should always take bad things and turn them good they're already smitten with her after this initial interaction abby brings out her folder that says that she's from russia but speaks english quite well considering that she's only been in the states a few years and she already has had some issues as the family that brought her to america all died in a house fire poor esther barely got out alive concluding that she's been through a lot but is an extraordinary girl so they do decide to adopt esther everyone all smiles and she's picking up sign language already from kate teaching her how to do max's name at home she signs hello to her kate noting that she's been practicing the whole way home she next meets grandma barbara giving her a little curtsy that she finds adorable then it's danny's turn who gives her a limp hey and half-hearted handshake confused why she dresses like that esther spots the piano kate offering to teach her to play if she'd like to i'd love to she exclaims while esther and max appear to be fast friends danny is a little more distant getting annoyed when trying to show off his high score in guitar hero to his dad who doesn't pay him much mind rob brings up that the girls are getting along playing by the pond like nothing happened well what did happen she then asked about her plans well once getting asked her settled she's going to go back to teaching but just doing lessons from home barb is kind of rude about it groaning well too bad that was a great job kate firing back it's not like she wanted to quit she reminds her that she didn't actually go to aaa but just stopped drinking jay's barb getting the third degree over here and now we're really starting to get a picture of just how big of an issue kate's drinking must have really been the couple try to have a moment of intimacy but they're intruded upon by esther and max scared of the storm outside and wants to sleep in bed with them after choosing to be right next to daddy snuggling up behind him the next morning it's time for esther's first day of school and she comes out wearing some pretty serious duds kate tries to tell her it's not really a school dress her thinking she must be worried the kids will laugh at her but reminds her what she said about there being nothing wrong with being different she relents oh you're right telling her to have fun yet as expected as soon as being introduced to the class she's immediately made fun of one girl brenda joking little bo peep called and wants her outfit back everyone erupting into gephaz that's a good one later esther is pulling max around in a sled over frozen lake to kate's worry yelling that she knows better it must be that whatever thing happened with max occurred here meanwhile dany is firing off some paintballs at army figures then a pigeon lands and he takes aim at it pegging it and knocking it to the ground he runs over finding it still breathing as the girls join him esther grabs a rock telling him it's his responsibility to put it out of its misery him crying it was just an accident but she's not so bothered crushing it immediately with a rock one of those signs of a serial killer thing i think she goes to a room to put away some laundry seeing she's in progress of a painting of a building an addresser discovers a well-worn bible jammed in the back of the drawer she pulls out a photo of a man who's that guy and quickly shoves it back in worried about being caught esther peeking out after she leaves at school dany is clearly growing more animosity towards his new sister as she walks by he knocks the books out of her hands and brenda doubles down on this grabbing her bible and calling her a jesus freak esther tries to snatch it back but she doesn't let go ending up sending papers flying everywhere brenda grabs at her ribbon calling it her little dog collar and asked her freak screaming bloody murder yeah geez don't touch the ribbons i guess kate and esther have a piano lesson encouraging that she did well but asked her huff's crumpily no i didn't i made 10 mistakes esther asks about jessica as max talks about her and takes her out to a memorial plaque in the garden they scattered her ashes here so as long as this plant grows part of her will live on inside it a single tear rolling down esther's face she would have been lucky she says shakily you're a great mom kate gives her a kiss and big hug thanking her for saying that remember what kate said at the beginning she wanted to take that love she had for jessica and to give it to someone who deserved it and hey so far appears to be going just as she hoped jon comes home later in a quite frisky mood putting the moves on her in the kitchen she's hesitant that they'll get caught and yep right when they get down to humping they're spotted by esther staring at them coldly she comes in to talk about it trying to explain that grown-ups do things children aren't supposed to see as for interrupting i know they [ __ ] in a casual tone woo seems that she knows more than the average nine year old in that sense she discusses this with john her concern that she knew what she meant not just something that she overheard suggesting to take her to the shrink as they don't really know much about her but he brushes it all off as just being one little word out on the playground a mom comes up and awkwardly hits on jon chuckling that she has a favor to ask blaster is preoccupied with her school bully staring daggers at her brenda appears on edge seeing that she isn't in the swing and looks worried that esther is gonna pop up somewhere while she tries to play and that is what happens approaching the slide esther appears screaming and pushes her off her legs snapping on impact as she tumbles down the whole thing witnessed by max jon questions her about what happened and according to brenda's mom she pushed her esther swearing that it isn't true and when asking max she actually covers for her saying that she slipped dany annoyed by her eating telling her to just eat normal demanding her to send her back to wherever she belongs honestly i'm not exactly sure what he has a problem with here looks like a pretty pretty normal eating to me but well that steak is definitely overcooked maybe i don't know is that the problem he's asked to apologize to his sister getting furious he pounds on the table she's not my [ __ ] sister and leaves due to his behavior his dad locks up his porno treehouse only letting him back in when he apologizes later kate hears someone really ripping it on the piano surprised to see it's esther a confused kate asks uh you didn't tell me you knew how to play she corrects no i didn't you just offered me to teach and i accepted so you were just pretending esther's shrugging i don't know i thought you'd like it as it must be frustrating having a son not interested in music and a daughter who can't hear and we're starting to see cracks in her overall angelic veneer getting a glimpse at who esther really is at her core she brings up the lying to jon yet he again excuses it away she just wants to spend time with you so we're just gonna buy everything she says oh yeah what about him and joyce esther said that he was hitting on her him downplaying that she just needed him to move a chair but blew her off why didn't you tell me she interrogates saying that he was worried about how she would react and now we know why she would be so concerned huffing that it's been 10 years meaning that he must have had an affair at some point which he apparently only told her about two years ago not the perfect little family after all on lots of stuff starting to come out now he gets irritated so we can't talk about your mistakes only mine huh she yells she was sick while he just wanted to be with someone else he retorts that she put their child's life in danger must be that big mistake thing with someone with some weather drinking probably things getting quite heated to esther's satisfaction almost like it's her whole intention to drive them apart the doorbell rings and it's abby who has troubling evidence about esther's mysterious past she tells kate that trouble has a way of finding her say two girls wind up in a fight she's there someone caught stealing she's there again as far as the house fire that killed her recent family turns out it was arson and they never found the culprit i wonder who it is jon continues to find all of this ridiculous suggesting that somehow little esther could be responsible as we see with astro there really is no doubt about her nefarious intentions here enlisting max's help to find the treehouse key which also includes one for a safe with a loaded gun inside she unloads all but one round jamming it into max's face asking if she wants to play a game the danger is really only beginning when the pair run outside while abby drives away esther tells max to jump out on the road to get her to stop promising that she'll be just fine max isn't so sure so esther just straight up shoves her into the road when abby gets close and swerves just missing her sliding around on the icy road abby goes to check on the girl and esther appears with a hammer braining her ordering a sobbing max to grab a foot to help move her as another car approaches they hurry to roll her out of sight down a hill abby struggles across the snow announced her returns bashing it repeatedly with a hammer hearing crunching bones and again asks max for her help man really getting this poor kid in pretty deep here in the treehouse esther cleans up the evidence stuffing it all in a backpack into the stash area in the floor a traumatized max signs that she tricked her it doesn't matter now she's helped enough here that she'd be considered an accomplice so no choice but to keep her lip sealed esther coyly comforts her telling her not to worry my baby sister i love you oh boy some serious manipulation going on here danny happens upon the girls crawling out of the tree house and hides nearby just missing esther's glance but it seems that she did spot him after all waking him up later with a box cutter to the throat demanding to know what he saw he swears that he just saw the two of them leave and two promises not to tell anyone anything she threatens if he does she'll cut off his hairless dick before he even knows what it's for causing him to wet himself in terror can't blame you there boxcutter on the weery that's not gonna be a good time due to kate's insistence esther is taken to the shrink but unsurprisingly she deems esther to not be the core of the problem but instead blames her relationship with kate she thinks that there is some tension between them and that kate is actually blocking their attempt to bond she defends that that isn't true at all she's done everything for her kate gets aggravated wanting to know just what she said but the doc surmises that she's just a shy girl going through a difficult time seeing esther going ballistic in the bathroom tearing off the toilet paper holder and banging the stall doors dark believes that she just needs some patience and understanding and once again the girl has duped her way into innocence at home kate sarcastically thanks john for his support shooting back while it was your idea and ultimately agrees that what the doc said does make a lot of sense but there's more evidence to fuel her concern getting a call from sister judith at the home that abby has been missing since their meeting yesterday but well wouldn't your car be like just right down the road you actually probably saw it when you're driving up earlier no okay the cops arrive on the scene discovering her body and john is befuddled who would do this yeah who do you think john come on now bud wake up there's obviously no question at this point seeing esther in her room flipping her aquarium black light on and off when it comes on her seemingly normal pictures become much more terrifying filled with things like people dying and on fire kate does a googler into her potential mental conditions finding evidence that backs up esther possibly being a master manipulator yet ever doubtful jon still doesn't believe her he suggests getting some help for the kids but she says she doesn't need it and just wants to know about her wondering if abby was right about her suspicions and agrees to at least try to contact her russian orphanage as a start she makes the call and oddly they have no record of her whatsoever kate on the way to school takes an opportunity with her other kids to interrogate about esther asking how they're getting along with her the kids are mortified of her so they don't admit anything about the truth saying they're getting along just fine as esther's true purpose starts to come into focus painting alone with john she tells him she likes it when it's just the two of us and has waited so long for a daddy like him a mommy too right he interjects esther bemoans that kate doesn't really love her it's hard to love an adopted child but john assures her that she is a part of the family and suggests that she do something to show mommy how she feels esther beaming what a great idea the gift she presents is one designed to further dig at kate flowers that she picked from jessica's plant causing kate to get emotional grabbing her arm angly screaming what did you do and jon comes in to break things up kate insisting she knows exactly what she did and did it on purpose but he blames himself for the suggestion still thinking she's innocent kate has a mournful cry in the garden over jessica's plant all but decimated to nothing in a way being forced to say goodbye permanently to jess thanks to esther's doing as esther goes further to paint her new mommy as a villain she sticks her arm in a vice and tightens it until it snaps the bone protruding out making it obviously look that kate injured her much more than she did she puts her plan into action yelling for her daddy and upon inspection of her fresh wound deems that she needs to go to the hospital kate shows up later to the sight of jon tucking her in rolling her eyes in disgust you broke her arm he accuses but she defends that she didn't even grab her that hard regardless esther wants to sleep with him and he suggests perhaps it's best for her to sleep downstairs tonight further driving a wedge in their relationship at her wit's end with everything going on she seems to finally give in to her vice of alcohol purchasing two bottles at the store but telling the guy it's just for a dinner party but it's not like that guy even knows or cares you know what i mean the excuse is more for her than anyone else she pours a big old glass staring it down but still stops herself and decides to pour it out after all she drops the kids off at school dany's backpack dumping out a bunch of books while she's distracted esther puts the car into reverse sending it barreling backwards down the hill and comes to a crash in a snowy embankment fortunately max is only shaken up and upset but okay overall the public narrative continues to paint kate as the culprit here including esther clueing them into empty bottles in her hiding space although kate remembers with certainty that she put the car in park and everything but the doc thinks that it's really her behind all the problems thinking her drinking is really the problem at play here she admits to drinking one of the bottles but otherwise hasn't had a drink in a year but no one is believing her at this point and jon as usual isn't on her side either giving her the ultimatum of rehab or he's going to take the kids in one week this is all watched by a teary-eyed max knowing if she just told the truth she could resolve this but esther whispers a sinister warning if you tell i'll shoot mommy essentially astra has taken a power hold over the house in various ways then he continues trying to expose astra's true nature sneaking into his sister's room and gets the truth about the car crash from her and shows him drawings that she's done of abby's death she reveals the bad things were all kept in the tree house danny promising everything's gonna be okay he's gonna get the stuff back and then they'll have to believe us seeing esther listening in at the door man sneaky sneaky she's everywhere and she continues asserting dominance over kate she's there waiting in the dark and kate orders her to her room after shoveling we're past that now she warns that she won't let her hurt her children and the girl digs an iphone further bringing up kate's big past mistake that they've talked about a little bit she left max in the lake and passed out drunk jon was the one who saved her and if it wasn't for him she would probably be in jail and max would be dead having learned all of the details from her diary she then goes in search of bester's bible finding it jammed into a stuffed animal for hiding discovering inside several pictures of dad looking dudes in there and emblazoned with a sarn institute logo she manages to find a number for the place and luckily an employee there speaks english she asked about a child coming from there but he says that that's not possible as they're not actually an orphanage but in fact a mental hospital danny continues his attempt to dispatch esther breaking into the tree house and checks the stashbot but it's empty she enters with all of the evidence looking for this she implicates max again as she's just as guilty as her always better to burn the evidence she scowls throwing some lighter fluid on it and tosses a match she sprays more right at him the fire really getting going now she then locks him inside as the fire continues to rage he pops out the window yelling for his mom but she's distracted on the phone she informs judith that she's actually from estonia and is sending the sarn institute a picture of her danny shimmy's out onto the roof he slides off the side landing on a beam clutching on as long as he can and mom finally notices the big ass fire going on in the backyard esther goes for a rock to finish him off and it's max who pushes her away seeing kate not too far behind everyone going to the hospital danny is stabilized now resting in the icu ever dubious john still thinks there's got to be a logical explanation for all this i mean they have all of her records and everything how could they be wrong maybe they're fake you doofus she rightfully asserts that it was either esther or daniel that started the fire yet he's still uncertain she's exhausted from trying to convince him of what's obviously right in front of his face and agrees to leave tonight on the condition that esther leaves too willing to do this for the safety of her children waiting with barb esther asked her for a dollar and she foolishly lets her wander off on her own oh i'm sure she's just going to the vending machine barb jesus come on now she heads straight to dany's room and removes his oxygen mask putting the heart monitor on her finger and proceeds to suffocate him max knows what's going on at least going to check on her and when not finding her at the soda machines knows something is up fetching her mom just as danny flatlines an alarm blares and doctors descend upon the room getting to work to get his pulse going she loses it on esther whacking her heart and fuming you [ __ ] a bunch of orderlies grab her and jon takes her away as she's given a sedative seeing her phone ringing and she misses the call man don't you hate when that happens she wakes up still hazy to john telling her that he's taking the kids home her warning to not let her anywhere near max and he's not really listening as usual just telling her that he loves her esther's staring back through the door at home he puts max to bed who cowers down and recovers when esther enters and they somehow don't notice her swiping her hearing aids like literally it's right in front of you dude like one second it's there you didn't even like turn your head or anything alone he downs a whole bottle of wine and has a smoke to calm his nerves while esther does some tailoring on a dress she enters the living room wielding a knife to a snoozing john his vision blurry and distorted from drinking i guess we see that she's all dolled up to his confusion she says that she doesn't want to be alone giving him a kiss things get a little uncomfortable here him pulling back wondering what's gotten into you she bats her eyes innocently you said you love me him sighing and explaining he doesn't love her that way the kind of love that he and kate have is different he tells her she needs to respect her mother i do she counters but sometimes feels that she's the only one that respects him john breaks down sobbing he's tired and everything is falling apart she coos he's a good person a great father and a handsome man to boot going in for a feel he springs to his feet yelling to go to her room threatening that he's going to call judith to have a conversation about her future here kate gets another call that she is able to answer this time from a doctor varvara from the start institute who has seen the picture of astr that she sent and it's definitely bad news he asked if she's nearby and when saying she's at home with her husband he gravely stays to call immediately and get your family out of there because this little girl from the picture is in fact a full-grown woman twisty twist he continues that she has a rare and actually real hormone disorder which causes proportional dwarfism shows he only looks like a child however esther real name lena is actually 33 years old he asked what about the scars what scars well when she was there they kept her in a straitjacket to stop her from hurting herself yet the jacket cut into her skin leaving scarves around her wrists and neck hence the ever-present ribbons on those spots then learning the reason why she was hospitalized was for violent behavior having killed seven people that they know of she has that kind of routine it seems that we actually did see an action with our family she tricks a family into adopting her and attempts to seduce the father if she fails to do so she kills him and his entire family burning down the house in the end which is what happened to the previous american family she apparently just disappeared a year ago and after that they lost track of her laying it out if it really is lena there she does not have much time as far as what actually led her down this murderous path that's where some of that extra backstory included in older drafts of the script comes into play it also helps us understand the specifics behind her routine of seducing her new family's patriarch it all began back when she was an infant her father molested her for years destroying any chance of her ever having children he later took another lover telling her that because of her condition she'd never be a real woman so she murdered them both and was sent to sarn after escaping she worked as a prostitute in estonia until arrested she continued the illusion of being a child to stay out of jail and thusly was sent to an orphanage her biggest internal struggle is seeing herself trapped in the body of a child she wants more than anything to grow up and be a wife mother and lover and tries to find love where she once thought she had it as a child with each of her new fathers at home esther removes her ribbons and false teeth going ballistic breaking all kinds of [ __ ] by the time jon comes in she's gone he notices in the black light a pattern on the wall and turns the bulb on exposing the true violent nature of all of her paintings he angrily yanks them down exposing a quite lurid mural of what appears to be her and jon embracing in the nude wow although to be fair she does have some talent still weird though real weird kate attempts to call home speeding down the road jon goes to answer the phone just as the power cuts out he blindly makes his way downstairs discovering the circuit box shooting his sparks out and completely destroyed kate looks down to her phone what are you doing don't text and drive lady and learns this lesson the hard way nearly slamming right into a snowplow but gets out of the way just in time she retrieves her phone calling 9-1-1 and explaining the situation but it seems that it is too late for jon hearing a thud we see he's been stabbed in the back by esther she calls his cell phone going straight to voicemail really flooring it now and esther brutally stabs him over and over while he family defends himself well it kind of just really flails his arms a little bit and lets her just stab the [ __ ] out of him i mean even if she is technically 33 she's you know physically still tiny just pick her up and move her very easy to overpower her you know whatever he died like he lived like a chump max sees everything from the top of the stairs and esther chases her going to hide in a closet kate is driving way too fast and recklessly crashing right into the side of the house whoops i bet that'll be expensive esther fetch is the revolver from the safe as kate discovers jon surrounded in blood she tries to talk to him but gets no response yep he did she searches for max her room empty and here's a clattering in another room slowly approaching and pulls away a shower curtain as for sponsor firing from downstairs shattering the mirror and winging her arm in the master there's a single rose on the bed and all kate can muster is a what the [ __ ] all this is set up obviously in case esther did succeed in seducing jon she fashions a robe into a tourniquet just before esther enters finding some blood on the tub she's gone while max leaves her hiding spot tiptoeing downstairs she goes to the window seeing that kate has made it out onto the roof max then enters the garden breaking a vase and kate signs down to her don't move max ducking down amongst the foliage she discovers kate up above and fires just missing her but cracks the glass and max makes a break for it her shooting multiple times and just missing her with each shot she's got a little action hero on her hands here with the way she dodges those bullets or maybe esther's just a really bad shot i don't know the entire glass ceiling shatters kate plummeting right on top of esther max shakes her away grabbing the gun and carrying max fleeing into the night sirens wailing in the distance the police show up and storm the place but perhaps not too shockingly astra's body is nowhere to be found she appears in the woods and attacks kate everyone tumbling down a hill landing at the ice over lake fittingly her big mistake and all of her guilts and back to here time to make it right esther keeps slicing little max slides down to retrieve the gun while kate struggles to keep esther's knife out of her face and geez i guess she is a strong little thing max fires hitting the ice and cracks sending both helplessly into the frigid waters she socks her in the face frantically swimming back up heaving for air and coughing always manipulative esther tries to play the innocent routine yeah good luck with that begging please don't let me die mommy still holding the knife behind her back though she growls i'm not your [ __ ] mommy and kicks her sitting here disappearing lifeless into the murky depths well good enough for the ring too good enough for me right yeah come on now presumably that is the end for esther and that is supposed to be the takeaway for all intents and purposes kate atones for her past and really embraces her role as a mother destroying esther to do so but i don't know that little tyke is pretty strong i mean she easily took out sarsgaard you know kind of made him look like a [ __ ] really point being she does appear to be kind of op somehow so her just drowning i don't know i'm not so sure maybe if she got a bullet in the head or something that'd be different ultimately there's no real evidence to suggest any of this she's dead so that's why when it came to doing a sequel they really had no other choice than doing a prequel the upcoming orphan first kill and yes isabelle furman is back as esther which is great obviously she's a big part of why this one succeeds but i can't help but be like how's that gonna work exactly she was actually a kid in the first one but that was 14 years ago then with this being a prequel to set even before that i'm like you boys are gonna have your work cut out for you making her convincingly still look like a kid this was addressed at one point when the movie was announced touting its use of state-of-the-art cgi lighting and makeup and honestly that only makes me even more doubtful what are they gonna like digitally shrinker like the hobbits or something it's not like they got marvel money you know what i mean and i could be totally wrong maybe won't end up mattering at all we haven't seen any footage whatsoever at this point what we do know about the story it sounds like it's really expanding on her unknown past and some breadcrumbs from this one it picks up with her at the estonian insane asylum where she brilliantly escapes then travels to america by stealing the identity of the missing daughter of a wealthy family however lena's new life as esther comes with an unexpected wrinkle and pits her against a mother who will do anything to protect her family so as we see there's quite a bit from this one that does directly tie into the new one but then it all sounds like it's just a setup for a story that is pretty much the same thing as this one all over again mother protecting her family thing finds out the kid is evil or whatever on top of that based on what we know from this one we already know how that story turns out she fails to seduce the husband and she kills the family and burns the house down kind of painting themselves in a corner you know what i mean obviously i have a lot of doubts but we'll find out more later anyway that about wraps it up for this in-depth inning explained for orphan because i've been rambling even more than usual before we go don't forget you can always send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of orphan and its ending what's your favorite evil kid movie and what are you hoping to see in the upcoming first kill let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 880,377
Rating: 4.9637609 out of 5
Keywords: orphan 2009, orphan ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, twist, old orphan movie, final scene, end scene, trailer, clip, vera farmiga, twist explained, esther, backstory, spoiler, orphan, prequel, orphan first kill, isabelle fuhrman, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: Jrnpbft1xM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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