WILLY'S WONDERLAND (2021) Ending Explained

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howdy folks welcome to fountainflix on today's inning explain we've got a fun one for you willie's wonderland following a quiet loner that agrees to clean an abandoned family fun center in exchange for car repairs and soon finds himself waging war against possessed animatronic mascots while trapped inside i'm sure a lot of people look at the plot for this and go oh man it's just like a five nights at freddy's movie and yep for sure there's some similarities however freddy's is definitely geared more for kids and doesn't at least in my limited exposure feature much in the way of gore willie's on the other hand is a violent blood soaked thrill ride that never lets up over its brief run time it is admittedly very simple in execution and i would say perhaps is a bit underwritten for example our team characters are a little more than robot fodder it's also a bit strange to cast the great nicholas cage in a role where he never utters a word not one not even a final one-liner at the end or anything so it's a very different kind of performance for him yet still works for me as his reactions and behaviors actually do help us to understand more about his mysterious character so we'll be breaking down all of what we learn about him along with just what caused the animatronics to turn killer as well as explaining the ending that leaves the fate of one character potentially up in the air from chicken soup for the soul eh well that's weird well i guess nothing fills my soul like watching kids and evil robots getting slaughtered that is for sure an old commercial comes on introducing willy and his whole gang of critter pals they sing a horrendous earworm about it being your birthday and we want you to have fun but i'm a very good singer but see that that isn't quite the case after all a terrified couple both donned in willy's shirts hear the horrifying snarls from a creature nearby they run hand in hand but carl slips and is quickly dragged away in the main room the light bulbs shatter one by one through a crack in a door she surprisingly sees a young girl there a tear running down her cheek back to focusing on the commercial and in particular willie himself the lady's blood splatters onto the screen we then many years later meet our protagonist only ever referred to as the janitor barreling down the road in his muscly camaro and since he never actually utters a word throughout the only real indication of who he is is a pair of dog tags hanging from his rear view mirror his tires suddenly blow out forcing him to pull over onto the side of the road he sees the culprit a set of spike strips wow that is bad luck he opens his trunk seeing he's toting an entire case of punch sodas he chugs one down groaning gratefully waiting for a while until a tow truck arrives he meets the much more talkative jed filling him in that there is not much out here and accuses some kids of stealing the spikes from the sheriff a few months back and he just happened to run into them he tries to ask where he's from the janitor only removing his shades and staring blankly oh you're one of those not live in the past kind of guys huh they pass by a sign informing them that they're eight miles outside of hayesville proudly boasting it as the home of willie's wonderland not much else going on there if that's your big claim to fame huh not everyone seems too happy about it a young girl liv is outside of willie's dousing the building in gasoline and just about to light it is stopped by the sound of an approaching siren and gets arrested by the sheriff who'd appears also acts as her de facto mom arriving at a trailer park they continue bickering with each other as jett and the janitor show up wanting to return her spikes he keeps babbling while the janitor and liv have a strange moment staring at each other she tells them to buzz off and tends with liv cuffing her to a pipe and leaving her some chips and a bucket to go to the bathroom liv yells that she hates her and calls her a [ __ ] her sarcastically smooching and firing back love you too and leaves promising to be back in the morning oh man really doesn't want her leaving i guess at jed shop he gets under the hood while the janitor is drawn to a bulletin board filled with various missing people he's told that he can fix the car but it's going to be a thousand bucks he silently pulls out his card but out here they don't take plastic only cash the atm is out of order too as we find out that they don't even have internet in town they were supposedly going to get it but just didn't by the way he's chewing on a slim jim or something not a cigar yum yum salty meat in my mouth all day please finding themselves in quite a pickle jen has a potential solution to work off what he owes to which the janitor agrees they pull up at wendy's and he's introduced to tax and it looks like the building has seen better days jed interjects that he doesn't talk much which text respects appreciating a man of few words tex admits that business has not been great lately but he's about to reopen and it's gonna be better than ever the deal is if he stays and cleans the place overnight he'll pay to have his car fixed when he returns tomorrow he promises his car will be waiting for him good as new holding his hand out to make it official the janitor stares back in consideration at the willy's mascot looking back at him with his dead cartoon eyes almost like man what the hell am i getting into here regardless he shakes his hand in agreement tex shows him another commercial that officially introduces everyone in willie's peanut gallery artie the alligator siren sarah carrie the chameleon gus gorilla nighty night ozzy ostrich and tito turtle techs can't help but sing along with the theme tune reminiscing on the good old days here kids laughing and smiling eating hot dogs and opening presents that last sounds like a real wonderland for sure it's not even a pizza place they sell hot dogs here he shows off the stage where all the animatronics silently sit on display and explains his version of what befell the place he blames kids for crawling all over the characters which led to some lawsuits and just like that he was out of business i don't know there's gotta be more to the story than that the janitor's sizes willy up and already senses something off he turns and his head creaks but when spinning back it stops he's taken to the supply closet stocked with everything he needs including a willy shirt of his own congratulating him on becoming officially part of the staff as it's about to get dark tex takes his leave promising once more that he'll be back in the morning with his car or his name isn't tex mcadoo he advises him to take breaks gotta make sure to pace yourself and wishes him good luck on the way out he chains and padlocks the door so there's no getting in or out until he returns well i gotta say that is a bit disconcerting he goes to light a stogy but the lighter doesn't work to his frustration and tosses it against the dumpster the lights click on and willy's is officially open for business clearly setting up the janitor as some kind of sacrifice for these evil critters the rest of liv's friends show up to lend her a hand and chris tries crashing into the door to no effect as we learn there are subtle hints that he has feelings for liv and that's about the extent of his character another one easily opens the door pointing out it's unlocked ya dumbo the guy searched the trailer for a way to get her cuffs undone while kathy makes quick work of it with a bobby pin she rounds them up as they're already running late her saying she saw the bait earlier which must be why she gave the janitor the eyeball earlier she knew exactly what they were up to everyone is excited to roll out and burn the place to the ground but she warns that this isn't for fun we're doing what's right it's a mission not a field trip chris immediately pipes up an agreement we're with you the janitor suits up sets a timer on his watch and gets to work cleaning up the quite derelict building it's a real mess gonna have his work cut out for him it looks like the crew watches from the stage and slowly starts to move without him noticing he loads some of his sodies into the fridge and cleans the oven his watch beeps and aztec suggested takes a break which we come to see he is very steadfast about his attention is drawn to a tarp under which he finds an official willy's pinball machine ah heck yeah love me some pinball it is in desperate need of some tlc too and his watch beeps back to work mopping the floor willie blinks behind him and panning around the dark room each subtly comes to life ozzy flutters its wings and he turns back and is walked off the stage right up to him he curiously bops it with the mop to no reaction so he tries again and it rattles its head and reveals its intent growling i'm gonna feast on your face and attacks the janitor is no slouch holding them back with a stick it's only when ozzy gets a peck in on his cheek that the janitor turns all business and snaps the stick in half using them as bows sweeping his feet and starts mercilessly smashing its head over and over yelling bits of machinery flying everywhere and he rips out a massive cable and that is it for aussie dang these guys might not be able to eat this guy after all he is a badass it turns out must have been special ops or something he is also quite dedicated to cleaning going for something to get rid of the remains as well as donning a fresh tea at the sheriff's office it seems pretty dang slow he's curious why exactly she requested backup for a curfew for a place the size of a postage stamp but admits either way he doesn't mind the double overtime as far as the evening's planned lun tells him that they're just gonna sit here and pray that that phone doesn't ring during his next break the janitor gets the rest of the pinball machine cleaned up and next up is the men's room which is disgusting as expected once he's done with it it is sparkling clean though looking like a place you might actually want to take a leak in man killing cleaning what isn't this guy a whiz at distracted by chipper music he finds the puppets alive singing and dancing we heard there's a b-day boy in the audience and the group launches into their signature birthday song the janitor watching along unamused he flips a switch and they all sluggishly come to a stop the door to the bathroom slams closed and when returning to the restroom finds a message written in blood on the mirror it's your birthday a voice calls out from the stall wanting to play hide and seek saying you'll never phone me they threaten to rip out his eyes and feast on his soul he kicks the doors open one by one the voice telling him that he's getting warmer yet the last stall also appears empty gus kicks down offering him gorilla greetings and grabs him slamming him around the janitor unleashes a flurry of punches gus laughing that it tickles he throws him into the stall proudly beating his chest a janitor emerges with a plunger jamming it over his mouth smashing him into a mirror and the walls he jams his head onto a urinal gross groaning but woof ruins he stomp kicks his head a few times unleashing black liquid and the gorilla is dunzo he uses more duct tape and wraps it around his injured midsection man that stuff is really coming in handy he snuffs its body into a trash bag and places it alongside the other on stage willie is there doused in a beam of light the janitor is suspiciously staring him down well so much for that right now it's break time he gets the pinball up and running but perhaps surprisingly doesn't do well at all losing a ball to his frustration outside the kids pull up grabbing gas cans and lining up heroically out front they pour gas onto the walls but aaron gives chris [ __ ] for his gas pouring technique and calls him out thinking that he also probably forgot the lighter but haha he did bring it i guess these guys are just always giving each other [ __ ] we really don't know anything else about them whatsoever beyond that see what i'm saying they're basically like cardboard cutouts about to light the place up liz stops them reminding them that there is a guy still inside and wants to get him out first she knocks on the window to get his attention and warns him that he's not safe the janitor casually walking away in response yes he doesn't ever speak but his reactions speak volumes he's already well aware of what is up at willy's but he has a job to do that's how steadfast this dude is even though bobby in particular is happy to let him burn saying it's on him liv refuses to give up busy cleaning the stove the janitor hears clattering above and it's liv making her way through some quite spacious ac ducts but she isn't alone spotting the gator lurking down the corridor it inevitably attacks her with its deadly jaws and liv makes it to another great keeping them at bay with some kicks she busts the grade open making it down to safety the gator's still snapping at her and retreats for now suddenly a fog starts shooting from the vents liv finding herself in a strange forested area that appears to be the siren's home base a voice calls out that she's waited so long for a girl to play with she asks liv to see her tree house not today girlfriend she retorts trying to punch at her and sarah vanishes continuing to bop all around the room beckoning liv to come play with her she surprises her with a lunge and takes her away the others are growing worried especially chris and wants to help her kathy decides to go first and then everyone follows suit the janitor enters the siren's room and here's a branch snap liv emerges jumping on him glad that he's still alive but worried as a [ __ ] won't be gone for too long he appears to have absolutely no interest just walking out of the room her following after yelling you hear what i said meanwhile on the roof chris is trying to hatch a plan to get her out while bobby is ready to bounce tensions flare and chris tackles him sending both crashing through the shoddy roof and into a ball pit below the rest of the roof collapses sending the others unwittingly into the ball pit as well liv comes in perturbed asking what they're doing as they were supposed to wait outside uh they just crashed through the roof it really wasn't on purpose you know but now how are they gonna get out the puppets come to life and liv pulls a knife on sarah just about to stab her the janitor grabs her hand to stop her to everyone's confusion she yells she's trying to help you dumbass and he tosses her over his shoulder her complaining to the others that he's refusing to listen the reality is he's most likely doing this to protect them as another chump points out wasn't there eight of them now there's two less and realizes the janitor must have destroyed them calling it badass kathy is actually really enthralled with this whole thing the puppets beckoning them to join them in the fun room finding a sign pointing them right where to go liv explains what we have already picked up on here he's here to be a human sacrifice to be eaten and killed by those things of course they didn't count on him kicking so much ass and she goes on to reveal the real backstory of willie's this started all the way back in 96 the brainchild of one jerry willis turns out old jerry was one of the last century's most sick and demented serial killers spending his time collecting others like him the most depraved people that you could imagine jerry and his crew of killers would lure families into the super happy fun room where they were treated to birthday cake and even a private show from willie himself although the show's all tragically ended the same way with willie turning violent and murdering the families after many missing persons reports and strange smells from the building the law finally decided to investigate and stormed willie's although willis and his gang were unwilling to surrender and rather elected to perform a satanic suicide ritual the ritual was speculated to be some kind of katra transfer of energy the memories and consciousness of the living relocated to non-living entities meaning the killers essentially had their souls transferred into their respective animatronic critters in the process turning the beloved robots supernaturally evil and yep still with murderous intentions at heart man they really got satanic rituals for everything nowadays impressive after the suicides willy was shut down until 10 years later tex bought it and he did his best to keep its violent history under wraps but things were already off from the start with tales of the creatures moving on their own and saying things they weren't programmed to say and see one example of this a kid goes to grab siren's boobs and she fires back what a [ __ ] fatty while that's certainly not appropriate language for a children's hot dog and party emporium even worse was word of willy killing and feasting on the kids eventually having to shut its doors again yet text did not bulldoze it but why because willy really the killer willis convinced tex to make a deal with the devil himself along with all the other hillbillies in town speaking of they wonder what happened to bobby and kathy seeing they found their way to the infamous super happy fun room which unquestionably lives up to his name loads of fun in here kathy seems strangely turned on by its grisly history him thinking uh this whole thing is weird yeah you and me both bro regardless he plays along saying that he's into it not one to turn down some action and they start making out all hot and heavy yes nothing sexier than satanic ritual suicides and kid killing the janitor is still hard at work live barking is he even listening the birthday song kicks on but this time more sinister the lyrics starting let's kill everyone they launch into another song about six chickens at the end of the line nowhere to run and nowhere to hide warning here comes the weasel it's dinner time they start at the top again about the six chickens but he corrects themselves five chickens and one of them gets a surprise stabbed from behind courtesy of 99. liv shoves 90 to the ground and orders the others to flee and checks in on him bleeding out and all she can do at this point is apologize while the ever diligent janitor is sticking to his hard brake schedule crushing a punch and goes for another round of pinball now seeing he's already getting a bit better than before see it just takes a minute to get the hang of it that's like his whole thing with his character apparently and oblivious kathy and bobby get down to business in the death room until she notices ally lingering in the corner questioning if that was always there noticing it's staring at them bobby is underturd telling her well then let's give him a show chris runs into an arcade and ducks behind the prize counter and he calls in to the sheriff's station explaining the situation they did something stupid and that they're at willy's blonde immediately hangs up calling it a prank call and he immediately calls back revealing live brought them here knowing at this point she has no choice she tells evan to get his balls on son they're going to willies tossing him a shotgun real way with words there lund meanwhile tito and sarah are messing with glasses teleporting in the strobing lights as she does a gymnastics moves throwing him over his shoulders then both climbing on top of him and chowing down the janitors watch beeps beckoning him back to work he rushes to liv's aid grabbing the sword and slams him violently and repeatedly into the walls leaving black goo all behind he throws him to the floor and takes his sword decapitating 90 sending black blood all over his face and the bot glitches out for good she's clearly impressed staring at him in wonder and he stares back like this is who i am baby a killer kathy and bobby are still banging the gator's still there until it vanishes it then appears on the other side of them and bites down hard on bobby tearing him to shreds so he gets to her feet but finds the door is locked and yeah they're both toast living the janitor around the corner hearing their screams liv pleading for his help he kicks the door straight off his hinges but it's too late finding both dead along with the gator he goes after them and sucks him in the chops he then grabs both sides of his jaw stretching them out until it separates reaching deep down into his mouth and yanks out its gears another one bites the dust if i was ever trapped in a haunted amusement place is the guy i'd want to be trapped in there with yeah chris is still hiding and cammy enters assuring that she's different than the others saying that they all make fun of her for being different asking him to not be afraid though she doesn't expect him to believe her grumping that she hoped he would be different this seems to appeal to his emotions and he foolishly reveals himself telling cammy his name trust me chris you can feel my goodness it appeals he thinks if what she's saying is true perhaps he can help her reach the other side the next life kami moans it's true evil has kept them here and offers to answer any questions about the other side he has if he helps her at least the cops are on the way though it remains to be seen just how much help they'll be especially as evan reveals he's only used his sidearm in training but what's the big deal it's just some kids right lund spills that it's not the kids but willie him laughing it off the dancing rat thinking it all must be some kind of prank clearly new around town london fills him in on the rest of willy's sordid history with the town side and its unseemly agreement they made with the haunted souls that inhabit the building the town were fully aware that something supernatural was going on and reached out for help in every way they could but no one believed them tex hired a demo crew to demolish a building but a day prior the contractor was found chewed to death along with his entire family after this no one was willing to take the demo job and they had hoped to just let sleeping dogs lie telling everyone in town to stay away and let willie's rot however the spirits were left hungry and let loose into the town to feed their bellies them later finding bodies at various locations around town even the school so without a steady stream of people to feed them and it proving impossible to burn down they too cut a deal with the devilish willy to leave their people alone and in turn they will feed them they then put their scheme into action seeing various unfortunate people that got stranded in town in particular seeing the family with a little girl from the opening and offers a place to stay for the night as long as they're willing to do some light cleaning and then seeing tax do in his welcome abort spiel with various people according to lund the agreement did work and they at least tried to find people who wouldn't be missed or had low moral character according to her apparently though sometimes it was more of them simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time seeing our couple from the opening scene falls into this category it did have some unexpected wrinkles for her when she finds the young hiding girl lund ended up rescuing the girl saying that sometimes laugh throws you a zinger and this was the zinger of all zingers something she never saw coming so yeah liv is also the grown-up survivor from the intro in case that wasn't incredibly obvious as soon as liv popped up on screen i was like yeah that's obviously the girl growing up from the beginning but anyway since then she has acted as her mother even though they obviously don't see eye to eye especially in regards to willy's liv has wanted to burn it down this whole time to put an end to the killing for good while wand has caved into the necessary evil of the situation back with chris liv enters instantly worried at the sight him promising it's okay we're gonna make a deal kami then launches her tongue and snaps his neck in an instant well not so much there dude the janitor fists up ready to throw down but his watch beeps and so he hands her the knife leaving her to deal with it cammie goating live blue tom's over she starts punching at her and gets her legs wrapped up with their deadly tongue as the on his own janitor is grooving to his tunes but his moment is shattered once more by the beats of duty liv gets a knife stabbing her furiously in the gut but is still overwhelmed until the janitor enters ready for battle he's on duty now officially he tosses cammy into the arcade machines and throws liv a towel to clean up just like he always does gotta maintain some professional decorum here while i'm murdering robots and it's also apparent that he is kind of training her in a way he drags her down the hall coming to more critters and punches them both with an earth-shattering sound easily moving by guys are chumps he comes to the front door finding lund there shotgun in hand ordering him to drop the lizard on his hands and knees lund apologizes to willy and tells liv to wait outside even evan is impressed noticing that he killed some of them but lon scoffs that that will only make willie angrier and tells evan to cuff him if you don't no one in town is safe truly believing that she is helping her community but at what cost evan grabs liv's hand not wanting to leave the janitor behind pointing out that they got the wrong guy he's not trapped in here with them they're trapped in here with him i mean yeah he's been kicking robo booty all night long and i am not too worried about this cat lund offers a half-hearted i'm sorrison when leaving and he's nonplussed and disengaged as usual who are you again you know what who cares i got stuff to do see you lady liv has a fit when getting dragged to the car accusing lund of sacrificing her own parents which we now do know for sure happened calling her a monster the janitor's next battle is the gecko alongside sarah kicking a country tune on the jukebox a country fraud version of heads shoulders knees and toes he nods emphatically ready to destroy walking towards them liv takes evan to task on his role in this another complicit cult member enlisted by the sheriff to do their dirty work he retorts well what about you you've been living with her all these years she groans that he doesn't understand she's been a ghost her whole life and just wanted to make things right and burn willie's down he gets pissed and slams on the brakes growling that he's no murderer in the end he decides to do the right thing but is quickly forwarded by tito yanking him out the over window and tearing him to bits she pulls a shotgun on him but the turtle taunts in spanish ah senorita you looking for these dumping out the shells sucks to be you it says liv aggressively responding nah it sucks to be you pandejo taking the shotgun to his turtle balls him crying out no moss and she just walks off learning from the best it appears the janitor overtakes his foes seen with his legs strangling both sides of sarah's head hearing metallic tearing and she stops moving but also we don't see him rip out any kind of computer board as he appears to have destroyed with all of the others previously he rips off his cuffs turning his aggression toward the gecko smashing the absolute [ __ ] out of it with almost no effort but don't forget there's still oh willy the janitor wipes his face and stuffs the pieces into a bag putting on yet another fresh tea and goes right into cleaning including not just the bots but all the poor slaughtered kids as well dedication the room looks [ __ ] and span now again this guy is good willy's standing all alone on stage he approaches him again staring him down but willy doesn't budge and bp time for another well-deserved break he pops another punch and returns to pinball really getting into it now and kicking major ass high score wise man this guy picks up on stuff pretty quick which again seems to be the whole point of the character with practice he can become a master at pretty much everything the light's blinking and the scores reaching the heavens he claps his hands in restrained delight bopping his head around and dancing quite pleased now he throws his hands in the air and breaks over damn thanks to one cutting the lock he's able to go outside and tosses the bags of robot refuse into the dumpster he stops and eyes her her fearfully slinking down and he casually waves back returning inside she's baffled i'll be a son of a [ __ ] she moans he's not gonna go out easily obviously she's like stop playing games with her whole setup here dude you're just supposed to die and he's all i'm just here doing my duties so i can get my car back further confirming this she complains that they had a good thing going here but he [ __ ] it all up he just had to stay alive and now there's five dead kids because of him she trains the gun on him thinking sure he could take apart some electronics but i bet he can't stop around and calls for willie to take him mumbling he needs to eat and i'm gonna feed him the lights blink and willy appears right behind her and slices her right in half with his rodent claws a blood geyser erupting well so much for that sheriff willie rushes to janitor launching him against the wall hitting a button that unleashes a birthday confetti cannon everything turning distorted and slowed down for the first time the janitor appearing out of sores willie slashes him with his claws groaning in pain as they keep coming and he tumbles into the ball pit willy checks over the side the song still slow and creepy and it appears for the moment at least willie reigns supreme after all the janitor isn't done a hand emerging from the pit and he loads up his remaining sodas stuffing them in a bag and tapes together the broken mob stepping out and ready for his final showdown they approach each other and willie attacks he gets him with his sticks keeping his claws backs then beating him with the soda sack unrelenting in his attacks poor willy can't even get a hit in he's pummeled to the ground his face bashed off and the janitor keeps pummeling with no remorse willie shuts down and he grabs his head and rips it clean off mission accomplished where is my damn car appropriately morning has crested and jed is out front doing doughnuts in his repaired camaro etosis tax the keys him happy to have another toy in his collection assuming the routine has gone off without a hitch as usual in the dumpster the body of sarah is still moving her eye poking out of the bag they're both scared to go inside text noticing that the lock is broken off peering inside between wood slats son of a [ __ ] he groans seeing the place looking better than ever you did not account for this guy sarah escapes her bag and sees some stuff left behind gasped by the kids along with a lighter and sets off the janitor triumphantly removes the tape from a scratch while free bird yes actually freebird starts cranking as he puts on his leather jacket he smirks two tacks holding out his hands and waiting for his keys made in agreement he's gotta follow through his eyes raising in amazement at this specimen of death and cleaning he kicks the door open to outside and freedom seeing liv managed to make it out too and he hops in the car she elects to join him climbing in the passenger seat with a look kind of like am i really doing this well everyone you know is dead and this guy can definitely protect you at least he puts her in gear the tire's squealing and they peel out of the parking lot tex can't help but be amazed by the janitor taking off his hat and tribute dubbing him as one tough hombre well it's all over jedi exclaims it's all over text offers him a ride indeed it's our lucky day let's celebrate in the car he considers hey with the machines gone he might just reopen the place well they are gonna need a new gimmick and a name and then sarah appears at the back thanks for visiting willie's wonderland hope he had a great time she says and pulls out a lighter exploding the car and killing them both which was actually texas lighter from earlier so what you get for littering dude the janitor pops a punch and offers some to her looks kind of like she likes it i think better get used to it because that's all you'll be consuming exclusively from now on the injured tito is in the road oh [ __ ] he mutters and they barrel right into him exploding him into pieces so it seems like that is the end of the line for willy and his gang with the possible exception of siren sarah we see when lighting the car she actually gets blown back and away rather than getting engulfed in flames and of course the building still stands too so there's still a chance that the violence isn't quite over yet and hey maybe sarah could recruit her own new generation of killers to turn them into bots as well or it really wouldn't even be that hard to assemble the og crew i mean the remains are literally sitting in the dumpster outside well that about wraps it up for this inning explained on willy's wonderland this one was just a heck of a lot of fun and if the five nights movie ever actually gets made they're gonna have some stiff competition when it comes to being as good as willie's that was kind of a horrible pun there i actually didn't do that on purpose i guess we'll just have to wait and see and don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of willie's wonderland and its ending what would you hope to see in a potential sequel let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time it's your bird it's gonna be in my head all day now
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 3,352,195
Rating: 4.9239254 out of 5
Keywords: willys wonderland, willys wonderland ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, five nights at freddys, fnaf, evil robots movie, nicolas cage, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, twist, sequel, spoilers, fight scene, new horror, 2021 horror, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: 6u_XO0zmj9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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