HORSE GIRL (2020) Ending Explained

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that is not the case here at first to our protagonist Sara who has always had an affinity for horses her entire life and it is one of the very few things that she actively enjoys as described by the riders including Bree horse girls are happy with only a few things in their life and as a result kind of operate on the outskirts of social interaction which we certainly do see at play in Sarah's life ultimately horse girl is about the struggles of mental health and how this increasingly comes to twist Sarah's reality along with alienating those around her who don't believe her increasingly crazy reality but to her this reality is 100% real and rather than being done in a typical somber tone this has a more sci-fi time-travel bend to it that makes things more exciting and thrilling rather than always depressing although there is an air of heartbreak to how things play out as well this all being Sarah's reality is an important distinction when looking at the story as well as its ending because we see everything through Sarah's perspective so it's her subjective rather than objective reality we're being presented with throughout meaning we have an unreliable narrator on our hands and pretty much everything we experience could be real or not as we're following along in Sarah's shoes things are left ambiguous for the most part allowing the viewer to draw their own conclusions but based on what we do see and what is known about mental illness our story seems to be a pretty straightforward descent into schizophrenia however there are a few important little clues in there that kind of open things up to a lot more potential possibilities about what's going on and makes it seem that perhaps everything isn't entirely in Sarah's head so let's check out horse-girl breaking down the increasingly complicated story and world along with figuring out what is real or not and looking at the time looping ending and what it means when we were first introduced to Sarah's life it's about as mundane and simple as it gets she works at an arts and crafts store called great links idling the days away where their coworker Joan discussing their different genetic histories John learning that she was mostly Irish while Sara doesn't know much about her parents at all importantly here we shift to John's perspective for a moment bizarrely spotting the back of a horse walking through the strip mall parking lot more on that later continuing through her day we see that Sarah is always cutting more blue fabric this particular color indicating that she is more lucid and in control at the moment she spends her free time visiting a horse farm watching from a distance as a young girl is trained to ride the majestic willow which actually at one point belonged to Sarah and now that she isn't riding still kinder lingers around offering unsolicited advice to the new young rider Emma which makes her more than a bit uncomfortable and even the farm owners are usually like what are you doing here and her other main passion outside of horses is a silly paranormal TV show called purgatory endlessly binging it which she feels brings her comfort and he's created clips featuring Matthew Gray Gubler and Robin Tunney were actually pretty hilarious throughout seeming to be a parody of the show Supernatural to some extent which I'm a fan of his bomb that night her first sign of strange behavior is witnessed by her roommates boyfriend going to grab a glass of water and finding Sarah facing towards the wall she's unresponsive at first then apologizes walking off in a hurry seeming like she's sleepwalking later taking a shower she stares intently at the water going down the drain and this idea of running water meaning something else comes up many times another of her little obsessions visiting a graveyard after makes this connection between the two clear and it's her mother's recent passing due to suicide that is weighing heavily on her it so happens that today is Sarah's birthday and at least John who does seem like a true friend to her gives her a DNA kit of her own to find out about her family's history but it's another seemingly innocuous customer this shows us how her mental state is beginning to change the woman is extremely picky about which color fabric she wants and after showing her pretty much everything they have in the entire store she finally finds the perfect color a nice soft peach which the woman describes as a protective color and feeling it has the right so-called energy however for Sarah we learned that this color has the in fact it is showing her beginning to lose control of her own reality following her usual routine she pays another unwarranted visit to the horse farm the owners seemingly getting a little more agitated by her constant presence and later attends a Zumba class looking really into it and she mentioned to Joan that she was going out with her Zumba gals for her birthday but the very limited interaction she has makes it obvious that she isn't really friends with anyone here despite what she said again just coming off as a little awkward overall so it's back home for more purgatory this time featuring Gubler doppelgangers screaming about being an incubus clone her roommate nikki comes home unsurprised to see her sitting there making lanyards on the couch but since it's her birthday and everything offers to at least do something to celebrate getting her boyfriend to invite his single roommate Darren over to party down Nikki even convinces her to get out of her comfort zone and wear a sexy strapless dress she meets the guy Darren and of course the absolute first thing that she mentions is that he happens to have the same name as googler on purgatory and he's kind of like Oh neat and Nikki is already going yeah you might want to pull back on the reins there a little bit but although they do end up having a good time together and appear to make a legitimate connection he's you know a bit quirky too and coming out of what sounds like a pretty awful relationship so good for them suddenly she gets a nosebleed and is forced to take care of it in the bathroom too obvious embarrassment luckily it doesn't blow their newfound feelings getting a lot more hammered and dancing around together showing off what appears to be moves from her Zumba class leaving things on good terms when he takes off for the evening after blowing chunks it's doubtful she's used to drinking that much she stumbles to bed and then finds herself in a blank white void of space with a middle-aged man on one side and a younger girl on the other which is quite bizarre even more so when the next morning she discovers deep scratches carved into the wall Sara doesn't remember anything that could have caused that yet even based on these two Clues alone we're beginning to think there's potentially some alien encounters going on here the next day at work she concerning Lee gets another nosebleed and looking outside sees the man from her dream passing by the storefront she tries to follow after him but he's vanished overhearing an ever-present magret man outside the store yelling conspiracy theories of us being controlled by the SATA co saddle the so-called God of technology that doesn't actually sound too far off he then pays a visit to an old friend of hers that gives us some more insight to the whole horse thing from her past via flashback we see what must be younger Heather and Sarah riding horses and Heather takes an unfortunate tumble to the ground which does look to only be an accident but still winds up having a major impact on her mental and physical well-being we don't know specifically that this also caused Sarah to stop riding as well but it does make sense that seeing this fate befall your friend what I'd make you not want to ride anymore and so since then she's kind of living vicariously through that other kid that is now training with Willow driving afterwards she has another odd time jumping episode in her car waiting at a light she gets distracted by some nearby water towers seeing when the light changes to green that she doesn't actually start driving the car just sitting there she then appears back at her apartment staring down into the sink water flowing down the drain trying to get some sleep she's unable due to nikki talking loudly in her room but strangely nikki shows up the next morning having spent the night at her boyfriend's her car also isn't where she expected to be in the parking lot even though she had the club on it and everything how could that be impenetrable defense a call from her former stepdad gary clears things up her car was found and taken to a tow yard now we don't get too much about their relationship but gary seems to be a nice enough guy giving her a ride and a bunch of cash for her birthday hello is perhaps not that involved in her life nowadays chalking it up to being busy the tow yard employee says the car was found still on with the keys in the ignition having run out of gas and seeing her protector of the club sitting there all this makes it sound like she actually abandoned the car in the moment at the stoplight digging through a box of pictures we see that her grandmother Helen bares a more than striking resemblance to Sarah looking like she and Sarah are the exact same physically I mean obviously they're both played by Alison Brie and looks over to her grandmother's dress which of course is a lovely peach color that night the Void world becomes more intricate a huge beam of light shooting from the sky into the water and then she appears back in the white room with the man she saw hearing odd rapid clicking noises peach curtains blow in the wind and she comes to outside at a phone booth when she returns home somehow only four minutes has passed and she went to bed it also sees that she has a call for 25 minutes ago leaving about 20 minutes of time unaccounted for did she somehow skip through time or is it her mental issues becoming more intrusive she does some googling on the matter finding there is a common connection between time loss and alien abductions overhearing is supposed abductee considering the idea of them accidentally slipping into parallel universes which sounds like what could be going on here this is becoming a very real possibility for Sarah it attempts to discuss it with Joan but it certainly sounds strange as a whole time Johnson alien abductions I mean come on even if it is very real to her a concern Joan considers if this maybe is similar to what her mom went through suggesting for her to talk to a doctor what she's interrupted by the man from her dream going to his van learning that he works for a nearby HVAC company and decides to investigate further pretending that she needs some new pipes in her apartment as an excuse to go talk to him and uses Gary's cash to grease the wheels even weirdly filling out the form under the alter ego of Agatha Cain from her show purgatory when watching the show later she influences her reality even further by the story of the episode featuring doppelgangers considering the possibility of clones going on here since she does look exactly like her grandma could she be her clone with aliens somehow involved in a massive cover-up Wow things are getting pretty serious here and her plan to talk to rod is foiled when he sends a different employee instead but still goes forward with the costly renovation even though they're renting as a shocked Nikki points out when seeing the torn up floor and she saw hasn't done anything about the scratches Nikki grows more befuddled when the plumber calls her Agatha realizing that she used the character's name and struggling to keep everything at bay Sarah still manages to convince her that she'll take care of everything which I'm becoming less sure is a possibility she then ups her game with Ron following him back to his home where she blocks out again peachie curtains always blowing in a weird black hand momentarily visible coming to later looking at the roof it's covered in similar deep scratches like back at her apartment and she decides to cleanse the place with some sage from the lady that bought the peach fabric made more troublesome when finding bruises all over the side of her body getting help with a doctor for her nosebleeds she even attempts to broach the subject of being a clone of her grandma and considering who's and he's like yeah you should see a psychiatrist but she brushes it off and leaves feeling upset that he didn't even consider her difficult to relate to plight however Darren seems to be a new source of acceptance and after date brings up many other conspiracy theories like about the pyramids Bigfoot all that good stuff not immediately shutting her down like others when again explaining her situation shrugging like yeah that makes sense sure clowns aliens well yeah it's possibility she perhaps takes his degree ability way too far down the rabbit hole taking them to Ron's house explaining that she's been seeing him in her dreams in the idea that perhaps clones over time go crazy or expire so they have to upgrade to a new one thinking that she's a replacement of her grandma and adamant that she's not kidding he just wants to go but she has one more romantic spot to take him his mother's gravestone wanting to dig up her body to get a DNA sample to prove that they're clones I mean hey the DNA place is only two states away we can go there tonight she says he's definitely taken aback by just how passionate she is about all this and I mean they also only have scissors not even a shovel or anything how in the heck are you gonna dig up a body let's be real here Sarah and she takes his not understanding is a breach of trust accusing him of tricking her and she goes bananas screaming for help and yelling for him to leave her behavior becomes even more erratic returning home and smoking the whole place out with sage and turning the blender on so the aforementioned SATA Co satellite can't listen in now in full-blown conspiracy mode to the max at this point as usually seems to be the case Nikki comes home right in the middle of her madness trying to get her to calm down she's worried because nothing she's saying makes any sense Sarah responding in kind nothing does make sense locking herself in the bathroom reality continues to become increasingly out of sorts taking a shower and staring down the drain she opens the door to great lengths completely Billie bollocks in the middle of the store that's a British slang for being naked she flips out wrapping herself in peach fabric pleading for help perhaps for the best after this incident she's placed in a mental health facility working with caseworker Ethan who says that they work together a few weeks back but Sarah doesn't remember meeting him they dig into her family's history in particular her grandmother who believed that she was from the future but Sarah now is the same thing as happening to her Helen was also put in a facility but back in the 80s when Reagan shut them all down she went up on the streets where she died her mom also struggled but with depression ultimately taking her own life with pills discovered by Sara in the bathroom with the shower running illuminating the reason why she is so transfixed by running water it reminds her of her mother's tragedy and as we know this is hereditary and appears to be exactly what Sara is experiencing not time-travel she's going cuckoo she tries to get some sleep instead deciding to make a break for it when the nurses leave the moment switching back to what looks like the 1950s the walls and nurse's outfit blinking to a different appearance when she runs outside we also see her watching herself from in the window almost like her real self is still in the room and she's fantasizing about making this grand escape in her mind returning home Nikki tries to comfort her and she's unreachable believing that it's not really her anymore enclosing herself in a room nikki bangs on the door outside which is replaced by a running shower her bed slides across the floor on its own and she leaves through the window ending up outside great links the alarm blaring as she opens the back door and cops the entire roll of peach fabric sewing a bodysuit for herself and Willow the confused owner runs her off sending her to a sleeping Ron's house sneaking inside whispering for him to wake up and then back to Darrin's where based on her account Ron wasn't too happy with her surprise visit but this fantasy version of Darrin doesn't care about any of that telling her he's here for her and that he loves her beginning to remove her outfit at the back with a curtain rod which is pretty funny they make love and at one point he morphs into the purgatory version of Darrin even sticking around later donning a peach cape and sewing things but none of this is real at all when he vanishes along with the ceiling seeing the starry sky above and she is alone in the room she cuts through another stretch of fabric and when opening it exposes a bright white light and pipes underneath she steps through now back in the white void world seeing weird shadowy figures standing over people unconscious are aliens their fingers are radically moving over their bodies Sarah considering that this must be how she got her bruises ascending ladder she then emerges at Heather's house lying in bed with her and saying hello and going to sleep she wakes back in her hospital bed confused about not being at apartment and another new roommate is in the room with her unbelievably it's the other person she's been seeing in the room she says that she went to bed back in 1995 and everything changed everyone now thinking that she's crazy but sara is excited because she sounds just like her saying that she's not crazy but the reality is that they can travel to different times describing the white space and a ramp over the ocean and the girl then starts believing her asking how she knows about the ramp a detail she would only know if having been there herself having another session with Ethan she now feels much better about things feeling she's been validated in her recent experiences and figured out a lot of stuff he has good news after being here for 72 hours she's being discharged but it sounds like even more time has been skipped over than ever Tara only thinks she's been here one night versus three he sets her up with a doctor's appointment thinking that it might help but she's confident and what she needs to do now she dons her grandmother's dress curling her hair to match her look and returns to liberate willow waiting for the couple to leave and setting her free along their walk they passed by the front of great lengths connecting back to that moment way back at the beginning again seeing it from John's perspective where we only see the horses but additionally we see the previous Sara standing in front of her which could explain her stunned reaction we'll look back to that moment in one second as she reaches her final destination in a wooded area she is sure as willow she will always protect and love her the horse busying itself with some nearby grass Tara lies down in the dirt looking at the sky and closes her eyes a huge light beams on and she's lifted into the air by an invisible force a formation of light seen waiting up above which blips away into nothing willow now alone still chomping on grass and no sign of Sara where the heck did she go toss easy to think that what happens at the end is basically Sara succumbing to or developing schizophrenic symptoms and here with her abduction she has become completely lost to her illness pretty much every symptom that she displays throughout the movie like losing time hearing voices sleepwalking and the convincing of her own reality we're all telltale signs of schizophrenia which usually occurs with women in their mid-30s just like Sara and even her birthday it could be part of that whole thing along with her troubled family history in that area and this kind disease being hereditary it makes complete sense that what we bear witness to is sera losing touch with reality and eventually breaking completely in the end here with the supposed abduction but a few odd things along the way make things a bit more complicated in that regard in particular a moment at the end when Sara takes willow by the store and Jones sees the tail into the horse this moment is actually looping back to the beginning of the film when she saw the horse way earlier and as mentioned in the end we see Sara inside and outside the store which seems to indicate the idea that perhaps sara has in fact been traveling through time at the beginning also importantly Sara was still lucid as we know based on the omnipresent blue color so it stands to reason that this moment is not a hallucination this also is literally the only moment in the entire movie where we switch to someone other than Sara's perspective which is telling in and of itself and this was definitely a specific choice made by the filmmakers and hits that Joan did indeed see later Sara passed by the store in that moment although she doesn't ever mention it or bring it up ever again which makes the whole thing still difficult to decipher but does sow the seeds of doubt about this all being entirely in Sara's mind another thing to consider is that there has to be some semblance of reality to what we've seen even if it's not exactly as presented from Sara's reality bending perspectives the other kind of sticking points in this sense or things that simply can't be explained away by Sara's mental illness are the scratches left by the aliens Sara herself couldn't have made the scratches they're too deep and too pronounced for her to have just hacked the wall up with scissors or indeed the roof of her car these weren't physically possible for Sara to create and they are also specifically mentioned by Nikki at several points meaning they are actually there and not just a figment of Sara's mind the one last thing that also doesn't quite fit is the other woman in the white void wither Ron at least makes sense as to why she would imagine him cuz he works nearby the craft stores so she could have easily seen him in the real world at any point and thusly influenced her dreams but we don't know who the heck the woman is and doesn't even seem to be someone that she has ever encountered in reality only in the void and later at the hospital where again she knows specific details about the void world there only someone who had been there would be able to know this again indicates the possibility of this place being real just like Sara so adamantly believed and the woman is a time traveler as well mentioning that she travels from 1995 and this kind of confirms that sara is going through the same thing meaning that in the end the abduction is exactly what she believed and she will be taken to be reunited with her grandmother just as she was attempting all courtesy of these aliens who were able to bend time as we've seen Penn fits with the general abduction stories we know about in that sense although these are only all potential possibilities as nothing has made certain one way or another these few clues offer up the idea that things aren't as straightforward as it might appear but it's up to you to decide which way you think things pan out in the end this brings us that the conclusion of this ending explained for horse-girl I quite like this one thanks to its unique look at mental illness through a sci-fi lens and also have to give credit to Alison Brie for really stretching her abilities here beyond the kind of cute bubbly personality that she's known for the movie was entirely on her and her complex and tragic performance really carried the entire picture so good for her and hopefully she'll keep pushing herself to try new things because she was really excellent here and before we go don't forget you can see me request for any TV shows or movies you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at found flicks thanks guys what did you think of course girl and it's ending you believe Sara was really traveling through time or is it all just the product of an ill mind let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching conflicts see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 1,372,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horse girl 2020, horse girl ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, horse girl meaning, explanation, allison brie, new netflix movie, netflix 2020, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, spoiler, review, analysis, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: Wxyi6HU4m-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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