SESSION 9 (2001) Ending Explained

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hey how's it going folks welcome to fountain flicks today we're looking at one you guys have been wanting me to cover for a long time session nine where attentions arise within an asbestos cleaning crew as they work in an abandoned mental hospital with a horrific past that seems to be coming back this one has been kind of an underappreciated cult classic since its release nearly 20 years ago but i was pleasantly surprised when re-watching it for this video it actually holds up really well and there's a lot that really works about it first of all the atmosphere is spot on and the abandoned hospital makes things full of dread the entire time thanks in no small part to them using a real abandoned hospital and even just use all the crap that was still left around for the scenes very easy set dressing nice another big part of this that works is the very naturalistic and believable chemistry between our main group of guys they all have an amusing kind of bickering and joking nature and all the characters come across feeling very real the perhaps most notable amongst the cast is david caruso sure he's always a bit over the top but that actually works for the movie and he does have one amazingly super lined delivery during an argument no [ __ ] you there's also joss lucas in there playing against type as kind of a jerk ass and i barely recognize him in the role i kept being like yo is that josh lucas i can't tell with that killer stash any uh sweet home alabama fans out there just kidding but this really is peter mullen as gordon's movie the entire setup about getting into his head and how as soon as he enters the hospital it seems that he's beginning to suffer a psychotic break but is there something supernatural behind it that's the big question of the movie so let's pay a visit to the danvers psychiatric hospital and get to work with session 9 breaking down the story including the important patient mary and her sessions as well as explaining the ending that ties everything together we open with asbestos removal business partners gordon and phil waiting to enter the premises of the rundown danvers psychiatric hospital while phil is upbeat flipping through radio stations gordon as phil points out looks tired and beat explaining that his daughter still has her ear infection and asking about how his wife is he says wendy is just as tired as he is phil kindly offers to help any way he can as a security guy lets them in and presents some history of the place learning that it closed back in 1985 and a lot of patients wound up just went into the streets when the place closed down and some even still try to get back into the hospital so many years later along with a problem with punk kids that come in and deface the walls with graffiti the two discuss their plan of how to pitch themselves for their job knowing that other companies have already been out here with a fast and low offer phil saying that he likes fast too but gordy prefers safe they arrive at the front and are taken aback by just how massive the place is and the mayor guy gives them a tour of the antiquated facilities filled disturbed by a room used for hydrotherapy the guy chiming in that they did lobotomies here wanting to stick to seeing the problem areas they entered the mess hall and instantly noticed that the tiles are filled with dangerous asbestos learning the hospital is to be repurposed for the town's use he describes the design of the building being like a bat with a main hub and wings that stretch out into four different wards the farthest away ward being known as the snake pit lovely name it is where they hosted the most dangerous patients the idea being to keep them as far away as possible from everyone else gordy peers down a long corridor seeing an old wheelchair there suddenly there's a crackling sound accompanied by an odd and very distinct man's voice telling him hello gordon hello make sure to pay attention to that and it gets snapped back to reality by phil delving deeper into the hospital they find more and more areas in need of total decontamination and ducts that need to be stripped the guy just wants to know how long it would take phil suggesting three weeks but gordy butts in that they can do it in two when asked what it is he's steadfast that they only need two coming to a patient's room which they called seclusions back in the day phil sees the wall lined with cutouts and pictures informing him it was a big thing in the 70s a kind of art therapy to help with patient self-esteem after looking over the photos he asked what was wrong with this one but the guy doesn't know and this actually is mary's room who becomes very important outside phil forgot his tool bag going back inside to fetch it and the guy congratulates gordy on his daughter knowing they've been trying for a long time he's got his mind on the money now saying he can do the whole job in one week the guy is dubious saying well that's fast but gordy tries to convince him that he's good for it pleading that he needs a job later having landed the job he flips through pictures of his baby seeing wendy his wife holding their child she notices him and takes the girl inside heaving a big languish sigh he collects his stuff including flowers to celebrate as he enters the sound turns echoey not seeing what happens but hearing wendy excited about the flowers then a blood curdling scream and well that's usually not good the mystery of what happened here becoming a huge part of our story overall the next day they get to work joined by the rest of their crew like hank who is now sleeping with phil's ex-wife which is pretty awkward leading to the two constantly giving each other [ __ ] along with the brightest in the bunch almost lawyer mike along with gordy's nephew the slickly mulleted greenhorn jeff who is kind of a [ __ ] mike chides him for putting on heavy metal music as the vibrations will stir up the dangerous asbestos particles in the air and go right into his lungs which is obviously dangerous at lunch hank is happy with their seemingly perfect gig telling him he should be grateful they're going to earn good money 10k a piece that is pretty good he immediately asks what the catch is and that's the wrinkle they have to do the whole job in just seven days hank bugged as it's at least a two-week job them getting into it again the security guard shows up with keys for them asking why the hospital closed down bemusing about budget cuts in the 80s but mike knows about another story tied to the danvers hospital that is much more alarming he tells the tale of one patient there patricia willard and the doctors utilize a new technique to release hidden or repressed memories this led to patricia giving a grandiose story about her whole family abusing her and being part of some weird satanic cult but they found out later that it never actually happened the family countersued and won so that plus budget cuts and poof no more danvers after this disturbing story hank gives him [ __ ] about not becoming a lawyer ribbing him about being on a one-year plan while phil is already sick of hank wanting to replace him with a guy he met from a competing company as he's more experienced but gordy is steadfast in keeping him certain that he's not a liability jeff the dumbass is playing around on a tile removal machine and ends up messing it up almost instantly mike orders him to check on the breaker box but he says he's scared of the dark and annoyed mike going to check it himself joking to jeff to not break anything while he's gone good luck with that downstairs he plugs the cord back in turning on the lights in the room seeing behind him what looks like a file room coming to adore mark's staff only fiddling with some of the piles of boxes in the room the light fades out then back in in a distinct way to seemingly alert mike to look in one particular box he takes it down and cuts the top with a knife at that moment gordy accidentally cuts his hand hearing a scream and glass shattering as hank gets some asbestos dust in his eyes as though opening the box has some kind of grander implication which it certainly does wrapping up for the day mike says he needs another hour gordy telling him to get out by dark leaving him all alone in the spooky building as nightfalls he sticks around to investigate what he discovered in the box marked as evidence several real to real tapes that tell the story of patient mary hobbs sticking on session number one can you guess how many there are in total yep nine good job you're paying attention the main crux of the sessions is to use that repressed memory therapy to help mary come to terms with an incident that occurred 22 years ago on christmas night in lowell she cries nothing happened the doc saying something did that's why we're having these sessions to remember and suddenly her voice changes to that of a child mike noticing that she has other aliases like billy and princess most likely suffering from dissociative identity disorder different personalities within mary and she has switched to the innocent princess one now she reveals that mary got a pretty china doll while her brother peter got a big old knife remembering peter along with billy and princess played hide and seek the doc asks if billy told her what happened but she says that he only tells her nice things he asks if another personality simon was there but she shuts him down saying she doesn't know who that is and complains of being tired and gordon is back outside his house with a stain on his pants he groans seeing a white floral thing on his rear view mirror as the work continues on to tuesday they cart out the toxic ceiling tiles the area now completely wrapped in plastic on his own gordon looks out the window seeing a gazebo adorned with crosses the same garbled man's voice comes through saying you can hear me in another area jeff passes by mike instructing him to put on a mask retorting back no way princess leaving mike dumbfounded as we know princess is one of mary's personalities hank is busy spraying down the pipes and comes across a coin on the ground from all the way back in 1884 then finds another hank getting excited now more magic old coins please approaching a wall he sees more treasure buried behind the bricks his looting is halted by gordon telling him to come up and get his gear ready he's like ah fine but what about the treasure for now he stuffs it all back in the wall seeing it's on the other side of the furnace connected to the morgue meaning this all came from people that were burned in the furnace only these belongings being left behind which to me considering that is probably in his best interest to let this stuff be it's lunchtime courtesy of gordon asking where mike is he's told that he's looking for some missing equipment annoying gordon as he doesn't want anyone wandering around on their own naturally mike is delving into further sessions now on number five mary regresses further and billy comes out the doctor asking where the personalities live the princess in the tongue because she's always talking billy in the eyes because he sees everything what about simon he asks the recording cutting out abruptly with no answer what's up with this simon guy that's probably the key to everything it is dumbo jeff is looking through an old record book cackling that three people were committed due to mortified pride showing how much of an easy catch-all throwing people in a place like this used to be as mike comes back lamenting that he couldn't find the cartridges they consider how someone would get committed nowadays as if you kill someone you go to jail right but hank brings up john hinckley who is ruled to have been temporarily insane winding up in a nut house but not jail mike corrects that that usually doesn't work as homicide implies a motive jeff giggles what are you a lobotomy case taking some of his drink and pretending to foam at the mouth mike violently grabs him sticking a chopstick right up to his eyes detailing how he could jam it in at just the right spot and it wouldn't actually kill him in a similar fashion to how lobotomies were done back in the day the only prescribed cure they say sunglasses of course but relent saying that he's just messing around but definitely gave jeff a pretty good scare sort of seems like the tapes are starting to get to mike in a way hank takes another break leaving him with jeff and it seems that he's hopeful of becoming some kind of big time gambler and jeff is confused about the point just to have an exit plan hank says if you stick with this job too long it'll mess you up the stress getting inside of you picking up one piece of the tainted tile he gravely states this could already be in your lung tissue and it grows around it like a time bomb by the time you're 30 you'd be drowning in your own fluid which sounds lovely still confused he asked why he's not wearing a mask if it's so dangerous but that's because hank's got his own exit plan just like mikey who is intending on going back to law school seeing him back with the tapes nearby a strange shot of a bundle of roses covered in the solution they used to disinfect seeming to symbolize blood spilling onto the flowers the same kind that gordon brought to his wife he goes on that phil has an exit plan too just leaving poor gordon for him he has no other choice but deems him a zen master of calm as hank has never seen him lose it but he is growing worried seeing some cracks starting to show in the past few months jeff excuses well he's got a new kid and everything but from hank's perspective while obviously stressful having a child should be the joy of his life and it simply isn't gordon alone makes a phone call to wendy's saying they need to talk but their conversation is lost over the noise of the generator until she seemingly hangs up on him back at the window he sees some shady looking characters meeting with phil handing over some cash and getting something in return hmm what's he up to that night hank returns under the cover of darkness to collect his loot snatching up all the coins and other jewelry he can get his mitts on including a little bag with glass eyeballs smiling they've gotta be worth something he hears a wrestling sound but thinks nothing of it digging even deeper into the wall and finding a lobotomy needle impressed and wondering what it is he enters an area flanked with a row of cages startled by more noises behind him and growing more terrified spots a shadowy figure emerging at the end of the hall sending him high tailing and out of there he gets spooked by some birds and tries to calm himself down he comes to a corner marked exit and gas when rounding it without seeing his fate we move to wednesday where they're still working on the dang ceiling tiles while mike tears up the floors but there's no sign of hank they all try to get a hold of him but no dice suggesting to call amy as we know phil's ex-wife that hank is now dating annoyed he offers to make the call since he knows her number and he's about to speak but she cuts him off him confused asking when did this happen he hangs out relaying that he went to her house last night and packed up his car saying he found his meal ticket and bolted to miami for casino school whatever the heck that is phil now feels vindicated about hank's reliability but gordon is confused saying that he just went without saying anything phil thinks it's a blessing to replace him considering their tight deadline but gordon feels that something isn't right asking about those two guys phil was talking with he keeps prodding him and things get tense phil walking away and muttering to call mcmanus gordon gets pissed spewing to never walk away from me and phil goats him like are you gonna hit me or what and gordon scurries off he takes a seat on the stairs that leads to ward a or the most dangerous ward as you remember and see that his fingernails are bleeding to his shock mike and phil lament how things have been on a downward slope for the company since emma was born blaming this for losing their last two gigs they believe having a kid wasn't in gordon's heart and it was his wife who really wanted a child starting to get it where all the stress is coming from gordon why are you losing your [ __ ] dude but people change mike offers both at least agreeing hank should have been fired months ago later mike digs to the file cabinets finding mary's file mark deceased on the front along with her patient number 444 while gordon goes to the patient's graveyard outside to try to call wendy again asking if she can ever forgive him seeing he's sitting right by the marker for mary's right there it's number four for four and it's actually broken it's like mary started to seep in gordon seep seep seed mike puts on another session mary crying that she misses her family the doc asks about the scars on her chest saying she got them when falling off of her bike they ask about her other personalities but she says she doesn't know who any of them are seeing in her final photo that she does have scarves on her chest so she wasn't making them up i guess billy takes over again asking about that night she starts tearing up the doctor urging that she must wake up simon phil and gordon are left alone at the end of another hard day phil is fresh from the shower and tells an extremely weary looking gordon to take one too as he doesn't want to keep that hazardous [ __ ] all over him he asked phil what the stupidest thing that he ever done was any jokes well besides working for you introducing hank to amy he stammers wishing that he could take that back gordon reveals that he hit wendy that after the first day of work on friday he went home with flowers and champagne to celebrate that moment we saw with him in the car outside of his house he said that he wanted to kiss her but she turned around and before he knew it a pot of boiling water was spilled all over his leg he languishes he wasn't sure if it was a dog barking or emma crying or what but he lost it and slapped her he's worried because he does love her but even though it was an accident knows that he did hurt her he says that he's been staying in a hotel and asks him not to tell the others he also relents to bringing in a replacement member just as he suggested phil is apparently feeling open too explaining those kids that he saw him with were responsible for some graffiti saying that it's taken care of now later gordon is asleep and the scratchy voice returns telling him hello and flashing back to him outside the house seeing the pot ominously sitting there on boil the voice asking if he knows who they are and giggles he has a weird vision of him in a dark space wearing his hazmat suit the voice telling him to do it hearing the slack and as soon as then covered in blood all of this making it sound like it was this voice that actually caused him to harm his wife he wakes up groaning seeing some pretty bad boils on his legs thanks to the hot water incident and pours some disinfectant on it that looks like it hurts like a son of a [ __ ] and obviously he's been sleeping outside in his truck at the hospital rather than at a motel as he told phil we then float through the hospital stopping on the wheelchair a shadow seen passing by on the other side of the wall thursday morning phil is by himself and rolls a joint which actually must have been what he got from those boys just as gordon dries up in the van giving him a limp hey surprise he's up so early and gordy is looking beaten down getting misty-eyed saying that he wants to go home yikes it's plain to see gordon's guilt has sent him deep into a mental breakdown along with all the stress has basically crumbled him phil goes to the roof to finish his doob chuckling it's about to get ugly power struggle no one's stronger than david caruso i'm the leader i am a miami boy mike is brought along by phil asking him to come with him and express his concern over gordon's mental state feeling that he needs some time off and that he is becoming a liability mike understands and he spills that he hit his wife all overheard by an eavesdropping gordon going on about how they're worried about losing the big bonus in everything because if they don't take action that's what's gonna happen he tells mike to follow his lead declaring himself officially in charge now as gordon approaches to their surprise they lied that they were just talking about jeff's performance and that he's doing a bang-up job elsewhere jeff plugs the line back in and shockingly finds the long missing hank staring blankly out of the window and wearing sunglasses he tells him he's in some deep [ __ ] with gordon and phil asking what he's doing here he says nothing running his finger down the glass leaving a blood trail behind oh well yeah something is definitely off about hank now he runs to tell the others the news of course they don't believe him thinking he's an idiot as he's supposed to be in miami which starts to churn in gordon's mind they were only told by phil he left after talking to his ex but no one actually heard what she said on the call or if even called her at all phil tries to play this into what he was saying to mike about his state of mind turning intense when gordon asked to speak to amy himself suddenly hearing footsteps above they decide to check it out just in case the group splitting up phil and jeff going for the tunnels while gordon and mike are at odds about which way to go gordon thinking that he's upstairs while mike just gives up obviously not really even going to look phil stops thinking that he heard something but jeff didn't they come to a ladder leading to a lower area and afraid jeff saying that there's no way he's going down there but there's no stopping phil jeff mentioning the blood that he saw in hank's hands before he sets off ordering him to stay put it's like a puppy dog jeff hey boy thank mike has moved on to the final session session nine and they turn back to that faithful christmas night and what simon did billy says mary was hugging your new doll looking for peter but they stopped and yelled that mary is a good girl and doesn't need to know what simon did phil keep searching the tunnels finding hanks walkman while upstairs gordon hears a voice calling to him phil hears hank mumbling what are you doing here over and over to himself just as the generator gets overheated and loses power throughout the whole building jeff runs full sprint to attempt to outrun the darkness but the lights switch off too quickly plunging him into black and phil discovers hank huddled in his undies mumbling to himself oddly gordon chirps in on the walkie saying that he's found hank despite him being right in front of phil gordon comes back to the wheelchair area and phil calls him asking where he is up in a ward on the third floor he says phil telling him he's on the way mike gets the generator going again immediately causing the tape recorder to whirr to life it's a crackly man's voice telling the doctor hello not just any voice but the exact same one that gordon has been hearing even on the very first day that he set foot into the hospital the connection between gordon and mary now quite clear as the recording continues and we follow him start to piece things together the doctor asks if he's simon and he quietly replies you know who i am and things turn to christmas night after some prodding he reveals the events they've been trying to get out beginning that peter was naughty and scared mary he crept up behind her and startled her causing her to fall down right on her doll that cut her up real bad uh the scars on her chest yes they continue that she needed someone to help her and that's when he introduced himself and told her to cut up peter urging to do it mary and she cut him up real bad good thing the knife was brand new he laughs insanely then just so mom and daddy wouldn't get mad he told her to cut them up too so much blood simon chuckles concluding that mary wanted to do it oh boy gordon is in mary's room the same phil was in earlier and he has put up his own photo collage on the wall of his family and friends and phil enters looking detached meanwhile jeff is still losing and running screaming like a banshee and gets his suit off making it to the van and grabs a walkie he gets a hold of gordon telling him he's in the van then hearing footsteps approach jeff apologizes for freaking out and gets attacked at wager in the van we see the waukee phil asking to come back and it's gordon that answers saying he's found the one responsible moments later another car comes barreling up the new recruit mcmanus passing by a bloody handprint on the van door gordon passes through plastic sheets while craig searches for him and the others looking over into the next room there's a big blood stain on the ground and gordo comes to a body wrapped in plastic it's hank phil appears shrugging him off as a liability a disturbed gordon asking who did this phil scoffs well he did it to himself typical hank wrong place at the wrong time a mortified gordon thinks phil is responsible but he responds that he needs him to wake up and take a really good look he stresses gordon gets a closer look at hank and removes his shade seeing a lobotomy needle through his eye just as mike described and the only prescribed cure wearing sunglasses hank being the only one out of the entire group to even have a pair phil vanishes as craig enters asking who he's talking to confused by the sight gordon grabs his neck and takes the pick out of hank's eye hearing simon's voice encouraging him to do it and he certainly does flashing back to hank in the tunnels we hear back to mary's recording asking simon why he did it saying mary let him dock they always do he laughs seeing a dazed hank down there and it's gordon that attacks him with the needle meaning he was the ominous figure pursuing him we hear more on the walkie when finding him that hank is hurt and said gordon is the one that did it to him and to prove his point in mary's room he also kills phil meaning that when we saw phil with hank that he was already dead either appearing as a ghost or as a manifestation of gordon's broken mind mike is the next to go taken by surprise in the gym hearing phil repeating about being in the wrong place at the wrong time then finally jeff outside by the van it looks like his uncle is going in for a supportive hug but it's the hug of death young nephew seeing his body lying there gordon now alone he again hears phil telling him to open his eyes to wake up and remember back to that day at the house with the roses and oreos and boiling water and everything this time when we hear the audio there's no distracting dog barking or baby crying as gordon excused himself earlier when he was talking to phil this time we hear simon saying to do it do it now hearing sounds that implicate he actually murdered his entire family wendy the dog and young emma pushed to a breaking point by the voice in his head or rather simon hearing him even letting out an anguished no after doing what he did and then at this point he disconnected from reality unable to accept what he did we go back to him watching the house and back to now enveloped into plastic sheets panning over his wall of family photos in mary's room he tries to call wendy apologizing for what happened now knowing every time he tried to call prior was actually an expression of his guilt and he never actually spoke to her being dead in all he laments to being lonely and wants to come home putting his dirty and bloodied hand on a photo from emma's christening now understanding that it was obviously gordon that snapped and killed his family and his whole crew were treated to one last ominous recording between the doctor and simon the doctor asks him where he lives just as he did with mary's other personalities simon responding that he lives in the weak and the wounded as the tape continues to crackle so gordon definitely did lose his mind but all the clues along the way leads me to believe that it was actually simon that pushed him as he says he lives in the weak and wounded which from the get-go gordon fits to a t he's already nearing the end of his rope and desperate to keep his business going they're right on the verge of going out of business as well as struggling to raise a family all this making him the perfect target for the malicious simon even as soon as he enters the hospital on day one and spots mary's wheelchair instantly simon is able to crack into his fragile mental state and later that day goad him into killing his family weak and wounded indeed just like with mary killed her whole family now is simon actually just a part of gordon's psyche i'm not so sure it seems that simon is more of a malevolent spirit that is now seemingly attached to the hospital and was also previously attached to mary he appears not really in control in the one time we see him mid-attack he's like sleepwalking or in a daze of some kind and it doesn't look like it's actually him in control but simon instead as simon takes further control over gordon's mind he starts losing touch with reality hence being told by phil to wake up when he finally does he comes back to reality and only now understands what he's done all thanks to simon's influence in the end he's left with nothing and has to face the guilt of his actions now that he's back to being normal pretty brutal but hey i bet he could at least plead a strong case of temporary insanity so he would end up in a nut house rather than jail so that's something that brings us to the conclusion of this in-depth explain video for session 9. i really like this one especially for out very cleanly puts out all the pieces of its story together and is also able to maintain a consistently suspenseful and interesting mystery throughout just all around a good one and if you haven't checked it out and want to for yourself head on over to netflix and give it a watch many thanks to all you guys out there for requesting this one and don't forget you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what do you guys think of session 9 and its ending what's your interpretation was he just nuts or was it supernatural what's your favorite haunted hospital flick let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching foundflix see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 1,782,828
Rating: 4.9450426 out of 5
Keywords: session 9, session 9 ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, session 9 explanation, meaning, end scene, final scene, trailer, clip, scene, haunted hospital, netflix, netflix horror movie, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: 0ty6XWPZ__U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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