COME PLAY (2020) Ending Explained

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how's it going folks welcome to found flicks on today's ending explained we're looking at come play where parents fight to save their son when a mysterious creature uses his electrical devices to break into our world now come play isn't exactly the scariest or glorious thing around it is rated pg-13 after all but i still find myself enjoying it because it feels quite different perhaps a bit more fantasy than horror which isn't a bad thing while it is quite simple it is sturdily constructed and consistently engrossing i would say a lot of this is due to how much more of an emotional tale this wound up being in that way it kind of reminded me of something spielberg would have produced back in the day you know like poltergeist or something but it's not all kitty time either as there are some pretty nice scares and suspenseful atmosphere throughout and the creature designed for a larry yes it's called larry is pretty cool too so let's go on a playdate with larry and come play breaking down the story just how the creature works and where it came from as well as explaining the ending that just might put a tear in your eye nonverbal autistic oliver sits alone comforted by some good old spongebob squarepants which ends up being way more integral to the plot than i could have ever imagined we overhear arguing in the other room between his parents his mom accusing his dad of not being around to help take care of the boy while he argues he's already working two jobs what else can he do there's wheezing and breathing coming out of the phone and two red eyes appear larry is watching you always he wakes up in the middle of the night looking down a dark corridor and turns on the lights playing with a sticky hand toy hey i had one of those when i was a kid endless entertainment of course we didn't have smartphones back then either so you know pretty desperate for entertainment he enters his parents room seeing his mom sarah asleep and his dad marty downstairs in the doghouse on the couch their marriage certainly on the rocks and something peculiar pops up on his phone a supposed children's story called misunderstood monsters featuring a quite frightening looking creature hilariously called larry not the most intimidating name for sure he swipes through the pages learning that poor larry never gets to play pretend and gets made fun of for being different all he wants is a friend and the lights around oliver start to flicker erratically he continues through the pages causing all of the lights to go out one by one now in total darkness he grows scared hearing quite heavy thumping footsteps slamming the door yet moments later it's somehow open again well let's try that one more time and uses the sticky toy to put a bunch of stuff to block it and hides under the covers fiddling with his fingers and quietly moaning in an attempt to calm himself something pushes the trashcan away and it seems to leave as it's his mother coming in the room and also attempts to calm him down asking him to use his words as oliver is nonverbal he uses an app with words to communicate spelling out there's something in the house she assures him it was just a nightmare asking him to take breaths and gently caresses his arm clearly she knows what to do to comfort her son plainly illustrating this divide between his parents she tries to explain to marty how oliver woke up screaming and she had to spend two hours with him but he brushes it off as no biggie kids have nightmares she's annoyed at us not being participatory in helping but he excuses that he was just asleep what uh what's he supposed to do and to get a demonstration of his relationship with oliver which seemingly is fun and carefree he uses a laser measure asking if he needs a hug oh you're too far gotta get closer oliver delightedly approaches and marty tickles his tummy she asks if he's going to make it to his speech therapy but he says that he can't thanks to his already well-worn excuse of having to work the boy at least can detect something is amiss asking if they're moving and marty promises that they aren't and that there is nothing to worry about yeah dad doesn't know what he's talking about at school the kids are understandably bummed about having to learn multiplication no one likes math and oliver is called on to answer a question incorrectly adding the numbers the kids all laughing in response another kid byron asks why he can use a phone if they can't the other girl bringing up he's autistic dude oh so does that mean he gets special treatment he asks uh yeah it does back to watching spongebob a kid asks him to hang out enticing him that he found something cool say no more i'm in he walks out to a field and byron and some other kids show up making fun of him and pushing him around larry the monster watching the whole thing from behind the screen oliver types out you are ugly on his phone ooh sick burn and byron throws it away and pushes him to the ground kicking dirt on him and they run off geez kids are the worst he tries to find his phone but is unsuccessful sarah with his therapist later saying she found him screaming in the field and longingly wishes that he could just explain what happened the doc asks him to use his words writing out lost in field and tries to speak it spitting out the f a few times but gets frustrated and gives up the doc asks sarah if she's providing him with social experiences key to his therapy but she sighs that he doesn't have any friends and used to be friends with one boy but not anymore another huge sticking point as we will come to later learn well it seems he will have a new one soon enough at a big box store he passes by a display of tablets and each one turns on while he passes by the final turning to his favorite sponge cartoon meanwhile barty is hard at work at a parking lot which looks pretty damn slow there's not even that many people parking oh there's a guy but looks quite boring for the most part filling his time with fixing his chair and drawn to a box of lost and found belongings discovering a tablet in there the lights blink followed by a loud screech and the door flings open hearing the wind whistling he tries to fiddle with the light while outside paper blows around and falls on what appears to be an invisible figure standing right outside it blows away by the time he turns back oh larry's getting a little close for comfort there and we can already piece together that tablets and technology are intrinsically intertwined with the misunderstood monster he returns home later and oliver is all giggly wearing a box as a helmet and marty gives him the tablet him immediately running off to play with it boy sure loves his tablet sarah is annoyed as she's been doing real stuff all day and he just swoops in to be a hero leaving marty confused discussing things further she complains it's just tummy tickles with him and wishes they could put the difficult part of oliver in a box and not have to deal with it she's also concerned that they didn't get him help sooner as he might never be able to talk at this point and he corrects we didn't do anything and she goes on that he hates her and loves him despite all the energy she's spending on taking care of him easy street for marty and i'm working my tail off over here this seems to be the big disconnect with the couple she is overwhelmed taking care of their son's special needs while marty doesn't quite get how much is really required to do so and kind of keeps his distance by working all the time to use as an excuse to not be as involved on his newer tablet oliver tries out some silly snapchat filters to his amusement but things turn chilling when donning a skull one it briefly picks up another face behind him he spins around the room and it catches it again at the closet he stops at it and it stays on screen blinking on and off now understanding that larry can be seen through cameras and tablets and whatnot but isn't actually visible in our world regardless he's definitely there he scans the room and wisely decides to close the door oh i'm sure that'll keep the monsters out late in the night it appears that things in sarah and marty's relationship has reached a head him having a wistful look before driving off the next morning he's back to spongebob and eating alone actually seems like this kid has to take care of himself a lot too which is weird he notices a pile of moving boxes are now missing and since he's alone tries to reach out to larry through the device asking is that gone and somehow gets a yes response from the tablet it then says hello oliver gasping and dropping the tablet he spells out asking who they are then hearing i am larry and flips back to the book it continues your parents want you to be normal while he just wants to be friends ah that's sweet larry sarah comes in and tries to talk to oliver but he's way too focused on the haunted tablet saying that she talked to her friend about some kids coming over for a sleepover and tries to talk about their troubled marriage as marty has moved out but the boy ain't listening just staring at the tablet in frozen terror he then snatches it and tosses it in a closet running off upstairs mom calling after asking if this is his way of saying he doesn't want to talk about it no he's just terrified of the tablet monster lady the kids show up for the sleepover and guess what it's the exact same jerk collection from the field geez thanks mom this is gonna be a heap of fun he looks nervous and is asked what he's doing with his fingers sarah informing them that it's called stimming doing things like touching your own skin or spinning in a circle to make yourself feel good which we've already seen several times showing the importance of routine behaviors for the boy he cautiously steps out to say hi byron's mom asking for a high five and he slaps her pretty good one her smiling and calling him strong later all in bed oliver is quietly moaning and preoccupied by the closet zack is annoyed asking if he's gonna make those sounds all night byron makes fun of him for how sad it is that his mom has to force other kids to hang out with him and wonders why in the world he's staring at the closet another thinking man maybe he's got a secret candy stash in there that's where i always keep my candy and i always stare at it in pure terror he goes to check it out and there's no candy unfortunately but does find the tablet oliver grabs it away but the other kids get it back still on the monster book byron questioning who's larry as soon as he starts to read the story the lights blink followed by two more bulbs burning out he keeps going reading that larry isn't from the world you know but comes from another place the other is growing scared thinking that maybe he should stop reading he doesn't continuing that larry watches through windows which connects his world to ours and that you need to read the whole story for him to come into our world all the bulbs explode at once the kids freaking out and screaming wheezing comes from the other room and oliver picks up the tablet staring through the camera the window into the other world looking like something is right next to the table the other kids are quite scared now too one asking what the [ __ ] is that and byron grabs the tablet back to keep reading going on about how he understands loneliness and a true friend is what you lack asking will you be larry's friend one kid emphatically says heck no i will not be his friend as spooky byron's certain nothing is there walks over and waves his arm confident there's no such thing as larry which is immediately proven inaccurate the table sliding across the floor and pinning byron to the wall sarah finally wakes up to defuse the situation pretty hard sleeper there eh their moms come to pick up the kids all blaming oliver and calling him a freak rude as usual kids she questions about how he was even able to blow out all the lights thinking that he was trying to hurt byron again again what happened there he writes not me and still upset starts humming to himself she asks him to stop then realizing it's the spongebob theme song he's using to calm himself down and apologizes as maybe she pushed him too fast and perhaps he isn't ready for friends that's not really the problem it's a problem the kids are jerks and he's got this freaking monster trying to get him in the laptop or whatever back in school oliver appears distracted catching the gazes of the other kids and noticing one desk most certainly byron's is suspiciously empty meanwhile mom comes home with a shitload of light bulbs and sets out to replace them seeing the tablet is out she turns it off and when turning back it's moved itself to the chair with the story now on screen she starts mumbling it to herself causing the lights to blink natch and oddly when coming back to the living room the bulbs have all been replaced the shades seem lightly swinging wow thanks for the help there larry you can help around the house she finds a tablet has moved itself again and says hello in confusion to the device and gets a hello back from the tablet her wondering what the heck kind of app oliver downloaded it pipes up again say goodbye to oliver and she aggressively tells it to stop and leave him alone and tapes up the camera she yells i won't let you hurt him and larry applies he won't hurt him take it says repeating the word many times as the lights go completely haywire now at least understanding something strange is definitely going on here she hightails it to school and takes oliver out of class fibbing it's a family emergency well i guess it kind of is he stops her at the stairs and she apologizes as this isn't part of his normal routine and gets a call from byron's mom it seems that he has stopped talking and hasn't slept since the sleepover and has newfound sympathy for sarah admitting that she does not know how she does it explaining that the boy said someone was talking to them through the screen and oliver plays him some spongebob clips hoping to find a way to connect to his afflicted pal byron admits that it wasn't oliver but larry responsible and that he could move things but they couldn't see him oh you were playing make-believe she asks and he clarifies they weren't he's the one that hurt him and could feel his hands around his neck trying to kill him and starts chanting larry just wants a friend her fear is now even more justified she orders oliver to get some stuff together to go stay with marty and of course most importantly no screens allowed on the way out the door he's stopped by a blinking light larry trying to say hi and oliver is at least intrigued or curious and grabs a tablet using it to see larry wheezing by and back in his room catches his foot by the bed larry reaches out a hand and leaves him a present appropriately a yellow sponge knowing all about the boy's favorite show and it really does seem that larry isn't exactly evil and truly just wants a friend he calls him over but when sarah yells for him he's gone and he picks up the sponge chuckling to himself hey maybe larry ain't so bad after all thanks for the present doug she tries to explain what's going on to marty but he doesn't buy it thinking she's full of beans oliver spells out he wants him as a friend but marty is unwavering thinking that sarah just needs some rest and then they can talk more tomorrow she's too worried to even leave him alone at school and he pleased to just let him take care of the boy for once and takes him to work at the parking lot to nowhere seriously what is this parking lot for anyway it's just some random ass buildings out there in the middle of nowhere don't do you even need a manned parking lot anymore i don't think so marty finds the tablet chortling oh the so-called haunted screen telling the boy not to worry as it's not real it is kind of funny the routine we're going through at this point every time someone hears about larry for the first time they're all that's a bunch of bull and then promptly find out the hard way they're wrong he starts reading and the lights immediately blink causing oliver to get agitated he promises to protect him and starts reading through it again the overhead light crackling into darkness he brushes it off as has happens all the time but the switch doesn't work sending him to fetch some tools from his truck retrieving the laser measure oliver takes it outside and spins around the area not finding anything close intel catching something 50 feet away and quickly getting closer he hears larry's footsteps pick up speed and closes in just three feet away and the creature growls about to put out his hand to touch it oliver instead wisely uses his stickhand toy and tosses it out hitting the invisible beast dad whisks him away and oliver scans the area with the tablet obviously upset marty wants to prove to him that there's nothing there but gets an eye-opening encounter the boy lifted into the air behind him and through the camera sees larry there he grabs the boy and flees and now he too knows the truth about larry and they try to figure out what to do reading further in the story about a true friend being what you lack sarah brings up that he hasn't had one since oliver hit byron and she got into an argument with his mom confused why they can't see it and how it can be here and not here at the same time a drawing from oliver illustrates it well normally you can't see it but when bringing it up to the light the monster is exposed he can't actually reach us or get into our world just yet so they are hopeful that destroying the devices will stop him larry helplessly watching and squealing from inside back with his therapist sarah explains what's going on is not just in his imagination and she believes it's caused by what's called physical empath where you love someone so much that you actually take on their pain a way of showing how much you care sarah doesn't believe that that's correct but the doc fires back oh so an invisible monster makes more sense uh yeah fair enough she thinks if she can get him talking that that would certainly help things and doc tempers her expectations even a few words or sentences verbalized is a big win becoming fully conversational would actually be miraculous at school we finally get the whole story about the falling out between byron and oliver he asked why he stopped being his friend oliver telling him he did a bad thing and punched him making his mom mad byron said it wasn't a big deal and that he barely had a bruise and by the very next day was asking when they could have another sleepover he's even more confused as his mom played a voicemail from sarah that he didn't want to be friends anymore and he explains that this was a lie and that he never said that ooh sarah making some mistakes there potentially byron laughs it off as mom's being weird and they sit down together for some spongebob which is pretty sweet actually he was only mean to him because he thought oliver didn't want to be friends and now they bridge that gap way to go kids dad is back to manning the parking lot anxiously looking around he hears a tapping from his phone now on larry's story he flips through it in disbelief seeing when larry gets through he will be quick as there's not much time before he flickers off also larry won't stop until he has a new friend if someone dares to get in his way they will surely reach their end yeah oh right on cue the lights cut out and even the street lights start blinking the entire area now in darkness him seeming to absorb power from cars in the lot as well trying to flee the door slams closed and seals up he grabs a phone to search for larry and sees him right outside and when putting the phone back up larry is inside the booth with him he runs out getting the hell out of there but escape proves not so easy the lights on the road shutting down behind him knowing that larry is following after he drops his phone taking his eyes off the road and gets into an accident which we don't actually see seeing sarah learning that he's in the hospital and unresponsive she gets another call steaming from larry himself and throws the phone into the street the tv turns itself on to spongebob and starts clicking through channels to create sentences now completely understanding what larry's deal is he will follow you until you finish the story it pieces together sarah asks where he came from and via the same manner says from a world where they only look at screens but not each other people are very lonely now and larry is in fact made of this loneliness and is also quite lonely himself jay's poor lonely larry sarah questions does he even know how she would feel if he took oliver he doesn't care finish the story it commands and the screen cuts to static then seeing more from the book if you feel broken sad or odd larry feels even more so then shows a picture of a child being taken into his screen world when your hand meets larry's he can never let go reaching the end of the story finally she flips out and straight yanks the tv off the wall and chucks it outside dang strong and you look julian jacobs and goes through the rest of the screens in the house throwing them all away oliver becomes upset groaning and spinning in circles and all of this has pushed sarah to her limits coldly telling the boy can he just be normal for one second and he runs off her crying after that she didn't mean it oh you blew it sarah out on the porch the neighborhood starts going dark knowing larry is on his way all of the phone she dumped out fall out on the ground and start flickering larry reaching out limbs from within looking like he has made it into our real world he enters the house moaning and stomping around while sarah and oliver stay silent hiding behind a wall they make a break for the door almost running right into him forcing them upstairs to hide under oliver's bed she whispers to him if something happens she doesn't want him to think that she meant what she said downstairs he pulls out paper writing you lied about byron you hit him out of nowhere she fumes thinking it was easier if she just cut ties he responds you took away my friend now i go with larry she says she did it to protect him asking to look her in the eyes which he refuses to do larry's big clomping footsteps come upstairs sending oliver into a fit she starts to hum the spongebob theme as larry enters the room he rasply calls for oliver croaking to gum play he stops right in front of the bed and climbs on top of the mattress noticing electricity crackling under his skin if it wasn't abundantly clear by now larry is powered by electricity oliver pushes himself to talk spitting out field his first spoken word larry finds them sending them out in a hurry but oliver stops smashing the various lights in the room to slow larry down him vanishing away and crackling electricity they run through the streets the cars and houses blink knowing he's still hot on their tail making it out to the field the same where he lost his phone earlier she smiles and now understands larry can't get us here because there's no electricity her beaming he saved us but not so fast hearing some crackling nearby coming from his old phone that he lost ah man whoops larry manifest pursuing after them on all fours somehow they get separated and larry finds him dragging him by the legs away larry's breathing slows and he reaches out his long fingered hand rasping friends the boy gets closer in consideration then starts reaching his hand out towards larry's just about to reach him sarah takes his hand first telling larry she'll be his friend both of them want the same thing to protect oliver well a friend's a friend right and she tells her son that she loves all of him and the boy finally looks her in the eyes growing emotional larry crunches around her hand and she transforms into a ghoulish creature resembling her new bff and is yanked away disappearing into the woods oliver tries to run after and the phone screen illuminates leaving him all alone and sobbing that was unexpected we pick up sometime later back with his doctor having written out mom loves me and slowly makes his way through each word marty shows up and seems okay though needing a cane saying oliver is doing pretty well and that they've been working on a speech practice five times a day doc thinks this might be a bit too much asking to reduce it to three worrying of tiring the boy out he makes a note of it and ruminates on the so-called missing sarah he sighs that she was incredible he thought that he understood everything that she did for oliver wishing she knew that he's trying now rather than how the relationship was before now without sarah he has to step in and do everything completely on his own and his attitude has been completely changed in this regard now he is willing to be the parent that oliver really needs not just about tummy tickles and fun as sarah complained about at school byron and oliver remain friends stumbling across the other kids in his posse byron tells them that they gotta take a pledge to join the group a secret handshake for those that have seen larry vowing that they will be friends and play together so that they won't ever be alone like the creature though at first it seems like things might not be over yet with larry oliver awoken by a light blinking next to him and goes downstairs following the light's pattern marty wakes up hearing oliver giggling and finds him downstairs dancing and spinning around the room being held by no one and is lifted into the air he pulls his phone out and it's actually sarah there causing marty to tear up oliver appears happy sarah whispering she'll always protect him is it getting a little misty in here or is that just me just kidding i have no emotions it makes perfect sense for her to basically sacrifice herself for her son proving in the end without a doubt just how much he loves him but you know you can't always be perfect either as in a sense this is entirely her fault if she hadn't broken ties with byron oliver would have still had a friend and dusty not even been targeted by larry in the first place but to be fair that was an unexpected side effect of doing what she thought was right at the time can't take uh screen monsters coming into account you know luckily it seems that this whole experience has actually helped facilitate oliver to become more vocal and also to make some lifelong friends as well as finally getting his dad to understand just how much it takes to raise the boy and he now really is putting in the time and effort which he wasn't before which caused the whole relationship to fall apart none of that would have happened without larry's appearance sure it's a bummer that sarah got taken to screen world or whatever but apparently she can still visit and everything so it's not so bad in the end and in a way this really helped the family grow not the most normal way to be fair with that we've reached the conclusion of this ending explained for a complaint i think this works quite nicely as a gateway kind of horror movie something with a bit of punch but also not too scary either i do think the family story and how it turned out was well done and unexpected though the statement on technology running our lives is a bit on the nose and perhaps the problem with come play was trying to balance too many different things at once but still managed to work overall for me the family part by far the strongest of everything don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any tv shows or movies you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of come play and attending what are some of your favorite gateway horror flicks let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 3,237,466
Rating: 4.9517703 out of 5
Keywords: come play 2020, come play ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, come play monster, trailer, clip, final scene, twist, spoiler, spoilers, come play movie, come play, review, come play movie ending, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: KT_omj4nquU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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