Cities: Skylines, 0% Tax City...

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in this video I'm going to try to build the city with zero percent tax in cities skylines it's not a big secret that no one likes paying taxes and some people think that if we just charge people only for the Public Services they chose to use we could create a more fair just taxation system in our country it sounds good so I set out with the intention of seeing if this would be possible in a simulation with a basic starter City in cities skylines let's start at Square One normally in City skylines the lowest you can drop taxes in a standard game is one percent I think it's a against the spirit of the challenge to allow even that so we're going to open our handy dandy policy-based tax menu to drop the taxes in every sector except industrial which isn't allowed for some reason and that'll get our entire City's taxes down to a true zero percent done so before we begin we've set out the foundations in our policies for a zero percent tax City okay but now funding it is going to be a whole different project we need some default starting capital or we won't be able to build anything five hundred thousand dollars with absolutely nothing in our city aside from the interstate entryway ramp we are neither gaining nor losing money entry Highway Maintenance costs are subsidized by the state so that's out of our fiscal hands but from the moment we lay our first roads it's going to be very expensive to grow and maintain our city so we need to plan ahead cash flows don't manage themselves and if we run out of money the challenge is over let's start with first things first every city needs power water and Roads when we start building roads for our homes they're going to be very pricey to maintain since we don't want to charge people we'll quickly run out of money so we can kiss all traditional ideas of building up a normal City goodbye the first city I built relied upon tourism to Secure Public Funding there were tolls to enter and exit the city and they were making tens of dollars from Travelers just at the gates alone once they entered the town the strategy was that once we had them trapped inside we'd rake in the dough from using popular tourist locations such as our hot air balloon rental service as well as our Seaside Restaurant fishing pier and jet ski ride Pavilion on paper the plan was foolproof but an execution the lack of a fire department police force Healthcare and corpse Disposal Services meant that the few dollars we had each month went toward barely securing enough water and power for the city to operate crime was rampant people got sick and just died then leftover human corpses filled up the restaurant and the other tourist sites making them unattractive venues for visitors and the hot air balloon Riders just flew off and Away into the sky there wasn't really any way to enforce that without any tourism or anyone entering the city anymore all the homes were abandoned everyone just left and the city went deep into the red as crime and fire spread in a word it failed so I decided to cut my losses and just try again I learned Lots from this first city and I could use it to build the second one the right way the Second City after the first one failed I saved my progress and started fresh if tourism didn't work what could be the answer I decided that the tolls in the first city were a pretty good idea so I kept those at the only entrance to the town since this was literally the only thing that was working for me I decided to find a way to force them to pay tolls at every possible turn to try to squeeze as much cash as I possibly could out of the population even if it was trivial and inconvenient like putting all of the residential areas on one side of the river and then all the commercial and office zones on the other side of the river connected only by a very narrow bridge and an expensive toll booth this nearly worked if it weren't for the fact that almost everyone in the town was uneducated and too stupid to work in an office building we tried funding elementary schools with the meager profits from the few people who were smart enough to work in an office but this town also unfortunately ended in a downward taxation spiral which concluded with all the familiar sights and sounds of dead people abandoned buildings and men in balaclavas up to no good the third City they say the third time's the charm surely with all the failures from the first two dumpster fires we can now put something together and we did the third city was the first city that was architecturally attractive and had a sensible plan for funding now we had toll booths not only at the entrance but also just kind of nearby the town to suck the maximum amount of money from anyone who came anywhere remotely close to our borders an attractive layout with a grid of four spherical neighborhoods for residential commercial industrial and corporate buildings not only were we able to max out the tolls for passing between neighborhoods but we were also able to maximize the effective radius of Public Services like health care and education unfortunately this also made it highly flammable and each neighborhood was a massive fire hazard I had faith in this town I mean it almost broke even too even with several Municipal services but its population also unfortunately suffered from a catastrophic downward spiral after everyone's jobs were erased along with the industrial district by the great fire of August 2023. okay so that didn't work but the fourth city is where everything really started coming together I hadn't failed I had just not succeeded three times in a row now not only did we have the tolls nearby into and just around the town but now we began experimenting with a new way of making money that is erecting an expensive amusement park between the residential Zone and the rest of the city where all the jobs and services were located it was not a good amusement park it was just a path between two entrances that is to say there was nothing amusing about it but it became growingly profitable so much to the point that I decided to make more of them and then make them even shorter so that people would have to pay for multiple amusement parks containing just more paths if they wanted to get to work still on the red at this point in time I decided that the traditional asphalt roads were becoming too expensive to maintain and so I used my resources to replace them all with much less expensive dirt roads at long last hour city was finally breaking even just kidding it actually wasn't it took until the fifth City for it to really Break Even but who truly knows after I tried to sort through all the save files I named badly the point is this time we had fires crime dead bodies and garbage all covered by funding from a gamut of four amusement parks all in a row broad Park Groveland Fun World and who could forget Belmont experience where people fought every morning over not enough parking spots to allow the peaceful passage of pedestrian foot traffic through one park across or rather around the street across the next park around another Street and then all over again Then followed by a long walk to work on the dirt road and that's only one way also everyone lives right near the dump and that's just barely breaking even by maybe 10 or 20 dollars a month until of course the astronomical sanitation build Beats into our City's budget and causes the undesirable pileup of garbage in everyone's house it's really hard to keep track of what's even going on in this city since we're always panicking about the budget and barely surviving by just a few dollars and the city still had problems and expenses were still teetering on being too expensive I got rid of the crematorium because it was too expensive to burn the bodies and I just started dumping the dead bodies into cemeteries located right next to the dump on either side of town we deal with all that later right now the more pressing concern was that businesses wanted people that were smart and everyone was dumb in town no one had achieved more than an elementary school education so when these commercial Enterprises were built Unfortunately they were abandoned when the staff didn't know how to run the companies because they were too stupid still demand soared for zero percent residential tax all that despite the fact that there were no jobs in town so running out of space we zoned denser housing projects and we started just using martial law to demolish businesses right after they were built if it looked like that they were going to aim to recruit people that were just too smart for our town it's not morally dubious it's for the common good it was at this point in time that I learned how to double the ticket prices in all the amusement parks joining the residential and Commercial sides of town thereby nearly doubling our monthly tax income as well as squeezing in a zoo at the end of the expensive Transportation Route now it cost two hundred dollars just to walk from one side of town to the other fortunately this added a surprise Surplus to our budget allowing us to build a high school to educate our smooth brain citizens this then allowed us to reopen the office buildings and end the ethically questionable and morally dubious practice of state-ordered demolitions on newly erected businesses to prevent gentrification finally now our city wasn't even collecting the little wealth granted by the industrial zones and it was a true zero percent tax City at long last and honestly it wasn't all that far off from several hypothetical libertarian fantasies until the dead bodies started piling up and the garbage situation got out of hand what to do they couldn't be demolished by traditional means that's not allowed at this point in time of all the tools at my disposal only one seemed inviting and crazy enough to work a meteor no one would suspect that the state I mean that the catastrophic meteor of August 2024 was an inside job a redirecting of a meteor but it would take out the garbage and the dead bodies you know it doesn't interfere with the people who are alive they don't have to pay tax just the dead people have to get hit by a meteor and it destroys all the garbage and probably sends it horribly out into the atmosphere but I mean it's free so you know I did what I had to to make this city tax-free finally I had achieved my goal a questionably sustainable City with zero dollar attacks that costs four hundred dollars to walk around in but only if you decide to walk through part of it which as it happens most people have to but they could just choose to stay home and that's their decision I believe I did a good job you can compliment me down there in the compliments section of the video even if it took me five attempts I believe I've made my point zero percent tax City achieved anyway a big thanks to my patrons all of whom consensually choose to pay me to make these videos I'm ambiguous amphibian until next time
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
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Keywords: cities skylines, cities: skylines, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines game, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, cities skylines ep 1, cities skylines mods, cities skylines 2023, ambiguousamphibian cities skylines, lets play cities skylines, cities skylines lets play, cities skylines challenge, 0 tax, 0 tax cities skylines, cities skylines 0 tax, no tax, cities skylines no taxes, cities skylines zero tax, cities skylines no tax, cities skylines how to start a city
Id: QiRZhUS82a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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