Bob Ross - Rolling Hills (Season 13 Episode 1)

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foreign hello i'm bob ross and i'd like to welcome you to the 13th joy of painting series first of all let me take just a moment to thank you for allowing me back into your homes for another series of painting shows if this is your first time with us let me extend a personal invitation for you to drag out your oil paints and paint along with this each week or just pull up the oeazy chair and spend a relaxing half hour as we place some of nature's masterpieces on canvas we use a few big brushes a dozen colors or so and i'll show you how easy it is to create some of the most fantastic paintings you've ever seen so i'll tell you what let's go into the canvas here and let's get started today we have an 18 by 24 inch canvas up here and i've already covered it with a nice thin even coat of liquid white the liquid white makes the canvas wet makes it slick it allows us to actually blend color right here on the canvas this is a wet on wet painting technique so normally we always cover the canvas with liquid white or liquid black to make it wet and slick so tell you what let's have them run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me and we're going up here and get started today let's start with the old two inch brush and go right into the smallest amount of indian yellow and just tap the brush right into a little bit of yellow just just a small amount so you need just tap it like so okay let's go right up here let's put a little yellow in this guy today i think we'll do a just a happy little painting bright and shiny and pretty just something that'll make you feel good so all you do just use little crisscross strokes and just lay in a little touch of yellow just a little bit like right along in here just wherever you think it should be that's exactly where it should be there we go now then a little bit more of that same color and let's have a little water here and we'll reflect some of that yellow right into the water same color just put a little bit into the water right about like that and that's all you need now then same old dirty brush i'm gonna go into a touch of the bright red now this is a very very strong color you need very little of it just tap the brush right into it i did not clean the brush okay let's go right back up here now maybe right in here there's a beautiful little pinkish glow use very little of this red it's very strong and we don't want to set this guy on fire all we want to do is put just a little pinkish glow into it just like so and just add a little color and we'll come back and blend it all together a little more of the red and we'll put a little bit right down into the water right into the water there we are that easy okay maybe i'll brighten that up just a touch okay now then let me wash the brush and we wash our brushes with odorless thinner and i really really recommend you use odorless thinner you'll be working by yourself in a heartbeat shake off the excess and then beat the devil out that's that's the most fun part of this whole technique now with a good clean dry brush we can go back in here and just begin blending these colors together we want to blend this using little crisscross strokes until you can't tell where one color stops and the other color starts so it's just nice and soft the same thing down here just blend them together that easy okay tell you what let's do let's mix up a sort of a lavender color for that i'll take some phthalo blue and alizarin crimson proportionately much much more crimson much more crimson than blue the blue is a hundred times stronger than the crimson we put a little white in there so you can see what color we have okay more crimson much more crimson there we go now that little touch of white you can look at what you have and see if you like it if you don't like it change it okay let me get my get them all brush here we'll use the same old two inch brush just add a little that color to it just just like so just go up in here now then still using little criss-cross strokes let's just lay in a little touch of this right around the top and the sides here now you can use this lavender color up against the yellow without it turning green as you know if you use blue up here you'd be in trouble and we'll just tap in some little little happy cloud indications just doing like this and we'll come back and we'll blend all this together don't worry about it right now and if you watch the shows before you know that we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents okay a little touch more of the color we can come right over in here and just begin doing the same thing just allow this to blend right in maybe there lives a little cloud here in your world you just sort of look around and decide where you want a little cloud to live and that's where you put him wherever you want him to be you have total freedom on this canvas to do anything that you want to do create your own world here okay now then let's go down here and we'll just add in a little bit for our water same old lavender color now be very careful if you cover up this yellow it's gone that lavender will eat it up i'll just absolutely eat it up it's so much stronger than the yellow now pull from the outside in from the outside in okay there there we go okay now then let me wash my brush again that's the most fun part of this whole technique shake off the excess now i get a i get a lot of letters saying hey if i do that in my living room i'm going to redecorate the whole living room in a heartbeat and that's true they make what they call a little brush beater rack it goes in the bottom of a waste paper basket so you can shake it inside the basket then beat the rack and it contains it so don't do what i'm doing here in your living room you'll you'll be sending me a bad mouth letter now then with a nice clean dry brush i want to just gently begin blending this together and every once in a while you can just beat the brush that removes excess paint without going through the whole cleaning procedure just begin blending this together and you can make a fantastic little sky and just continually beat the brush just to keep it clean there but that's all there is to it it makes a nice little evening sky that oh it makes you feel good makes you warm and happy okay then down here we can do the same thing in the water we're not too worried about the waters yet we're going to put all kinds of we'll have some bushes and trees in here and reflect them into the water that's always fun right now all we're looking for is color down here there okay and one more time i'll wash the old brush shake him off all right today let's have some little hills that live back here and for that i'm going to use the fan brush today you could do them with a knife or one or two inch brush today i'm going to use the old fan brush and we'll use just that same old color that we used in the sky add a touch of titanium white to it like so okay let's go right up here now maybe there's a happy hill lives way back here in the distance and just sort of let that brush bounce along and all you're looking for is a top shape right now that's all we're looking for then in here all you're doing is just laying in some color you could do this you could do this with your old shoe it doesn't matter how you put it in all we're looking for is these nice top edges okay sort of lay that in then we'll take a big brush and grab this and pull it pull it firmly because the canvas is wet the paint will move it'll slide on there there see and by changing the brush strokes you can create the illusion of highlights and shadows without doing a thing and we want it to be mistier at the bottom than it is at the top so apply your paint to the top of the top of these little hills and then pull them downward see how easy that is now maybe you want to have several ranges and that's easy to do the big thing to remember if you have several ranges of hills is that each one as it gets closer to you should get a little darker in value so just add a little more of the dark color to that same paint mixture and off we go and maybe the next one lives let's bring him right along in here see wherever you want him to be you create the dream and put it on canvas that's what i like so much about this technique you can create a vision in your mind and get it on canvas before it escapes one has traditional painter oh son of a gun but by the time i got got to the canvas and the vision that was here oh it was gone that i might work for weeks and my mood would change today i'd be in a seascape mood and the next day i'd be in maybe i wanted to paint landscapes and my mood had changed it was very difficult to go back in to find that exact mood and here you can put it all in there at one time and we want to show you how okay now let's have another range what the heck once again same color only a little bit darker each one should get darker and darker as it comes towards you and maybe this one lives there it is you know it was there you knew it was there all along see there look at all the the different ranges of mountains though and this creates planes different levels in your painting and these planes all these different planes are what create distance and distance in a painting is what makes it interesting and of course none of us are interested in that happy buck but should you be should you be interested in this is what sells your paintings it's all these different plants makes them more interesting there we go okay and i'll wash the old brush good shake all right now we're ready to start down here smooth that out real nice okay tell you what maybe we'll have a little grassy area back here so for that we'll just use this same old lavender color and i'll add some midnight black to it same old lavender and i'm just going to tap tap the brush right into it there's not a great deal of paint on the brush just tap now then maybe there's some look at there maybe there's a little metal that lives right out here in front of this you have to decide is it straight across does it have little hills in it make the decision tap it in when you have this much power you have to make big decisions there we go and all we're doing is just tapping just tap down that easy begin thinking about the lay of the land how does the how does the land flow does it have little hills and bumps in it this is where you begin thinking about it and putting those in something like so maybe okay now then let's put some highlights on that i'll just wipe the excess paint off on a paper towel and we'll go right into a little bit of cadmium yellow and i'm just going to tap the brush right into the yellow pick up a little sap green but tap it just tap it sap green cad yellow and whatever was left on the brush just tapping okay and then let's go back here and just tap in some highlights isn't it fantastic that easy that easy you could just make all kinds of little grassy hills that are living back here add a little yellow ochre and indian yellow as desired there i want this to be mainly green i want this to be bright shiny back here and this is where the little bunny rabbit lives there there we go and the squirrels play back here all the little creatures i like little creatures they're my friends one of the shows we we showed you some robins that i had raised and turned loose now i've got two little squirrels that i'm raising a little sign up for guns i would have showed you those but they're you can't keep them still long enough to get the camera on them they never run everywhere there we go see how you can create the lay of the land and make it flow here that easy that easy you can do anything absolutely anything hey what let's do grab another brush i have several of each brush going so i don't have to spend all my time cleaning brushes i'm gonna pick up oh there's some black some brown dark sienna alizarin crimson a little touch of sap green i'm using that using the two inch brush and we'll pull it in one direction firmly let's put in some let's put in some little trees and bushes maybe we'll pick up a little that prussian blue too okay now you have to make big decisions here maybe right in here lives a happy tree just right in there like so just push him in push firmly you want the bristles to bend don't let them slide don't let them slide if they slide you get sort of a you get a mess there don't want them to slide okay maybe i'll tell you what let's just sort of let this come right off we don't know wherever you want that'll help push all that little metal area back and while we have this cut on the brush just reverse the brush and bring some of it down we said was going to have some nice reflections in the water so just tap some of this downward like so see there i had a little more we had some black and the browns and the little sap green and crimson maybe tell you what over here i'll have a taller bush this one maybe he got a little more sunlight he's strong big old bush gotta have a tall one here this is this is where the big eagle sits looks out over here and make sure everything's okay there okay and just bring it wherever you want it like so a little more of the colors and once again allow some of this to come right down into the water see as i said earlier we don't make mistakes we just have happy accidents if there's anything here that you don't like you just turn it into a reflection can do okay now watch i'll take another brush clean dry brush and i want to grab these and pull them straight down just pull straight down it's important that you go straight down and look at that instant instant reflections that easy seeing you get i don't know if you can see it but in here you get all kinds of beautiful colors reflecting because you mixed all these colors on the brush if you just mixed one dead color on the palette then that's all you'd have up here learn to mix color on the brush okay now after you pull it straight down go gently across that'll create the illusion of water that easy that easy okay i'm gonna have it let's take we'll take the old knife here take a little bit of the dark sienna a little touch of white just mix them together like so don't over mix leave them sort of sort of marbled like that cut across so you get a small roll of paint right on the edge of the knife just like so now then let's go right up in here just touch and just put the indication here and there of a little tree trunk that lives in here just here and there that's all there is to it let's go on the other side don't want this big tree left out and wherever you think a trunk would show put it in the other way is just take the the point of the knife and cut right through the paint and let some of the white canvas show through it looks like just all kinds of little tree trunks and limbs and sticks and all those things now we're going to cover up a lot of those we put highlights on but some of them will show through and when people see them they'll think they'll think you work for days with your little one-haired brush putting all those in don't you tell them any different that's our secret okay now i'm going right into a little touch of the little touch of the liquid white and into some yellow now one of our golden rules in this style of painting is a thin paint will stick to a thick paint add a little sap green there then paint to thick paint so we start out with a very very firm dry thick paint there we go nice greenish color let's begin coming right up in here and decide where you want these to live and give it a little upward push once again do not do not let the brush slide if it slides you're going to be angry with me give it a little push and let it bend upward just let it bend that's all there is to it and think about form and shape i'm going to add a little yellow ochre to that think about form and shape just don't hit it random think about all the little limbs that live in here all kinds of all kinds of little things living here and each one's an individual has his own personality do one bush one stick at a time treat each one as a friend and it'll pay you big dividends in your painting add a little bright red there see there we go look at all those little things you can just use the side of the brush push upward and just get layer after layer beautiful little things happening that easy okay maybe i'll tell you what maybe over here let's go to this old big one there oh there's a nice color a nice color there that's yellow ochre bright red little indian yellow here and there once again think about form and shape and maybe maybe there's several bushes that make up his clump and so you can change the color it makes it a lot more interesting or maybe in your bush there's only one it's up to you however you want to do it there we go a little touch of that yellow ochre back in there and i'm just varying these colors back and forth back and forth let all kinds of little things just happen oh there's a nice one a lot of red in that one that's a fireball now we can begin reflecting a little bit of that right down into the water not worried about much just a little see there's one let him reflect right down to the water a little a little more of the color just let these things happen let them happen there push upward with the side of the brush to make these little grassy areas there we go but notice how all this pushes that little metal area way back into the distance creates tremendous depth in your painting there we go just push those in reflect a little him into the water maybe there's a nice one that lives right there there he is you knew he was there see and we'll reflect him right into the water and he's got a little friend named clyde there he is that's right there tell you what let's reflect some on the other side here too i didn't do much reflecting over there but all you're doing is just tapping in some color here then we'll come back with a big brush this is three hairs and some air touch and pull down barely touch and pull down just barely caressing the canvas and then very lightly go across just enough to disturb it a little bit you don't want to wipe it out just want to want to make it shimmer and glitter a little bit now with a clean knife then go back in here and just put in a little stick or two wherever you think they should be like i'm so to take some bandage brown we need some land here so this doesn't fall over let's take some van dyke brown a little roll of paint on the knife and all i'm doing all i'm doing here is just touching just touching the canvas will pull off what it wants give you what's left just like a tax man boy that's what he does to me okay only trouble when he finishes pulling off there is nothing left there we go see that though can just do all kinds of fantastic things let your imagination be your guide there are no limits here absolutely no limits here we'll take some brown and some white put the least little touch of blue in it to sort of gray it a little bit and once again makes your color sort of marbly and don't over kill it a little roll of paint right on the edge of the knife and then if you're nervous here it helps if you've got a little shake just sort of let this bounce along and just just barely touch here and there just so you get a little bit of a little touch of highlight here and there like so barely touching not too much don't lose that nice darkness okay like so there yeah then i'm gonna take a fan brush a little touch of cad yellow a little yellow ochre indian yellow bright red all mixed together just mix them together reach up here and i'll grab some sap green too but by mixing them on the brush there's a multitude of color happening right on the brush now we can go right up in here and just push upward and put in little little grassy areas that sort of bring all this together just brings it all together and makes it look right pushes some of those areas back keep some of them in the foreground there we go let's go off the other side don't want this side left out but push upward make the bristles bend upward and you can create just it looks like beautiful little grassy areas that just flow down the layer of the land and right down okay take some liquid white pull it out very flat on the pallet just take the knife and pull it out as flat as you can get it get tough and then cut across that easy okay let's do it again pull it out cut across let's go right up here and with that we go right in here and cut in some little water lines this is a light area between these darks and it it helps separate and just makes it look a lot more pleasing just like so see there and keep these basically straight so your water doesn't look like it's going to run right out of the painting and as many or as few as you want there we go see a little ripple here and there and you about have a finished painting i think with that we'll call this one done and from all of us here i'd like to wish you happy painting and god bless you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 555,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coloring, stream, twitch, brushes, beauty is everywhere, full episode, pbs, bob ross twitch, bob ross full episode, bob ross asmr, asmr, happy trees, steven ross, kappaross, snow, chill, joy of painting, bob ross, canvas, happy accident, bob ross inc, pastel, drawing, bob ross painting, ocean, bob ross marathon, free, wildlife, mountain, host, happy trails, tv show, the joy of painting, alaska, oil, art, livestream, bob ross joy of painting, painting, paint, lake, landscape
Id: H4GyGrT7lEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2016
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