Bob Ross - Meadow Stream (Season 5 Episode 13)

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- Hi, welcome back. Hope you have your easel set up and you're ready to paint along with me this day. So let's start out and have 'em run all the colors across the screen that you need to do this painting and let's go up to the canvas and get started. Now I've already covered this canvas with a thin, even coat of Magic White so it's nice and wet and slick and ready to go. Start a little bit of Thalo Blue, a little bit of Thalo Blue, and just work it into the bristles. And let's just put a, let's just put a happy little sky up here. Just making little crisscross strokes. Just let your brush bounce around, play, have fun. There we go. Little more of the blue. It's always simple to add more color but it's a son of a gun to take it out so use very little color on your brush. You can always go back and put a little more in. Mmk, and that quick we have we have a happy little sky. There we go. And you don't want to kill all these little spots here that happen, it ends up looking like little cloud indications and you really haven't done a thing. Let the canvas work and the Magic White work. And we wash our brush. (paint brush bangs) (chuckles) Tell you what, let's just use this ol' big brush then. I'll go right into some Titanium White. I'm just gonna pull the brush right through the color. Just pull it right through the color. Go down here and get a little Permanent Red. Put it right in there, too. That'll make it make a little sunlight here. Just pull it one direction and let's go up here. Maybe, maybe, maybe there's a big ol' cloud that lives right there. It's your cloud so you just put him wherever you want him. Little tiny circles here. And he just sort of floats across the sky. And then he's got a friend that lives right there. Clouds need friends, too. We all need a friend. Okay, now I'm gonna use just the same ol' brush here and just fill that in a little. Okay, now with a clean dry brush, and I have several of 'em here, you can just blend this out a little. Not touching the top at all yet. Just blending, don't wanna kill all the little actions. Just wanna blend them a little bit and I'm gonna lift it up, sort of fluff that cloud up. We'll fluff this one up. And very lightly, very lightly, we'll just blend it all together. And that easy, we got a quick little sky. That's all it takes. Same ol' dirty brush I'll go right into some Sap Green. Just load that brush full of Sap Green and let's go right up here to the canvas and maybe today we'll have, there it is, just a little, little hill like right here. Just let it go. This is just straight Sap Green and it's mixing with the Magic White just on the canvas so you get all the beautiful little things happening. Okay. And all we're doing here is applying some dark color so our light color will show later on. You need the dark in order to show light. But this is also where you begin deciding the lay of the land. And in my mind, this is sort of roundish here. So keep the strokes going that way. Or however way you want. Okay, just drop it in. Now I want it darker in the foreground. Landscapes should always be darker as they get closer to you so without cleaning the brush I'll go right into some Thalo Blue. And down here on the bottom, we'll just drop that in. Just to darken it up and then we'll work upward so that it gets lighter as we go toward the horizon. Kinda gives us a nice dark background to play with. And we're not worried about detail or shape or anything else at this point. All I'm doing is applying the color to the canvas so we have something to work with. Okay, while I got this ol' dirty brush I'll go back into, let's use some Sap Green, some Van Dyke Brown, a little Alizarin Crimson and maybe, maybe, maybe there's some little trees that live up here. So we'll just drop in some basic shapes. Still not looking for a lot of detail. Just very, very basic shapes. Very basic. Once again, you need this dark coloring in order to show light. Okay, now we have some little trees up here on top of our hill. Now then, now then, I'm gonna take some Titanium White and a little Burnt Umber in it. White with a little umber. And pull that paint out very flat. Gotta cross it, get a little roll of paint right on the edge of your knife and with that we can go up here and we'll make some little tree trunk indications. We're not looking for detail yet, so just, just drop 'em in. Most of these'll be covered up but a few of 'em will show. Few of 'em will show and people will think you worked for long periods of time to put 'em in. This is a little Van Dyke Brown here. Maybe there's gonna be a few little trees that project right on up like this. We'll put some leaves on 'em. So we're not too worried right now. All we're looking for is just some indications here and there. Okay, let's get us a one inch brush and begin putting some highlight here. Let's put a little Magic White on the brush. The Magic White will thin your paint. So into the Magic White I'll go into some Cad Yellow. And get up some Sap Green. So we have Cad Yellow and Sap Green. Okay, pull that brush in one direction. Load it full of paint, look at all that paint on that brush. Just look right on the end. You can see there's a tremendous amount of paint there. Let's go up to the canvas. Let's start right in here and very gently, we'll just drop in some nice little leaves on this tree. Now we begin to worrying about a little detail. And this is a very gentle touch. Barely, barely touching the canvas. That's a lot of paint on the brush so you don't have to push hard. We'll add a little Yellow Ochre, just to change the color. And maybe, there it is right there. Another happy little tree. Okay, I wanna go back and get a little more of the Sap Green in this. And let's just drop a few little indications of some leaves out here on this little tree. See how easy that is? And maybe, maybe on this little tree here there's just a few little things happening. Can start adding a little bit Permanent Red to our color. Okay, maybe right here's another little tree. You have to make these decisions in your world: How many trees are there? It's up to you. Just vary these colors, let them sort of go back and forth. Play. There's one over here. Don't want him to be left out. He'd cry if you leave him out. Let's see, you still worried about the lay of the land? Still wanna pay attention to that. Let the land go in the direction you want it to go in. Don't kill all your dark colors. 'Cause dark colors are needed to make the light color show. Just go over to the other side of the canvas and we'll drop in some highlights right here on this one. And sort of work in layers. It really, it really makes your painting much, much deeper. It makes all these things happen. You need that depth in there. We don't want flat paintings. Okay, now, maybe, maybe, maybe we'll take just a point of the knife. Cut in a few little sticks and twigs. Just here and there, now if you want a twig that's a little wider turn the knife sideways and it'll make wider little sticks and trunks and stuff. If you want 'em really skinny, use it straight on. And I use just the point of the knife. Okay. Tell you what, let's have a little, let's have a little house right there, way back in the distance. I'll start with some Van Dyke brown and, and we'll make a decision. Maybe it lives right there. And we'll do the eaves. See that's sort of a nice way just to lay it out. And here goes the roof, goes right over like that. See and you just lay out a basic shape. Pull it all together. There, just barely, barely touching the canvas. You need an overhang. Okay, now right down through here. There we go. I don't want this to get too big. I want it to be far away, far away. Okay, let's take some Van Dyke brown, some white, little Burnt Umber. And, we'll put some highlight on this old building here. Barely, barley touch, barely touch. Barely touch. Just let it whisper through. Now we have to make a decision: What kind of roof does it have? Does it have a shingle roof? Flat roof? What do we want? Okay, let's take some Permanent Red. And we'll use a little edge of the knife and maybe we'll just drop a few little indications of some shingles. Just touching, pulling at the top of this one overlap. The other one, just let 'em overlap. And you can put all the little shingles you want on here. Some simple way to make very simple little shingle roofs. We need a door. Maybe this is an old barn type building. We'll put a big door in it. Maybe it's just an old barn the farmer had sitting out here. Little bit of white and we can make that door stand out. And when you're painting buildings, you know you can change your mind. Maybe, maybe right out here there's an old shed on this building. Maybe this old farmer here was like me, he ran out of room so he started putting additions onto it. Need a front. And a side. Take just a little paint, we'll put some boards in there. Just cut right through the paint. Got just a tiny bit of white paint on the knife. Okay, let's put some indication of, if he shingled the roof chances are he probably put some shingles over here on his little shed. There we go. Just like that. Now then let's put some, let's put a little bit of grass around the bottom of this barn. Just right here. He hadn't been keeping his weeds mowed. Nature's about to reclaim this one. There we go, we just wash that brush and start with a nice clean brush. Okay, let's go right here. There, that stands out a little better. Okay. We about have us a little barn. I'm gonna add the tiniest little bit of white right here, just to make that stand out so hopefully you can see it just a little better at home. There. Think that'll help make it stand out a little. Alrighty, now we can start making some more decisions: What do we have here in the foreground? And we'll just keep going with this one inch brush. And, and, maybe there's a nice little bush that lives here. And you're still concerned about the lay of the land. Follow the lay of the land. Most, most important. There it comes, tell you what, maybe, maybe you can see what's left of an old path here. I see maybe the trees and the bushes have just about taken it over but you can still make out a little indication here and there. It used to be an old path there. Take a little brown and white. You can highlight that a little. Just barely touching the canvas. And we don't know where it goes. Okay. Now we need to bring some of these little grassy areas right up to the path. That will set it down into the painting. There. And the path sort of gives you a nice perspective, pushes everything back. And a little more of the color. And, as I say, here the bushes and the trees have just about taken over again. Not much of the path left. So you just cover up whatever you don't want. It just sort of, sort of fades out down here. Okay, tell you what, maybe, maybe lives a big tree over here. Let's make some black. I'm gonna use some Thalo Green and Alizarin Crimson in about equal parts. Thalo Green, Alizarin Crimson. (paintbrush screeches on palette) Oooo. That's one of them noises like pulling your finger down the chalkboard. Make you shudder. Okay, now then mix this up real good. Little bit of paint and let's go up here. Maybe we'll make a nice tree trunk. There it is, there it is. This'll help push everything back. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe there's a friend that lives right there. Got two tree trunks. Just let 'em go. Right on up. Where does it go? Goes right on out of sight, right off the canvas. Right off the canvas. Good dark color. Give him some little foots down here. Tree needs some foots. Okay. Now then. Put a few little indications of some limbs and then we can drop some leaves on this tree. And it just helps push your little building back farther. Gives you another plane. Use a little brown and white and we'll just put some little indications and some highlight here. Okay. There, just enough to make it stand out. Okay. Good. And I'll go right back and get this old big brush. It's still dirty. And let's just take and just very quickly drop in some, some general little leaf shapes here. We're not looking for a lot of detail. This is Sap Green, a little Van Dyke Brown, little Alizarin Crimson. Just the same old dirty brush I was using earlier. Got a little bit of everything on it. As long as it's dark that's the big thing. As long as it's dark. And here we're pushing quite hard, really wanna push that color right into the canvas. And I can go back to the one inch brush. We'll put a little, use a little bit of Cad Yellow and Sap Green. Pull that brush in one direction. Load it full of paint. Lot of paint. Okay, let's go up to the canvas here. And very lightly, very lightly, just begin touching and building in some basic little, little patterns and little shapes. You don't want your tree to be all flat. Remember that there's limbs projecting toward you. They're not all just going off the sides. So you need all these little patterns inside to make it have depth and shape. Don't want it to be just an old flat tree. Okay. Now down here at his foots, you can put some little bushes and stuff down here. And if your paint doesn't stick, add a little paint thinner to it and then it'll stick. Okay, still following the lay of the land. I tell you what, I tell you what, maybe, maybe we can see, maybe there's a little, little bit of a stream we can see. Maybe it just sort of creeps along here and it lives right there. I'm gonna touch a little Thalo Blue. Maybe it just comes right down through here, wherever you want. Or if you don't want a stream in your world, don't put it in. Just pull straight down, you need that dark. I'll touch a little of the black color that I made. I want it very dark, very dark. There we go, that's much better. Much better. And very lightly just go across. Now we need a fan brush and we'll use a little Magic White and a little, little bit of the Titanium White. Magic White and Titanium White. I put the Magic White in there just to thin it a little. And maybe the little stream comes right down through here and it just bounces and plays and has fun. Let all these little things happen. Okay it goes right on down. Tell you what, maybe right here is a big stone, it hits, kaploosh! And just falls over. This is your stream so you make it go anywhere you want it to go. Splashes down here and it works right on through. There's another one. And there's always stones that are underneath the water that you really can't even see 'em but they cause all kinds of beautiful little things to happen. You know, when you buy your first tube of paint you get that artist license and it (chuckles), read it, it says, "You can do anything you wanna do." At least on this piece of canvas. This piece of canvas is your world, anything that you wanna do. Okay, we'll take a little Yellow Ochre, little Cad Yellow and I just wanna, just here and there, drop in a few more bushes. Tell you what let's do, I'm gonna take another fan brush, let's put some land in here. Use some Van Dyke Brown, Burnt Umber. Lot of paint on the brush and maybe we'll just scrub in some dirt area here. Put some borders on our little stream. It comes right around and maybe it's right here. Just to put some dirt in here. Okay, now here's another little stone, wherever you want 'em. Comes right on out here. Okay, I'll just the same old brush, take some Yellow Ochre and a little white on it and let's just put in some little indications, little Permanent Red added to that. That'll sparkle it up. Make it just look like little stones here and there. Wherever, wherever. There we go. And you can put as many little stones as you want in your world. Okay, now I'll use the fan brush, a little bit of Cad Yellow and let's just drop in some happy little bushes here and there. They come right down and this brings all this together. Just bring it all together. Okay. That easy you can create a beautiful little painting and you really don't have to plan it. Just sort of look at it, let it happen. There we go. Okay, then we can take our brush that had the watercolor on it, clean up these edges. And this is where you bring it all together. Just like so. Take your brown, some of these stones here are very dark. Want 'em very dark. So they stand out better. There's one right there. Just let it go. Okay. Now then... Tell you what, maybe there's a little stick, a little thing that lives right here. All kind of little limbs. And this is just, I'm using that black color. Still using that Alizarin Crimson and Thalo Green. Want it to stand out, nice dark color. And little limb here and there, wherever you want 'em. Wherever. There we go. And we can take our liner brush, I use a little thin oil or paint thinner, either one. I use a little oil. And we can put a few little limbs here and there. I like the oil because it slides a little easier when you have a lot of paint here. But paint thinner will work just as well if you don't have oil. And just put an old dead stick out here. There we go. And maybe this some little things that live right there. See, this thin paint, you can move it very easily on top of the other paint without becoming a mud mixer. And wherever you want these little sticks, drop 'em in. Drop 'em in. Okay, tell you what let's do, let's take a little more of the oil, I'll go right into some Permanent Red here. And let's sign this painting. There we are. And I hope you've enjoyed this one. It's a lot of fun, give you some ideas. And at home you can make some beautiful paintings also. Until next week, God bless. Happy painting. (calm relaxing music)
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 3,696,625
Rating: 4.8387809 out of 5
Keywords: full episode, host, snow, pbs, mountain, bob ross full episode, kappaross, tv show, livestream, chill, bob ross inc, landscape, bob ross twitch, oil, joy of painting, the joy of painting, free, bob ross marathon, lake, happy trails, canvas, twitch, bob ross joy of painting full episode, steven ross, bob ross asmr, paint, bob ross, brushes, painting, drawing, asmr, wildlife, stream, ocean, alaska, happy trees, pastel, beauty is everywhere, coloring, art, bob ross painting, garden, happy accident
Id: 87MMbN1bQCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2016
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